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2018 Fall Collaborative Studio - Textile Computing for the Body

Assignment 4: Embedded I/O

This assignment will introduce you to the basic concepts and principles of coding for creating interactive
behaviors of an artifact by embedding input and output interfaces. Learning the basic concepts and fabrication
methods of electricity and circuits will inform your design process as you move towards the integration of
electronics into your final prototypes. After completing this assignment, you will:

• Learn the basic principles of electricity and Arduino programming.

• Understand the listening-thinking-speaking model of interactivity (Crawford, 2011).
• Have the knowledge to build an electric circuit and create intended interactive behaviors.
• Be familiar with the basic components of a circuit including voltage sources, resistors, transmission
lines, switches, integrated circuits (interfaces boards), inputs, and outputs.
• Be able to use the built in examples and tutorial resources archived in the Arduino website.
• Be able to design a soft circuit considering design constraints.
• Be able to tinker an object by embedding input and output components.

Part 1: Install Arduino IDE + Understand Basic Concepts

Download and install Arduino Software and find basic concepts and examples in the following sites:

• Download Arduino Software: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage

• Built-In Examples: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples
• LilyPad ProtoSnap Hookup Guide:
• LilyPad ProtoSnap Activity Guide:
• Arduino More Basics:

Basic Concepts:
• Arduino Software/IDE, Interface Board, & Microcontroller
• Analog/Digital & Input/Output
• USB Connection, Board Type, & Serial Port
• Code:
o void setup(){ }
o void loop(){ }
o comment
o pinMode( pin, mode );
o digitalWrite( pin, mode );
o analogWrite( pin, mode );
o analogRead( pin, mode );
o Serial.begin( speed );
o Serial.print( value );
o Serial.println( value );
o variables
o delay( value );
o tone( value );
o map( value, min1, max1, min2, max2 );
o if( condition == true ){ }
o for (i = 0; i < max; i = i++){ }
Week 05 Sep 24 & 26
Part 2: Connect I/O Components to LilyPad Board and Control Values in Arduino Code
Complete each step from this tutorial: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/lilypad-protosnap-plus-activity-guide
Make one post with the 10 completed video clips in order in Instagram (#daap_techstyle).

1. Blink LEDs with Time Intervals

2. Vibrate with Time Intervals
3. Custom Color Mixing with Time Intervals
4. Fade LEDs by adjusting analogWrite values
5. Play a Tune
6. Control LEDs with a Button and a Switch
7. Sense Light and print values in a serial port
8. Control LED Bar Graph with a light sensor
9. Control LEDs with a temperature sensor + Change Tone while a Button is pressed
10. Control LEDs with an accelerometer

Week 06 Oct 02 & 04

Part 3: Embed IO in Object
Apply the basic tutorials to prototype an interactive application concept. You can use other sensors or actuators
(e.g., stretch sensor, pressure sensor, pulse sensor, muscle sensor, servo motor). Ideate how input/output
components can be embedded to portable or wearable applications with their values linked in Arduino code.

Week 07 Oct 9
Demonstrate your prototype to class, troubleshoot, discuss challenges and room for improvement.
Sketch scenarios and circuits. Submit sketch and final images in one pdf, project file, and video clip. Post
process/final images with #daap_techstyle.

Evaluation Criteria (15%)

For the first 5 tutorial assignments (5%):

• Was it completed on time?
• Does it work?
• Did you post your process on Instagram?

The following criteria will be additionally considered for the embedded IO assignment (10%):
• Does the interaction scenario make sense?
• Does it work?
• Is the intended scenario effectively communicated in sketches and demonstration?
• Is it well-crafted?

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