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The chart illustrates the percentage of 4 categories of household waste recycled in three
different years.

Report Plan:

 Paraphrase paragraph: chart>bar chart; shows>compares;

percentage>proportion; 4 categories>plastic, cans, paper and glass;
three different years>1992, 1997 and 2002
 Summary/overview paragraph: (1) % recycled increased over the
period (2) percentage of glass recycled was the highest category
 Paragraph 3: report and compare 1992 figures for each category
 Paragraph 4: report and compare 1997/2002 figures for each

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The bar chart compares the proportion of plastic, cans, paper and glass which
was recycled by households in 1992, 1997 and 2002.

Overall, it is clear that the percentage of each category of household waste

recycled increased over the period. The proportion of glass recycled was higher
than the other three categories.

In 1992, the percentage of cans, paper and glass which households recycled was
the same, at approximately 13%. This was slightly higher than the figure for
recycled plastic in that year, which was 10%.

The following years saw a rise in the percentage of plastic recycled to 12% in
1997 and 2002. However, there was a fall in the figure for recycled cans to 11%
in 1997, followed by an increase to 20% in 2002. In contrast, the proportion of
paper and glass which households recycled increased steadily after 1992. Paper
recycling rose to 19% and then almost 30% in 1997 and 2002, respectively,
although the increase in the proportion of glass recycled was even greater, from
about 30% in 1997 to almost half in 2002.

178 words

Some people think that it is more effective for students to study in a group,
while others believe that it is better for them to study alone. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.

Essay Plan:

 Refer to the question. Both views have good points. My opinion:

combine both methods of study for the best results.
 Paragraph 2: benefits of studying in a group (1) a chance to discuss
ideas and solve difficulties (2) class projects encourage team working
 Paragraph 3: some study can only be done individually. Reading
texts to gain knowledge, questioning the texts yourself and select facts.
Then, bring your personal understanding to discuss with others in a
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 Conclusion: both views have sound arguments, but I believe that the
two approaches should be combined to enable more effective learning.


It is true that people have different opinions about the issue of whether it is better
to study alone or in a group. While both views have strong justification, I
personally think that these two approaches to studying can be combined

On the one hand, there are two irrefutable arguments for studying in a group.
Firstly, school and university curricula these days cover a lot of ground. It may
be difficult to have a good grasp of the material, because class time is limited.
Getting together with some of your fellow students at the end of a lesson or at the
end of the day is an opportunity to discuss some of the information and the
difficulties. The group helps each member to become an autonomous learner.
Secondly, projects in class as a group encourages learners to be team players,
and this is a good preparation for the challenges of adult life and work.

On the other hand, studying alone is often essential. In terms of reading texts
or researching materials, this can only be carried out individually through sifting
information. Students learn to assimilate knowledge and to marshal facts by
critically questioning those texts to achieve a deeper understanding. Then, from
a wider perspective, students can bring their understanding to a study group for
discussion with fellow students. Although this is best achieved in face-to-face
learning, it can also be done through a virtual classroom, in the form of webinars
or class conferences, in which the teacher can also participate with the group.

In conclusion, while both views can be defended with sound arguments, the
most effective approach in my opinion is to combine self-study with studying in
a group.

282 words

Vocabulary from education:

 to cover a lot of ground

Meaning: to deal with much information and many facts
Example: The history lecture covered a lot of ground today.

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 to have a good grasp of
Meaning: to understand something deeply and completely
Example: Children who begin to learn a foreign language in primary
school are usually able to have a good grasp of the new language

 to sift information
Meaning: to remove unwanted or less useful information
Example: I had to sift hundreds of pages of information to discover the
data that I needed to support my theory.

 face-to-face learning
Meaning: to study in the traditional way in the classroom with fellow
students and a teacher
Example: Face-to-face learning motivates students and encourages
interaction in the classroom.

 a virtual classroom
Meaning: an online classroom in which participants can communicate and
interact with other students and actively engage with the study materials
Example: Many people argue that the virtual classroom will replace
traditional teaching methods, and therefore teachers will no longer be

Vocabulary from communication and personality:

 to be a team player
Meaning: to be a person who willingly cooperates with others
Example: Employees who are good team players are more likely to be
selected for promotion.

 to assimilate knowledge
Meaning: to absorb and understand knowledge
Example: Some people claim that children assimilate knowledge more
easily than adults, citing studies into the way that young children learn.

 to marshal facts
Meaning: to organise facts in support of an idea

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Example: His tutor asked him to marshal facts on the Great Wall of
China in preparation for the exam.

