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To use cheats in The Sims 4, press Control + Shift + C to toggle the console on
and off. You do this on console by pressing all four shoulder buttons
simultaneously. Press enter after typing the cheat. For many cheats, you must
also use testingcheats on or they will not work. Most cheats are used in live
mode (F2).


Cheat What it Does

testingcheats on Enables testing cheats in The Sims 4
kaching Money cheat that gives the family $1000
motherlode Gives the family $50,000 Simoleans
resetsim firstname lastname Resets a stuck Sim back to the home lot.
death.toggle true/false Disables death
headlineeffects on/off Enables or disables headline effects (good for screenshots).
freerealestate on/off Makes homes free when typed while shopping for a house.
household.autopay_bills true/false Enable or disable bills for the household
Removes all moodlets from your Sim. Positive ones (such as high
needs/environment) will come back.
Display the game's frames per second, useful when tuning graphics
fps on/off
hovereffects on/off Disable hover effect when you mouse-over a Sim
fullscreen Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
Allows you to move objects anywhere you want, good for building.
Use the 9 and 0 keys to adjust the item you're 'holding'.
bb.showhiddenobjects The old buydebug cheat - lets you buy many hidden objects.
bb.enablefreebuild Build anywhere, even on locked lots.
Ignore Gameplay Unlocks Entitlement - lets you buy items locked by
Gives a Sim x amount of satisfaction points with which you can buy
sims.give_satisfaction_points x
rewards. Sims.give_satisfaction_points 5000 for example.
fillmotive x use fillmotive motive_energy or fillmotive motive_hunger


To enable Testing Cheats, open the console with Left CTRL+Shift+C

(press/hold in that order) or by pressing all four shoulder buttons on console
and type testingcheats on. To disable them, type testingcheats off. The cheat
console will say, "Cheats Enabled". If it does not, you can try other
options: testingcheats 1, testingcheats true, and testingcheats yes all work to
enable the cheats. You must do this every time you load an area until a bug is
fixed. Here are the things you can do with testingcheats - note that this
command is also necessary for the extra cheats further down.

Shift-click on PS4/Xbox Consoles - Shift clicking on xbox/ps4 is obviously not

possible. You enable this option by pressing X+O (PS4) or A+B (Xbox One).

Shift-Click the Mailbox to access the ability to stop need decay for your
current household or the entire neighborhood (effectively make everyone
happy). Disable Need Decay will make needs stop falling; re-enabling them is
as simple as selecting Enable Need Decay. Make Happy will then fill needs to
the maximum. You can do this on an individual Sim level by Shift-Clicking
Your Sims. This will let you select to make only that Sim's needs static or
make them happy by filling all needs. You are also able to completely redesign
a Sim by shift-clicking them and selecting Modify in CAS. This takes you to
Create-A-Sim where you can make the Sim look however you want, but not
change their gender or traits.

To fully edit a Sim in Create-a-Sim, type cas.fulleditmode with Testing Cheats

On. This will let you change the gender, traits, everything, and is much more
powerful than the scaled down version you get without typing this cheat.
Thanks Pokeh321 for giving me this information.

Shift-Clicking NPC Sims will allow you to add them to your household or reset
them if they get stuck. You should also be able to enable/disable need decay
and make them happy if you so choose - good if your Sim's date has to leave
due to being tired! You can also Edit them in CAS if you like.

Shift-Clicking the Ground will allow you to Teleport anywhere you could walk
in the neighborhood. Shift-Clicking Objects allows you to reset them, should
something get stuck or broken.

Shift-Clicking Objects, for those that can get dirty, allows you to either make
them dirty or clean - all objects can be reset, as well.

Testingcheats on should be enabled, as some cheats will not work without it.
Skill/Career cheats affect the selected Sim.

Money X - Type Money 50000 or 1000000, whatever you like, and your family
will have that amount exactly. This can be used to subtract funds, because it
sets the money to whatever amount you specify.
Satisfaction/Aspiration Cheats -
Type aspirations.complete_current_milestoneand you will get all the
satisfaction from completing that milestone and move on to the next, one
stage closer to the special trait you get for completing the aspiration. You can
do this repeatedly until you have every Reward trait and gobs of satisfaction.
It's listed above but bears repeating here: sims.give_satisfaction_points gives
the selected Sim an amount of satisfaction equal to what you enter.
sims.give_satisfaction_points 50000 would give you 50k.

