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Progress In NeurobIOlogy Vol 49, pp 363 to 380, 1996

Copynght ~, 1996 ElsevIer SCIence Ltd All nghts reserved

Pnnted m Great Bntam

PH: S0301-0082(96)00020-2




• Department of Biomedical SCIences. SeclIon oj PhysIOlogy, Universay of Modena, Modena. Italy and
tInterun/rersity Center for the Study of Aging, Milan, Italy

(Recel1'ed 18 March 1996)

Abstract~Dunng the past two decades, several revtsions of the concepts underlying mterneuronal
communication in the central nervous system (CNS) have been advanced. Our group has proposed to
classify intercellular commumcatlOn m the CNS under two general frames: 'wiring' (WT) and 'volume'
transmissIOn (VT). WT is charactenzed by a smgle 'transmission channel' made by cellular (neuronal or
ghal) structures and with a regIOn of dlscontmuity not larger than a synaptic cleft. VT IS characterized
by the diffusIOn from a cell source (neuronal or glial) of chemical and electrical signals in the extracellular
fluid (ECF) for a distance larger than the synaptic cleft. Based on morphological and functional
characteristics, and in light of the distinction proposed, six mam modes of intercellular commumcatlOn
can be recogmzed m the CNS' gap-junction. membrane Juxtaposition, and closed synapse (which represent
WT-type modes of communication); open synapse, paracrine transmission and endocnne-like
transmissIOn (which represent VT-type modes of communication). Closed and open synapses are
distinguished on the basIs of the sealing of the signal Within or the leakage of the signal outside the synapse.
Intra-synaptic restrictIOn or extra-synaptic diffusion of transmitters are insured by a number of anatomical
arrangements (e.g. glial ensheathment of synapse, size of the synaptic cleft) and functional mechanisms
(e.g. denSity and locatIOn of transmitter re-uptake sites and metabolic enzymes). Some central synapses
can switch from closed to open state and vice versa, e.g. by changing the amount of transmitter released.
Fmally. a synapse contammg several transmitters can work as an open synapse for one transmitter and
as a closed synapse for another. Copynght (, 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.

I. IntroductIOn 364
2. The concept of wmng and volume transmiSSion 364
3. Closed and open synapses 365
3.1. The neuromuscular synapse 366
3.2 The sympathetic synapse 367
3.3. The hippocampal glutamaterglC synapse 367
3.4. The mesohmblc dopammerglc synapse 368
3.5. The peptidergic synapse 368
3.6. Types of synapses 368
4. Some baSIC differential features of WT and VT 370
4.1. WT and VT commumcatlOn channels 370
4.2. Monochemlcal vs plunchemlcal transmiSSIOn m WT and VT 371
4.3. WT and VT circuits 371
5. Basic elements composing VT-type intercellular commumcation 372
5.1. Types of cells acting as a source for VT signals 372
5 1.1. Release from neurons 372
5.1.2. Release from astrocytes 372
5.2. Features of the VT signals 373
5.2.1. Some general features of the VT signals 373
5.2.2. Types of VT signals 373
5.3 Characteristics of the commumcatlOn channels for VT 374
5.4. Targets of VT signals 374
6. VT and WT at work: some examples 375
6.1. Dynorphm m the hippocampus 375
6.2. Retrograde messengers and hippocampal LTP 375
6.3. Neuropeptides in the spinal cord 376
Acknowledgements 376
References 376

t Corresponding author: Dlpartimento dl Scienze Biomediche, Sezione di Fisiologia, Universita di Modena, via Campi
287, 41100 Modena, Italy.

364 M. Zoli and L. F Agnatl

ACh acetylcholIne LTP long-term potentiation
AChE acetylcholIne esterase mGluR metabotroplc glutamate receptor
AMPA rx-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-Isoxazole-4- NA noradrenalIne
propionate NAAG N-acetylaspartylglutamate
CGRP calcltonm-gene-related peptIde NAALADase N-acetyl-rx-lInked acidic dIpeptidase
CNS central nervous system NMDA N -methyl-D-aspartate
DA dopamme NO nitric oxide
ECF extracellular fluid NOS nitnc OXide synthase
EM electron mIcroscopy SP substance P
GABA y-aminobutinc acid SV small vesicle
glr Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate receptor VT volume transmission
LDCV large dense-cored vesicle WT wiring transmissIOn

1. INTRODUCTION intercellular communication stress the differences in

the points of view of these authors. In fact, the
The classical view of computation and communi- alternative mode of communication is usually
cation in the central nervous system (CNS) has been indicated by the terms 'non-synaptic' or 'para-synap-
outlined in the neuron doctrine (Shepherd, 1991). tic' transmission. These terms imply a conceptual
According to this doctrine, neuronal computation restriction of these proposals to interneuronal
takes place in the axon hillock where electrical signals communication, as synaptic transmission is a defining
coming from a number of sites, the synapses on the characteristic of neurons (Shepherd, 1994). As
dendritic arborization and cell body, are integrated. discussed in the following, much evidence indicates
The synapses are structures specialized for communi- that neuron-glia and glia-glia communication is also
cation consisting of the transmitting axon terminal of relevant for information handling in the CNS (Fuxe
the source neuron and the receptive postsynaptic and Agnati, 1991a; Raisman, 1991). Furthermore, the
density of the target neuron. focus on synaptic transmission overshadows the fact
This classical scheme has evolved greatly from both that interneuronal communication also occurs via
the point of view of computation and of communi- gap-junctions and membrane juxtapositions (Shep-
cation. Neuronal computation is clearly much more herd, 1994). Finally, we think that a positive term
complicated than was proposed in the neuron should be employed rather than a negative term (such
doctrine. It is now largely accepted that the neuron as non-synaptic transmission), as the latter term, on
is endowed with multiple input-output sites for the one hand does not give any hint as to what the
electrical and chemical signals, present in dendrites, alternative modes of communication might be, and
cell body and axon. Furthermore, the neuronal on the other hand, implies that any difference
membrane has several excitable sites for local between other modes of transmission is negligible
integration of electrical signals (Shepherd, 1994). when compared to the difference between all of them,
The concept of intercellular communication in the and synaptic transmission.
CNS has also evolved in recent years. Several authors On the basis of these and other considerations
have proposed that other communication modes in dIscussed below, ten years ago we suggested the terms
addition to synaptic transmission occur in the CNS wiring transmissIOn (WT) and volume transmission
(Bach y Rita, 1993; Bach y Rita, 1994; Beaudet and (VT) as the primary conceptual categories of a
Descarries, 1976; Cuello, 1982; Guillemin, 1978 systematization of intercellular communication in the
Herkenham, 1987; Nicholson, 1979; Schmitt, 1984; CNS (Agnati et al., 1985; Agnati et al., 1986b; Agnati
Vizi, 1984; Vizi and Labos, 1991; see also Golgi, 1898 et al., 1992; Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a). The term WT
for a hypothesis about interneuronal communication has been derived from the meaning of the word 'wire',
based on diffusion of electrical signals III the which also indicates "the telegram system, i.e. to send
extracellular fluid, ECF). Ten years ago, our group a message by wire" (see Webster's New Collegiate
suggested a dual classification of intercellular Dictionary, 1961). The wire is, in our opinion. a good
communication in the brain (Agnati et al., 1985; analogy for cellular circuits based on classical
Agnati et al., 1986b; Agnati et al., 1990; Agnati et al., synaptic transmission, as well as on other types of fast
1995). The present paper reports the latest conceptual intercellular communication (gap-junctions, mem-
developments in our original proposal in the context brane juxtapositions), in which information flows in
of recent anatomical, neurochemical and physiologi- constrained channels, corresponding to cell struc-
cal data. tures.
The term VT has been, inter alia, derived from the
name of a theory that describes the capability of the
2. THE CONCEPT OF WIRING AND brain ECF to conduct signals, namely the 'volume
VOLUME TRANSMISSION conduction theory' (see, e.g. Martin. 1985). This
theory describes the flow of ionic currents generated
As stated above, several authors have suggested by nerve cells through ECF under various conditions
that the classical view of communication processes in of cellular activity.
the CNS should be enlarged. The different names In order to begin to clarify these concepts, we may
chosen to define the alternative methods of consider three main features of intercellular trans-
WIrIng and Volume TransmissIOn in the Central Nervous System 365

