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Pentru incepitori gi avansali.
Cu solu!ii detaliate.

Christina Cott


Gen, meserii 9i formule de adresare exercilii 1-5 iii, il.

Singular gi plural exercitii 6-13 ,il :,:

Genitiv exercitii
14 - 17 ,:,
,,t 15

5r NEHOTARAT exercttil l8 - 25


Pronume personal exerci!ii 35 - 38 za

Pronume 9i adjective pronominale posesive exerci!ii 39 - 41 30

Pronume reflexiv (qi de intirire) exercifii 42- 44 32

Pronume 9i adjective pronominale 34

exerci[ii 45 - 47

PREPOZTTT r exercilii 48 - 55


Numerale cardinale 9i numerale ordinale exercilii 56 - 59 r' l, 41

Data 9i ora exercitii 60 - 62 44


Adjective exercilii 63 - 68 ..,,,,,,,,1,' 46

Adverbe exercilii 69 -75 ',t, ',tt 49

Grade de comparalie exercilii 76-83 '.:55


Moduri 9i timpuri verbale exerci[ii 84 - 91 60

Be, hove 9i do 9i verbe modale exercilii 92-1O7 56

Gerunziu ;i infinitiv exercilii 108 - 121 76


Present simple gi progressive exercilii 122-132 84

Past simple gi progressive exercilii 133-144 90

Present perfect simple 9i progressive exercilii 145 - 150 97

Present perfect sau past simple? exercilii 151 - 156 100

Past perfect simple gi progressive exercilii 157 -163 103

Past perfect 9i past simple exerci!ii 164-171 107

Future tenses exerci!ii 172-183 1I"l

Conditional 9i conditional perfect exercilii 184 - 189 117

. 3y"!ry:
coNJUNCTil exercrt[
. l9a- lol !1...,t
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PROPOZITII INTEROGATIVE exercitii 202-211 {. ,li 126

iu1'' ',1.1!

PROPOZTTTT RELATTVE exercilii 212-221'1i,,,,,,;lll

.1t' 't.r,
PROPOZTTil CU exercitii 222-231 &,,,,i
DIATEZA PASIVA exercitii 232 - 240 &,*,r


VORBIREA INDIRECTA exercilii 241 - 25O 11,,..



Rezolviri 148

Vocabular 166

Credite fotografice 176

Gen, meserii giformule de adresare

o He, she sau it? Ce gen au urmitoarele substantive?

Atenlie: unele pot fi at6t feminine (f), c6t 9i masculine (m); (l) este pentru lucru.

a) mum (fr{rml[] g) taxi driver ($lm/l)

b) uncle (f/rm/!) h) rat \r/m/ ) |

c) teacher (f,YrvtlN) i) guest {ffm,r{}

d) waiter {ym/l} ,) computer (f,lryrl{}

e) fantasy k) our dog Rex {f,rrvlll}

f) friend \t/m/ t) l) secretary {f,rmll)

o Care sunt formele de feminin pentru urmitoarele meserii?

a) pilot c) businessman
b) steward h) author
c) waiter i) chemist
d) shop assistant j) househusband

e) fireman k) dentist
f) actor t) postman

AdEug6nd malelfemale sau manlwoman se poate clarifica genul

unui substantiv, de exemplu: a male manager, a woman doctor.

Atenlie: in limba englezi in fata denumirilor de meserii se aflS

intotdeauna articolul nehot5r6t, de exemplu:

She's a pilot. Ea este pilot (de meserie).

ffi Tradu, fiind atent la cazuri (nominativ, acuzativ, dativ).
W a) Bdiatul ore goisprezece ani.

b) Profesorul vorbegte cu bdiotul.

c) Mamail cheamd pe bdiot.

ffiro Completeazi textulcu majusculd (literi mare) sau cu minusculi (literi mici).
** C/s c ountries (a)
Some are very popular for Ww-inter H/h-olidays (b). For
E/e**xample (c), many G/g-ermans (d) travel to A/a-ustria (e) at Clc_hrist-
mas (f) and on Nln-ew Y/y-ear'sO/d-ay (g). But also P/p-eople (h) from
the N/n-etherlands (i) make the long llj-ourney (i) to go S,/s-kiing (k) there.
Howevel the f,/f-rench (l) and the l/i-talians (m) prefer to stay at H/h_ome
(n) to ski.

