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Is E c o N n E n 1T 1o N I


A Primer
By David W. St. Clair












I •

A Primer
By David . St. Clair

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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-93 731



First Pr~ntillii·~f'~l 990 · .
Second Priritil\f, April 1990 .
Third Printin~.~*P~r,.1:~?0
Forth Printing: Octciber l~O
Fifth Printing: May 1991 .
Sixth Printing: February 1993

First Printing: December, 1993 '',_

Second Printing: January, 1995, Chapter 8 expandet(

Third Printing: August, 1995
Fourth Printing: June, 1996

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PREFACE, v · ,.._-....
,._ ., . - :
- _,_; _-
.. .
. --~-''·'''···
._.,_ :-.- ' "
- -- - ··-
' ,-
'l'ER 1, GETTING STARTED 1 - -.- '
•-- .· -
. · ·;;.,·c-:
Science or Art . 2 • •

History . 3 . _._._,... ___ • .

_, ___ , - ,. ·_;,> : - -·
• '
i· ; -
The Language of Control 4 ...
-.. -- '
_, . ~- ·::·
'_-... ···~-
·"' .·-·---
;; -,._,.
'" . --
-· -

Ter111~no1ogy1.fQr and Description of Controller Settings · 5 .-· .. . ..-.. -

. Proportional t\ctjo1'- . 5 · ..
Integral Action .. ·. 8 .· -·· -
. .--'
·- .._. :·--_·' . .

. '
- '
--·- - . -
•' '

-~--- ,_

Reset Windup 9 . . .

Derivative Action ·11 . :- . .

. •


' C,


~:- •".
, .. ;
' --: :,. -

Filter Time -13 - . -

-·· -·,,_.
• - •·_ _
-, _ _ 1. :- ' ".• ··'·· .·. .
- ' -

. Filter Time and Derivative Action 14 c;

. -.
,.,,,._, ·-
.- .
. . '
- - ._
... I

• •• •..
- -'·_

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• • • ••
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,.• -' . •• .!
-. -··'
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. .•,',.,_,
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. .. -
·._.,_. .
,'' .-

Preparation •· 16 ··-·-
-- '' . - ;
- - . ,_ '·' '
. .
. Closed-loop Tuning: What to Do 17 -· .. -- -----.
' - '

. ..
Closed-loop Tuning: How to Do It 18 -~-
' '-
' ·_, _ ; ' ' -- ··.·.·.'
"":"., -..

Open-loop Tuning: What to Do 21 /--.

- .. __ ;

Open-loop Tuning: How to Do It . 23

When to Use Open'."loop Tuning ·. 25
When to Not Tune by the Rules 26
. .

Tuning Rules Ove1 view 28


. CE 31

Response to Cyclic Upsets 34

Factors Affecting the Natural Period •

Dead Time 42 .... -·

. ' /
-------. '
- ._,

~ '
. -
-.- .
·' _,_ --_ -- ,,
' '
. '

. .
-----' - .. -"
_ _
- -"
_.,-- - -- -

Integrator 43 · -
, - , __·--"·- ------ ...
.- --- .
_. ___
-·- .-- '
. -· .- c. - ' -. - • '•-.' • ; -- -_ - - - .

First Order Lag 43 -- . ' ' ' -.- ' '. --,_
__ __.. - .. - . ".

; :..
.-,: ·.--
Combining Building Blocks
Gains 47 .- -- - ~
--- -
. ',


- ' ' .

. '



Dead Time •

Controllers ... ..

Pneumatic Transmission Lags 53

Valves 53
Transmitters 54
,. .
Temperature Measurement 54 .

. ..

. . .
Tanks, Liquid Flow Lag 55
,• ·- • 'j. --
\• ,, --'

Tanks, Compositional Lag 55

', ._· __ ,, ,,_.-f;
The11nal Process Lags 56. '- '·~ ,, _- . ' ·''-' -

Typical Natural Periods ...··s6 .· ·-· ';

.- . -. ',
. .
·- ··"'<;- · ·. • -' ''' •. , -.,
' -
-·· .

' ' . '

'. ..,. '.·.

TER~, CASCADE CO. 57 ... '

·.· .....:,-·): .,,
--:- :-.
·- _· ,' .
' . . .
-. '
. -.
. ·- .-
•' ' . .

' - . ' -
... - ·'


• .-
61 -' .

• ' • '• :
. ,.,_
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· .. . .. - ;•'
. ..•. ·
-- . . '
. . . . . , _..)..,._
•" ' ·'

--· . .
Interactions 65 ·_;.,•
__ -
. .· ;.
- - .-
. ....
Nonlinearities 66 .·
Process 67
Hardware, Continuous Nonlinearities 67 • "'; •

. •
' .

Hardware, Discontinuous Nonlinearities 67 •

. . .
-··,,. .
Velocity Limiting 67 .
DeadBand 68 ..
-~-- ·:.

Valves at Limits 71 •

Integral (Reset) Windup 72 • •

. -. - .._.
CHAPTER 9, POTPO ----- -

Digital Control Algorithms 73 ,_ \
. •. . '

Sampling Frequency and Loop Performance .· 74 · '

Load Changes /Upsets I Disturbances 76 ·. · ··· 7

- . - '
.' '•
.. .

Dampening Noisy Measurements · 77 ··

s 81


Pure Dead Time Process A-2
Process with Dead Time and Integration A-3
Derivative Frequency Response A-4
Order For111 A-5


This second edition of Controller Tuning and Control Loop Performance has
been extended in both directions frbm the first. Sections have been added for the
very beginner and for the somewhat more experienced. It is about twice the size.
Sections have been added on the what-to-do and how-to-do-it of tuning, to help
the person who may have never done it before. Then interspersed throughout are
paragraphs that extend some of the non-math concepts to the realm of math, or at
least algebra. These sections explaining concepts in math (sometimes frequency
response tenns) are clearly identified to make them easy to skip. This second
printing of the second edition also has expanded part of chapter 2 and has added
two pages to chapter 8, as compared with the first printing. It still stands on its
own, of explaining the essence of feedback control, without referring to math. I
hope these new references will help any reader who wants to bridge the gap from
the nonmath to the math.

The first edition was essentially a verbatim copy of a report written for DuPont in
1983, which I was allowed to make public in 1990. This second edition is perhaps
80% based on a 1992 update of that original report, written for a training course
for DuPont instrurnent technicians and engineers. The new version was to have
specific references to the DuPont situation, and was co-authored by Paul S.
Fruehauf (of DuPont) and myself (DuPont retired). I atn very appreciative of the
permission from Willia1n X. Alzos (of DuPont) to use what I wished from those
course notes.

I arn particularly grateful to Paul S. Fruehauf who has worn two hats in the
preparation of this second edition, first as co-author of the DuPont report, and
second as critical reviewer of my modifications and additions to that report. Most
of the material in chapter 2 is his. The first draft of much of that material was his,
and he persuaded me to include it in this booklet. He is cur1·ently an employee of
Applied Control Engineering, Inc., a consulting finn in Delaware.

I have tried to make this second edition appeal to readers whose background may
not be the chemical processing industries. I know I can only partly succeed in this
broadened scope, for all of my 40 years in the automatic control business were in
that industry.

I hope this booklet meets what I perceive as a need for more information on the
beginning end of training on the subject of controller tuning and control loop

This booklet on controller tuning and con- scapegoat, being blamed for problems that
trol loop perforrnance stops where most are not related to tuning, with the result that
books and courses on the subject begin. Too time and energy are spent needlessly.
often the subject is introduced with math Meanwhile a proper solution goes unsought.
unfamiliar to the reader. That does not have
to be there are simple concepts to help While I will give rules for tuning, the rules
those unschooled in the math to know and themselves are only~part of.the picture. The
understand the basics, to appreciate the ''tuner'' needs to know what the desired per-
limitations and to know what can be formance is and what to expect when the
expected. system is responding as well as can be ex-
pected, and when is it not. If it is not, then
the rules may not apply, or should be modi-
fied. This booklet teaches not only the rules,
but what can and cannot be expected
from tuning. It is also to teach some of the
common pitfalls. Why do the tuning rules
My field for 40 years was industrial process not seem to work sometimes? In addition,
control. The basic concepts of control are tuning is often done to fix some problem.
the same, regardless of the field. The exam- You cannot use or fix anything unless you
ples will change, but the concepts, princi- know how it should work, and that includes
ples, and much of the vocabulary won't. For control loops.
readers whose field is different from mine I
hope you will gain some useful insight into
your situation.

Not everyone needs to know about control-

ler tuning. Many businesses, like banking
and insurance, probably need no one. Other
businesses, like the automotive business, Tuning rules presume that the desired result
probably need only a few. But that still is a ''tight'' system, 011e that does the best
leaves many businesses that do need to job of reducing the effects of disturbances,
know, and you wouldn't be reading this if and/or one that responds quickly to setpoint
you didn't feel a need to know! In many in- changes. This may not always be what is
dustries proper tuning is vital to quality, and desired. Many level controls are often delib-
often decisions are made to take expensive erately detuned (made more sluggish than
steps when better tuning might do the job. the tuning rules would make it), a condition
On other occasions controller tuning is the referred to as averaging level control. Many
loops in a plant do not have a very vital
r ' '"

2 Chapter 1, Getting Started

bearing on quality or other business consid- made? Not many. Quite possibly not any.
erations, so whether they are tuned tightly Usually there are at least a few loops that
or not is not all that important. How many stay on manual for some time, sometimes
new operations are started up and have all even years. It is hard to argue that these
the loops on automatic for the first product loops need tight tuning.


Controller tuning is mostly science. Tuning mathematically pure and simple models are
rules are based on mathematically clean and used to represent the ''typical'' process.
simple models that · approximate . the real Don't worry about that, certainly not at this
stage. The differences are relatively small
compared with what I consider realistic
goals in tuning. We w,ill not be concerned
about deter111ining settings to within 1%,
world. If .the . real world

were and generally not within 10 or 20%. For
mathematically clean . and simple, , then instance, if the tuning rules determine that a
controller tuning would be all science controller setting should be 1.00, it doesn't
(provided of course, there was agreement on really matter if it is set for 1.01 or 1.10.
what was desired from the tuning). Happily,
experience (and higher math) has shown
that the real world can be simplified without
sacrificing accuracy enough to worry about.
It is known, with a reasonable degree of
certainty, when this simplification is
invalid, and therefore when the rules for Even if set for 1.20 you would be hard
tuning will break down. pressed to see the difference in most
practical cases. Determining settings within
30 to 50°/o is a more realistic expectation.
Two specialists in tuning will almost surely
come up with different settings in any given
situation. They are far more likely to, indeed
will almost certainly, come up with the
same analysis of what may be wrong with a
There are ·numerous publications giving
loop. They are less likely to agree on what
tuning rules, and, as you might expect, they
the best solutio11 is. It is rather like politics
don't all give exactly the same rules. This is
because different. criteria are used for what in that regard.
constitutes ''proper'' tuning. Different

Chapter 1, Getting Started 3

- -."• -
' ' - .- - '

No reasonably thorough writing on control- loop method. Nichols then verified the
ler tuning would be complete without pay- mathematical validity of the open-loop ap-
ing tribute to J. G. Ziegler and N. B. Nichols proach.
(Optimum Settings for Automatic
Controllers, Transactions .of the ASME, v For history buffs there is a book you should
64, Nov. 1942, p759). ·.Their contribution know about: Automatic Control, Gassical
was a quantum leap forward in the science Linear Theory, edited by George J. Thaler,
and/or art of tuning industrial controllers. It
Naval Postgraduate School. It was published
took perhaps.10 years or more after that be- by Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross Inc.,
fore subsequent authors started to hone and Stroudsburg, . !!A iJ:l .l 974. It ~s. out of print
- - .--.·-.--· . 7.' ,.. . .·

refine their recommendations, but the es- now, but.can be obu.ined from major techni-
sence of their approach .has remained un- cal libraries. The · book is orte of the
''Benchmark Papers in. Electrical Engineer-

ing and Computer Science,'' v. 7, with

Library of Congress Catalog Number: •
2469, ·and ISBN: 0-87933-083-X, It is a
photographic reproduction of milestone
papers on the math of the feedback control
scathed to this day! Ziegler and Nichols not loop, with editorial comments on the contri-
only brought order out of chaos, but they bution each made from a historical view-
presented it in a simple, understandable point. The British papers by Callender,
way. They presented two ways of de- Hartree, Porter (and Stevenson), 1936 and
' te1·mining controller settings. One was based 1937, from which Nichols was able to con-
on closed-loop tests, the other on open-loop fi1·n1 the fo1·mulas presented by himself and
tests. They were both based on sound Ziegler, are also contained in it, as well as
mathematics, though their peers did not rec- the original Ziegler and Nichols paper.

' ognize or accept it at the time. A 1991 con-
'' versation with each of them revealed that The Ziegler and Nichols paper is also

' Nichols, with a mathematical bent, was pri- included in a collection of papers on PID
marily responsible for verifying the math of tuning: Reference Guide to PID Tuning,
the closed-loop formulas, while Ziegler, of a published by Control Engineering.
more empirical bent, conceived the open-


4 Chapter 1, Getting Started

The task of tuning a controller can run from The science of control is based on math that
fairly simple to quite complex. It is rather is fonnidable to most persons. Happily it is
like income taxes. Many cases · are quite not necessary to understand or even use the
simple, but. then there· are a few that need a supporting math to absorb the governing
specialist. Also like taxes, it has to be done. principles. The math will be largely, if not
For the simpler cases, which constitute totally, omitted. No proofs will be provided.
possibly 80% (somewhere between half and There are however concepts, which may be
all) of the loops typically encountered, the new, which should be mastered. These
procedure can be reduced to a set of easy- relate primarily to understanding the
to-follow rules. importance TIME has in the control loop.
AMOUNT is also important, but not as
much as time. By far the most important
concept to master in understanding control
loops is the concept of LAGS. An effect
happens AFTER some cause. A control
valve moves AFTER the controller output
changes. The measurement of a temperature
While these rules are based on sound sci- in a well LAGS the actual temperature
ence, applying them without knowing what outside the well. The coldest day of the year
is expected leaves little understanding of occurs AFI'ER the shortest day of the year.
what is going on. Each tuning experience
becomes an isolated event. There is no
framework on which to build understanding,
no adequate way to transfer experience from
one time to the next, or from one person to
another. One goal of this booklet, is to pro-
vide that framework, that way of defining Not all lags are the same, or have the same
the experience so it is both understandable importance in a control loop. It will be a
to the person doing the tuning, and transfer- major part of this training material to de-
able to others. It might be called THE velop an understanding of where lags come
LANGUAGE OF CONTROL. Inciden- from, the different types that are used to ap-
tally, while I assume the reader has some proximate the real world, and what their
familiarity with many of the te11ns used in relative importance is. A few words, mean-
automatic feedback control, I have provided ing specific things in a control loop, will be
a glossary for the tertns most likely to need added to your vocabulary. Again, it is THE

Chapter 1, Getting Started 5

As with, I suppose, all fields, the science are sometimes available if the tuning is
and art of feedback control grew before the done with a digital control system. This
committees on standard ten11inology were constancy of the PID function in an era of
formed. The predicable result is that several
different terms are used to name the same
thing. The controllers we are going to talk
about have three adjustments. They are
froportional, Integral and Derivative (PID).
Computer based systems often have the
fourth, which is an adjustment for the filter phenomenal techni~al progress is a sobering
time. Computer based controllers may also thought. THE CIPLES HAVE
have a decision to be made about the cycle REMAINED UNCHANGED. I understand
time (how often the controller looks at the that some really high powered math has
process), but this is not considered a con- shown that the PID function is the best gen-
troller setting. It is, however, quite impor- eral purpose function to use to do the job.
tant, but it will be discussed in chapter 9 More sophisticated control algorithms will
!'' produce better performance when fitted to a
f PID controllers have been around since specific process, but poorer perfo11nance

! about 1940. Modem controllers perform the results if the process changes. This sensitiv-
i same functions as those, perhaps with a few ity to process changes is called robustness,
embellishments and certainly more accu- with more robust being less sensitive. The
'' rately, but the same functions nonetheless. PID algorithm is an excellent trade-off
So the tuning rules have remained essen- between robustness and perfor111ance.
tially the same over the years, though aids

We talk about proportional action but we

tend to refer to the adjustment itself as gain Figure 1.1 shows what gain does to the
or proportional band. The action means that controller output in response to the error.
the controller output moves in proportion For a gain of one, the output changes the
to the error between setpoint and controlled same amount as the controlled variable (or
variable. Many terrns have been used by the setpoint). Higher and lower gains cause
different manufacturers to designate this greater or smaller changes in the output for
action. It has been called proportional band, the same change in the error. If the output
proportional gain, gain, throttling band, increases as the controlled variable in-
sensitivity and surely others. Some are creases, then the controller is said to be
reciprocals of others. For instance gain is
100 divided by proportional band. I will use


6 Chapter 1, Getting Started

be an
offset if the contit>Jler has no integral '

Gain = 2 2 . action. The offset may··q~ be important.

enough to worry about, but if :Witt be there. ·
Gain = 1- It has to be, except·at:pne precise pbiht on.·.
- .. •.
.. GI
the output-versus-error curve .
:I -
a. C'll
.. u
:I (I)
o_ Figure 1.1 is not totally accurate. Many
.. o so-------·····- · ~Gain = o.s · digital controllers can be configured to
.! ..
-c have the proportional action occur only on
.. u
c0 GI
.. . .
'' ' ' -
the controlled variable, not on the error, to
oa. I avoid potentially undesirable actidn on
I Sell Text for setpoint changes. This is a desirable· op- ·
I ·Qualifications
tion, but will not be discussed here. Also,

I if a controller has no automatic reset. '

0 (integral) action, to be described soon, ·
. Error, Percent of Scale then it will usually have a manual reset '

Figure 1.1. A proportional-only controller has a fixed (integral) adjustment.., This is an ·adjust-
relationship between error and output ment that allows som! manual compen-
sation for the offset.
direct acting. If it decreases as the con-
trolled variable increases, then it is called
reverse acting. The controller action is set
(or checked) initially, when a controller is Setpoint . Output
first put into service, and is not changed p
after that. The action has to be right to get
the controller . output to go in the right . - +
direction when the controlled variable Controlled Manual

changes, or else the controlled variable


----- Variable Reset

will avalanche away from the setpoint, '

Figure 1.2. A signal-flow diagram to show how manual

reset may be used to shift the output for any given

Figure 1.2 shows how this is represented

in a signal-flow diagr&m, and Figure 1.3
shows · how this · might be represented
With any controller that is proportional-only graphically. It allows for adjusting what
(no integrating action, yet to be discussed), the controller. output is to be when the
there bas to be an · error between the . error is zero. It may be thought of as
setpoint and the controlled variable. · This sliding the gain curve up or down on the
error is frequently called offset. The easiest graph. Manual reset pe11nits reducing the
way to understand this is to look again at offset at the nor·mal operating conditions,
Figure 1.1. The only time the error is zero is but · it does not change the basic
when the controller output is at 50%. If the characteristic of proportional-only control,
controller output is at any other value, then that there will always be an offset, except
there has to be an error to produce that out- at one exact point.
put. Simply remember that there will always

Chapter 1, Getting Started

· · .• . The ,8ft!f1r, i~ the setpoint fDinus the

...... . .· . . . ~. AC?rr.troHecl \laqa~le. The gfJlf1 is f((J-
'.,_,._···.--' _" ___ -

.. . ___ I: ..•.... . quently named Kc, for gain-of-the-

&. .!
. . l'O
70 -
. . ,. J controller. The above equation then
:I u .' . "' .
' .
could be written as:
~ -
.! .. 50-
. I
ei I• ··. Output = e Kc + B ·. ·.
... ~ I - ' '

..o. 30 - • .where: . e =error . .

