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Medusa gets punished for being raped by Poseidon.

Perseus has to accomplish a mission, a classic coming-of-age story. He is the son of Zeus and Danae.
Perseus gets washed up in Serifos. The King wants him dead. He sets off on a quest to save his mum
from marrying the King.

Hermes delivers a message from Zeus to help Perseus.

The Sword of Zeus

The Shield of Athena

The Helmet of Hades

The Stygian Nymphs can help Perseus. The Graeae Sisters tell him where to find them.

Perseus’s intelligence was what separated him from other people who failed.

Snakes were created by dropping blood from Medusa’s head over the desert.

The end …Perseus presents Medusa’s head to Athena after turning King Serifos to stone and saving
his mum.

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