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CO2 and H2SO4 Consumption in Weathering and Material Transport to the

Ocean, and Their Role in the Global Carbon Balance

Article  in  Marine Chemistry · July 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2006.04.004


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3 authors, including:

Lingling Wu F. T. Mackenzie
University of Waterloo University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


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Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326 – 350

CO2 and H2SO4 consumption in weathering and material transport

to the ocean, and their role in the global carbon balance
Abraham Lerman a,⁎, Lingling Wu a , Fred T. Mackenzie a,b
Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, United States
Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
Received 5 October 2005; received in revised form 28 February 2006; accepted 26 April 2006
Available online 14 July 2006


Consumption of CO2 in mineral weathering reactions is one of the major fluxes in the global carbon cycle that drives the
weathering and transport of its products by surface water from land to the ocean. In the weathering cycle, carbon dioxide, as an acid
derived directly from the atmosphere and(or) remineralization of organic matter in soil, is supplemented by small, but perhaps
regionally important, amounts of sulfuric acid forming in the oxidation of pyrite (FeS2). Reactions of dissolved CO2 and H2SO4 with
carbonate and silicate minerals in continental sediments and crystalline crust produce the bicarbonate ion HCO−3 and release metal
cations, such as the four major cationic components of river water, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+, and dissolved silica to solution.
Depending on the reactions that may either only consume CO2 or uncommonly also produce it, a general relationship describing the
CO2 consumption by weathering reactions with carbonate and silicate minerals is a weathering potential ψ = (net CO2 consumed) /
(HCO−3 produced). The lower values of this ratio, about 0.54, are for carbonate rocks and evaporites, about 0.75 for shales and
sandstones, and 1 for the crystalline igneous continental crust. In an average world river (of which there is more than one estimate of
chemical composition), the mass proportions of the main cations and anions differ from those in the weathering source that consists of
the sediments and part of the continental crust because of the differences in mineral solubilities and dissolution rates. A dissolution
model of a weathering source that consists of 63 wt% average sediment and 37 wt% upper continental crust gives the concentrations of
the major dissolved constituents in an average river that agree very well with the range of composition given by other investigators.
This dissolution model also provides an average CO2 consumption potential of ψ = 0.72 and a sequence of relative stability or order of
persistence in the weathering of the mineral constituents of the sedimentary carbonate, silicate, and evaporitic rocks, and the crustal
silicates. The CO2 consumption rate translates into a weathering flux of about 22 × 1012 mol C/yr, derived mainly from soil–
atmosphere CO2 that forms by decomposition of organic matter in soils. Anthropogenic emissions of SO2 to the atmosphere, as
projected for the future and at the upper bound of the projection, may provide H2SO4 to the continental surface that is 3 to 5 times
greater than the natural H2SO4 production by the oxidation of pyrite in sediments. The higher input rates of H2SO4 may increase the
dissolved ionic solid concentrations in river waters by about 13%, without significantly affecting the CO2 consumption in weathering.
In the global carbon cycle, the CO2 uptake in weathering is comparable to other interreservoir fluxes in the atmosphere–land–ocean
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carbon dioxide; Sulfuric acid; Weathering potential ψ; Sediments; Continental crust; Mineral precipitation; Mineral dissolution rates;
Average river water; Mineral stability series; Carbon fluxes; Carbon cycle

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: alerman@northwestern.edu (A. Lerman).

0304-4203/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 327

1. Introduction environment, on river water composition; and (5) the

pathway and role of the CO2 weathering flux in the
Consumption of CO2 in mineral dissolution and, global carbon cycle at a time scale of 103 to 104 years.
more generally, weathering reactions is one of the major
fluxes in the global carbon cycle that drives the 2. Weathering source: sedimentary and crystalline
weathering process and transport of dissolved solids lithosphere
from the land by surface runoff to the ocean. The very
significant role of this process in the global carbon cycle Chemical weathering reactions between source
is demonstrated by the magnitude of the weathering flux minerals and water result in dissolution and formation
relative to the atmospheric CO2 mass: the residence time of new minerals. The sediments occurring on the
of atmospheric CO2 is short with respect to the CO2 flux continents have to a large extent been deposited or
going into mineral weathering reactions in sediments formed in the oceans of the geologic past and their
and upper continental crust, about 2500 years at the composition is usually classified by lithology or
levels of the atmospheric CO2 concentration between sedimentary rock type, such as the lithologic rock classes
the Last Glacial Maximum, 18,000 yr ago, and the end of the carbonates, shales, sandstones, and evaporites.
of pre-industrial time, about 250 yr ago. CO2 is a natural Each of these sedimentary rock types contains varying
acid that reacts with carbonate and silicate minerals in proportions of minerals that in their chemical composi-
sediments and continental crystalline crust and it is tion are primarily carbonates, silicates, sulfates, sulfides,
supplemented by other acids, such as sulfuric acid chlorides, oxides, and hydroxides. The mineral-water
forming in the oxidation of reduced sulfur minerals weathering reactions release to global rivers and ground-
(mainly pyrite, FeS2), inorganic acids occurring in the waters the four main metal cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and
atmosphere from volcanic eruptions or biogeochemical K+, the anions HCO3−, SO42−, and Cl−, and dissolved
reactions on the land or ocean surface (e.g., sulfuric, silica that comprise the bulk of the dissolved solids in
hydrochloric, and nitric acids), and organic acids freshwater aquatic systems. The mineral sources and
forming by biological processes in soils. In industrial abundances of these major constituents of continental
time, the burning of fossil fuels containing nitrogen and waters in different sedimentary rock types and upper
sulfur increases to a variable extent the concentrations of continental crust are given in Table 1.
acids in the atmosphere, such as H2SO4 and HNO3, that The mineral abundances, as given in Table 1, are calcu-
add acidity to the land surface in certain regional areas lated from the weight-percent concentrations of metal-
as solutes in rain water and dry fallout. The increasing oxides, Cl, sulfide–S, SO3, and CO2 in the four sedimen-
acidity of continental surface waters, documented since tary rock types, and granite and basalt, as given by Li
the late 1930s in Norway and since the 1950s in the U. (2000). The mineral abundances are given in units of moles
S. and other industrialized countries, is evidence of cations in the stoichiometric mineral formula in 1 g of rock.
human-generated acidification of the surface environ- For S, the value in mol/g rock that is shown in Table 1 is
ment. Although the amounts of acids other than CO2 based on the weight-percent of reduced sulfur, in the same
that are added to the land surface at hemispheric to sub- source. Total mass of preserved sediments, 2.09 × 1024 g
continental scales vary considerably because of the (Li, 2000), is within the range of earlier estimates between
differences in population density, distribution of indus- 1.7 × 1024 g (Poldervaart, 1955) and 2.7× 1024 (Ronov,
trial and electricity-generating plants, and other human 1980). The mass fractions of the sediments (63%) and
practices, globally CO2 is the most significant reactant crystalline crust (37%) that are given in Table 1 and used
in mineral weathering on continents. subsequently in our calculations are comparable to those of
In this paper we address the following: (1) general Blatt and Jones (1975), who estimated that 66% of the
relationships between the CO2 demand in weathering of continental surface is underlain by sedimentary rocks with
silicate and carbonate minerals; (2) CO2 demand in the remaining 34% by crystalline rocks.
weathering of sedimentary rocks and continental Five estimates of the outcrop areas of the individual
crystalline crust; (3) chemical composition of an average sedimentary rock types are summarized in Table 2: three
river water as controlled by CO2 and H2SO4 weathering estimates are near 65% of the total land drainage area, but
reactions with the major minerals of the sedimentary and two are considerably different, 46% and 88%; the re-
crystalline crust, and computed by two different mainder of the land surface area is attributed to the
methods that produce internally consistent results; (4) exposures of the various crystalline (plutonic, volcanic,
the effect of global sulfur emissions, taken as an upper metamorphic) and folded-belt rocks. The mass-fraction
bound of anthropogenic addition of sulfuric acid to the estimates are closest to those of Meybeck (1987) that are
328 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

