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Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

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Systemic and intrafollicular components of follicle selection

in mares
O.J. Ginther a, b, *
Eutheria Foundation, Cross Plains, WI 53528, USA
Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mares are superb models for study of follicle selection owing to similarities between mares
Received 20 October 2016 and women in relative follicle diameters at specific events during the follicular wave and
Received in revised form 6 December 2016 follicle accessibility for experimental sampling and manipulation. Usually, only 1 major
Accepted 10 December 2016
follicular wave with a dominant follicle (DF) greater than 30 mm develops during the 22 to
24 d of the equine estrous cycle and is termed the primary or ovulatory wave. A major
secondary wave occasionally (25%) develops early in the cycle. Follicles of the primary
Dominant follicle
wave emerge at 6 mm on day 10 or 11 (day 0 ¼ ovulation). The 2 largest follicles begin to
Follicle deviation
Follicle selection deviate in diameter on day 16 when the future DF and largest subordinate follicle (SF) are
IGF 23 mm and 20 mm, respectively. The deviation process begins the day before diameter
Mare deviation as indicated in the future DF but not in the future SF by (1) increase in promi-
Subordinate follicle nence of an anechoic layer and vascular perfusion of the wall and (2) increase in follicular-
fluid concentrations of IGF1, vascular endothelial growth factor, estradiol, and inhibin-A.
A systemic component of the deviation process is represented by suppression of circu-
lating FSH from secretion of inhibin and estradiol from the developing DF. Production of
inhibin is stimulated by IGF1 and LH, and estradiol is stimulated by LH and not by IGF1 in
mares. A local intrafollicular component involves the production of IGF1, which apparently
increases the responsiveness of the future DF to FSH. The roles of the IGF system have been
well studied in mares, but the effect of IGF1 on increasing the sensitivity of the follicle cells
to FSH is based primarily on studies in other species. The greater response of the future DF
than the SF to the low concentrations of FSH is the essence of selection. During the
common growth phase that precedes deviation, diameter of the 2 largest follicles increases
in parallel on average when normalized to emergence or retrospectively to deviation.
Study of individual waves indicates that (1) the 2 follicles change ranks (relative diameters)
during the common growth phase in about 30% of primary waves and (2) after ablation of
1, 2, or 3 of the largest follicles at the expected beginning of deviation, the next largest
retained follicle becomes the DF indicating that several follicles have the capacity for
dominance; therefore, it is proposed that the deviation process represents the entire
mechanism of follicle selection in mares.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction length of the interovulatory interval (IOI) is about 22 d

(horses) and 24 d (ponies), and ovulation occurs from a
In mares, the ovulatory season in the northern large follicle (eg, 40 mm) near the end of a long estrus (eg,
temperate zone extends from about April to October, the 6 d) [1]. One or 2 follicular waves occur during an IOI, and
each consists of many follicles (eg, 10) that reach greater
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 608 798 3777; fax: þ1 608 798 3722. than 6 mm in diameter. The ovulatory wave develops
E-mail address: oj.ginther@wisc.edu. 13-mm follicles by day 10 or 11 (day 0 ¼ ovulation) at the

0739-7240/$ – see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 117

peak of the wave-stimulating FSH surge. The 2 largest progress on follicle selection in mares were the introduc-
follicles grow approximately in parallel (common growth tion of an FSH assay and transrectal ultrasonic imaging and
phase) until day 15 or 16 when the 2 largest follicles are a development of the concept of follicle deviation. Deviation
mean of 23- and 20-mm, and the FSH surge is declining [2]. or the dissociation in diameters of the 2 largest follicles was
At the end of the common growth phase, follicle deviation discovered in 1997, during the study of diameter graphs of
begins and is characterized by continued growth of the each of the 2 largest follicles in individual waves. The
largest follicle to become the dominant follicle (DF) and the growth rate of the future DF and the future SF changed
beginning of slower growth rate of the second largest relatively abruptly and served as a manifestation of selec-
follicle to become the largest subordinate follicle (SF). tion as represented by the point of departure in changing
During deviation, the follicle destined to ovulate must diameters between the future DF and SF. The observation of
escape a degenerative process (atresia), which affects the diameter deviation allowed focusing on a specific event as a
contemporaries of the wave. The DF of the last wave of an reference point or end point for studies on follicle selection.
IOI becomes the ovulatory follicle. The influx of reports in 2002 to 2004 was related to (1) the
In heifers, the process of deviation begins about 12 h development of transvaginal ultrasound techniques for
before the manifestation of diameter deviation and sampling or injecting into a specific follicle including later
involves an increase in granulosa LH receptors and estra- sampling or determining whether the follicle became a DF
diol-17b (estradiol) and maintenance of intrafollicular free or SF, (2) transrectal color Doppler ultrasound for assessing
IGF1 in the future DF (review [3]). Thereby, the future DF is ovarian and follicular blood flow, and (3) the use of
developmentally prepared to use the declining FSH in the experimental deviation to compare time lines among sys-
wave-stimulating FSH surge. A follicle that emerges first temic and intrafollicular factors.
may maintain the largest diameter ranking and become the
DF by being first to reach a critical developmental stage. 3. Reports on selection before availability of
However, the early size advantage is not a requisite ultrasonic imaging
component of the deviation process in heifers as indicated
by (1) occasional switching in follicle diameter rankings Before the availability of ultrasonic imaging, sequential
during the common growth phase owing to intraovarian monitoring of follicle diameters throughout the IOI in
factors that affect growth of individual follicles, (2) a follicle mares was done by transrectal digital palpation. On the
that reaches 5 mm regardless of diameter ranking will basis of palpation, it was reported in 1926 that several
become a DF unless it is selected against during deviation, follicles of 20 to 30 mm are present before estrus, but
and (3) a follicle is not developmentally prepared to during estrus, only 1 or 2 chosen follicles increase in
become a DF until it is larger than 7.0 mm. It has been diameter to an average of 50 mm [15]. The observation was
proposed that the mechanisms that underlie deviation and subsequently confirmed [61]. Although the term follicle
begin 12 h before the diameter manifestation of deviation selection was not used, the phenomenon has been known
fully represent the theory of follicle selection in cattle [3]. in mares for at least 90 yr. A palpation study in 1972 noted
The biological selection of the DF or ovulatory follicle that the follicle that was the largest on the first day of estrus
from a wave of many follicles in monovulatory species (mean length, 7.7 d) remained largest and became the
(cattle, horses, and humans) has been the subject of hun- ovulatory follicle in 15 of 24 (62%) mares [16]. Daily
dreds of reports during more than 5 decades (reviews that monitoring by palpation throughout the IOI in 14 pony
include mares [1,4–10]). Comparisons and contrasts of mares in 1979 indicated that the number of follicles greater
follicle selection or the deviation mechanism between than 20 mm did not increase significantly until after Day 10
mares and women are also available [11–13]. The present [24]. The number of 20-mm follicles began to decrease on
review is a history of published research results on follicle Day 7 or on the first day that the preovulatory follicle was
selection in mares before and after the introduction of the only follicle to increase in diameter (Fig. 1) [24]. In
transrectal ultrasonic imaging for the study of follicle dy- another palpation study, the preovulatory follicle became
namics [14]. A purpose of the review is to examine whether the largest follicle on the first or second day of estrus in 64%
the deviation process may represent the entire follicle se- and 20%, respectively, of 56 estrous cycles or on a mean of
lection mechanism in mares as proposed for heifers [3]. 5.7 d before ovulation [24]. Although these findings were
described before the availability of ultrasonic imaging, they
2. Chronology of research studies on follicle selection provided the first indications that selection of the preovu-
in mares latory follicle in mares is manifested by diameter dissoci-
ation between the largest follicle and other follicles
A 90-yr history (1926–2016) on observations and beginning about 7 d before ovulation.
research findings that contributed to our knowledge on the
mechanisms that underlie the follicle selection process in 4. Transrectal and transvaginal ultrasonic imaging
mares is listed (Table 1). After an original observation in
1926, the number of reports increased gradually during The use of transrectal ultrasonic imaging for research in
1972 to 2001 followed by many reports in 2002 to 2004 and reproduction in large animals has been reviewed [62]. The
a gradual decrease in 2005 to 2016. The progress was first study on transrectal ultrasonic monitoring of repro-
disjointed as expected owing at least partly to diverse ductive structures in any species was done in mares and
interests and in the availability of instrumentation and was reported in 1980 [25]. The ultrasound instrument at
expertize. Perhaps, the most salient milestones in research that time had relatively low transducer frequency
118 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

Table 1
A 90-yr chronology leading to the theory of follicle selection in mares.