Other vocabulary:

 justification [noun]:
Meaning: a good reason why something exists or should be done
Example: I can see no justification for the increase in taxes.

 irrefutable [adjective]:
Meaning: something that cannot be proved wrong and must therefore be
Example: There was irrefutable evidence that the thief had stolen the

 autonomous [adjective]:
Meaning: able to do things and to make decisions without help from
Example: Autonomous students usually benefit most from distance
learning courses.

 webinar [noun]:
Meaning: a lesson or tutorial in which students online can contribute by
sending questions and comments
Example: Many teachers all over the world participated in the webinar
organised by Cambridge English on how to teach young learners.

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The line graphs show the percentage of trains running late or cancelled during October and

Report Plan:

 Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; percentage>proportion:

running late>delayed
 Summary/overview paragraph: (1) % of trains running late fell in
October, but rose in November (2) % of trains cancelled reached a
peak in October
 Paragraph 3: trains running late – describe and contrast trends,
giving all the figures
 Paragraph 4: trains cancelled - describe and contrast trends, giving
all the figures.


The graphs illustrate the proportion of trains delayed or cancelled in October and
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Overall, it is clear that the percentage of trains which ran late in October fell
over the period, whereas it rose in November. In contrast, the percentage of
trains cancelled reached a peak in October.

During the first two weeks of October, the proportion of trains running late
increased from 20% to 30%. It then fell to 10% and about 2% in weeks three and
four, respectively. However, there was a steady increase in November in the
pecentage of trains which ran late, to 10% in the first week, and then a dramatic
rise in week two, reaching a peak of almost 60% before falling to 40% in week

In terms of trains cancelled, the first two weeks in October witnessed a sharp
increase from 1% to a peak of 7%, respectively. This figure fell to 1% again in
week three and rose to 3% in the fourth week. In November, the proportion of
trains cancelled increased from 1% to 5% in the first two weeks, then decreased
slightly to 4% in week three.

189 words

Nowadays, most people try to achieve a balance between work and other
parts of their lives. Unfortunately, not many achieve this balance. What are
the problems which prevent them? Suggest some solutions.

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the task question, the problems and write that
there are solutions.
 Paragraph 2: problems – modern work (1) stressful, lots of work to
do, commuting (2) competition for promotion forces people to work
 Paragraph 3: solutions – (1) take a steady job with no career
ambitions and flexible working hours (2) take up sport or do exercise:
simplify lifestyles with less consumption.
 Conclusion: agree that there are problems, but live more simply and
avoid demanding work.

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It is true that in contemporary society many people would like to balance work
with other commitments and leisure time. While this is not easy to achieve, it is
possible to overcome some of the obstacles and enjoy a more balanced lifestyle.

There are two aspects of work which make huge demands on employees today.
Firstly, the modern working environment can be extremely stressful. Even if
employees have a desk job, they may have to cope with a heavy workload,
leaving them exhausted at the end of the day. Then, time must be spent
commuting home where there is cooking to be done, cleaning and looking after
children. Secondly, the workplace is very competitive, and few people are able
to pursue a successful career. Many workers put in extra hours, to improve their
promotion opportunities and move up the career ladder.

However, there are solutions which will contribute towards a better work-life
balance. In terms of work, it may be better to have no career ambitions and,
instead, to have a steady job with supportive work colleagues. To avoid rush
hour traffic jams, flexible working hours would make commuting easier and
quicker. From the perspective of life outside work, people would then have the
time and energy to take up sport or gentle exercise. The British, for example,
love to walk their dogs. Instead of earning high salaries to spend on consumer
products, workers could earn less and enjoy simpler lifestyles, with more time for
their families or friends.

In conclusion, although it is difficult to achieve the right balance between work

and other parts of life, it is possible to do so by living more simply with less
work-related stress.