Table 1
Major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+) and pyrite-sulfur (Spyr) in four main sediment classes and upper continental crust
Carbonates Shales Sandstones Evaporites(b) Average Upper Ave. sediment 63wt%
sediment crust(c) and crust 37wt%
Mass (1024 g) and 0.48 0.96 0.44 0.02 1.90 1.12 3.02
sediment mass fraction (%)(a) 25.3% 50.5% 23.2% 1.0% 100%
Mineral components 10− 3 mol cation/g rock
CaCO3 Calcite and dolomite 6.510 0.6782 0.6782 0.2215 2.147 – 1.352
MgCO3 Dolomite component 1.102 0.1148 0.1148 0.0375 0.3635 – 0.2290
CaAl2Si2O8 In albite–anorthite series 0.5091 0.0153 0.1387 – 0.1685 0.7989 0.4017
and other Ca silicates
Mg5Al2 Chlorite in sediments 0.1059 0.5178 0.3516 – 0.3698 0.6575 0.4763
Si3O10(OH)8 and Mg-silicates
NaAlSi3O8 Albite 0.1272 0.3181 0.4639 0.0445 0.3007 1.099 0.5962
KAlSi3O8 K-feldspar (orthoclase) 0.1274 0.6412 0.4162 0.0004 0.4525 0.6646 0.5310
Spyr Pyrite (FeS2) 0.0374 0.0873 0.0624 – 0.06802 – 0.0429
CaSO4 Gypsum or anhydrite 0.1162 0.0412 0.0212 3.140 0.08814 – 0.0555
NaCl Halite 0.0116 0.0240 0.0169 7.116 0.09386 0.0042 0.0607
KCl Sylvite 0.0675 0.0007107 – 0.0004
MgCl2 0.1114 0.001172 – 0.0007
MgSO4 0.0799 0.0008407 – 0.0005

ψ = (CO2 consumable) / 0.53 0.75 0.74 0.54 0.61 1.00 0.73

(HCO−3 producible)
Note that carbonate, silicate (Ca-, Mg-, Na-, and K-silicates), and evaporite minerals (CaSO4 and NaCl) occur in all sediment classes. Ratio ψ
described in Section 3.
Concentrations of cationic components from weight percent of their oxides (except for Spyr) and masses of the sediment classes as given by Li
(2000, p. 269).
Mineral composition of evaporites was balanced by addition of 3.0% Cl (2.23 × 10− 4 mol/g rock) and 2.6% S (7.99 × 10− 5 mol/g) to make KCl,
MgCl2, and CaSO4.
Upper crust of composition 2/3 granite and 1/3 basalt (Li, 2000, p. 222). Mass of 1.12 × 1024 g is based on density 2.8g/cm3, thickness 2.3 km,
occurring over the area of continents and shelves, 177 × 106 km2. Other variants of chemical composition given by Rudnick and Gao (2003). Upper
crust thickness from seismic evidence is 19 km (Wedepohl, 1995).

based on volume proportions of rocks of Ronov and chemical or mineral composition as these rock types
Yaroshevskiy (1976). In this paper, we use the estimated reported in another study. Furthermore, the preservation
masses of the reactive mineral components in the sed- of sedimentary rocks in the last 500Ma shows similar
iments and continental crust, as given in Table 1, rather relationships of the mass and area as a function of age
than the estimated geographic surface areas of exposure of (Bluth and Kump, 1991), which supports our use of the
the different rock types, for the following reasons. It is in rock masses in computation of the weathering rates, without
general not certain that such descriptive rock terms as introducing additional uncertainties in the estimates of the
“sandstone” or “shale” as used in one study have the same thickness and porosity of the different rock types.