1926. Transrectal palpation indicated that only 1 or 2 follicles increase in diameter during estrus and are chosen to become the ovulatory follicles [15].
1972. The follicle that was the largest on the first or second day of estrus (mean length, 7.7 d) remained the largest and became the ovulatory follicle in
most mares [16].
1972. Discovery in Thoroughbreds of a 25% incidence of a preovulatory-sized DF with ovulation during diestrus indicating the occasional presence of
another follicular wave [17].
1973. Demonstration of essentiality of gonadotropins for follicle growth by treatment with an antiserum to a pituitary extract [18].
1973. Characterization of concentrations of circulating LH during the equine estrous cycle [19].
1974. First demonstration of hormonal induction of ovulation and multiple ovulations in mares [20].
1975. First report on assay of circulating FSH. Two FSH surges were found during an estrous cycle [21].
1978. Report that circulating LH is considerably elevated during the ovulatory season, and ovarian steroids rhythmically modify the seasonal effect
during estrous cycles [22].
1979. Demonstration of an FSH-inhibitory effect presumably from inhibin by treatment with a steroid-free equine follicular fluid [23].
1979. Number of 20-mm follicles begins to increase on day 10 and decrease 7 d before ovulation along with differential growth of the preovulatory
follicle [24].
1980. Introduction of transrectal ultrasonic imaging of large follicles (8 mm or greater) [25].
1981. A steroid-free fraction of follicular fluid (inhibin) and estradiol has a synergistic effect in suppressing FSH [26].
1984. First characterizations by ultrasound of changing follicle diameters beginning with 2-mm follicles throughout the IOI with differential growth of
the ovulatory follicle beginning 7 d before ovulation [14].
1987. Greater content of LH receptors in the presumptive ovulatory follicle 1 or 2 d before the ovulatory follicle is identifiable by largest diameter [27].
1989. Introduction of ultrasonic tracking of individual follicles that were 15 mm or greater [28].
1989. Demonstration using an inhibin antiserum of the negative effect of inhibin on FSH and follicles [29].
1991. First report on circulating concentrations of immunoreactive inhibin throughout the estrous cycle; the relationship between inhibin and FSH was
inverse [30].
1992. First documentation that emergence of each major waves (with a DF) and each minor wave (without a DF) is temporally associated with an FSH
surge [31,32].
1997. First characterization of the common growth phase and use of the term deviation. The FSH surge reached a peak when follicles were about 13.0
mm and was declining at deviation (22.5 mm future DF) [2].
1999. Echotextural changes in the follicle wall distinguish the future DF from the future SF a day before diameter deviation [33].
1999. Estradiol begins to increase in follicular fluid and circulation the day before diameter deviation [34].
1999. The increasing estradiol and decreasing FSH at the expected beginning of deviation are functions solely of the future DF [35].
1999. An LH increase is not needed for the deviation process but is needed for full growth of the DF after deviation [36].
2001. Decline in the FSH surge is a function of multiple follicles before deviation and the future DF alone at and after deviation [37].
2001. Immunoreactive inhibin (apparently b-subunits) increases during the decline in the FSH surge [37,38].
2001. Both inhibin and estradiol contribute to the continuing FSH decline after deviation [38].
2001. Concentration of LH increases and then decreases encompassing deviation. The transient LH increase does not affect the intrafollicular aspects of
the deviation process but stimulates FSH suppressors (estradiol, inhibin) [38].
2002. Free IGF1, estradiol, inhibin-A, and activin-A increase in follicular fluid of the future DF during the day before the beginning of diameter deviation [39].
2002. IGF binding proteins increase in the future SF at the beginning of deviation [39].
2002. Addition of FSH to cultured equine granulosa cells stimulates IGF binding proteins [40].
2002. Functional relationships between IGF1 and binding proteins are mediated by specific proteases in the follicular fluid [41].
2002. The absence of an estradiol increase in the future SF is associated with reduced utilization of an androgen substrate [39].
2002. After ablation of the future DF at expected diameter deviation, IGF1 begins to increase in SF before the induced deviation and estradiol, inhibin-A,
and activin-A begin to increase after the induced deviation [42].
2003. Estradiol suppresses LH and the combination of inhibin and estradiol suppresses FSH near the beginning of deviation [43].
2003. Inhibin and season (photoperiod) interact to regulate FSH concentrations [44].
2004. First characterization of the frequency of changes in diameter ranking among follicles during the common growth phase, and the capacity of each
follicle to become the future DF at the end of the common growth phase [45].
2004. Diameters at deviation are similar between major waves of the ovulatory and anovulatory season, but the underlying systemic and intrafollicular
hormone mechanisms are quite different [46].
2004. Description of a predeviation follicle (incidence; 37%) that attains the diameter of the future DF before deviation but does not become a DF [12].
2004. Color-Doppler study reveals greater blood flow in the wall of the future DF than in the SF beginning a day before diameter deviation [47].
2004. The increased concentrations of inhibin-A, activin-A, and VEGF but not estradiol in the future DF at the beginning of diameter deviation are
functions of endogenous IGF1 [48].
2004. Injection of an IGF-binding protein into the future DF at deviation decreases the concentrations of free IGF1, estradiol, inhibin-A, and activin-A and
stops the growth of the DF [49].
2005. Injection of the protease (PAPP-A) into the future SF at the beginning of deviation increases the concentrations of free IGF1, inhibin-A, follistatin,
and VEGF [50].
2005. Surges of FSH and LH are shaped by the negative effect of ovarian hormones on the positive effect of photoperiod [51].
2007. Estradiol has a negative effect on LH throughout the LH ovulatory surge presumably by dampening the positive effect of photoperiod [52].
2008. Induction of a wave by follicle ablations and PGF2a treatment on day 10 resulted in a more prominent FSH surge and more double ovulations [53].
2009. Length of interval from ovulation to deviation (mean, 15.6 d) was significantly correlated between 2 successive IOIs in individuals indicating
repeatability [54].
2009. Two separate deviations about 2 d apart result in 2 DFs (incidence 34%) [55].
2009. Demonstrations that FSH is essential for follicle growth before and after the peak of the FSH surge [56].
2010. A GnRH antagonist and replacement of LH indicated that LH is not needed for growth of the DF during the 48 h after deviation [57].
2010. The increase in free IGF1 in association with deviation is gonadotropin dependent [58].
2015. Estradiol increases and anti-Müllerian hormone decreases concomitantly in growing follicles before deviation [59].
2016. Growth of preantral follicles is greater for the CL ovary than that for the non-CL ovary [60].
2016. Proposal that the deviation process represents the entire theory of follicle selection in mares (present review).

Abbreviations: CL, corpus luteum; DF, dominant follicle; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; IOI, interovulatory interval; PGF2a, prostaglandin F2a; PPAP-A,
pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A; SF, largest subordinate follicle; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 119

4.0 1979 50 40 1984 Ov

3.5 45 Ov Primary
35 wave
3.0 40

Diameter (mm)
Follicles ≥ 20 mm 30

Diameter (mm)

2.5 35
Largest follicle
2.0 30
Largest follicle 25
1.0 20 2nd largest follicle
Diestrus Estrus 10
–3 0 3 6 9 –9 –6 –3 0 3
1 4 7 10 13 16 –7 –4 –1 Days from ovulation (Ov)
Number of days from ovulation
Fig. 2. Mean diameter of the largest follicles as determined by the trans-
Fig. 1. Mean  standard error of the mean number of follicles 20 mm or rectal ultrasonic imaging. The vertical LSD bar represents magnitude of the
greater, and diameter of the largest follicle in 27 mares as determined by least significant difference. These data first demonstrated the time lines for
transrectal palpation. These data provided the first indication of the days of origin, parallel growth of the 2 largest follicles, and the beginning of
development of the primary wave including selection of the ovulatory fol- dissociation in diameters. LSD, least significant difference; OV, ovulation.
licle. Adapted from [24]. Adapted from [14].

