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Current Angiogenesis, 2015, 4, 10-23

ISSN: 2211-5528

The State-of-Art in Angiogenic Properties of Latex

eISSN: 2211-5536

from Different Plant Species

Luciane M. de Almeida1*, Angélica D.L. do Prado2; Patrícia L. D’Abadia1,
Karine B. Machado3, Paulo R. Melo-Reis4, João C. Nabout1 and Pablo J. Gonçalves5

Universidade Estadual de Goiás - CCET, Anápolis, GO, Brazil; 2Universidade
Estadual de Goiás - Campus Ipameri, GO, Brazil; 3Universidade Federal de Goiás,
PPG em Ecologia e Evolução, UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brazil; 4Departamento de Medi-
cina, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás -PUCGo; 5Instituto de Física da
Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brazil

Abstract: Background: The development of drugs capable of enhance or inhibit

the cell proliferation is an area in expansion at modern biomedical sciences. Recent
researches have shown that latex has strong angiogenic potential.
Methods: We performed a bibliometric analysis on the global literature trying to identify: the main
scientometrics data, the botanical families and species, the angiogenic or antiangiogenic properties
and also discussed the results obtained on this topic up to now.
Results: The different bibliometric approaches, showed a continuous increase of both quantitative
and qualitative parameters in the studies of latex utilization in the angiogenesis process. From more
than 35,000 lactiferous species existing only 29 have been studied and showed angiogenic potential.
Then, the potential for finding new therapeutic compounds in latex is a new and promising field that
needs to be better explored. Regarding the biological activity, 59% of articles have reported the an-
giogenic activity and 41% the antiangiogenic property. The most articles identified in this research,
have been used in their experimental analysis the crude latex (73.41%). Only 26.52% of the articles
used biocompounds isolated from latex. Among the weaknesses in this field, it is necessary to point:
the molecular characterization of latex; the establishment of molecular mechanism of action; and
Current Angiogenesis

demonstration of latex biocompunds safety and effectiveness in clinical trials.

Conclusion: Those results are important to spread knowledge about the use of latex as a new bio-
material employed in medicine, indicate trends, point out the technical difficult on the development
of new drugs.
Keywords: Angiogenesis, cancer, Euphorbiaceae, natural rubber, scientometrics, wound healing.

1. INTRODUCTION species of flowering plants in over 40 families ex-

ude latex [2]. Despite the wide distribution into
Latex is a stable emulsion containing proteins, different botanical families, latex is most com-
alkaloids, starches, carbohydrate, oils, tannins, res- monly found in Euphorbiaceae and Apocynaceae
ins and rubbers [1]. This emulsion is usually ex- plants. Concerning latex’s role, there are several
uded from plants after tissue injury. There are hypotheses, such as excretion of waste metabo-
more than 35,000 species of vascular plants that lites, coverage of damaged tissue, defense against
exude latex, resin and others, and over 20,000 herbivores, and defense against pathogens [2].
The main commercial interest in latex is due to
*Address correspondence to this author at the Universidade the production of natural rubber. Natural rubber
Estadual de Goiás, Rodovia BR 153, nº 3105, Fazenda Barreiro do
Meio - Campus Henrique Santillo-Anápolis, Caixa Postal 459; obtained from Hevea brasiliensis is a valuable
CEP: 75.132-400, Brasil. Tel: 55 62 3328115; Fax: 55 62 commodity and holds a strong position in the
33281177; E-mail: luciane.almeida@ueg.br world economy. Natural rubber is used in over
2211-5536/15 $58.00+.00 © 2015 Bentham Science Publishers
Angiogenic Properties Of Latex Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 11

