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Centos bind DNS server configuration with ipv6 Ask Question

in order to APPLE , after 1 June all applications must support the ipv6 so i need to reconfigure my ios asked 2 years, 5 months ago
app. So i create a local network with ipv6. My topology is below. i configured bind 9.8 on centos A and
viewed 4,677 times
3 AAAA record and PTR record.
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i can query all domains on local (::1) with ipv6 like below but if other devices write dns query ip to
IPV6 , it gets timeout. So requests listened with tshark and i saw that ICMPV6 cant reachable. i can
ping all local IPV6 and can traceroute them.i thought it is about firewall and closed it but there is no Work from anywhere

if nslookup server is configured with ipv4 , dns query can response A and AAAA results. Junior DevOps / SysAdmin Engineer -
in named.conf , allow-query option is any and i get tutorial from [here]: http:// Compucorp Ltd. No office location
seoroot.com/blog/computing/systems-administration/setup-dns-server-for-ipv6-and-ipv4-queries- £20K - £33K REMOTE
using-bind9-in-centos-linux.html devops amazon-ec2

Here is problem that why dns query result cannot go destination , even if can ping or traceroute.
Senior Full Stack Node Developer - Fully
Remote Role
Thanks for helps and response.
Michael Page No office location
£110K - £170K REMOTE
node.js reactjs
options { listen-on port 53 {any;};
listen-on-v6 port 53 {any;}; R&D Content Engineer
directory "/var/named";
Auth0 No office location
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt"; REMOTE
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt"; reactjs angular
allow-query { any; };
recursion yes;
allow-update { none; }; Lead DevOps Engineer - Delivery Platform
dnssec-enable yes; Heetch No office location
dnssec-validation yes; REMOTE
dnssec-lookaside auto;
go docker
bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key";
managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";
}; Work remotely - from home or wherever you
logging { choose.
channel default_debug {
file "data/named.run";
Browse remote jobs
severity dynamic;
zone "." IN {
type hint;
11 Wildcard DNS with BIND
file "named.ca";
5 CentOS BIND DNS Troubleshooting?
zone "example.com.tr" IN {
type master; 3 DNS BIND on CENTOS 6.3 and domain
file "/etc/named/example.com.tr"; nameservers
allow-query {any;};
0 Questions about DNS, BIND and setup
allow-update {none;};
zone "" { 0 Configuring bind with reverse DNS in
type master; external server
file "/etc/named/tersdns";
}; 3 Cannot find solution to “One or more of
your nameservers did not return any of
your NS records.” on intoDNS site
example.com.tr :
0 Bind, IPV6, and Out of Zone Data
$TTL 1200
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1200 5 Decisions about DNS on IPv6
2149200 Unable to start BIND DNS Server (On
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Localhost DNS QUERY :

DNSquery cannot response:

centos bind ipv6 reverse-dns dns-server

share improve this question edited Aug 22 '16 at 8:28 asked Aug 18 '16 at 14:30
31 1 4

For your immediate problem, it appears that your DNS server is firewalled. For your iOS app, you should set up
a NAT64 test network on a Mac in accordance with Apple's recommendations. – Michael Hampton ♦ Aug 18 '16
at 18:23

Hello, thanks for reply. i will put a switch instead of tp link modem and i will try. – Ycaner Aug 19 '16 at 6:09

After removing tp link modem and putting a switch , dns query works fine. tp link has a firewall about it in my
view. – Ycaner Aug 19 '16 at 8:44

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