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Two currents of TCM acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and MCC (Chinese
classical medicine) are currently practised. The Hemogenica school in the country and all
the West is the traditional Chinese medicine tcm, because the ancient China has gone through
several periods of transformation both political, cultural, religious and medical. Because of
Mao's communist system Tse-Tung.

The Professor Paul U. Unschuld, director of the Department of History of Medicine at the
University of Munich. which is Considered the world's top expert in medicine history CHina.
Described in an article and in books that Mid-Sixties was created a committee formed
Primarily by physicians practicing lTo Western medicine which tried to eliminate all the
superstitious parts, traditions and theories of the old medicine China in order to adapt this
knowledge to the current medical system. The result was an "artificial product". Since they
were not based on the fundamental pillars of the classics, pOr so, the MTCh Current is not
the authentic Chinese medicine millennial. Ancient China had family lineages that were kept
as trade secrets between small groups of people. For the last two thousand years. The Tung
lineage is Back Into the Dynasty He (206 And - 220 dC), to a which this cannot be verified
historically in a rigorous academic sense. Considered today as Classical Chinese medicine
According to tradition Tung, this acupuncture system was approved only from father to eldest
son in the twentieth century. The last descendant of the Tung family to practice andRA
Master Tung Ching Chang.

Dong Shi Chi Shui It is considered a classical technique since it is based on the principles of
In Jing and the Huang Di In Jing.
The main references are the chapters 17,22,74, of its Whom, chapters 4, 10, 49 of Ling Shu.
10, 13, 49 and 50 In Jing. This lineage studies the pathophysiology of the 5 Zang organs and
the 6 divisions, the classical acupuncture is based on three fundamental pillars, the dialectic
of Yin-Yang, the theory of Wu Xing and the Jing Zheng.
Due to the deep knowledge and understanding of the use of traditional acupuncture consisting
of 365 points, which most of acupuncturists uses today. The Tung lineage developed this

system of additional points. In the original Tung system, 740 points are listed different from
the traditional points, of which approximately 200 are commonly used in clinical practice.
In both the diagnosis Specific acupuncture pulse is based on the first difficulty of Nan Jing
and Ling Shu Chapter 15: It uses the 50 periods of circadian cycle Yin-Yang exchange, unlike
the Pharmacopoeia pulse.
The inspection of the palm of the hand, the pigmentation of the face also provides useful
information to understand the pathological mechanisms in the work and to identify the root
of the imbalance.
Along the HIstoria of Chinese medicine have existed Several currents of medical practice,
some were well established in the erudite tradition Confucian, associated with the
transmission of canonical writings like Huang Di Nei Jing. (McCann, 2017, pág. 23).
Ancient China had family lineages that were kept as trade secrets between small groups of
people. During the last two thousand years of China's history, these family lineages have
arrived and some have been completely lost, as there was always no heir to receive blissful
information. Moreover, even when these secret family traditions were taught, true
information lingered, and being retained was lost. This aspect is very traditional of Chinese
culture can be certainly negative and dark in the field of medicine, especially from the largest
and most important classical texts of Chinese medicine (Huang Di Nei Jing & Nan Jing).
LWhich have always been transmitted openly and freely.(McCan, 2017, pág. 28).
Some secret lineages of medicine that are not openly taught and even allowed to fade, due to
selfish motivation to withhold knowledge or to elect a select number of people directly
oppose compassion. The acupuncture of Master Tung is an old family lineage of medical
scope, which thanks to the opening of his last heir Dr. Tung Ching-Chang, has survived and
flourished in modern times to benefit the large number of sick patients. Master Tung or also
called according to Dong Shi Qi Xue Pinyin, was brought to Taiwan from mainland China
by Dr. Tung Ching-Chang in 1949 in conjunction with the Kuomintang Army under the
command of General Chiang Kai-Shek, since then is prominent in the circles Acupuncture
from Taiwan, Republic of China. It is a technique closely linked to "Classical Chinese
Medicine" (MCC) and not to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Acupuncture style that is
currently practiced and taught in traditional medicine faculties around the world. (Silvaint,

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