40,000 products in different medical and techno- existing ones, plays an essential role in tumor
logical applications, including more than 400 growth, invasiveness, and metastasis [22]. It is es-
medical devices, surgical gloves, toys, waterproof timated that angiogenesis in tumors contributes to
clothing, elastic products, insulation for electrical more than 90% of all cancer deaths. A compound
wiring, and countless engineering and consumer with anti-angiogenesis potential is a promising
products [3]. However, the main use of rubber is in therapeutic target for the treatment of cancer.
automotive industry and in particular the manufac- There are some reports that have been showing the
ture of pneumatic tires which consumes 60% to antiproliferative potential from latex of different
70% of the total world production and its demand species, such as Calotropis procera [23] and Ficus
has grown remarkably each year [4]. carica [24].
Current evidence indicates that a huge number Aiming to broaden our knowledge about the
of people rely on medicinal plant products to therapeutic potential of latex species on the angio-
maintain their health or treat illnesses [5]. Think- genic process we performed a bibliometric analy-
ing that, many pharmaceutical companies are in- sis on the scientific literature trying to evaluate: 1)
vestigating the industrial applications of a range of the global publication trends, 2) the quality of the
medicinal plant species. This occurs because scientific production estimated by number of cita-
plants have large chemical diversity which is effi- tions and impact factor of the journals, 3) countries
cient in the treatment of diseases and also could be of publication, average authorship and collabora-
used to develop new drugs or therapies. In the last tion network, 4) mapping from the countries inter-
years, there are several studies showing the me- ested in the theme and the international research
dicinal potential of the latex, such as: antifungal network, 5) identification of families and species
[6]; antiviral [7]; antioxidant [8]; antimicrobial [9]; which produce latex with angiogenic or antiangio-
angiogenic [10]; antigenotoxic [11]; anticancer genic properties, 6) evaluation of the latex used in
[12]; anti-inflammatory [13]; antiulcer [14]; insec- traditional or allopathic medicine, 7) identification
ticidal [15]; antinociceptive [16]; and analgesic of the assay methodologies employed to infer the
[17]. Then, the potential for finding new therapeu- angiogenic activity, and 8) analyses of biocom-
tic compounds in latex is enormous, according to pounds responsible for angiogenic activity of latex.
the initial survey realized in this article, less than
1% of lactiferous plant species have been studied 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
for their pharmacological potential, and only 29
species have been evaluated in relation to the an- 2.1. Data Source
giogenic or antiangiogenic potential.
Data were retrieved from the Thomson Reuters
Particularly this study is interested in reporting (ISI-Web of Knowledge). This databank was cho-
the angiogenic and antiangiogenic properties from sen because it has long been recognized as the
latex. Angiogenesis is a complex biological proc- most authoritative scientific and technical litera-
ess that favors the formation of new blood vessels ture indexing tool providing data on the most im-
from preexisting vascular tissue by the prolifera- portant areas in science and technology research,
tion, migration, regulation and differentiation of especially about medicine. Data analysis was re-
vascular cells [18]. From the point of view of stricted to articles published from 1991 to 2014;
medical applications, materials that induce angio- data entries from 2015 were excluded from the
genesis are important for tissue engineering, to analysis, because acquisition for this year was not
enhance cell proliferation or to promote wound yet complete and data before 1991 were not consid-
healing [19, 20]. An interesting example of latex ered because the electronic summaries are not
used to promote angiogenesis is latex obtained available in the ISI data base before this period. The
from Hevea brasiliensis. It has been shown that impact factor for each journal was obtained on the
the natural rubber latex not only is biocompatible Journal Citations Reports (JCR) for the year 2014.
but also stimulates tissue regeneration, cellular ad-
hesion and extracellular matrix formation [21]. 2.2. Search Strategies
On the other hand, tumor angiogenesis, that is, In order to arrive as closely as possible at cap-
the development of new blood vessels from pre- turing all of the available scientometric data the
12 Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 de Almeida et al.

