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The chiral pool as a source of enantioselective catalysts and auxiliaries

Hans Ulrich Blaser
Chem. Rev., 1992, 92 (5), 935-952 • DOI: 10.1021/cr00013a009
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Chemical Reviews is published by the American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth

Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036
chan.Rev. 1992.92.835-852 985

The Chlral Pool as a Source of Enantloselective Catalysts and Auxiliaries

Hans-Ulrich Blaser
h b a l Rapaerd, SeNms, CIBAGIQY AQ R 1055.8. W O O . ? Pad, swlha*md

Rmwfwd N O W 18, 1991(Redsad M e t Rseslvsd Mrdl2. 1982)

Contents I
1. Introduction 935
11. Enantloselective Catalysts end Reagents 937
A. Organizatlon of Tables 1-16 end Figures 937
E. Sources for Effective Chkai AuxMrles 940
1. Alkaloids 940
2. Amino Acids 942
3. Hydroxy Aclds 944
4. Carbohydrates 944
5. Terpenes 945
6. Misceliam~wsSources 945
C. Chkai Auxiiiariea from Non-Natural Starling 945
Materiais Haansutlch B b s r was banin 1943in BLsdrofsreN. TQ. Switmknd.
111. Sbucturai Analysls of Effective Chirai Ligands 948 He sMled organic chemistry at the Nin Zinich and carried wt
A. Ligand Type and EnantiosekrctMty 948 his Ph.D. thesls on metabfree corrlns under the guldance of A.
Eschenmoser. I t was there that he learned to appreciate tha
1. Monodentate Ligands 948 potential and the esthetic quainies of simple mechanistic modeis.
2. Bldentate Oxygen Ligands 949 Hespnttheyean 1971-1974asPostdoctoraiFeibw wlthJ. Haip-
3. Bldentate Nitrogen Ligends 949 em at the University of Chicago and with J. Osbwn at HarVard
University. Inthlstimehewasinniatedintothemyste~sofkineHcs
4. BMentate phosphorus Ligands 950 andorgamtaiilccatalysls. Aftera shorl IntermeuoasResearch
5. BMentate Llgands wHh 0. N. P. cf S 950 Associate at the now defunct Monsanto Research S.A. in Ziirlch.
Donor Atoms hejoinedtheCBntral ResearchLaboratorlesof Ciba-Geigyin1976.
6. Potentially Tridentate Ligands 950 Ha now heads a small but dedicated team of researchers who
s t d y and apply homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts lor
8. Tentative Conclusions on the Effect of 950 the synthesis of flne chemicals. He is more and more fascinated
Structural Elements by the various ways molecules (and people) interact and trles to
I. Position of Asymmetric Cent&) 950 understand the reasons lor their behavior. I n his spare time he
is an avM biker and skier.
2. Chelating Agents 950
3. Ring Sbuctures 951
4. Bulky or Aromatlc Substituents 951 rality, was unchanged, but the functional groups were
5. Essential Structures 951 transformed and additional substituents were intro-
duced in order to achieve the desired properties. A
review by Brunner? covering all Chemical Abstract
referencea on enantioselective synthesis with transition
I . Introducllon metal catalysts between 1984 and 1986 confirmed this
For many decades the chiral pool was the only source impression: about two-thirds of the 329 tabulated
of enantiomericallypure catalysts or auxiliaries(ligands ligands were derived from natural molecules. This
or modiiers) for enantioselectivesyntheses. Seemingly, indicates that, even though the separation techniques
the situation has changed because many of the most for the resolution of racemates have improved, the chi-
effectivechiral agents described in the current literature ral pool is still an attractive and economic source for
have been designed and synthesized by organic chem- enantiomericallypure chiralagents. Economic reasons
ists. While writing a review on the w e of chirally and chemical interest led us to make a more extended
modified solids for enantioselective heterogeneous survey.
catalysis we were therefore quite surprised to find that
with few exceptions the modifiers used were all of This review is an attempt to present the state of the
natural origin.' In most cases the natural compounds art of the application of naturally occurring chiral
were even used "as is" or with only small modifications. molecules and derivatives thereof as enantioselective
This made us eurioua as to whether the situation was agents (catalysts, modifiers, ligands, or metal-based
really that different in the field of homogeneous enan- reagents) in organic synthesis. Excluded are all ap-
tioselective synthesis. A closer look at some very proaches where the auxiliaries are covalently bound to
effective chiral ligands showed that in many cases they one of the starting materials, Le. diastereoselective
were derived from natural molecules. Usually, the reactions. In the first part, chiral reagents and catalysts
carbon backbone, with the essential elements of chi- derived from natural compounds are listed together

00042865/82/07824935$10.0010 (d 1882 A r " chmkai Socbiy

896 Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 Blaser

Table 1. Chiral Reagents Derived from Alkaloids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral reagent Reaction ee Ref.