missIOn, namely the source/target ratio, the distance to this definition, chemical synaptic, gap-junction and
between source and target and the source/target membrane juxtaposltion- mediated transmission are
delay, i.e. the time necessary for a signal released part of WT (see Table 1)
from a given source to reach its target. We mean by 2. Volume Transmission (VT) is the intercellular
source/target ratio the relationship between the commUllicatlOn characterized by the diffusion of
number of source structures and the number of target chemical and electrical signals (in this latter case we
structures in the transmission. It must be noted that have 'volume conduction'; see above) in a three-di-
this does not refer to the source celHarget cell link mensional fashion in the ECF. Thus, the 'trans-
but rather to the link between the subcellular miSSIOn channels' are multiple (source/target ratio
structure that releases the signal and that which < 1) and, usually, not well-characterized (Agnati
recognizes the signal, i.e. in the case of synaptic et al., 1985; Agnati et al., 1992; Fuxe and Agnati,
transmiSSion, the presynaptic termmal--postsynaptic 1991 b). Volume transmission IS a relatively slow and
density link. unsafe mode for intercellular communication, but it
On morphological and functIOnal grounds, five allows Wider diffUSIOn of the signals and, in some
main modes of intercellular communicatIOn have cases, long-lasting modification in the function of
been recognized in nervous tissue: gap-junction large populations of target cells. However, it should
(Baker and Llinas, 1971; Dermietzel and Spray, 1993: be underlined that relatively fast VT may also occur.
Jefferys, 1995; Nedergard, 1994; Walker and Held, In fact, preferential pathways for convective trans-
1969: Wilkin et al., 1990); membrane juxtaposition or port of substances in the CNS have been demon-
ephapses (Jefferys, 1995; Shepherd, 1994); synapse strated (endocrine-type VT, Table 1 and Section 5.3).
(Jessel et al., 1993; Shepherd, 1991): paracrine
transmission (Fuxe and Agnatl, 1991 a; Guillemin, Thus, the discriminatIOn point between WT and
VT can be placed between modes 3 and 4 of Table 1.
1978): and endocrine-like transmissIOn (Agnati et al.,
It must be noted that the definitions ofWT and VT
1992: Bjelke et al., 1995; Cserr and Ostrach, 1974:
focus on the modality of transmission and are neutral
Routtenberg et al., 1968; Ungerstedt et al., 1969).
with respect to source and target of the transmission,
Endocrine-like transmission is represented by the
as well as the type of informational substance
convective transport of a slgnalm a flUid such as the
transmitted. Several examples of types of cells and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, see below). In addition, we
signals involved in VT are given below and in Agnatl
propose to distinguish closed from open synapses, on
et al. (1995).
the basis of the sealing within or leakage outside the
In the next Section we Will deal With the critical
synapse of the signal (see below for extensive
discussion). difference between closed and open synapses. ThiS
diSCUSSIOn Will also help us in clarifying the criteria
On the basIs of the critena listed m Table 1 it is
used to define VT and WT.
possible to provide the following definitIOns

1. Wiring Transmission (WT) IS the intercellular 3. CLOSED AND OPEN SYNAPSES

communication characterized by a single (source/
target ratio = I) 'transmissIOn channel' made by For the purposes of our discussion, chemical
cellular (neuronal or glial) structures and with a synapses can be diVided mto those assuring a
region of discontinuity not larger than a synaptic cleft source/target ratIO of 1: 1 and those assuring a
(Agnati et al., 1985: Agnatl et al., 1992: Fuxe and source/target ratio of I:n with n > I.
Agnati. 1991b). Thus, WT is typified by the presence In order to ensure a reliable I: I link, anatomical
of physically Identifiable communication channels arrangements and/or functional mechanisms limit
constituting the neuronal and/or glial cell network extra-synaptic transmitter diffUSion. The most obvi-
wiring (Agnati et ai, 1992: Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a). ous anatomical arrangement is the contiguity
This morphofunctlOnal arrangement leads to a between the source and the target structure. An
relatively stable connection between the cellular mcrease in the size of the synaptic cleft favours
elements of the network, and it is suitable for the extra-synaptic transmitter diffusion and makes other
rapid and safe conduction of mformation. According restriction mechallisms less efficient. Other anatom-

Table 1. DIfferent Types of Intercellular Commumcallon m the Central Nervous System

TransmissIOn type SIT ratIO S'T distance SIT delay
I. Gap-junctIOn II 2-3 nm msec
2. Membrane JuxtapOSlllOn (ephapsls) 1:1 10 nm msec
3. Closed synaptic transmission l.l 20-50 nm msec
4. Paracnne transmiSSIOn
A. Open synaptIC transmiSSIOn I:n. n >l-n»l 100 nm-mm msec-mm
B Non-synaptIc source I :n. II »1 Illm-mm sec-mm
5. Endocrine-like transmiSSIOn
A. Nerve-bundle-associated hI. n»1 mm mm
B. Paravascular flUId CIrculation I:n. II» I mm mm
C. Transmission in CSF I:n. II» I mm-{;m min
For further details on open and closed synaptic transmIssion. and endocnne-lIke transmission, see
SectIOns 3 and 53. respectively.
AbbreVIatIOns: CSF = cerebro-spmal fluid. SIT = source/target
366 M. Zoli and L. F. Agnati

