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Clasa a XII-a
I. ENGLISH IN USE (75 points)

1. Write one word in each gap: (10 x 2p =20 points)

Throughout the ages, disease has stalked (0) our species. Prehistoric humans must quickly
have learnt (1)………..could be eaten without danger, and how to avoid plants that could
(2)……....about illness. They found leaves, berries and the bark of different trees that could
actually heal wounds and cure the sick, and (3)………..soon became a special skill to
understand natural medicine. Ever (4)………... the dawn of history, medicine men and wise
women have always been expert in treating diseases and have dispensed medicine with ritual
and magic. (5) …………...trial and error they discovered treatments for almost (6)………..
affliction prevalent at the time. The precious recipes for preparations which could relieve
pain, stop fits, sedate or stimulate were (7)………...down from generation to generation, (8)
……….... there was (9)…………... exact understanding of the way in which the medicines
worked. Nevertheless, (10)…………... the power of these primitive medicines, generations
were still ravaged by disease.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change this word and use between 3 and 8 words, including the
word given: (5 x3p=15points)

1. Collecting stamps gives me a lot of pleasure. DERIVE

I ……………………… collecting stamps.

2. Do you mind if I close the window? OBJECT

Do you ……………… the window?

3. We have given winter equipment to all the soldiers. PROVIDED

All the soldiers …………………winter equipment.

4. The day was made extra-special by the contribution of a prominent local celebrity. APART
What………the contribution of a prominent local celebrity.

5. I tried to explain to her what the problem was, but she wasn’t interested. INDIFFERENT
She was……………………… the problem.

3. Complete the numbered spaces with a word formed from the one given in capitals.
(10 x2p =20p)
There can be little that (1).............a homeowner more than discovering they have been
burgled. Even if the thief has only taken a box containing something he (2)........believed to be
valuable but which in fact only contains some family photographs the effect can be devastating.
They may be (3).........to the thief, but these items are considered (4).........by the owner.
Moreover, the owner’s sense of loss is often (5)..........by a feeling of being unsafe as they know
that, in all (6).........., the items will not be found. So what can we do to (7)..........the chance of
our valuables being taken? First of all, burglars prefer homes which are easily (8)..........to them,
so it’s a good idea to take some simple (9)..........such as locking all your windows and doors.
Also, do not (10).........the burglar to break into your house unnoticed by erecting high fences
around your house.



4. Circle the option, A, B, C or D that best fits each gap: (10 x 2p=20 p)

The idea that only an Italian is capable of making the world’s greatest cup of coffee seems to
have been around for ever, so universally is it (1) … today. (2) … it is actually a fairly recent
phenomenon. Emilio Lavazza, who died in 2010, can (3) … much of the credit. He taught the
world not only how to make coffee, but also how to drink it. That may explain why Italy has still
not been invaded by the American coffee-bar chains so ubiquitous (4) … in Europe. Emilio
Lavazza was born in 1932, and was a leading (5) … in the generation of Italian businessmen who
(6) … their family firms in the 1950s. These began to expand rapidly, first around the country
and then abroad as Italy (7)… its long post-war economic expansion. This was the generation
that (8) … the seeds for what has (9) … to be known as ‘Made in Italy’, the (10) … of
companies and brands that make high-quality household and consumer products, from fashion to
food to furniture.

1. A. consented B. agreed C. accepted D. complied

2. A. Yet B. Though C. Whereas D. Whilst
3. A. insist B. claim C. demand D. uphold
4. A. therefore B. wherever C. moreover D. elsewhere
5. A. figure B. symbol C. role D. creature
6. A. enlisted B. joined C. enrolled D. participated
7. A. entertained B. appreciated C. benefited D. enjoyed
8. A. set B. sowed C. laid D. buried
9. A. ended B. come C. finished D. gone
10. A. cluster B. pile C. bundle D. heap
You would like to start a radio station at the college where you are a student. You have decided to send a
proposal to the head teacher, asking for permission and practical assistance. Your proposal should
include the following: (25 p)

 Why you think the radio station would be beneficial;

 What sort of programmes you would begin with;

 What sort of support, practical and financial, you would need (300 words)

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