0 decarboxylation of malonic acid deriv. 10 5,13

from ephedrine

lB h 2 R I TiMe, 0 addition of methyl group to aldehydes 90 14

lC &R, I
tiAIH4 0 reduction of ketones 98 15,16
0 hydrobration of olefins 56 17

addition of RCuM to enones 95 18-19

Table 2. Homogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Alkaloids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield

Entry Chiral catalyst Reaction ee Ref.

from cinchona alkaloids

cycloaddition of ketene and aldehydes >95 llb

l addition of EtPZnto aldehydes
Michael addition reaction
addition of phosphites to aldehydes
hydrogenation of adiketones 78 21,22
addition of Me,SiCN to aldehydes 96 23
decarboxylation of malonic acid deriv. 31 13
addition of alcohols to ketenes 76 9,24
dihydroxylation of olefins 99 25

epoxidation of enones (PTC) 55 llb

a-alkylation of carbonyl compounds (PTC) 94 lla,i8

from ephedrine

& NRR,
I Ni
addition of R g n to aldehydes
addition of Et$ to aldehydes
Michael addition of Et2Znto enones

2D m P h , IRh
hydrogenationof enamides 80 26

2E strychnine or brucine addition of alcohols to ketenes 40 9,24

2+2 cycloaddition of ketenes and aldehydes 72 27

2F sparteine I Pd addition of RMgX to aldehydes 22 28

I Pd allylic alkylation reaction 85 29,30
I Pd addition of RZnBr to aldehydes 95 31
IRLi polymerization of acrylic acid deriv. -100 32

with the type of reaction and the best optical yields the literature in a systematic way for this particular
reported for it. The goal of this compilation is to give topic. Much of the material of the present review is
the reader an impression of the diversity of both the therefore based on the literature collections of several
structures of these auxiliaries and of the reaction types research teams in the Central Research Laboratories
where they are applied. In the second part we have of Ciba-Geigy working on homogeneous and hetero-
undertaken the endeavor to describe and classify geneous enantioselective catalysts and organometallic
different types of chiral ligands. Similarities and reagenb3 Additional references were found by search-
differences between successful inductor molecules are ing citations in reviews and research paper^.^ This
discussed and important structural elements that are overview is quite comprehensive for heterogeneous
beneficial for good optical induction are identified. From enantioselective systems, but only very effective (ee
this analysis a few conclusions were drawn that may be >8O-90 7% ) and/or interesting homogeneous catalysts
useful for designing new chiral reagents and catalysts. and auxiliaries are tabulated, and it is possible that
For obvious reasons, there is no simple way to search some relevant citations were missed entirely.
Chlral Pool as Source of Enantloselectlve Catalysts Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 937

Table 3. Heterogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Alkaloids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalvst Rea dion ee Ref.')

I Pt-support hydrogenation of a-ketoesters 95 H14

I Pt-support hydrogenation of C-N 15 H14
3A / Pd-supporl hydrogenolysis of C-CI 50 H15
X I Pd-support hydrogenationof C-C 30 H15
I Hg electrode reduction of ketones 16 E l , 33

38 20 E2,33

3c ephedrine / Pd-support hydrogenation of C=O I C=N 10 HlO

3D I Hg electrode reduction of C=O 26 E2.33

x. / Hg electrode pinacole formation 26 E2,33

3E strychnine I Hg electrode reduction of C=O 48 E1.33

I Hg electrode reduction of C-CI 26 E l , 34

3F emetine / Hg electrode reduction of C-Br 45 El, 33

3G sparteine I Hg electrode reduction of C=C 17 E l , 33

a) or number of catalytic system in ref. l b

Table 4. Chiral Reagents Derived from Amino Acids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield

Entry Chiral reagent Reaction ee Ref.

4A N,N'dibenzoylcystine I LiBH, reduction of P-ketoesters 92 39

from various amino acids

48 reduction of ketones and oximethers 100 40

reduction of ketones 100 139

from proline

4c COOH INaBH, reduction of imines 86 15

I LiAIH, reduction of ketones 95 41
4D / Li
Sn(Tf), isomerization epoxide -allylic alcohol 92 18,41
addlion of enolates to carbonyl compounds >98 42- 44
R I Sn momacylation of diols 80 18

4E addition of BuLi to aldehydes 95 18,41



addiion of RCuM to enones 94 la, 45

I I. Enantloselectlve Catalysts and Reagents requirements of a molecule. The material is divided

into the following classes of natural compounds used
A. Organlzatlon of Tables 1-16 and Flgures 1-5 as starting materials: alkaloids (Tables 1-3, Figure l),
amino acids (Tables 4-6, Figure 2), hydroxy acids
The different types of chiral reagents and catalysts (Tables 7-9, Figure 31, carbohydrates (Tables 10-12,
are tabulated together with the reactions where they Figure 41, terpenes (Tables 13-15, Figure 5 ) , and
were applied successfully. For the sake of clarity and miscellaneous systems (Table 16).
in order to facilitate the comparison among different Each chapter comprises separate tables for stoichi-
auxiliaries, substituents are abbreviated. This may in ometric reagents and for homogeneous and heteroge-
some cases lead to a wrong impression about the steric neous catalysts. The number of an entry tells in which
938 Chemical Revlews, 1992, Vol. 92, NO. 5 BLaser

Table 5. Homogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from (A) Unfunctionalized Amino Acids, (B) Proline and
Hydroxyproline, and (C) Functionalized Amino Acids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalyst Reaction ee Ref.
A. UnfunctionalizedAmino Acids

IB Diels-Alder reaction 86 46

58 0 addition of Et,Zn to aldehydes 97 47

5c I Ni Grignard cross coupling reaction 94 15

50 I Rh 0 hydrogenation of enamides 94 2, 26
I Ni hydrovinylation of dienes 93 26

5E I Rh 0 hydrogenation of enamides 99 48

5F I cu monophenylationof diols 50 49
I Rh hydrosilylation of ketones 99 49,140

5G I cu cycbpropanationof olefins 92 50,51

IT addition of Me3SiCNto aldehydes 91 141

I cu 0 cycbpropanationof olefins 99 49
5H 86 49
I Fe 0 Diels-Alder reaction

IIr 0 transfer hydrogenation of ketones 91 49

51 I Pd 0 allylic alkylation 77 49
IRh 0 hydrosilylation of ketones 84 52


5K addition of Et& to aldehydes 92 14

R .