(3.0 MHz); and therefore, follicles smaller than 8 mm were Tracking or maintaining the identity of individual folli-
not identifiable. Although not significant, the increasing cles 15 mm or greater from examination to examination
mean diameter of the future ovulatory follicle appeared to was reported for mares in 1989 [28]. The tracking technique
dissociate from diameter of the second largest follicle about has had a profound effect on characterizing follicular waves
6 d before ovulation consistent with the report [24] that and follicle diameters associated with deviation (review
was based on digital palpation. [68]). In addition to providing for direct noninvasive
In 1984, the introduction of 5.0-MHz transrectal ultra- sequential monitoring of the changing diameter of indi-
sound transducers for study of equine [14] and bovine [63] vidual follicles, tracking facilitated studying the changing
ovaries provided greater resolution and allowed the first echotexture of the follicle walls [33] and estimating the
characterizations of follicle diameters including 2-mm changes in follicle vascular perfusion by color Doppler
follicles throughout the IOI in each species. The accuracy ultrasound [47]. These additional end points have indicated
of the instrumentation in each species was demonstrated which follicle is destined to become the DF before the fol-
by a high correlation (greater than 0.90) between in situ licle is identifiable by diameter differences (Section 8).
measurements by ultrasonic imaging and grossly after In addition to transrectally determining follicle di-
removing and slicing the same ovaries. The study in mares ameters and characteristics, ultrasonic imaging has greatly
[14] confirmed the increase in number of 20-mm follicles impacted knowledge on the deviation process in mares by
beginning at mid-diestrus and demonstrated the changing serving as the basis for other experimental approaches.
follicle diameters of the 2 largest follicles during the Transvaginal ultrasound guiding for accessing follicles in
ovulatory wave (Fig. 2). The identity of follicles from day to association with transrectal manipulation of an ovary has
day was unknown and likely accounts for the depicted been an effective tool (review [68]). Sampling the fluid of a
greater diameter of the SF than when identity is main- specific follicle can be done transvaginally [34], or follicle
tained. Beginning on day 8, the 2 largest follicles grew in cells can be recovered as demonstrated in cattle [69].
parallel for 7 d (common growth phase) and began to differ Sampling of a small amount of fluid (20 mL) for estradiol
in growth rate 6 d before ovulation (equivalent to day 16). assay from the largest follicle when it attained 15 mm or
Growth rate of the largest follicle continued unabated from 20 mm did not alter the day of deviation or diameter of the
the point of dissociation, whereas the second largest follicle 2 largest follicles at deviation [34]. Injecting an intra-
decreased in growth rate for a day, reached a static phase, follicular factor into a specific follicle with subsequent
and then began to regress. These relationships in pony sampling of the follicular fluid has been used to determine
mares were subsequently confirmed including dissociation the effect of a factor on other factors or on follicle diameter
in diameter between the 2 largest follicles 6 or 7 d before [50,70]. In one study [70], the future SF was sampled (50 or
ovulation in Quarter Horses and Appaloosas [64,65]. An 90 mL) and treated at the expected beginning of deviation
increase and decrease in number of 2- to 5-mm follicles and then sampled twice during the next 24 h. The follicles
occurred between Days 1 and 8 (minor wave), and dif- were initially reduced in diameter but returned to the
ferences in diameter changes among months during the original growth rate and follicle outcome (dominant, sub-
estrous cycles of the ovulatory season were described. The ordinate, and ovulatory).
changes in the follicle population during the estrous cycle The ablation of follicles by ultrasound-guided trans-
and season were compatible with earlier reports on vaginal aspiration of follicle contents [2] is useful for initi-
changes in FSH concentrations [21,66,67]. ating a new wave uncomplicated by the intermingling of
120 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

follicles from a previous wave [2,36,58] and studying the During the transitional period before the first ovulation
endocrinologic effect of specific follicles [37]. A useful of the ovulatory season, 1 to several major anovulatory
procedure is the ablation of all follicles at a specified waves with a DF of 30 mm or more may emerge about
diameter (eg, greater than 5 mm) on day 10. The follicles of every 10 d preceding the first ovulation of the ovulatory
the new wave can be tracked beginning at a smaller season [1,65,76,77]. Based on diameter alone, deviation can
diameter (eg, 6 mm) than when a new wave is not induced be judged to occur during major waves of the anovulatory
(eg, 15 mm). Ablation of the largest follicle at the beginning season [78]. During the decline in the FSH surge after the
of expected deviation when it reaches 22.5 mm is being peak, FSH concentration is greater for a 30-mm anovula-
used to study the timing of events involved in the conver- tory follicle than for a 30-mm ovulatory follicle indicating a
sion of SF to a new DF (experimental or induced deviation) deficiency in the FSH-suppressing abilities of the follicle.
[42]. The transvaginal route can be used also for biopsy of The DF during anovulatory waves develops under hor-
the CL [71], a section of an antral follicle, or a section of monal deficiencies [46,78], including low concentrations of
ovarian tissue that may include preantral follicles [60]. LH and estradiol [46,77–79]. However, the peak concen-
tration of a wave-stimulating FSH surge is similar between
5. Follicular waves in mares anovulatory and ovulatory waves [79]. Blood flow area in
an anovulatory DF after 25 mm remains considerably lower
The topic of follicular waves is germane to this review in than that in an ovulatory DF [68] despite similar increases
that it raises the question whether selection of a DF occurs in diameter of the anovulatory and ovulatory follicles.
in other waves in addition to the ovulatory wave. A major Follicular-fluid concentrations of estradiol, IGF1, inhibin-A,
wave develops a DF of greater than 28 or 30 mm, [72] with and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in 30-mm
or without ovulation. The largest follicle in a minor follic- anovulatory follicles are lower than those in 30-mm
ular wave does not attain more than 28 mm; and therefore, ovulatory follicles. Based on the temporal increase in FSH,
there is apparent absence of deviation or incomplete de- functional impairment of the future dominant anovulatory
viation. The terms primary and secondary major follicular follicle begins when the follicle is approximately 20 mm
waves have been used for the equine estrous cycle [1]. indicating that the apparent deviation in anovulatory
A primary wave is a major wave that originates during mid- waves is a different phenomenon from deviation in
diestrus and gives origin to a DF that terminates in the ovulatory waves. These findings indicate similarities in
primary ovulation (ovulation at end of IOI). A secondary follicle diameter at deviation between major waves of the
major wave emerges during late estrus or early diestrus in anovulatory and ovulatory seasons, but the underlying
about 25% of Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds [28], hormonal events during apparent deviation are profoundly
Quarter horses and Appaloosas [72], and Brazilian Breton different between seasons. In addition, the largest follicle
mares (small draft horses) [12]. A diestrous ovulation dur- reaches different maximum mean diameters between the
ing a secondary wave is common (eg, 25% of cycles) in some anovulatory and ovulatory waves, indicating that the
breeds of horse mares such as Thoroughbreds [17] and mechanisms for continued growth of the DF after the
Standardbreds [28], unusual in some other horse breeds initiation of deviation are also different between the 2
such as Quarter horses and Appaloosas (eg, 4% of cycles) types of major waves. Both major and minor follicular
[73], and rare in ponies [16]. Mares and breeds without a waves also occur during the anovulatory months immedi-
major secondary wave often have a minor wave at the time ately after the end of the ovulatory season [80].
of a secondary wave in other mares or breeds. In pony
mares [18] and miniature mares [74], a secondary wave is 6. Use of the terms divergence, deviation, and
rare, but a minor wave may occur in early diestrus. A study common growth phase
of excised ovaries in pony mares in 1973 [18] found that a
minor follicular wave occurred on average in pony mares Divergence is a term that orginated in cattle (review [3])
from stimulation by a gonadotrophin during the first week and mares [72] in the early 1990s to describe the gradual
of the IOI. Major anovulatory and ovulatory waves and average dissociation in diameter between the future DF and
minor waves also occur during the first 40 d of pregnancy largest SF beginning at a reference point early in a wave (eg,
[31,32,75]. ovulation, emergence at a specified diameter). Plotting of
Critical study of deviation in secondary waves has not the diameter of the 2 largest follicles with ovulation as the
been reported and is needed. Inspection of published [28] reference point in mares results in gradual departure in
diameter profiles in 11 mares indicated that follicle diam- diameters (divergence) for 1 or 2 d before the future DF is at
eter deviation (a manifestation of selection) occurred dur- the diameter characteristic of deviation (Fig. 3) [2,34,81].
ing 2 of 3 major secondary waves when the future DF was However, a study of individual diameter graphs of each of
about 24 mm. The effect of mare age on the deviation the 2 largest follicles in each wave rather than the averages
mechanism also has not been reported. Comparative study in cattle in 1996 [82] and in ponies in 1997 [2] indicated
of the characteristics and robustness of deviation under that the dissociation in diameters usually occurred rela-
different hormonal milieu during various reproductive tively abruptly. The relatively abrupt dissociation was
states may be useful for studying the mechanisms of de- termed deviation to distinguish it from the term divergence
viation (primary vs secondary waves, ovulatory secondary for gradual dissociation. The impression of gradual disso-
vs anovulatory secondary waves, anovulatory waves during ciation (divergence) was attributed to the abrupt dissocia-
the ovulatory vs anovulatory season, and young vs old tion (deviation) occurring at different times in individual
mares). waves relative to a previous fixed reference point as shown
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 121

35 1997 Predeviation follicle

30 follicle
30 follicle
25 (n = 27)

