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Point: Minimum level: Game type: Approximate time: 10 Syllable soup syllables and stress in words with three or four syllables intermediate a look and find puzzle for students working individually (or in pairs) 15 minutes Preparation Make copy ofthe puze fr each member ofthe lass. You may also want to make @copy on ‘an OHP transparency or a large piece of paper. Presentation 4 Wit @ word wih its sylables separated in random ordr on the board, For example, write tomorrow te this mor to row 2 Ack students to make the word out ofthese sylabes {8 Pronounce the word several times and ask students to deny the strongest or stressed sya 4 White the word inthe flowing grid to show the conventions used inthe ‘soup, thai, a circle around the fist sable and a square round the stressed syabe one Conducting the game 1 Give each student a puzzle. Explain that there are 14 words hidden in the grid. The words are horizontal m or vertical 8. The stressed sabes have been removed from the words and placed outside the grid, Al the fist syllables are also outside the grid and begin with capital eters. ‘2 Demonstrate the activity by making two or three of the words in the puzzle. (Use your OHP- transparency o large pce of pape if you have copied the puzle.) The words, once they are discovered, should be circled and the syllables outside the grid should be crossed out. 3 If students have any difficulty getting started after this demonstration, give some or all of the words that they are looking fr. They could also play the game in pais. 4 When students have finished, check answers together. (Again, you can use your HP ‘transparency or large piece of paper.) Drill the pronunciation of the words. Key | (Foe ston] [to pea | (Te —mar ew) (le ]| wi sve | | Toners ton | io || ton Making your own versions 1 Draw a grid. Fill the grid with words separated into sylables. Most dictionaries indicate how ‘words ae divided into sylabes. The words may be writen horizontally or vertically 2 Puta circle around all fist sylabes and a square around al stressed sylables. ‘3 Finally, make a clean copy with the sylables in squares or circles removed from the grand ‘written outside it. Use an inital capital letter forthe first syllable in each word 1 araeits passanig (ana) yeideo) 2921S ISL ul IA ul pueys =e eB} From Pronunciation Games by Mark Hancock © Cambridge University Press 1995 =

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