·.Kc = control/JiJr gain

I B =bias

I . - . .. .. '
.. ' '
. . ·- '

0 .We grow. very tired of writing all that

Error, Percent of Scale math (actually'· algebrfJ)·.·. ·and very.·
· quickly forget about the bias, ·B, as it
Figur& 1.3. Manual . reset in a proportional-only is rarely of concern since it does not·
controller · changes the · fixed relationship between
affect ·dynamic· performance. ·· The
error and controller
. Qutput
' - '" proportional-only· controller then ··has •
Any loop will cycle (become. unstable) if a Laplace tra"'Jor111. or transfer ·
the gaih is increased far enough.· The task function of: .
of setting the gain is one of g~tting the
effect you want without causing Output =Kc
instability. Error

or more simply:

This is the first section dealing with
the math I algebra of control. If you since the lefl hand side of the
want to. skip. it, or any subsequent equation is understood to . be · the
section so devoted, I encourage you output divided by. the input., The
to do so. T/Jere is no need to get transfer function of any element in .• . .
bogged down in this and frightened the control loop is the ovtput divided ...
off what I am trying to say. My intent In.
by the input... this case it is what · · .
is to make the booklet stand alone you multiply the error by to get the
·without reference to math. These output: · ··. · ··. · •· .. · ··· ·· · ·
• •
brief sections · are presented to
introduce the math to •those· of you . · Once yeu get ihte the algebra you
. who might be interested,. with the ·.·.· can · satisfy yourself that these are ··.
hope that you won't be intimidated if ........ . legitimate simplifications. You should
you decide to read other material on ·• ·.· . not. play around·. vet}( much with the
the subject. ·•··. · .• .· algebra without learning a great deal
-_. ,.,_, ..
more than this booklet will teach you.
The · · math of · .• a · pfuportional-oniy · I have no intention of teaching you
·controller is quite simple: the rigors of the underlying math.
If you decide to learn more, you need
Output = (Error x Gain) + Bias to use another source.
8 Chapter 1, Getting Started

In the earlier days of industrial automatic was due to proportional action alone.
control the integral function was almost Within the physical constraints of the
universally called reset. Now the more sci- controller, the output will continue to
entifically correct te1·1n integral is gaining change at the same rate. This change comes
widespread use. I tend to use them inter- from integrating the error.
changeably, especially when talking as
compared with writing. When referring to So, the integral action causes the· controller
the adjustment the ter111s reset time, and output to change at a RATE proportional
reset rate are both in common use. One is
the reciprocal of the other, so of course it is
vital to know which one you are talking
about. To say to ''tum the reset up'' is an ...
ambiguous statement, because you don't =ea.
GI -
know whether the speaker is talking about --
c :s - - - __,,_I_ - -
reset time or reset rate. It usually means to ao I A
decrease the integral time, but the phrase __ l___t __
still leaves uncertainty. It is rather like I ....__Integral_ I
saying to tum the air conditioner up. Does I Time I
that mean to get more cooling or to tum the
ther·mostat higher? I will use reset time or
integral time when referring to the setting
itself, discouraging the use of reset rate. e...
Integral action is not as easy to understand
as proportional action. The graph that is Time
often used to explain it is given as Figure Figure 1.4. A proportional-plus integral controller will
1.4, which is really for proportional-plus- integrate the error to add an amount to the output equal
integral action. Imagine a controller just by to the proportional change in one integral time.
itself, not connected to a process. Then to the error. The longer the integral time
imagine that from an initial condition for the slower it changes. A controller with
which the error is zero, that an error is integral actioh will eventually reduce the
suddenly introduced, called a step change. error to zero, as the output will continue to
The controller output will then change to a change until there is no error. That is, this
new value, and the amount of the change is will happen if there are no continuing
arbitrarily called ''A'' in Figure 1.4. disturbances to require the output to
continue to change, and if the manipulated
After that the controller output continues to variable has enough ''muscle'' to achieve
move in the same direction it went initially. that. Manufacturers build their integrating
It will move an amount equal to the initial function to be as close to mathematically
amount ''A'' in a time that is the integral pure as they can, and they do a good job of
time or the reset time. The units of reset it, whether it be one of the very first
time or integral time are minutes per repeat. pneumatic controllers, or one of the latest
The reason for this terminology is illustrated digital controllers.
in Figure 1.4, which shows that the integral
time is the time to repeat the change that

Chapter 1, Getting Started 9

Before the advent of digital controllers there Not much more will be said about the reset
were integral-only c()ritrollers, but they were windup problem at this point, except to say
not in widespread use. The function is the two things. One is that it is a phenomenon
same as in a proportional-plus-integral
. . . •,.
that does exist, and two is that the measures
controller,· except of course there is no taken to combat the problem work with only
change in controller output due to varying degrees of success. These measures
proportional action. The change in con- seldom totally eliminate the problem. It is
troller output is all from integrating the er- far better to take steps to see that the
ror. With essentially all digital controllers controller does not windup in the first place,
there is the option to have integral-only than to expect the anti-windup features to
action. When this might be used will be keep you out of trouble. For batch processes
discussed later. reset windup can be an especially severe
problem on start up..· Specially configured
controllers exist to combat this problem, but
they will not be discussed in this booklet.

Any loop will cycle if you reduce the The math (algebra) for a propor-
integral time far enough. This is true tional-only controller had nothing in it
whether the controller is proportional-plus- relative to time. The proportional-
integral or only integral. The task of.setting plus-integra/ controller does. This
introduces a new symbol, which is
the integral time is one of setting it low
used in essentially all of the literature
enough but not too low. today, and that is the lower case ''s. ''


Any control loop with integral action is If you didn't know what it was before,
subject to having a problem called reset you still don't! The d is the derivative
windup, or more recently, integral windup. dt
This refers to the condition when the con- relative to time. If you see !_, this is the
troller output does not have enough muscle s
reciprocal of derivative, which is
to reduce the error to zero. Since the con-
integral. Please simply accept that. The
troller integrates this error, the output will Laplace transform (transfer function) for
continue to change until it reaches some the proportional-plus-integral controller
limit, which may or may not be the limit of is written like this:
the manipulated variable. In digital con-
trollers this is a limit set in the menu for that
controller, or it may be set in the software. Kc 1+ 1
For electronic controllers it might be set
with a manual adjustment. For pneumatic
where Ti = integral time
controllers the nor1nal situation is that no
provision is made to avoid windup, but that Sometimes it is written this way:
extra instrument items can be installed to
combat the problem. 1js+1
Kc T:s



The Kc' ls1·f#l,J,iC'ti!!l~JiJ( gain, the same ·.·.· .

one ~;~(!Jearf)t;'Qefore. Ttie.-:lii~th~ ..· · . --

. inl;egral .·. tifl'1f} •. (time-sub-integra11.. ·.· ~his .

._ ' )
' ' - ·-
·. algebra alf!I> be expanded to be: . ..· . :
' - ' '

_._. ---
' ,, ·---' .
. '
·. . K .. - ''
,.• ,-. ,.
'' ' -..
. -·-
K +' c '
' '~
' '

.. . .c .....
. T:s
' ' '

·.· Jt is worth· notingcthat wlth many digital·.

' / ..
· ··
' ' - '
-_, __ .. --.~

·controllers the ctmtrol algorithm can be ·

-·. •'.\' ' ' , '
- .
' •'
- '

·->· - ·,) •,, •. -- -.

set. up as... . · ·· ·. •· ·· •. • •..
The first term is ,the proportional terl1J • ,•'

·. and. the secOncf tbs integ~I term. The . '1

··algebra s6qws'quite simply •that the .• kc+ ·. ·.· .·. · '

.· ' 'contribution ·, ' of ' the·.·. integral action ·.. ... ·. .- '. ...,,1
-r:s .'
. -·-
:•· - ,-
' ;'

.. increases ·~ t/u:J ' controller gain is ; '

' Increased arrd decreases as the integral ·• This is sometimes called
- - '

.· ''noninteracting'.' becattSe the··flain does ·.


· . time is increased. ·
' ' ., -. _- .
' __ ,_
··. not have•a p~·in'the :i11'41f1.,.,'tinq term. ·.
. ' '
· · ·· · · b' • d · · ·
· Tuning. . rq/e$ ..artt " ..~~' ,, .g.n ·• . · the
Very shortly, · as you read other lite~­
ture, you .will quickly recognize the · .· ''interacting,; tiltfljitgirn tor. ar Jea'St two ·
.· .reasons. First;. ··WheiJ···· tli!nin:g rules first
math: · ·.· ·
··were introduced by Ziegler and •· · 'S, · ·
.controllers were .built in the interacting .
1' " '' mode. . . Secbnd, .•.·.. when ' .· . frequency ..·
Kc 1+ T. ' ' '

·S •····.·response·analysi$ 'ilnd BOclej:Jlots came···
or · along it was much easier tc:J. understand ·
.· · What •was going on · if the interacting
-·---- algorithirf'was used. .·. · . . .• ··
'' . '

- . ·' .
- _, '

. '

'' - ' ,, '• '' ·:-:·,, .- _. '

' ' ' ,_

..,- . '---,; '

-, ' ·____ - '· ' '

' ' . - '

: · - ..-. ' - .,,.·'\ ' '' . -' - . ' '
- - ' ' ' .
' ' ' '

. ; .· '
' ·,_ ' / -·. ' '

' . .
• •' - '· - '
' ' ,

f -
' '.- ' .-·. . - -- ·-·--.
'_, ' '
' - :. '
' - ' '
' '
·,;_.-, - ,. ' '
" - . --
. '
- . -' '
' ' '

' ' - ' ' ' '

'' ' '


- ·,,

__ - ' ,_ -'__.'
,,,_. ''

.'; ,' .,
-. '

' .- '

' '
- -., - ·-·-
' ' .

___ ,-_-

Chapter 1, Getting Started 11

• •

Fortunately, only a few ter1ns have evolved value and then decay back to some lower
over the years to refer to the function of de- steady state value. The amount of the steady
rivative action, and the scientific term de- state change is that due to the proportional
action only. You might ask why the
output is changing between its peak and
its final steady-state value, when the
error is not changing, and therefore there
""'y Derivative Component should be no output component due to
... the derivative action. This imperfect
=0 :JQ,
Cl) -
derivative action is a practical matter on
co - - - - - - - - - two counts. One is that it is physically
8 ..._ Proportional Component impossible to build a mathematically
I perfect derivativ,e function, . . and two is
, . • • . I - , ,

I that. you wouldn't want to .even if you

could. At this point please simply accept
I .both. points. Derivative action is .delib-
... I~~~~~~~~~~ erately imperfect but achieves most of
w the desirable results sought when using
the derivative function.

Figure 1.5. A proportional-plus-derivative controller will Figure 1.6 illustrates another way of
respond to a step change in error by adding to the conveying what the derivative function
proportional component that decays with time. The does. This time, instead of introducing a
longer the derivative the longer the decay time.
step change in error, a ramp change is
rivative seems to have held sway.
Rate ·(and Pre-Act, Taylor, starting
abOut 1940) have been used. I will use ... Proportlonal-plus-
derivative time and derivative action.
=...0 _
Cl) -
:J Oerivatlve Response "">,,i,..
- :J
It is mathematically the opposite of 50 . . •
integral action, but while we might I I. l\_Proportlonal-only
.• - Response
have an. integral-only controller, we
· I Derivative I
would never have a derivative-only . I I.-· Time ~I
controller (though we could have a
proportional-plus-derivative control-
ler, with no integral action). The
reason for this is that derivative action ... I
only knows that the error is changing. g I
w I
It doesn't know what the setpoint
actually is, so by itself it cannot
control to a setpoint. Time
Figure 1.6. A proportional-plus derivative controller will
Figure 1.5 shows the step response of respond to a ramp change in error by adding to the propor-
a proportional-plus-derivative control- tional-only response. The amount added will increase as the
ler. The output will peak at some derivative time is increased.

12 Chapter 1, Getting Started '


used. This is simply a change that continues derivative would have a transfer function
at a fixed rate, rather than all at once, as for "',
""' -

a step change, The derivative function adds

to the output that would no1·mally occur, in
effect advancing the response by an amount
in time equal to the derivative time. The transfer function for a proportional-
plus-derivative controller would then be
Actually the advance in time is not. quite as
large as the derivative time, which is a
result of the deliberate imperfection in the
where Td is the derivative time and s, as
noted before, is the deriVative function.

You already know that the derivative

function is not mathematically perfect. '
Actually the way the algebra is written is
,.. ,,
" '•'•"•' •'•' ' •'•'
to write it as a proportiBn,at-plus-deriva-

tive function, with the proportional part ''

having a gain of one. Here is the trans-

Derivative action has the potential to fer function typically used to describe
improve performance but is unlike pro- the (proportional-plus-) derivative
portional or integral action in one important function: ''

aspect. With those, it is mostly a matter of

using enough but not too much. If you did
not use enough there would still be
beneficial action, and perfonnance would be
better than if you did not use them at all.
With derivative the problem is still one of The numerator is the ideal part and the .)


using enough but not too much, but if you denominator is the practical necessity. '

do not use enough, there is no benefit at all The.denominator is the transfer function ' '


and there could be some harrn. If you use of a lag, which will be discussed more in
just a little bit too much the troubles the next secion on niter time. The new
parameter, Kd , is known as the deriva-
increase a lot faster than the benefits. IF
tive gain. It determines the height of the
USED AT ALL, IT HAS TO BE SET peak in Figure 1. 5. If the derivative gain
INTELLIGENTLY. is 10, a typical figure, then the maximum
the derivative function can magnify any
rate of change is 10. '

The algebra for the derivative function It should be remembered that. usually '''

gets more involved than what has been the derivative function on a digital ''

presented up until now. The ideal controller is set up to act only on the '

controlled variable, not on the error.



Chapter 1, Getting Started 13

With many digital control systems, ih.e so you do not see the waves generated by
menu for controller settings includes a set- the motion of the car.
ting for filter time. It is not normally in- . ~ .
cluded in most published rules for tuning, The task of setting the filter time is one of
because when they were written there were using as much as you dare without degrad-
only analog (non-digital) controllers around. ing the performance of the loop. Too long a
The filter is a digital controller phenomenon filter time will· affect controller settings and
and helps compensate for the small also make the controller slower to respond
· to disturbances .. The use of it at all is
Actual Change in likely to start·.· a lively discussion
Controlled Variable
between those who grew up without its
availability; and · those who grew up
al Cll after its availa~ility.
..1: ·-..
0 Ill
A r. ..·.

o~ 0.63A

The filter is just one name for a

very simple and important element
'' - - ' '
Time in control loops. It is really too early
Figure 1.7. Thtt effect of the filter time in a digital controller in the development of the subject
is to slow doYln the chlmge the controller sees. to get into it here, but I will simply
--- ..
give you the transfer function:
variations in reading the .process variable
because of sampling and because of round- 1
off errors. T,s+1

Figure 1. 7 shows what it does to the mea- It will get discussed more later. No-
surement; it slows it down a bit, or averages tice that it has the same form as the
it. The gas gauge in a car is heavily filtered, denominator in the proportional-plus-
derivative function.
·.' :-~·.;·-

- : '-


14 Chapter l, Getting Started

The filter action and the derivative action

are opposites for all ·practical purposes. Tds+ 1
They can cancel each other. A filter time of
one minute will cancel a derivative time of The filter that has just been discussed,
has the transfer function:
one minute, with the result being essentially
the same as if you had used neither. This is 1
still true if the filter time is set to only half
or a third of the derivative time, and it •

makes no sense at a11 ·.to · set it higher.

. . .
When you have a filter and the de-
Frequently the decision· is reached · t() use rivative function in a · controller the
one or the other, but not both. Derivative resulting transfer function is obtained by
action ·bounces the· eontroller ·output more multiplying the two together, which
than when it . is not used. Filter action becomes: . ..·.
dampens this bouncing, but if too much is
used it will.degrade perfo1·1nance and cancel
the benefit of derivative action.

From this you can see that if the two

times are · ·set the same, then the
.numerator •. and · denominator are the
This is a place where the algebra gets
same,· and the·.··. whole transfer function
quite neat. The proportional-plus-deriva-
reduces to one, which is no dynamic
tive function has this simplified transfer
effect at all.



I want you to understand not only the me- combination at times. The open-loop
chanics of tuning (tuning by-the-numbers), method is a bit harder to use but yields more
but what you can expect from tuning. What
• •
fundamental TIM 11: and AMOUNT infor-
should you be looking for? There is a basic mation about the process. It is essential that
dilemma in explaining tuning rules, if part the persons involved feel confident in per-
of that explanation is committed to teaching forming the necessary procedures. With
what the tuning is doing. To understand either approach, open- or closed-loop, there
what the tuning can d<>, you have to under- is a section on what to do, and another sec-
stand the importance of lags in the process. tion on how to do it (procedures and
To understand the importance of the lags, techniques).The key is to upset the process
you have to understand what the tuning can enough to get the information you need,
do with lags present. It is like the control without getting into trouble.
loop itself where do we start? I have de-
cided to start with the tuning rules. If you Tuning settings . can also .be calculated. be-
are new to the subject this will almost surely fore or after
a loop
exists.. This writing. deals
require that you cycle back and forth in your only with tuning in the field (though tuning
reading between the tuning rules and the for level loops might be calculated at any
lags. time).

The basic principle of tuning is to set the

TIME and AMOUNT parameters · of the
controller to fit the TIME and AMOUNT
parameters (called dynamics) of the process.
Tuning procedures are procedures for
learning the necessary dynamic characteris-
tics of the process. To do this you need to The tuning rules assume the controller algo-
upset the process. While there are more so- rithm is the interacting type. The signifi-
phisticated, computer-based, ways to learn cance of this distinction is discussed else-
the process dynamics, there are two simple, where. You may safely assume equipment
time-honored, ways. One is done in auto- of a major manufacturer is of the interacting
matic (closed-loop), the other is done in type. Digital systems often provide a choice,
manual (open-loop). You should understand so choose the interacting type.
each of these approaches and use them in
16 Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures

0 You should know and agree on who is

. ·'' goirtg to do the actual adjusting of the
. · .•.· · •. : coittt9ller. settings,. and be assured that
· that fierson knows how to do it physi-
cally and won't become confused if
something has to be done in a hurry,

You should know and agree on who is

going t<> switch between manual
' .
automatic, and ·who·· is going to make
Before you tune a· controller there · are setpoint changes if needed, again
several items. . you should have reviewed,. .
looking for confidence that proper ac-
certainly with yourself, and possibly with tion can be ~n in a hurry if needed.
supervision if that is appropriate for your
location. If you are experienced .at tuning, You . should have knowledge of the
some of these items may have become safety interlocks and any other safety
second nature, yet it would be prudent to concerns for the process.
use the following as a check list. ·
0. You should pick a time to tune such that
0 You should have some idea of what you you will be available for a reasonable
are trying to accomplish, what you can time afterwards, to be contacted if
expect to accomplish. I hope this problems arise.
booklet will give you that understand-

1ng. You should record the existing settings
and the controller output, in the event
You should have some idea of how fast you want to return to them, either in a

and how far the process is going to hurry or simply to leave the system as
respond to the controller output. Will you found it..
you be able to restore stability with
confidence if needed? You should make sure that changes are
communicated to all operating people.
0 You should know and agree on how If a log book is kept for this purpose,
• •
much change you will . allow in the use 1t.
process and in the controller. output.
Get all the infor111ation you can here.

Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 17

The Ziegler and Nichols method consists bf

Ideally the filter time should be set to zero .
these steps: Its purpose is to reduce the activity the
valve sees because of noise. In practice you
1. Tum the integral time to as high a
may increase the filter time until the valve
number as possible (often called ''off').
motion is as quiet as you would like, but
With digital controllers this is usually
generally no more than .that recommended
to set the integral time to zero, which is
not zero time but a convention to indi-
cate no integral action. Tum the de-
rivative time (if used) to as small a
number as possible (often called ''off'').
2. Increase the gain in steps until the loop
cycles (there is technique to this). It is
a fundamental truth that any control
above. Actually, if the above setting is used
loop will cycle if the controller gain is
with derivative action, the two tend to and
made high enough.
may cancel each other. You will understand
3. Observe the period of cycling, Pn• to be more about the potentially detrimental
called the natural period. Implant this effect of the filter on performance later, and
securely in your mind. Nothing so a special section on the subject is. included
· simple is more important. Note also the toward the end of the t>ooklet.
{,., ..;_,;

gain at which it cycled, Kcu, to be

called the ultimate gain.
4. Set the controller settings to:
Kc = Kcu I 2 (aggressive)
Kc = Kcu I 4 (conservative)
Most references, including Ziegler and
Ti=l.2Pn Nichols, recommend slight variations de-
Td=Pn/8 pending on whether the controller is P, Pl,
PD, or PID. In principle the absence of inte-
gral action would call for a slight ( 10%) in-
.where: crease in gain, and the use of derivative ac-
Kc = Controller Gain, % output I% input tion would allow a slight increase in gain
(10 to 20%) as well as a reduced integral
Kcu = Controller gain that produced the time (30% ?). I feel these relatively minor
sustained cycle, % output I % input. modifications are within the no1·111al toler-
Ti = Integral time, minutes ances for setting the adjustments in the first
place, so no special emphasis will be placed
Td = Derivative time, minutes on whether the controller is P, Pl, PD or
Pn =Natural period, minutes (from step 3, PID. The directions these setting may be
discussed below). changed are worth noting, and perhaps as
T f .= Filter time you become more familiar with the whole
concept, you will understand why.
,, '

18 Chapter 2,. Tuning Rules and Procedures

The basic idea in the closed-loop method of change, most likely in the opposite direction
tuning is to get the loop to cycle without to be the safest. Once again, you are looking
getting into trouble, observe the nqtural pe- for any signs of a cycle in the process. Con-
riod and the ultimate gain at . that point, tinue this procedure of increasing the gain
and then back ()ff. Several preparation and testing for stability, until you see a sug-
items related to people and safety have gestion of a cycle. At that point you should
already been listed to be observed before change gain less than a factor of two, per-
any tuning activity should be perfor1ned. haps by only 50%, and continue the
Once those preparations have been procedure as before. As the loop becomes
completed the next step· is to tum the more oscillatory, make smaller changes in
integral and .derivative functions off, or in gain. If the controller design pern1its it, you
the case of . some controllers,
. as far toward may often safely change the gain while the
off as possible. This is to have the integral controlled variatye is moving. This saves
time as long as possible and the derivative making a new setpf>int change to disturb the
time as short as possible. process, since the process is already being
disturbed, and.that is·the purpose of the step
in the first place. '

Be alert for any variations that seem to be

the start of a cycle. It is useful to watch the
controller output, as well as the controlled
variable, when looking for signs of cycling.
The next step, if you have no idea what the Often these signs can be seen first in the
stability with the present gain is, would be controller output. If the controller output
to make a small setpoint change. Make it in saturates, that is, goes to a high or low limit,
the· direction judged to be the safest and ob- beware. The results may be invalid for use
serve the response for some . signs of in this procedure. Try reducing the size of
cycling. This is the time when it is very the setpoint change, or try to introduce an
helpful to have at least some idea of what upset to perturb the process, rather than us-
the period of the cycle is likely to be. How ing a setpoint change to do it. Still be cau-
you can estimate this will be discussed . in tious if the controller output saturates. If it
chapter 4. If you expect, for some reason or saturates in this test, it might saturate in
other, that the present gain is far too low, normal running, and that could (not neces-
then you might save time by not perfon11ing sarily would) create stability problems.
the setpoint change but simply increasing
the gain from its present setting by a factor Be prepared to return to the original gain
of, typically, two. It is generally a waste of setting if the cycle starts to increase in
time to make small changes in gain, like amplitude, or even to manual if that is
10% or 20%, on this first effort to learn how judged the safest thing to do. Time the
close to cycling the loop might be. switch to occur when the output is
approaching its original value. Some
If this first set point change does not pro- controllers cannot be switched to manual,
duce anything that looks like the beginning and some bump the output when a gain
of a cycle, increase the gain by a factor of change is made, so take these potential char-
two, and make another small setpoint acteristics into account as you adjust the


Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 19

enough to the true natural pe-

riod for determining controller
settings.· The reward for
.· f
,, -·'

i_J! '' ' '

-.a detern1ining the exact gain that

... ...
as I
I will produce a steady cycle is

g~ ~ ~- .-- ~ Ko = 6.
0 I ---------Ko= 3 usually not worth the increased
I risk that the cycle will continue
- - - ...- - - - r-- " - - - - Kc = 1
to increase in amplitude and
create a safety or quality
problem.· -·"

0 20 . 40· 60 80 100 120

·. · Time Having then ·9etermined the
gain that will sustain, or almost
Figure 2.1. With a proportional-only co~troller t~e error (offset) is
reduced as gain is increased, but at the price of an increased tendency sustain a continuous cycle,
. .
gain. If the controlled variable is already in ·-·

Then promptly cut r the gain ·in half to

motion, it may not be necessary to upset the
achieve stability. This' period is called the
system with a setpoint change, since the
natural period. Some writers, including
only purpose of that is to see some action.
Ziegler and Nichols, call it the . ultimate
·period, and the gain that caused it. the ul-:
Fig. 2.1 shows the typical set of response
timate gain.. This gain and period are then
curves to be expected from this procedure.
plugged into the fo1·111ulas given, to establish
If the gain is significantly lower than the ul-
· the controller s~ttings. Notice that gain may
timate gain, the process will respond with
no hint of cycling, and also the process ~ill
be set for a
range of values. Once the
. settings. have. been rnade, confirnt .that they
change only a small fraction of the amount
are acceptable· with· a small setpoint change,
requested by the change in setpoint. ·.• One
or observe the ·behavior under operating
point to be made about Fig. 2.1 is that the
conditions to confirm that all is acceptable.
gains and offsets (errors) are samples onl~.
They do not necessarily represent numeri-
cally what you will experience, but they do
represent trends. It is. not meant to imply
that the loop you are tuning will be conser-
vatively stable at a gain of 1 and cycle at a .
gain of 6. It simply shows ·that as you in- Fig. 2.2 shows what adding integral (reset)
crease gain, two things will happen. One is action to the process used for Fig. 2.1 will

that the offset (error) will be reduced. The do. Again use the numerical values to un-

• other is that the response will become more derstand trends and approximate
' oscillatory (unstable).
I relationships only. The effect of adding in-
tegral action is to reduce the error to zero

It is generally of little value to determine the (eventually), and to increase the tendency to

exact gain that will produce a steady cycle. cycle. The period of this cycle will be
The difference between that gain and one longer than that when only proportional
that produces a slightly decaying cycle is action was used.
small, and the period of cycling you will ob-
serve with a slightly decaying cycle is close
. '
20 Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures

modify the response. Reducing

,,..,...-r1 = s gain increases. ... 'lity. lncreas-
ing integral.time also increases
T1 = 10 All Curves
for Kc= 6 stability if the dampened period

T1 = 20 is signifi<::antly longer than· the
natural period. If the derivative
i a> Setpolnt time is too long, it will increase
1: ..
the tendency to cycle, but. the
period will be shorter than the
8~ I natural period. More will be
.. I I T1 = 40 said about this later in the sec-
I tion on open-loop testing..
I •

l At least some digital systems

i provide programmed aids · for
l tuning. I do not know enough

• 0 40 60 80 100 120 about these to comment. There

Time is ; distinct. .chance that you will

Figure 2.2. Integral action in a Pl controller eliminates the offset. have to know quite a bit about
Decreasing the integral time increases the tendency to cycle, and at tuning already, before you can
a longer period than for proportional-only. · use them effectively.
. .•

Find some way to 1·ecord the ultimate gain
If the perforn1ance with the selected settings
and the natural period, so that a person
is judged not acceptable it is not generally
following in your tuning footsteps will have
necessary, or even desirable, .to repeat ,the
that information. You might want to keep
full testing procedure. That is, it is not nec-
your own records as well. It would also be ·
essary to tum the integral ~d derivat~ve
appropriate ·to record something about the
functions off. The natural period, on which
operating conditions, such as the production
these settings are based, has already been
rate, setpoint and controller oUtput.
established. At this point it is well to
remember that the tuning rules are for
A final step before leaving the scene is to
typical loops. To build experience and
advise all who might be conce111ed, what the
therefore confidence in tuning, you may
settings were before the tuning effort, and
then alter the settings to modify the per-
what they are now.
for111ance in the direction desired, using the
concepts presented in figures 2.1 and 2.2 to
Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 21

The method proposed in 1942 by Ziegler

and Nichols was the first procedure ever
proposed for detern1ining controller settings
from an open-loop test, though other authors
have honed it a bit in the meantime. It was
a stroke of empirical genius by Ziegler. Tr<= L / 2
The procedure is to place the controller in
manual, and when the process is sufficiently R = Rate. It is the change per minute in the
stable, make a step change in the controller process variable, (expressed as a % of
output. The process response is expected to the transmitter span), divided by the
look something like Fig. 2.3. Ziegler and step change (expressed as a % of the
Nichols called this the process reaction controller output span) .

curve. More recently it is called the process

step response cu1'Ve. If the process levels L = The apparent dead time
out, it is called self-regulating. If it
would not, it is called non-self-regulat-
ing or integrating (much like the Slope, R / _.,,...,,,,,
integrating function of a controller, See Text toi<-.../ ,,,,.
which keeps on going if the error Definition /
Coritrolled Variable
remains). The open-loop rules /.
i G>
-- h
May or May Not
-.a Level Out
generally apply whether the process is ec ...ca
.. -
self-regulating or not, though modifica-
tions to the rules are in order if the 0
process is self-regulating and the time k'.: ...._A L
to reach equilibrium is short relative to I• •I-- L, Apparent Dead Time
L. This is part of the ''honing'' that has I
taken place. More about this later. I
...G> ..
=e ::s I
From the step response of Figure 2.3 _c ..::s
the tuning settings are determined as oO

Kc = 1 I RL (aggressive) .

Figure 2.3. The open-loop step response yields parameters

Kc = 1 I 2RL (conservative) R and L, from which controller setting may be determined.

--·-.- • •
-· " - - '.-., - -
-- __ ,,,;;.
, ,·,,,_-

22 Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedul"es

. . - . '' '

You may ''eyeball'' the 95% response't'.ime

Comments have already been made about and then. divide by 3 to esti!f~t~::the63%re­
the use of the filter. They have also been sponse time, T63 . If your:system is respond-
made about whether the controller is P, PI, ing according to typically assumed· ideal re-·
PD or PID. sponses this relationship of T95 to T63 is es-
sentially exact. Since most processes are not
There is a type of response that deserves that cooperative, · I often use the 900/o ·re-
special mention. This is when the lag fol- sponse time. If you are judging it by eye it is
lowing the apparent dead time is short rela- hard to tell the difference between 90% and
tive to the apparent dead time, which. im- 95%.
plies also that the process is self-regulating. .

Figure 2.4 is provided to help discuss this This special situation that I am discussing is
situation. worth separating from the rest of the field
only if T63 I L is 3 or less (perhaps even 2
·or less). If it is, then the rules for tuning
'g GI
o ca
· are: ·
... ·-...
-a~ 0.9A A •

Kc= 1I3RL
Ti= T63
L •1---T. _ ____,...
These modifications to the rules have you
setting ·the gain lower than you· woulo
...GI- with the closed loop rules and the inte-
=2 :Ia. gral time much shorter than with either
-- - -
c :I
--.- the closed~ ·or open-loop rules.·· Thfs
CJ means, of course, that if you choose to
Time use these modifications, you . niust use
. .

Figure 2.4. The step response of a self-regulating proc- them together, you cannot use thetn to
ess can yield parameters helpful to guide tuning if the set just the· gain or just the integral time.
response time is short relative to the apparent dead time. Essentially you are going toward integral-'
only control as T63 IL become8:srnall, an
A few more parameters are defined. The option that . was .;ra:rely exercised before
step size is B and the final change in the digital control. The closed-loop rules will
process is A. A parameter called the 95% still give you stability and reasonably good
response time is as defined in the figure. perfor·mance, but they will .give you differ-
This response time does not have to be ent settings.
defined very precisely, as will become
apparent as you learn what is done with it. On rare occasions the slope, R, will con-
Ideally what we want is the 63% response tinue to increase. This :situation is often
time, but that may be hard to dete1·1nine at called open-loop unstable or conditionally
the time, when you don't know even what A stable or runaway. On other occasions the
is going to be. If you , are recording'. the ·. . . . r~poll$e, may go in the other direction first,
response, then it is possible to detetmine the ·..· called .. inve~se . response. The open-loop ·
63% response time from the recording, ~ut rules for tuning -do not apply in either of
still it doesn't have to be determined · these cases, and indeed, the closed-loop
precisely. procedure is subject to pitfalls then too.

Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 23

'' -.--- . ..
' - -. ' '

.. ' -' -
·• ..
' '
-- •
- '
-- '·--~ ::,--
:'''"' : ,, _;; • •• ___ :<'' . ' ..
The open-loop approach to tunmg;r~quires You will have decided beforehand what size
' ' ' '

more care than the closed-loop approach, step to .introduce first, based on safety and
but yields more fundamental ·information. quality concerns. You may have chosen a
More care is required because the tuner may value considered very conservative. With
not feel comfortable controlling the process digital and other modem controllers there is
in manual, or may feel nervous about what likely to be no problem in making exactly
size step to . inject. The basic idea of an the change desired. With older equipment it
open-loop test is to learn certain 1'JM14: and is often difficult to make small changes
AMOUNT characteristics of the process by precisely. Do. your best. The important
putting in a step change in controller output. is to not continue fussing with the.controller
output if the desired change is not achieved
For the open-loop test. to be .useful, the exactly. If you continue to adjust the output,
process must be running fairly smoothly. If trying to get exactly the desired change,
it isn't, then it may be too hard to differenti- then the upset is not a step, but is something
ate between what the step input caused, and else. If all this happtns fast relative to the
what might have been going to happen any- apparent dead time, then the ''sin'' is not so
way. So achieve reasonable stability of the serious. If it happens too slowly, relative to
process before putting the controller on the dead time, then the results may not be
manual. Most modem controllers have a validly interpreted as described.
bumpless procedure for· transferring from
automatic to manual: ·If the controller you To perforrn an open-loop test you must be
are working with does not, do the best you confident you can control the process in
can. It is very important that any bump to manual. It is very desirable to have some
the controller output at the time of transfer- idea of what R and L , and especially L, will
ring to manual not be superimposed on the be. Information given in Chapter•4 will help
planned step change in controller output. If you estimate L.
there is a bump from the transferring proce-
dure, or from your efforts to stabilize the
process in manual, let · the effects of it
settle out before trying a step test.

Before you make the step change, decide

how you are going to observe the results.
The results might ·be· simply . observed,
mentally noting the· apparent ·dead time.
They might be recorded on a test recorder. Time
~fyou hav~ a DCS with a CRT di.splay, set. Figure 2.5. A useful technique for impressing a step
it up to display the process ".'artable and change in the controller output is to impose a balanced
the controller output. Occas1onally {you disturbance, as shown above. · .
have to have semeone call out and record
the results maQually. When using a DCS, Make the step change. When the results of
you will have to select the scales. This is the change are seen, reverse the step change
somewhat of a guess-and-test procedure, direction and do it again, returning the out-
and you will get better at it the more you do. put to its starting value. If the process does
It is desirable to see the step response well, not return to the same value within the lim-
without it exceeding the scales set for the its expected, bring the ·process back to
CRT, and without it being too small to see where you want it manually. This is likely
either. A time span about 10 times the to happen if the process is an integrating
apparent dead time is a good choice. type, or if you could not wait long enough to
reach equilibrium. If this is the case then
24 Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures

you will likely want to not return the output which could present problems. A good way .
to its original value, but rather double its to check for dead band is to .mue<two small
if<·.··.~- - .. ,_,--

size in the opposite direction, such as shown changes in the same directif>h,.iimd then re""
in Fig. 2.5. This format gives a balanced verse direction with the same two small
disturbance to the process. The intent is to changes. If the process does not repeat itself
end up where you started. This approach is for the same outputs, this is a good indica-
also useful when you don't know what size tion that significant dead band is present.
step to start with. You can start the step size Problems with dead band are discussed in
and duration at very conservative values and Chapter 8.
then increase both until you start to get the
results desired. Once the open-loop testing is done, calcu-
late and install the settings and return the
controller to automatic. At this time you
should ._ consider making small setpoint
changes and observing the response, much
as if you were perfonning a closed-loop
test, basically to confi1·1n that the results are
close to what you would expect. If the re-
sponse is judge<t too sluggish, increase the
gain. Try a factoE of 1.5 · or two. If it is
It is very desirable to perform the test more judged too oscillatory, decrease the gain.
than once, especially if there are a lot of Again try a factor of 1.5 or two. If it is oscil-
other variations going on, which casts some latory and the period is much ·1onger ·than
doubt on what you caused and what would the natural period, say· more than 30%
have happened anyway. Sometimes these longer,._ increase the integral time, possibly
other variations can be identified and by 50%. These suggested amounts are to get
stopped, by putting another controller in you started. The point is to not make small
manual. Other times the step size must be changes, like l 0% or 20%. You are looking
increased so the dominant effect observed is for a response which is essentially complete
due to the step change. If you are observing in three to five dead times, not 20 to 50.
the results on a monitor and have the ability
to make a hard copy, do it. This will facili- You should plan to monitor the perfo1·1nance
tate extracting the value for R. From these over a period of time to confinn. that there
collective results, estimate the best value for ··· are no problems.
the apparent dead time, L, and for the rate,
R. If these vary a lot, be conservative, use If the response is radically different from
the longest L and the largest R to calculate what I have shown, then it is likely there is
the controller settings. something abnorrnal about the loop, or that
the loop is being constantly hit by distur-
If the response is self-regulating, and if the bances. If making these tuning changes does
response time is short relative to the appar- not produce the expected results, and no
ent dead time, then use the modified rules disturbance that could produce the behavior
given earlier, essentially using a shorter in- is identified, then the judgment of a more
tegral time than you might when using the experienced person should be sought. This
general rules, and a somewhat smaller gain. of course asst1111es that the problem justifitfS
a deeper scrutiny and that other efforts to re-
If circumstances permit, it is a good idea to solve the observed behavior come up short.
make step changes of different sizes as well
as in different directions. If the response Observe the responsibility chores after tun-
curves are not in proportion to the step size, ing, related to staying available and letting
this is a good indicator of nonlinearities, people know what you have done.

'' '

Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 25

The open-loop and closed-loop methods of The open-loop approach to tuning might be
testing for process dynamics will not give preferred as a precursor to the closed-loop
exactly the sa1ne controller settings, but approach when L is long, like minutes
they should not be very different. The open- rather than seconds. This could be the case
loop test is probably done more often when for composition and temperature loops, as
a monitor is available to display the com with press111·e, level and flow
controller output and the controlled variable loops. Indeed for pressure, level and flow
on an expanded scale,. than when it is not. systems, the L and R are likely to be so fast
This ability to exa•nine the open-loop that typically available recording equipment
response ''under a microscope'' has greatly might not be able to establish them
facilitated the use of the open-loop approach accurately, which could leave you using the
to tuning. The open-loop test is also very closed-loop approach to tuning.
useful for troubleshooting, as there is usu-
ally some idea what the step response
should look like, and if it doesn't, then there
are clues as to what the problem might be.

The contribution of John Ziegler to the

open-loop tuning method is especially
noteworthy. Realize that in the late 1930's
there was very little known in the process
The open-loop response can give more use- industries about control principles, the math
ful information if the process is self-regulat- of control, if you will. Very little. In the
ing. Assume the open-loop step response is process industries there were perhaps four
something like Figure 2.4, for which the fi- to six ''exP'ftS'', and they could not agree
nal steady state change is A for a step among the111selves how to tune a controller.

change of size B. The process gain, K , is · Ziegler was not considered one of them.
then said to be A I B. This ratio will ave About 1940 Taylor Instrument Co. (now
units of % process I % controller output. If ABB Kent-Taylor) introduced the first PID
the controller gain, Kc, is then set to less controller all in one case, and the company
than 1 I Kp (less than BI A), the loop has had to help its salesmen and customers learn
to be stable. Understanding this can be very how to tune it. Ziegler took on the task.
helpful at times, especially for those From talking with virtually everyone in the
situations for which it may be difficult to field worth talking with he learned that, in
establish a slope, R. for the open-loop his words, ''lags were bad and capacitance
response curve. This can happen when the was good.'' His use of the te11n
response is too fast to see on the equipment ''capacitance'' will need more interpretation
'I than will be presented right now, but a fuller
readily available. Sometimes A I B can be
calculated, in which case a value can be understanding of it should evolve as you
placed on gain that would be assured to read further. By ''lags'' he meant those fac-
give stability. tors that contribute to L, and by
''capacitance'' he meant those factors that
contributed to R.


26 Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures

From that understanding he conceived the reverse. If we have thus and so tuning, and
graphical open-loop method for dete1n1ining R and/or L changes, what would happen to •

controller settings. Many complex situations stability? If you are a novioe on control at
can be much better understood if time is this stage in your reading, I simply ask you
' taken to ask what would the open-loop to keep this open-loop concept in mind.
step response look like? What. would happen You will find it very useful later, especially
to R and L, and therefore, what would that in understanding the effects .of interactions
do to the desired settings? Would that make and non-linearities. These are the principal
the system more stable or less? It is rather conditions that cause a control loop to
like using the open-loop tuning rules in misbehave.

. .

. . .

There are two common times when going storage capacity. of the vessel to absorb

through the tuning procedure by-the-num- upsets. This is caped averaging level con-
bers is either not desirable or not necessary. trol. This is illustrated in Figure 2.6. The
These are level loops and flow loops. flow in can be quite ''wild'', but the capacity

of the tank is used to smooth

out the fluctuations so they are
not passed on to the next step
of the process.
•, time
For111ulas will be given for
determining the settings. First
deter·mine how much the level
may vary. If it is only a surge
• tank, you might use 80%.
Other cases will vary. The
level in · a distillation column
will affect heat transfer in the
Figure 2.6. Averaging level control can smooth out flow fluctuations, reboiler if it is too low, and
keeping them from being passed on from one part of the process to may entrain liquid up the
another. column if too high.

First dete1·1nine the following parameters:

Level is different from most loops because UL%= Allowed upper limit,% of scale
it rarely is a factor in quality control, as
flows, temperatures, pressures and compo- LL%= Allowed lower limit,% of scale
sitions are. Indeed, it is almost the opposite,
if you can conceive of an opposite. Often it SP% = Setpoint, % of scale.
is desirable not to have tight level control,
because this passes on upsets in one part of V =Volume between UL% and LL%, ft3
a process to another part. Rather it is desir-
able to have loose level control, using the Q = Maximum flow rate, ft3 I min

Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 27

Then calculate the controller settings: On rare occasions level. falls in the quality-
affecting category• and ·should be controlled
Ket= 100% I (UL%.-SP%) · .· · . · tightly..One exa.mple of this is· a polymeri-
zation vessel in which the· shoreline builds
Ka= 100% I (SP% - LL%)· up a deposit of·. degraded polymer that
should. not be disturbed,
. lest it break off and
Kc= Smaller ofKc 1 and Kc2 contaminate the product You may think of
other examples. So again, you are back to
the tuning rules.

These rules are adeqµate for th~ vast

majority of level loops. The need to use
formal tuning procedures for level is rare. If By now you understand that the tuning of a
the span for maximum to miniinum flows loop depends on its . time or dynamic
does not require the full travel of the valve, response. Since flow· loops tend to be
then a lower g-ain may be used. This will designed the. saJ:Ae way they ten4 to hav~ tpe
allow more of the· volume to be used for same dynamic !esp~ e and therefQre the
surge averaging. If this is done, recalculate same tuning settings.· .. e. typj~al procedure
the integral time. for tuning a loop may. usually be bypassed
for flow loops. A gain qf O.~ to 0.7 suits
The above recommendations apply If the most ·flow loops. Their natural periods
valve and level are· closely coupled. That is,· depend on factors not yet discussed but will
if the apparent dead time between valve
. in the.one to 10 second range~ and most

movement and level starting to respond is fall in the two to five second category. Since
short (say one to 10 seconds). If it is long flow . loops are. fast .· relative to most.
(and there is no hard and fast rule about the accompanying processes they don't. have to
one to 10 seconds) then· the considerations be tuned to within an inch of their lives, so
are more complex and you are advised to an integral .time of 0.1 .to 0.3 · minutes is
apply the open-loop concepts to the task of usually .adequate. These settings will get
i tuning. you in the ballpark..
. .

A case can be made for not using. integral at If you need to be more precise than the
all for level control. This is a more viabl.e above generalities yield, then continue with
concept now, with digital control, than· it the closed-loop approach to tuning, trying
was for. the days of predominantly analog small setpoint changes to test for stability.
control. For standardization on a plant, very • The open•.loop. response is usually too fast
few proportional only controllers were · to .captur~ accurately on typical convol
specified, with the result that PI controllers room. monitoring equipment, so the . open-
were used for level. At issue is. something loop approach is ··usually not usable;· Be .
that is hard to explain without getting more aware though of one factor when tuning
scientific. An integrating process, as level
flow loops. That is that the· open-~oop gain
usually is, coupled with a controller with is likely to be higher at high flows than at.
integral action, tends to look like a runaway low flows. The open-loop gain is how much
system .. This presents ·the. potential f?r the flow moves (in percent of scale), in
stability problems that I will try to explam response to a change in the controller output
later. A cycle may develop whose period is (in percent of scale). If this is higher at high
long relative to the natural period. · flows, as it often is, then tuning done at low
flows may become unstable at high flows.

28 Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures

Occasionally a flow will be controlled in- Level and flow are examples of classes of
directly. That is, the valve and the flow loops that only rarely justify being tuned to
meter are not in the same line. In these cases be tight. There will be many other indi-
the typical flow-loop dynamics do not exist vidual loops which need only to be stable
so the typical tuning settings do not exist and perfo1·m reasonably well. They do not
either. Tune these loops as you would any need to run the four-minute mile. But sup-
other, choosing between the open and posing you do want to, how fast can you
closed- loop methods based on reasonably be expected to run the mile?
considerations discussed elsewhere.