281 words

Vocabulary from work:

 working environment
Meaning: the conditions that you work in
Example: If work is to be enjoyable, then a friendly working
environment is essential.

 a desk job
Meaning: a job in an office, where you sit and work all day at a table or

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Example: Many young people enjoy the excitement of a dangerous
profession to the boring routine of a desk job.

 a heavy workload
Meaning: a lot of work that an individual employee has to perform
Example: While some people enjoy the challenge of a heavy workload,
others find too much work very stressful.

 to pursue a successful career

Meaning: to have a series of jobs in a particular area of work, with more
responsibility as time passes
Example: While many people wish to pursue a successful career, for
others it is more important to find work which is interesting and

 promotion opportunities
Meaning: chances to move to a more important position in a company or
Example: Perhaps the most important factor when choosing a job are the
promotion opportunities.
 to move up the career ladder
Meaning: a series of stages by which you can make progress in your
Example: Ambitious employees look for a job in which there is a chance
to move up the career ladder.

 to have no career ambitions

Meaning: to have no wish to be successful or to move up the career
Example: Those who are content to do the same job and have no career
ambitions are often happier in their work and do not suffer from stress.

 to have a steady job

Meaning: to have a job which you are unlikely to lose, but which is
usually the same routine
Example: Although some people prefer to change jobs, others prefer to
have a steady job and a set daily routine at work.

 supportive work colleagues

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Meaning: people that you work with who give you help and
Example: A very important aspect of job satisfaction is having
supportive work colleagues.

 flexible working hours

Meaning: hours of work that can be changed by agreement between the
employer and the employee
Example: For some employees, flexible working hours are more
important even than a high salary.

Vocabulary from transport:

 rush hour traffic jams

Meaning: the time when most people are travelling to or from
work/school, and so there is too much traffic on the roads
Example: If factories and offices introduced flexible working hours, this
would help employees to avoid rush hour traffic jams to get to or from
their place of work.

Vocabulary from sport:

 to take up sport
Meaning: to start doing a sport
Example: Governments should provide sports facilities to encourage
more people to take up sport.

 to take gentle exercise

Meaning: to do exercise which is not physically demanding or tiring
Example: Even the elderly can keep fit by taking gentle exercise, like
jogging or even a walk in the park.

Other vocabulary:

 commitment [noun]:
Meaning: a thing that you have promised or agreed to do, or that you have
to do
Example: She is busy next week with commitments for marking exam
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 to cope with [phrasal verb]:
Meaning: to deal successfully with something difficult
Example: Desert plants cope with the dry conditions very successfully.

 to put in [phrasal verb]:

Meaning: to spend time or effort doing something
Example: He is putting in hours and hours of revision before the exam
next month.



The graph shows changes in the prices per kilogram of various types of bread in Europe
between 2001 and 2005.



e 1
r 0,8 white bread
o rye
0,6 brown
k wholemeal
g 0,4


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Report Plan:

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 Paraphrase introduction: shows>compares; prices>cost;
various>different; between>over the period
 Summary/overview paragraph: (1) prices of white and rye bread
increased (2) prices of brown and wholemeal bread were relatively
 Paragraph 3: compare price trends of white bread and rye bread
 Paragraph 4: compare similar price trends of brown and wholemeal


The line graph compares the cost of 4 different types of bread in Europe over the
period 2001 to 2005.

Overall, it is clear that while the price of white bread and rye bread increased
during these years, the price of brown and wholemeal bread was relatively stable.

In 2001, the price of white bread was the lowest, at just 0.1 euros. In contrast,
rye bread was sold at approximately 0.6 euros. However, the cost of white bread
rose dramatically to a peak price of 1.2 euros one year later, before falling to
around 0.7 euros in 2003. The price then fluctuated between 0.7 and 0.5 euros
until 2005. Despite a downturn in 2003, the cost of rye bread increased in this
period to reach a peak of over 1 euro in 2005.

The price of brown and wholemeal bread was similar, at around 0.5 euros, in
2001. Although the cost of brown bread saw a modest rise of about 0.1 euros by
the end of the period, there was little change in the price of wholemeal bread.