Diameter (mm)
20 Divergence
15 follicle
20 Predeviation
10 (n = 10)
Number deviating Subordinate
on indicated days 15 follicles
5 (1) (2) (6) (2) (2) (1)
Diameter (mm)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Days after future dominant follicle was 6 mm –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Days from observed beginning of deviation
Dominant Fig. 4. Mean  standard error of the mean diameters of 3 follicles types
30 follicle during primary waves in 27 mares showing the relationship of a predeviation
follicle to other follicles. The number of waves with various follicle types is
shown. Dominant and subordinate follicles are centralized to the beginning of
25 e diameter deviation as represented by the horizontal broken line. The prede-
viation follicle is centralized to mean day at the beginning of its regression
20 wt
which occurred on the day before diameter deviation. Adapted from [12].
o n- Subordinate
15 m follicle
m identifiable in a published diameter profile of individual
follicles in a mare in each of 2 reports involving different
10 Diameter breeds and laboratories [4,28]. Unlike a minor wave that
deviation may impinge on the major wave, the predeviation follicle
5 emerges along with the follicles of the major wave but
emerges before the DF when centralized to the beginning
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 of regression 1 d before diameter deviation of DF. The
Days from beginning of diameter deviation mechanism associated with a predeviation follicle is un-
known, but it appears to reach a diameter characteristic of
Fig. 3. Mean  standard error of the mean diameter of the dominant and deviation of a future DF before a mechanism is in place to
subordinate follicles showing gradual dissociation (divergence) when begin the deviation process in the future DF (Section 7).
normalized to emergence (upper panel) and a more abrupt dissociation
(deviation) when centralized to observed deviation (lower panel). The future
subordinate follicle does not reach a diameter compatible with the initiation 7. The common growth phase and deviation
of the deviation process before the larger follicle reaches diameter deviation.
This study first used the term deviation in mares and characterized the
The first specific study of the common growth phase
growth profiles of the tracked follicles that became the dominant and largest
subordinate follicles. Adapted from [2]. and follicle deviation during the primary wave in mares
was done in ponies in 1997 [2]. The operator was over-
whelmed by the large number of follicles greater than
(Fig. 3). The abrupt deviation observed in individual waves 5 mm from intermingling of follicles from a previous wave.
in mares is preceded by a common growth phase that ex- Regressing follicles of the previous wave masked the day-
tends from follicle emergence (eg, at 6 mm) to the begin- to-day retrospective identity of the future DF and SF dur-
ning of diameter deviation. The end of the common growth ing the common growth phase that ends in deviation for
phase and the beginning of deviation are synonymous. the primary wave. To remove the regressing follicles and to
Studies of follicle selection in mares in this laboratory for reduce the number of follicles in the primary wave, a
the past 20 yr beginning with the 1997 report [2] used 2-follicle model was developed, wherein all follicles that
diameter deviation as a focused reference point to repre- were 5 mm or greater were ablated on day 10. When the
sent the first diameter manifestation of follicle selection. largest follicle of the postablation or primary wave reached
Another consideration in mares is the predeviation 15 mm, all follicles except the 2 largest were ablated. Re-
follicle that occurs in about one-third of primary waves in sults indicated that (1) the future DF emerged at 6 mm, an
mares (Fig. 4) and women [12]. The predeviation follicle average of 1 d earlier than the future SF, (2) the 2 follicles
attains a maximum diameter similar to the diameter of the grew approximately in parallel during the common growth
future DF at deviation but with regression beginning an phase when normalized to deviation and examined retro-
average of 1 d before the beginning of diameter deviation of spectively, (3) deviation occurred 6 d after emergence of a
the future DF. In retrospect, a predeviation follicle is 6-mm future DF, and (4) mean diameters of the future DF
122 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

and SF on the day of deviation were 23 and 20 mm, the hypothesis that the capacity for dominance at the ex-
respectively, equivalent to a 1-d difference in diameter. pected beginning of deviation is shared by many follicles of
The finding of a mean parallel diameter increase in the wave, and the potential is greatest for the largest
the 2 largest follicles when all follicles of the primary (highest ranking) follicle and decreases progressively ac-
wave were retained and normalized to deviation has cording to decreasing rank. Furthermore, the second largest
been substantiated in subsequent studies in mares of follicle retains its dominance capability in most waves for 1
various types and breeds [12,33,78]. In addition to the or 2 d after the expected beginning of deviation. The
planned studies of deviation, the study by hindsight of capability of SF to become a DF if ablation of DF is done 1 or
previously published graphs from the initial report of 2 d after deviation implies that the SF remains viable or
tracking the diameters of each of the 2 largest follicles in dormant for 1 or 2 d after being subjected to the deviation
mares (Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds) [28] indi- process. Based on switching in diameter rankings during
cated that deviation occurred when the future DF was the common -growth phase in about one-third of waves
about 22 to 28 mm in 7 of 11 graphs of individual pri- and the capacity of several follicles for dominance, it is
mary waves. In the remaining waves, only the DF was proposed that the deviation process represents the entire
shown, or the second largest follicle was too small for mechanism of follicle selection in mares as recently pro-
judging if it reflected inadequate development or a posed for heifers [3].
response to a deviation mechanism. The largest follicle Deviation is manifested by differential changes in
at the beginning of deviation in the primary wave usu- growth rate (diameter) of the future DF and SF. However,
ally becomes the ovulatory follicle [83]. For example, the the deviation process begins about a day before diameter
first follicle to reach 20 mm became the ovulatory fol- deviation based on (1) the beginning of structural changes
licle in 90% of 51 waves [8]. in the follicle wall and increased blood flow in the future DF
Although the mean diameter of the 2 largest follicles in 1 d before diameter deviation (Section 8), (2) circulatory
the initial deviation study [2] maintained the largest and concentrations of estradiol and LH (Sections 10 and 11) and
second largest positions, switching in diameter ranking intrafollicular concentrations of IGF1, estradiol, inhibin-A,
was reported to occur occasionally in individuals. The and VEGF begin to increase in the future DF during the
specific diameter interrelationships among follicles during day before diameter deviation (Sections 12–15), and (3)
the common growth phase and the capacity of individual higher thecal content of LH receptors apparently identifies
follicles for dominance have been described [45]. The 4 the presumptive future ovulatory vs nonovulatory follicle
largest follicles of an induced primary wave (Section 5) on day 14 or 1 or 2 d before expected estrus or before
were ranked (largest ¼ rank 1, and so forth) according to identification of the preovulatory follicle based on com-
day of emergence at 6.0 to 6.9 mm. Rankings were also parison of diameters [27].
made independently according to the diameter at the ex- The predeviation and deviation events occur during the
pected beginning of deviation (largest follicle first reached declining portion of the FSH surge (Section 9). Apparently,
greater than 20 mm; actual diameter, 22 mm). The follicles the future SF has not reached a similar stage of develop-
grew in parallel on average until the end of the common ment and has inadequate intrafollicular sensitizers for an
growth phase. However, the frequency of a follicle enhanced response to low FSH. This differential response
becoming the largest at deviation when its rank at emer- between the future DF and SF to the low levels of FSH is
gence was 1, 2, 3, or 4 was 61%, 25%, 9%, or 5%, respectively. considered to be the essence of follicle deviation in mares
That is, 39% of the first follicle that emerged at 6 mm did as reported for heifers [3]. The coupling between changes
not become the DF. When ranked at expected deviation and in FSH concentration and changes in follicle dimension may
studied retrospectively, the 2 largest follicles grew in par- be too close in time to allow the SF to develop the condi-
allel according to the means but did not maintain their tions needed for continued growth rate. Detectable
ranking or remain separated in diameter for 4 d before coupling involves only 2 or 3 h in heifers [3], but this has
deviation in 19 of 59 (33%) individual waves. That is, the not been determined in mares. An alternate but unlikely
future DF emerged first and maintained its advantage possibility is that the receptors of the developing DF
throughout the common growth phase in about two-thirds remove much of the available FSH so that inadequate
of the waves, regardless whether ranking was in reference amount of FSH remains for the SF.
to emergence or deviation. In the remaining one-third, the Another consideration that has been mostly neglected is
diameter ranking among follicles was not constant; first the choice of a characteristic to represent follicle dimen-
emergence did not establish that a follicle was destined to sion. Diameter is used traditionally and is easily compre-
become the DF. Intraovarian factors such as location of the hended. However, the follicles are approximately spherical,
CL may account for some of the switching in ranks as has and the layers of granulosa and theca cells are at the
been reported for cattle [3]. In this regard, a recent report in periphery of the follicle. That is, surface area is a better
mares indicated that the CL had a positive intraovarian representation of the functional portion of a follicle. Simi-
effect on preantral follicles [60]. larly, volume is a better representation of a solid gland (eg,
When 1, 2, or 3 of the largest follicles were ablated at the CL). For example, surface area of a follicle increases expo-
expected beginning of deviation, the largest remaining nentially or curvilinearly and is associated with a curvi-
follicle became the DF in 76% of primary waves [45]. In linear increase in circulating estradiol [84]. Two follicles of
many of the remaining waves, the SFs seemed undersized different diameters may grow in parallel when based on
and may have regressed from underdevelopment rather diameter. However, the curvilinear increase of the larger
than from the deviation process. These results supported follicle over time is increasingly greater than that for the
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 123