ln S/s-pring (o), there is usually also a R1r-un (p) on the H/h-otels (q) in the
A/a-lps (r) and especially over E/e-aster (s) the A,/a-ustrian M/m-ountains
(t) are overcrowded. The S,/s-ame (u) is true for S/s-aturdays and S/s-undays
(v) in f;/f-eb ruary, M/m-arch and A/a-pril (w). However, the A,/a-rea (x) is

also popular in the S,/s-ummer M/m-onths (y). Many T/t-ravellers (z) enjoy
C/c-ity (ab) Vt-rips (ac) to Vlv-ienna (ad) or L/l-ake C/c-onstance (ae)
and C,/c-ruises (af) on the D/d_anube (ag).

ln titlurile textelor americane, substantivele, verbele gi adverbele

se scriu de cele mai multe ori cu majusculS. Dacd nu egti sigur,
scrie tot,titlul cu majusclrle
Care este formula corecti de adresare in limba englezi (respectiv titlul corect)?

(Doamna prof. Schmidt)

is giving a series of lec tures at the University of London this term

b) Allow me to introduce
(Daamna dr. $i domnul dr. Moose) from Yorkshire.

c) (Domnul ti doamna Sird)

go on holid ay to Cornwall every year.

d) And now -
(Pregedinte/e Statelar lLnite ale Americii)l

Singular 9i plural

Care este pluralul urmitoarelor substantive?

a) dress f) firewoman

b) city g) quiz

c) dish h) tomato
d) sister-in-law i) fish

e) grandchild j) church

Tradu aceste cuvinte in englezS!

a) doud cumnate

b) dinli pulini

c) doud picioare

d) cdliva gooreci gi cdtevo g65te

Atenlie speciali: conform regulilor din limba englezS, verbul este la singular
sau la plural^ incercuiegte forma corectS.

Buhl football team kas /(a)(a) worked together well. A lot of people is I are (b)
curious because of this surprise success. Their coach says that the team is,r are (c)

like a large family. 'A true family wonks I work (d) together when they need each
other. That's it," A class from the local school hras I Lrave (e) watched the game,
and they all want to join some team or other now,

Tradu urmitoarele propozilii in englezS.

a) p{}xi*rex,&smmx&r

ur Cumplrati o pereche de blugi qi primi(i una gratis!

c) Aceasti foarfecii taie absolut totul!

0 $tirile? ... vin irnediat pe eanalul FastFox!

Uneori in limba englezi nu existi formS de plural, de exemplu: hair - pdr,lruit- fruct.
Sau forma de plural are o alti semnificalie, de exemplu: fruits - soiuri defructe.

care dintre cele doud propozilii cu substantive defective de plural sunt gregite?
a) n s We need milk, I a We need a milk.

n c We need some milks. n n We need a bottle of milk.

Singular 9i plural

a-1i -..: a The informations in this leaflet aren't very helpful.

* The information in this leaflet isn't very helpful.

..'' { Some pieces of information in this leaflet aren't very helpful.

r An information in this leaflet isn't very helpful.

Ce cuvinte referitoare la cantitSli pot fi intrebuinlate cu substantivele defective

de plural in urmitoarele imagini? Uneori existi mai multe posibilitSli.

;i :.'i:a ii : ari:il1a il , 1Ll i:r , girrll cl l jili'alr ;l la:r.*l !.:i


a loaf of


:::::. t, :
Future tenses

& Formeazd going to-future. Folosegte forma scurtd daci este posibil.
a) | (have) l'm going to have

b) she (not rnake)

c) they (do)

d) Mike (travel)

e) you (not stay up)

f) Mr and Mrs Knox (go out)

ffi *
Cum sund aceste propozilii la will-future, la negativ 9i la afirmativ?

a) Lina will be here after dinner.

b) She'll help you with the cooking.

c) l'm sure the rain won't stop soon.

d) We'll watch a movie tonight.

e) The Smiths won't visit C6diz.

