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Serial Number: MH4710019

Security Code: MSA/094

Dear Lucky Winner,

We the members of South Africa BigBiglotto Company officially announce to you the
raffle draw held on this Month of December 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. No
tickets were sold, all participants email addresses were sorted out globally through
an advanced automated computer from over 10,000 e-mail addresses of Companies,
Individuals, Government's Agencies, Co-operate bodies, Charity homes etc, to select
respective winners, which your email address was among the 7 lucky email addresses
that were picked up by the computer during the online raffle draw.

Therefore, your email address was qualified for the draw as a result of you visiting
various websites, as we are running E-Business promotions and your email address
was attached to ticket number 7017-4162-1018, with serial number MH4710019,
lucky numbers 80, 35, 11, 72, 41 plus Bonus number (01) that consequently WON
YOU A CASH PRIZE OF (US$2,100,000.00) Two Million One Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars in second category with the REFERENCE NUMBER:
EAASL/941OYI/02/SHYN and BATCH NUMBER: 12/25/0034.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of US$2,100,000.00 in
Cash, which is the winning payout for second category winners. This is from the total
sum of US$14,700,000.00 shared among the seven international lucky winners in
Second category! CONGRATULATIONS: To claim your fund, you are urgently
advised to contact our fund Claims Manager on the below Information:


4th Floor Fidelity House Bryanston,

Johannesburg 2000,South Africa
Contact Person:Mrs.Deborah Zuma
Position:(Claims Manager)
Email: bigorganizattion@gmail.com
Direct Tel:+27783717358
In compliance with our operational policy, please note that fund MUST be claimed not
later than 10 days from the date of notification by the email owner only, and we do
not authorize third parties to make claim on behalf of beneficiary for security
reasons. You hereby advised to send your details to the above office such as:

1.Full Names
2.Country of Origin
3.Residential Address
5.Date of Birth,
6.Telephone Number
8.Married /Single

NOTE: Due to mix up of some names and addresses, we advised that you keep this
award strictly confidential until your fund is being processed and remitted to your
account. This is part of our precautionary measures to avoid dual claims or
impersonators taking advantage of this Lottery promotion.

Congratulations from the staffs and thank you for being part of the email
account users of this program.

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Dianne Thompson
Online Lotto Co-ordinator

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