8. Proline and Hydroxyproline

from Droline

X=OH cyclisation of tri-ketones 95 35,53

5L I cu allylic acetoxylationof olefins 30 54
, X=NHR I R h hydrogenationof enamides 99 36
H I Ni 0 Michael addition reaction 61 55

5M QCPh,OH , 0
addition of Et& to aldehydes
addition of E t g n to aldehydes
R IB 0 Diels-Alder reaction 97 142

Q-CH2NH)2(CH2)3 I co decatimxylation of malonic acid derivatives 96 18

,b NPh
addition of Et& to aldehydes 96 57

5P ~ C H 2 0 P P h 2 Rh hydrogenationof a-ketoamides 79 58
hydrogenation of enamides 96 48
Chkal Pool as Source of Enantloselective Catalysts Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 939

Table 5. (Continued)
Entry Chiral catalvst Reaction ee Ref.
~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~

from hydroxyDroline

addition of RSH to enones 88 41

5R I Rh 0 transfer hydrogenationof itaconic acid 97 143

97 59,60
98 48,61
;b, P(F& I Pt-SnCI, hydroformylationof olefins 98 62
I Ir hydrogenationof imines a4 a

COOR I Rh hydrogenationof enamides 92 64

C. FunctionalizedAmino Acids

from ornithine

c NPPh,
I Rh hydrogenation01 enamides 84 65

from Dyrodutamic acid

cycbpropanation of olefins 93 50
reduction of a,B-unsaturated amides 99 66
reduction of a,B-unsaturated esters 96 66

from cysteine

5v q s,,%COOR
I Rh hydrosylilationof ketones 9a 2,67

from methionine

IRh transfer hydrogenationof ketones 75 68
5w \ s e - H

from threonine

5x yCH,OPPh, I Ni hydrovinylation of dienes 93 2,69


5Y I Rh hydrogenation of enamides 94 70

I0 Diets-Alderreaction 96 144

table it is located. The chiral auxiliaries are L t e d in there are from L e natural molecule to the auxiliary the
order of increasing number of modified functional better is the chance of ita application. The structures
groups. The reason for this is our interest in the of the natural products with their absolute configura-
industrial application of enantioselective synthesis. tion are given in Figures 1-5.
There, a chiral auxiliary has to be easily available and If a metal complex is the active reagent or catalyst,
not too expensive. This means that the fewer steps usually only the metal is given, although in some cases
940 Chemlcal Revlews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 Blaser

Table 6. Heterogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Amino Acids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalyst Reaction ee ReLa)

6A various amino acids / Raney-Ni hydrogenation of P-ketoesters 15 38

6B tyrosine I Pd or Raney-Ni hydrogenationof C=C 50 H7,71
I Pd hydrogenation of C=C 66 H5
6C silk fibroin I Pd hydrogenationof C=N 30 H5

epoxidation of chalcones 99 M5,MIl

6D synthetic polypeptides \ L$$ii:tlectrode
hydrogenationof C=C
reduction of C-C
I Pt electrode oxidation of sulfides 93 E5,33

from histidine

addition of HCN to aldehydes 97 72

a) or number of catalytic system in ref. l b

Table 7. Chiral Reagents Derived from Hydroxy Acids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral reagent Reaction ee Ref.

from tartaric acid

7A / NaBH, reduction of ketones 86 73


78 HoyCH2NRR'
I EtAICI, Diels-Alder reaction 94 74
'.' CH,NRR,

7c / B(OMe), Diels-Alder reaction 92 75
allylboration of aldehydes 97 76

7D HoycHzoR
I EtAICI, Diels-Alder reaction >98 74

addition of MeLi to aldehydes 90 18

addition of Me,SiCN to aldehydes 96 75
intramolecular ene reaction >98 77
addition of M-allylto aldehydes 97 78

dihydroxylation of olefins 90 18

other essential ligands are mentioned as well. The that enzymes catalyze reactions enantioselectively,
highest enantiomeric excess (ee) described in the chemists have been challenged to find artificial systems
literature is reported as a useable value for judging the with the same capability. The only enantiomerically
discriminating ability of a given auxiliary. It must be pure compounds available at that time were of course
stressed that in most cases the best enantioselectivity of natural origin. The first positive results were
can only be obtained under optimal conditions (sub- obtained with alkaloids as chiral agents: Marckwaldb
strate, chiral auxiliary, reaction conditions). While reported in 1904the enantioselective decomposition of
some of the enantioselectivereactions are quite general, the brucine salt of ethylmethylmalonicacid (entry 1A).
i.e. have been applied to different substrates, very often And in 1908, Bredig and Fajanss described the first
only one or two model substrates have been employed. kinetic resolution: nicotine catalyzed the decomposition
Therefore, appropriate reviews have been cited in order Of D- and L-camphocarbonicacid at different rates (kLl
to give the reader quick access to background infor- k~ -1.17). In 1912,the same group reported the first
mation on the scope and limitations of a given chiral
reagent or catalyst.
B. Sources for Effective Chirai Auxiliaries
asymmetric catalytic synthesis: addition of HCN to
aldehydes, catalyzed by cinchona alkaloids (ee 27%)
and in 1932 found the first heterogeneous catalysts for
the same reaction (aminocellulose, ee -22%, entry
1. AlkaloMs (Tables 1-3, Figure 1) l2E).' These results, together with those of Schwab8
Historically,alkaloids have played an important role on the use of metals supported on quartz (entry 16B),
in the discussions of the prospects of organic chemistry clearly laid to rest all suggestionsthat only nature could
to mimic nature. From the time Fischer discovered make c h i d molecules selectively. The cinchona al-
Chiral Pool as Source of Enantloselectlve Catalysts Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 941
Table 8. Homogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Hydroxy Acids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalyst Reaction ee Ref.

