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Structure How Volcanoes Are Formed Linguisic Features

Introduction Do you know the cause of

the landslide happened?

Opening Statement Landslide is an event where

the occurrence of soil
movement or commonly
called geology that occurs
due to the movement of rock
/ soil period with various
types and types such as the
fall of rocks or large clumps
of soil. Landslide or collapse
in outline can occur due to
two factors: the driving
factor and the trigger factor.
The driving factor is a factor
affecting the condition of the
material itself, while the
trigger factor is the factor
causing the movement of the

Explanation Sequence 1 In Indonesia alone this event

is almost common. Most are
caused by an earthquake that
moves the underground plate
causing the element or
subsurface to become
displaced causing fractions
and landslides. There are
many more things that can
trigger and cause a lag.
Whether it is caused by
nature or because of human
activity itself, including the
high rainfall, if the rainy
season with a long duration it
will be evaporation of water
in the soil surface in large

Explanation Sequence 2 After evaporation it will

appear pores or cavities, then
cracks occur on the surface,
when the rain water will
infiltrate the cracked part and
then water will enter so that
accumulates at the bottom of
the slope, then cause lateral
movement and then
landslides occur. For the
prevention of landslides can
be by using trees, because the
roots of trees will help a lot
by absorbing rainwater so it
can minimize.

Clonclusion The above points are some of

the causes of sliding. As a
result of this disaster
certainly not least the most
severe loss is the loss of life,
in addition to material losses
such as loss of houses, land,
property that must be
relinquished because
tetimbun by avalanches.
Very rarely people in
landslides can save
themselves because the speed
of landslides is estimated to
reach speeds of 100 km / h
speed that is impossible to
run for humans without
equipment. In addition, after
the incident was not a few
survivors will experience a
deep trauma. If you hear a
large rumbling near you then
immediately run to the
plateau or stable plateau
region. Do not go to the edge
of a cliff or a steep cliff
because it's just like suicide.

Landslide is an event where the occurrence of soil movement or commonly called

geology that occurs due to the movement of rock / soil period with various types and types
such as the fall of rocks or large clumps of soil. Landslide or collapse in outline can occur
due to two factors: the driving factor and the trigger factor. The driving factor is a factor
affecting the condition of the material itself, while the trigger factor is the factor causing the
movement of the material.
In Indonesia alone this event is almost common. Most are caused by an earthquake
that moves the underground plate causing the element or subsurface to become displaced
causing fractions and landslides. There are many more things that can trigger and cause a lag.
Whether it is caused by nature or because of human activity itself, including the high rainfall,
if the rainy season with a long duration it will be evaporation of water in the soil surface in
large quantities.
After evaporation it will appear pores or cavities, then cracks occur on the surface,
when the rain water will infiltrate the cracked part and then water will enter so that
accumulates at the bottom of the slope, then cause lateral movement and then landslides
occur. For the prevention of landslides can be by using trees, because the roots of trees will
help a lot by absorbing rainwater so it can minimize.
The above points are some of the causes of sliding. As a result of this disaster
certainly not least the most severe loss is the loss of life, in addition to material losses such as
loss of houses, land, property that must be relinquished because tetimbun by avalanches.
Very rarely people in landslides can save themselves because the speed of landslides is
estimated to reach speeds of 100 km / h speed that is impossible to run for humans without
equipment. In addition, after the incident was not a few survivors will experience a deep
trauma. If you hear a large rumbling near you then immediately run to the plateau or stable
plateau region. Do not go to the edge of a cliff or a steep cliff because it's just like suicide.

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