smaller follicle. That is, the larger follicle may gain a steroid-free equine follicular fluid [23,90]. That follicle
dimensional and functional advantage over the smaller growth can be stimulated and that ovulation and multiple
follicle as deviation approaches [84]. ovulations can be induced with gonadotropin treatments
(equine pituitary extract) in mares were first reported in
8. Changes in wall of the future DF before diameter 1974 [20] and has been confirmed [91]. The concomitant
deviation suppression of both FSH and follicle activity by a steroid-free
equine follicular fluid was also reported for both nonpreg-
The temporal relationships between echotextural and nant [92] and pregnant [90] mares. More recently, a GnRH
diameter changes in the 2 largest follicles in association antagonist that competitively inhibits GnRH action at
with deviation in the primary wave have been studied pituitary receptor sites [56] and an equine recombinant FSH
using thickness of granulosa, echogenicity of granulosa, [57] have been used for more detailed study on the positive
and prominence of an anechoic band beneath the gran- effect of FSH on follicles and the negative systemic effect of
ulosa [33]. An anechoic area indicates the relative absence factors from the follicles on FSH before, during, and after
or scarcity of reflecting tissue interfaces such as in areas deviation. A radioimmunoassay for circulating concentra-
with a high proportion of fluids as in the lumen of blood tions of FSH in mares was first reported in 1975 [21]; 2 surges
vessels and the antrum of follicles [85]. The first day of an of FSH during an IOI were described. The apparent surges
overall echotextural difference between the 2 largest folli- occurred in early and late diestrus corresponding to the days
cles (echotextural deviation) was about 1 d earlier than the when an antiserum against an equine pituitary extract was
beginning of diameter deviation. Increasing echotextural reported previously to suppress follicle development [18].
values for the anechoic layer were more attributable to Also, subsequent findings showed that a minor or secondary
differences in status between a future DF and SF, whereas wave occurred during early diestrus followed by beginning
the increasing values for granulosa (thickness and echo- of a primary wave during late diestrus (Section 5).
genicity) were more attributable to follicle growth inde- The temporal association between emergence of a
pendent of future status. That is, the extent of development major or minor follicular wave and an FSH surge in mares
of an anechoic band beneath the granulosa distinguishes was first reported in 1992 [31,32] and was subsequently
the future DF from the future SF before the beginning of confirmed [93]. A significant increase and decrease in FSH
diameter deviation. encompassed emergence of each wave and reached a peak
In a color Doppler study, the blood-flow area (cm2) when the follicles were 12 to 15 mm, similar to results in
within the follicle wall began to differentially increase in cattle for wave emergence when follicles were 4 or 5 mm
the future DF, compared to the future SF, in an equivalent of [94]. In mares as well as in cattle, the declining portion of
1 d (average of 3.0-mm difference in diameter) before the the FSH surge was accompanied by divergence in diameter
beginning of diameter deviation [47] similar to the increase between the future DF and SF [32]. In another study [95], a
in score for the anechoic layer [33]. These studies have significant increase in diameter of the 6 largest follicles to a
indicated that deviation in structural and vascular perfu- mean of 12 mm was followed by a significant decrease
sion of the 2 follicles precedes diameter deviation by 1 d. representing emergence of the primary wave. Emergence
That is, the deviation process begins a day before the was temporally associated with the greatest mean FSH
manifestation of diameter deviation during follicle selec- concentration of the estrous cycle. The divergence in these
tion in mares. The differential changes in echotexture and studies was taken as a manifestation of follicle selection.
vascularity of the follicle wall can be attributed to However, the deviation phenomenon was not yet
increasing exposure of the follicle wall and vasculature of described, and it was not known if the decline in FSH was a
the future DF to estrogens (Section 13) or VEGF (Section 15). component of the selection process. In this regard, FSH-rich
An increase in the difference between the 2 follicles in equine pituitary extracts can override divergence in mares
follicular-fluid estradiol concentrations begins about 1 d indicating that the decline in FSH plays a role in the se-
before the beginning of diameter deviation [34] or on about lection process [66,96,97].
the day of the echotextural and vascular changes [33,47]. The extension of the concept of deviation from heifers to
mares in 1997 [2] became an improved reference and
9. Relationships between an FSH surge and follicle normalization point for study of the temporal relationships
events between FSH and diameter dissociation between the 2
largest follicles. The FSH surge temporally associated with
Circulating FSH is required for the stimulation of follicles an induced primary wave begins to increase after the first
in mammals [86] including horses [87]. During the decade of examination when the future DF is about 6.0 mm, peaks 3 d
the 1970s, the technology and experimentation on circu- later when the future DF is about 13.0 mm, declines for 3 d
lating concentrations and roles of FSH and LH in follicle from the FSH peak to deviation when the follicle is
dynamics were extended to mares. Two decades later, the 22.5 mm, and continues to decline to minimal levels until a
acquired technology and knowledge were applied to few days after deviation (Section 9; Fig. 5). The FSH decline
unraveling the mechanism for the systemic component of occurs while progesterone is decreasing [2,12]. The tem-
the deviation process. The detrimental effects of reducing poral relationship between FSH and the follicles when
the concentrations of gonadotropins on equine follicles and normalized to deviation in mares has been confirmed [38].
CL were first shown in 1972 by treatments with an anti- Reducing circulating FSH by treatment with a GnRH
serum against an equine pituitary extract [18,88,89] and antagonist indicated that follicle growth before 11 mm was
more specifically in 1979 by reducing circulating FSH with a independent of FSH but was essential for maintaining
124 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

Circulatory hormones equine follicular fluid suppressed FSH in ovariectomized

14 mares [23]. Circulating concentration of immunoreactive
(36 mm)
(ir) inhibin in mares throughout the IOI was first reported
FSH in 1991 [30]. An inverse relationship in peripheral con-
centrations of FSH and ir-inhibin was found. Concentra-
Concentration FSH, ir-inhibin, LH (ng/mL); estradiol (pg/mL)

Largest tions of ir-inhibin [30,37,38] and apparently inhibin-A [98]

10 follicle begin to increase before the declining portion of the wave-
stimulating FSH surge. Concentration of circulating ir-
8 Estradiol inhibin increased when FSH was increasing, and follicles
(22 mm) were growing from 8 to 12 mm. This result was attributed
6 to reports that some forms of inhibin (a-subunits) that
would have been measured by the assay do not have FSH-
4 (12 mm) suppressing activity [99]. The ir-inhibin continues to in-
crease during the decline in the FSH surge apparently from
(7 mm)
2 forms that do suppress FSH (Fig. 5) [37,38].
A functional relationship between FSH and inhibin was
shown by the finding that an inhibin antiserum in mares
40 during diestrus increases the concentrations of FSH [29].
ir-Inhibin The role of follicular inhibin in the decline in FSH between
the peak of the surge (largest follicle, 13 mm) and diameter
35 deviation (largest follicle 22 or 23 mm) was shown by
ablation of follicles when they were 15 mm so that all fol-
30 licles, 3 largest, or only the largest were retained [37]. Re-
sults indicated that the secretion of inhibin and the decline
25 LH in FSH between the peak of the surge and follicle deviation
were a function of multiple follicles that are greater than
20 13 mm. One follicle was less effective than 3 in secreting
Diameter inhibin and suppressing FSH, and 3 follicles were as effective
deviation as all follicles. The continued FSH decline after the beginning
Emergence of deviation was a function of the developing DF. Ablation of
all follicles of 6 mm or greater on day 12.5 or before expected
deviation induced an immediate increase in FSH but not
–7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 when ablation was done on day 0.5 or 6.5 [100].
Days from diameter deviation In ovariectomized mares, each of estradiol and a steroid-
free fraction of follicular fluid suppress FSH concentrations,
Fig. 5. Mean  standard error of the mean concentrations of circulating but a combination of estradiol and the follicular-fluid
hormones and diameter of the largest follicle in 15 mares. Data are
fraction have a greater or synergistic effect on FSH sup-
normalized to expected beginning of diameter deviation (largest follicle,
22 mm). Concentration of FSH continued to decrease after the beginning of
pression than either alone [23,26]. In intact mares, an
the deviation, and estradiol began to increase before deviation. Inhibin estradiol increase was not detected during the first 2 d of
began to increase on the day before FSH began to decrease, and LH increased the FSH decline (Fig. 5) [35,38]. However, circulating
and formed a mean plateau encompassing deviation. The plateau represents estradiol [34,38] and estradiol in the follicular fluid of the
a decrease in LH on different days in individuals. The increase in LH occurs
largest follicle [34,39] increase between the day before and
during a decrease in progesterone and is depicted elsewhere [2]. Adapted
from [38]. the day of diameter deviation. These temporal relationships
between the FSH peak and deviation indicate that inhibin is
the sole FSH suppressor for the first 2 d of the decline in the
follicle viability including during the FSH decline [56]. The surge, and estradiol begins to contribute to the decline
suggestion that FSH was not needed early in the wave is during the third day or about 1 d before diameter deviation.
suspected in that the antagonist reduced FSH concentra- Both inhibin and estradiol continue to be secreted by the
tions only by 50%. The reduction was greater, however, than developing DF for a few days after deviation, and both
when steroid-free follicular fluid (inhibin) or estradiol was contribute to the continuing FSH decline [38].
used. On a temporal basis, there is an association between
an increase in number of 2- and 3-mm follicles and an in- 11. LH and the deviation mechanism
crease in FSH concentrations [95]. The diameter of follicles
in the primary wave at the time of the first increase in the Radioimmunoassay of circulating LH concentrations
associated FSH surge needs clarification. during the equine estrous cycle was reported in 1973 [19].
The ovulatory LH surge begins on about day 14 or 15
10. Regulation and role of the FSH surge (before diameter deviation) and reaches maximum the day
after ovulation. There was considerable delay in publication
A role for an FSH-suppressing form of inhibin of follicle of the initial report on the protracted LH surge in mares
origin in the decline in FSH was first suspected from the owing to reluctance of reviewers to accept that the LH
report that a steroid-free or proteinaceous fraction of surge in this species departed drastically from the rapid
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 125