Pause a moment to think about it. Processes could be worse than if a less customized ap-
come in a virtually limitless variety, while proach had been used.
controllers come with only two adjustments
to fit them. Oh yes, in truth there are three,
,froportional, Integral and Derivative (PID),
but integral and derivative are dete1·rnined
by the same process parameter, so having
set one, the setting for the other is also
deter111ined. Broadly conceived, the task of \
The reset time, the derivative time and the
tuning is concerned with fitting the time and
filter time are all keyed into the time pa-
amount parameters of the controller to the
rameter of the process. Unfortunately the
time and amount, parameters of the process.
controller gain is not uniquely tied to an
This is similar to fitting clothing (shoes are
amount parameter of the process; it is tied
a good example) to a human being (also
to both time and amount parameters of the
coming in a virtually limitless variety), by
process. Actually it is tied to a time-depend-
specifying only two parameters, like width
ent amount, but that is getting too compli-
and length. In both cases it turns out not all
cated at this stage. Just remember that the
that badly.
time settings of a controller are tied to a
time parameter in the process, so the time '

settings all have a relationship to each other.

The reason a controller, having essentially


only two adjustments, can fit a process that

might be temperature, pressure, flow, com-
position or an almost limitless variety of
controlled variables (when given a name
such as these), is that the controller doesn't
With computers it is possible, of course, to care what physically is being controlled. It
build a controller to "custom fit'' the proc- cares only about the time and amount fea-
ess, much the same as a tailor would custom tures of the process. It doesn't care about
fit clothes to a particular person. Let the units at all. It is true though, that processes
process, or person, then change. The result by name often have time and amount

Chapter 2, Tuning Rules and Procedures 29

characteristics that fall into an expected
range. Any one flow loop for exa1nple, .can m There should be., no' troublesome inter-
reasonably be ~peeted to have time and actions with other loops.
a1nount charao8istics mudi like another
~ The loop shQuld be a typical loop in
' ' '

flow loop. . .
·.>.0.·:' -'·'''·'i/ti;~. _ -
' .·.; .-- -
- ' -
,·i ' •••.,,.c·

terms of its lags. It should not have an

Part of an overview on these tuning rules is inverse response or be open-loop un-
to realize that not ()nly are they designed to stable.
give tight control, but that they ate predi-
cated on a few assumptions. Remember that the rules are approximate.
' They will get you nicely in tho· ballpark for
~ There should be· no~~les<>me
-· .-- , .- - noi8e.
. ;- __
' - - tight control. The calibratlon 'C>n the knobs
Noise can be thought of as undesirable for analog controllers is · ·. ·. ently poor.
variations in the measurement, either Not only is the calibration at the dial mark- .
not · meaningful variations and/or ing inaccurate, but frequently .there is a
variations too fast for the controller to large gap between markings. S9 if your goal
do anything about. is tight control, ~the. rules. If y9u judge
the perform~ ltot t$ to expectations, and
~ There should be no troublesome non- if you know what you are doing, you have a
linearities, no ·dead band, no velocity license· to· disbelieve the diat mltlibrations.
. -
limiting and others to be discussed later. '-




Tuning rules are designed to give ''tight'' models for the process, and simple, well
control. This means they are set to give as defined disturbances. They present results
fast a response to setpoint changes or upsets defined to three significant figures. Real
as can be had without excessive cycling. Its processes and real disturbances are not often
like teaching everyone how to run the four- mathematically simple, and for disturbances
minute mile. That may be desirable at times, in particular; are often not mathematically
but frequently it is not necessary. Most of defined at all. Despite this, these studies are
the time it is not necessary. Sometimes tight very helpful for understanding generalities.
control is not even desirable, as has just So general relationships will be presented.
been stated with level
controls. Imagine a controller
on manual and that an
With the above upset occurs which
qualifiers I will now causes the controlled
concentrate on what variable to respond as
perfor1nance you can shown in Figure 3 .1.
reasonably expect to The figure also shows
get from a loop that what can be expected
is tightly tuned. Performance is judged by after the same upset if the controller is in
how closely the controlled variable is held automatic. Again the numerical values for
to the setpoint, both for setpoint changes the settings are to show trends only. Now
and for disturbances. People studying the comes a very important point. If tightly
problem mathematically have used a variety tuned, the controlled variable will deviate
of criteria. These methods take on scientific about as far as it would have without control
language, like integral of the error (IE), for a time a tad longer than Pn12, which is
integral of the absolute error (IAE), integral about equal to two apparent (or real) dead
of the error squared (ISE), integral of the times. An oversimplified reason for this is
absolute error multiplied by time (ITAE), that it takes one dead time for the controller
peak error and surely others. These studies to know about the upset and then another
all assume certain mathematically simple dead time for it to do anything about it.

32 Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and

Expected Loop Performance
• •
30% var1at1ons '
K0 =0 expectations. Even hitting it
(Manual) ...
within a factor of two is
K0 =0.25 immensely better than many do
c ...
without these concepts. For a
K 0 =0.5 single loop, shorter periods are
0 K c =1
' always better, if minimized
deviation from the setpoint is the
Kc=2.5 Kc-
-4 goal.

If integral action is added to the

system shown in Figure 3.1, then
\:: Setpolnt
the results shown in Figure 3.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 obtain. The peak error occurs
Time '
slightly later, and the use of
Figure 3.1. For an upset, increasing gain in a proportional-only integral .action increases the
controller reduces the error, and the tendency to cycle is tendency to cycle, and at a
increased. The maximum deviation for a tightly tuned controller slightly longer period.
occurs at a time slightly longer than Pn / 2.

A second and very important

For the stated case, it then becomes observation must be made on the above
apparent that the natural period may be example. If tightly tuned, the controlled
considered a way of rating · .the loop's variable will return to the setpoint in a
perfo1'111ance. A loop with a Pn of one time about equal to 2Pn· Whether the
minute will typically be twice as good as multiplier is 1.5 or 3 or something else close
one having a Pn of two minutes, all else is not as important as the concept that the
being equal. This is somewhat of a time to recover is proportional to Pn. This
simplification, but is . the essence of provides another reason for shortening the
understanding perfonnance. As the basic natural period. This is one of those happy
tuning rules were stated as approximations, circumstances in which one good is actually
so is this. In industrial control we rarely two goods! The error size and duration are
concern ourselves with 10%, 20% or even . both reduced.

1. T1 = ''Off'' '

2. T1 = 100
3. T1 = 50
4. T1 = 25
All curves with K0 = 2.5 5. T1 = 13

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


Figure 3.2. Integral action restores the controlled variable to the setpoint.
Reducing the integral time increases the tendency to cycle, and at a longer
period than for proportional-only control.
Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and 33
Expected Loop Performance

I had hoped to get your attention earlier by scale, be able to reach the desired gain for
emphasizing the importance of the natural stability.
period. What you may not have;: noticed was
the absence of any emphasis on the specific
ultimate gain it took to cause the loop to
cycle. This was deliberate. Whether the loop
cycled with a gain of 0.1 or 10 tells you
very little about the expected perfor1nance.

What the gain turns out to be numerically is

largely irrelevant. What the natural period
turns out to be is very important. It
frequently happens that changes made to

improve the perfo1111ance will result in using
For instance a particular temperature loop a higher gain, but the gain itself did not
may have a transmitter span of 5 or 500 cause the improvement, the changes did.
degrees. The ultimate gain in the two cases
will differ by a factor of I 00, yet the Before I explain the factors which
perfo1·mance is the same. There may be dete11nine Pn I need to convey another
accuracy problems related to the wider span important concept about what a control loop
but this is a separate subject. All that is can and cannot do to reduce the effect of
important is that the controller, within the upsets.
rangeof its adjustments, be able to reach the
ultimate gain, or at the other end of the
34 Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and
Expected Loop Performance

In the example just given the upset was not able to do a pretty good job of
defined, either numerically or in kind. It was compensating for it. Of course you may not
implied that the upset came and stayed. The have time to wash, but that is a separate
concepts presented were important. There is problem!
· another concept which is also important, but
it must be presented in a different way.

Imagine an upset which does not come and

stay, but one which cycles sinusoidally. You
do not even have to think of a real situation, This case is treated last because it is more
just hypothesize. Now let's consider three complicated, less intuitive. It happens that
situations: control action is a· detriment. Errors are
worse with control than without. This
happens because the controller output is
zigging when it should be zagging. An
analogy often given is that of a hand-held
mass suspended by a spring. If you ''disturb''
With a little thought, you will be able to your hand holding the spring at just the right
accept that if the disturbance is fast enough period, the mass will move much more than
(short period) the control system will be too your hand. If that analogy helps, fine. If it
slow to do anything about it. Control action does not, please accept the conclusion
gives no benefit for this situation. Imagine anyway. I can't think of another example
you are in a shower and the hot water within the range of no1·1nal experience. The
pressure changes with a period of half a shower example breaks down because your
second. You simply will not be able to brain would soon tell you you were making
compensate fast enough. things worse and you would quit trying.

The overall picture is presented in Figure

3.3. Variations in tuning modify the center
and right-hand sections of the curve. Higher
gain makes things worse near the natural
After contemplating this condition for a period, with some improvement in
while, you will be able to accept that control attenuating properties for the long periods,
will do some good, as compared to no as shown by the dotted line. Not shown are
control. Also that as the period of the upset that· shorter ... integral times help with the
gets longer and longer, the integral action of attenuation part, at the sacrifice of more
the controller has more time to work, so the resonance near the natural period. It is much
benefit of control is proportional to the the same as increased gain but with
period. Again the shower example. If the · differences too subtle to discuss here.
hot water pressure changes sinusoidally
with a period of one minute, you will be

Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and 35

Expected Loop Performance
Control Helps
Control in Proportion
Control Is too · · Makes ·.to Period .. .
Slow to Help Things - Worse of Disturbance
----- ·-- ..--:-"',.. r-···-·. ._...~--..
' '•.

- /, .....
--; -

-... ..ec

I : \
..c 0
0 0
0 ..
•• --r 1
.c :I
..·-;: .c..0 I
-0 ·-;: Natural I
1 ' 1
..- ..
I I ' 1
:I 'C
:I I '
I '
ct E
' ~Higher Gain

Log of Period of Disturbance

Figure 3.3. Control action can either help, hurt or do nothing to. reduce the
effect of a disturbance, depending on whether the disturbance is slower, at or
faster than the natural period. ··

The part to remember is that if the natural period, the untrained per~on is likely
disturbance is periodic, the control system to conclude that the controller is not doing
can either be helpless, aggravating, or its job. You need to recognize this situation,
helpful, depending on the relationship of the infor1n
the appropriate. persons . that more
disturbance period to the natural period. efforts on tuning will not do the job, and

You could be thinking that disturbances

don't come in nice cycles. This is true,
though sometimes a disturbance to one loop
is the result of another loop cycling. Even if
that never happens to you, the concept is
important. If the controlled variable is not
steady, observe whether the variations are
fast or slow relative to the natural period. advise them that ·another approach is in
You will · then know whether the order. Loops with long dead times (say
controller might have a chance of doing longer than 10 minutes) are frequently the
something about it or not. subjects of complaints on their perfor1nance,
because it takes so long to recover from
It is very important to understand that in disturbances. In this case it is advisable to
some situations a well tuned controller will do something about the disturbance in the
not produce the desired results. If the first place, if possible.
disturbances are too fast relative to the
36 Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and
Expected Loop Performance

Since the natural period is so important in Where: Ti =Integral time

assessing expected perfon11ance and in Pn =Natural period
setting the reset and derivative times, it is
important to know what factors determine Ti= SL for the open-loop testing
the natural period. A great revelation is
about to descend on you. Where: L = Apparent dead time

Look again at the two equations for tuning: Combine these two equations and you have

the most important simple concept ID
Ti= 1.2 Pn for the closed-loop testing control:

When you get a little further along, I hope "i

-- Cl>
you can look back and see this for the
11 11
-.. ·-..
0 IV

Pn = 2L
great insight it provides. The symbol : : , (,)
meaning approximate, is used because the L Time
tuning rules are approximate. Actually, the a. Pure Dead Time Only
use of the tuning rules to ''prove'' this
relationship is not valid. The tuning rules
are based on more scientific principles and
-- Cl>
-- .c Pn = 4L
the proof is in those scientific principles. -..g~·-..
0 IV

The above relationship of Pn to L is an
approximation. It is possible to be more Pure Dead Time Plus Integrator
precise. In Figure 3.4 are shown two
extremes and something in between. If the "i
-- Cl>
step response of the process is as shown,
then the relationship given to the right
0 IV
2L < Pn < 4L
applies. It is possible to confirrn the first
example (Figure 3.4a), by logically
drawing out what happens as a function of c. Mixture
time around the loop when it is cycling.
Figure 3.4. The natural period varies between 2L
Refer to appendix page A-2. This one is and 4L, depending on the other lags in the
easy, and the equation Pn=2L is exact. system.

Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and 37

Expected Loop Performance

Before tackling the next example, accept on

control loops. That is. where I started by
faith that th~~ step • response sho\vn can combining the tuning rules for open and
legitimately be divided , in'til•,.11 dead time
' ' ·'.' ,""kj:~ :;,._," ·;=~- .',,, .•,,,..,
closed-loqp; bµt now hopefully you have
followed by an integrator. The' integrator some .insight into. the reason why, ..where
has the characteristic that the output lags the before it was just the result of son1e algebra.
input by 1/4 of a cycle when the loop is •

cycling. This will take some explaining. '

Refer to Figure 3.5. When a loop is cycling

= I
I Now you may feel as if you've learned
I something, and you4tave, but as soon as you
=a.c try to apply this knC:wtedge you will have
- more questions. A few processes have a true
dead time, but most · do not. So what
Time contributes to the apparent dead time? Well,
Figure 3.5. When a loop is cyding the output of first the answer and then a long explanation
an integrator lags the input by 90°. of terms and examples. The apparent dead
time is any pure dead time plus all the little
the integrator output is moving at its fastest lags in a control loop. The paradox is that
rate when the input is at its maximum. The the largest lag in a control loop, sometimes
result is that the output of the integrator lags an integrating element, has little or nothing
the input by 1/4 of the period of the sine to do with the natural period.
wave, or 90° as shown. It will always lag
the input by 90°. The amplitude of the
output wave will not match the amplitude of
the input wave, as ·it did .for a pure dead
time, but the phase lag will always be 90°.
This second example, of dead time plus
integrator, is shown on appendix page A-3.
It is admittedly harder to follow the logic of
the signal around the loop than it was for the
pure dead time case, but try it. The
This is a difficult concept to accept. To the
relationship P = 4L is exact.
untrained it seems almost contradictory. It is
reasonable to think that the speed of a loop
The last example, Figure 3.4c, is more like
will depend on the lags, but it is
real life, but no illustration comparable to
unreasonable to think that the largest lag
pages A-2 and A-3 is provided. I appeal to
has nothing to do with speed (of the loop).
your sense of reasonableness that Pn will
Some may be asking about now, what a lag
fall between 2L and 4L. Place permanently
is. Let's just leave the above paradox, go off
in your memory that Pn 4L and you will
to understand some lags, and then come
cover a preponderant majority of industrial
back to try to tie everything together.
38 Chapter 3, Tuning Objectives and
Expected Loop Performance

output amplitude to input.< .• ~mplitude).

When the loop is cycling, if you .multiply
all the amplitude ratios together, the
·/ will venture at this point to introduce a
result is unity, and dimensionless.
concept you must understand if you are
to get into the math I algebra of control
Now lets look at the phase angles
loops. The key is to think of what is
contributed by each element in the
happening·. '(tlh,~fl ro~. 1~ ....ls ·. cyC/ing. example on page A-2. The controller.
. Refer again to pages-,_--A-2 and A-3. · . •

' '
' ' . .. -
idealized, has no phase lag. A pure dead
time has a phase lag of.·
When the loop is cycling, every ppint in
the loop is cycling.· When· the cycle gets
back to any point in the loop it started Phase lag= oL
from it matches the cycle there, so the
cycle sustains itself. ff it did not match, in
Where: L = dead time
amplitude and phase, it would not keep
P =period
cycling in a steady manner. ·Either the
· cycle would grow or decay.
. . This should be easy to understand.
When the dead time and the period are ·
There are methods for. determining
the same, the phase Jag is 3600. So
whether the cycle will get worse .or
what is P when the phase lag is 1800?
better, but they are too complex to tackle
You've got it!
here. The phase lag around the loop is
·. 3600 when it is cycling, or the phase is
P= 360L = 360L = 2 L
minus 3600. Half of this comes from the
contro.ller itself. NotiCe in the signal-flow Phase lag 180
diagram for the controller (page A-2) that • •

the ·controlled variable is subtracted All you have to do is adjust the controller
from the setpoint. · gain to make the amplitude right, and a
cycle at P = 2 L will result.
This minus sign has to .
be' else the
c~ntroller would ·act .· in the wrong Now lets take the example on page A-3.
direction. The minus sign inverts the The integrator has a phase lag of 900 all
sine wave, which ends up being a phase the time, at any period. So the dead time
lag of 1800, when the loop is cycling. has to contribute only 900. What is P
This leaves 1800 to be contributed by when the phase lag is 900?
the lags.
P= 360L = 360L = 4 L
When the loop is cycling the contribution Phase lag . 90
of each element to the 1800 lag is a
specific value, as well as another Marvelous! Was that hard? ·
parameter, the amplitude ratio (ratio of



The word lag is general. It means any are close enough. There are other building-
relationship in which some result happens block lags which the more experienced
after some cause. There is an associated practitioner may use, but the need for them
word, lead, which in some respects is the is rare and they will not be discussed here.
opposite (though no result can happen
before some cause). It will be discussed
more later in the special section on
derivative action. You cannot really In the typical control loop, lags act in series,
understand control without understanding the output of one being the input to another.
lags, but there are different depths of For instance, the lags around a simple
understanding, and it is possible to get a temperature loop might be:
useful amount of understanding with a
modest amount of training. No proofs will + The output of a controller is the input to
be given. Most and possibly all of the facts a pneumatic transmission lag.
used are consistent with reasoning powers.
+ . The output of this transmission lag is
the input to a valve lag.

FIRST A FEW POIN'I'S. + The output of the valve lag is the input
to a process heat lag.

+ The output of the process heat lag is the

input to a measurement lag.
In real life, mathematically exact
descriptions of lags are very complex, and + The output of the measurement lag is
often beyond definition. Small matter. Their the input to a transmission lag.
effect in a control loop can be represented
by combining three relatively simple + The output of the transmission lag is the
building-block lags. While these lags are not input to a controller lag.
exactly the same as the real system, they

40 Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags

Pneumatic Valve Pneumatic

Controller Transmission Lag Process Measurement Transmission

a. Lags in logical order

' Pneumatic Pneumatic Process Valve
Controller Measurement Transmission Transmission (Heat) Lag

b. Lags ln scrambled order

Figure 4.1. For the overall lag, it doesn't matter whether the component lags are in their proper
sequence or scrambled.

were noninteracting lags. Figure 4.2

illustrates the difference. In the

In this case six lags have been enumerated, noninteracting case the level in the second
each in itself quite complex if you were to tank does not affect the flow out of the first,
study it closely. Their net series effect can in the interacting case it does. The point
be represented by two or three building- made about being able to scramble the order
block lags. That was the last point. This of the lags applies only to noninteracting
point is that, · as · long as you are not lags, interacting lags must be treated as a
interested in some inter111ediate · point, it single dynamic element.
doesn't matter what order the lags are in or
what order the building blocks are in. A This is more of an academic point than a
signal-flow diagram is · shown in Figure real one at this stage in the development,
4.la. The order of the lags may be
scrambled, as shown in figure 4.1 b, which
makes no physical sense, but the lag from
beginning to end will be the same,
scrambled or not scrambled.
a. Interacting lags


Perhaps here is the place to make a

distinction. It is necessary to understand that b. Noninteracting lags
in real life there are interacting and
noninteracting lags. All of the above lags Figure 4.2. Interacting lags must be treated as a
set of inseparable lags.

- .--- it i~~;~~l·ik·e·it';;;~o·u
:'7'_:_~JJ.':.~--"-~~-~-,;,~---~~- wo··u······1·d···,.,,.nt +o···:·•·····
-~----·· ,.,..,.., ·.-::~----.- __-:_~_,!·-·_,-:.· _ ··•···· ······· · __ ···.:___-___·····
___ ·;-~:. -.-''----~----- ·_·::·;;_:_;__ ·--.-:.:-.'-"'· ·· .. ····••··
,: ____ -_·::·-_._,_--·. ",,
· __···•-..·_·· __ · ·_--. . ·-. ·· ' · .····
- " . · ·----

• scramble the .6'·· .~;;if::'. ··:e tanks·ht this' case; ' ••.• .• . f/il\lles 4.3 !tti 4.$ 'are·. provkf8;'t0 .:ru11strate . · · ·. ,· ;
1t ·is. still an···· · · • ····.• • ···;J;t ·. . •. ·. ~ hf;'\1Vevel" . ···tiJ· •;·•·· ·.· ·. .~e step•tesl>Onse of eaclt' of th'e~ ·:~$ ·~t ·.· ·'
0 1

understand······ · 'there'•\''~. ··. ·• ·refitmg·;~rlll·'';.• ·· · '88si:I.willtry1o ex.plain how eaobt;ehaves ...... .

noninteracting lags. In the int6''' ·~ . . · . 1t in a closed loop, with regard to how much
is not acootatt to take what mfght appear to . pha~.•- it;'' .:. .; ' ' ,ci,·l!fld bq;\1\1 .:it- affe~ts
be the lag of ea~h tank individually and say the ·~Pl~ of· lhei;~ ~ave;;.passing
that the two tanks together act like the two through it. I will ~~ to your sense of
tanks separately. ·. · re~as QlUGJ ~I ca,JJ. . .• .... ·. ·
., , __
:.·-·. __ :
' - -.,
-·-· ·--
... ·. .. ,..
., -_.,,
__ _
__ ,'
' .

