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‘A text response essay? What’s that?

‘It is an essay where you write about a text you have read. It
discusses things like; characters, settings, plots, themes, writing
techniques – literary devices, values, viewpoints, etc’.

THE TASK: Using the sentence stems as a

guideline, develop an essay that has a
heading, introduction, body, and conclusion

Student Name:
Heading: Text Response Essay – (‘Text Title’) – (Author’s Name)

(‘Text Title’) by (author’s name) is a/an (adjective) text. The main character/s are
______________. Another character featured in the story is _____________. A/n (adjective)
setting in the text is ____________. This is because _____________. Another setting that is
described well is ______________. (Author’s surname) explains that (chosen setting) is
(If you can, add two/three further sentences).

Paragraph 1:
A theme that stands out in the text is _____________. (Theme) is shown in the text when
_______________. When (character) says, ‘(quote)’, it is important because ____________.
(Author’s surname) has written about (theme) to make readers think about ______________.
When a reader thinks about this they can learn that _________________.
(If you can, add two/three more sentences. You could begin with; Another important theme is

Paragraph 2:
(Author’s surname) uses many literary devices in (‘Text Title’). One that stands out is (literary
device). It is seen in the text where ‘quote’ is written. The reader knows that the technique is
being used because ___________. The technique is used to let the reader
________________. (2nd technique) is also used well. This technique is used to
(Can you think of two more sentences to add detail to your essay analysis).

Paragraph 3:
The most (adjective) event in the story is when ____________________. This event makes
the reader think about _________________. (Character) would have felt
_________________ when __________. The way they acted at this point in the story was
________________. This action showed that (character) values/doesn’t value (value). It
would have been (better/worse) if they had ______________. (Character’s) actions affected
(Character/s) because ______________.


(‘Text Title’) is a text that a reader can see has connections with real life experiences. One
connection that many readers could make is experiencing ___________________. A clever
connection that readers might pick up on is ______________________. Recognising
connections between (‘Text Title’) and the real world is important because
Adjectives Themes, Ideas and Values
Exciting Courage
Scary Loneliness
Strange Friendship
Weird Hatred
Funny Conflict
Crazy Love
Concerning Growing up
Awkward Heartache
Magical Family
Sad Loyalty
Intriguing Grief
Etc Etc

Metalanguage: writing techniques/literary Used by author to ….

Description – explains looks Allow the reader to picture what
characters and settings look like

Metaphor – comparison where one thing To enhance description and develop ideas
is said to be another in text

Repetition – saying the same thing over To highlight importance, to reinforce a

and over point

Alliteration – using the same consonant at Adds a sense of poetry to the writing,
the start of words in a sentence, e.g., provides flow to the ideas
‘Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

Onomatopoeia – words that imitate Helps the reader hear what they read, acts
sounds – crackle, hiss, bang as sound effects

Simile – using like or as to compare Can help to express emotion in writing

unlike things and make descriptions more vivid

Personification – giving animals/objects It can intensify emotions being presented

human traits in the writing. Helps reader connect to a

Allusion – reference to a famous person, It can add meaning to the writing and
event, or text help develop metaphor

Visual imagery – pictures used in a text Enhances the writing, adds to the
Plan and write an essay for your text using one of the following essay questions:
Friendship is a common theme featured in texts. Explore and discuss the messages
about friendship contained in your text.
Considering the experiences and feelings of the protagonist in your text, discuss the
important messages the author of the text is trying to convey to the reader.

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