Infinite Consumables - One-time use potions can be bought with satisfaction.

You may also milk Cow Plants that have killed Sims to get a potion that
increases a Sim's lifespan. You can make these consumables infinite by using
the objects.consumables_infinite_toggle Cheat. This can allow you to always
get a particular emotion, or make a Sim immortal with aging still on.

Remove negative moodlets by typing Sims.remove_all_buffs. This will take

away positive as well, but you can get those back. The link to
TwistedMexican's wiki has a list of all buffs, which can be added/removed


While already in the career you want (via normal hiring from the phone or
computer) and with testingcheats on, type Careers.promote X - for example
careers.promote astronaut would promote your Sim to the next level in the
Astronaut career. Any Careers that have multiple words should contain no
spaces, for example careers.promote secretagent.

careers.demote X also works, causing a Sim to go back a level. You cannot

use this to go back to the branch choice for a career - if you're at the first level
of a branch, you'll be fired using this. If you don't know which branch you
want, check out the linked Career guides to see the benefits and pay of each.
The Careers Guide also has a table to compare careers.

To quickly get multiple promotions, copy the command below for the career
you're in - just the careers.promote x part - and paste it into the game's
command line with Control - V (Command-V on Mac). Paste it until you're level

Raise a Sim's grades with careers.promote gradeschool or careers.promote
highschool. You can lower them as well with careers.demote


Type Stats.set_skill_level major_X with X being the level of skill you'd like the
selected Sim to be. Note the different syntax for fitness and children's skills in
the list below. If you cannot get skill cheats to work try stats.set_skill_level
adultmajor_x. You can find _ near the backspace key on your keyboard.

With testingcheats on, type Stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10 - make

handiness 10. Note the Major_ before the skill name. If you did this, you'd see
the level 10 popup. If you want to see what unlocks with each level, read the
linked guide or adjust it by 1 each time so that you can see information on
each new level. Here are all the skills in Sims 4, which you can cheat to max.
Beside each, there's a link to the associated Skill Guide so that you can learn
how to use it!

To max all cheats quickly, copy stats.set_skill_level major_ and paste it into
your command console in-game. Finish the command with the skill, then the
level. This doesn't work for fitness so you need to copy that line. Remember
Photography caps at 5.


Toddler Guide - toddler skills cap at 5, potty is maxed at level 3.

All skill cheats begin with stats.set_skill_level see full cheat on communication
skill example below


You can influence Emotions slightly by adding buffs to Sims, though you may
need happy or other boosts to put them at 'Very Inspired' or add more negative
buffs to make a Sim super-embarrassed (Mortified). Here are some I took from
TwistedMexi's wiki which I'm using with his permission. Use Sims.add_buff X,
for example Sims.add_buff social_happy


Traits can be equipped to Sims, as well as Satisfaction Point Rewards and
those you earn for completing Aspirations. The cheat to add/remove them
is Traits.equip_trait X or Traits.Remove_trait X. Most Traits boil down to
TheNameWithNoSpaces or Underscore_as_space in between those with
multiple names. When new content comes out, you can try the new
rewards/traits to cheat them on to your Sim by trying the new name in this


You can modify Sims' relationships by using the somewhat

long modifyrelationship yoursimfirst yoursimlast targetsimfirst targetsimlast x
relationshiptype. Relationshiptype is either LTR_Friendship_main or
LTR_Romance_Main. With Cats and Dogs, you
use LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main, which won't work if the pet has no last
name. X is the percentage of the bar, either full, half, or half into the red
(negative numbers). While there are many different relationship names, these
are simply combinations of varying amounts of friendship/romance (either
positive or negative).


The following are, again, provided by TwistedMexican who kindly took the time
to find these cheats hidden within the game engine. Here are the most
important finds. You can find more on his specific wiki about GTW.

Retail Perk Cheats

Be sure to include the true at the end of these cheats in order to unlock the
associated perk. This makes perk point cheats unnecessary, though it does
require a bit more typing.