The following names are given···to the three In tl}e mathll\lg~~a s.•ctions l will introduce
types of lags that may be combined to their Laplape.~ans(04:1os an,d giv,e you afew
represent most physical syste1ns~ fonnulAs fQt·.Pli~ •d ·'1ltplitllt:le 1 ratios.· I
will use tile~ to illustrate a few . p0ints.
. .
' - ' .f"'. __--.·_··-:': -

Most people .USC' ~..·OJlly ,.as a type of

algebraic shorthand . .in .writin& wi.thout

worrying . about jhe more. . fundamental
• Integrator
.. - . . '
' --
.•.. ,. _., ' '
' .
.: '
derivations, and without using . them to
'" ,•,._· - ' . _---· .
actually solve for anything. ·. ,
• First order lag
. . .

•' -i:
--. ·- -•·
, __ .., ......
- . - . '

- -


... -- ' .
. . '
•-'- - ' ,_,_ -
-.----->- ,,_,-__ ;
,, ,' -
__ .,_-,.,-.,,
.. ' . I ', ·.·, ,
' "; ,• ,•
- • •
' -
- ....
' ". •

' •
- :·-·-·.;;:·_'· :_·- ·-·--·· -·----~:-~·-;_'.;,._ :'.:~.·::·


- . . ,-

,' ,,,, _- ,· ·. ·- -
', ' - .c . ,•:-'.
: .. __. . . ·,·,_;;,-c, ' '
,- -
..- .-----·-;· ·.{

- - - - .
-,.. ·' -
- : ,'';i,. ·' - -

-. I • . -

".- -' '

. .· .,•

' .
.. . .
_" : . · ,-~-
. ... '- -
. .
' .
-· - . ' ..
. .

'·- . __

"' .
' -- ..
. .- ' .
,.,. ''•'

. ..'.. .
·- - . ..-
. ' '

.-.' - '

" ,·_..
. " ..
-- . .- ' -'

. .
' - -, •
' .


42 Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags .

The dead time step response is shown ~Time of Input Step Change

graphically in Figure 4.3. A cause or

input occurs, and nothing happens until
:I - L _..
after a time called the dead time. Then ..
:I L =Dead Time
0 '

everything comes out the same as it Laplace Transform: e·Ls

went in. This phenomenon almost
always and possibly always involves the Time
transport of material and/or energy from
one physical location to another: Some Figure 4.3. With a dead time lag the output follows the
input exactly, but delayed by the dead time.
literature refers to it as a. transportation
lag or a distance-velocity· lag; An example
would be applying a coating to a film,
where the· thickness · of the coating is
The Laplace transform for a dead time,
measured downstream. •

Frequently, adjectives are used to

differentiate between this lag and others that
have essentially the same effect on control. where e is 2. 72, the base of the natural
This one is a ''pure'' dead time, while others logarithms. It is a characteristic of the
Laplace transform that you may
are called ''apparent'' or ''effective'' dead
substitute for s as follows:
time. The distinction is important, not only
to be mathematically and grammatically s =Jro

correct, but to convey the facts. Soon you

will learn that several of the last type of lag ro = 2n f= 6.28/P
to be discussed may combine to act like a
dead time in the loop, but they are an to get the frequency or period
apparent dead time. response, where

If the input to a dead time lag is a sine j =imaginary notation

wave, the output will be a sine wave of the ro = (omega) = angular frequency
7t=pi= 3. 14
~ame amplitude, for all input periods. The
dead time does not filter or dampen any
f frequency =1 IP
L =dead time
input, but simply delays it. The phase of the P =period
output wave lags that of the input wave by:
You don't really want to do that
360L substitution, especially for the dead time.
p Computer solutions involving dead time
are done by simulation, rather than by
solving the Laplace transform. The
degrees. This makes reasoned sense. When
transform is still very useful as a form of
L and P match, the phase lag is one full
notation, to convey what is being
cycle, or 360°. discussed. The substitution is more
useful for other lags than for deadtime.

Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags 43

The step response of an integtat&r or

.....,.._Time of Step Input Change
integrating lag is shown in Figure 4.4.
A level control with a positive -
displacement pump on either inflow or -0
:::J 1
Laplace Transfor1rc Ts
outflow would represent a loop with
an integrator.
In some respects it is the opposite of a
dead time lag. The integrator always Figure 4.4. An integrator lag responds to a step input by
has a phase lag of 900, regardless of a ramp output.
the period of oscillation. This was
illustrated in figure 3.5. Remember the dead 1
time had a phase lag proportional to the .Ts
After substituting for s the amplitude
While the output of the dead time matched ratio is:
the input at all periods, the output of an
integrator does not. It increases as the 6.28T
period gets longer, which makes reasoned
sense, as there is · more time for the As just stated, the longer the period the
integration to take place. more time there is to integrate the input
wave, so the amplitude is proportional to
period. The longer the integrator's time
parameter the slower it is to respond, so
the amplitude ratio is inversely
The Laplace transform for the integrator proportional to it.


This next building-block lag goes by many Its slope at any point is such that it would
names. It has been called a time constant reach the final value in a time called the
lag, an RC lag, an exponential lag, a sill1ple time constant. It actually goes 63% of the
lag, a single linear lag, and surely many way to the final value in one time constant,
others. I will call it a first order lag. This is 95% in three time constants, 99% in five
a somewhat arbitrary choice, based on what time constants. This holds at any point on
seems to be gaining in popular usage. The the curve. If it had gone 23% of the way, it
differential equation that describes it is first would go 63% of the rest of the way in one
order. This is still a terrn that will mean time constant. Much more could be said
nothing to you unless you are schooled in about this one's characteristics. It results
differential equations. Its step response is from a resistance to energy or material flow
shown in Figure 4.5. and a storage for that energy or material. An
example would be the temperature in a

44 Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags

stirred tank, responding to ""'1--Time of Step Input Change


___ /
' ' '
a change in wall tempera- '.·:·.,-·
./' '

' '
' '
' '

·.~· -

ture. -
/ T = Time Constant
/ t 100°/o Laplace Transform:
~ I s3o/o
The first order lag is a
Ts+ 1
cross between the pure -T--1
dead time and the Time
integrator. The way it
responds to a sinusoidal Figure 4.5. A first order lag will respond exponentially to a step input
input depends on the change.
period of the oscillation
relative to its time constant. If the period The phase Jag is:
is short relative to the time constant, then
the phase lag and the amplitude ratio will 1
Phase Jag= tan- (ro T) = tan-1

The notation ''tan-1 ••is read as ''the angle

whose tangent is. ''

These are complicated and people don't

solve them by hand. If you decide to
follow the fo1·1nula for the integrator. If the leam more about frequency response
period is long relative to the time constant, techniques, you will soon memorize
then it will approximate the phase lag and these characteristics. They are
amplitude ratio of a dead time. This might commonly presented in plots called
be accepted by reasoning, but it is not as Bode plots, which will not be presented
in this booklet.
easy as the dead time and integrator cases.
Look at the Laplace transform. When Ts
in the denominator is large relative to
one, then the denominator is essentially
The frequency response of the first order Ts, which makes the transform the same
lag is the most complicated of the three as that for the integrator. Now again,
simple building blocks. Both the look at the denominator of the transfer
amplitude ratio and the phase lag function. When Ts is small relative to
depend on the period. The Laplace . one, then the transform approaches one.
transform is:
When Ts is one (when 21tTIP is one),
1 the amplitude ratio is 0. 707 and the
Ts+1 phase Jag is 45°, a condition commonly ·
called the corner frequency, because in
The amplitude ratio is: a Bode plot it is where the asymptotes to
the low frequency and high frequency
1 1 characteristics meet.
=- 2
1 +(ro T) 6.28T
Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags 45

Now lets combine these building-block

lags first order lags are summed and drawn first,
to approximate a real system. Remember to delay the integrator or largest first order
that I said the order of the lags in a loop lag by that amount.
could be scrambled, with no change in the
overall result. This · is the same as saying So what happens when there is no
that the step response of the system will integrator, no real dead time, and no first
look the same regardless of the order of the order lag that is predominantly longer than
the rest? In that. case, ·
there is no really
'S simple rule · to
'S ..__ Integrator Drawn Last determine an apparent
dead time, that is, the
parameter that would
Time be used to predict the
First order lags summed to delay the integrating element natural period. But all
by that amount, an ''apparent'' dead time, drawn next.
. is not lost. It is known
Pure Dead Time Drawn First.
-- ·'
that the step response
will be 50 to 63%
Figure 4.6. The step response of a series of lags may be drawn by combining complete in a time
the individual lags as shown.
equal to the sum of
lags. While this is still true it is not true that the· time constants, as
the step· response may be drawn in any shown in Figure 4.7.
- order. Exactly the opposite is true, as will
become evident as you assimilate the The 50% point is the limit for an infinite
method. series ·.·of infinitely small first order lags
(pure dead time) and the 63% point is the
Suppose a process has pure dead time limit for a single first order lag. With that
anywhere in a series of lags. When drawing knowledge, it is possible to put some limit
the step response of the entire process from on the apparent dead time. Actually, in this
left to right, the dead time is drawn first, case, the natural period is not equal to four
even though it ma.y not occur physically
first in the process. If the lag set has in it
an integrator, then I think it is apparent
this effect would be drawn last. If the

process has first order lags, these are

summed, and the integrating line is 'S A
delayed by this amount. All of this is
:I t
50°/o to 63°/o of A
shown in Figure 4.6. t
If the lag set does not have an integrator,
but rather a first order lag which is long
relative to the rest, it is drawn last and the
Figure 4. 7. If very little is known about the component lags
treatment is the same. If there is no pure in a loop, something about the sum of all the lags can be
dead time in the system, then the smaller deduced from knowing the response time as shown above.

46 Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags

times the apparent dead time, so a further So now I hope you have some insight
approximation exists in predicting loop leading to acceptance of the par1,ldox, stated
perfo1·1nance. That is the penalty paid previously: it is the small I£gs~ and dead
without getting more complicated. time, which detennine L and, therefore the
natural period. The largest lag or the
A useful analogy for understanding the integrator have little or no bearing on
way lags combine is the way vehicles start establishing the natural period.
out after a traffic light turns from red .to
green. Each vehicle responds after the one
preceeding it, similar to the way elements A paradox!
in a control loop respond to the one
preceeding it in the loop. Some drivers
respond slowly, some more quickly. If you
are at the end of a long line it doesn't
matter whether the slowest driver was first There is not much more I want to say
in line, in the middle somewhere or just in about the math I algebra at this point
front of you, the rate at which you can except to point out the similarity of the
accelerate is the same. first order lag to the dead time when the
period is long relative to the time
Since you now know how to estimate the . constant or dead time. The following
table shows these similarities:
apparent dead time from the individual lags
in the system, you also know how to
estimate the natural period. Actually the Phase Jag, Amplitude ratio
step response does not even need to be '
drawn; you can calculate the apparent dead TIP First Dead First Dead
time directly from the estimated lags. or order time order time
LIP Jag lag
"' "'
··-·'. ·--' "'
''""" """""""' '''"' -·- -------·-
···--·-·- -- -- - .......... , ... ' " ' ''
0.01 3.59 3.6 0.998 1.0
0.02 7.16 7.2 0.992 1.0
0.05 17.4 18.0 0.954 1.0
' · ·-· · ··· . · ·· · · -- .· a··n··d·· 0.10 32.1 36.0 0.846 1.0
::'>:: ::::,,:::._' ' ' ·:.::_ : ,', ' ,::_:·_ ,.
""' ' - - '
- -_ -- '
' '. .·. . ..,,.t.'
- ---- ' ... h·····e····'·:r·······e'····:110····,:r·······e····
', : : .,:;: ::
·;;;; '"

: '
.. .... " •···-·- '
: .:.
''' "'
·:.. '
. :· ., ' ;_·
- -' - ;;_ .::- ;· ___
- -_____-·-- ··•; ·
----------- ' ·· · ··,,,,,,,,,.
:;;,;,,,::,:,,:::::::::::::::::··:.:::···,,· ... ::::::<::::::
-- -:. "::::"::."::·::::::::.
"' """' """"
- -- --
---- . --- .
" '
"' " " "
-" '
' "
-···-- -··
"' "' "" "
""""""""" """""'"""
-· '"
- - - -- -- -- ---
---- --· - - -- -·-- - ---- ---- - -- -- - '" '" """"'

""""""'' ........
....." ' ',_
' ' ." -
- -- .
__ ,,,,,-
, ---------
... -
- .------
--·------ --·
Assume a loop has a dead time element
- -- -·---·-- -

. or a first order Jag element of 0. 05 times

The concepts developed here can be used •
the natural period. The one contributes a
in reverse. If the step response is known, it phase lag of 17.4° while the other
can be dissected into simple lag building contributes 1EJO. The first has an
blocks. You will not be able to get as many amplitude rartio of 0.954 while the
lag elements as there actually are. You second has an amplitude ratio of 1. 0.
should be able to satisfy yourself that there From these numbers it is· easy to see
that a dead time and a first order lag act
are lag elements that could combine to be ·
very much the same in a loop when the
the pure dead time, the effective dead time,
phase lag being contributed at the
the long first order lag, etc., which were natural period is less than 20 or 30
observed. Indeed, this reverse fit . trying. degrees.
to take a test result and detennine if its
components are reasonable is a very
useful trouble-shooting technique.

Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags 47

-- - •
' --:.;:., - ,_
--," -.•-,;:.--.. _ --

~ - -- .._,-, ·,:'-~;:·"-, ,. - - -;·

. . . '' . --

I have stated earlier that what the controller confusing at best, I will say a little more
gain turns out to be is largely irrelevant. about it in the math/algebra paragraphs at
There is another gain, which I call the the end of this section.
process gain. It bears directly on what the
controller gain will be, but since I have said A person not trained to separate time from
the latter is not very important, why discuss amount is likely to use what I would
something that . conttihl!tes to it. It is consider the wrong word to describe
important, for the completeness of your something. He or she might say something
understanding, to realize. that, processes not responds faster when I would say it
only have lags (of various types), but also responds more, or has more gain. Figure 4.8
gains. It is an · important • part of your is an example of a first order lag. In each
vocabulary, the language of control. case the time constant. is the same, but one

has twice the gain of the other. A person

unschooled in the discipline of our language
of control might say the one with the higher
gain responds faster, . because the . initial
slope is twice as fast as the other. I would
say it responds more. The difference is
I've talked a lot about lags. A full
description of a component in a control loop 6 units - - - - -
contains not only info1·111ation about the time
63°/o - - -
parameter but something about the amount Response to·
parameter. So far I have largely ignored :; A 1 unit Input step
this. The amount parameter of any element -0
" :::J

in a control loop is called gain, as it is for Time

the controller. It will also have . units, or
dimensions. The units for a valve might be
gpm/% valve stroke. The units for a
transmitter could· be % transmitter -
output/gpm. The units for a heat exchanger
might be °C output/°C input. You get the
idea. 63o/o - - -

This is easy to understand for elements that -a.

:::J Response to
are self- regulating.· It is not as easy to -0
A 1 unit Input step
understand for an element that is not self-
regulating. If the outflow from a tank is
flow controlled, the level responds to an
input flow change by integrating the flow
difference. It is not self- regulating. The
tank is still considered to have a gain, but Figure 4.8. Two lags may differ only in gain. The
the gain and what might be called the untrained person may say that the one with the
higher gain responds faster, when it responds
integrating time are all mixed together. It is more, not faster.
48 Chapter 4 Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags

There is one point to be made about gain. It

is made up of two parts, a steady state gain -:a.:s
and a dynamic gain. The steady-state gain :;
of a temperature transmitter is easily 0
defined. But if you subject the temperature
sensor to a sinusoidal change in
temperature, the output amplitude divided Time
by the input amplitude (its amplitude ratio)
will be less. This ratio is the dynamic gain. Figure 4.9. If the open-loop step response has an
Often, and perhaps nearly always, the ever increasing slope, there are special control
considerations that do not follow the simple rules.
dynamic gain is thought of in tern1s of its
fraction of the steady-state gain. that will assure stability (Kc < 1 I Kp ). If it
isn't stable at that gain, then hardware
The steady-state gain is often called zero- problems are a likely suspect. The same is
.frequency gain and · the dynamic gain a true of processes not having an integrator.
.frequency-dependent gain. These terms are The period-dependent gain of the first-
used because one of the ways of studying order-type lags ca.n never be greater than the
control loops is called frequency response period-independent or steady-state gain. If
analysis. Since I am trying to teach what I this gain is used to calculate a controller
might loosely call time response analysis, gain, it will be on the conservative side,
and I talk about the natural period, I will usually quite conservative. This is useful in
call these gains steady-state or period- trouble-shooting flow control systems. The
independent, and period-dependent. · period-independent gain is relatively easy to
Each element in a control loop can be
thought of as having a gain at a particular Another time when it is useful to keep in
period. If these gains are multiplied together mind that gain has· ·both. period-dependent
when a control loop is cycling, the product and period-independent components is when
will be one, and it will be dimensionless. process conditions change. Maybe a loop
This loop product is called ''loop gain." If was well tuned, but then something
the loop gain is less than one at the natural changed. Only rarely do I end up tuning
period, the loop will be nearly always be differently for different conditions. Usually
stable. The runaway process is an exception I tune for the worst case and let the rest go.
to this rule. You could live your entire life If I did, or if I tuned and it turned out not to
without running into one of those. be for the worst case, then it is helpful to try
Generally, a runaway system will have a to reason whether the change might have
step response with ever increasing slope, been in a period-dependent or period-
such as figure 4.9. independent gain, or both. If it is reasoned,
for instance, that only the valve position has
This next point was briefly mentioned in changed and that process lags have not
chapter 2. The concept of period-dependent changed, then it would be necessary to
and period-independent components is not change only the controller's gain, since the
nearly as important as P =4L, but you will period-dependent gain of a valve is not
find the concept useful. A typical example going to change with position. Well, it won't
is on pure dead time processes for which the change if it has a positioner. If it is
gain does not vary with the period. For diaphragm operated and has no positioner
those, it is usually possible to calculate what then the lag will increase as the volume in
Kp is, knowing instrument spans, etc. Then the topworks increases. This writing will not
it is possible to calculate a controller gain cover that kind of detail.
Chapter 4, Lags and Gains, but Mostly Lags 49

'. --
:~~-'· - - . -
- . - '

,,,- .
-- - -.
' '
- '-.;-,_:[.,; ""'
Until now I have bfilff"~~ .· Kp
- ':4.": ·, first order lag
'I". .
Laplace transform as only · •· · . .· .. 1S+ 1 ·
dependent part. To be . complete they ·
should heve been · written with the 'Wittlotit
.. . .~..... . Kp, tren""'-..
the·· 'ilHJITI. fu nctJons
period-inde ·nt .part i ·· ..· .· . ; · · This are ·. dimensionless. . T and L have
amounts to simply including Kp in the dimensions of time, and s has
transfer function. For the three Jags dimensions of reciprocal time, so their
discussed then, their transfer functions Pf!Jduct. is dimensionl~ss. Kp will have
become: d1mens1ons. For the integrator this is
,-... _;;·.
.. ,. ----:-•,
-;•· important, because at first it looks like
Kp e -rs, .dead·-: time · one number over another number.
'._ - .. Keeping the two parameters helps keep
the dimensions straight.

·. .
. . .
. .. . .
- - -- '

·-· ' ' - ''




- - ) '-

' '
' ----'-.''"''· '

' ' ,· - •" .- ,.
-- ' ''' -- - ' '' •'

·- - -

' '' -

This section will present specific examples

this dead time is usually only a few seconds;
of lags to help transcend the gap from the but it is still a pure dead time. Well almost.
general concept to the actual system. The Actually the lag from brine entrance to
organization of material is mixed between temperature measurement is more complex
type of lag · and type .of equipment or than this. It has that pure dead time element,
process. but then it also has more delay because of
-- - -
the need to change the pipe temperature.
The pipe absorbs some of the energy which
' '
would otherwise be physically transported. I

Probably all pure dead time lags involve a am not aware of any quick estimating
distance and a. velocity. Generally both technique to determine how much lag this
distance and velocity are well know, so the might add; it · would depend on the
dead time is well known. The velocity may parameters of the system. Generally it is
change with process ;conditions, but a new small relative to typical temperature
dead 1ime can be calculated. One example measurement lags (to be discussed later) ...
would be coating weight on a moving film.
Another would be the actual weight after Sample lines for analyzers, such as for IR or
casting or forming the sheet· in the first chromatography, introduce a· dead time. If
place, such as in polyester sheet.material or the flow is turbulent, · then there is . little
in paper making. These dead times tend'tQ ' longitudinal mixing and the dead time of
run to minutes, because of the distances and composition• to· the. 'analyzer .is virtually
velocities involved. ·· pure. If the' flow is laminar, such as in a '

satnple line taken off for a viscometer, then

Another example is in fluid flow. Imagine a there is substantial longitudinal mixing and
brine recirculating system around a jacketed the dead time is not pure. It has a pure dead
reactor. Colder brine is introduced in the time component which is shorter than that
''' '
loop and frequently the circulating brine computed from average velocity because the
temperature is measured. The distance from velocity in the center of the pipe is higher
' the point of fresh brine entrance to the than the average velocity. Then the response

' temperature measurement point creates a has a lag beyond that as the material along
r dead time. With a typical design velocity the edge of the pipe comes along, but this is
'' ''


52 Chapter 5, Examples of Actual Lags

not pure dead time. Generally, in the connection with Figure 3.3, it may tum out
viscosity case, you won't be far wrong by that the lag is too long relative to the upsets
assuming pure dead time, calculated from expected. The point I want to make is that
distance and average velocity. The the dead time, per se, is no problem. It is the
consequences of this simplification depend speed and severity of the upsets relative to
on what other lags are in the loop. Typically the dead time that are important.
it would be a conservative assumption.