Table 2
Comparison of proportions of different sedimentary rock types on the continents, by percent of the total sediment outcrop area
Sedimentary Meybeck Bluth and Gibbs and Amiotte-Suchet Dürr et Li (2000)
rock type (1987) Kump (1991) Kump (1994) et al. (2003) al. (by mass)
{ 84
Carbonate 24 18 20 21 16 23.2
Evaporite 2 3 – – 1.0
Total land area or drainage area (106 km2) 115.7 147.6 133.2 106.33 133.0 –
TOTAL SEDIMENTS outcrop area 66.1 88.1 45.8 65.0 64.3 –
(% of land area)
Li's (2000) data are by mass.
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 329

The carbonate mineral components, CaCO3 and composition of the mineral and its abundance, as dem-
MgCO3 (as a component of the mineral dolomite), div- onstrated by such reactions as those given below (e.g.,
alent and monovalent metal silicates, pyrite, and calcium Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971; Drever, 1988, 1997; Ber-
sulfate occur in all sedimentary rocks. NaCl occurs in all ner and Berner, 1996; Faure, 1998):
the sediments as well as in the igneous crust. Relative
abundances of the sedimentary rock types and main min- NaAlSi3 O8 þ CO2 þ 2H2 O
eral groups in continental sediments are shown in Fig. 1. ¼ Naþ þ HCO−3 þ 3SiO2 þ AlðOHÞ3 ð1Þ
The most abundant sedimentary rocks are shales and where Na-silicate albite or K-feldspar KAlSi3O8 reacts
sandstones, which are mainly silicates in their mineral with one CO2 producing one of each Na+ or K+ and
composition. However, because carbonate rocks (lime- HCO3− , and SiO2 and Al(OH)3 that balance the reaction
stones and dolomites) contain silicate minerals in the form as dissolved and(or) solid species. For monovalent-
of clays and sands, and shales and sandstones contain the cation silicates, the ratio of CO2 consumed to HCO3−
carbonate minerals calcite and dolomite, the picture of the formed is 1:1. Similarly, as examples of dissolution of
mineral abundances differs from that of the lithologic divalent-metal silicates, Ca-feldspar anorthite and Mg-
types: the most abundant mineral group is the carbonates, silicates olivine and chlorite show the stoichiometric
(Ca,Mg)CO3, followed by the silicates containing Ca, Mg, relationship 1:1 between the CO2 consumed and HCO3−
Na, and K. Ca in sulfates, Na in chlorides, and reduced formed:
sulfur in pyrite (Spyr) each account for about 2 mol % in 1 g
of an average sediment. CaAl2 Si2 O8 þ 2CO2 þ 4H2 O
¼ Ca2þ þ 2HCO−3 þ 2SiO2 þ 2AlðOHÞ3 ð2Þ
3. Potential CO2 consumption by the weathering
Mg2 SiO4 þ 4CO2 þ 2H2 O
Reactions between dissolved CO2 and minerals ¼ 2Mg2þ þ 4HCO−3 þ SiO2 ð3Þ
containing the common alkali and alkaline-earth metals
Na, K, Mg, and Ca produce negatively charged bicarbo- Mg5 Al2 Si3 O10 ðOHÞ8 þ 10CO2 þ 4H2 O
nate and carbonate ions that neutralize the positive ¼ 5Mg2þ þ 10HCO−3 þ 3SiO2 þ 2AlðOHÞ3 ð4Þ
cation charges in solution and create alkalinity. The
most frequently cited examples of this process are It should be noted that the preceding reactions rep-
dissolution reactions of CaCO3, as a generic proxy for resent congruent dissolution with respect to the cations:
carbonates, and CaSiO3, as a generic notation for Ca and for example, if a K- or Mg-containing clay mineral forms
Mg in a silicate: as a weathering product of a K-feldspar or Mg-silicate and
the clay also weathers by dissolution, then the balance of
CaCO3 +CO2 +H2O=Ca2+ + 2HCO3− the K+ or Mg2+-ion released congruently would be the
CaSiO3 + 2CO2 +H2O=Ca2+ +2HCO3− +SiO2 same and there would be no net effect on the CO2
3CO2 4HCO3− consumption. However, if clay minerals forming by
removal of such main cations as Mg2+, K+, and Na+ from
In the above, two bicarbonate ions, 2HCO3−, are water (Faure, 1998) were not undergoing further
produced in each reaction, but the dissolution of CaCO3 dissolution, then the cation masses released would be
requires one CO2, whereas dissolution of the calcium smaller and the potential uptake of CO2 in silicate
silicate requires 2CO2. Thus the dissolution of a diva- weathering would also be smaller. There is a considerable
lent-metal carbonate consumes CO2 and produces variation in the estimates of the masses and kinds of clay
HCO3− in the ratio of [CO2]/[HCO3−] = 1:2 and dissolu- minerals occurring in sedimentary rocks that are based on
tion of a divalent-metal silicate consumes CO2 and either observational evidence or mineral-precipitation and
produces HCO3− in the ratio of [CO2]/[HCO3−] = 1:1. If reaction models (e.g., Shaw and Weaver, 1965; Garrels
these two minerals occurred in equal proportions in a and Mackenzie, 1967, 1971). The end products of the
rock, their weathering would consume 3CO2 and weathering process include cation-free clays, such as
produce 4HCO3−, making the CO2 consumption 75% kaolinite, and mineral oxyhydroxides, and it is difficult to
of both the bicarbonate and the cation mol-equivalents determine the effects on the net CO2 uptake in weathering
produced (2 mol Ca2+ are 4 mol-equivalents): of the cation-bearing clays after their formation from
In dissolution of common silicate minerals, the mass parent silicate minerals, because the subsequent dissolu-
of CO2 consumed depends both on the stoichiometric tion behavior of the clays is not sufficiently well-known.
330 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

Sulfates 2.2% Sulfides

Evaporites 1% Chlorides 1.7%

Shale silicates Ca,Mg-carbonates

51% 31.9% 61.9%


Average sediment by Average sediment by mineral groups

sedimentary rock type (wt %) (cation or Spyr mol % in 1 g rock)

Fig. 1. Composition of an average sediment by sedimentary rock types and by mineral groups based on chemical composition: carbonates, (Ca,Mg)
CO3; silicates of Ca, Mg, Na, and K; sulfates, mostly CaSO4; chlorides, mainly NaCl with minor additions of MgCl2 and KCl; sulfides taken here as
pyrite, FeS2. From data in Li (2000).