Retail Perk Command

Register of Tomorrow bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true

Stunning Sign bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true

Provocative Pedestal bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true

Extra Worker Slot 1 bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true

Extra Worker Slot 2 bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true

Retail Perk Command
Serious Shopper bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true

MegaManager bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true

Slick Salesman bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true

Superfluous Surplus bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true

Cheaper Restocking bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true

My First Simoleon bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true

Fobbs 500 bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true

Snazzy Shirt bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true

Faster Checkouts Small bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true

Faster Checkouts Large bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true

Faster Restock Small bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true

Faster Restock Large bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true

Curious Shopper bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true

Sure Sale bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true

Instant Restock bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true


The following restaurant perk cheats for Dine Out were gathered based on
Twistedmexi's format for the GTW Cheats. I found the same code works, just
had to track down the name of them within the files. You'll notice they differ.
Note that Meal Rush and Surplus Harvest can be used every 24 hours. For
those like additional waiter or discounts on ingredients, you may need to take
them in oder. You can take tidy tippers multiple times but I'm not sure if you
need to do something special to add extra ranks.


Perk Code to Unlock

Curious Customers bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishSocial true

Additional Waiter #1 bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 true

Ingredient Quality Options bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions true

Meal Rush bucks.unlock_perk MoreCustomers true

Surplus Harvest bucks.unlock_perk IngredientCostDiscount true

Perk Code to Unlock
Patient Patrons bucks.unlock_perk LengthenImpatienceTimeout true

Additional Chef bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef true

Curiouser Customers bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishFrequency true

Additional Waiter #2 bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 true

Inspirational Speech bucks.unlock_perk InspirationalSpeechSocial true

Fast Eaters bucks.unlock_perk EatFaster true

Lower Employee Training Costs bucks.unlock_perk LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true

Ingredient Discount (small) bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_1 true

Well Funded Foodies bucks.unlock_perk ExpensiveOrders true

Tidy Tippers bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup true

Ingredient Discount (large) bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_2 true

Well Managed bucks.unlock_perk LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true

The Chef's Hat bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat true


Make Sim a Vampire

stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 will begin the natural
conversion process, while traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire will make
them a vampire immediately. To remove the vampire trait and revert a Sim,
use traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire. You can use these cheats to
convert Sims from the Gallery.

Unlock Vampire Perks

stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 will max out your
vampire rank and give you 2 power points each time you enter it. Copy it from
here and use control+V after opening the cheats panel in-game to paste it
repeatedly. You can find more specific vampire cheats on TwistedMexi's wiki.
He discovered these and gave me permission to share some of them.


The Sims 4 Parenthood comes with a new skill, which can be cheated in with
stats.set_skill_level major_parenting X - it's in the major skills list above.

Character Values Cheat

Toddlers, Children, and Teens can have experience in five different character
values, which range from -100 to 100 (bad or good). You can set these
manually so that when the Sim ages up to adult they will receive reward traits
that reflect their morality, manners, etc. They are set with: stats.set_stat
lifeskillstatistic_empathy 100, as an example or stats.set_stat
lifeskillstatistic_conflictresolution -100 - here's the full list. Be sure to include a
number, based on how full or negative you'd like the experience bars to be:

 Conflict Resolution: stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_conflictresolution X

 Emotional Control: stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_emotionalcontrol X
 Empathy: stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_empathy X
 Manners: stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_manners X
 Responsibility: stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_responsibility X

Reward Traits for Character Values

New character values reward traits are earned when children and teens age up
to adults, and can be added or removed from your Sim if you got a bad one. In
some cases you can have the good one from one of the five categories, but
can't equip the bad at the same time. Traits are added with traits.equip_trait x
and removed with traits.remove_trait x. See the linked Character Values guide
for information on what each of them do for your Sims. Here's a list of the
character values and their trait pairs, along with two examples:

