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peacoat I% & 075 =—= =LI% ao % oo- 2). Or 10. ao = = = 1% Th O61= 100, me 12 05-2 =e 100 Write each decimal as a percent. 13.0.2 14 0.07 15, 0.085 ‘16. 0.45. 17. 0.84 18. 0.685 "di i agent expt maltiplying # by 1 BB. a 08 x00 1 «100 = & 100 = 33% Complete the following table. jLovweet Texms| Decimal | Fraction Percemt as i 2G. 03 . 3 2B. 0.58 zB Bw 50 20, Ovide saved $9.00 for every $15.00 he eamed. What peroot of money did he save? 41, Hllen, Stephan, and Blake discussed their test marks. Stephan said that he answered. 71 out of 25 questions correctly. Ellen said that she had 08 questions correct. Blake a) Who had the highest test average? —_— ») How many questions did each person answer correctly? egg Ee CEeS PE Es Ceeereeeeeee 32, About } of the people in Canada live in Quebec. “Wahat percent of the population lives outside Quebec? 38, About 0.275 of the Canadian population is aged 19 years or les. Expres his decimal as a percent. oii © 1994 Menor FN Ryerss Limite ‘Write each percent os a decimal and as a fraction in lowest terms. Las 12 16% > 82% 15, 10% 16. 66% 17. 75% 18, 90% Pesca om be chang fnsione by Petoets can Be 10 dectainls by vriting them with » of 1 ‘2 fraction with m denominator of 100. | reducing in lowest teccna, ee ‘Then the raumenator by the denominator. 8 - 78 8% =o Til = 5 «2 =0.78 B White each percent asa fraction in lowest terms, Express each of the, percents 08 @ 2 B% 2 36% Footnote ad decal . 38, About 15% of the people living in ee pale Canadas were born oubide Canada. 58% GO ‘Write each percent 1s a decimal, Si. Montreal, Quebec, gets about 80% as 7. 16% & 18% much sunshine as Estevan, Saskatchewan. 2. 3% ‘1G, 30% ‘Th. 5% 12, 15% 32 About 2% of the people in Canada live in Newfoundland and Labrador. ‘The North American Free Trade Agreement includes Canada, ae tm Mes The a circle graph shows 7 the percent of the \ United states total population 65% that lives in each of the tree countries. 33, Express each percent as a decimal. 34, Express each percent as a fraction in lowest terms. 38, What fraction of the total population lives in Canada or the United States? Write your answer in lowest terms. 36, What fraction of the total population does not live in the United States? Write your answer in lowest terms.

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