While on the subject of analyzers, what is

the effective lag of a chromatograph if used Most controllers are so fast that their lags
in a control loop? For illustration assume can be ignor~, even pneumatic controllers.
the unit has a cycle tim~ of lQ minutes. This In loops operating with natural periods of
introduces a minimum ·effective dead time one second and less this may not be true,
of half that, or 5 minutes. But that is not all. but in that ·region you will likely need to
To this must be added the time between know more than these notes will teach you
when the sample valve opens and when the anyway. Most ~d possibly all instrument
peak being controlled gets measured and manufacturers · cyin now give you the
held. If this were 3 minutes then the dynamic characteristics of all their
chromatograph should be considered as equipment. If a pneumatic controller is
adding an effective dead time of 8 minutes operating a valve without a positioner, or is
to the loop dynamics. And this excludes any having to fill a comparably large volume,
lag in the sampling line. The very act of the controller might have a small lag. In all
sampling introduces other dynamic cases I can think of where there was interest
considerations but these are discussed under in dynamic perfor1nance, the valve was
Sampling Frequency and Loop Perfor1nance equipped with a positioner (small volume
in chapter 9. for the controller and transmission line to
fill) so the controller's . lag was made
A quick word about processes which have a irrelevantly short.
pure dead time as a dominant lag. Many
people who are not in the field of control When. I say that the lags in a controller can
think that if a process has ''a lot of dead usually be ignored I mean the proportional-
time'' it is uncontrollable. Not so. It is just action part of the controller. 'The integral
as controllable as any other process. Indeed, action is in itself a lag, but it is under our
an argument can be made that it is more control. The derivative action· is the
controllable, since the natural period may be opposite, a lead, but it is also under our
closer to 2L than 4L. The view that control. In analyzing the lags in a complete
processes with pure dead time are hard to control system I prefer to think of the
control derives from the fact that frequently controller as having no lags (or leads), since
pure dead times are long several minutes. their contribution is part of the tuning
Then in applying the concepts explained in considerations.

Chapter 5, Examples of Actual Lags 53

- --- ,,,. -
40 - - - - - - - - -
30 - - - - - - - - - -
20 - - - - - - - - - -
~-· }!'-·--
-~- - ~,,,..,,, ...
, .• '?;·__ ._ -.
-- - -~--"·'-- -
- --
,., --,·-l -~-
Lags of transmission lines are· ,. ·e:,· ·
' - .. - . - .

matically very complex, depending not

only on length and inside diameter, but
also on absolute pressure and tempera-
ture and on termination volume. If the
termination volume actually increases 2-----
with pre5sure, as with · an unpositioned -
valve operator, the lag is even longer.
You need molecules to increase the ---
pressure of the existing volume and to 0.5 --
fill the ·incrementally new volume. 0.4 ----i--r---
Realize that the incrementally new vol-
ume needs molecules to fill it from zero 0.2 /
absolute pressure, not just to change an
incremental · amount. · This can be a o.1---i--------
100 200 300 400 '600 . 1,000 2,000
significant part of the total effective
volume. Except for unpositioned valves, Tubing Length, Feet.
ter111ination · volumes of pneumatic
Figure 5.1. The lag of transmission tubing may be
equipment are generally small enough to approximated by a first order lag.
be ignored. ·

I tend to simplify the transmission lags and

talk about an approximate equivalent first
order lag time with negligible ter111ination The unpositioned valve will not be treated
volume even though they are more complex. here. If a loop has questionable perfo1·mance
Figure 5.1 shows this approximation of the and it has an unpositioned valve, the first
transmission lag. step is to equip it with a positioner and see
if the performance problem disappears. This
If the larger tubing is used, it might be is advice for those relatively isolated from
necessary to use a booster to provide access to ''experts'' on control loop
enough air flow to fill it. That depends on perfor1nance. Depending on your internal
the air-flowing capabilities of the pneumatic bookkeeping methods, it will often cost
instrument. This subject is beYond the much more to have a specialist study the
intended scope of this coverage. If the problem than to install a positioner. A
pneumatic transmission lag ·is a significant specialist would likely suggest installing a
part· of the total lags in the system, and if it positioner anyway, before studying ·the
is important to reduce the lags, then simply problem further.
consider using electronic transmission.
As for transmission lags, lags of positioned
valves tend to be complex. · · For large
changes the system may ''velocity limit''; for
very small changes it may exhibit a dead
band. Both of these are nonlinearities and
will be discussed under Nonlinearities in


54 Chapter 5, Examples of Actual Lags

chapter 8. In the mid range of changes, say

from 1 to 10%, a valve lag may vary from
0.2 to 1 or 2 seconds. The longer lags go Lags in temperature measurement can vary
with the larger valves normally. Treat it as a from less than a second to several minutes.
first order lag, or as two first order lags Bare thermocouples in a flowing liquid will
whose sum is the chosen value. Positioner have time lags down into the millisecond
manufacturers should be able to give range. Most industrial installations act more
dynamic response info1·1nation about their like two first order lags than one. This is
equipment on a particular valve, or a class predominately due to the use of a well,
of valves. though systems without a well are often
better represented by two lags than one,
Positioning systems can be made faster also.
using a booster. · betweep the positioner
output and the valve . operator. Newer For general insight, lags increase with the
positioners are better than ·. o Ider positioners, diameter of the sensor and/or well. The
but even the newest can be made faster with more ther1nal mass present (usually metal),
boosters. This technique is seldom. needed, the slower they l\fe. Lower fluid velocities
so the details essential for good operation make the measurement slower to respond,
will not be reviewed here. The time lag can though ·not .markedly until velocities are
be reduced, even on relatively large valves, quite low. Of course, lags in gas service are
to 0.2 seconds, and on small valves to 0.1 longer than in liquid service. One of the big
seconds. An additional benefit, and concerns when using wells is whether there
sometimes the principal reason for using a ·is good metal-to-metal .contact on the inside.
booster, is that it also reduces the bad Sometimes a heat transfer oil or paste is
effects from the nonlinearities of velocity used to improve speed (and accuracy).
limiting and dead band.
A typical ther1nocouple in a typical well
will have a lag of perhaps half a minute to a
few minutes. If the service is in liquid, then
Transmitters, like controllers, tend to be so•
it is often possible to set up an experiment
fast that you can ignore their . lags. in the instrument shop with identical or
Temperature measurement may be slow, but similar equipment. The the1·mal system may
the transmitter itself is usually amply fast. be suddenly immersed in a bucket of water
Some transmitters have dampening or (hot or cold relative to room temperature)
adjustable dampening available or built in. and swirled around. The time to respond
This adjustment is sometimes called a filter 63 % of the way can be observed. Actually
and is basically a first order lag. Consult the observing the time to respond two thirds of
instruction manual on the equipment being the way is close enough. The lag may then
used, and if judged necessary, call the be treated as a first order lag or as two equal
vendor. Smart . transmitters almost always first order lags, each half the total. Use this
have a filtering function. If a large
. .
value is infortnation to understand how much this
entered for this time constant it will measurement lag may be affecting the loop's
adversely affect control perfo1n1ance. More performance, using the concepts developed
will be said about this in a later section on around figure 4.6.
Dampening Noisy Measurements, in chapter
9. A lag in the measurement, of which tem-
perature is a typical example, has an addi-
tional impact on the dynamic perfortnance

Chapter 5, Examples of Actual LJgs ' 55

of a l09p, ' ' ional··that is to the expected .·as such. lt woul4·.~ exactly first: erder if
degradation of natural period. It deceives flow through the exit restriction were
the observer intQ .• . · ,, .· . f.h~t .performance
··-· - ., ...." .• ,1'.;.f .,., :·-·''"' ' - '
- -- ''··
(flow lil}ear with
; - _- ',•: --·-

is better than it is. Tlie;~ · . .var,\atiQ»s , , . - ·. . ·

' '
.. ". .' . .
. .· ;:.·. ·'

are always . larger tha~ ,:~ . . ·:'1,v~~ lt is the11. apparent that the.actual volume. in
SometiJiles this is not important; sometimes tj\e ~~··i$ irre~vailt~. -. What is.relevant is the
·- ·...___ ,-,_._..;·:-:~·"·--_.-,--,~-~---··: ·-.~- -· .··'"' ·.-.. ._ -·

it is'I, O~asionally
-- '
~provements - -
change i11 \ro~J,Ime fqr;;a .. . . · Pi flow.
in . control perf()r·n1ance .·can ,be . achieved This approach~pplie~ even if.the level is on
through a faster measurement. ·•.
' '
proportional .. only .control
--~ '
is much~ --- ' '

simpler than the.·:- .. more · . fundamental - '

derivation. ,_,-,
.. -

' '
~ '
' '

Consider the systems in figure 5.2; · ·. ·

Assume that each tank is · holding 200 In the system shown in figure 5.3 the
gallons and that ' the otittlow ' depends composition in the tank will follow the feed
linearly on head (is not pumped out), It is composition with a first order lag calculated
from the hold-up volume and the flow '' '


100 gpm ·.. · ·


rate. Temperature would be a special


case of composition. If the tank is

perfectly stirred and the level control is
' '


perfect, then the lag will be a perfect first

order lag. To the extent the first two
assumptions are only approximations, the
· lag is only an approximation. In a
jacketed vessel, the temperature lag in
the jacket will be approximately the
.-:-_- .· volume divided by the throqghput, if well
mixed. If :qi>t well mixed, then the total
·· lag >'needs to be divided between an
Figure 5.2. The lag of a tank is not always its volume
apparent dead time and a first order lag.
divided by its throughput. . .·
If there is a chemical reaction taking
' ''

tempting to say that the ·lag is 200 ' '' place, all bets are off for any simple answer.
gallons/100 gpm or two minutes.. It is also The differential equations represent the only
wrong. This concept applies to composition road I know of to the solution.
but not to volumetric flow. If the flow in is
increased to say 120 gpm, the level will rise
until eventually the flow out is the same.
While the lag can be derived from the
differential equations, most persons would LC
shy away from that approach. Happily it can
be deterrnined a simpler way. Calculate
what the new level would be, based on the
new flow. From this, calculate what the
change in inventory is. Assume this
Figure 5.3. The lag of a stirred tank to
calculation yields 10 gallons. The lag is then
composition changes is its volume
10 gallons/ 20 gpm or 0.5 minutes. It would divided by its throughput.
be close enough to a first order lag to treat it

56 Chapter 5, Examples,of Actual Lags

This is a rather broad-brush category meant While there are exceptions, control 'loops on
to include everything but measurement lags. the same type of variable tend to have the
Process lags, such as heat exchangers, are same natural periods. Flow loops will have
not only complex, but the variety of a natural period of · 1 or 2 seconds if
equipment is broad. These factors combine transmission lags are short, going up to 5 to
to discourage trying to condense the field to 10 seconds for long pneumatic lines. Flow
typical numbers. Lags get longer as the should be back to no1·mal, after an upset,
surface-to-volume (mass) ratio decreases. within a very short time, say 5 to 10 seconds
They cover the gamut from a few seconds to for the faster loops. Pressure loops fall in
hours. the same category. They will be fast. The
,. '

gain on pressure loops frequently can be

much higher than on flow loops.
Temperature loops tend to be much slower,
as yotJ would expect after this dissertation
on. lags. Their natural periods will typically
fall in the range of, say, half a minute to
several minutes. There would be many
exceptions. Composition control loops tend
to be slower still, with natural periods of
several minutes to several hours.


'.' . ; __,_
.'' - ' • > ''

- ·- .

- ''

' .

Until now, all. material presented has Secondary Primary

applied to a single loop, with no Contro er Controller
concerns ·about• associated · loops and
their· tuning and/or perfo1·1nance. One
frequent situation is the use of the output
of one controller to manipulate the set
point of another controller. This is called .
cascade control. Figure 6.1 is an Brine

exa1nple. ' '

·.·Reactor ·
If you . have never been exposed to a Brine
cascade control system it is confusing at Exhaust
•' ;.
- ' ' 0

frrst. In the example, the reactor

temperature is the primary controller and Figure 6.1. An example of a cascade control system. The
the brine temperature is the secondary output of a primary ·controller adjusts the setpoint of the
secondary cot1trolfer. ·
controller. These have been called master
and slave and sometimes are· called outer · There are four main reasons for using
loop· and ·inner loop. These . latter terms cascade control:
derive from the concept shown in Figure
6.2, which is a signal-flow diagram of a
cascade control system!·.· .· . · ·•

-.; - :;•.
. .;,.-·--
,,.-,.·' '
Process2 Process1
- +
Controller 1 ·(Jacket) (Reactor)

- -
Inner Loop

Outer Loop

Figure 6.2. The signal-flow diagram of a cascade control system shows the inner and outer loops,

58 Chapter 6, Cascade Control

1. It will catch certain load changes sooner

and correct for them quicker, so the effect Again let's look at the example. ·Without
on the primary variable is less. Control is cascade control, the reactor; .. temperature
better. controller output will simply move the brine
valve. The brine temperature ··.in the jacket
In the example, if the brine header pressure follows with some lag, depending on ·the
changes, due say to other users of the brine volume of brine in the circulating system
' ·- ' '

then the brine temperature controller will and to some extent on the ameunt of metal
know about it sooner and take corrective closely linked ther111ally to it. This can be
action. Without the cascade system, no relatively long. Now consider the cascade
knowledge of the upset due to brine header system. The reactor temperature controller
pressure would exist until· it'had affected.the "· · oµtput wants a temperature, oot a valve
reactor temperature. · This '~· inu··
· 1·a·.. · • b. ··. .... ·.. position. The secondary.. contrJ~ler gc;res
. . .. . .~ . e .
substantially later, so the .disturbance would ·..... after that request by doing all it. can to get
have been present for a much longer time. the temperature requested. The result is that
the jacket temperature changes much more
rapidty than it did to a simple valve position
2. It will effectively lirtearize the secondary change. This result, of course,· reduces the.
variable to a change in setpoint from the lag the primary controller thinks is in the
primary con:troller, and linearity is generally loop and so the . natural period af the
desired for optimum performance. ·• primary .. loop is ·reduced. Refer again to
·-." '
Figure· 2.2. The overall lag to . a setpoint
In the exa1nple, a 1% change in the primary change is less as the controller is tightly
controller output will result in a defined · tuned, than it is when it is not.
change in jacket temperature (because the ·
brine temperature controller will make it
~o). W.ithout cascade control, a 1% change · .
4. . Some··· instrumentation
- '
tricks can be - '

i~ the primary controller output, . going .· · ·. •. played, .such as incorporating limits in the .
directly to the brine valve, will re.suit .in· an •. . · · secondary ·set point.
' ' -

undefined · change in · jacket .temperature, ··• •

depending on the valve · characteristic . and · • · End of points.

. .
· •

•'·' ,•-'

relative brine pressures. A simple single

~oop, not cascade, is really a c1:1.scade system
if a valve positioner is used. The positioner
is really a position controller, responding to
its setpoint coming from the controller. In
this case it overcomes (mostly, anyway) the
nonlinearity of dead band due to packing .. -'• _:: •' ::::·· ,•'•'•: •,•
-;_ '-..
"' ' "'

gland friction. ,• -- -

3. It can, under mfllly and perqaps mo~t
---- . . --
circumstances, shorten the natural period 0£ There is · an important . dynamic
the primary loop. If the secondary loop has . . consideration when contemplating whether
a lag in it that would also be in the primary to use cascade control or not. The natural
variable loop without cascade, and if this · period of the secondary · loop should be
lag would be of consequence in establishing significantly shorter than the natural period
the apparent dead time . in the ·primary of the primary loop would be without
variable loop, then cascade control will be cascade. There is no hard and fast rule on
faster than no-cascade control.
- -- -------- - ·------ - -·-·-- -- - --

Chapter 6, Cascade Control 59

the desired difference. A factor of ten is controller, like another lag, or combination
certainly acceptable. A factor of three of lags. The amount of that lag depends on
becomes questionable and a factor of two tuning. In this sense, the tuning of the
becomes very questiortable;,.:for the latter secondary loop interacts with the tuning of
situation to be attractive, c '' . tiQD.s the primary loop, but not vice versa.
other than dynamic would have to dominate
the decision.
Always tune the secondary loop first. It then
becomes a lag in the primary loop. In
cascade control systems, we nearly always
tune the secondary for tight control. It
would rarely make anY ·sense to have a

There is an argument .for not using integral

action in a secondary controller. You have
learned that integral action complicates the
:, ' ; '. tuning somewhat but also that there can be a
problem with integral windup. In earlier
deliberately . sluggish secondary loop, as times, virtually all controllers were Pl, so to

then many of the benefits of cascade control simplify maintenance and replacement,
would not accrue. Then tune the primary these considerations often overrode
loop as you would any other loop. The thing performance considerations. Now, with
to remember is that the . amount of. lag seen
. digital controllers having the capability of
by the primary loop depends on the tuning being either PI or simply P only, the pros
·of the secondary loop. Refer again to Figure and cons of using integral action for the
2.2, to remind yourself that the response to a secondary controller should be reviewed.
setpoint change simply looks, to the primary

_,,, i·. ' --· •

-., ~:.-_-:··,.----- , .
'.• .. ,o"
-.. -·,-,- '--~'.- -- ' :

Derivative action is fairly tricky to use The following are the most important
successfully. It is very helpful to have at application points about the use of
least some appreciation of how frequency derivative action:
response analysis applies to closed loop
systems, but most people for whom this 0 It will decrease the natural period of
booklet is intended will not have that. So almost any loop and, therefore, improve
its performance. The improvement in
the natural period normally is modest,
being in the 10 to 20% range, reaching
perhaps 30% in rare instances.
No1·mally better tuning of a PI controller
will yield far more improvement than
that. The effect of derivative can be
what can be said to be helpful, without visualized in the step response shown in
getting in too deeply? figure 7 .1. It is seen that if the normal
step response has somce curvature before
The rule for setting derivative action is to the . main response,
. .
the derivative can
set it equal to Pn/8 (L/2), though some accentuate this and in effect reduce
recommend the divisor to be six. The point apparent dead time. This in turn reduces
is that there is not much room for error.
Use too little derivative and it is hardly Proportional plus derivative
worth the bother. Use too much and you. applied to normal response /
can create stability problems. The ratio of 3l . ~
too much to too little is relatively small, c /
like perhaps 3 to 1, or possibly even 2 to g_ / · Normal response
xi / without derivative
1. It is not unusual with a pneumatic cc /
controller to have the calibration of the / ,
derivative adjustment in error by a factor
of two, so that makes it particularly
difficult to use properly. It can make
heroes out of the knowledgeable and bums
L, - -
out of everyone else. That is why it is
seldom specified and often is turned off Figure 7.1. The effect of derivative action may be
visualized as reducing the effective dead time.
even if specified.

62 Chapter 7, Derivative Action

the natural period which is not now its amplified no more than that gain (the typi-
''natural'' period. cally 6 or 10). The step response to the typi-
cal implementation of proportional plus
0 Derivative action can make a runaway derivative action is fairly easy to visualize
process stable. Once in a great while and is shown in figure 7.2.
there will be a process that cannot be
controlled in manual. It can be likened . ·. It is a spike whose gain is K, coupled with a
to trying to balance a long stick on your _. ·. time constant decay of gain K-1, and time
finger. If you hold your finger ·still·· constant T.
(open the loop of eyes, brain and
muscles) the stick will fall. The system ,__T I
is called unstable, not bOpa~e it cyclCs, I
but because it will not stay stable. Ifthe - - -1- -- --t - - ·-
loop is closed using the brain as a I 0.63 (K-1)
controller between eye and finger, the 3lc K
I K-1
stick can be held upright. Derivative 8.
action is not essential to stabilize
runaway process, but it can help, 1
sometimes significantly . +-

0 ·For a batch process it can help ''tum the
comer'' without overshoot (undershoot), Figure 7.2. The step response of a proportional-plus-
especially if the integral and derivative derivative controller will spike up at first and then
decay back to a steady state value.
comers (these corners are frequency
response lingo) are exchanged. This will
require that the no1·inal controller gain A mathematically · pure derivative function
be reduced by the separation of the would respond to a pure step. as .a pulse,
corners. There is more to this than I infinitely ·high, infinitely short, · but
want to get into here. enclosing a.n area equal to or proportional to
the derivative time. That is a rather abstract
0 For a batch process, I used it once to concept. Actual implementation of the
compensate for a long pneumatic derivative function can be visualized as
transmission lag. A vessel was filling or trying to get this area under the response
emptying, so the signal to ·close the curve without going to infinite amplitude.
valve was based on level and its The lower the amplitude, the slower must be
derivative. the decay to get the same area. If the

amplitude is too low, the decay is too long

0 It has been used to measure flow as the and the desired benefit from derivative is
derivative of level (or weight). not achieved. In the above example the
larger the K the smaller the T for the same
·0 It is the lead in a lead/lag computer derivative time.
.. .
The sampling nature of digital computers
Derivative action is never mathematically presents special problems, especially for
pure, as this produces a very noisy control- getting meaningful derivative action for
ler output. So practical implementation of derivative · times short relative to the
derivative action limits the high frequency sampling rate. Let's assume for illustration
gain (short period gain), values of 6 or 10 that it is desired to use derivative action on
being typical. This means that the noise is a loop having a natural period of 16


Chapter 7, Derivative Action 63

seconds. Thia; would . call for a derivative

time of two seconds. If the derivative gain is
10, then the contt~ f;eally needs to know The Laplace transform for derivative
about variations 10 tiin'~;; ' t as the two action was presented in chapter 1. It is
seconds (believe it), or o.2 's . '' ';'1~t;.(a,
. - . . .
presented again here .
. ,.•.,,i_,y,' -.;-- -- ---_.,_,,_,,._
, · ·.
- '
·-· ·-· - -. -

sampling system to not be confused about · · ····· •· ...· . ·

.. .:;-._'"-'
what is going on every 0 .2 seconds it should . .·...·. ·. - : -

be sampling five or .10 ' .

times•a5 -.
fast, or
every 0.04 to 0.02 seconds (25 to 50 times
per second). There is more about this •

problem· in a later. section, called 5,ainpling Here · coifHiS a bit <#. algebra. · The
. .-
, LOap ·.
· Perrorm~ce, in-
response·· shown ..Jn figure ·7.2 may be
considered 8$ made upc#two parts, first
' ' .,.~----- '

chapter 9. This leads to a conclusion that if

the controller is . sa1npling the process 10 the response of Kd, and then the decay
- - ' -

times per second, you should question the back. The algebra of this is:
use of derivative action· for processes having
a natural period shorter than about a minute.