traits.equip_trait lifeskills_goodmanners - adds the Good Manners trait

traits.remove_trait lifeskills_uncontrolledemotion - removes the Uncontrolled Emotion trait
 Manners Traits
o Good Manners lifeskills_goodmanners
o Bad Manners lifeskills_badmanners
 Responsibility Traits
o Responsible - lifeskills_responsible
o Irresponsible - lifeskills_irresponsible
 Empathy Traits
o Compassionate - lifeskills_compassionate
o Insensitive - lifeskills_unfeeling
 Conflict Reeolution Traits
o Mediator - lifeskills_mediator
o Argumentative - lifeskills_argumentative
 Emotional Control Traits
o Emotional Control - lifeskills_emotionalcontrol
o Uncontrolled Emotions - lifeskills_uncontrolledemotion (with no s)
Credit Where It's Due
Half of all cheat sites on the web have ripped off the efforts of a person who
spent time tracking down these commands for us and started a wiki on reddit
to host them here. If you'd like to thank him for his time, buy TwistedMexi a
coffee for finding most of these that were not released by EA. You can find
some specific cheats on the wiki, I won't publish those that players might
infrequently use and don't want to put literally every cheat on this page as it's
already quite long.


Many cheats require testing cheats to work. Ensure you've done testingcheats
onfirst. This mainly works from the live/build/buy modes of the game as many
do not work on the map. You should pause it by pressing tilde (`) or clicking
the pause icon, and when the time comes will need to first press and hold the
left CTRL key, then Shift, then C in that order, without letting go of any of the
keys, to open the console in the first place. This should be a fluid motion and
not too slow. Secondly, cheats must be typed exactly. You can get some help
with testingcheats by following this link.



Adopting a Baby, Toddler, or Child

In The Sims 4, babies can be produced using Try For Baby or using the
computer to adopt. (Choose Household, then Adopt). Adoption costs $1,000
and the player gets to choose between a baby, toddler, and a child. You also
get to pick the one you wish to adopt. The computer will show pictures and
names of the available babies, toddlers, and children. Click on the one you
want. My Sim chose a baby named Savannah. She immediately walked out of
the house and disappeared at the street. About an hour later, you'll get a
notice that your Sim is bringing home a new family member. You'll also be
given the option to change the name of the baby you pick. Your Sim returns
with some confetti and the baby is magically in the bassinet. Adopting a
toddler or child works the same way.

To have a baby naturally, a Sim who is able to be pregnant (male or female via
CAS options) will have to find a suitable partner/spouse and go through all of
the necessary friendly and romantic interactions in order to successfully Try
For Baby. My Sim had the Romantic trait and her Aspiration was Soul Mate,
which meant that she eagerly sought the Sim who would be the father to her
baby. I found that Try For Baby came up sooner than in Sims 3, so less time
was needed for the couple to interact romantically. The parents were married
and had maxed their friendship and romantic bars, and Try for Baby often
came up as a first option without having to do any romancing before hand.
Sims can also have a male appearance and have the ability to become
pregnant, or be female in appearance and able to make others pregnant - see
transgender section below for how to do this.

There are no longer pregnancy chimes at the time your Sims Try for Baby.
Instead, the mother can do a pregnancy test by clicking on the toilet afterward.
The cost is $15 and results are immediate. Either it will say she's eating for two
or to try again. She will immediately start to show a little after getting a
positive pregnancy test. Otherwise, if you do not do a pregnancy test, the
game will inform you after a day that the mother is pregnant. Luckily, the
mother will wear her same clothes throughout the pregnancy. There's no
spinning into ugly maternity clothes!

CAS Options - Make Sim Transgender

During Create-a-Sim, you can select '...' beneath the gender settings to make
your Sim however you desire. Sims can have masculine voice and feminine
appearance, and you may also select whether that Sim is capable of becoming
pregnant regardless of gender. You must pick one or the other - Sims who can
become pregnant can't get others pregnant. You may also choose neither,
indicating that Sim can woohoo without any baby being born.

Male Pregnancy (via Alien Abduction)

If you have a male Sim in the household who is from Young Adult to Elder in
age and have installed the Get to Work Expansion, Alien Abduction can result
in your Sim getting pregnant. You can make this happen by joining
the Scientist Career, and working your way up until you can build the satellite.
You can use the satellite on your home lot to contact aliens. This makes them
more likely to visit, and thus abduct your Sim. Conversely, you can use the
satellite to stop alien abductions to prevent your male from getting pregnant.
Influence the Baby's Gender
A patch made it so that we can influence the gender of babies, so we can make
the chance large that a baby girl or boy is born:

 To have a baby boy: Eat carrots and listen to alternative music on the radio.
 To have a baby girl: Eat strawberries and listen to pop music on the radio.