preovulatory surge in other species [1]. The LH increase established DF as indicated by ablation of follicles
before deviation has been well documented by studies that throughout the ascending portion of the surge including
used the beginning of deviation as the reference point before deviation [51]. The paradox of both a negative and
[2,38]. On average, LH reaches a plateau before deviation positive effect of the increasing estradiol on the increasing
that extends for a few days after deviation and then in- LH including during deviation is attributable to a damp-
creases rapidly until the day after ovulation (Fig. 5) [1,38]. ening (ie, negative effect) on the positive seasonal effect
However, in most individuals (eg, 80%), the LH that en- from increased photoperiod [1,22]. Thereby, LH is reduced
compasses deviation is transient as represented by an in- to a level that is compatible with a positive effect on the
crease before deviation and a decrease after deviation follicles. A similar balance and counterbalance between
followed by the major portion of the ovulatory LH surge ovarian control and photoperiod control also is involved in
[38]. The mean LH plateau is misleading and results from regulating an effective concentration of FSH [22,44].
the postdeviation decrease occurring on different days in
individuals. 12. The IGF system
The presence of LH receptors in the future DF and SF in
association with deviation has not been specifically studied The IGF system has received considerable attention as
in mares. The LH receptor protein content in granulosa cells an initiator of deviation. The ability of IGF1 to increase the
is greater for follicles that are 15 to 19 mm than that for responsiveness of follicle cells to FSH has been shown by
smaller follicles [101]. An earlier report indicated that the tissue-culture studies in nonequine species [102,103]. The
thecal content of LH receptors identified the presumptive complexities of the IGF system including forms of IGF and
ovulatory follicle on day 14 [27]. Day 14 was 1 or 2 d before IGF-binding proteins have been reviewed [104,105]. Several
expected estrus or before the future ovulatory follicle was types of IGF1-binding proteins are produced by equine
identifiable by greater diameter. Specific study on the dif- granulosa cells in tissue culture when stimulated by FSH
ferential presence of LH receptors between the future DF [40]. Concentrations of IGF binding protein-2 in mares
and SF in association with deviation is needed. begin to increase at the beginning of deviation in the future
The role of LH in the deviation mechanism has been SF but not in the future DF [39]. Other studies have shown
studied by reducing LH concentration with various doses of that several types of IGF-binding proteins are higher in
progesterone [36]. A dose that decreased LH 2 d before concentration in SF than in DF [41,106].
deviation in controls did not delay the onset of diameter The functional relationships between IGF1 and binding
deviation based on no difference from the controls in proteins during the deviation process are mediated by
diameter of the largest follicle or in day of deviation. specific proteases found in follicular fluid. The proteases
However, maximum diameter of the DF was reduced degrade the binding proteins and thus increase the
beginning 1 d after deviation. Follicles grew at the same bioavailability of free IGF1 in a specific follicle. Based on
rate as in controls until the day of deviation. These results studies in other species, the protease action for releasing
indicated that the LH increase that encompasses deviation free IGF1 from its binding protein may occur at least partly
was not needed for the deviation process in this species but in the follicular fluid, and the free IGF1 interacts with re-
was needed for full growth of the DF after deviation. A ceptor sites at the cell membranes (review [107]). Proteo-
project with shortening of the luteal phase with prosta- lytic activity for several binding proteins has been reported
glandin F2a or lengthening the phase with exogenous in the DF during the follicular phase in mares [41,106].
progesterone led to the same conclusion [38]. In a more Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) is a pro-
recent study, manipulation of LH and FSH concentrations tease involved in proteolysis in follicular fluid by the release
with a GnRH antagonist and replacement with an equine of IGF1 from its binding protein [108,109]. In mares, PAPP-A
recombinant LH or equine recombinant FSH indicated that was injected into the future SF at the beginning of devia-
FSH but not LH was needed for growth of the DF until 48 h tion, and follicular fluid was sampled (200 mL) the next day
after the beginning of deviation [57]. However, an experi- [50]. The PAPP-A increased the concentration of IGF1, and
ment with exogenous progesterone indicated that the LH the effects on other intrafollicular factors were attributed to
elevation played a role in the production of estradiol and the release of the free IGF1. The induction of proteolytic
inhibin [38]. That is, the only role of LH in the deviation activity in the IGF system is the earliest reported identifi-
process that has been demonstrated in mares is the pro- able intrafollicular event in selection of a DF in horses.
duction of estradiol and inhibin, which in turn are needed Concentration of IGF1 in the intrafollicular fluid of the
for the predeviation and continuing postdeviation sup- future DF increases before the beginning of diameter de-
pression in FSH (Section 10). However, this role of LH may viation (Fig. 6) [39]. Diameter deviation began when the
not be essential; experimental depression of LH did not largest follicle was in a range of 20.0 to 23.9 mm. A differ-
delay deviation [36]. The systemic component of the devi- ential IGF1 increase began earlier at 16.0 to 19.9 mm or
ation process is represented in the developing DF by sup- before diameter deviation. After ablation of the future DF at
pression of circulating FSH from stimulation of inhibin by expected deviation, IGF1 began to increase in SF 12 h before
LH and IGF1 (Section 12) and stimulation of estradiol by LH. diameter deviation between SF and the next largest SF
Estradiol has a negative effect on LH [43] throughout the (Fig. 7) [42]. On a temporal basis, these 2 studies have
ascending portion of the ovulatory LH surge including on indicated that a role of the IGF system in mares is the
the day of the beginning of expected deviation (Fig. 5) initiation or activation of the deviation process.
based on treatments with physiologic doses of estradiol The roles of intrafollicular IGF1 have been shown on a
[52]. The endogenous estradiol is from the future and functional basis. Intrafollicular treatment of SF with a
126 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

Intrafollicular factors Experimental deviation

4000 Estradiol Follicles

Diameter (mm)
3000 25 New DF
dominant Ablated DF
2000 follicle
SF1 New SF1
1000 SF2
0 15

Free IGF1 15 Free IGF-1

Follicular-fluid concentration (ng/mL)

0 0

Follicular-fluid concentration (ng/mL)