Manufacturers of digital controllers do not

divulge. how they have tried to solve this
problem. It is very difficult in the field to
' '
If you do the algebra on these two terms
assess the benefit that accrues from the use to get one term, you will get the one
of derivative action, whether it is as good as given. Isn't th.at neat! Page A-4 shows
the Bode plots (more frequency
would be expected or not. This is not meant . .

response lingo) for various values of

in any way to suggest you not use it, but derivative gain. Persons experienced in
rather to say that the results, particularly on that field may find these curves a useful
relatively fast processes, may not quite live reference. I have.
. up to expectations. It only costs your time to
. try it.' .

' '
' ' '



Interactions and nonlinearities make control particularly helpful to think about what is
loops interesting. Loop behavior in their happening to the open-loop step response in
presence does not follow the nice clean terms of R and L, and then interpret that in
patterns I have described. You have to know terms of what the interaction or nonlinearity
the nice clean patterns so you know what would mean to stability. I encourage you to
you could expect if it were not for the inter- do the same when you are faced with
actions and nonlinearities. I have found it something that does not quite fit the norm.

Consider the system shown in figure 8.1. of the other. The interaction in this example
is particularly bad because the natural
periods , of the two loops are essentially
identical. One simple helpful approach for
understanding interaction problems is to
reason what happens to the open loop step
response of the other loop when one loop is
tuned tightly. Then apply the concepts of
Figure 8.1. Tuning of interacting loops can be difficult. the Ziegler and Nichols open-loop tuning
rules to this open loop step response to see
A movement of the pressure control valve whether the desired gain or integral might
have changed, based on Rand L (and RL) in
affects flow. A movement of the flow
Figure 2.3.
control valve affects pressure. The two
control systems are said to interact. The
tuning of one will affect the open loop There are several approaches to combating
interaction problems, and the following list
response of the other and, hence, the tuning
is not all-inclusive.

66 Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlinearities

0 Decide whether one of the loops is su- there would be any problems with the two
perfluous. This does happen. For in- loops talking to each other. So once again it
stance in the example given, is the pres- is essential in solving cohtrol problems to
sure loop really needed? know what the natural ~riod is, what
detennines it and what can be done to
0 Rearrange what valve is manipulated by change it.
what variable. This could require more
insight than the novice might have. • To repeat what has already been said, but
with a different emphasis interacting
0 Decide which variable is more systems can be tricky to tune. It is possible
important and tune that loop to be tight. to arrive at one set of tuning parameters for
In the example given the flow loop .one loop if the other loop is on manual, and
might be made the tight one·.· .· . a different set if the other loop is on auto-
matic and tightly tuned. It is possible for
0 If a computer-based control system is one loop to become unstable if the other
used, it might be practical to program or loop is switched from automatic to manual,
configure decoupling tem1s to reduce or vice versa. This. section on interactions is
the cross• talk. Again, this may be too more to alert you to the potential problems
complicated for the novice to undertake. · than to equip you to solve them. Basically,
unless the problem deserves a more elegant
Almost implicit. when there is a problem approach, I recommend tuning for the worst
with interaction is that the natural periods of case (those conditions that are most likely to
the two loops are similar. If one loop has a produce cycling), and accepting the per-
natural period of one second and the other fo1n1ance at other conditions.
of one minute, it is highly unlikely that

Until now, I have assumed a linear system. Nonlinearities come in 11lany fortns, Some
Mathematically this ·means that I can de- can · be troublesome. Most, generally, are
scribe the system by a set of ordinary linear not. To the extent they degrade loop per-
differential equations. If you didn't know formance, the reduced perfo1·mance is
what linear meant before, likely you still simply accepted. In most cases the reduction
don't. It means that if a change is made in in perfo1·111ance would be hard to see.
the up direction, the response is exactly the
same as if made down, except reversed of So that leaves a few you cannot ignore. At
course. It means that if you double a least if you know their characteristics, you
change, you get exactly twice what can decide whether to ignore them or try to
happened before, We are aware that no •do something· to minimize their effect. I di-
physical system is linear, yet we live our vide nonlinearities into two categories,
lives and conduct our analyses as if they process and hardware. Then for the hard-
were linear. It's so much easier that way, ware I divide those nonlinearities into con-
and so often is quite acceptable. tinuous and discontinuous, the distinction
becoming more apparent as you read

Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlidearities 67


dard tuning rules and procedures. Basically

you almost have to forget all you learned
Process nonlinearities abound. Heat trans- about linear system behavior, or at least re-
fer, mass transfer, cheifflSIJ\j~ Jbese · are all
.. ~-''-"">:1~. - ; .. ··-
learn exceptions. ·.
nonlinear when examineil "~r"?·•r•Jaff(t ·

changes. Usually they are c~ntinu<>us, ·. : V

1 · 1 •ty 1· ·. •+•
· e oct · 1m1..1ng.
though occasionally you may· have to deal
with a discontinuous one. Generally, simple Velocity limiting usually occurs in a valve.
analysis is done by ass1Jming linearity at It would occur with an electrical motor as
different operating' conditions and drawing the valve operator.·
. .
It could occur with · a
conclusions from · that. · The pH · titration pneumatic valve positioner. · It could · also
curve is probably the· most severe continu- occur with a pneumatic controller and no
ous process nonlinearity. Yet we use linear valve positioner. To understand whether
concepts to solve pH control problems. For velocity limiting is ·likely ·to cause stability
important problems, computer simulation problems it is necessary to understand the
techniques should be used. It would be nice role lags play in the loop.
to say more about process nonlinearities, but "i

that would make a whole book in itself. Recall from Chapter 2 and Figure 2.3 that
the gain is set proportional to 1/RL.· If the
product of R times L increases, then a lower
gain should be used. If RL increases and no
change is made in gain, the loop may cycle.
Remember from Figure 4.6 and the
Hardware (and software) nonlinearities in associated discussion in Chapter 4 that L is
the continuous category are usually that way the result of combining all the smaller lags
intentionally, to compensate for some other in the loop, and the rate, R, is the response
nonlinearity. The goal is usually to make an of the longest lag in the loop.
overall system linear. A square root
extractor on a.· differential pressure Now let's look at what velocity limiting
transmitter is a prime example. With the does. A valve positioner may be able to
flexibility of computer-based controllers make a 2% change with a first order lag of
there is a wide selection of algorithms that 0.3 seconds. For a large change, say 50%, it
may be applied to make an overall system may velocity limit, · so that if you tried to
linear, or at least more nearly linear. make a first approximation to a first order
Whether a continuous hardware nonlinearity lag, the time constant might be closer to 5
is deliberate or not, the effect of it is .. · seconds. The concept is shown in Figure
analyzed in a loop much the same as a 8.2.
process nonlinearity the system is
assumed to be linear over a small operating
range, and extreme conditions are examined ;t
for potential problems. 31 Response to large change
o. Velocity llmltlng
' n~\~.11~li:~~·~e•":':•~·1·•s"'" ~·o·······•n•······•:i:1••·u••.:::
~::;=::t:',:J;L,;:;HAiL-lillhYY~.iA!•!::_ -·.'.'·::~:~U:
:· .~\:i, __ ' __ : ' ::t: :
u '. ':.o:':.:.:L.'
........ . •u<"'''•· 's·"'::\1::;:'•rn · ~:'::';:'·
• •· 31
11:;·::::·• .. m··••- •:1·::t•:r·1·1·11·:~
::-:,::., ;;;;; .. .......
' " _
• ;•.• Q·Q•. IQ~!3lll.· _te~·::m• 1::::-:1•::::::::::::::: :.:::r[J••rn!!
::::::::::._:.:;;:::::,::·:;·;::.·,'" -- :·· """"""""''""'"""" ----· - -- ·--- ····- . '"'"'""'' """""""""""" -
f Response to small change

Now comes the fun part. Discontinuous Time

nonlinearities can raise havoc. They can re-
Figure 8.2. Velocity limiting will make a short lag look
verse what you would expect from the stan- like a long lag, and this can cause instability.

68 Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlinearities

packing friction. It can occur in other

This change in effective time constant from situations also. Many people think that a
0.3 to 5 seconds can make an otherwise valve positioner solves all prqblems from
stable loop unstable. If the 0.3 seconds was packing friction. It doesn't, though of course
one of the smaller lags in the loop, it was it helps significantly. With ·a positioner the
likely contributing to the apparent dead dynamic response is altered for . small
time, L. If the 5 seconds becomes a changes. The phenomenon usually occurs
significant part of the apparent .dead time, for changes of less than 1%. The controller
then L becomes larger, making the . .
RL output may ask for a 1/4% or a 1% change,
product larger. If the loop had been tightly but the valve doesn't move. Or it is slower
tuned before, then it is likely· the. loop will to move .than
no1·111al, looking like a few
beco111:e unstable, cycling
' .
a constant.' '
· seconds' dead time. Figure 8.3 shows this
amplitude. And the cycle
will continue until
characteristic, greatly simplified. Or it may
the gain is. reduced or the controller is put not move and then jerk, moving too far.
on manual. If the controller is put in manual This is not shown.
to stop the cycle, and then placed back in
automatic, then the loop will again be stable This non-ideal gpsitioning usually does not
until some upset comes through large create tuning or stti.bility problems, though a
enough to cause the offensive velocity circumstance is described where it can. A
limiting. perfect positioner would move the valve l %
for a 1% output change. The imperfect po-
sitioner might only move it 1/2% or 1/4%.
This is in the direction of reducing the gain
and does not norr11ally cause problems, even
though some small lags are introduced, as
shown in Figure 8.3.

In summary, velocity limiting may or

may not cause stability problems. If its ........,------1% change
lag for small upsets was contributing to
the apparent dead time, then it is
possible that large upsets. will cause
instability. Switching briefly to manual
will restore stability. If high perfor111ance
1/4% change
is not required, the gain may simply be
reduced enough to assure stability for the
worst case. If the velocity limiting comes Time
from a pneumatic valve positioner, then
one possible fix, if high performance is Figure 8.3. A positioned valve does not have a linear
required, is the use of a booster between response for small changes.
the positioner and the valve motor.
With digital control systems and magnified

2. Dead Band. displays it is possible to perform the tuning

procedure at quite small amplitudes, much
Dead band is arguably the largest smaller than with analog systems and non-
contributor by an instrument item to magnified displays. If the tuning procedure
problems with tuning a loop. It is the type of is done in manual, with very small
nonlinearity that results from valve stem controller output changes, then there is the

Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlinearities 69

chance that th¢ gain between the controller small amount of dead band (and there can
output and the actual valve motion was not be some, even . with a positioned .valve),
one, as is assumed-, but may be only 1/2 or there will always be a .small error. The
1/4. If this is the case;'tha•the parameters R integral action keeps moving the controller
and L (from Figure 2.3) are' '' ... ~. ;ati)_\~
'• ···-·
. output until the· valve moves. The valve
determined, and so settings will not ·be . mpves. too much, eventually reversing the
accurately determined. If the tuning error. The integrating ~ti0tl..• goes to work

procedure is done with the controller in on that error and eventually moves the valve
• •

automatic, then the gain established for back, but again too far. Figure 8.4 shows the
small changes may be too . high for large phenomenon on a .fast. process, such as· a
changes, and the loop may become unstable. flow control loop .• On a s,lower loop the
Usually this problem, once recognized, is presence of dead band is not as easily
simply solved by reducing the gain. If high recognized, as the lag between the valve
fidelity is required ·for . small changes, movement and the process response is more
consider a positioner with higher gain. obscured.
Sometimes a booster between the positioner
and the valve motor helps, it depends on the This problem has a characteristic finger
air flow characteristics of the positioner. print. A small cycle will be seen. Sometimes
the cycle may be so small it will not be seen
If the valve is not positioned the dead band in normal records, but its effects will be
is likely to occur at larger values, like 5% or observed elsewhere in the process. Once a
10% or more. The same phenomenon just high-quality pressure transmitter on a boiler
described ·may · then occur, except steam header had a very small dead band.
everything happens at larger amplitudes. If The cycle could barely be seen on the
the valve is not positioned, then a booster pressure record but the effects of the cycle
between the controller and ·the valve isn't permeated through many users of the steam.
going help, · and the first remedial step
would be to install a positioner. Decreasing the gain, which is what is
nor1nally done if a cycle is observed, does
There is another effect of dead band that is not solve the problem. The cycle simply
probably the more important. The problem gets a longer period. If the period is
arises when using control with integral observed, normal tuning rules would call for
action, or if the process integrates. With a increasing the integral time. If this is done

Controller output

. Actual valve motion

- ' . '

a. Cycle before gain or Integral time change

Controller output
---Actual valve motion

b. Cycle after reduced gain or Increased Integral time

Figure 8.4. Dead band in a valve often results in a small limit cycle, characterized
by a triangular wave in the controller output and a square wave in the actual valve.
motion. Reducing the gain or increasing the integral time increases the period but
does not otherwise alter the cycle significantly.

70 Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlinearities

the period again gets longer. If this behavior good way to check for dead band is to make
is not recognized as a dead band problem, two small changes, in manual, in the sa111e
the controller settings will be greatly direction, and then reverse· ditection with '

reduced from optimum, and the tuner will the same two small changes. ·If the process
have a high degree of frustration. does not repeat itself for the same outputs,
this is a good indication that significant ,

dead band is present. '

If the controller is in automatic then it is
harder to detect the presence of dead band, '

but if when you make small setpoint 1'

-( '
changes, you observe a longer delay before :: 1
the process starts to respond for small ,''
How do you recognize a problem resulting changes than for large, it is likely significant '
from dead band? If the process is fast, then dead band is present '
the behavior illustrated in Figure 8.4 is
possibly the easiest way, particularly if you If a fix is necessary, perhaps the stem
have a monitor with the ability to magnify friction ·can be reduced, or a better '

the amplitude and time scales. The positioner chosen, or a booster used
controller output will tend to be triangular between the positioner and the valve
in shape, and the actual valve motion will operator. The booster will not affect the
tend to be a square wave. Realize that this dead band but it will improve the small-
figure is idealized. What you see will not be amplitude dynamics, which often is a
that tidy. If the process is slower, what you sufficient improvement to not require any
observe may look very little like Figure 8.4. more effort. Not all positioners are created
But you will see at least the evidence of a equal in their ability to overcome dead zone.
small, relatively fixed amplitude cycle, Look for one with a high gain. The
whose period lengthens as gain is decreased manufacturer should be able to supply you
or as integral time is increased. The period with that infonnation. A gain of 50 is too
will be significantly longer than the natural low in my opinion. The ·dead band with a
period, which is approximately 4L, the L positioner is essentially the dead band
coming from Figure 2.3. without a positioner divided by the
positioner gain.
If you have a digital system with a monitor,
then the presence of dead band may be You cannot really be sure from· the control
observed when making small step changes room whether the valve is moving or not. I
in manual. These are the types of changes have used two methods. One is to simply
made in testing for process dynamics in place my fingers on the valve stem, next to
open-loop tests to deterrnine tuning settings. the packing. You will need to set up some
With small changes you may see no communication between the control room
response, or the slope, . R, will not be and the valve, to know when the controller
. proportional to the size of the step change, output has been changed, and by how much .
but rather will increase more than the size of With digital systems, you may connect a
the upset as the size is increased. Also you digital meter next to you in the field. The
may see a longer apparent dead time than human senses can ··detect very small
you might expect. If the apparent dead time changes, even less than 0.001 inches, but
gets shorter as you increase the amplitude of not quantitatively and not if they occur
the step, this is a good indicl:!-tor that you slowly. So this method ma~ be used in a
probably have significant dead band. A pinch. If you observe dead band using this

Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlinearities 71

method, then you are sure it is there. If you limit, the positioner puts full supply or full
cannot detect it this way, then you are not vent to the valve motor. Then when the
sure whether it-is. present or not. controller signal comes back on scale, the
. .
,. -·--·-
-,•· -
• , ,
-- positiorier output has to change substantially
A better method is to .riflJM:"!'l,'Av;;:.~ · · · l?efpre th~ yalve comes off a stop. This can
micrometer to monitor the valve ~~v~1Ilerii. ·. ~·
'1'"•t'·,- '·'.-,,,. . ' - '',

m,Ct111. yentipg th~ .topworks from• supply

A kit of clamps will be required. If there is a pressure back·. •·icl ... operati9g pressure,. or
linkage between. the positioner and the final filling .the · topw9rks · from .· atmospheric
flow restriction, as there often is with a pressure · to operating ·.pressure. On a fast
butterfly valve, then you will .also have to loop, this delay can.. . set ..up a limit cycle.
, -- '
' , . __

consider. the possibility of dead band in the .

. '. . . .

linkages. It does happen. It is easy to give the advice to simply not let
. '• ·-
.. .
- -· . '
. . .
the valve get in •this predicalllent.. ·That
In summary, dead band is probably the most advice is easier to give than to follow. At
common. instrument .cause · why controller least now you can recognize it as a potential
tuning efforts' do n:ot look like the nice problem. The cycle can be stopped by going
· smooth curves presented in the articles on to manual momentarily. Sometimes it helps ·
tuning, Be
. .
different ways it can to · reduce the supply pressure to the
especially for small excursions. .
positioner (or controller) if the problem is at
Be particularly aware if you observe.a small that end of the scale. Be careful if you are •

amplitude cycle . whose period is limiting the controller output to avoid this
significantly longer than the loop's natural problem. It is not so critical if it is at the
period. Quite possibly the· smart valves now open end of the travel, but if it is at the
coming on. the market . will minimize the closed end you could end up not being able
problems discussed here, but there will still to close the valve. If you are using a
be non-smart valv:es ...around for several program-your-own computer/controller you
years. can write a program, using feedback from
the positioner output, to manage this
·3. Valves at limits. problem.

This section is not about integral windup. Even without a positioner-saturation

This section is about problems that arise problem it is generally bad news to have a
when •a valve is operating near its limit, valve hit a limit. It can upset all the
usually and perhaps always its closed limit, premises on which tuning was based. So if
and with a positioner. you are having performance problems, one
of the points to cover in analyzing the
If there is a valve positioner there is .an problem is to dete1·1nine if the valve is near
added lag when the valve hits a stop. This its limit, particularly its closed limit.
can create problems. Once the valve hits a

72 Chapter 8, Interactions and Nonlinearities

4. Integral Windup. own limit, far beyond the valve limit .. The
controller has to ''unwind'' and this. takes
time. Frequently this time··· is\· excessive
The phenomenon of integral (reset) windup • • • . '
has been recognized probably since. the g1v1ng rise to poor perfom1ance, and
function was invented. I believe this was in potentially to instability.
the 1930's. Initially there was little that
could be done,. and what was done was To combat this problem, instrument manu-
awkward. In the middle period of pneumatic facturers have offered a variety of solutions,
controllers (early 19SO's) instrument items generically called anti-windup· protection.
were developed to combat the probleni. Most and probably all electronic and com-
When electronic controllers came . along, puter controllers now on the market either
more elegant and simpler methods· were have the feature as standard, or offer it as an
developed. Then came digital controllers option. Pneumatic controllers generally re-
and still better ways were found. quire a marriage with external components.
A cautionary note is this all anti-windup

features do not perform the same way.

Integral wirtdup is a phenomenon that can

occur with a · controller having ' reset or ·Some· may require that the error signal
integral action, which most do. If the . val~e reverse sign before the valve will begin to
goes to its limit, either fully closed or fully move. Others may get a valve ''kick'' from
open, the valve is doing all. it can do. The proportiortal •action. Many variations· are
controller may . not know this. If it doesn't' possible. If you have a repetitive problem
' - '

the controller will continue to change the with integral windup, it may pay to study
output (windup) based on the integral of the the details ·of how a particular vendor
error. This isn't the problem yet. · The implements the protection. It is likely that
problem occurs when the. valve needs to one vendor would be preferred to another if
come back on scale, for at. that time' tlte the windup circumstances tend to be the

controller output is likely to have gone to its same.



The Ziegler and Nichols tuning rules were only the programmer knows for sure. If it is
based on the way most analog controllers PID then you should use the older algorithm
then and now are made. With the advent of to be sure the tuning rules apply. I under-
digital controllers designers and program- stand there could be certain circumstances
mers were not constrained by what could be where the newer algorithm might be pre-
economically built mechanically or elec- ferred, but I have not studied this possibil-
tronically. The result is that many, and ity. If the controller is PI (or PD, which is
perhaps most, manufacturers of digital con- not used very often) or if the controller is a
trollers offer more than one algorithm. In PLC, then I can't give you a general rule,
addition, many . laboratory-type environ- since there are so many possibilities.
ments may be using a non-instrument- Controller
vendor computer, with the control algorithm Setpoint - Output
written by their own people. It is not p I D
unusual to find these have non-classical -
algorithms combined with reasoned and Controlled
some intuitive modifications. In this case Variable
the classical tuning rules must be used with
caution, as the programmer may not have a. Series Algorithm
been knowledgeable about control· loop
dynamics and the algorithms tuning rules Controller p
have been based on. Setpoint Output
Various words get used to define the vari-
ations from the older algorithm. Sometimes
Controlled D
the older is called interacting, while vari- Variable
ations on a newer are called non-interacting.
Sometimes the older is called series and a. Parallel Algorithm
others called parallel. If the controller is
Figure 9.1. The difference between a series and a
just P or just I, then it doesn't matter, unless parallel algorithm is shown conceptually in this
the algorithm is home-grown, in which case signal-flow diagram.
- -- .