combination of the termini "latex" AND "angio- For collaboration network we obtained, for
genesis" OR "latex" AND "angiogenic*" OR "la- each paper, the nationality of the all authors. The
tex" AND "wound healing" OR "latex" AND binary matrix containing the countries involved in
"wound" OR "latex" AND "healing" OR "latex" each article was used to calculate the Jaccard in-
AND "burn" OR "latex" AND "skin" OR "latex" dex (distance matrix) and estimate the collabora-
AND "cicatrization*" OR "latex" AND "regenera- tion network among the countries. We used the
tion*" OR "natural rubber" AND "angiogenesis" igraph [26] packages in R program to view the col-
OR "natural rubber" AND "angiogenic*" OR laboration network.
"natural rubber" AND "wound healing" OR "natu-
ral rubber" AND "wound" OR "natural rubber" 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
AND "healing" OR "natural rubber" AND "burn"
OR "natural rubber" AND "skin" OR "natural rub- 3.1. Document Types
ber" AND "cicatrization*" OR "natural rubber"
AND "regeneration*" OR "latex" AND "cancer" In the initial screening of Thomson Reuters da-
OR "natural rubber" AND "cancer” were used in tabase (ISI-Web of Knowledge), there were 2,166
the search field. The asterisk (*) was used as a total latex related papers. These articles were dis-
wildcard and enabled the search of any letters in tributed over 10 different document types: 1,707
its place. We searched for papers that contain research article; 176 reviews; 109 article proceed-
those words in the title, abstract or list of key- ing papers; 73 proceedings; 45 meeting abstracts;
words. All types of publications were retrieved. 21 editorial materials; 19 letters; 13 notes; 1 news
item; 1 correction and 1 book chapter. For analysis
2.3. Analysis of Articles in this presented paper we used only research arti-
cles (i.e. 1,707 papers). The other document types
For each paper we identified: 1) number of cita- can promote biases in bibliometrics analysis, for
tions, 2) impact factor of the journal, 3) the journal example, number of citation, impact factors and
of publication, 4) the year of publication, 5) the others (see 27, 28; for using the same strategy).
article type (review, research article, proceedings,
meeting abstract and others), 6) number of authors, A second screening was conducted based on the
7) geographical origin of the corresponding author, subject of interest, namely the angiogenic property
8) geographical origin of the all authors, 9) name of latex. At this step, 1,628 articles were removed
of the latex species and the family, 10) latex activ- from our analysis, leaving only 79 articles which
ity (angiogenesis or antiangiogenesis), 11) the describe the angiogenic properties from latex.
methodology employed to describe the latex bio- Specifically 702 articles about allergy, hypersensi-
logical function, and 12) use in folk or allopathic bility, occupational exposure, or anaphylaxis
medicine, and 13) use of crude latex or isolated caused by latex; 313 articles about method of di-
biocompounds. agnosis; 191 articles about agronomy or plant sci-
ence, 85 articles about nanoscience and polymer
2.4. Data Analysis science and 337 other subjects in fewer amount
were removed from this analysis.
For evaluating the publication tendency we per-
formed a Pearson correlation between the number 3.2. Bibliometric Data
of articles and years. A positive r value indicates
an increase in the number of articles associated The bibliometric data, such as: publications
with the angiogenic potential of latex over the tendency, number of citations per year, journal
years, while a negative r value indicates a decrease impact factor and the journals interested in the
in the number of publications on this theme. The theme are shown in Fig. (1). The temporal publica-
significant value was obtained through the Monte tion trends about angiogenic potential of latex
Carlo test with 999 randomizations. We consid- from 1991 to 2014 are shown in Fig. (1A). This
ered significant P values <0.05. This analysis was analysis showed that after 2007, the annual num-
conducted using the R 3.2.2 program [25]. The ber of publications has grown, indicating that re-
impact factor and the number of citations were search has recently garnered more attention. In a
evaluated using descriptive statistics (e.g. mean general analysis, the number of articles on this
and variation coefficient). subject is relatively low (only 79 articles), but has
Angiogenic Properties Of Latex Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 13