200 Inhibin-A
150 1500

200 200

100 150
Diameter deviation

12.0-15.9 16.0-19.9 20.0-23.9 24.0-27.9 100

Diameter (mm) range for largest follicle Induced
50 deviation
Fig. 6. Mean  standard error of the mean concentrations of follicular-fluid
factors from the beginning of diameter deviation, which occurred in the 0 12 24 48 60
20.0- to 23.9-mm range of the future dominant follicle. Differential changes Hours after ablation of DF at the
between follicles in concentrations of estradiol, IGF1, inhibin-A, and activin-
A began to change significantly in 1 diameter range before the beginning of
expected beginning of deviation
diameter deviation. Adapted from [39].
Fig. 7. Mean  standard error of the mean follicle diameters and follicular-
fluid concentrations of free IGF1, estradiol, and inhibin-A during experi-
mental deviation in 48 mares. The dominant follicle (DF) was ablated at
pharmacologic dose of IGF1 stimulated SF to become a DF expected diameter deviation (hour 0). The largest subordinate follicle (SF1)
and to ovulate in 24 of 31 (77%) mares compared to 24% converted to a new DF with a new diameter deviation at hour 24. Concen-
saline-injected controls combined for 2 reports [48,83]. The tration of IGF1 began to deviate before diameter deviation (hour 12), whereas
estradiol and inhibin-A began to deviate after diameter deviation (hour 48).
injection of IGF1 into 8 of 12 SFs when they reached 20 mm
The arrows indicate the beginning of significance between SF1 and SF2 in the
stimulated dominance in the follicle even when 20 mm was differences in values between sequential examinations. Adapted from [42].
reached 1 to 3 d after the beginning of deviation [83]. This
result is consistent with the maintenance of dominant ca-
pacity by SF for a few days after the beginning of deviation immediate exogenous concentration in the treated future
(Section 7). The long-term effects of a single pharmacologic SF that was similar to the endogenous concentration in the
dose did not occur with a single physiologic dose and is future DF at the beginning of deviation [48]. At the first
attributable to prolonged presence vs transitory presence sampling 24 h after injection of a physiologic dose into the
of IGF1 for the high vs low doses. A physiologic dose of IGF1 future SF, there was an increase in inhibin-A, activin-A, and
was predetermined by an amount that resulted in an VEGF but not an increase in estradiol. In addition, an
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 127

increase in IGF-binding protein and androstenedione was indicate that estradiol is not involved as an FSH sensitizer in
prevented. These results demonstrated that endogenous the intrafollicular component in mares.
IGF1 is involved in the regulation of the production of Although estradiol has a systemic role by contributing to
inhibin-A and activin-A but not estradiol in the future DF. In suppression of FSH but not a local direct role in the devi-
contrast to the noneffect of IGF1 on estradiol in mares, ation process in mares, it likely has a local role in growth of
intrafollicular [70] or intrastromal [104] treatment with follicles. That is, the apparent growth effect is similar be-
IGF1 in cattle immediately increases the concentration of tween a future DF and SF of similar diameter independent
estradiol in follicular fluid. of a difference in the day that each follicle attains a given
The role of the IGF system in follicle selection has also diameter. A growth function in mares is consistent with the
been studied in mares by injecting an IGF-binding protein reported increase in granulosa cell content of aromatase
into the largest follicle at the expected beginning of [111]. However, the nature of the effect of estradiol on the
deviation and sampling follicular fluid 24 h later [49]. cells of the follicle wall must be assumed on a comparative
In many of the waves, injection of the binding protein into basis from studies in nonequine species. In other farm and
the DF stopped the follicle from growing followed by laboratory species, estradiol promotes development of
regression, and the second largest follicle became the DF. preantral follicles and stimulates steroidogenesis in gran-
In addition, injection of an IGF-binding protein into the ulosa and theca cells in vitro [112]. In pigs and sheep,
future DF decreased the follicular-fluid concentrations of estradiol promotes the synthesis of IGF1 [104]. In rats,
free IGF1, estradiol, inhibin-A, and activin-A and increased estradiol has the capacity in vitro to augment its own
androstenedione concentrations at the first sampling synthesis by upregulating the thecal androgens [113].
in 24 h. Androgens and progestins are substrates for estradiol
The large follicles of mares have favored extensive synthesis. Androgens are produced in the thecal layer and
studies of the IGF system by intrafollicular treatment with then aromatized in the granulosa layer in mares, as in
IGF, PAPP-A, or an IGF-binding protein followed by later other species [114]. The synthesis of androgen in the mare,
sampling of the treated follicles (Section 4). As a result, the but not in cattle, involves progesterone as an intermediary
role of the IGF system in follicle deviation has been more steroid. The absence of an estradiol increase in the future
thoroughly studied in mares by challenge experimentation SF as deviation approaches is consistent with reduced
than that in any other species. It is concluded that the IGF1 utilization of the androgen substrate as indicated by the
system plays an initiating and essential intrafollicular role increasing androstenedione concentrations in SFs [39].
in selection and development of a DF in mares [6,49]. Progesterone concentration increases in the DF at the
beginning of deviation [39] although deviation usually
13. Role of estradiol occurs during luteolysis [2,38]. The comparative (horses
vs cattle) relationships of androgens and progesterone
Estradiol in mares begins to increase in the plasma to the beginning of deviation and the high androgen
(Fig. 5) [34] and in the antral fluid of the future DF (Fig. 6) concentration in the SF in horses may be a productive
[39] at the beginning of the deviation process when the research area.
future DF reaches about 20 mm or about 1 d before the
beginning of diameter deviation. This is about the time of a 14. Roles of inhibin-A and activin-A
negative systemic effect of estradiol on FSH concentration
(Section 10). The estradiol increase in mares is primarily a Inhibin-A and activin-A as well as free IGF1 and estra-
function of the aromatase system from a positive effect on diol begin to increase in the future DF but not in the future
the transient increase in LH that encompasses deviation SF before the beginning of deviation (Fig. 6) [39]. Intra-
(Section 11). In heifers, intrafollicular estradiol is involved follicular injection of a pharmacologic or physiologic dose
in the deviation process as an FSH sensitizer; systemic of IGF1 stimulates an increase in inhibin-A and activin-A at
treatment of heifers with an antiserum against estradiol the first post-treatment examination at 24 h [48]. More-
delays the beginning of deviation despite an increase in over, an intrafollicular injection of PAPP-A into the future SF
FSH [110]. A similar study has not been done in mares. at the beginning of deviation simultaneously increases the
An injection of a pharmacologic [70] or physiologic [50] concentrations of free IGF1, inhibin-A, and follistatin [50].
dose of IGF1 into SF at the beginning of expected deviation Inhibin-A and activin-A concentrations decrease in the
did not increase the concentration of estradiol during 24 h follicle that was expected to be the DF 24 h after an injec-
post-treatment. The lack of an intrafollicular role for tion of an IGF-binding protein [49]. With the physiologic
estradiol in deviation in mares is also consistent with the dose of IGF1, concentrations of free IGF1, inhibin-A, and
results of experimental conversion of SF to a DF (Fig. 7) [42]. activin-A in the SF 24 h after treatment were similar to the
After ablation of the future DF at expected deviation, the concentrations of these factors in the future DF at the time
experimental diameter deviation during conversion of SF to of treatment of SF. These results indicate that the concen-
a new DF began in 24 h but estradiol in the converted DF trations of these factors in the future DF at expected devi-
did not begin to increase until 48 h. That is, the induced ation are functions of endogenous IGF1 beginning before
deviation in diameter began well before deviation in diameter deviation. The increase in inhibin-A as well as
follicular-fluid concentration of estradiol. Despite the role estradiol before spontaneous deviation is also a conse-
of estradiol in the systemic component of the deviation quence of the transient increase in LH and is consistent
process in mares and in both the systemic and intra- with the apparent development of LH receptors before
follicular components in heifers [3], available reports deviation (Section 11).
128 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

When the future DF is ablated at the expected beginning Double deviation

of diameter deviation the following changes occur during Follicles
conversion of the SF into a new DF: (1) free IGF1 in the SF
begins to increase in 12 h (Section 12), (2) the experimental 1 deviation
or induced diameter deviation begins in 24 h, and (3) 1 dominant follicle
inhibin-A and estradiol begin to increase in 24 h and 48 h, 30 (n = 21)
respectively, after the induced deviation (Fig. 7) [42]. The F1
concentrations of circulating FSH were not different be-
tween the expected beginning of spontaneous deviation 25
and the beginning of experimental deviation. These results * F2
indicated that deviation in intrafollicular concentrations of

Diameter (mm)
inhibin-A and activin-A as well as estradiol did not occur 20
before the experimental deviation and therefore appar-
ently were not part of the intrafollicular component of the
deviation process. As a caveat, some reservation is war-
ranted in comparison of the mechanisms of experimental
vs spontaneous deviation. It is concluded that intra-
2 deviations
follicular inhibin-A and activin-A increase from IGF1 2 dominant follicles
stimulation but apparently (more study needed) do not
have intrafollicular roles in the initiation of deviation. An
30 (n = 5) F1
earlier review [4] interpreted on a temporal basis that 25 F2
estradiol, inhibin-A, and activin-A contribute to deviation
by sensitizing the follicle cells to increase their respon-
* F3
siveness to FSH. However, a more recent review [6] and the 20
present review have concluded that IGF1 is the only one of
the 4 intrafollicular factors that have been shown to play a 15
direct role in the deviation process in mares apparently by
18 FSH
increasing the sensitivity of the follicle cells to FSH during
the low FSH. 16
Concentration (ng/mL)