178 words

(Band 8.0~9.0)

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Written by Ngoc Bach

Task 2: Some people do not go directly to college but travel or work for a short time. Do you
think this has more advantages or disadvantages FOR THEIR STUDIES ?

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the task statement. State that there are more
advantages than disadvantages.
 Paragraph 2: disadvantages. (1) Risk of dropping out. (2) Losing regular
study habits
 Paragraph 3: advantages. (1) Refreshed and ready to start study again after
taking time away from the stress of study and exams (2) Students mature
and learn to be more independent – a good preparation for university
study, which demands autonomy.
 Conclusion: there are more benefits than drawbacks.


It is true that some students who finish high-school opt to work or travel for a period
before they start university. While I accept that there are benefits and drawbacks of this
decision in terms of their studies, I would argue that it is better to take a year out to work
or travel.

On the one hand, the option to get a job or travel straight after school is disadvantageous
to some extent. Considered only from the perspective of study, taking a break may
result in some school leavers dropping out of academic life before they have even started,
having no study or career ambitions. Even those students who do return after a period to
take up a university place may face problems. The discipline of regular study habits is
very different from the routine of a temporary job or carefree backpacking, and it could
prove difficult to recover those habits and avoid falling behind with their university

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On the other hand, students who choose to work or travel for a year after high-school
usually find this an excellent preparation for the study demands of a university course.
Firstly, sitting exams at school for university entrance is exhausing and stressful. A
complete break for a short period is invaluable to return refreshed and ready for the
challenges of a university course. Secondly, by spending a year or so working or
travelling, high-school students learn to become more independent, they widen their
horizons and subsequently adapt to their university courses as more autonomous learners.
No longer studying under constant supervision, they are better prepared to rely on their
own, more mature judgment and self-discipline.

In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of enjoying a short break to work or travel
before entering university outweigh the disadvantages.

297 words

(Band 8.0~9.0)

Written by Ngoc Bach

Vocabulary from education:

 to take a year out

Meaning: This is when you have finished your high-school and you've got a
place at university, but you'd rather spend a year at "the school of life", either
working, doing some community work, doing something adventurous.
Example: Taking a year out before starting your degree course can give you a
chance to further develop your skills, as well as giving you the opportunity
perhaps to travel and work in a different country.

 to fall behind with your studies

Meaning: to improve more slowly in studying than other people so that you fail
to learn the course material at the necessary speed
Example: Irregular attendance at classes is one of reasons why some students fall
behind with their studies.

 to sit an exam
Meaning: to take an exam
Example: Some students claim that they feel more motivated to study when they
have to sit an exam at the end of their course.

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 to study under supervision
Meaning: to study under the direction of a responsible person
Example: At university, I discovered that I did not have to study under
supervision all the time, and I was free to do independent research.

Vocabulary from work:

 to have no study or career ambitions

Meaning: to have no desire to pursue a successful study career
Example: After the stress of completing his degree, John has no study or
career ambitions.

Vocabulary from tourism:

 backpacker
Meaning: people who travel on holiday carrying all their equipment and clothes
in a backpack, like a large very strong bag which they carry on their back’
Example: London has cheap accommodation for backpackers who don’t have
much money to spend on hotels.

Other vocabulary:

 to drop out [phrasal verb]:

Meaning: to leave school or college without finishing your studies
Example: She started a degree, but dropped out after completing only 1 year.

 to widen one’s horizons [expression]:

Meaning: to extend the limits of one’s knowledge, desires or interests
Example: John plans to go backpacking in the USA to widen his horizons.

 autonomous [adjective]:
Meaning: able to do things and make decisions without help from anyone else
Example: Autonomous students require very little help or guidance from their

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The chart shows the average number of hours worked per week by men and
women in Australia in 2007.

% of men and
women Men
10 11/30 31/50 51/70 71 +
average number of hours worked per week

Report Plan:

 Paraphrase paragraph: chart>bar chart; shows>illustrates; the

number of hours>how many hours; per week>each week
 Summary/overview paragraph: (1) the highest % worked from 31-50
hours (2) a higher % of men worked over 30 hours weekly

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 Paragraph 3: compare proportions of men and women working up to
30 hours.
 Paragraph 4: compare proportions of men and women working 31 +
hours per week.