from tartaric acid

8A I Diels-Alder reaction 96 ia,75

allylation of aldehydes with allylsilanes 96 145

epoxidation of allylic alcohols sa 79

8B oxidation of sutfides 97 53,ao,ai
I Ti addition of Me,SiCN to aldehydes 91 a2
photooxidation of olefins to epoxyalcohols 72 83

addition of MeLi to aldehydes 90 la

CAr,OH alcoholysis of thioesters (kinetic resolution) 92 ia
8c Rql
Diels-Alder reaction
addition of Etp& to aldehydes
2 + 2 cycbaddition reaction
addition of Me3SiCNto aldehydes 96 146
8D ( C N R IRh hydrogenationof enamides 100 2.86

8E ;,x;oJcH2pAf2 I Rh
I Rh
hydrosilylationof ketoesters
hydrogenationof itaconic acid derivatives
hydrogenationof enamides
I Rh hydrobration of olefins a2 90
"'"CH,PAr, / Rh intramolecular hydrosilylation of olefins 93 91
I Ir hydrogenationof imines 70 63
I Rh hydrogenationof aminoketones 95 48
from lactic acid

8F YPPh2 PPh,
I Go
hydrogenationof enamides
Diels-Alder reaction

from mandelic acid

8G q P P h , / Rh hydrogenationof enamides aa 48


hydrogenationof enamides 9a 48
8H o r P p h 2 hydrogenationof imines 91 94

Table 9. Heterogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Hydroxy Acids; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entrv Chiral catalyst Reaction ee Ref.*)

from tartaric acid

9A tartaric acid I Raney-Ni-NaEr hydrogenationof P-functionalizedketones 92 H9,38

9B Zn-tartrate epoxide ring opening reactions a5 M7
9c Cu-tartrate cycbpropanation of olefin 46 Ma

9D / Ti-pillared clay epoxidation of allyl alcohols 9a MIO

011 cPh,oH

chiral host Wittig reaction with cyclohexanones 57 M9,95

9F malic acid I Raney-Ni hydrogenationof p-ketoesters 61 37

a) or number of catalytic system in ref. 1b

kaloid catalyzed addition of HCN to aldehydes was have been found to be effective chiral agents. The
probably the first enantioselective reaction that was cinchona alkaloids are very versatile catalysts and
studied systematically and where a detailed mecha- ligands (entries 2A),modifiers for heterogeneous cat-
nism was postulated.gJ0 alysts (entry 3A),and phase-transfer catalysts (entry
The results compiled in Tables 1-3 show that of the 2B). Interestingly, the unmodified alkaloids often
many types of alkaloids known today only a very few exhibit the best enantioselection properties for a variety
942 Chemlcal Reviews, lQ92, Vol. 92, No. 5 Blaser

L-amino acids X=H proline
X=OH hydroxyproline
N H.
X=H cinchonidine cinchonine
X = OMe quinine quinidine

ornithine cysteine methionine

ephedrine H
emetine threonine pyroglutamic acid
Figure 2. Structures and absolute configurations of the
aminoacids used for preparing enantioselectivecatalysts and
reagents described in Tables 4-6.
0 0 H
R=H strychnine related analogs is available. There are so many out-
R = OMe brucine sparteine standing homogeneous catalysts derived from amino
Figure I. Structures and absolute configurations of the acids that the results were subdivided as follows: un-
alkaloids used for preparing enantioselective catalysts and functionalized amino acids RCH(NH2)COOH (Table
reagents described in Tables 1-3. 5, part A), proline/hydroxyproline (Table 5, part B),
and amino acids with an additional functional group
of transformations.11bJ2 Sparteine 2F,strychnine or (Table 5, part C). For most homogeneous applications,
brucine 2E and 3E,and emitine 3F are moderately either both functional groups of the amino acids or an
effectivewithout alteration either as catalysts or as chi- additional functional group was used to construct a
ral modifiers. Ephedrine derivatives are used mostly bidentate ligand for various metal-mediated reactions
as ligands for organometallicreagents or catalysts, and (see below). There are interesting exceptions: Proline
the functionality is adapted accordingly (entries lC, 5L is an efficient catalyst for the cyclization of trike-
lD,2C,and 2D). tones (Hajos-Parrish-Wiechert reaction). Reported in
Some tentative conclusions can be drawn: High the early 1970s,this was considered to be a spectacular
optical yields are observed for molecules with a basic ~ ~ as spectacular is the recent report
a ~ h i e v e m e n t .Just
nitrogen atom in a distinct asymmetric environment on the use of a simple amide of proline 5L as a ligand
and an oxygen functionality in a 1,Crelationship. The for the Rh-catalyzed hydrogenation of enamides. If
multifunctionality of the cinchona alkaloids is rather confirmed, this would represent the first efficient non-
unique. phosphine noble metal hydrogenation catalyst.% Other
cases where only slight changes of the amino acid
2. Amino Acids (Tables 4-6, Figure 2) molecule are needed are the reduction reagents from
Amino acids are obvious starting materials for enan- N,”-dibenzoylcystine/LiBH4 4A and N-acylprolinel
tioselective auxiliaries because a large series of closely NaF3H4 4C and the Diels-Alder catalyst 5A.
Table 10. Chiral Reagents Derived from Carbohydrates; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral reagent Reaction ee Ref.