Doing both of these things during your pregnancy will increase your odds of
having a boy or girl.

Influencing the Pregnancy - Twins and Triplets

The pregnancy will typically produce a single baby. To increase the chances of
twins or triplets, use the Fertile Reward. It's available from the Rewards
Store for the price of 3,000 Satisfaction points. You can also cheat to have
twins or triplets, see below.

With the Spa Day Game Pack, Sims can get a Fertility Massage at the Spa or
from a Sim who is practiced in the Wellness skill. You must own a massage
table to get one at home, but this is reported to increase the rate of twins and
triplets as well.


Being Pregnant in Sims 4

A pregnancy lasts approximately three Sim days, no matter which lifespan
settingthe player is using. The mother will have morning sickness and make
trips to the bathroom to vomit. It's pretty gross, so beware before you zoom in
for a close up! The toilet will need to be cleaned afterward. During her
pregnancy, the mother will have backaches that may or may not be helped by
a massage from her partner. I didn't notice my Sim getting any whims for a
massage. The mother will be able to Share Big News and Invite to Feel Baby.
Hover over her pregnancy moodlet to see how far the pregnancy has
progressed: first, second, or third trimester. By the third trimester, the mother
is HUGE! She's also quite uncomfortable and ready for the baby to come.

Preparing the Nursery

In Sims 4, the only baby item is the bassinet. You may purchase one prior to
the birth, or one will be provided by Social Services when the baby is born if
you don't own one. The bassinet doesn't take up much space and can easily
be kept in the mother's bedroom if you don't want to bother with making a
separate nursery. Consider building up a bedroom for your baby before it ages
up to Toddler. You'll need a high chair, toddler bed, and potty chair.

Giving Birth
When the time arrives, the mother will go into labor. It will last about three
hours and the mother can do anything she wants during this time. She can eat,
have conversations, go to the bathroom, even sleep. She'll have a +40
Uncomfortable moodlet during this time, however, which is too large to really
overcome by normal means. If you like, you can avoid long labor by simply
clicking the option to deliver at hospital from the Bassinet. The father in my
game would sometimes have pre-parental panic and run through the house.
He had the Hates Children trait, so that was a possible cause, but other fathers
may experience this as well. Nobody else in the house (teens and children)
had any reaction.

When it's Go Time, the mother will go to the bassinet for the actual birth, or
you'll be taken to the hospital for surgery with the Get to Work Expansion (if
you chose the hospital route). This is when we get to see her faces and listen
to her groan. It doesn't last long and before you know it, you've got a brand
new baby. The little darling will be dressed in a one-piece jumper: green for
boys and yellow for girls. No traits are chosen at the time of birth, so it doesn't
matter if the mother has a smooth pregnancy. The first trait is chosen at
Toddler and a childhood Aspiration is chosen at the Child stage.


Baby's Needs
The baby cannot be the active Sim and the player cannot see his/her needs.
You have to judge the situation from visual and audio clues. but they have a
hidden hunger, fun and hygiene need that must be met. The baby will sleep
automatically when well cared for. You can develop the relationship by using
the limited socials that are available, while also satisfying the baby's needs for
entertainment and socialization. A green cloud means a dirty diaper and crying
means the baby needs to be fed and/or you should played with the baby. My
Sims were fairly attentive to the baby without being told, but this might not
always be the case. All interactions are found by clicking on the bassinet and
the baby never leaves that immediate area.
hen feeding, the mother has the option to bottle feed or breast feed. Everyone
else can only bottle feed. Males pregnant with an alien baby can breast feed,
however. The other interactions besides changing the dirty diaper are:
Bounce, Coo At, Make Silly Face, Rock, Talk, Shoosh, Show Off To, and Age
Up. Children will be able to Coo At and Talk to the baby. To use the Show Off
To interaction, make sure the bassinet is not up against a wall. The person
looking at the baby will stand at the head of the bassinet. Leaving the House
and Neglecting the Baby
Sims can all leave the house when there's a baby, no problem. The baby
automatically gets sent to Day Care while the parents and others are away
at work, or just out exploring to collect items. If a baby is neglected for a
period of time, the baby will be taken away to safety. The baby will simply
disappear in a green flash of light. This didn't seem to negatively impact the
mother's ability to have more babies later.

