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is done was done (voz pasiva 1) The office is cleaned every day. La offing se impia todos los dias. The room was cleaned yesterday. Laoicina se mpi ayer, Compara las formas en vor activa y pasiva Somebody cleans [HRRBHRRR] every day. (vo acta) TE 1) URGE cleaned. every ay (12 posi Somebody cleaned (@HBISARBE) yesterday. vor activa) = —_ FREBAREE] was cleaned yesterday. Woz pasia ‘Como en espatiol, la voz pasiva se forma en inglés con be (= ‘ser y el participio pasado: be partcpio pasado resent sisinue | am/is/are deed, dose (not) | + | invented — built past simu | was/were injured taken Etpartcipio pasado de los verbos regulares termina en -ed (cleanedidamaged etc). Enlos Anéndices 2-3 tenes una sta de partciios pesados iregulres (done/builttaken etc.) La voz pasiva se svele usar cuando descanocemos 0 no nas interesa mencionar quién 0 qué realiza la accidn. En espaol se brefiere usar formas con ‘se''e hace...”se venden..” et.) 0 verbos en plural (venden.../timpian ."et.). bserva fos siguientes ejempios: © Butter is made from milk... sehace © Oranges are imported into Britain... se importan/son imoortadas '* How often are these rooms cleaned? .. se impiar/linpian/son impiadas ‘© Tam never invited to parties. Nunca me imitan a fiestas, This house was built 100 years ago. fue constuida/se construys ‘These houses were built 100 years ago... fueron consteuides When was the telephone invented? —.. aventéyfve iventado...? We weren't invited to the party last week. Nonos inutaron The child was left alone in the room, —Dejaron En ingles se aice wasiwere born (= iaci/nacist’ et. ‘© was born in London in 1962. {nol bornedI born’) © Where were you born? Después de la voz pasiva, by = ‘por: We were woken up by a loud noise. ‘© America was discovered by Columbus, ‘© My brother was bieten by a dog last week. isbeing done /has been done > ENE vertesinequres > (EMIT by > ETT voractiayvozpashe—> CEM 2A 23 2A unipaD EJERCICIOS 22 Eseribe frases usando las palabras entre paréntess. Las frases 1~7 levan el verbo en presente. 1 (the office / clean f every day) The office. is cleaned. every, day. 2 (these rooms / clean / every day?) Are, these, rooms cleaned. every dau, 3 glass / make /from sand) Glass ~ 4 (stamps /sell/in a post office) nee si 5 (this room / not / use / very often). 6 (we allow ft0 park here?) semnnnnnnnn 7 (how {this word / pronounce?) —o Las frases 8-15 levan el verbo en pasado 8 (the office /clean / yesterday) The office, was, cleaned. yesterday... 9 (the house paint [last month) The house 10 (three people f injure /in the accident) resem 5 11. (any bicycle / steal /a few days ago)... = 12. (when / this bridge / build?) ~ 13 (you / invite / to the party last week?) : 14 (how / these windows teak?) rman - 18 (L/not/ wake up f by the noise) en = Corrige estas frases. 1 This house buile)100 years ago. This. ouse. mas, but Football plays in most countries of the world. ‘Why did the letter send to the wrong address? sens — A garage isa place where cats tepait. —wenmnunnnnnnnnnnsnnnnnnn Where are you born? How many languages are speaking in Switzerland? Somebody broke into our house but nothing stolen. See i ‘When was invented the bicycle? co . Completa las frases com lo siguientes verbos en voz pasiva (en presente o en pasado! lean damage find give invite make make show steal ake 1 The room i. deaned.. every day. 2 saw an accident yesterday. Two people .Mert.taken...o hospital. 3. Papet wrnnnn ~ from wood. 44 There wav a fire atthe hotel last week. Two of the coms 5 Where did you get this picture?” Te veonimevcna 40 me by @ fiend of mine. 6 Many American programmes oo ‘on British television. 7 ‘Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding?” “No. They but they didn’t go." 8 ‘How old isthis fm?” ‘It in 1965. 9 My car vs last week bur the next day it sawn BY the police. «Donde nacieron?- 1 (lan Edinburgh) lan.1s, bor in Einbargh, 2 (Sally (Birmingham) Sally cereennrnennnnnnannnnnnnn 3 (her parents / Ireland) Her... os 4 (you 22) L - - = 5 (your mother / 222) no a risitceiced - Traduce al ings: Rompieron esta ventana ayer. Como se hace la cerveza? ‘No invitaron a Brian a la boda. (boda = wedding) {Cuindo se construyé este puente? Mis padres nacieron en Madrid, pero yo nact en Sevilla. Estos sonetos fueron escritos por Shakespeare. (sonetos ¢DOnde naci6 Bruce? Esa casa se vendis el aito pasado. sonnets) is being done _ has been done (voz pasiva 2) ivare being ... (PRESENT €0. {vOUS en vor pasiva) Somebody is painting (vor activa) is being painted. (voz pasival Alguion est pintando la puerta. stan pintando la puerta, Elppesext CONTINUOUS en voz pasiva es isiare being | + paineeparedbuilimade | © My caris at the garage. Iti being repaired... Lo estén reparando, © Some new houses are being built opposite the park. —Estén construyendo casas nuevas £n espaol no usamos el equivalente al PRESENT CONTINUOUS en voz pasia (la puerta esta siendo pintada] y prefenimos usar formas con ‘se'o con stn.” Observa los ejemplos © Anew cinema is being built. Se estd construyendo / Estan construyendo un cine nuevo. © Important decisions are being made. Se estan tamando /Estan tomando decisiones importantes, Compara el uso del PRESENT CONTINUOUS y del PRESENT SIMPLE: ‘The office is being cleaned at the moment. (PRESENT CONTINUOLS, ahora, en este momento) © The office is cleaned every day. {PRESENT SIMPLE, hecho habitual) Los usos del Reset CONTINUOUS y del PRESENT SIMPLE aparecan en las Undades 9 y 27. has/have been ... (QRESENT PERFECT en vor pasiva) Somebody has painted ae (vor activa) MELEE hasbeen painted. (ox pasa) Alguion ta pintado la puerta, Han pintado la puerta, EpRESeNT PERFECT en vor pasiva es: hayfhave been | + paintedcpacebumade et. | © My key hasbeen stolen. Me han robado la Have. © My keyshave been stolen. _ Me han robado las laves, Pm not going to the party. I haven't been invited. No me han invitado Has this shirt been washed? Se ta avado esta camisa?/E ste lavada esta comisa? Compara el uso del PRESENT PERFECT y del Past sine: ‘© The room is clean now, It has been cleaned. (PRESENT PERFECT, tiempo indeterminado) The room was cleaned yesterday. (vast simPLe, periodo de tiempo concludo) ‘© can’t find my keys. [chink they've been stolen. (PRESENT PERFECT) ‘My keys were stolen last week. (PAST SIMPLE) Los usos del PRESET PERFECT y del past SIMPLE aparecen en la Unidad 22. is done/was done voz acta y vor pasva ws

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