increased significantly along the period of the tion is a very common pattern in bibliometric
study (r=0.84 and P<0.001). analysis [e.g 27, 30], moreover, the number of ci-
tation depends on the year of publication, where,
According to Vitzthum et al. [29], “whereas the older papers tend to have more citations [31].
number of published items was currently consid- Thus, the fewer citations, the more recent is the
ered as a quantitative measure of research produc- research area. After the establishment of new re-
tivity, citation analysis and impact factor of the search groups (intra and international) and stan-
journal may be used as an indicator for research dardization of techniques, the number of articles
quality”. These parameters are quantitative and and citations tends to increase. In relation to the
objective indicators directly related to published impact factor, the journals analyzed ranged from
science. The citation data are obtained from a da- 0.01 to 5.0 (Fig. 1C), with the highest frequency
tabase produced by the Institute for Scientific In- between 2.5 to 3.0. These data indicate that the
formation (ISI), the Journal Citations Reports, research is published in good science communica-
which continuously records scientific citations as tion journals.
represented by the reference lists of articles from a
large number of the world's scientific journals. The We identified 59 journals interested in publish-
references are rearranged in the database to show ing articles about angiogenesis properties from
how many times each publication has been cited latex. Fig. (1D) shows the journals with more than
within a certain period. Similarly, the journal im- one published article. These data showed the wide
pact factor can be calculated as the mean citation diversity of journals interested in the theme. The
rate of all the articles contained in the journal. The journal with the highest number of publications
analysis of these parameters showed that the arti- was the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, with 11
cles about the angiogenic potential of latex are not published articles, followed by Journal Material
cited often. The number of citations ranged from 0 Science: Material in Medicine and Pakistan Jour-
to 61, but most of the articles presented no more nal of Pharmaceutical Sciences which published
than ten citations (Fig. 1B). This skewness of cita- three articles related to the topic. All bibliometrics

Fig. (1). Article related bibliometric data: A) shows the publish items; B) shows the citations; C) shows the impact
factor of the journals and D) shows the number of articles per journal.
14 Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 de Almeida et al.

approaches used in this work, showed a continu- ent countries. The amount of international collabo-
ous increase in both quantitative and qualitative ration is very small and confirms that this subject
parameters in the studies of latex utilization in the is mainly of national interest. This result is also
angiogenesis process. associated with the fact that it is a recent area of
research. International collaborations tend to in-
3.3. Countries of Publication, Average Author- crease when there is a convergence of issues and
ship and Collaboration Network common interest, such as the Human Genome Pro-
ject stimulated that cooperation between several
Fig. (2A) shows that the average authorship has countries [32]. In addition, international collabora-
been increasing, indicating that researchers have tions promote the need for standardization of labo-
recently given more attention to this theme. Fig. ratory techniques as well as reduce costs. There-
(2B) shows the country of the corresponding fore, considering that study of angiogenic potential
author. The largest number of scientific works from latex is recent and yet already there are inter-
about angiogenic potential from latex is published national collaborations, there is an expectation that
in Brazil (or by Brazilians) with 41 articles international collaboration will increase (number
(51.9%). The nation with the second most pub- of countries and connections between countries).
lished works is India with 8 articles (10.12%). Ma-
laysia and USA have 4 articles, and 16 other coun- 3.4. Identification of Botanical Families and
tries have less than 3 articles (Fig. 2A). The re- Species, Biological Activity, Ethno Botanical or
search cooperation was evaluated by the average Scientific Study, Biological Assay Model
authorship and collaboration network. Figure 2C
shows the international collaboration network be- All lactiferous with angiogenic or antiangio-
tween authors from different countries. USA has genic properties identified in this research were
achieved the highest amount of overall interna- presented in Table 1. As a result it is observed that
tional cooperation, as it collaborates with 4 differ- very few lactiferous species have been studied in

Fig. (2). Analysis of author geographic distributions and collaboration network: A) shows the average authorship
per year; B) shows the number of publish items per country (using data from corresponding author); and C) shows
the international collaboration network.
Angiogenic Properties Of Latex Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 15

Table 1. Lactiferous species with angiogenic properties.