Sediments contain reduced sulfur associated mostly produced by dissolution of carbonate minerals without
with pyrite (FeS2) that produces sulfuric acid when CO2 consumption or CO2 is produced in weathering.
pyrite is oxidized (Stumm and Morgan, 1981): Reactions of H2SO4 with divalent and monovalent-
cation silicates produce cation/acid ratios of 1:1 and 2:1,
FeS2 þ 3:75O2 þ 3:5H2 O ¼ 2H2 SO4 þ FeðOHÞ3 ð5Þ without CO2 consumption:

Oxidation of pyrite involves transfer of 15 CaAl2 Si2 O8 þ H2 SO4 ¼ Ca2þ þ SO2−

4 þ 2SiO2
electrons in oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and S− 1 to þ 2AlOOH ð8Þ
S+ 6 that are taken up by the 7.5 oxygen atoms.
Sulfuric acid may react with carbonate and silicate
minerals, releasing cations to solution and producing 2NaAlSi3 O8 þ H2 SO4 ¼ 2Naþ þ SO2−
4 þ 6SiO2
HCO3− or CO2 from carbonates in different stoichio- þ 2AlOOH ð9Þ
metric proportions (Mackenzie, 1992; Berner and
Berner, 1996; Drever, personal communication, where SiO2 and AlOOH are shorthand notation for
2005): conservation of silica and alumina in mineral oxides
and hydroxides. More generally, other acids, such as
2CaCO3 þ H2 SO4 ¼ 2Ca2þ þ 2HCO−3 þ SO2−
4 ð6Þ
hydrochloric acid, HCl from hydrothermal circulation,
or monoprotic organic acids, RCOOH from decom-
position of organic matter, may also react with
CaCO3 þ H2 SO4 ¼ Ca2þ þ SO2−
4 þ H2 O þ CO2 ð7Þ carbonates and generate HCO3− without consumption
of CO2 or produce CO2, similarly to reactions (6) and
If all the pyrite-bound sulfur in sediments (Spyr, (7):
Table 1) is oxidized to H2SO4 that reacts with carbonate
and silicate minerals in the proportions of their
abundance in an average sediment, reactions (6) and
(7) would add SO42− and cations to the water with a
2CaCO3 þ j 2HCl ¼ 2Ca2þ þ 2Cl− þ 2HCO−3
2RCOOH ¼ 2Ca2þ þ 2RCOO− þ 2HCO−3

concomitant formation of HCO3− or CO2 from the

carbonate minerals. In these cases, the bicarbonate is
CaCO3 þ j 2HCl ¼ Ca2þ þ 2Cl− þ H2 O þ CO2
2RCOOH ¼ Ca2þ þ 2RCOO− þ H2 O þ CO2
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 331

The CO2 that can be consumed and HCO3− pro- denudation rate is a measure of either mass (Wm) or
duced by the weathering of carbonate minerals and thickness (Wh) loss of the continental surface (e.g.,
silicates, as given in reactions (1)–(4), can be written as Lerman, 1988):
a ratio:
Cflow Vflow
Wm ¼ ðg m−2 yr−1 Þ ð11Þ
CO2 consumed Sland
w¼ ðmol=molÞ ð10Þ
HCO−3 produced
Parameter ψ is a weathering potential or a measure
of the CO2 consumption in weathering reactions of 10−4 Wm
Wh ¼ ðcm yr−1 Þ ð12Þ
rocks consisting of different proportions of the silicates q
and carbonates that contain monovalent and divalent
metals. For the different sedimentary rock types and where Cflow is the concentration of dissolved solids in
upper continental crust, the values of ψ are shown in riverine flow (g/kg), Vflow is the annual water
Table 1, where they were calculated from the discharge to the oceans (kg/yr or l/yr), Sland is the
concentrations of the individual mineral components. geographic surface area (m2) of land that is drained
For limestones, the ratio is near 0.5 and it is 1.0 for the to the oceans, and ρ is the mean bulk density (g/cm3)
silicate crystalline crust that potentially requires more of the source rocks undergoing weathering. The land
CO2 in weathering because there are no carbonate surface areas that drain to the oceans, also called the
minerals assumed to occur in the crystalline rocks. A external, exorheic or peripheral areas, have been
composite weathering source consisting of 63 wt% variably estimated at 76.1 × 10 6 km 2 (Meybeck,
average sediment and 37% upper continental crust has 2003), 88.6 × 106 km2 (Milliman and Meade, 1983,
a ψ = 0.73. with references to earlier estimates; Berner and
Berner, 1996) to 99.9 × 106 km2 (Meybeck, 1984, p.
4. Global mean weathering rate V-2), excluding Greenland and Antarctica. Annual
water flow from the external drainage area is
Because dissolved and suspended materials trans- 3.74 × 10 16 kg/yr; and with the contribution of
ported by rivers are a primary source of information on melting ice from Greenland and Antarctica it is
the denudation of the continental surface, we briefly 3.97 × 1016 kg/yr (Baumgartner and Reichel, 1975;
summarize in this section the data on which mean global Meybeck, 1979, 1984). A considerably higher
denudation rates are based. Five estimates of the global estimate of the global runoff to the oceans,
mean composition of rivers, variably corrected for 4.7 × 1016 kg/yr, was given by Shiklomanov (1993).
industrial-age pollution and recycling of oceanic salts From the dissolved solids concentrations in average
brought onto the land by seawater spray, are given in rivers (Table 3) that are attributed to rock dissolution,
Table 3. and the other parameters given above, the mean
The bicarbonate ion is the most abundant anion in chemical denudation rate is:
river water and it is mainly derived from the reactions
of metal-silicates and metal-carbonates with atmospher- ð59 to 70Þ  10−3 g=kg  3:74  1016 kg=yr
Wm ¼
ic and(or) soil CO2, and additionally from carbonate ð76 to 100Þ  1012 m2
minerals reacting with sulfuric acid that forms in the
oxidation of mineral pyrite, as discussed in more detail c29 to 26 g m−2 yr−1
in Section 5. Thus part of the sulfate in river water is
derived from sulfide–sulfur, and the major part of A lower value of 22 g m− 2 yr− 1 was given by Holland
sulfate and essentially all of the chloride are mostly (1978). The chemical denudation rate of basaltic rocks in
from dissolution of Ca-sulfates and Na-chloride in Iceland is higher than the mean, 55 g m− 2 yr− 1 (Gíslason
sediments. et al., 1996). The porosity of up to 50 vol% of soils and
Chemical composition of a world average river partly weathered regolith reduces the mineral density of
represents pooled water–mineral reactions within a 2.6 to 2.7 g cm− 3 by 1/2, to a bulk density of about 1.3 g
layer of sediments and crustal rocks of some cm− 3 for dry material. On a global scale, the bulk
thickness, extending over a part of the continental densities of several thousand samples of different soils
surface that drains into the oceans. The chemical fall mostly in a range from 1.2 to 1.7 g/cm3 (Batjes,
332 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