from Qlucose

I cpn 0 addition of allyl groups to aldehydes 94 78

10A y$.8wo addition of ester enolates to aldehydes 98 78

’‘,,o ,!‘( I BEN; KHa) reduction of ketones 100 16

1OB cyclodextrines epoxidation of benzoquinone 48 96

from mannitol

H I EtAIC12 Diels-Alder reaction 94 74

1oc ox
t->( SiMe3 ITiCI, Diels-Alder reaction 96 74

a) K-Glucoride; BBN = 9-borabicyclo[3.3.l]nonane

CMrel Pool as Source of Enantloselective Catalysts Chemical Revlews, 1992, Vd. 92, No. 5 949

Table 11. Homogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Carbohydrates; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalyst Reaction ee Ref

from alvceraldehvde

11A FPPh, IRh hydrogenationof enamides 86 2

from xylose

llB Ph,PO ins. 0

IRh hydrogenationof enamides 90 97

from glucose

11c ~09::' / LiAIHl reduction of ketones 71 98


11D hydrogenationof enamides 99 99,100

11E 0 hydrogenationof enamides 92 2, 101

I Rh hydrogenationof enamides 90 2.102


from galactose


1lG Grignard cross coupling reaction 99 103

1lH hydrogenationof enamides 73 104

ill 0 Michael addition reaction 70 105

from mannitol


from rhamnose

OPPh, I Rh hydrogenationof enamides 7a 135

11L Ph2PO+~ IRh 0 hydrogenationof itaconic acid deriv. 100 136

Amino acids are not very efficient for the modification The dipeptides 6E were used as catalysts for the
of heterogeneous hydrogenation catalysts (entries 6A addition of HCN to aldehydes. They exhibit good enan-
and 6B)but these modified systems together with the tioselectivity only in gel form.72b
Pd/silk fibroin (a natural polypeptide) 6C are histor-
ically Very good optical yields were Tentative conclusions: Amino acids are versatile
reported for the application of the synthetic polypep- s W h g materials because of their simple structure with
tides 6D as epoxidation catalysts for enones and as an 0-and an N-functionality close to the asymmetric
modifiers for the electrochemical oxidation of sulfides. carbon atom. Analogs with additionalfunctionalgroups
Q44 Chemlcal Revlews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 Blaser

Table 12. Heterogeneous Chiral Catalysts and Reagents Derived from Carbohydrates; Reaction Type and Best Optical
Chiral catalyst or reagent Reaction ee Ref?)

12A glucose I Raney-Ni hydrogenation of C=C =lo H3

126 fructose I ZnO bromination of C=C e50 B1

crystalline chiral hosts

12c cyclodextrines I BH,; NaBH, addition Of XY t0 c=c (X,Y=H,CI,Br) 100 M6

reduction of ketones 91 106,107

1 2 D cellulose I Pd hydrogenation of C=C, C=O c1 H12

12E aminocellubse addition of HCN to aldehydes 22 82
1 2 ~ gum arabicum I PI SOI various reactions nd H8

complexes immobilized on cellulose-derivatives

12G [oHICan I Ru hydrogenation of enamides 35 21


hydrogenation of olefins 77 48
12H [ O ~ / R~ h C ~ hydrogenation
~ of enolphosphonates 77 48
hydrogenation of enamides 80 48
OPPh,bPPh, hydrogenation of itaconic acid 82 48

121 IRh hydrogenation of olefins 40 108

PPh, PPh,

a) or number of catalytic system in ref. 1b

are available. Five- and seven-membered chelates are from monohydroxy acids are known (entries 8F-H) and
easily accessible. in some respect hydroxy acids offer a similar potential
as starting materials as amino acids.
3. Hydroxy Acids (Tables 7-0, Figure 3)
Tentative conclusions: Tartaric acid is a versatile
Besides proline, tartaric acid is the single most starting material for a variety of different five- and
important starting material for a variety of highly seven-membered chelates with Cz symmetry. In ad-
selective chiral agents. Again, in many cases only the dition, both enantiomers are available.
backbone is left unchanged while the OH and/or the
COOH groups are protected or transformed to give 4. Carbohydrates (Tables 10- 12, Figure 4)
efficient ligands (see below). The most important
catalyst here is probably the Sharpless epoxidation Carbohydrates are probably the class of natural
catalyst 8B and 9D.Other interesting exceptionswhere compounds with the most asymmetric centers and
the tartrate molecule is not or only slightly changed are potential ligand atoms per molecule. Their use as chi-
the well-publicized tartrate-modified Nickel catalysta ral auxiliaries is therefore very tempting. The results
for the hydrogenation of @-ketoesters 9A,the reducing show, however, that more is not necessarily better. In
agent 7A,the Diels-Alder catalyst 8A,and the Zn and most cases many or all of the hydroxy groups either
Cu tartrate catalysts 9B and 9C. A few ligands derived have to be protected or removed in order to obtain an
effective ligand for a diversity of metal-based reagents.
HO COOH This means that it is essentially the backbone and the
bulky shape of the whole molecule that is used for chi-
HO CH,COOH ral discrimination. With the exception of the manni-
tol derivative 11K,the sugars are used in their cyclic
tartaric acid malic acid form.
Sugars also occur naturally as oligomers (e.g. cyclo-
dextrins) and polymers (e.g. cellulose). These materials
have been applied with success as inclusion catalysts
I (entries 10B and 12C)and as polymeric ligands (entries
COOH 12GI). Their use as a chiral catalyst (entry 12E)or
catalyst support (entry 12D)was less successful.
mandelic acid lactic acid Tentative conclusions: There are often too many
Figure 3. Structures and absolute configurations of the hy- similar asymmetric elements and functional groups.
droxy acids used for preparing enantioselectivecatalysts and Protected cyclicsugars have an interesting, bulky shape.
reagents described in Tables 7-9. Chelates attached to a ring are easily accessible.
Chlral Pool as Source of Enantloselective Catalysts Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 Q45


glyceraldehyde mannitol camphor menthol a-pinene 2-carene

glucofuranose glucopyranose

xylose galactose

vitamin B,
rhamnose fructose Figure 5. Structures and absolute configurations of the ter-
OH penes and of vitamin BIZused for preparing enantioselective
catalysts and reagents described in Tables 13-16.

