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Member of Group 8 :

1) Dwi Sairina Wati

2) Tri Mustyarini
3) Nailul Muna
4) Lancar Nastiti
5) Wakid Tohari Tohir
6) Bachtiar Danieswara

1. The following is a sign of labor...

a. Some women experience dizzy
b. Lighting occurs as fetus or descends into pelvic in let
c. Mother feels nausea and vomiting
d. Maternal amniotic fluid seeps
2. The stage of birth is divided into 4, which is the third stage of birth...
a. Women frequently vomit during transition
b. The women is often ravenous
c. Women is involved in pushing efforts
d. Women begins attachment with newborn and may feel exhilarated
3. Consider the following statement.
i. Contractions are regular
ii. Contractions are irregular
iii. Discomfort is felt in abdomen
iv. Discomfort is felt in back and radiates around to abdomen
Which is false labor is a statement to...
a. i,ii,iii
b. i and iv
c. ii and iv
d. iv
4. In pregnant women will experience an increase in cardiac output for 30% -50% at the
time of contraction. What can cause this ...
a. Increased blood pressure
b. Increased body temperature
c. Fetal FHR increase
d. Increase in maternal breathing
5. In the psychological adaptation felt by women before childbirth, there is labor pain.
When uterine contractions and cervical dilation occur, what stage is the pain that the
pregnant woman feels ..
a. The first stage
b. Second stage
c. Third stage
d. Fourth stage
6. At the hospital, a pregnant woman experiences pre-eclampsia. In the category of
decelaration, this can lead to ...
a. Early decelerations
b. Variable decelarations
c. Late decelarations
d. Acceleration

7. Fetal presentation like the picture above is called?

a. Face presentation
b. Breech presentation
c. Vertexpresentation
d. Shoulder presentation

8. Which position is safe for babies born normally?... A

9. The picture explains that the fetal heartbeat is ......
a. Early deceleration
b. Late deceleration
c. Up and down deceleration
d. Random deceleration
10. What statement is false about the transition phase of stage 1 ?
a. The mother may experience intense pain, fear of being left alone, nausea, and deep
b. The intensity contractions very strong
c. The transition phase ends and progresses to stage 2 of labor when the cervix has
dilated to complete
d. The transition phase is the longest phase of stage 1 and contrantions are very
intense and long in duration.

11. A nurse is caring for a client in the second stage of labor. The client is experiencing
uterine contractions every 2 minutes and cries out in pain with each contraction. The
nurse recognizes this behavior as:
a. Fear of losing control
b. Involuntary grunting
c. Valsava’s maneuver
d. Exhaustion
12. A nurse is caring for a client in the active phases of labor. The nurse is assessing the fetal
patterns and notes a late deceleration on the monitor strip. The most appropriate nursing
action is to :
a. Place the mom in the supine position
b. Document the findings and continue to monitor FHR
c. Administer oxygen via face mask
d. Increase the rate of pitocin IV infusion
13. In the nursing process during stage second, how much time does it take to measure FHR
in women at high risk ?
a. Every 15 minutes
b. Every 10 minutes
c. Every 5 minutes
d. Every 3 minutes
14. How long does the opening occur in primigravidas women ?
a. 2 cm/hour
b. 1,5 cm/hour
c. 1 cm/hour
d. 0,5 cm/hour
15. How long is the birth of the placenta from the birth of the baby ?
a. 10 – 30 minutes
b. 5 – 15 minutes
c. 5 – 35 minutes
d. 5 – 30 minutes
16. What is the name of the tool used to clamp the cord ?
a. Clamps
b. Umbilical cord
c. Scissors
d. threads
17. On leopold examination which aims to determine the age of pregnancy and what body
parts contained i the uterine fundus are...
a. Lepold 1
b. Leopold 2
c. Leopold 3
d. Leopold 4
18. Normal for FHR measurement is...
a. 120 – 170 bpm
b. 110 – 160 bpm
c. 100 – 130 bpm
d. 110 – 150 bpm

19. Is method for monitoring the state of the fetus in the womb by nothing any changes in
fetal heart rate and uterine activity is the understanding of....
a. FHR
b. CST
c. EFM
d. OCT

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