Table 3
Dissolved constituents of five world average rivers
Chemical Global mean Holland (1978), Natural (unpolluted) Natural, corrected Natural, corrected for
species Livingstone (1963), corrected for Meybeck (1979), for pollution and pollution and recycling
Holland (1978) atmospheric input Drever (1988) recycling salts salts (Berner and
(Mackenzie, Berner, 1996, Tables
1992) 5.6, 5.10, 5.11)
mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10− 3 mg/kg 10− 3 mg/kg 10− 3
mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg
Na+ 6.3 4.8 5.15 0.2240 3.66 0.1590 4.47 0.1944
K+ 2.3 2.4 1.3 0.03325 1.25 0.03200 1.29 0.03299
Ca2+ 15 14.8 13.4 0.3343 13.39 0.3340 13.39 0.3341
Mg2+ 4.1 4.0 3.35 0.1378 3.22 0.1325 3.33 0.1370
HCO−3 58.4 54.3 52 0.8522 52.90 0.8670 52.0 0.8522
(18.9)(a) (16.7–18.1)(a) (18.3)(a) (16.2–16.7)(a)
Cl¯ 7.8 5.7 5.75 0.1622 3.19 0.0900 4.76 0.1343
4 11.2 6.7 8.25 0.08588 8.02 0.08350 5.19 0.09185
SiO2 13.1 12.6 10.4 10.4 10.4

Total 118.2 105.3 99.6 96.0 94.8

Total from source rock(b) 69.9 65.0 61.4 59.3
Concentrations reported in the sources cited in mg/kg or mg/liter. Concentrations in mol/kg in italics adjusted to reduce the ionic charge imbalance to b0.1%.
Lower HCO−3 concentration in parentheses is the fraction of total HCO−3 that is derived from dissolution of carbonates, (Ca,Mg)CO3. See also
Table 5.
Carbonate-derived HCO−3 , all other ionic constituents, and SiO2.

1996). The rate Wh, using mean bulk density ρ ≈ 1.3 to dissolved, suspended, and eolian materials deliver
2.5 g/cm3, is: about 24 × 109 ton/yr to the ocean. The suspended-
particle inflow is distributed unevenly over the ocean
10−4  27 g m−2 yr−1 floor, where a major part of the input settles in the
Wh ¼ c2:1 to 1:1  10−3 cm=yr
ð1:3 to 2:5Þ g cm−3 continental margins. Among the compilations of the
dissolved and/or suspended material inputs by rivers to
or about 1 to 2 cm/1000 yr. Propagation of the weathering the ocean (e.g., Milliman and Syvitski, 1992; Ludwig
front at the boundary between soil (saprolite) and parent and Probst, 1998), data are often presented either by
rock of granite and schist has been estimated at between individual rivers and their tributaries or by the individual
0.3 and 3.7 cm/1000 yr (White, 1995, with references), the continents or the major oceans. Without attempting to
latter rates bracketing the preceding estimate of the pass judgement on the variable quality of the riverine
chemical denudation rate. data that are at least to some degree shared and used by
Rivers transport to the oceans between 2.78 and different investigators, we use the data of Meybeck and
4.43 × 109 ton/yr of dissolved materials derived from the Ragu (1995): these list river-mouth geographic coor-
chemical weathering of crystalline and sedimentary dinates and annual water discharge of 472 rivers, of
rocks (Meybeck, 1979, 1984; also in Drever, 1988; which 324 include dissolved and/or particulate loads.
Berner and Berner, 1996). An estimated amount of The total global discharge of these rivers is
particulate matter transported from land at present is 2.65 × 104 km3/yr, which is smaller than the value of
much larger: 13 to 20 × 10 9 ton/yr (Garrels and 3.74 × 104 km3/yr cited in the preceding. Fig. 2 shows
Mackenzie, 1971; Holland, 1978; Milliman and the fluxes of water and particulate and dissolved solids
Syvitski, 1992; Meybeck and Ragu, 1995; Berner and from land to the ocean as a function of geographic
Berner, 1996; Ludwig and Probst, 1998). Global wind- latitude. There is considerable geographic variation in
blown load has been variably estimated as 1.1 ± the dissolved and particulate solid fluxes. The greater
0.5 × 109 ton yr− 1 (Goldberg, 1971), 0.06 × 109 ton transport rates in the zone between the Equator and
yr− 1 (Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971, p. 111), and global latitude 60°N reflect the greater land drainage area and
dust deposition of 0.53 to 0.85 × 109 ton yr− 1 (Prospero, water discharge to the oceans and, possibly, stronger
1981; Rea et al., 1994). Additionally, about 2 × 109 ton chemical and physical weathering in the warmer tropics.
yr− 1 enter the ocean as glacial ice debris (Garrels and The ratios of the particulate to dissolved materials in the
Mackenzie, 1971). Thus the three input fluxes of fluxes that are shown in Fig. 2 vary from a particulate/
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 333

COASTAL ZONE 0 to -200 m 4733 4522 1530

River flow Suspended Dissolved

80° 80° (km 3/yr) solids solids
(10 6 ton/yr) (10 6 ton/yr)