of no practical use at the moment either because of low

optical yields or because the crystalline state is not a
feasible reaction medium.
Figure 4. Structures and absolute configurations of the C. Chlral Auxlllarles from Non-Natural Starting
sugars used for preparing enantioselective catalysts and Materials (Table 17)
reagents described in Tables 10-12.
As already pointed out, starting from enantiomeri-
5. Terpenes (Tables 13-15, FMure 5) cally pure natural products is only one way for obtaining
The best-studied terpene-based chiral reagents are chiral auxiliaries. One-third of the auxiliaries listed in
the versatile organoboranes (entries 13C,D,F)devel- the review of Brunner2 have been prepared either by
oped by Brown over the last two decades.76 Because resolving racemic material or by enantioselective syn-
the ligand is attached directly to the boron via a carbon thesis. Important examples have been listed in Table
atom, terpenes without heteroatoms are feasible as 17. This strategy has its own advantages: (i) the
starting materials. Similar A1 complexes 13Ehave also possibility to make chiral auxiliaries with chiral ele-
been described. The lack of appropriate functional ments which do not exist in natural compounds, such
groups might be the reason that only two more terpe- as molecules with axial asymmetry (BINOL 17A and
nes have been used for other types of auxiliaries: BINAP 17B), molecules with planar asymmetry like
camphor where additional functional groups must be the ferrocene-derivedphosphines 17D,and ligands with
introduced and menthol where the OH group was an asymmetric P or Re atom (entries 17C and 17E);the
replaced in order to obtain suitable ligands. Both BINAP ligand has especially expanded the scope of
molecules are the starting point for several families of enantioselective hydrogenati0n;~~~J~3 (ii) the opportu-
highly efficient ligands. There is one report of a rather nity to design ligands with structural elements not
unusual menthol/Rh catalyst 14D which produces j3- occurring in nature (entry 17F);(iii) both enantiomers
lactams by carbonylation of aziridines. of a given chiral agent can be made which is usually not
Tentative conclusions: Terpenes have rigid ring possible when starting from natural compounds; (iv)
structures, but the lack of functional groups makes them auxiliaries with the same structural elements described
less attractive as chiral auxiliary. in the previous chapters but without some of the natural
residues or with more pronounced features can be
6. Mlsceiianeous Sources (Table 16, Figure 5) synthesized. This approach of course requires at least
This last chapter describes the only vitamin used as an intuitive understanding of the function of different
enantioselective catalyst (entry 16A), a natural inor- parts of the chiral agent. That is one reason we have
ganic polymer (entry 16B) employed as support, and tried to analyze the efficiency of different structures
two cases where the prochiral substrate crystallizes in and substituents. Some very selective catalysts and
chiral crystals which then lead to optical induction reagents have been designed in this fashion and many
(entries 16C and 16D). These latter chiral systems are of them are can be found in the cited reviews.
946 Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5

Table 13. Chiral Reagents Derived from Terpenes; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield

Entry Chiral reagent Reaction ee Ref.

from camphor
13A allylboration of aldehydes 96 76

138 IEtAICI2 Diels-Alder reaction >98 74,75

13C I tBuLi reduction of ketones >99 76

H hydrobration of olefins >99 76
13D CI,I epoxide ring opening reaction 95 109
H,CI reduction of ketones 98 76
allyl 0 allylboration of aldehydes >99 76

13E reduction of ketones 98 110

allylboration of aldehydes >99 76

a) BBN = 9-borabicycb[3.3.1]nonyl

Table 14. Homogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Terpenes; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalyst Reaction ee Ref.

from camDhor

addition of R g n to aldehydes 99 10
protonation of photodienols 91 147

addition of RpZnto aldehydes >96 14

Icu cybpropanationof olefins 100 111

IEu Hetero-Diels-Alder reaction 64 75,112
N-0 Hetero-Diels -Alder reaction 05 113

from menthol

14D b OH
Diels-Alder reaction
carbonylation of aziridines

I Rh hydrogenation of enamides 07 115

I Rh hydrogenation of acrylic acid derivatives 61 116
I Ni hydrovinylation of norbornene 01 117

IRh 0 hydrogenation of enamides 93 110

Chlral Pool as Source of Enantloselective Catalysts Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 947

Table 15. Heterogeneous Chiral Catalysts Derived from Terpenes; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entrv Chiral catalvst Reaction ee Ref.’)

15A IPt black hydrogenation of C-N 10 H4


158 camphor IRaney-Ni hydrogenation of COO 24 H6

a) or number of catalytic system in ref. 1b

Table 16. Miscellaneous Chiral Systems; Reaction Type and Best Optical Yield
Entry Chiral catalyst or reagent Reaction ee Ref.’)

16A vitamine B, -
isomerization epoxide allylic alcohol
reduction of a,P-unsaturated ester
isomerization of N-acylaziridine 90 148

inorganic polymer

16B quartz ICu; Ni; Pd; Pt dehydrogenationof racemic alcohols 4 0 H1

chiral substrate cvstals

16C anthracene deriv. photodimetisation (kin. resolution) 90 M2
16D a-ketoamide photolytic ring formation 93 M2

a) or number of catalytic system in ref. 1b

Table 17. Chiral Auxiliaries from Unnatural Sources; Type of Reaction and Best Optical Yield

Entry Chiral catalyst or reagent Reaction ee Ref.

