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Regular exercise can improve cardiorespiratory function and reduce the risk of chronic
diseases. However, intense exercise can cause an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant
system due to the increase in muscle oxygen consumption during exercise. The accumulation of free
radicals can impair cell function and cause tissue injury, such as liver tissue. The aim of this study is to
investigate the effect of single and repeated swimming exercise on liver tissue in rats.

Methods. Twenty seven wistar rats were divided into three groups: control (C) group, single swimming
(SS) group (45 min) and repeated swimming (RS) group (45 min for 7 days). Blood samples were taken
before and after swimming exercise. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzyme activity were measured in
plasma. After swimming exercise, liver tissues were dissected for histospathological analysis. The data
was analyzed by paired-samples T test, One-way Anova test, and Post-Hoc LSD test in SPSS 23.

Result. The results showed that there was no significant difference in ALT enzyme activity before and
after swimming exercise in SS group (p=0,807) and RS group (p=0,879). Histopathological feature
showed cloudy swelling, hidropic degeneration and necrosis of hepatocyte in SS group and RS group.
Histopathological analysis showed that SS group had higher histopathological score than C group
(p=0,000) and RS group (p=0.000).

Conclusion. This study demonstrated that single and repeated swimming exercise induce injury of
hepatocytes and the injury of hepatocytes in single swimming exercise was more severe than repeated
swimming exercise. However, due to limited sample size, further research is needed to confirm our

Exercise is a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily
movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness. Intense
exercise can cause an imbalance between the body’s oxidation and antioxidation system, thus
leads to the accumulation of
reactive free radicals.

Excessive exercise can increase free radicals in the body due to the increase in muscle
oxygen consumption during exercise consumption of oxygen in the muscles during
exercise, resulting a decrease in oxygen consumption in the liver. These circumstances lead to an
increase in free radicals, causing an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant system. The
accumulation of free radicals in the body can impair cell function and components of liver cells,
resulting in increased permeability of liver cells, so the enzyme activity of ALT exit into the
bloodstream.This study aimed to compare the effect of single and repeated swimming exercise to
ALT enzyme activity in plasma male wistar rats.
Methods: this research use pretest and posttest experimental design. Sixteen wistar rats were
randomly divided into 2 experimental groups: single swimming group (45 minutes) and repeated
swimming group ((45 min for 7 days) Blood samples were taken before and after swimming exercise.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzyme activity were measured in plasma. The data was analyzed by
paired-samples T test and independent-samples T test in SPSS 23.

Result. The results showed that there was no significant difference in ALT enzyme activity before and
after swimming exercise in single swimming group (p= 0.138) and repeated swimming group (p=0.339),
and there was no significant difference in ALT enzyme activity before and after swimming exercise
between single swimming group (p= 0.522) and repeated swimming group (p= 0.413)
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that single and repeated swimming exercise with the duration of 45
minutes for each treatment, are not enough to cause significant increase in the ALT enzyme activity.
However, due to limited sample size, further research is needed to confirm our findings.

each induce injury of hepatocytes and the injury of hepatocytes in single swimming exercise was more
severe than repeated swimming exercise. However, due to limited sample size, further research is
needed to confirm our findings.

beban latihan renang tunggal dan berulang dengan durasi 45 menit pada setiap perlakuan, belum
cukup menyebabkan peningkatan enzim ALT secara signifikan pada tikus jantan galur wistar.

swimming exercise load single and repeated with the duration of 45 minutes for each treatment , not enough cause
significant increase in the enzyme ALT in male rats wistar strain .

Sampel darah diambil saat sebelum dan setelah perlakuan latihan renang. aktivitas enzim ALT
diukur didalam plasma darah. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Tes T berpasangan dan Tes T
tidak berpasangan

Keyword: swimming exercise, liver tissue, ALT enzyme activity, histopatological analysis.

Latar belakang Latihan fisik yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh akibat
peningkatan konsumsi oksigen di otot saat olahraga, yang berdampak pada penurunan konsumsi
oksigen di hepar. Keadaan ini menimbulkan peningkatan radikal bebas sehingga terjadi
ketidakseimbangan antara radikal bebas dan antioksidan intrasel. Akumulasi radikal bebas
didalam tubuh dapat merusak fungsi sel dan komponen sel hepar, akibatnya terjadi peningkatan
permeabilitas sel hepar, sehingga ALT keluar menuju aliran darah. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk membandingkan pengaruh beban-latihan renang tunggal dan berulang terhadap aktivitas
enzim ALT pada plasma tikus jantan galur wistar. Metodologi: penelitian ini merupakan jenis
penelitian eksperimental rancang acak lengkap (RAL) dengan desain pra-latihan dan
pasca-latihan. Sebanyak 16 ekor tikus putih jantan galur wistar dibagi secara acak ke
dalam 2 kelompok perlakuan, kelompok 1 yaitu kelompok yang diberikan perlakuan
latihan renang sebanyak satu kali pada hari ke-7 dengan durasi renang 45 menit. Kelompok 2
yaitu kelompok yang diberikan perlakuan latihan renang sebanyak tujuh kali dengan interval 24
jam selama 7 hari, dengan durasi renang masing-masing 45 menit. Hasil: hasil analisis pada
penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terjadi perbedaan bermakna pada aktivitas enzim ALT pra-
latihan dan pasca-latihan kelompok perlakuan latihan renang tunggal dan kelompok perlakuan
latihan renang berulang. Kesimpulan : beban latihan renang tunggal dan berulang dengan durasi
45 menit pada setiap perlakuan, belum cukup menyebabkan peningkatan enzim ALT secara
signifikan pada tikus jantan galur wistar.
Sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui durasi latihan renang yang
dapat menyebabkan peningkatan aktivitas enzim ALT.

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