4978 536

60° 60°

4522 1185
40° 40°
71% OF
20° GLOBAL 20°
SHELF AREA 18975 6636
0° 0°
-20° SHELF AREA -20° 4733
-40° -40°
-60° -60° 215

-135° -90° -45° 0° 45° 90° 135° 180°

Fig. 2. World coastal zone in a Mercator projection, and riverine transport of dissolved and suspended solids, latitudes N85° to S75°, in latitudinal
zones North 90°–60°, 60°–30°, 30°–0°, and South 0°–30° and 30°–60° (river data from Meybeck and Ragu, 1995, adjusted for the global river flow
by multiplying their data by the factor 3.74/2.65; see text).

dissolved ratio of about 1:1 in the far northern latitudes silicates (where i = 4, for Ca, Mg, Na, and K, in mol
to 4:1 in the temperate and tropical zones. At these rates cation/g rock), and pj, for those in the carbonates (j = 2,
of physical denudation, the continental drainage area of for Ca and Mg). The cation mol fraction of carbonates, y,
about 800 m mean elevation at present would be in a rock containing both carbonates and silicates is:
reduced to sea level in 10 to 20 million years. Steep P

morphology and high runoff contribute to the high pj

physical denudation rates of the young continental y¼ ð13Þ
4 P
orogenic belts (e.g., Ludwig and Probst, 1998). The rise pi þ pj
of the continental lithosphere counteracts physical i¼1 j¼1

denudation and the present-day physical denudation and the cation mol faction of silicates, with i = 4 for the
rates may be considerably higher than in much of the four major cations, is:
geologic past due to the mountain building in Early P4
Cenozoic time, Pleistocene glaciations, and human land- pi
use activities in the present (Milliman and Meade, 1983; 1−y ¼ 4 ð14Þ
Milliman and Syvitski, 1992). P P 2
pi þ pj
i¼1 j¼1
5. CO2 and H2SO4 in reactions with carbonates and
For Ca- and Mg-carbonates reacting with CO2 and
H2SO4, the CO2 consumption and HCO3− production
depend on the mol fractions of CO2 (x) and sulfuric acid
The consumption of CO2 in the weathering reactions
(1 − x) in a reacting mixture:
of carbonates and silicates and its possible production in
reaction (7) between H2SO4 and carbonates can be CO2 consumed x x
w¼ ¼ ¼ ð15Þ
generalized for the common rock-forming minerals con- HCO−3 produced 2x þ ð1−xÞ 1 þ x
taining the four major alkaline-earth and alkali elements,
Ca, Mg, Na, and K. The ratio of the CO2 consumed to the In the absence of any sulfuric acid in weathering, the
HCO3− produced can be written in terms of the individual CO2 fraction is x = 1 and the ratio for carbonates is
cation concentrations in the rock or pi, for those in the ψ = 0.5, as is also shown in Eq. (10).
334 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

When CO2 (mol fraction x) and H2SO4 (1 − x) react in Fig. 3 on the CO2 consumption/HCO3− production
with a mixture of carbonates (mol fraction y) and silicates ratio for rocks varying in their mineral composition from
(1 − y), the consumption/production ratio depends on pure carbonates to pure silicates. In the absence of acid
whether HCO3− or CO2 is produced in a reaction between (x = 1), pure carbonates (y = 1) have a CO2 consumption/
carbonate and sulfuric acid, as discussed in Section 3. If HCO3− production ratio of 0.5, and pure silicates (y = 0)
the product is HCO3− then its fraction (1 − x)y is produced have the same ratio of 1.0.
from the H2SO4–CaCO3 reaction, 2xy is produced from If the carbonate reaction with H2SO4 produces CO2,
CO2 and CaCO3, and x(1 − y) from CO2 and silicates. its fraction produced is (1 − x)y, and a possible return of
Thus the following ratio ψ1 describes the CO2 uptake in this CO2 to the atmosphere reduces the CO2 consumed
mineral weathering as a function of the CO2 (x) and from x to x − (1 − x)y. The fraction of HCO3− produced is
H2SO4 (1 − x) reacting with the carbonates (y) and CO2 2xy from CO2–carbonate reactions and x(1 − y) from
reacting with the silicates (1 − y; acid reactions with CO2–silicate reactions. In this case, the ratio of net CO2
silicates consume no CO2): consumed to HCO3− produced is:
CO2 consumed xy þ xð1−yÞ CO2 consumed x−ð1−xÞy
w1 ¼ ¼ w2 ¼ ¼
HCO−3 produced 2xy þ xð1−yÞ þ ð1−xÞy HCO−3 produced 2xy þ xð1−yÞ
¼ ð16Þ x−ð1−xÞy
xþy ¼ ð17Þ
xð1 þ yÞ
Eq. (16) describes a case of CaCO3 reaction with
H2SO4 producing the bicarbonate ion HCO3−. The effect In the reaction path of Eq. (17), if the acid fraction is
of acid as part of a reactive mixture with CO2 is shown relatively large, then more CO2 is produced and the CO2

Acid H2SO4 reactive mol fraction (1 - x) CO2

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Silicates y = 0

y = 0.25
ψ = (CO2 consumed)/(HCO3- produced)

- (ψ 1)
y = 0.5
c es .982
du =0
o 6x
pr y=0



0.25 00 (ψ 2





Ca CO2 consumption


CO2 release



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Acid CO2 reactive mol fraction (x) CO2

Fig. 3. Consumption of CO2 and production of HCO−3 in silicates and calcium carbonate reactions with water containing dissolved CO2 and sulfuric
acid, Eqs. (16) and (17) (Lerman and Wu, 2006). y is the cation mol fraction of carbonates in the source rock, x is the CO2 mol fraction in CO2–H2SO4
mix. The point at x = 0.982, y = 0.66 represents an average sediment (Table 1).
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 335

