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Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”



Student Name: Noura Yaqoub Alhammadi

Student ID: H00274672 Section:

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Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”

A successful leader

Malala Yousafzai

Student name: Noura Yaqoub

ID: H00274672
Instructor name: Khadija Aljassmi

Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”
Course name: Global Educational & Leadership

Table of Contents

ASSESSMENT COVER PAGE ............................................................... 1

Malala Yousafzai: ..................................................................................... 4

Malala’s story: .......................................................................................... 5

Skills: ......................................................................................................... 5

Values:....................................................................................................... 6

Attitude: ..................................................................................................... 6

Conclusion: ............................................................................................... 7

References ................................................................................................. 8

Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”

Malala Yousafzai:

As a leadership concept, many leaders have a clear vision and goals of

their own about life. However, there are some leadership qualities that make

these leaders distinct from others in many aspects, such as honesty, loyalty,

trust, inspiration, good communication, faith, responsibility and problem-

solving. Therefore, l chose her personality to bear all the characteristics of a

successful leader in helping him and others, especially how she is affected by

her progress with the support of her father for education and country

development and the empowerment of girls to learn because they aren’t

allowed to complete their education. Took a courageous step at an early age by

defending the right to education for girls and ending injustice in her country.

As a result, I will discuss her life and efforts in the field of education and how

she struggled to receive it better, and why this person is a good leader and has

the skills and values that have (what is leadership?, n.d.).

Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”

Malala’s story:

Malala Yusufzai (a Pakistani girl born on July 12, 1997). There was a

terrorist gang called the Taliban that attacked the Pakistani country and took

over a lot of laws, including preventing girls from learning and going to school.

Malala Yusufzai was the only girl who insisted on completing her education to

realize her dream of becoming a doctor. Her father's great support was to help

her to realize her dream of completing her education to become a doctor.

Malala has decided to speak against the Taliban gang to protect girls' right to

learn and complete their education and to give girls an opportunity to realize

their dreams. In October 2012, the Taliban fired on Malala when she returned

home from school, but survived and didn’t give in to continue her struggle

against the gang to protect the rights of girls to learn (Malala Yousafzai biography,



Malala has many abilities that make her different from the rest of the

leaders through their skills, for her accomplishments on the educational side

and stimulates them on behalf of all Pakistani girls who have stopped learning
Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”
against their will. For instance, motivation and communication skills were used

by delivering a speech at the UN on supporting the importance of education to

give the girls an opportunity to achieve their dreams and goals. Also besides,

when she win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 for her achievements in education

and being a model in spreading the importance of learning which everyone has

the right to learn, she learned and reached her goal although the difficulties

that she faced (Malala Yousafzai biography, 2014).

As Malala’s values, she has a great vision and faiths that she gets

esteemed because of it. Moreover, creating an official organizational which is

called (Malala fund) and in this mission, she concentrated on encouraging the

girls by investing in their education and give them an opportunity to speak out

for the right of education. The next value is trust when Malala raised her voice

against Taliban and being confident that she will be able to replace the right to

education in her country (The Malala Fund: Supporting Girls Education Around the Globe, 2013).

The main attitude, Malala has the determination and commitment to

supplement her education also she tried motivating other girls to stand for it.

When the Taliban gang shot her, she went through a serious condition and she

Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”
stayed strong. Additionally, continued her journey in search knowledge and

spread the benefits. Malala was known as a great leader who has positive

thinking, when she started to plan for her official organizational (Malala fund)

(Medeiros, 2018).

As a strong brief of this leader (Malala Yousafzai), she made a perceptible

effecting in the education journey based on her country. Moreover, she spread

the positive energy by being a person with goals and passion. In the end, Malala

has most of the characteristics of a successful leader such as, admit their

mistakes, honesty, loyalty, trust, inspiration, and responsibility.

Noura Yaqoub
Global Educational & Leadership Assessment 1” Entry A”


Malala Yousafzai biography. (2014, April 2). Retrieved from biography:


Medeiros, J. (2018, March 7). Malala Yousafzai’s Life Story: The Fearless Activist Who Challenged

Terrorism With Education. Retrieved from goalcast:


The Malala Fund: Supporting Girls Education Around the Globe. (2013, February 4). Retrieved from

abcnews: https://abcnews.go.com/International/malala-fund-supporting-girls-education-


what is leadership? (n.d.). Retrieved from mind tools:


Noura Yaqoub

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