74 Chapter 9, Potpourri '

called parallel or non-interacting, the .•

transfer function has this general form:

The conceptual differences between the P+l+D

two basic forms for the algorithm are
shown in the equations below. For the The Laplace transform for this becomes:
older or series or interacting algorithm
the transfer function has the following
general form:

P (1 + I) (1 + D)

In principle it:'should be possible to get one

The Laplace transform for this is: .· . .

transfer function to essentially match the

other, by equating like terms. I have simply
always used the familiar algorithm unless I
Kc 1+ 1 ... am working with software written in-house,
r,s in which case it is necessary to do a little
algebra to get it iri tbe familiar form. With.
software written in-house it may be
possible to persuade the programmer to
For the algorithms that becfjme available .
make the algorithm the series type.
with digital computers, which have been.

Digital controllers do not measure constraints, discussed elsewhere, apply.

continuously, as do analog controllers, but Many commercial controllers sample 10
rather do it periodically at some frequency times per second, which should be adequate
called the sampling frequency or a time for virtually all loops in the process
called the cycle time. This has two industries, though again it may not provide
potentially harmful effects on performance. adequate derivative response for the faster
It introduces a potentially undesirable lag in loops.
the system with the result that digital
control is slower than analog control. The Suppose a device had a cycle time of one
other potentially har·mful effect is that it second. If it measured and instantly
throws away information that might be produced an output . based on that
needed. measurement, the effective dead time would
be half that, or 0.5 seconds. If however, it
For the lag, it introduces an incremental measured, then calculated, then produced an
effective dead time of between half the output one second later (right before the
cycle time and 1.5 times the cycle time. next measurement) then the effective dead
Applying the rules for perfo1·1nance that I time would be 1.5 seconds. The incremental
have discussed before, a sampling period of effective dead time added is thus half the
0.25 seconds (4 times per second) will be cycle time plus the full time between the ,,

adequate for most loops unless derivative sample and the output based on that sample. '..'

action is to be applied. In this case other '

'' •


Chapter 9, Potpourri 75
·. •·· .. . . ·.. Aliased signal 60-Hz signal
· · · •..from samples
' .~ . '

'' /


0.02 ' . 0.04 0.08 0.1 Tlltle(s)

'' /

'' /

' ...... ..... __ ..... ' ,, '

50-Hz samples

Figure 9.2. If a cycle is not sampled often enough it will look like a longer cycle, and create havoc.

There is another consideration if the cycle relatively fast processes, the use of
time is · long relative to the potential derivative action in a digital controller is not
variations .· in the · process, whether these recommended. It probably is not doing what
variations be noise or real. Imagine these it is supposed to do.
variations to have periodicity. Then the
sampling system . should sample several These notes are not intended to provide
times (5 or lO)>during one of these periods. adequate training in deciding when the
If it samples fewer than twice, then a sampling frequency is sufficient to avoid
potentially very· serious numerical-type aliasing, but rather are intended only to alert
problem called aliasing arises. Figure 9.1 you to the fact that sampling introduces
demonstrates the problem. problems beyond the simple · · . lags
introduced. ··

If . a digital contro.ller is configured · t-0

duplicate the (unctionality of an· analog
controller, it is probably safe to say that it
only approaches but never quite reaches the
dynamic ·· perfo1·n1ance of an analog
controller. In many cases, and perhaps most,
If a sine wave is sampled less than twice per the difference is too small to see. The
cycle, a much slower cycle will appear to problem arises, if it does at all, when the
be present, and this can really confuse a sampling rate is slowed down to allow one
controller. In essence, all of the information microprocessor to handle many loops. This
in the variations that are going on too fast becomes an economic decision. Does the
for the sampling rate to reconstruct properly •

economy achieved by using one CPU

is pushed over into longer periods. The (central processing unit) cost anything in
results can · be disastrous if there is reduced perfo1·mance? It is seldom possible
significant variability that is happening too to assign a dollar value . to reduced
fast for the sampling system to reconstruct. perfor111ance. My suspicion is that the
This is a special consideration when selection of most sampling rates is based on
providing digital derivative action, as the what is available, and the perfo1n1ance falls
sampling rate has to be significantly higher out as a by-product.
than the derivative time setting. For

76 Chapter 9, Potpourri

Sometimes, sometimes. typically slow loops. Frequently the source

of a disturbance is a mystery or cannot be
Sometimes the disturbance to a control agreed upon, and the measurement itself
loop is known, and sometimes it is not. may be suspect. It would be very difficult to
Sometimes the effect of the disturbance is determine whether a loop is perfo1·1ning as
known and sometimes it is not. All of which well as it can without retuning. If the natural
makes an otherwise almost exact science period is already known, then perhaps some
into something of an art. How is it possible judgment could be made using the concept
to look at some recording charts and decide presented in figure 3 .3 .
anything about anything? Well, sometimes
it's easy and sometimes it's next to Between these two extremes is a lot of
impossible. territory. Experience can be a key
ingredient. If a control system has been
Let's take an easy one first. Consider a giving excellent performance and then it is
simple flow control loop. The only. process poor, the temptation is to look for a
reasons for flow changing are a change in coincident cause. If a control system has
either upstream or downstream pressure been drawing straight lines and then appears
(unless the flow is ''critical,'' in which case to be drawing somewhat less straight lines
only the upstream pressure applies). - well, it just is hard to make any general
Frequently there is knowledge about these comment. You need to use all the
changes, or the potential for change, so knowledge you have gained on what affects
there is knowledge about the upset or the perfonnance of a loop.
potential for upset. Since the flow loop will
be fast, any effects that last very long can be · Probably the first consideration is to put the
judged as unnecessary and fixable by tuning loop on manual, to see if things get better or
or by hardware improvements. worse. This · is easier to do in some
situations than others. It is an alternative to
At the other extreme might be a keep in mind. It is particularly helpful in
composition control system. These are situations where interaction is suspected.
Chapter 9, Potpourri 77

Occasionally the desired '~~.. for .the in filtering or dampening noisy

controller cannot be set because of a aoisy. . measurements is to reduce what you don't
measurement. If the desired gain were used, want and keep what you do want. The first
the valve would move too much and order lag is called a ''low pass'' filter. It
actually make things worse instead of better. passes (does not dampen) a low frequency
In addition there is excessive wear and tear variation; it attenuates high frequencies. So
on the valve and excessive instrument air if a decision is made to use a first order lag
consumption. Sometimes this is an easy for dampening noisy measurements, this
problem to solve and sometimes it isn't. involves an implied decision that a
This section will deal·· with the use of the separation can be made between desired
first order lag ·and with the Moore Products signal and undesired signal on the basis of
inverse derivative unit to combat this frequency (period).
problem. •Elegant options that might be
available with a computer are omitted. The This separation between what is attenuated
filter time setting is a first order lag, and and what is not is not abrupt. That is, the
therefore is ·not considered elegant. It is filter does not, for instance, ''pass'' one cycle
almost specifically for this purpose. per minute and greatly attenuate 1.1 cpm.
The noise usually is not composed of a
single frequency anyway, but rather has
several components. For the uninitiated, try
to think of filtering sections of the noise
signal with sections of sine waves of
different frequencies. This will usually give
-:-:-,--o-,_:-_- ,---
-__,_-: _, -_.- ------. _-_,-:: .-:::::"' :: --__
' - ___

an adequate feel to make the necessary

The first order lag is widely used because it
is relatively easy to implement and is well A simplified formula · for the attenuation
understood. Some instruments, especially characteristic of a first order lag is:
transmitters, are built with adjustable
dampening, and this is almost always a first Output amplitude P
order lag. It is very easy to approximate ---"---=---- = - -
Input amplitude 6.28T
with digital equipment, requiring minimal
storage and operations. To appreciate the
Where: P = Period, same time units as T
dampening characteristics of a first order
T = Time constant of filter
lag it is desirable. and almost necessary to
think in te1·1ns of frequency or period. While
This is not the whole story, for the ratio
its behavior has been explained in its time
cannot be greater than one. So this formula
response (figure 4.5), it is far more helpful
applies only if P is less than 6.28T. Even
to understand its response to cyclic upsets.
that is not the whole story, but if all you are
interested in is getting some meaningful
In the time domain the observed reading is
attenuation, that is all you need to know.
always changing at a rate such that it
The full story is in the equation for
would get to the true value in one time
amplitude ratio given in chapter 4, in the
constant. That says it all, but it is
math/algebra section for the first order lag.
inforrnation that is hard to apply. The trick
It is repeated in this section. The problem
78 Chapter 9, Potpourri

is that to get the attenuation you also If your loop is of the pneumatic vintage you
introduce a lag that will affect the· might consider · · the Moore Products
apparent dead time and · hence the pneumatic ·relay, Model 59&,:,,which they•

performance of the loop. call a reverse action derivative relay. It will

reduce the high frequency amplitudes by a
In summary, it is generally acceptable to use factor of 6. A time adjustment on it is then
a first order lag to dampen noise when the set· to determine what frequencies are· not
periodicity of the noise is much shorter than attenuated. Its advantages are hard to
the natural period. As these periods explain without recourse to frequency
approach each other, the disadvantages may response analysis. It is included in this
outweigh the advantages. Incidentally, there discussion because it is easily implemented.
is no objection to dampening a· recording It is no1·mally placed in the output of the
only, to make a chart more · readable. controller, but occasionally on the input.· It
Dampen it as much as you like, but can, under special situations, minimize the
remember that the truth is worse than meets effect the filter has on the natural period. ·If
the eye. you are in the versatile world of digital
control· other options are available that are
beyond the scope of this booklet.

· In chapter 4 the amplitude ratio for a first

What can be done when the periodicity of order lag, Which is what a simple filter is,
the noise is near the natural period? . was given as:
Frequently a good compromise is to reduce
the gain and integral time together. If the 1
normal tuning rules would have called for a 2
1 +(ro T)
gain of 5 and an integral time of I 0
minutes, try a gain of 3 and 6 minutes of
integral action. Maybe even a gain of 1 and This quantity· is always less than one.
an integral time of 2 minutes would be a For the lag to give significant attenuation
good compromise. Reduce the gain to make the ro T term must bfl significantly larger
the effect of noise acceptable, decrease the than one, in which case
.. the
. above terms
integral time until stability problems arise. approximate these: ·
Or you could also use an integral-only
controller. This approach is not 1
Amplitude ratio= = P
recommended for level loops or other non- ro T 6.28T
self-regulating loops, as it will get you into
The attenuation is the reciprocal of the
cycling troubles in a hurry. amplitude ratio.


I know of no ''by-the-numbers'' approach to improving control

perfortnance. The following might be a broad general approach. The
first ones .are easy to do and frequently cost very little. The last ones
may be impractical to do or cost very much.

0 Check the tuning.

0 Reduce the lags to reduce the natural period.
Seek a faster or sooner measurement.
0 Use cascade control.
0 Use feedforward.
0 Other?

0 Retune other controllers to help attenuate disturbances.

0 Perhaps use a new control loop to hold disturbances in check.

0 Make the process faster, such as mixing hot and cold to control
temperature, rather than using a heat exchanger, or putting a
recirculating pump on a jacket fluid, rather than having it be just a

0 Improve the inherent self-regulation of the process, such as using a

larger tank to absorb the energy of the disturbance better.



of fittin the time and a1nount arameters of the controller to the
time an amount parameters of e process. An open-loop test of the
process yields the needed parameters, and sim le tuning rules based
on these parameters have roven to apply wel to a large ortion of
industrial control loops. unin parameters can also be eter111ined
from a closed-loop test, thou the test is not as thorough. For a
large family of loops it is possible to predict what is likely to happen
to performance when the process changes or when~ the tuning
adjustments are set differently.
ALL CONTROL LOOPS WILL CYCLE ifthe controller gain is
high enough. The period of this cycle is called the natural period, and
it largely determines the potential perfor1nance of the loop. The
shorter the eriod the better. The natural period in turn is closely
linked to e apparent (or real) dead time in the loop. It is
aradoxical that tlie natural period is not determined b the lar est
ags in the loop, but rather by the dead time and the sma ler lags. e
potential performance of a loop is limited by certain lags in the loop,
and trying to eke out better performance through tuning is often an
exercise in futility.
TIGHT CONTROL. This may not always be the objective. Many,
and perha s most, loo s do not need to be tuned tightly. However all
loops nee to be tune as part of the process of puttin~ the controller
into operation. Most loops respond to chan es in tuning parameters
much like the response curves given in c apter 2. Consideration
should be given, when contemplating retuning a loo , to what the
justification for the effort is, and whether the desire improvement
can reasonably be expected from tuning.
to not behave in the typical fashion. It is important to recognize
these, for failure to do so can result in detuning a loop, not to
mention a loss of faith in the scientific approach. You will not have
to tune many loops before you run into one of these gremlins.
new to you. They do work, and the method of understanding loop
performance will allow you to converse with others on a common
~ound, sharing your experiences. Otherwise tuning is just one
isolated hit-or-miss experience after another.
. .

' . -._,
'- -


. ..

. . .

- . - - ·-,-;--.-

The definitions. marked below with. an asterisk (*) have been reprinted by' permission, .from
Comprehensive Dicti'9nary of Measurement and Control, 2nd Edition, by W. H. Cubberly,
copyright 1991, In$t:t ument Society of America. Some of the tertns have broad meanings, in
which case only those meanings which most apply to the use in this booklet have been copied.

Averaging level control A description of Dead band * The range through which an
the tuning method which allows the volume input may be changed without initiating an
of a tank to be used as a surge capacity, observable change in output. There · are
rather than sending upsets on to the other separate and distinct input-output relation-
parts of a process, as would happen if the ships for increasing and decreasing input
level loop were tuned by the typical tuning signals.
Derivative action * A type of control-sys-
Capacitance· The ability of a system or de- tem . action · in which a predetertnined
vice to store energy. relation exists ·between the position of the
final control element and the derivative of
Closed loop (feedback loop) See loop, the controlled variable with respect to time.
closed. :
: .
' -- '

Derivative time * In proportional-plus-de-

Conditional stability * 1. A linear system rivative control ·action, for · a ·unit ramp
is considered conditionally stable if it is signal input, . the advance in time of the
stable for a certain interval of values of the output signal· (after transients . have
open-loop gain, and unstable for certain subsided) caused · by · ·derivative control
lower and higher values. 2. The property of action, as compared with the output signal
a controlled process by which it can func- due to proportional control action only. .·
tion in either a stable or unstable mode, de- •

pending on conditil>lis imposed.'·· •· ·. Desired value See value, desired.

. .
' . -'

Control algorithm * A mathematical repre- . DCS ·A. digital control system.

. ,,._
.. ., - _ _ _,.,_ , ,. . ..
sentation of the control action ·to be·: per.
__ ·
·c·~-- _.,

formed. ·.·· ·· :: .·. :

Disturbance * An undesired change in a
variable applied to a system which tends to
Controller gain See gain, controller. affect adversely the value of· a controlled
Cycle time * 1. The time required by a
computer to read from or write into the sys- Error * 5. In a single autotnatic control
tem memory. If system memory is core, the loop, the setpoint · minus the controlled
read cycle time includes a write-after-read variable measurement.
(restore) subcycle. 2. Cycle time is often
used as a measure of computer performance, Filter time The time constant applied to
since this is a measure of the time to fetch the measured variable before it is introduced
an instruction. to the controller.

84 Glossary

Gain, controller The ratio of a change in Lag * 1. A relative measure of the time
the output to a change in either the con- delay between two events, states, or mecha-

trolled variable or the setpoint. n1sms.

Gain, ultimate The controller gain which Limit cycle A cycle whose amplitude is
will maintain the loop in a continuous cycle limited, typically because of some nonlin-
of constant amplitude, without depending earity in the loop.
on nonlinearities to limit the amplitude. All . •

Linear * The type of relationship which

other controller functions, such as integral •

and derivative action must be not it effect. exists between two variables when the ratio
of the value of one variable to the corre- ·~
Gain, process Unless otherwise defmed in · sponding value of the other is constant over
context, it is the steady state ratio of the the entire range of possible values. l.,
output of a process to a change in its input. •

It will always have units. Load change The same as a disturbance. ••

IAE * Integral absolute error.. A measure Loop, closed (feedback loop) * A signal
' '.j

of controller error defined by the integral of path which includes a forward path, a feed-
the absolute value of a time-dependent error back path and a summing point, and for111s a l
function; used in tuning automatic control- closed circuit. •
ler to respond properly to process transients. •

See also ITAE. Loop, open * A signal path without feed- •

IE The integral of the error. It is a measure
of the performance of a control loop to Non-self-regulating The opposite of self-
disturbances or setpoint changes, but posi- regulating.
tive errors cancel negative errors.
Open-loop unstable The same as ·condi-
ITAE * Integral time absolute error. A tionally stable.
measure of the controller error defined by
the integral of the product of time and the Period, natural The period of the cycle
absolute value of a time-dependent error present when the ultimate gain is in effect.
function; whereas the absolute value pre-
vents opposite excursions in the process Period, ultimate The same as natural
variable from canceling each other, the mul- period.
tiplication by time places a more severe
penalty on sustained transients. PID action * A mode of control action in
which proportional, integral and derivative
Integral action * A type of controller func- action are combined.
tion where the output (control) signal or
action is a time integral of the input (sensor) Proportional action That part of a control-
signal. ler's action which produces a change in the
output in proportion to a change in the con-
Integral time In a proportional...plus-inte- trolled variable.
gral controller it is the time, in an open-loop
test, for the controller, while integrating the Proportional gain See gain, controller.
error, to cause an output change equal to the
proportional change, when introducing an Proportional band * 1. The change in in-
error from an initial zero-error state. put required to produce a full range change
in output due to proportional action. It is
Inverse response * The dynamic character- reciprocally related to proportional gain.
istic of a process by which its output re-
sponds to an input change by moving in- Ramp A word used to describe a parameter
itially in one direction but finally in another. which is changing at a constant rate relative
to time.


Rate action * 1. Another name for the de- Self-regulating * the property of a process
rivative control mode. or machine which per111its attainment of
equilibrium , after a disturbance, without the
intervention of a controller .

. Steady.state * A characteristic of a condi-

Reaction curve Another name for the step tion, such as a value, rate, periodicity, or
response curve. amplitude, exhibiting only negligible
change over an arbitrarily long period of
Reset action Another name for integral time. It may describe a condition in which

action. some characteristics are static, others
Reset rate The: reciprocal of reset time or
integral time. Step change * The change from one value
to another in a single increment in negligi-
Reset time Another name for integral time. ble time.

Response, step * The total (transient plus Step response See response, step.
steady-state) time response resulting from a ·'

sudden change from one constant level of Time constant For a first-order lag, the
input to another. time to reach 63.2% of the final value in re-
sponse to a step change.
Sampling rate * For a given measurement,
the number of times it is sampled per sec- Value, desired * In process instrumenta-
ond in a time-division-multiplexed system. tion, the value of the controlled variable
Typically it is at least five times the highest wanted or chosen. The desired value equals
data frequency of the measurement. the ideal value in an idealized system.

Velocity limiting * A limit which the rate

of change of a specified variable may not

,, •'" '•
,- ..·. •'
·-~-- .' •, '
:-.·: - ~-
:-:-:'; ·''',_.

-- __

....-. --:-,·:~:: !il!ii'::'':·-·- :.:.:':~~'i~}-::··
,.,, '
--, '
' :>;.:.>:::·
-- _-, ,- '· - ----

' ,,

Graphical Illustration that P = 2L


r -, Process Pure
Dead Time Controlled
I Set +
I Variable
I Point
Kc L

I ..J



Point I This curve is
#1 repeated from
bottom of page.
I I I I No. 2 is No. 1
#2 multiplied by
proportional gain.
I I I I (Kc= 1/2)
I l
I L P = 2L
#3 I No. 3 is #2 delayed
by L, and multiplied
I I by process gain.
(Kp = 2, arbitrarily)
I I I NoteP=2L

I No. 1 is the
Point I I inverse of No. 3,
#4 I for correct control
action. Note this
is -180° phase
related to No. 3


Graphical Illustration that P = 4L

Controll19r Process
r-- - --- --
Pure Integrator
1 Kc
I Point
L,_ _ _

Point I I I I This curve is

#1 repeated from

bottom of page.

Point I I I I No. 2 is No. 1
#2 multiplied by
I proportional gain.
I I (Kc= 2)
• I I
No. 3 is No. 2
Point I delayed by dead
time, L. Assume
process gain for
I I I I this part = 1. Note
I 90° phase lag.
P = 4L No. 4 is changing
I I I I at its maximum
Point I rate when No. 3 is
#4 I I I at its maximum
I I I I and is not
I changing at all
I I I when No. 3 is
I •.· ! I
zero. Note the
> .
90° phase lag and
I I an arbitrary
I I I attenuation of 2.
I I No. 1 is the

Point .1
I I inverse of No. 4,
I I for correct control
#1 action.· Note this •
is a 180° phase


The first edition of this boo . s self-publi•~· I didn't expect to do that but I did. It sold
close to 17,000 copies! This secon is tnott._. tvliceal -- _- and I had so much fun
publishing the first that I'm looking forward Tu this expe1·icnee. I '. ~ '~ ~ tho ex
treatment of the subject useful. With the fourth printing of the second edition the• booklet has
now sold more than 22,000 copies.

Reader Feedback
If you care to make any comments about this booklet, I would be y to hear fr01n you. And if
there is ever a second printing, I will consider incorporating your suggestions. I have left some
white space to help in that regard. I fully realize I have experienced only a part of the total field
of feedback control. c- ,

If you think this booklet has been helpful I would appreciate your passing the word along. I am





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David W. St. Clair

. .
Balwyn, Victoria 3103
Ph 03 98 16 3333, Fax 03 9857 5057

3 Bridle Brook Lane
Newark, DE 197 11 -2003
(302) 731-4699, fax (302) 454-8599
E-mai l: dwstclair@aol.com
Home Page: http://members.aol.com/pidcontrol/booklet.html

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