returned to the atmosphere significantly reduces or ratios in the weathering source, taken as an average
even exceeds the amount consumed (ψ2 b 0), as shown sediment (Table 1):
in Fig. 3. However, in a normal weathering environ-
ment where CO2 is the main reactant (x N 0.90), the 1. Sulfide (Spyr) mol fraction of total sulfur (sulfate and
contribution of H2SO4 is small and the values of ψ1 sulfide): 0.244
and ψ2 shown in Fig. 3 are similar. For an average 2. Ca mol fraction of Ca–Mg-carbonates: 0.855
continental sediment, consisting of carbonate rocks, 3. Ca-carbonate mol fraction of Ca-carbonates and Ca-
shales, sandstones, and evaporites in proportions that silicates: 0.927
are given in Table 1 and Fig. 1, the ratio of potentially
consumable CO2 to producible HCO3− is about 0.6: First, in step 1 in Table 4, all Cl− is removed from
the weathering of an average sediment requires 61% river water as NaCl. Next, in step 2, part of the SO42−
of HCO3− to be taken from atmospheric or soil CO2 is removed as S− into pyrite (Spyr) in the proportion of
and the remaining 39% supplied by carbonate the occurrence of Spyr in an average sediment, 0.244,
minerals. However, note that this estimate does not as given in Table 5. However, a smaller fraction of
include the CO2 consumption by the weathering of the 0.11 for pyrite-derived sulfate in rivers was given by
continental crystalline crust, to be discussed in a later Berner and Berner (1996).This is equivalent to
section. 2.035 × 10− 5mol SO42−/kg (Table 5, for the average
river used in the example) that was produced by
6. Rivers: CO2 consumption from oxidation of pyrite and reacted with carbonate and
mineral-precipitation model silicate minerals, releasing metal cations to solution
and forming some HCO3− from the carbonates. We take
The masses of minerals weathering in the global the amounts of cations dissolved from these minerals
sedimentary cycle that produce the composition of a in the stoichiometric proportions of the reactions given
world average river have been estimated by two in Section 3.
main methods: the “backward precipitation” ap- For example, the mass of CaCO3 that is dissolved by
proach that withdraws minerals sequentially from a reaction with H2SO4 is:
the river water, thereby accounting for the mineral
sources (Garrels and Mackenzie, 1967, 1971; 2CaCO3 þ H2 SO4 ¼ 2Ca2þ þ 2HCO−3 þ SO2−
Mackenzie, 1992; Berner and Berner, 1996), and
the “forward dissolution” approach that estimates the where 2Ca2+ are produced for 1SO42− . Accordingly,
proportions of the different mineral components of removal of 1SO42− from solution into pyrite sulfur
the sedimentary and crystalline crust that account Spyr is accompanied by precipitation of 2CaCO3.
for the river water composition (Holland, 1978; Using the sediment abundances and river water
Meybeck, 1987). More recent studies of river sulfate concentration (Tables 1 and 2), the mass of
systems on large subcontinental scales (e.g., Gail- Ca2+ precipitated is
lardet et al., 1999; Huh et al., 1998; Dalai et al.,
2002; Jacobson et al., 2002; Oliver et al., 2003; 2  0:5646  2:035  10−5 mol SO2−
4 =kg
Millot et al., 2003; Mortatti and Probst, 2003) have ¼ 2:298  10−5 mol Ca2þ as CaCO3 =kg
estimated the crustal and sedimentary contributions
on the basis of the ionic and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in This amount is shown in Table 4, step 2b, as
river waters. 2.30 × 10− 5 mol Ca2+/kg. The amount of HCO3− removed
We apply first the “backward precipitation” method in this step is equal to the amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+
of mineral removal uniformly to each of the three removed as carbonates from river water. Using a similar
world average rivers, of compositions as given by procedure, the amounts of silicates dissolved by
Meybeck (1979), Mackenzie (1992), and Berner and reactions with H2SO4 are returned as divalent and
Berner (1996) (Table 3). The sequence of mineral monovalent-cation silicates to the weathering source.
withdrawal is explained below and shown for one Step 3 follows the removal of Spyr and the carbonates
average river in Table 4, where the computational steps and silicates dissolved by sulfuric acid: it is removal of
are similar, but not identical, to those of the authors the remaining SO42− as CaSO4. Because sulfates and
cited above. chlorides dissolve without production of HCO3−, the
Precipitation of individual minerals from an average preceding precipitation steps 1–3 determine the subse-
river water is constrained by the following abundance quent removal of the bicarbonate ion by the remaining
Table 4
Removal of minerals from dissolved ionic components of a world average river (Mackenzie, 1992; Table 2)
Mineral Fraction Fraction
removal Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ Cl− SO2−
4 HCO−3 Precipitated of total of HCO−3
and solution precipitated produced
mol/kg river water
balance Minerals (%) (%)
Start concentration 3.34E-04 1.33E-04 1.59E-04 3.20E-05 9.00E-05 8.35E-05 8.67E-04
1. Removal of NaCl − 9.00E-05 −9.00E-05 9.00E-05 NaCl 13.28

A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

Remaining 3.34E-04 1.33E-04 6.90E-05 3.20E-05 0 8.35E-05 8.67E-04
2. Removal of Spyr and
carbonates and silicates
dissolved by H2SO4
a. Removal of Spyr as SO2−4 − 2.03E-05 2.03E-05 Spyr 3.00
formed from pyrite
b. Removal of Ca and Mg − 2.30E-05 −3.89E-06 − 1.34E-05 − 2.69E-05 2.69E-05 (Ca,Mg)CO3 3.96 3.10
carbonates dissolved
by H2SO4
c. Removal of cation silicates − 9.02E-07 −1.98E-06 − 3.22E-06 − 4.84E-06 − 6.91E-06 1.09E-05 Ca, Mg, 1.61
dissolved by H2SO4 Na, K
Remaining 3.10E-04 1.27E-04 6.58E-05 2.72E-05 6.32E-05 8.40E-04
3. Removal of Ca sulfates − 6.32E-05 − 6.32E-05 6.32E-05 CaSO4 9.32
Remaining 2.47E-04 1.27E-04 6.58E-05 2.72E-05 0 8.40E-04
4. Removal of Ca, − 2.29E-04 −3.88E-05 − 5.36E-04 2.68E-04 (Ca,Mg)CO3 39.50 61.77
Mg carbonates
Remaining 1.80E-05 8.79E-05 3.04E-04
5. Removal of Ca, Mg silicates − 1.80E-05 −8.79E-05 − 2.12E-04 1.06E-04 Ca, Mg 15.61 24.41
6. Removal of Na, K silicates − 6.58E-05 − 2.72E-05 − 9.29E-05 9.29E-05 Na, K 13.71 10.72