N Species Family Popular name Knowledge Biological model (Reference)

1 Aloe vera Asphodelace Aloe A E Wound healing [33]

Bark cloth tree, antiaris, or false

2 Antiaris toxicaria Moraceae B S Cell culture [34]

tropical milkweed, or cotton

3 Asclepias curassavica Asclepiadaceae A E [35]

4 Bambusa arumdinaceae Poaceae Indian thorny bamboo A E [36]

Blood coagulation [37]; Wound

5 Calotropis gigantea Apocynaceae Crown flower A S
healing [38];

Sodom apple, stabragh, or rubber

6 Calotropis procera Apocynaceae A S Wound healing [39-41]

Sodom apple, stabragh, or rubber

Calotropis procera Apocynaceae B S Cell culture [42-45]

Healing of ulcers [46]; Wound

healing [47]; Cell proliferation [48];
7 Carica candamarcensis Caricaceae Mountain pawpaw, or papayuelo A S
Cell culture [49]; Healing of burns

8 Carica papaya Caricaceae Papaya A S Healing of burns [51]

Croton sp Euphorbiaceae Rushfoil B E [52]

9 Croton celtidifolius Euphorbiaceae B S Cell culture [53]

10 Croton churutensis Euphorbiaceae A E Wound healing [54]

11 Croton lechleri Euphorbiaceae Drago A S Cell culture [55]

Croton lechleri Euphorbiaceae Drago B S Cell culture [56]

12 Euphorbia antiquorum Euphorbiaceae Malayan Spurge Tree B S Cell culture [57]

13 Euphorbia caducifolia Euphorbiaceae Leafless Milk Hedge B S [58]

Euphorbia caducifolia Euphorbiaceae Leafless Milk Hedge A S Wound healing [59]

14 Euphorbia candelabum Euphorbiaceae Candelabra-tree A E [60]

15 Euphorbia dendroides Euphorbiaceae Tree Spurge B S Cell culture [61]

16 Euphorbia milii Euphorbiaceae Crown of thorns, or Christ plant A S Wound healing [62]

Indian Spurge Tree or Common Wound healing [63]; Clot induction

17 Euphorbia nivulia Euphorbiaceae A S
milk hedge [64]

Aveloz, firestick plants, Indian

18 Euphorbia tirucalli Euphorbiaceae A E [60]
tree spurge, or milk bush

Aveloz, firestick plants, Indian

Euphorbia tirucalli Euphorbiaceae A S Wound healing [65]
tree spurge, or milk bush

Aveloz, firestick plants, Indian

Euphorbia tirucalli Euphorbiaceae B S Microtubule organization [66]
tree spurge, or milk bush

Cell culture [24, 67-70]; Toxicity

19 Ficus carica Moraceae Fig B S

Chick chorioallantoic membrane

20 Hancornia speciosa Apocynaceae Mangabeira, Mangaba A S
16 Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 de Almeida et al.

(Table 1) contd...

N Species Family Popular name Knowledge Biological model (Reference)

Nerve regeneration [72-74]; Tympa-

num regeneration [75]; skin sensitiv-
ity [76]; bone regeneration [77-82];
wound healing [83-86]; chick
chorioallantoic membrane [84,87];
21 Hevea brasiliensis Euphorbiaceae Rubber tree, sharinga tree A S
retinal and iris neovascularization
[88-89]; osseointegration of dental
implants [90]; Tooth regeneration
[91]; neovaginoplasty [92]; bladder
augmentation [93]

Hevea brasiliensis Euphorbiaceae Rubber tree, sharinga tree B S Cell culture [94-97]

22 Himatanthus articulatus Apocynaceae Himatanthus B S Genotoxicity [11]

23 Himatanthus drasticus Apocynaceae Janauba B E [98]

Himatanthus drasticus Apocynaceae Janauba B S Cell culture [12]