ical arrangements able to limit synaptic transmitter high discharge frequency can overwhelm the synaptic
diffusion are: buffering capabilities and cause the transmitter to
diffuse into the neighbouring ECF. Similarly, a
I. glial and/or extracellular matrix molecule typically open synapse can restrict its transmission to
ensheathment of the synapse, the closest target structure at low discharge
2. location of release sites apposed to the receptors frequency.
3. presence in the synaptic cleft of molecules able The switch from closed to open synaptic trans-
to bind the transmitter (see below the transmitter mission (and vice versa) may be a basic feature of
buffering sites in sympathetic synapses). some categories of central synapses (see Section
3.6). A simple mechanism for such a type of switch
Astrocytes and extracellular matrix molecules can is the just-mentioned impulse flow-related modifi-
constitute boundaries and barriers that segregate cation in transmitter release. However, any
neural elements at different spatial scales (from brain modification of the structural and/or functional
regions to synapses) and in different physiopatholog- features of synapses mentioned above can, in
ical states (e.g. during development and after lesion) principle, change the functional state (closed/open)
(Steindler, 1993). In several instances, astrocytic of a synapse. For instance, it has recently been
processes and the extracellular matrix molecules shown that DA diffusion in striatum is mainly
(such as tenascin and chondroitin sulfate proteogly- regulated by the state of DA uptake sites (Giros
can) constituting the so-called perineuronal nets et al., 1996).
(Golgi, 1893; Celio and Bliimcke, 1994) have been Finally, a synapse containing several transmitters
shown to ensheath central synapes (Steindler, 1993; can work as an open synapse for one transmitter and
see Section 3.3). as a closed synapse for another (see below the case of
Three types of release sites can be found in the ATP and NA in the rat tail artery sympathetic nerve).
presynaptic terminals (Golding, 1994): synaptic, It is, therefore, more correct to speak of open and
para-synaptic and non- (or extra-) synaptic sites. closed synaptic transmission (and transmitters),
They correspond to three domains in the nerve sometimes corresponding to an open or closed
terminal. The synaptic domain of the terminal synapse, but perhaps more often coexisting in the
membrane is identified by the presence of synaptic same synapse.
thickenings. The para-synaptic domain corresponds These concepts can be analysed in the context of
to apparently undifferentiated areas of the terminal some well-characterized synapses. Although some of
membrane lying adjacent to the postsynaptic cell. The the following examples refer to peripheral synapses.
non-synaptic domain corresponds to areas of the it is interesting to examine their features in view of
terminal membrane in contact with elements (e.g. their detailed characterization and possible similarity
glia) that have no conventional synaptic relationship with central synapses.
with the terminal (Golding, 1994).
Functional mechanisms affecting synaptic trans-
mitter diffusion are related to the characteristics of
transmitter receptors (see buffered diffusion of 3.1. The Neuromuscular Synapse
acetylcholine, ACh, discussed in Section 3.1),
re-uptake sites and metabolic enzymes. The efficiency This is the prototypical closed synapse. A
of these molecules in restricting transmitter diffusion source/target ratio of I: I at this synapse assures the
is dependent on both their biochemical features and independent control of striated myofibres by the
anatomical location (e.g. intra-synaptic vs extra- nervous system, so that recruitment of myofibres can
synaptic; see below: dopamine, DA, re-uptake sites only occur upon a central command. Many
discussed in Section 3.4). mechanisms restrict the action of the transmitter,
These anatomical and/or functional features can ACh, to a single myofibre. The synapse is highly
prevail differentially to generate a synapse that is specialized (for a review, see Duclert and Changeux,
particularly suited to restrict (i.e. a closed synapse) or 1995; Hall and Sanes, 1993): the postsynaptic density
favour (i.e. an open synapse) transmitter diffusion. is directly apposed (50 nm) to the active zones (where
The fulfilment of chemical transmission ultimately synaptic vesicles are concentrated) in the nerve
depends on the fact that the concentration of terminal, and is very rich in receptors (104hlm 2). The
transmitter in proximity to the receptor is high metabolic enzyme ACh esterase (AChE) is highly
enough to activate the receptor itself. Therefore, two concentrated in the extracellular matrix (basal
main determinants of (synaptic as well as extra- lamina) of the synaptic cleft. The concentration of
synaptic) transmission are the amount of transmitter receptors in the extra-synaptic membranes is more
released, and the affinity and density of the respective than 1000-fold lower than in the postsynaptic density.
receptor populations. As a consequence, the affinity Moreover, the postsynaptic membrane is folded into
and density of intra- vs extra-synaptic receptor invaginations, directly apposed to the active zones of
populations (and their changes in different functional the presynaptic terminal, which retard the diffusion
states) will contribute to determining the prevalence of ACh from the synaptic space. The result of this
of intra- vs extra-synaptic transmission. The rel- morphofunctional arrangement is that ACh is
evance of the amount of transmitter released can be trapped (so-called 'buffered diffusion'; Armstrong
grasped by considering that in different nerve activity and Lester, 1979; Katz and Miledi, 1973) by the high
states, normally closed synapses can work as open density of receptors and rapidly degraded by AChE.
synapses, and vice versa. In fact, the concentration of Thus, ACh does not diffuse outside the synaptic cleft
transmitter released at a typical closed synapse at at a relevant concentration.
Wifing and Volume TransmIssIOn In the Central Nervous System 367

3.2. The Sympathetic Synapse activation of the target smooth myocells (Milner and
Burnstock, 1995).
This is classically considered the prototype of the
open synapse, and is, in fact, markedly less structured
than the neuromuscular junction. Recent evidence, 3.3. The Hippocampal Glutamatergic Synapse
however, suggests the existence of a junctional
structure in autonomic synapses as well (for a review, Hippocampal glutamatergic synapses (for a review,
see Hirst et al., 1992). Serial electron microscopy see Edwards, 1995b) are asymmetrical synapses with
(EM) sections of several sympathetic and parasympa- a 20 nm wide synaptic cleft. These synapses are
thetic synapses have shown that the synapse is largely ensheathed by astroglial processes which
consistently present at the site where the basal probably limit glutamate diffusion from the synaptic
laminae of the presynaptic varicosity and the cleft (Clements et al., 1992; Mennerick and
postsynaptic membrane of the nearest muscle cell (the Zorumski, 1995). Interestingly, the degree of glial
key cell) are fused. At this level the synaptic cleft is ensheathment varies in different functional states (e.g.
50-100 nm wide. The synaptic vesicles are relatively it increases after long-term potentiation, LTP).
dispersed in the varicosity, but tend to be Although the localization of the different classes of
concentrated towards the membrane facing the key glutamate receptors in the hippocampus is still
cell. However, the presynaptic membrane is devoid of incompletely characterized, available data indicate
an active zone and the postsynaptic membrane of a that:
postsynaptic density.
A detailed functional study of a sympathetic • both N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (Petralia
et al., 1994) and ex-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxa-
synapse has been carried out by Stjiirne et al. (1994)
zole-4-propionate (AMPA) (Hampson et al., 1992)
in the rat vas deferens noradrenergic nerve (for a
receptors are mainly localized in the postsynaptic
review, see Stjiirne and Stjiirne, 1995). This group has
densitites. AMPA receptors are also present at
identified two functional compartments:
extra-synaptic dendritic membranes (Molnar et al..
• a junctional compartment, corresponding to the 1993);
above-described junctional structure, which contains • the different subtypes of metabotropic receptors
noradrenaline (NA) uptake sites, NA buffering sItes (mGluR) have distinct locations. mGluRl is concen-
(called'S', possibly a NA binding molecule present III trated at the periphery of the postsynaptic densities
the synaptic space), and a relatively restricted number (Baude et al., 1993), whereas mGluR5 is present in
of adrenergic receptors mainly of the ex2 type; and synaptic densities of dendritic spines, in some
• a non-junctional compartment. or surround, presynaptic terminals and, at a lower concentration,
which contains NA uptake sites, an effluent in extra-synaptic dendritic membranes and, occasion-
responsible for NA washout, and a relatively large ally, astrocytic processes (Romano et al., 1995); and
number of adrenergic receptors mainly of the exl type. • the subcellular distribution of kainate receptors
in hippocampus is unknown. However, in monkey
The fate of released NA depends upon the neocortex GluR5-6-7 subunit immunoreactivity is
discharge rate (for thorough discussion, see Stjiirne concentrated in postsynaptic densities (Huntley et al.,
et al., 1994; Stjiirne and Stjiirne, 1995). After a single 1993).
pulse or a firing rate of ::::; 4 pulses at 20 Hz, NA
diffuses only within the synaptic cleft and activates It is possible that more precise EM studies will
junctional ex2 receptors (Bao et aI, 1993). Extracellu- show further extra-synaptic localization of glutamate
lar NA is cleared by the uptake sites and by S (which receptors in the hippocampus (see, e.g. immunogold
subsequently releases NA and causes a persistence of studies III cerebellum; Baude et al., 1994). In this
its effect), thus restricting the NA effect to the context, it must be remembered that glutamate
junctional area. At a firing rate of 2: 5 pulses at 20 receptors can also be activated by transmitters
Hz, the amount of released NA overwhelms released by non-synaptic sources. For instance,
junctional uptake mechanisms and NA diffuses to glutamate is released by astroglia through an
extrajunctional exl receptors. uncharacterized calcium-dependent mechanism and
The rat tail sympathetic nerve also releases ATP can influence glutamate receptors of the NMDA type
which is responsible for the fast excitatory junctional in neurons (Parpura et al., 1994).
current elicited by stimulation of this nerve. However, Glutamate clearance from the synaptic cleft is due
ATP is much more efficiently cleared than NA (within to diffusion and cellular re-uptake by specific carriers
50-100 msec, i.e. ~ 30-fold faster) from the synaptic that are concentrated in astroglia. Accordingly,
cleft due to the action of an ecto-ATPase, so that it blockers of the glutamate transporter can alter
cannot diffuse in relevant concentration outside the NMDA (Sarantis et al., 1993) and AMPA (Tong and
junction (Stjiirne and Stjiirne, 1995). Jahr, 1994) currents in hippocampal neurons in vitro.
Therefore, the sympathetic synapse works as a A recent study on hippocampal microislands showed
closed synapse for ATP (and for NA at a low that diffusion is mainly responsible for glutamate
discharge rate) and as an open synapse for NA at clearance after spontaneous miniature excitatory
higher discharge rates. The different fates of released potentials and at small quantal content, whereas
ATP and NA subserve distinct functions. While ATP uptake becomes predominant at high quantal content
causes a fast and transient activation of junctional (Mennerick and Zorumski, 1995). In order to explain
receptors, NA causes a slow and prolonged activation the presence of prolonged excitatory postsynaptic
of junctional and extrajunctional receptors. Thus, the potentials in this latter situation, the authors propose
two co-transmitters produce distinct patterns of that glutamate can diffuse from several active
368 M. Zoli and L. F. Agnati

