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AngularJS Interview Questions for Quick Heads-up and Preparations

Here is a comprehensive set of JavaScript and AngularJS interview

questions and answers covering both the theoretical and the coding
part. You could refer it for quick heads-up and even recommend to
improve /add more relevant questions for helping fellow developers.
 1 What is AngularJS technology?
 2 What type of architecture does Angular support?
 3 What does Template mean in Angular?
 4 What does Scope mean in Angular?
 5 What does Controller mean in Angular?
 6 What are the main features of Angular?
 7 Why would you as a developer choose Angular?
 8 List down the popular AngularJS IDE Plugins/Extensions for web development?
 9 What are the steps involved in the boot process for AngularJS?
 10 Which browsers are compatible with Angular?
 11 What are Polyfills?
 12 How do you enable Polyfills?
 13 What are the security features provided by AngularJS?
 14 What are the security risks that a web developer should manage while developing an
AngularJS App?
 15 What are the most common directives used in AngularJS applications?
 16 What are expressions in AngularJS?
 17 What does a Filter do in Angular?
 18 Which are the filters Angular supports?
 19 What are Angular prefixes $ and $$?
 20 What are different ways to invoke a directive?
 21 What is a Singleton pattern? How does Angular use it?
 22 What are the essential characteristics of the Angular scope object?
 23 What is “$rootScope” in AngularJS?
 24 What is scope hierarchy in Angular? How many scopes can an application have?
 25 What are Single page applications (SPA) in AngularJS?
 26 What are the benefits does SPA provide?
 27 What is the difference between $scope and scope?
 28 How does the compilation process happen in Angular JS?
 29 How is AngularJS compilation different from other JavaScript frameworks?
 30 What is the use of ng-view in Angular?
 31 Give an example of ng-view in Angular?
 32 What is the purpose of ng-template in Angular?
 33 Give an example of ng-template in Angular?
 34 What is $routeProvider in Angular?
 35 Give an example of the $routeProvider in Angular?
 36 What does data binding mean in AngularJS?
 37 What are the data binding directives does Angular support?
 38 What is ng-bind directive in Angular?
 39 What is ng-bind-html directive in Angular?
 40 What is ng-bind-template directive in Angular?
 41 What is ng-non-bindable directive in Angular?
 42 What is the ng-model directive in Angular?
 43 What directives are used to show and hide HTML elements in AngularJS?
 44 What is ng-if directive in AngularJS?
 45 What is ng-switch directive in AngularJS?
 46 What does the ng-repeat directive do in AngularJS?
 47 What are different variables used with the ng-repeat directive?
 48 Can you demonstrate the use of ng-repeat variables?
 49 What do you know about the Factory method in AngularJS?
 50 How do you create a service in Angular using the factory method?
 51 Where can you use the Factory method in Angular?
 52 How does string interpolation take place in AngularJS?
 53 Define AngularJS Application Lifecycle?
 54 Describe the different stages of the AngularJS Application Lifecycle?
 55 Define AngularJS Scope Lifecycle?
 56 What are the different phases of the AngularJS Scope Lifecycle?
 57 What is an auto bootstrap process in AngularJS?
 58 Give an example of the auto bootstrap process in Angular?
 59 What is the manual bootstrap process in AngularJS?
 60 Give an example of the manual bootstrap process in Angular?
 61 How does automatic bootstrap of multiple modules happen in Angular?
 62 How does manual bootstrap of multiple modules happen in Angular?
 63 What is compile-time linking in Angular?
 64 When does the Pre and Post linking happen in AngularJS?
 65 Give an example of the Compile, Pre-Link, and Post-Link functions?
 66 What are the rules does a Controller enforce in AngularJS?
 67 What are the steps to create a Controller in AngularJS?
 68 What does service mean in Angular?
 69 What does lazy instantiation mean in Angular?
 70 What are singletons in Angular?
 71 What are the built-in services provided by Angular?
 72 What are different ways to create a service in AngularJS?
 73 How to create a service using Angular value?
 74 How to create a service using Angular factory?
 75 How to create a service using Angular service?
 76 How to create a service using Angular provider?
 77 How to create a service using Angular constant?
 78 What is the use of $watch() in Angular?
 79 What is the use of $digest() in Angular?
 80 What is the use of $apply() in Angular?
 81 What is the main difference between $apply() and digest()?
 82 Which one handles exception automatically between $digest and $apply?
 83 What is the use of $watchgroup() in Angular?
 84 What is the use of $watchCollection() in Angular?
 85 How to perform mandatory input field validation in Angular?
 86 How to perform minimum & maximum field length validations in Angular?
 87 How to perform pattern validation in Angular?
 88 How to perform email validation in Angular?
 89 How to perform number validation in Angular?
 90 How to perform URL validation in Angular?
 91 How do you exchange data among different modules of your Angular JS application?
 92 How would you use an Angular service to pass data between controllers? Explain with
 93 How will you send and receive data using the Angular event system?
 94 How do you switch to different views from a Controller function?
 95 Give a working example of switching views in Angular?
 96 What would you do to limit a scope variable to have one-time binding?
 97 What is the difference between one-way binding and two-way binding?
 98 Which Angular directive would you use to hide an element from the DOM without
modifying its style?
 99 What are some main differences between Angular v1.0 and Angular v2.0?
 100 How is Angular v6.0 different from its past versions?
 101 Check out More Interview Questions on Web Development
 102 Check out Top Web Development Tips and Tricks

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