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The following are 10 Environmental Service/Beautification Projects that you could perform in your

community. Be sure to find out specific rules and regulations regarding the project you want to
complete. Since most of these projects involve a Community Service Project component, check out the
Tip Sheet on Starting a Community Service Project. Remember: these are only ideas...be creative and
work to protect your environment in other ways!

Is there a shortage of greenery in your neighborhood? Do you see a park or street that could benefit from

a few more trees? Why not look into planting trees in your neighborhood. Here are some websites that
can help you get started: Arbor Day Foundation (www.arborday.org) and TreeHelp.com (www.tree-
planting.com). You will be able to find out the types of trees that are just right to grow in your
neighborhood simply by punching in your zip code. Also, check out Tree Musketeers at (www.
treemusketeers.org) to find out how you can become a member of the largest youth run organization
dedicated to planting trees across the world as an agent of social change.


Ever wonder about the chemical composition of your drinking water and the soil in and around your
home? The United States Department of Agriculture sponsors a website on the Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Services (CSREES). By visiting this site (www.reeusda.gov/1700/
statepartners/usa.htm) you will be able to find where soil and water testing is conducted in your
community. Also, check out Earth Force (www.earthforce.org) for information on testing water.

Is there a stream, river, or other flowing body of water in your neighborhood? If so, is it clean or does it
get cluttered with garbage or items that could otherwise be recycled? Does the water source flow into a
bigger body of water? If you answered yes to most of these questions, chances are that you are near a
river or stream that could use your help. Be sure to contact your local town/city government for
information on issues regarding illegal dumping, hazardous waste, and who will be able to pick up the
debris that you collect. Chances are that your city or town will welcome the extra help in beautifying
your community and be willing to properly dispose of the garbage that was collected. By cleaning up a
flowing body of water you are not only helping to protect the immediate area and life that reside in the
water, but also improving the quality of life for animals and plants that will no longer run the risk of
getting tangled in or swallowing the pieces of debris that you have collected.

Today, many communities have recycling programs. If yours happens to be one of the communities
without such a program, contact your town/city hall or company that picks up the refuse in your
neighborhood for information on how to start such a program. Visit Keep America Beautiful at (www.
kab.org) and The EPA’s page on recycling at (www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/recycle.htm).
Earth’s 911 can help you locate environmental information and recycling centers in your community just
by typing in your zip code.


Is there a vacant parking lot or piece of land in your community that people have come to refer to as an
eye sore? If so, how about doing a beautification project to clean up this unsightly area. Let local
residents know of your plan and some of them may even be willing to lend a hand to help clean up the
place they call home.
Youth Service America 1101 15th Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005
T: 202.296.2992 F: 202.296.4030 info@ysa.org www.ysa.org www.SERVEnet.org
In some areas, especially where there are state or national parks, plants have been cultivated and planted to prevent erosion,
keep soil in its place, and shelter for animals. However, at the time that these plants were rooted in their new environment, it
was not a well-known fact that they would take over the nutrients, water, and life of plant species that were native to the
growing region. It is for these reasons that many parks and recreation departments are now having to remove some of these
plants so that the ones that do belong in certain regions are able to survive and flourish in their natural environment. For more
information about where such a project is taking place or how you could start a project, contact your local Parks and
Recreation Department.

A “beach” commonly refers to a point at where the ocean meets land, this terminology could be taken a few steps further to
refer to any place where a body of water meets land (such as a lake or pond). While it is important to care for the oceans, it is
also just as important to make sure that our lakes and ponds are clean as well. The easiest way to do a beach cleanup is to
make sure that you carry out everything that you carried in while you spend a day at the beach. States that are located along
an ocean coast line have Coastal Commissions that can be easily searched by placing the state name before the words “Coastal
Commission” in your search. These Commissions will have ideas and resources on where you could take part in a beach
cleanup and some, like California, may even sponsor a statewide Coastal Cleanup.

On the opposite end of removing Non-Native Plant Species, is the idea of Preventing Erosion. Today, parks personnel and
scientists who specialize in botany (the study of plants) are aware of the correction types of greenery that will suit the
location where they are to be planted. In certain areas where erosion is possible – whether it be on a mountain side, hillside, or
piece of land with little to no foliage – some individuals will take it upon themselves to root plants, shrubbery, or trees to help
prevent erosion of the soil.


Even in the 21st Century, there are still some people who do not realize the hazards of dumping waste in gutters that are at the
end of their streets. Groups such as the California Coastal Commission have made an effort to work with groups to label
gutters and drains in neighborhoods warning people of the dangers of dumping dangerous materials in their gutters. In cities
and towns throughout the United States, the gutter and drain system is an intricate network of tubes and tunnels that
eventually empties into a larger body of water and reaching its final destination of the ocean. Keeping gutters and drains clear
of debris will also allow for smooth drainage and will prevent garbage from the streets from entering the system and
potentially draining to the ocean. To help educate people in your neighborhood about this environmental issue, you could
contact your coastal commission or Department of Public Works to find out if they have labeling programs in place.

Composting is the process of taking scraps of food and leaves through decomposition and using the resulting soil-like material
as an addition to landscapes and gardens. Compost is often used to improve the texture, water-retaining capacity, and
aeration of soil. Of all the projects listed, composting is the easiest...you can do it right in your own backyard! Annually,
composters recycle between 600 to 750 pounds of matter that would otherwise have gone to the landfill. Imagine how much
space we could save if everyone who had access to a small piece of land could compost matter from their households! For more
information on how to begin your own compost visit these websites: www.oldgrowth.org/compost/ and www.

Some information in this Tip Sheet provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.

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