IAI Hetero Diels-Alder reaction 97 75

IB Diels-Alder reaction >90 75
17A IKa) Michael addition reaction 99 121
ILiAIH, reduction of ketones 100 15


I Rh isomerization of allylamines 99 122,123

17B IRu hydrogenationof B-functionalizedketones >99 122
IRu hydrogenationof acrylic acid deriv. >99 122
IRu hydrogenationof allylic alcohols 99 122
IRh hydroborationof olefins 96 124

17C IAh hydrogenationof enamides 97 40


17D RH:& PLAr IPd allylic alkylation reactio, sa 125

IPd Grignard cross coupling reaction 95 126
IAu aldol reactions of ismyawacetates 96 125
IRh hydrogenationof enamides 93 127
X = H. PAr,

17E e “Ar
I Rh hydrogenationof enamides
PPh, /,&- p; Ar 90 120

& H
ITi hydrogenation of ethylstyrene 96 129

a) Chiral crown ether

948 Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 Bhser

78 A1(94'/0)
7C B(97%)
70 A1(>98%)
8B Ti(>98%)
1OC Ti(96%)

2A 0~(99%);
Sn(96Oh) 10A B(lOO%); ~pTi(98Yo)

14C CU(lOO%)

, 0 :. F.

7E Ti(>98%)
O x 0 cpTi(97%)
8C Ti(>98%)
11G Ni(99%) 1lL Rh(100Yo)

Figure 7. Structural elements and best optical yields of metal

complexes with effective bidentate oxygen ligands.

4D A1(95%); Li(92%)

11E Rh(92%) 13C,D B(99Yo) 13E


A 14D X = O
A1(72%); R h(99%)
R h(99%)

14E X=PR, R 5V Rh(98%)
A Rh(87%); Ni(8 1%)

Figure 6. Structuralelements and best optical yields of metal N/, 51 lr(9lOh); Pd(77%)
complexes with effective monodentate ligands. R' R Rh(84'h)
III. Structural Analysls of Effective Chlral
Llgands PLN
The wealth of results collected in the preceding
sections tempted us to carry out a simple structure
N* 5K Zn(92Oh)

analysis. For this purpose we chose a somewhat unusual

approach. Instead of analyzing structural effects of
related auxiliaries with high and low enantioselectivity
we compared only highly efficient ones. We realize R' 'R
that the conclusionsderived in this way might be biased
for several reasons (choiceof sample, lack of objectivity, *o 5H Cu(99Oh); Fe(86Oh)
wishful thinking), but we found it worth the effort.
Because the majority of such cases deal with chiral LMJ
auxiliaries that are used as ligands for enantioselective R' 'R
metal based catalysts or reagents, we concentrated on
this class of chiral agents in order to find common
structural elements. For this purpose the various kinds
of ligands were distinguished according to the number
and type of donor atoms. In Figures 6-11 the structures
# ; : N
2F Pd(95%)
Li(I 1OO?Lo)
of the postulated metal complexes listed in Tables 1-
16 are sketched in such a way that the essential factors
are clearly visible: ligand atom, chelate size, type of
backbone, and number and location of asymmetric
centers. The drawings do not imply that the absolute
configuration is always the same. The entry number Figure 8. Structuralelements and best optical yields of metal
gives the connection to Tables 1-16. Type of metal complexes with effective bidentate nitrogen ligands.
used and best optical yields are given in the figures.
Note that entries starting with 1,4,7,10,and 13indicate This is confirmed by the small number of effective
stoichiometric reagents while those starting with 2,5, catalysts listed here. The complexes depicted in Figure
8, 11, and 14 are homogeneous catalysts. 6 are remarkable exceptions to this rule. They are
A. Ligand Type and Enantioseiectivity similar in that all are cyclic structures, most of them
are very bulky, and there is a unique and distinct ligand
1. Monodentate Ligands (Figure 6) atom. They differ in that the distance of the metal
As a rule, monodentate ligands are less effective for from the next asymmetric center varies between one
the control of the stereochemical outcome of a reaction. bond (directly bound to it) for 2A and 13C-E and three
Chlral Pool as Source of Enantioselective Catalysts Chemlcal Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 049

R qhP
SE Rh(99%) Ti(90%)
SY Rh(94%) A1(98%); B(56%)
8F Rh(9 1?o') B(95%); Zn(95%)
>p\ P CO(81"7'0) Ni(90%)
8G Rh(88%) B(100%); AI( 100%)
I 'Ph
8H Rh(98%) SB Zn(97%)


Rh(73%) 2A Co(78%); Sn(96%)


5D Rh(94%)
Zn(99%) ; B(99%)

Ar I .