synapses and reach a concentration sufficiently high striatum, for instance, on striatal cholinergic inter-
to continually activate glutamate receptors. This neurons (for a review, see Yizi and Labos, 1991).
phenomenon, called 'spill-over' has also been
observed in other amino acidergic synapses (see, e.g.
glycine, Faber and Korn, 1988 and y-aminobutiric 3.5. The Peptidergic Synapse
acid, GABA, Isaacson et al., 1993). Peptidergic synapses are less characterized from a
In conclusion, the structural and functional functional standpoint than synapses that use classical
arrangements of glutamate synapses seem able to transmitters. However, several lines of evidence
assure restriction of transmission to synaptic and indicate that in most instances many anatomical
perisynaptic receptors when a single quantum of arrangements and functional mechanisms are operat-
transmitter is released. When several quanta are ive to ensure diffusion of the neuropeptide far from
released from a single presynaptic site, or when the source synapse.
several neighbouring presynaptic sites are active, In varicosities of peptidergic nerve terminals,
glutamate concentration, after diffusion outside the neuropeptides are stored in large dense-cored vesicles
cleft, is still sufficiently high to influence receptor (LDCYs) typically located in para-synaptic or
populations located in proximity to the source non-synaptic positions (Golding, 1994; Matteoli
synapse(s). et al., 1991; Thureson-Klein and Klein, 1990; see also
below), from which they can easily reach the
extracellular space. In addition, neuropeptides, unlike
3.4. The Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Synapse classical transmitters, are not taken up again into the
neuron via specific re-uptake mechanisms. Instead,
The mesolimbic dopaminergic terminals form en they diffuse in the ECF and undergo cleavage, by the
passant symmetric synapses (located in the thin action of proteases and neuropeptidases, leading to
intervaricose portions, and more uncommonly in the formation of inactive or active fragments (Agnati
varicosities, of the axons) on dendritic spines and et al., 1983; Agnati et al., 1988; Agnati et al., 1990;
shafts of medium spiny neurons (Freund et al., 1984; DeWied and Jolles, 1982;see below for further
Groves et al., 1994). The postsynaptic density is discussion). A slow clearance of the neuropeptide
located about 15 nm from the presynaptic side, which from the ECF may also occur at the target receptor
contains a recognizable active zone. DA receptors of level through internalization of the neuropeptide/re-
the DI and D2 subtype are present in postsynaptic ceptor complex (Alonso et al., 1994; Bjelke and Fuxe,
densities, or close to them, but are especially 1993). Thus, neuropeptides, or their fragments, can
concentrated in extra-synaptic membranes of den- persist in the ECF for a long time. Also, neuropeptide
drites (Sesack et al., 1994; Yung et al., 1995). receptors, typically G-protein- linked receptors with
Synaptic vesicles are also present, although at lower very high affinity, are mainly located outside synapses
concentration, in the intersynaptic segments of the (Dana et al., 1989; Hamel and Beaudet, 1984; Liu
axon terminal. et al., 1994; Pasquini et al., 1992; Shigemoto et al.,
DA is cleared fom the synapse primarily through 1993).
re-uptake, as enzymatic degradation of this transmit- The release of peptides as open synaptic transmit-
ter is relatively slow (Michael et al., 1985; Wightman ters is consistent with their role as neuromodulators
and Zimmerman, 1990). However, blockade of either that co-ordinate the functions of disparate systems.
synaptic receptors or uptake sites does not markedly Some well-characterized examples of neuropeptides
influence diffusion of DA outside the synaptic cleft working as open synaptic transmitters in both
(Garris et al., 1994). This implies that the invertebrate (Arshavsky et al., 1988; Golding, 1994)
phenomenon of buffered diffusion due to receptor and vertebrate (Weisskopf et al., 1993 and below)
occupancy (see above) is not effective in this type of synapses are present in the literature.
synapse. In addition, it indicates that DA uptake sites
are not concentrated within the synaptic cleft (see
also Cerruti et al., 1991 and Nirenberg et al., 1996) 3.6. Types of Synapses
and may preferentially regulate ECF rather than Historically, the neuromuscular synapse has set a
synaptic DA concentration. The crucial role of DA standard for synaptic transmission. The data briefly
uptake sites in DA transmission and diffusion is reviewed here suggest that this kind of synapse, a
underlined by recent data showing a 100-fold increase prototype of closed synapse according to the present
in the permanence of DA in the ECF in mice with classification, is, in fact, a rather peculiar instance of
genetic inactivation of the DA transporter (Giros synaptic transmission. A wide spectrum of synaptic
et al., 1996). The result of this morphofunctional types likely exists in nervous tissue with different
arrangement is that DA may have synaptic effects but morphological and functional organizations to
can also efficiently diffuse into the extra-synaptic restrict or favour transmitter diffusion. To a first
space (more than 10 ~m from the source synapse approximation, we may distinguish five types of
within I half-life of DA) to reach DA receptors synaptic transmission (Fig. 1).
located in extra-synaptic membranes or other
synapses (for a thorough discussion, see Garris et al., Type 1: Closed (C) synaptic transmission. Closed
1994). in all physiological states, exemplified by the
In conclusion, the mesolimbic DA synapse is neuromuscular cholinergic synapse and the sympath-
organized to allow diffusion of the transmitter to the etic purinergic synapse.
ECF. Accordingly, much functional evidence has Type 2: Closed/open (C/O) synaptic trans-
accumulated for the non-synaptic actions of DA in mission. Closed at low but open at high discharge
WIrIng and Volume TransmissIOn m the Central Nervous System 369



\ AG ""



FIg. 1. SchematIc representation of the different types of synaptIc transmiSSIOn accordmg to the
classification proposed in the text Some of the structural arrangements and functIOnal mechamsms
limiting or faVOUrIng transmitter diffusion outside the synaptic cleft are indicated.

rates, exemplified by the hippocampal glutamaterglc plified by the sympathetic noradrenergic synapse.
synapse. Type 5: Open (0) synaptic transmission. Open in
Type 3: Bimodal (B) synaptic transmission. all physiological states, exemplified by the typical
Equally suited for closed and open transmission, peptidergic synapse.
exemplified by the mesolimbic dopaminergic synapse.
Type 4: Open/closed (O/C) synaptic trans- Note that chemical signals leaking from an open
mission. Open in most physiological states but with synapse diffuse in the tissue ECF in a way
a preferential target at low discharge rates, exem- indistinguishable from that of paracrine signals