Barbados nut, purging nut, or

24 Jatropha curcas Euphorbiaceae B S Cell culture [99]
physic nut

Buck-thorn, cimora misha, or

25 Pedilanthus tithymaloides Euphorbiaceae A S Clot induction [64]
devil's backbone

Buckthorn, misha, or devil's

Pedilanthus tithymaloides Euphorbiaceae B S Cell culture [45]

Frangipani, red paucipan, red-

26 Plumeria rubra Apocynaceae A S Wound healing [100]

27 Synadenium grantii Euphorbiaceae African milk bush A S Clot induction [64]

Synadenium grantii Euphorbiaceae African milk bush B S Cell culture [101]

Chick chorioallantoic membrane

28 Synadenium umbellatum Pax Euphorbiaceae Cola-nota A S

Synadenium umbellatum Pax Euphorbiaceae Cola-nota B S Cell culture [103]

29 Wrightia tinctoria Apocyanaceae Jaundice curative tree A S Wound healing [104]

N: number of species; A: angiogenesis activity; B: antiangiogenesis activity; E: ethnobotanic knowledge; and S: Scientific knowledge.

relation to angiogenesis. From a total of 35,000 3.5. Lactiferous Stimulators of Angiogenesis

species and more than 40 families, only 29 species
belonging to 7 families have their angiogenic poten- Latex from several plant species have been re-
tial described in scientific research. The studied ported to stimulate the angiogenesis (Table 1).
families are Euphorbiaceae (57.4%), following by Angiogenesis is a normal and vital process in
Apocynaceae (19.5%), Moraceae (8.5%), Cari- growth and development, as well as in wound
caceae (7.3%), Asclepiadaceae (4.9%), Asphode- healing in the formation of granulation tissue. This
laceae (1.2%) and Poaceae (1.2%). The species process enables nutrient supply to sustain cell me-
with great number of studies is Hevea brasiliensis. tabolism and create an intact delivery system and
Table 1 also shows the articles based on popular it occurs in several well-characterized stages. An-
knowledge (Ethnobotany articles) and the articles giogenesis initiates with relaxation of cell contacts
based on experimental researches (Scientific arti- and disruption of the outer pericyte layer. Hence,
cles). Angiogenic activity is reported in 59% of ar- endothelial cells become free to migrate and pro-
ticles and antiangiogenic propertiy in 41% (Table liferate to form new vessels [105]. The mechanism
1). The most studied lactiferous species and their of angiogenesis regulation is still a matter of de-
biological properties are discussed in details below. bate. Some angiogenic molecules, referred to as
Angiogenic Properties Of Latex Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 17