The bar chart illustrates how many hours men and women in employment in
Australia worked on average each week in 2007.

Overall, it is clear that the highest percentage of men and women worked
between 31 and 50 hours per week. A higher proportion of men than women
worked more than 30 hours weekly.

A similar percentage of men and women worked up to 10 hours, at 12% and

10%, respectively. In contrast, while about 15% of men worked between 11
and 30 hours, the proportion of women working these hours was more than
double this figure.

Although almost 40% of women worked from 31 to 50 hours, the figure for men
was higher at 47%. There were lower proportions for those working longer
hours. 20% of men worked between 51 and 70 hours, compared with 16% of
women. A small proportion, about 5%, of both genders worked over 70 hours per
week. However, the figure was again slightly higher for men than women.

164 words

Task 2: Students should live with parents rather than live away from home
when studying at university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the task question. Own opinion: partly

 Paragraph 2: reasons for agreement: (1) expensive – give UK
example (2) parents impose discipline, students study harder
 Paragraph 3: reasons to study away from home: (1) fewer family
distractions (2) become more involved in sports, drama, university
social life.
 Conclusion: partly agree that it is better to live at home while
studying, but there are also advantages of living away from home.
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It is true that some students choose to live with their parents while studying at
university. I partly agree with such a choice, although there are some

There are a number of reasons why young people should live with their
parents when they are pursuing their studies. Firstly, it is expensive to study
full-time, and most students in the UK, for example, are forced to take out a
student loan. In the worst case, some students have to work their way through
university, and their performance inevitably suffers. Living at home means
that they do not have to pay for accommodation, and they are able to
economize. Secondly, less mature students need the discipline imposed by
parents, to ensure that they attend their classes and do not fall behind with
their studies.

Although these benefits are considerable, it must also be admitted that there
are some advantages to studying away from home. Perhaps the main one is
that students are able to escape the distractions of family life, and thereby
establish study routines and form friendships with other students who find
themselves in the same situation. Learning to live, as well as to think,
independently is one of the formative experiences of a university education.
Another aspect is that students who live away from home tend to become
more involved in the huge range of extra-curricular activities which social life
at university offers. These help to develop interests and talents, such as
sports, music or drama.

In conclusion, I would agree in part that students should live with their
parents while studying, though they will miss out on some of the richness of
university life as a result.

280 words

Vocabulary from education:

 to work your way through university

Meaning: to have a job when you are at college/university in order to
help to pay for your studies.
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Example: He had to work his way through university because his
family was too poor to pay for his tuition fees.

 to impose discipline
Meaning: to make someone obey the rules of a college, a home etc
Example: Parents should impose discipline on their children to respect
certain rules of behaviour.

 to fall behind with your studies

Meaning: to improve more slowly in studying than other people, so that
you fail to learn the course material at the necessary speed
Example: Irregular attendance at classes is one of reasons why some
students fall behind with their studies.

 extra-curricular activities
Meaning: not part of the usual course work or studies in school or college
Example: Most UK universities offer a wide range of extra-curricular
activities such as sport, music and drama to help students enjoy
university life to the full.

Other vocabulary:

 to pursue their studies [expression]:

Meaning: to continue studying
Example: Peter and Mary have got jobs at McDonald’s, but they plan
to pursue their studies part-time.

 to take out [phrasal verb]:

Meaning: to obtain an official document or service
Example: John took out an insurance policy on his car.

 to economize [verb]:
Meaning: to use less money than you normally use
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Example: Japan has introduced hydrogen cars to reduce air pollution
and to economize on fuel costs.

 distractions [noun]:
Meaning: things that take your attention away from what you are doing
Example: I find it hard to work at home because there are too many

 formative [adjective]:
Meaning: having an important and lasting influence on the
development of something or someone’s character
Example: The time that he spent growing up in New York was the
most formative period of his life.

 to miss out on [phrasal verb]:

Meaning: to fail to benefit from something useful or enjoyable by not
taking part in it
Example: Of course I am coming to your party – I don’t want to miss
out on all the fun.

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