JPN 49/4---F
370 M. Zoh and L. F. Agnatl

Table 2. DifferentIal PropertIes of WT and VT CommunIcation Channels

1. Type of signal ChemICal and electncal Chemical and electrical
2. Chemical signal Usually hIgh Usually low
concentration at receIver
3. ReceIver affinity for chemIcal sIgnal Usually low Usually high
4. Transmission code Rate and temporal code Rate code
5. Transmission delay Low HIgh
6. Transmission safety HIgh Low
For further details, see Section 4.1

released from non-synaptic sources (see the Section the known high affinity states of DA receptors.
below on VT signal release). We propose, therefore, Recent data also indicate that for some peptides, the
to include open synapses in the class of paracrine ECF levels in basal conditions (e.g. cholecystokinin
transmission (Table I). in the medial posterior nucleus accumbens, Maid-
ment et al., 1991) or after stimulus (e.g. substance P,
SP, and calcitonin-gene-related peptide, CGRP, in
4. SOME BASIC DIFFERENTIAL FEATURES spinal cord, Duggan et al., 1990; Duggan et al., 1992;
OF WT AND VT Schaible et al., 1993) are sufficient to activate the
Some of the differential features ofWT and VT are respective high affinity receptors.
summarized in Tables 2 and 3. It becomes apparent, The issue of the safety of transmission in WT and
when regarding these features, that WT and VT are VT deserves clarification (Table 2). We refer, with
complementary modes for intercellular communi- this term, to two characteristics of transmission: the
cation, each suited to carrying out different tasks in reliability of the transmission, i.e. the likeliness that
the CNS. a signal once delivered reaches its target not being
altered by noise, and the persistence over time of the
4.1. WT and VT Communication Channels transmission channel. It is obvious that transmission
modes in which the channel is mainly formed by
In general, for both wiring and volume chemical cellular structures are less easily perturbed than
transmissions, there must be a relationship between transmission modes mainly based on diffusion in the
extracellular concentration of the transmitter, volume ECF. In this sense, while changes in release or
of the compartment in which the transmitter diffuses degradation rate of the signal may modulate the
to reach its target, and affinity of the biochemical efficacy of a synapse, they can result in the
sensor for the transmitter. Therefore, although some disappearance of a paracrine transmission, since, in
exceptions might be found, a distinctive characteristic the latter case, a target cell may not be reached by the
of VT vs WT receptors is their high (low nanomolar signal. In addition, establishment or loss of a synapse
to picomolar vs high nanomolar to micromolar) (or a gap-junction, etc.) is a relatively long process,
affinity for the parent transmitter (Table 2). This while diffusion in the ECF pathways can be easily
becomes obvious when we consider the difference modified by chemical changes of the extracellular
(several orders of magnitude) between the volume of milieu (e.g. changes in pH or ion composition) as well
a synaptic cleft and that of even a small portion of as by changes in the geometry of cellular structures
the extra-synaptic microenvironment. Conversely, a (e.g. transmitter-induced astrocyte swelling, Kimel-
high affinity receptor will be easily saturated in a berg et al., 1990; Martin, 1992).
synapse. Another differential aspect of WT and VT regards
Some data are available on ECF concentration of the code used to carry information from source to
transmitters. Accurate measurements are available target (Table 2). The issue of how neurons encode
for DA in the retina (Witkovsky et al.. 1993) and information is still largely unsolved (Ferster and
stnatum. In the latter case, ECF DA levels are in the Spruston, 1995; Softki, 1995). Classical theories of
low nanomolar range in basal conditions (Kawagoe neuronal code are based on the rate code model. This
et al., 1992) but can reach a concentration of 250 nM model holds that changes in firing rate signal an event
when a maximal stimulus is administered (Garris (a train of impulses), whereas the average rate of
et al., 1994). This range of ECF concentrations spans impulses in the train codes the strength of the

Table 3. DifferentIal Properties of WT and VT Circuits

1. Cell composition Usually only neurons or only astrocytes Any cell type
2. DIvergence Low to high High to very high
3. Type of connectivity Preferentially senal Preferentially parallel
4. Time-scale msec to sec sec to min
5. Space filling High Low
6. Energy cost High Low
For further details, see Section 4.3
WIrIng and Volume TransmIssIOn in the Central Nervous System 371

stimulus. Alternatively, temporal codes have been This analysis of plurichemical transmission can be
proposed (Hopfield, 1995; Softki, 1995). According applied to WT (i.e. co-transmission at a single
to these models, information is encoded by the precise synapse, Hokfelt et al., 1980; Hokfelt, 1987) as well
occurrence of spikes over time, and not by their as to VT. However, in this latter case, plurichemical
average in a tram. In both cases, transmission of transmission acquires further functional meaning. In
informatIon depends on the, more or less noisy, fact, while in WT the source/target link is primarily
timing of spike occurrence, which is, in turn, identified by the specificity of the anatomical
dependent on pulses of transmitter released m connection, in VT the target cell recognizes and
chemical synapses or transfer of electrical currents m decodes symbols/molecules coming through the ECF
gap-junctions. These temporal features of neuronal from multiple sources. The diversity of symbols is
communication cannot be maintained in VT, therefore the baSIS for the identification of the
especially in paracrine and endocrine-like types of different sources. At the same time it allows a source
VT. As in the case of systemic hormones, the to send specific messages to multiple targets.
occurrence of the communicatIon event may be A second feature of VT signals can be discussed in
encoded by the arrival of a transmitter at the receptor the light of information theory. To a first approxi-
at suprathreshold concentration, whereas the mation, a transmitter molecule can be considered as
strength of the stimulus would be encoded by the a single symbol, i.e. a basic unit of information.
transmitter concentration. This code can be equated However, as discussed below, especially in the case of
to the rate code of neuronal communication peptides (see Section 5.2.2), a single VT signal can be
described above, although at a much longer time cleaved into active fragments (syndromic signal) or
scale. It seems unlikely, instead, that a temporal code influence a catabolic enzyme that induces the
exists for VT. Therefore, VT signals appear suited for cleavage of another VT signal (enzyme modulatory
causing prolonged changes in electrical and/or signal), thus generating multiple VT signals. Persist-
metabolic features of potentially very large ensembles ence of the molecule in the ECF allows the higher
of target cells. informational content of complex molecules such as
peptides to be unveiled. In this way, VT monochem-
4.2. Monochemical Vs Plurichemical Transmission lcal transmission can acquire the wider communi-
in WT and VT cation features of a plurichemical transmission
(Agnati et al., 1983; Agnati et al., 1988; Agnati et al.,
In an interesting paper by Mayer and Baldi (1991), 1990; DeWied and Jolles, 1982). In addition, as the
chemical transmission IS dIscussed within the type of cleavage can be specific for different regions
framework of mformation theory. Intercellular reached by the VT signal diffusing in the ECF, further
communicatIOn based on a single symbol/molecule complexity can be added to VT peptidergic
(monochemlcal transmission) can encode different transmission.
messages through the changes in transmitter concen-
tration at the receptor level (see above). An increased 4.3. WT and VT Circuits
channel capacity can be obtained by increasing the
number of receptor subtypes, provided that they Although it is conceivable that most neural systems
differ in their affinity for the transmitter and signal utilize both WT and VT, it is interesting to discuss the
transduction features. When source and target are main features of pure WT and VT circuits (Table 3).
linked by more symbols/molecules (plurichemlcal A WT circuit IS composed of a chain of cells in
transmission), the informatIOn content of the message quasi-continuity. In fact, as the WT-type link (e.g.
is increased (Agnati et al., 1986b). An elegant closed synapse or gap-junction) ensures a I: I
demonstration of this phenomenon has been recently source/target ratIo, the morphological contiguity
obtained in the synapses of the sensory neurons between neurons corresponds to a functional
transmitting mechanic and osmotic information in continuity. In thIS sense, a good analogy for a WT
Caenorhabditis elegans (Hart eI aI, 1995; Maricq circuit is a wire. It is classically believed that cell
et al., 1995). In mutants devoid of a glutamate networks in the CNS are made of neurons connected
receptor subtype (glr-I) usually present in these through chemical synapses and more infrequently
synapses, mechanic sensitivity IS absent, whereas gap-junctions. More recently, astrocyte networks
osmotic sensitivity is preserved. It has therefore been based on gap-junctions have also been shown
proposed that the differential release of two (Cornell-Bell et al., 1990; Dani et al., 1992;
co-transmitters (glutamate and a yet unknown Dermietzel and Spray, 1993; Jefferys, 1995). WT links
neuropeptide) codes for the two sensory modalitIes. between neuronal and astrocytic networks, i.e.
Further encoding strategies are available in gap-junctions (Nedergard, 1994) and neuro-astro-
plurichemical transmission, including modulation of cytic synapses (Aoki, 1992; Mudnck-Donnon et al.,
the ratio between the concentration of the different 1993), seem to be relatively uncommon. A VT circuit
molecules. Interestingly, it has been shown m several is composed of any cell releasing signals into, or
central and peripheral systems that release rates of recogmzing signals from, a certain portion of brain
classical and peptidic co-transmitters by a nerve ECF. Together with the cellular components, the
terminal vary with the frequency of nerve stimulation ECF matrix and ECF chemico-physical composition
(De Vries and Baylor, 1993; Weisskopf et al., 1993; are essential components of a VT circuit, as they can
Whim et al., 1993). Therefore, the ratio of released markedly alter VT-type intercellular communication.
transmitters can vary in different functional states Further differences between WT and VT become
thus increasing the information content of the apparent when we consider the pattern of connec-
message transmitted by the nerve terminal tivity in WT and VT circuits (Table 3). Owing to the
372 M. Zoh and L. F. Agnatl