growth factors, are known to trigger proliferation commercial bussiness partner from PeleNova Bio-
of endothelial cells [106], while the so-called technology SA in marketing their products.
antiangiogenic factors inhibit cell propagation
[107]. This review identified 21 species with angi- Associating this commercial drug discovery
ogenic potential, from that three species can be with the data of scientific production by country
highlighted by presenting more than three scien- obtained in the present research; it is shown that
tific articles: Hevea brasiliensis (19 articles); the findings of Mrué and co-workers stimulate the
Carica candamarcensis (5 articles) and Calotropis study of latex angiogenic potential in Brazil. This
procera (3 articles). is the probable reason for that country to be re-
sponsible for almost 52% from all knowledge in
Hevea brasiliensis: In 1993, Mrué and co- this field, even though the main latex producers
workers obtained a membrane using latex from are found in Asia.
Hevea brasiliensis which was used initially in an
experimental study in dogs as prosthesis for the Carica candamarcensis: In 2003, Salas and co-
replacement of cervical esophagus. As a result, it workers identified proteolytic enzymes localized
was observed that the new material was able to in the fruit of C. candamarcensis [49]. One frac-
induce the neoformation of esophageal wall. Later, tion obtained from that latex and called P1G10 has
other studies confirm the promising capacity of been shown: accelerate healing of chemically in-
Hevea brasiliensis latex in replacement and regen- duced gastric ulcer [46]; enhance wound healing
eration tissues. The biomembranes not only are of skin [47, 48]; and accelerate healing of burns
biocompatible but also stimulate angiogenesis, cel- [50]. Different models were used to evaluate the
lular adhesion and extracellular matrix formation angiogenic property of C. candamarcensis latex,
[76]. Such properties can be observed in studies of such as: rodent model and culture cells (L929 fi-
different tissues, such as wound healing in cutane- broblast, MDA-MB231 and BHK-21 mammalian
ous tissues [76]; eardrum replacement [75]; bone cells). These results confirm the healing properties
regeneration [79]; retina restitution [86]; of this enzyme to a different type of trauma and
neovaginoplasty [92]; osseointegration of dental open ways to future clinical applications. How-
implants [90]; tooth regeneration [91] and others. ever, up to now, no commercial products from C.
After those excellent results, a group of Brazilian candamercensis latex are available.
institutional investors founded the Pelenova Bio- Calotropis procera: Based on its traditional
technology SA. In 2004, In 2004, the National use, in 1999, Rasik and co-workers used this plant
Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) approved and selected the latex of C. procera for evaluation
a biomembrane called Biocure®, the first Pelenova of its wound healing potential. The latex signifi-
product developed from the Hevea brasiliensis cantly augmented the healing process by markedly
latex. In 2009 protein fraction from rubber latex increasing collagen, DNA and protein synthesis and
serum was isolated and used to produce an innova- epithelisation leading to the reduction in the wound
tive product, Regederm®, which has been used for area. Later, a marked reduction was shown in the
the treatment and healing of chronic wounds of quantity and size of collagen fibres of rabbits
different etiologies. Regederm® stimulates angio- treated with this latex, suggesting an anti-keloidal
genesis and tissue granulation, accelerating the function of C. procera latex [40]. Recently, solu-
wound healing process. The efficacy of fraction ble proteins extracted from the latex of C. procera
protein was demonstrated by the cell growth of were added to polyvinyl alcohol-based to make a
human dermal fibroblasts, by stimulation of the membrane. This product intensified the fibropla-
synthesis of collagen and by the inhibition of the sias and collagen deposition, thus stimulating the
collagenase and extracellular matrix protection. healing process. The experiments with C. procera
Regarding its safety, different in vitro and in vivo were performed using rabbits and guinea pigs. Be-
tests were performed, such as: allergenicity, cyto- sides promising results, no commercial products
toxicity, phototoxicity, photoallergicity, irritability from C. candamercensis latex are available.
and cutaneous compatibility (http://www.peleno-
va.com.br/ingredientes-ativos.php). Recently, the 3.6. Lactiferous Inhibitor of Angiogenesis
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc, a mul-
tinational specialty drugs company, became a Angiogenesis is also involved in many patho-
logical processes, such as tumor development, ar-
18 Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 de Almeida et al.