Aging Up to Toddler
A baby can be aged up to Toddler at any time after the birth by clicking on the
bassinet. However, if you wish to wait until the normal aging time, you may
wait it out by caring for them until this happens automatically. The only real
benefit to letting the baby age on its own is to increase the relationship
between the baby and other Sims in the house, while also giving you time to
prepare to care for a toddler properly by giving them their own bedroom. All of
the interactions your Sims can make with the baby will increase the
relationship bar. When the time comes, the baby will age straight to a toddler
who can roam the house and needs to learn skills. The duration of the baby life
stage will vary depending on which lifespan you're playing. On the short
lifespan, it's about 1 1/2 days to age up to toddler. On normal lifespan, it's
about 3 days. My baby seemed to be bugged on the long lifespan because he
was getting close to two weeks and still hadn't aged up. We'll update this later
with more definitive information on babies on long lifespan.

Speed up Pregnancy Cheat

You cannot directly use a cheat to get pregnant, but you can cheat to get it
over with faster. This works only when a Sim is pregnant, otherwise it makes
them go through the labor without producing a baby. Type testingcheats on,
followed by Sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor. This works when males
are pregnant with alien babies, as well.
Try for Baby Cheat (By Raising Romantic Relationship Levels)
If you want to cheat to make your Sim have a high romance standing with
another in order to try for baby, type modifyrelationship yoursimfirst
yoursimlast targetsimfirst targetsimlast 99 romance_main - for example,
modifyrelationship alex wilkis christy mooney 99 romance_main will make
them have a near-max romance bar, which is capable of trying for baby with or
without building friendship first. Use a few romance socials successfully, then
hit try for baby and you're good!

Forcing Twins, Triplets, and more...

TwistedMexican has provided a cheat that will force multiple births. These
require testingcheats on. First, you need to get your Sim's ID after they've
been made pregnant normally (see above to max romance).

Type sims.get_sim_id_by_name firstname lastname to get the ID of the

pregnant Sim.

Now you can influence how many births they have at once. It may work up to
7, but keep in mind that the maximum household size is 8. So do a little
addition, and save your game first. It may hang quite a bit generating all these
babies. Use the Sim's ID you got from the first cheat, for example

Then type pregnancy.force_offspring_count 1341302010235 5 So

pregnancy.force_offspring_count ID (number of babies). My example would
produce 5 babies, but you need your Sim's actual ID number (that one's made
up). Thankfully, the ID will stay in the box while you work on typing out the
cheat! I tested this with the force labor cheat, and it does work. It's best to use
the forced labor cheat right away after using this one. Without it, they will have
the babies at the normal time, not right after using the cheat, but you'd have to
stay home the whole time. Traveling breaks the multiple births cheat, so
speeding up via fored labor keeps you from having issues. Save first to give
yourself another shot if something goes wrong.

Problems with the Cheat

This was possibly added from a patch, so cannot be used on out-of-date
games. Players who have a pirate copy are likely left out on this one.
Additionally, the cheat will not work if you reload the file after entering it. You
are overriding what is already determined when the Sim gets pregnant - the
number of babies to be born, so you'll have what the Sim was meant to have.
On leaving the game file, you'd have to enter it again, and anything that
messes with the status of testingcheats may render the command invalid
(such as entering create-a-Sim). So, if you use these, plan to stay home and
save during the third trimester, and save just before using them. If the cheat
was entered correctly, you can immediately go into labor using the speed up
pregnancy cheat, so that nothing can go wrong in the meantime.

In Closing
This should help you get pregnant and care for your baby properly. If more
information on boosting the odds of Twins/Triplets without cheating comes
up, we'll share it here. From here, you can go on to learn
about Toddlers and Raising Children and Getting Good Grades in School.

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