I: I source/target ratIO at WT communication microglia, ependyma, tanycytes, etc.) can be a source

channels, the number of targets that can be reached of VT signals. The following discussion will be
by a single cell (i.e. divergence) is relatively limited. focused on release of VT chemical signals from
In contrast, signals released in the ECF by a single neurons and astrocytes, as much less is known about
cell can, in principle, reach any cell in the brain. This signal release from other cell types.
dichotomy between WT and VT can be magnified in
real neural systems. For instance, in cortical 5.1.1. Release from Neurons
monoaminergic systems, the prevalence of non-
synaptic vs synaptic varicosities is directly correlated As already discussed, diffusion of the transmitter
with the degree of divergence of the nerve terminal from synapses is a feature common to many central
arborization (Descarries et al., 1991)-the more neuronal systems (open synapses). In addition, a
restricted (as far as regional and laminar patterns of large body of literature has shown that release sites
distribution are concerned) dopaminergic system has exist outside synapses.
a high incidence of synaptic varicosities; on the other In the last twenty years, release sites for LDCVs
hand, the noradrenergic and serotoninergic, widely have been demonstrated in both invertebrates and
collateralized projections to the entire neocortex have vertebrates (Buma, 1989; Buma and Nieuwenhuys,
a high to very high incidence of non-synaptic 1988; Buma et al., 1989). Three types of release sites
varicosities. have been recognized: synaptic, para-synaptic and
A difference in the general architecture of WT and non-synaptic sites (Golding, 1994). Their proportion
VT circuits stems from the difference in single-cell is variable in different systems. However, it is
divergence just discussed. In fact, WT circuits appear interesting to note that in most cases para- and
more suited for serial treatment of information, non-synaptic LDCV fusion events are much more
whereas VT circuits are better suited for parallel frequent than synaptic events.
treatment of information. In the case of small vesicles (SVs), the standard
When we consider the time-scale on which WT and view holds that a synaptic active zone is required for
VT circuits operate, the advantage of VT vs WT in exocytosis (De Camilli and Jahn, 1990). However.
terms of number of possible targets is contrasted with several instances of varicosities containing
the fact that these targets can be reached more slowly monoaminergic or amino acidergic SVs and lacking
in VT than in WT. synaptic specializations have been shown. In this
WT and VT circuits also differ in terms of space case, it is presumable that the same, or similar,
filling and energy cost. In fact, essential components biochemical mechanisms are operating, although the
of WT circuits are cellular processes that maintain molecules are not sufficiently concentrated, or
electrical polarization and convey electrical signals in regularly organized, to form an active zone
their membranes. recognizable in EM analysis. The most classical
example is certainly the autonomic nervous system
(see above). Some evidence for this phenomenon has
5. BASIC ELEMENTS COMPOSING VT-TYPE also accumulated for the CNS (Beaudet and
INTERCELLULAR COMMUNICATION Descarries, 1976; Descarries et al., 1975; Descarries
et al., 1991).
VT is basically composed of four elements: In addition to exocytosis of LDCVs and SVs, VT
I. A cell source of the VT signal, thus capable of signals can be released in the ECF by non-vesicular
releasing a substance in the ECF outside the synaptic carrier-mediated release (Adam-Vizi, 1992; Attwell
cleft or inside the cleft, but able to diffuse out of it. et al., 1993). The molecular mechanism underlying
2. A signal diffusing in the ECF for a distance this type of release is the reverse functioning of
larger than the synaptic cleft (VT signal). transmitter uptake carriers. These molecules can in
3. A communication channel in the ECF, which fact uptake specific transmitters from the ECF or
may consist of specialized portions of ECF (ECF release them into the ECF according to the direction
pathways) of transmembrane ion and voltage gradients (Adam-
4. A cell target of the VT signal, i.e. a cell Vizi, 1992; Attwell et al., 1993). Several instances in
possessing biochemical sensors capable of detecting which this type of release mechanism may be
the VT signal. physiologically relevant are reported in Attwell et al.

5.1. Types of Cells Acting as a Source for 5.1.2. Release from Astrocytes
VT Signals
More than 20 neuroactive substances (gliotrans-
As already mentioned, WT and VT refer to a mitters), such as neuropeptides, amino acids,
transmission mode and are therefore independent of eicosanoids, steroids and growth factors, can be
the type of cell that is source or target of the synthesized and released by glial cells (Martin, 1992).
transmission. For instance, WT also includes direct The mechanisms assuring release of these substances
cell--eell signalling between glial cells, such as the are not well known. In the case of peptides, there is
astrocyte-astrocyte (Cornell-Bell et al., 1990; Dani no clear evidence for the presence of LDCVs in
et al., 1992; Dermietzel and Spray, 1993; Jefferys, astrocytes. It is therefore possible that peptide release
1995) or astrocyte-neuron (Nedergard, 1994) com- occurs through the so-called constitutive pathway for
munication through gap-junctions. Accordingly, any protein release (Martin, 1992). In the case of small
cell present in the neural tissue (neurons, astroglia, molecules, such as glutamate, D-serine, glycine,
Winng and Volume TransmissIOn In the Central Nervous System 373

GABA and taurine, the release can occur via the 1994). The proposal holds that carbon dioxide,
reverse functioning of membrane carriers (Adam- hydrogen ion concentration, temperature gradients
Vizi, 1992; Attwell et al., 1993). As these carriers and pressure waves can reset the efficacy of both WT
couple transmembrane transport of a substrate with and VT in entire brain regions.
that of one or more ions, membrane polarization Carbon dioxide IS a gas of substantial interest for
state influences the direction of the substrate communication in the brain. It not only plays an
transport. Therefore, depolarization of glial cell important role in pH control in the CNS, but can also
membranes, e.g. via activation of lonotropic recep- influence intercellular signalling. For instance, CO 2
tors, can induce release of VT signals by glial cells leads to the formation of ex-carbamates from L-amino
(Martin, 1992). Small molecules. such as glutamate acids present in the ECF. Some of the carbamates
and taurine, can also be released by astrocytes as a have been characterized as powerful agonists of
result of changes in osmolarity. Interestingly. some NMDA receptors (Max, 1991; Olney et al., 1990).
molecules are released by increase and others by More recently, it has been proposed that. at high
decrease in osmolarity. The mechanisms underlying discharge rates, CO 2 diffusion from ECF to
this type of release are thought to be activation of cytoplasm and the consequent regeneration of
stretch-activated or stretch-inactivated ion channels. HCO)- concentration in this latter compartment, are
Accordingly, any stimulus able to change cell swelling responsible for the SWitch of GABA transmission
can release these compounds (tension-controlled from inhibition to excitation (Staley et al., 1995). It
release) (Kimelberg et al., 1990; Martlll, 1992). has also been shown that changes in ECF pH modify
Substance release through the constitutive pathway the sensitivity of NMDA and GABA A receptors
and reverse functioning of transmembrane carriers or (Pasternack et al.. 1992; Traynelis and Cull-Candy.
tension-controlled release are Ca' ~ -independent 1990). Thus. CO 2 and related signals, such as
mechanisms. It has been recently shown that a ex-carbamates. can affect both WT and VT. These
Ca 2 + -dependent release of glutamate also occurs in Signals related to cell metabolism may be of
astrocytes through a not yet characterized mechanism particular relevance for the maintenance of the
(Parpura et al., 1994). spontaneous activity in CNS networks (Agnati et al..
1994; Gram!, 1977; Llinas, 1988).