Aici se ascund mai multe cuvinte care indicd future tenses,

:u n,t i [.f i r. q t ti'm e t'o,m o r r o w o r s t t n.e x t y,q a l e'a r'r i n gi n t e n
d aly q.y .e t t4, e d a y,al t e r t o m o.r { o w w h e
n,e r.fqf'e v, !r rn gr e
Trece de la formele progressive sau simple la will-future,
respectiv future perfect.

simple form progressive form

a) Sam willgo S_sn wilt le_sgtls

b) they won't hear

c) she'll have talked

d) I won't have been driving

e) you'll be coming back

f) it won't be selling

c) we'll have done

Care rispuns este corect? Citegte intrebirile la will-future, present simple
gi goingto-future gi decide.

a) Where are you going to stay? b) Willthe weather be nice in Rome?

n* l'll stay at the Hilton. n n Yes, it'll be nice.
il r l'm going to stay with friends It s No, it's goingto rain.
lf e I stay at home. il e Yes, it's fine.

c) When does your train leave? d) Won't she be at Josie's?

n A lt'll leave at 15:35. n * No, she's not going to be there.
n s lt leaves at 15:35. n n No, she's not at Josie's.
n c lt's going to leave at 15:35. n c No, she'll probably be at the gym.

in limba englezi.se poatb exprima ceva ce se realizeazS in viitor. gi cu simple

present. ln limbaj comun putem spune ci este vorba despre evenimente deja
stabilite sau planificate, cum sunt sirbitorile, planurile de cil6torie sau festivitSIile.
This year Christmas Eve is on a Monday.
Alcituiegte propozilii din cuvintele care s-au amesteCat ti folosegte
forma scurt5 dac5 este posibil. Atenlie la intlebiri ;i negalli.

a) have lif ltotake lit lrains lwe lthecar lwill l.

b) going lJim lwith lyou ltohelp lis lyourtaxreturn l?

c) theMacks lgoing Inot lthisyear lare Ntheirholidays lin ltaly ltospend l.

d) tired I not I after work I Sally I be I will | ?

e) will lllbe ltoCuba lwithCaty lflying ltomorrow l.

(a) in Wales for a while! We

(b) meet every weekend if we want to. I (c)
See you soon, Jill
i'l '
'j]:::])::::;:::;::::::t::::i::t::::::::::::::l]:::::::,;.:u:::::::::::::):::l::):::.:;;":;::,.: .... - :

completeazi cu will-future, going to-future sau present progressive.
ffi (be) sick any moment.
** a) Look at Tobyl He

b) You (have) an accident if you drive on these icy roads.

c) l'm sure that in a hundred years people (live) on Mars.

d) Tom has just called. He (come) round tonight.

e) Jill (leave) for Wales soon. She has already booked

the ferry.

f) The fridge is out of order. - What (we, do) about it?

Y presentsimple pentru planuri de cilStorrie; festivitSli sau zile de sdrbStoare '

present progressive: pentru acliune stabilitE sau intenlie ln viitor

going to-future: idei, planuri, prognoze pe baza unor indicii clare
will-futurq decizii spontane, presupunere, prognozd (de exemplu, pentru vreme)
future progressive: evenlmente agteptate, acliune durativS in viitor

Asociazi propoziliile cu intenlia vorbitorului'

*** a) l'll leave at one o'clock, plan, idee
b) l'll be leaving at one o'clock. a proibcte clare
c) l'm going to leave at one o'clock. presupunere sau prognoz6
d) l'll have left at one o'clock. o sosire/plecare conform planului
e) l'm leaving at one o'clock. r o'acliune care se va incheia
- in viitor
f) I leave at one o'clock.
F o acliune care va avea loc
- f5r5 implicare
Future tenses

Ce imagine gi ce verb se potrivesc fiecirei propozilii? AsociazS-le 9i alcdtuiegte


apoi forma corespunz;toare de viitor.

dance the tango have to get up

take place have breakfast leave

. Tomorrow morning we at 7 o'clock.

x Our plane to Rio at 12.35 a.m.

The next morning we in the hotel room.

, l'm sure we on the beach before the wedding.

The champagne reception in the afternoon.

By the end of the party we at Ieast a dozen times.

in limba rom6ni se folosegte adesea prezentul 9i pentru evenimente viitoare,

respectiv ac!iuni. Dar aten!ie la traducere: in limba englezd pentru alegerea
timpului este igrp_p1!anti intentia (prognozi, presupunere, intelegere etc.).

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