The likelihood that inhibin-A and activin-A are used for

follicle growth in mares is based on the results of experi- 14
ments in other species [113,115]. The potential for local
* 1 dominant
regulatory functions of inhibins, activins, and follistatin in 2 dominant follicle
the ovary have been reviewed for various species [116], but 10 follicles
specific studies apparently are not available for mares.
Intrafollicular inhibin enhances LH-induced androgen 8
production in the thecal cells of cattle [113]. In vitro studies
in rats and cattle have indicated that activin-A induces the
proliferation and expression of FSH receptors, increases 4
granulosa cell steroidogenesis and proliferation, and in-
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
creases aromatase activity and estradiol production (re-
view [116]). Follistatin is also present in follicular fluid of Days from beginning of first observed deviation
mares [50]. In cattle, follistatin apparently acts as a binding
Fig. 8. Mean  standard error of the mean diameters of F1 (largest follicle),
protein for activin [113], but a follistatin role in mares F2, and F3 for ovulatory waves with 1 deviation and 1 dominant follicle
apparently has not been studied. (upper panel), 2 deviations and 2 dominant follicles (middle panel), and
Excised ovaries of mares have been used to identify associated concentrations of FSH (lower panel). The asterisk indicates the
genes coexpressed with anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in day of the first greater difference (P < 0.05) between means. For the follicles,
an asterisk indicates a greater difference between means than for the day
granulosa cells of growing follicles (largest follicle, 15– before, whereas for FSH, the difference is greater than for 2 d before.
20 mm) before expected follicle deviation [59]. The Adapted from [55].
expression of AMH and genes coexpressed with AMH in the
cells and concentrations of AMH in the follicular fluid
decreased in the growing follicles during predeviation. 15. Role of VEGF
Intrafollicular estradiol increased concomitantly. These
changes did not occur in an established DF of 35 mm. The The intraovarian factor VEGF is angiogenic and is higher
reported pattern of circulating FSH during follicle emer- in the DF than that in the SF 1 d after the beginning of
gence and deviation (Section 9) is similar to the observed deviation in mares [48], but earlier temporal relationships
expression of AMH and FSH receptors in the granulosa cells. apparently have not been reported. In mares, VEGF in-
This temporal association tentatively indicates that FSH has creases in the future SF when first examined 24 h after
a stimulatory effect on the expression of AMH accounting injection of IGF1 at the beginning of expected deviation
for the decrease in AMH when FSH decreases. A role for a [48]. When an IGF-binding protein is injected into the
decrease in AMH in follicle deviation has not been shown. future DF, concentration of VEGF decreases [49]. The
O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133 129

Follicle selection in mares

Positive effect Gonadotropins
Negative effect Follicle diameter Systemic component
Intrafollicular component of selection (via vascular system)

up pres
FS wth
mm H
31 Ih Ih Ih Ih Activin-A
E2 E2 Estradiol

25 IGF



22 Ih
E2 IGFBP Proteolysed




e SF



r ow Beginning of
10 on- deviation process
Co Beginning of Intrafollicular component
7 diameter deviation (IGF1 sensitizes cells to FSH)

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 E2 Estradiol
Days from diameter deviation IGF1 Insulin-like growth factor 1
IGFBP IGF binding protein
Ih Inhibin
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 R Receptor for FSH, LH
Days from ovulation VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor

Fig. 9. The postulated interactions of the systemic and intrafollicular components of the deviation mechanism between the dominant follicle (DF) and largest
subordinate follicle (SF) in mares. The depicted follicular events occur primarily in the cells of the theca and granulosa of the future DF during the deviation
process that begins during the day before diameter deviation; however, protease activity to free IGF1 from its binding protein may occur at least partly within the
follicular fluid. The solid and broken arrows represent positive and negative effects, respectively, as demonstrated in mares. The dotted arrows are positive effects
on follicle growth based on studies in other species. The follicle wall is shown as a whole without regard to cellular layers. Inhibin-A and estradiol are systemic
suppressors of FSH and account for the low FSH during the deviation process. The IGF system is shown as the initiator of deviation, wherein IGF1 is freed from its
binding protein by a protease and increases the responsiveness of the future DF to the declining portion of the wave-stimulating FSH surge. Activin-A, inhibin-A,
and estradiol have roles in follicle growth (dotted arrows) based on studies in other species. That is, deviation is associated with an increase in free IGF1 in DF and
an increase in bound IGF1 (IGFBP) in SF. A more detailed description of the depicted mechanisms is given in the conclusions (Section 17), and even more detailed
literature sources are given in Sections 10–15.

intrafollicular injection of VEGF into the future SF at the relationship among increased blood flow, IGF1, and VEGF
beginning of deviation increases the concentrations of free beginning about a day before diameter deviation and the
IGF1 and decreases the concentrations of androstenedione apparent functional relationship between IGF1 and VEGF
but does not affect the concentrations of other factors [48]. are noteworthy, but needs more study.
The positive effect of VEGF on IGF1 may be secondary to an The angiogenesis, vascular permeability, and stimula-
increase in blood flow of the follicle wall but this has not tory effects on endothelial cells are functions of VEGF based
been shown (Section 8). The concomitant temporal on extensive studies in other species (reviews [117,118]). In
130 O.J. Ginther / Domestic Animal Endocrinology 59 (2017) 116–133

addition, IGF1 stimulates VEGF production in cultures of negative effect on LH thereby dampening the positive effect
granulosa cells of other species [118,119]. In mares, an of photoperiod on LH. The critical intrafollicular initiator of
expansion of an anechoic band and an increase in blood the deviation process in mares is IGF1, which is released from
flow occur within the wall of the future DF beginning a day a binding protein by a protease at the beginning of the
before deviation (Section 8). Although information on VEGF deviation process during the day before the beginning of
concentration at this time apparently is not available in diameter deviation. The protease action in releasing free
mares, VEGF is a likely candidate for a role in developing IGF1 from it binding protein apparently may occur at least
follicle vascularity differentially in the future DF before the partly in the follicular fluid, and the free IGF1 attaches to its
beginning of diameter deviation (Section 8). A continued receptors at the cell membranes. The IGF1 apparently
increase in vascularity of the future DF is a likely advantage increases the responsiveness of the future DF to the positive
for the developing DF in receiving a preferential supply of cellular effects of FSH during the decline in the FSH surge.
growth factors, gonadotropins, steroid precursors, and The IGF1 remains bound to its protein in the future SFs; and
nutrients during the deviation process. therefore, the subordinates are not able to use the low FSH.
The IGF1 in the future DF also stimulates the production of
16. Double deviation VEGF, which apparently increases the vascular perfusion of
the future DF during the deviation process. There has been
Two deviations at separate times during the ovulatory no indication that estradiol, inhibin-A, and activin-A are a
wave result in 2 DF (greater than 28 mm). Double deviation direct part of the intrafollicular component of the deviation
has been well described in cattle (review [3]) but is the mechanism in mares but based on studies in other species
subject of apparently only 1 report in mares [55]. In the have specific functions in the cells of the follicle wall related
study in mares, 1 DF developed in 21 of 32 waves (66%) and to growth of follicles. It is proposed that the deviation
2 DF in 11 waves (34%); 8 of 11 waves with 2 DF had 2 process represents the entire mechanism of follicle selection
distinctly separate deviations (Fig. 8). The incidences of 2 in mares for the following reasons: (1) although the future
deviations (deviation 1 and deviation 2) were 8 of 32 (25%), DF emerges before the future SF on average, the 2 largest
but the incidence of double ovulation was only 3%. Follicles follicles often (eg, 33% incidence) change ranks during a
at deviation 1 were defined as F1 (largest future DF), F2 common growth phase that precedes diameter deviation
(second largest future DF), and F3 (largest future subordi- and (2) the capacity for dominance is shared by several
nate). Deviation 1 was represented by a combination of F1 follicles, and the future subordinates must be selected
and F2 vs F3 and deviation 2 by F1 vs F2 (Fig. 8). The mean against by the deviation mechanism.
interval between deviations 1 and 2 was 2.5 d. The only
detected differences were that waves with 2 deviations vs 1 Acknowledgments
deviation had greater diameter of F1, tendency for a greater
diameter of F2, and lesser FSH concentration during both Preparation of this review was sponsored by the
deviations. The continued growth of F2 until deviation 2 Eutheria Foundation, Cross Plains, WI, USA. The author
suggests partial production of the sensitizer for FSH thanks Maria Hoffman for word processing and figure
responsiveness in F2 at deviation 1 in association with preparation and Estela Araujo and Sri Vidya Dangudu-
incomplete development of F2 at the time of deviation of biyyam for word processing.
F1. However, the concentrations of follicular fluid factors
especially IGF1 have not been compared between waves
with 1 vs 2 deviations.
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