5.2. Features of the VT Signals

5.2.2. Types of VT Signals
5.2.1. Some General Features of the VT Signals
Every informational molecule (classical transmit-
The chemico-physlcal characteristics of the VT ters, monoamines. peptides, gas transmitters, neuros-
signal, especially its hydrophilic or hydrophobic teroids, neuropeptides) can be a VT chemical signal
character, are essential in defining the extent of signal (for a review. see Agnati et al., 1995). Among them,
diffusion. Hydrophilic substances have a diffusion several features make neuropeptides a special type of
space mainly limited to the ECF, while hydrophobic VT signal. They are, in fact, complex molecules which
substances can easily cross biological membranes, can encode in their structure more information than
diffuse into cells and also leave the CNS. Therefore, classical transmitters (Agnati et al., 1983; Agnati
it may be surmised that hydrophilic VT signals (e.g.. et al., 1990; Fuxe et al., 1991; Herbert, 1993; Mayer
neuropeptides) usually diffuse III an anisotropic and Baldi. 1991). It is possible to distinguish. in
fashion following the irregular spaces of the ECF principle. four types of peptide signals:
and specialized ECF pathways (Fuxe and Agnati,
1991a. b and see below). In contrast, lipophilic VT I. the simple Signal. i.e. a peptide that is active on
signals (e.g. nitric oxide, NO. neurosteroids) invade its own;
the entire tissue III an isotropic way. 2. the pre-signal, I.e. a peptide that needs some sort
VT signals can be placed Illto two general classes of structural modification to become active;
(Agnati et al., 1994): 3. the syndromic signal, i.e a complex peptide
contallllllg two or more active fragments; and
• private signals, which are delivered and recog- 4. the en::yme modulatory signal. I.e. a peptide that
nized only by a restricted number of cells. These are affects the metabolism of another signal.
exemplified by chemical neurotransmitters. which are
both released and recognized by a specific group of Let us now examine some examples of t.hese
cells; and different types of peptide Signals.
• accessible signals, such as electncal signals, The pre-signal peptide is secreted in an inactive
which are released and decoded by almost every CNS form but, upon the action of a peptidase, is cleaved
cell. For instance, all neuronal cells produce electrical Illto an active fragment. An interesting example is
potentials in their membranes, which, via ion fluxes that of N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG). This
in the ECF, may theoretically affect any cell Within dipeptide is heterogeneously distributed in the rat
a hundred micrometres. brain (Anderson et al., 1986). is localized in synaptic
vesicles, and released upon neuronal stimulation
It has recently been proposed that some general (Stauch Slusher et al., 1992; Tsai et al., 1990). A
physico-chemical features of CNS tissue related to membrane-bound metalloprotease, the N-acetyl-ex-
cell metabolism and function can also be considered linked acidic dipeptidase (NAALADase), catabolizes
to be accessible signals. In fact, the efficiency of both NAAG to N-acetylaspartate and glutamate. which
WT and VT in entire networks can be modified by the may represent the active signal (Stauch Slusher et al.,
action of 'global regulatory signals' (Agnati et al., 1992). In this way. the activity of NAALADase can
374 M. Zoli and L. F. Agnatl

influence glutamate transmission to neuronal and sources could achieve high steady-state levels of NO
glial networks. (Wood and Garthwaite, 1994).
The syndromic signal (Agnati et al., 1990; DeWied Migration of VT signals in the brain does not
and Jolles, 1982; Fuxe et al., 1991) is a large peptide always follow a simple, isotropic pattern of diffusion.
molecule (which may already be active in the secreted On the contrary, preferential pathways have been
form) from which peptidases can detach one or more described in the CNS. Studies with dye-coupled
active fragments with multiple related biological dextrans and imaging techniques have shown the
actions. In this way a complex response can be existence of paravascular (Greitz, 1993; Rennels
triggered by a single release event (syndromic et al., 1985; Rennels et al., 1990) and nerve
response). ~-endorphin (DeWied and Jolles, 1982) bundle-associated pathways in the CNS (Bjelke et al.,
and neuropeptide Y (Fuxe et al., 1991; Martire et al., 1995; Cserr and Ostrach, 1974; Le Bihan et al., 1993;
1993; Yang et al., 1994) are examples of syndromic Routtenberg et al., 1968; see also Agnati et al., 1995).
signals, since it has been shown that their fragments These pathways are suited for long-distance transport
can trigger responses that are functionally related to of VT signals and are based on convection, a faster
the parent peptide action. type of solute transport than simple diffusion. A
The enzyme modulatory signal is a peptide that further case of VT signal convection in the CNS is
modulates the activity of an enzyme involved in the transmission through the CSF. Nerve bundle-associ-
catabolism of another signal (e.g. another VT signal). ated transmission, paravascular fluid circulation and
A peptidase inhibitor can increase the response of the transmission in the CSF can be considered as
neuropeptides that escape inactivation and diffuse endocrine-like types of transmission in the brain (see
into a larger volume of nervous tissue. An example Table 1). In fact, in all of them, the signal once
of this type of VT signal is CGRP in the spinal cord released by the source cell diffuses in the neighbour-
(see Schaible et al., 1993 and below). ing ECF, enters a specialized fluid compartment
(CSF or ECF pathways) in which it is moved by
5.3. Characteristics of the Communication convective forces, and finally diffuses into the ECF
Channels for VT around the target cell. Endocrine-like types of VT
transmission allow rapid transport of VT signals
Diffusion of VT signals in the brain ECF can be between distantly located brain areas.
described by two main parameters, the interstitial
space size (interstitial volume fraction, about 20% of
the brain volume) and the tortuosity (diffusion path 5.4. Targets of VT Signals
length in relation to free medium) (Nicholson, 1979;
Nicholson, 1980). It is important to note that volume As stated above, any cell present in the neural
fraction and tortuosity are not fixed parameters, as tissue (neurons, astroglia, microglia, ependyma,
they can change during, e.g. increased nervous tanycytes etc.) can be a target of VT, provided that
activity, hypercapnia and brain ischemia (Lundbaek it contains a biochemical sensor with the appropriate
and Hansen, 1992). affinity for the VT signal present in the ECF. For
As stated above, lipophilic substances can diffuse instance, non-synaptic varicosities of monoaminergic
in the ECF in an isotropic fashion. An example of diffuse systems are often in proximity to astrocytic
this type of VT signals is NO. A growing body of processes (Maxwell et al., 1983; Ridet et al., 1993).
evidence indicates that gas transmitters exist in the The astroglia are known to contain high affinity
CNS as well as in the periphery. NO is the prototype G-protein-coup1ed receptors for monoamines (for
of this new class of transmitters, which also includes reviews, see Hansson, 1991; Hasli and Hash, 1993;
carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide (Abe and Shao et al., 1994). The activation of these receptors
Kimura, 1996; Dawson and Snyder, 1994). Owing to can lead to, e.g. changes in cell shape (Narumi et al.,
the fact that it is small, neutral and relatively 1978), regulation of energy metabolism (Hasli and
hydrophobic, NO, once formed upon activation of Hasli, 1993; Magistretti et al., 1993; Stone and
NO synthase (NOS), directly diffuses outside the Ariano, 1989), stimulation of astroglial transmitter
source cell and enters the target cell where it can release and uptake (Hansson, 1991; Stone and
activate NO-sensitive enzymes. Therefore, NO Ariano, 1989). Thus, monoamines can indirectly
represents a rapidly diffusible signal for VT, which influence neuronal function via informational, meta-
can easily cross cell membranes and link the activities bolic and trophic signals originating in the astroglia.
of neurons in a restricted brain volume by activation A defining requirement of VT is that a distance
of guanylate cyclase (Bredt and Snyder, 1992; larger than the synaptic cleft exists between release
Dawson and Snyder, 1994; Gaily et al., 1990; sites and receptors for a VT signal. In fact, in recent
Garthwaite et al., 1988). years, much morphological evidence has accumulated
Models of NO diffusion in brain tissue are reported for transmitter release sites located far from their
in two recent papers (Lancaster, 1994; Wood and putative target receptors both at the light and
Garthwaite, 1994). According to these models, and electron microscopic levels. This phenomenon has
contrary to what is usually believed, the sphere of sometimes been called transmitter-receptor mismatch
influence of NO from a point source can be rather (Agnati et al., 1986a; Cuello, 1982; Fuxe and Agnati,
wide (up to a diameter of 100-200 11m). This is due 1991b; Herkenham, 1987; Kuhar, 1985; for a recent
to the fact that NO diffusion is much faster than its discussion of this subject, see Agnati et al., 1995).
(still rapid) inactivation rate, and the scavenging More generally, when referring to VT, this phenom-
action of blood vessels is relatively long range. enon should be defined as signal source/signal target
Accordingly, tissues containing a high density of NO mismatch.
WIrIng and Volume TransmissIOn In the Central Nervous System 375