thritis, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic thus tithymaloides, Synadenium grantii and Syna-
inflammatory diseases [108-111]. Recently, the denium umbellatum. Those divergent biological
main focus of angiogenesis inhibitor drugs is on activities were related to different articles which
anti-cancer or chemoprevention therapies [112]. used different methodologies and biological mod-
This is why, angiogenesis and vascularization pro- els. In addition, factors such as: sample concentra-
vide an important avenue for extravasation of me- tions, use of crude latex or isolated biocompounds,
tastatic tumor cells for the circulation in other or- and addition of latex stabilizers or other chemical
gan sites. This review identified 16 species with compounds can influence directly the results ob-
antiangiogenic potential, from that two species can tained. Other important aspect to be considered is
be highlighted: Ficus carica (6 articles) and Calo- the chemical variation of the latex due to the geo-
tropis procera (5 articles). graphic localization, harvest time, climate condi-
tions, cultivation handling, age of vegetable mate-
Ficus carica: the first work that suggests the rial, period and storing conditions, among others
anticancer properties from F. carica latex was pre- [113]
sented by Menechini et al., 1999. After that other
researches were performed using different tumor 3.7. Functional Biocompounds
cells lineages and all showed strong antiangio-
genic and antiproliferative activities from latex A great variety of chemicals (mostly secondary
extracts of F. carica [68]. The studies were real- metabolites but some primary metabolites) and
ized using different cancer cell lines cultures. It is proteins have been found from the plant latex and
important to say that this latex inhibited the prolif- other exudates [114]. Some latex compounds have
eration of cancer cell without any cytotoxic effect shown an angiogenic function, but there are very
on human normal cells [70]. The authors sug- few studies about the molecular or chemical char-
gested that F. carica latex could be a candidate as acterization of these compounds. Also, no molecu-
a potential agent for the prevention of angiogene- lar mechanism of action has been described to la-
sis in cancer and other chronic disorders. How- tex compounds and there are few studies that
ever, no commercial drug was obtained from this showed the safety and effectiveness of latex com-
latex up to now. pounds in clinical trials. Regarding the biocom-
pounds, this review identifies that the 73.41% of
Calotropis procera: the articles identified in articles with latex used the crude latex in their ex-
this search have shown C. procera latex with an- perimental analysis. Only 26.52% of the articles
giogenic and antiangiogenic properties. In relation published up to now, used some isolated com-
to the antiangiogenic properties, the first study was pound in their experimental analysis. The classes
from Choedon and co-workers in 2006. They of biocompounds studied were: proteins, steroids,
showed that the treatment with C. procera latex glycosides and diterpenoids. The main proteins
generates a complete protection against hepatocar- identified were P1 (Hevea brasiliensis); rhBMP2
cinogenesis. The anticancer potential of the pro- (Hevea brasiliensis); CMS2MS2 cysteine prote-
teins from C. procera latex used as biological as- ases (Carica candamarcensis) and glycosylated
say for different cell lines culture has been con- cysteine protease (Euphorbia nivulia). The ster-
firmed in other articles [23, 43-44]. The analysis oids identified were 6-O-acyl-beta D-glucosyl-beta
of the mechanism of action suggests that latex pro- stosterols in Ficus carica, Inganen ester in
tein is a target for DNA topoisomerase I triggering Euphorbia tirucalli and cardiotonic steroid
apoptosis in cancer cell lines [44]. Besides the pro- (UNBS1450 01) in Calotropis procera. The glyco-
teins, the cardiotonic steroid (UNBS1450 01) de- side identified was cardiac glycosides in Antiaris
rived from C. procera latex, has also shown anti- toxicaria. Finally, jatrophane diterpenoids were
proliferative and cell death-inducing activities identified in Euphorbia dendroides.
Eight species identified in the present research 4. CONCLUSION
were shown to have both angiogenic and antiangi-
ogenic activity. This was the case of Calotropis The development of drugs capable of enhanc-
procera, Croton lecheri, Euphorbia caducifolia, ing or inhibiting the cell proliferation is an area of
Euphorbia tirucalli, Hevea brasiliensis, Pedilan- expansion in modern biomedical sciences. Aim-
Angiogenic Properties Of Latex Current Angiogenesis, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1 19

ing to understand the role of latex in angiogene- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

sis, we performed a survey on the global litera-
ture trying to identify the main species used in This research was supported by a Research
medicine to regenerate tissues or treat the can- Grant Project from Brazilian funding agencies
cers. We identified only 29 lactiferous employed MCT/CNPq, FNDCT, CAPES, FAPEG.
to stimulate or inhibit angiogenesis. This repre-
sents less than 0.1% of the lactiferous species, REFERENCES
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Received: November 30, 2015 Revised: January 29, 2016 Accepted: February 23, 2016

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