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Better late the never: is the common expression of students who need time to pass the
project because of lack of time in every situation or task given by them. Some of the
students can’t pass on time because of their idleness to the project, but needed to pass
in exact date and time given by the teacher. In this kind of assignment assigned the
teachers, among four the members of the group. This kind of assignment we build up on
how to be responsible students, because present day many students who didn’t care
about her/his studies, sometimes students involve that kind of non-complaint behavior
(Woolfolk hoy & Weinstein, 2006). Teachers may able to reduce the prevalence of non-
compliant, because reducing non-compliant is important because it can have a positive
effect on both teaching and learning time student’s motivation and engagement (good &
Brophy, 2000; Woolfolk hoy & Weinstein, 2006). Students explanation for their non-
compliant included a lack of motivation participate or lack of engagement with
classroom activities, and power struggle and conflict disrupting work (2006)
According to Rachel (2010) believed that if students were motivated to participate in an
activity about the task then they would be engage in their learning and compliant levels
would increase. the discussion reveals that during the occasions on which non-
compliant behavior occurred the teachers shared less power with students and the
students ,lacked a clear meaningful purpose for their activities and learning. Some
students are disturb to gadgets. Furthermore, levels of non-compliant were not
consistent but rather dynamic and influenced by a combination of factors.
Teachers should consider adopting a democratic approach to managing their
classrooms. Compliant also can be increased by using a sequence of commands that
begins with several easy to follow directions that have a high probability of eliciting
compliant (Belfiore, Basile, & Lee, 2008). In this way, behavioral momentum can lead to
continued compliant with the directions become more difficult. It is recommended that
interspersed requests is a related strategy that increases the likelihood of compliant with
difficult requests by presenting a mixture of easy and difficult requests, going back and
forth between levels of difficulty, throughout the class (Cates, 2005).
Non-compliant in the classroom can be reduced or prevented by matching the
instructional demands and the opportunities to respond accurately to the students ability
levels (Gunter & Conroy, 1998). In addition to planning for ways to increase students
opportunities to responds accurately to instructional demands as a means of reducing
non-compliant Sutherland (2003) and Sutherland, Wehby, and Yoder (2002)
recommend increasing the use of praise to improve both behavior and academic
outcomes. An important way defused the anger and aggression that often accompany
disobedience is to calmly offer choices rather than to engage in the direct confrontations
we know as “power struggle” (Colvin, 19199

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