6. VT AND WT AT WORK: snl\1~ -;:;:AAivh'~~'" ~ .. ~he development of LTP. Several studies have
shown that some retrograde signals (NO, carbon
Several instances of VT have already been given III monoxide, arachidonic acid, platelet activating
previous chapters. We discuss here a few further factor) contribute to the establishment of, at least
examples, especially focusing on the Illterplay
some forms of. hippocampal LTP (Arancio et at"
between VT-type and WT-type transmissions. 1995; Edwards, 1995a; Larkman and Jack, 1995;
O'Dell et at., 1994; Williams et at., 1993). Among
6.1. Dynorphin in the Hippocampus them, NO has received particular attention.
NO is generated from L-argimne by NOS, which
An example of interplay between WT and VT III IS highly enriched in nervous tissue. The prevalent
the brain is represented by dynorphin and glutamate forms of NOS in the neural cells are types I and III
transmission in the hippocampus (Morns and (so-called neuronal and endothelial NOS, respect-
Johnston, 1995). Dynorphin and glutamate are ively), which are Ca' + -calmodulin-dependent (Ker-
co-stored in mossy fibres which project from granular win and Heller, 1994). A main stimulus for these
neurons of the dentate gyrus to apical dendrites of enzymes IS calcium increase induced by neuronal
pyramidal neurons of the CA3 field (Morris and eXCitatIOn, in particular by NMDA receptor acti-
Johnston, 1995). Release of glutamate from these vation. Once formed upon activation of NOS, NO
fibres causes a fast excitatory postsynaptic potential, diffuses outside the source cell and enters the target
through the activation of AMPA receptors. Release cell where it can activate a soluble form of guanylate
of dynorphin activates kappa 1 receptors located on cyclase (Bredt and Snyder, 1992; Dawson and
mossy fibre terminals and causes a slow-onset and Snyder, 1994; Gaily et at., 1990; Garthwaite et at.,
long-lasting 00-60 min) inhibition of synaptic 1988). Owing to these properties, NO can work as a
responses by decreasing glutamate release (Simmons retrograde signal in glutamatergic synapses where it
et at., 1994; Weisskopf et at., 1993). Recent findings increases the release of glutamate from the presyn-
indicate the possibility that dynorphin at IlM aptic termillal (Segovia et at., 1994).
concentrations can directly inhibit NMDA (Chen This evidence has prompted theoretical research on
et at., 1995) and non-NMDA (Kolaj et at .. 1995) the role of diffusible signals such as NO in neuronal
receptor function. Notably, dynorphin effects are computation (Gaily et at., 1990). A recent theory of
only detected at high discharge rate (Welsskopf et at., such a type has been termed 'volume learning'
1993). This finding indicates that, as shown in other (Montague and Sejinovski, 1994). A diffusible signal,
synapses containing a classical transmitter and a through its diffusion in a local volume of tissue, forms
neuropeptide (De Vries and Baylor. 1993. Whim a transient domain in which synaptic strengths can be
et at., 1993), dynorphin is only released after strong modified. Interestingly, the rules for synaptic strength
stimulation of the terminal. modification III the transient domain may be different
In this system dynorphin can work as a VT signal. than standard hebbian rules. Hebbian rules hold that
In fact, it has been shown that when a mossy fibre is a synapse is strengthened when there is a temporal
tetanized, a second, inactive, mossy fibre is depressed coinCidence between presynaptic and postsynaptic
for several minutes (Weisskopf ct at., 1993). activity. Montague and Sejinovski (1994) propose a
Therefore, dynorphin inhibition of glutamate func- more complex scheme based on predictive learning
tion is also present at distant synapses (so-called rules that are sensitive to the temporal order of input
heterosynaptic depression). Accordingly, the long activities: synapses are strengthened if active during
duration of dynorphin action IS not due to phases of high local concentration of a diffusible
intracellular effects in target cells (as dynorphin substance, but weakened if active during phases of
action is immediately blocked by admimstration of low concentration.
an opiate antagonist), but rather to permanence of Synaptic learning related to diffusible signals may
dynorphin in the ECF. Dynorphill-illduced de- further differ from classic hebbian learning. In fact,
pression of glutamate function IS increased when the synaptic specifiCity can also be lost as the molecule
pathway has been previously potentiated (Wagner diffuses from active to inactive target cells, and may
et at., 1993; Weisskopf et at.. 1993), suggesting that influence ~ynaptic strengths therein. Some eVidence
dynorphin can modulate plastic changes occurnng in for thiS phenomenon has been obtained for
this hippocampal circuit involved III learning and NO-dependent LTP (Schuman and Madison, 1994).
memory (Morris and Johnston, 1995). In these expenments, LTP was elicited in CAl
In conclusion, a complex interplay between an pyramidal neurons by pairing Schaeffer collateral
excitatory WT signal (glutamate) and an Illhlbltory activation with depolarization of the target (paired)
VT signal (dynorphin) co-stored in the same nerve neuron and blocked by injecting an NOS inhibitor in
terminal takes place in the mossy fibre system. the paired neuron. Intracellular recording of non-
Thanks to this multiple transmitter system, a strongly paired neurons located around 150 (but not 500) Ilm
active pathway may inhibit normal transmission and from a paired neuron, showed that LTP was also
development of LTP in close-by pathways dunng a present in synapses contacting non-paired neurons.
certain time (a few minutes) after the discharge. As already mentioned, the same theory can be
applied to any VT signal. The chemical features of
6.2. Retrograde Messengers and Hippocampal LTP each VT signal (hydrophilicity, charge, molecular
weight, etc.) as well as the presence and character-
Much research has recently focused on the possible istics of appropriate biochemical sensors would put
influence of diffusible retrograde Signals on the peculiar spatial and temporal constraints on the
function of hippocampal glutamate synapses, namely domain influenced by the signal. For instance, VT
376 M. Zoli and L. F. Agnati

signal diffusion may occur through preferential Agnatl, L. F., Fuxe. K., Zoh, M ,ZlnI, I , Toffano. G and FerragutI.
pathways and be non-isotropic (see above). F (l986a) A correlatIon analysIs of the regIOnal dIstributIOn of
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6.3. Neuropeptides in the Spinal Cord the eXIstence of two main types of commUnIcatIOn in the central
nervous system. the volume transmiSSIOn and the winng
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A new theory proposes that informatIOn also flows In the
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These results indicate that the nociceptive afferents Activity-dependent long-term enhancement of transmItter release
to the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord operate by presynaptic 3',5'-cychc GMP In cultured hippocampal neurons
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tubocuranne actIon and restricted diffUSIOn WIthin the synaptic
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cleft. J. PhYSIOI. Lond 294, 365-386
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