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Pidato Bahasa Inggris : Hari Ibu (Mother's Day)

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.

The honorable ones the principle of SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, all teachers and administration staff of SMA Negeri
01Tanjungand all my friends from grade X till Xii.

Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us
Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also I don't forget to
deliver sholawatand salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the
brightness, so we are always in the right way.

My dear friends

What was the first thing you figured out in your head when you heard a word "Mom". A best friend? A
wish-adviser? A good teacher? Or a real hero? Whatever it is, one thing is clear she is EVERYTHING.

It is hard to find a word to describe a person who always encourages us to be the real us; a person who
shows the right path when we lost; a person who always listen well to every single problems we have and
the person who never stop to support us. Yeah, Mom is indeed EVERYTHING.

'Mom is EVERYTHING' may be the only explanation that can explain all good things she has done to us.
Just remember for a second how much tears she has dropped to make us grow healthy, and live happily.
Just remember for a moment how many sacrifices she has done to see us succeed and independent.

She gives us love that none else can give. She gives us happiness that nothing else can give. She gives
us valuable lessons of live that no teachers can give. She gives us everything because she thinks we are

My friends

In this fine moment of Mother's Day, let's make it as a day to remind everything she has done to us, her
sons. Let's make this day as the starting point to give loves like she has given, to give happiness like she
has given. Because she is everything. She deserves all good things in this world. Let's repay all her
kindness with always be good sons, be a pride of her and be her hero in her old days.

Not much words that I give in this opportunity, because I think this speech is not aimed to reply all
affection, sacrifice, love, laugh and tears of Mom that she gives. But I hope after hearing this speech, let's
reply her affection, sacrifice, love, laugh and tears of our Mom with grant all her hopes. Thank you.

Wasalamualaikum wr. wb.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Respectable Mr. and Mrs. Teacher

My friends of the big family of Az Zahra School

Let us together say the praise and gratitude into the presence of God Almighty for blessing and
grace so that we can all come together in a health. There is one thing that is usually perceived
by students as a burden which the presence of the school code. But there is no one else on this
school that does not have a code of conduct.

When there is a code of conduct then your guys know what to do and not. It is reasonable if the
schools give sanctions to anyone students who break the rules. This rule applies
indiscriminately. There are some positive values that may be your guys haven't seen it, what are
the advantages of this code of conduct?

Making our parents, teachers & you proud

There is no one else who is not a parent proud when his son performs in schools, although
some parents may be prestige declared himself proud of them. Teachers also must have been
proud at us.

Our time is more effective

For example, we do not repeat time of learning, so when the teacher explained we don't pay
attention, we must also take remedial exams (some schools have such policies). If it has been,
is wasting time right?

There is a proverbial saying ' value first appreciated ', as well as paying attention to the teacher
during the clarify lessons. We have asked for submitting task. Or for example when we
threatened do not pass the grade, teachers must have seen our enterprise learning time, we
deserve it or not in riding classes, in the meeting of the board of teachers that must have many
teachers who are defending so we ride class.

The children are proud their fathers

Here's how wonderful when conduct observed and applied consciously by all parties. The code
of conduct is not as pressure but by all in view as a guide that helps us to be successful. The
father also realize that not all of the capabilities of the human brain is same, there is a nice quick
recall, some are weak in arithmetic, etc. but we have to try and try to be the best we can.

May it is useful for all. And your guys as our beloved school students really understand how
important discipline in our schools today.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

First of all let’s pray and thanks unto our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can attend
in this program without any trouble and obstacles. There is also a prayer for our parents as well as the
father's mother and teachers who educate, develop, and provide us all with the knowledge that it is so

All of my friends whom I love

Every human being must have had parents. No one man who was born without parents. We also
realize that our parents have struggled, both day and night, squeeze mind, hardest to fight so that
all children can live well. In this short time, allow me to convey how very important filial to parents.
Devoted to both parents is one of the very noble deeds even Allah has mentioned in the Quran
about the virtues of filial to parents. In the word of God, we are ordered to devote to two parents
and juxtaposed with the most important practice in Islam. This indicates that the charity is a very
major one in the sight of Allah SWT. The magnitude of the dignity of both parents is seen through
the eyes of the law. As their soon, we have to obey the instruction of our parent. And be sure that
because of our kindness to our parents, we will get a good result for the next.

All of my friends whom I love

Creating a sad in terms of both parents then it already counted as one act of disobedience. Their
cries are as well as heart rending by the behavior of the child. Now we are together already know
the importance and virtue of filial to parents. We remember how often we make them angry and
crying parents. How often we do not carry out any orders? Indeed there is no obedience to the
creature its name in terms of adulterous to God, but how we to deny are that too should be a good
way not haphazard. For that we have to apologize to both of them, we need to remember again that
Allah's approval of parents is also the pleasure of Allah is Allah's approval of parents, both parents
wrath of Allah SWT.

As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t
forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

First of to all let’s us give thanks for always kept in Allah SWT who has given grace and also health so
that we can assemble this simple place aims weeks to discuss about the environment.

Then shalawat never bored greeting we had given to the lord of nature spirits that great prophet

Environment is one thing that is very important for the survival of mankind and should for us to take
good care. Our country is a country that has tremendous natural wealth. Indonesian forest long ago
have become the lungs of the world and became one of the foundations of the environmental balance
in the entire world. When developed countries smoke because their industries, then our country clean
up the pollution with green forests that exist in many areas.

However, now we have to take an action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that we have is being
lost due to illegal logging and forest fires. If the deforestation continues, it is not impossible if we are
going to lose the forest and eventually global warming will continue to increase.

When the forest we have started getting damaged, I believe that one day we no longer could feel the
fresh air and the cool breeze at noon time. Our country will turn into a very hot country and tortured.
Weather changes are present in this country can not be predicted and the arrival of the dry season
would be more quickly and last longer. Are we willing to lose if the Indonesian forests and turn into
like that? Of course not.

For that always let us always keep our environment especially keeping our environment.

Thank’s for attention,

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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