-\M 13A
14A Zn(99%)

1lB Rh(90%) Ni(94%)

11D Rh(99%) ;\
Ph Ph

5T Rh(84%) c u(94%)

Figure 10. Structural elements and best optical yields of
metal complexes with effective bidentate ligands with 0, N,
SP Rh(96%) P, or S donor atoms.
The five-membered chelates all have an acyclic back-
bone. The substituent X does not have to be very bulky.
The heteroatoms that are usually present probably do
Pt(98%) not play a role for the enantioselection. For the seven-
lr(84%) membered chelates, the aryl substituents a to the
oxygen are essential for good optical yields. It is
conceivable that they are involved in the transmission
Ph of the stereochemical information from the asymmetric
centers which are quite far from the metal site.
5s Rh(92%)
3. Bidentate Nitrogen Ligands (Figure 8)
ROOC I 'Ph These ligands are used for the widest range of
Ph different types of catalysts and reactions. They are
Figure 9. Structuralelementsand best optical yields of metal mostly derived from amino acids, and with the exception
complexes with effective bidentate phosphine ligands. of 7F,the ligand atom is part of a ring, in a-position
to an asymmetric center. The two complexes 5K and
bonds for 11L and that the ligand atom can part be of 2F are rather unusual and probably also unique. 5K
a ring system, attached directly to the ring, or one atom could be called convex while 2F is much more concave;13o
removed. their mode of optical induction is therefore expected
to be different but is at present not known. 4D is a
2. Bidentate Oxygen Li'nds (Figure 7) class of complexes developed by Mukaiyama that can
The entries are arranged according to the ring size be varied widely and has been applied for several types
of the metal chelate complex. Not surprisingly, these of reactionsq41 These and similar proline-derived re-
ligands are used preferentially for first row and early agents probably owe their properties to the rigid bi-
transition metals and the majority of the reactions are cyclic structure. In contrast, the Os complexes 7F with
stoichiometric. The variety of structural types is rather an unsubstituted seven-membered ring must be quite
narrow, with only one ligand type for each chelate size. flexible. The other five entries (5F,5V,51, SU,and
950 Chemical Reviews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 Blasar

optical yields are observed for very different

arrangements: acyclic or cyclic backbones; five- or six-
membered rings; the phosphine atom attached either
Cu/M(92%) directly to the ring or via C, N, or 0 links which can
be in a 1,2 or 1,3 position.
5. Bidentate Ligands with 0, N, P, or S Donor Atoms
(Figure 10)
4E Li(95%)
A number of different ligands with an 0 and a N
donor atom that can form five-membered chelates have
been developed in the last decade for a large variety of
highly selective reactions. Structural elements are
148 Zn(>96%) similar to the cases already discussed above. The
ligand-accelerated addition of Et2Zn to aldehydes is
the best developed application of these a~xi1iaries.l~
5C is one of the few effective phosphinelnitrogen
ligands, and 4F is a rather rare example of sulfur as a
ligating atom.

CU(92%) 6. Potentially Tridentate Ligands (Figure 11)

T(91%) The ligands of this series have many structural
features in common with the bidentate types described
above except that they have a further ligand atom of
the same type which potentially can interact with the
metal. The structures in Figure 11 are drawn in such
a way that this should be visible. In most cases the
authors make the plausible assumption that the third
ligand atom does indeed coordinate to the metal and
produces a better defined chiral environment. With
the exception of 5G, the detailed structures of these
complexes have not been determined, and these con-
Figure 11. Structural elements and best optical yields of clusions are based on circumstantial evidence.
metal complexes with various effective tridentate ligands.

5H)belong to a new and very promising type of catalyst B. Tentatlve Conclusions on the Effect of
complexes recently introduced by B r ~ n n e rand ~~ Structural Elements
Pfaltz.50 What can we learn from all the examples listed in
Figures 6-11? Are there structural elements that
4. Bidentate Phosphorus Ligands (Figure 0) guarantee high enantioselectivity? The answers to
The seminal paper by Kagan,l3l where the first chi- these questions are not clear. Yes, we think that there
ral bidentate ligand DIOP 8E was introduced, had a are structural elements that are common to many of
profound effect on the field of homogeneous enanti- the best ligands and that often are beneficial for
oselective catalysis. Today, the asymmetric hydroge- obtaining high enantioselectivities. No, even if one
nation of enamides with Rh diphosphine complexes is succeeded in designing an auxiliary with all these
the most widely investigated catalytic enantioselective structural elements there would still be no guarantee
reaction. Diphosphine ligands are effective for other for success. Each chemical transformation demands
reaction types as well. This is partly due to the wide its own type of chiral agent that has the ability to
variety of different ligands a~ailable.~8 Some trends activate the substrate(s) on the one hand and to control
can be discerned: In most cases the ligating group is the stereochemistry on the other. This requires a
a diphenylphosphine; substituted phenyl groups unique combination of donor atoms in a properly
(Ar),88J32or alkyl or cycloalkyl substituents (R)26959960 defined chiral e n ~ i r 0 n m e n t . l ~Nevertheless
~ some
can lead to improved optical yields; the P atom can be qualitative conclusions can be drawn concerning the
bound to the backbone via an 0,N, or C atom. Ligands beneficial effects of certain structural features. They
that can form five-membered chelates are effective both might be of help in analyzing effects observed for a
with an acyclic or a cyclic backbone but the former structural modifications of a given enantioselective
types are more versatile. It is possible that complexes agent or designing a new chiral auxiliary more sys-
of the type 8D with two connected five-membered rings tematically.
are so rigid that only few substrates fit optimally. A
similar observation has been made for the synthetic 1. Position of Asymmetric Center(@
ligand NORPHOS for the hydrogenation of aliphatic The old rule that the asymmetric center should be
a-keto e~ters.'3~Six-membered chelates seem less as close as possible to the reacting center is still sound.
suitable and indeed are very rare. The only effective But there are mechanisms which allow the transmit-
one is the synthetic 2,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane tance of the chiral information via 2 or 3 bonds.
where eels up to 99% have been reported.48 Ligands
forming seven-membered metallacycles are the most 2. Chelating Agents
numerous. It is not easy to see common structural Very often ligands that can form chelates are pref-
features which might be advantageous because high erential to monodentate ones. The optimal chelate ring
Chkal Pool as Source of Enantloselective Catalysts Chemlcal Revlews, 1992, Vol. 92, No. 5 @51

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