Total removed 3.34E-04 1.33E-04 1.59E-04 3.20E-05 9.00E-05 8.35E-05 8.67E-04 6.778E-04 100 100
Remaining 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 337

Table 5
Parameters and stoichiometric relationships for computation of Spyr removed from river water and carbonate and silicate minerals dissolving by
reactions with H2SO4
Mineral component Cation mole Fraction of Cs in Cation removed
fraction in river water reacting with equivalent Spyr
sediment with cation (Cs)
Sulfate and sulfide S Sequential Mineral mol cation/ (ni) mol/kg mol/kg
no. 1 gram rock water water
1 CaCO3 2.147E-03 0.5646 n1Cs 1.149 × 10− 5 2n1Cs 2.298 × 10− 5
Spyr/SO3 in sediment (mol/mol; 2 MgCO3 3.635E-04 0.09562 n2Cs 1.946 × 10− 6 2n2Cs 3.891 × 10− 6
from Li, 2000): =(0.12 / 32.066) /
(0.93 / 80.0642) = 0.322
Spyr fraction of total S = 0.244 3 Ca-silicate 1.685E-04 0.04432 n3Cs 9.017 × 10− 7 n3Cs 9.017 × 10− 7
Spyr from average river of Mackenzie (1992): 4 Mg-silicate 3.698E-04 0.09728 n4Cs 1.979 × 10− 6 n4Cs 1.979 × 10− 6
Cs = 0.244 × [SO2−4 ] = 0.244 × 8.350 × 10
= 2.035 × 10 mol/kg water
5 Na-silicate 3.007E-04 0.07911 n5Cs 1.610 × 10− 6 2n5Cs 3.219 × 10− 6
6 K-silicate 4.525E-04 0.1190 n6Cs 2.422 × 10− 6 2n6Cs 4.844 × 10− 6
Sum 3.802E-03 1.00 2.035 × 10− 5
Reaction stoichiometry is given in Section 3. Data on sediment and river water composition are listed in Tables 1 and 2.

divalent (Ca, Mg) and monovalent (Na, K) cations. In atmospheric CO2 by the whole rock source and
other words, the fractional abundances in the source production of HCO3− by other minerals. After the first
rock of the cations not producing HCO3− , such as in the three steps (1–3) of cation removal into chlorides and
minerals NaCl and CaSO4, affect the consumption of sulfates, as well as reconstitution of the silicates that
Abundance of mineral groups (cation and Spyr mol %)

A B Carbonates
60 Chlorides







Av dim

Fr thr
Av con

er e

om ee

e. tin
ag nt



se en

av rive



di ta

er rs


m lc


en ru



t 6 st


3 37
w %



Fig. 4. A. Mineral composition of an average sediment and of the sediment “precipitated” from three average rivers (R). Removal of elements from
river water into minerals in the same proportions as in an average sediment (Tables 5, 6 and 8). B. Mineral composition of a weathering source
consisting of 63wt% average sediment and 37wt% upper continental crust, and minerals “precipitated” from an average river. Removal of elements
from river water into minerals is in the same proportions as their occurrence in the weathering source.
338 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

reacted with H2SO4 producing no HCO3− and of car- inclusion of the continental crystalline crust in the
bonates that produce only little HCO3−, the remaining weathering source rock, as 37 wt% crust and 63 wt%
cations in river water determine the CO2 consumption average sediment, increases the abundance of silicates,
and HCO3− production with only little dependence on as shown in Fig. 4B. For this source, the mol fraction of
how these cations are partitioned between the carbo- Ca-carbonate in the combined Ca-carbonate and Ca-
nates and silicates. This is so in a system where SiO2 and silicate minerals is smaller than in an average sediment
Al2O3 are stoichiometrically available for making cat- source that is given above in conditions 1–3 (0.927):
ion-aluminosilicates by reactions of cations with disso-
Ca-carbonate mol fraction of Ca-carbonates and
lved or amorphous SiO2, cation-free aluminosilicate
Ca-silicates: 0.771
minerals such as kaolinite, and/or Al-oxyhydroxides.
In the next step 4, Ca and Mg are removed as car- The larger proportions of the cations in silicates in the
bonates, in proportions of their occurrence in an average sediment-plus-crust source are also reflected in a larger
sediment. In Table 4, Ca2+ is removed from river water fraction of silicates in the precipitated minerals. From
into CaCO3 as its fraction of the Ca-carbonate and Ca- the “backward precipitation” method applied uniformly
silicate in sediments: 0.927 × 2.47 × 10− 4 mol/kg wat- to three global average rivers (Meybeck, 1979; Mack-
er = 2.29 × 10− 4 mol Ca2+/kg. Then Mg2+ is removed in enzie, 1992; Berner and Berner, 1996), the CO2 con-
the proportion of its occurrence with Ca2+ in sedimen- sumption in weathering that produces the given river
tary carbonates: (2.29 × 10− 4 mol Ca2+/kg) × 0.145 / composition is given in Table 6 where it is also com-
0.855 = 3.88 × 10− 5 mol Mg2+/kg. pared to the estimates of the authors cited. Our calcu-
In step 5, the remaining Ca and Mg are removed as lated values agree closely with their results. The
silicates into the weathering source, and the final step 6 is calculated CO2 consumption to HCO3− production
the removal Na and K silicates. The results are shown in ratio is ψ1 = 0.66, as shown in Table 6; the three
Fig. 4A as relative proportions of the precipitated authors' estimates are ψ1 = 0.65 to 0.69. Including the
minerals, grouped into carbonates (Ca, Mg), silicates estimates of Holland (1978) and Gaillardet et al. (1999),
(Ca, Mg, Na, K), chlorides (NaCl), sulfates (CaSO4), and the range is ψ1 = 0.63 to 0.69.
sulfides (Spyr). Carbonates are the most abundant It should be noted that the mineral reactions with
minerals in the average sediment source and in the H2SO4 from pyrite oxidation account for about 5% of
calculated source of the three average rivers. However, silicate–mineral dissolution and about 10% of

Table 6
Cation, Spyr, and HCO−3 sources in three world average rivers (mol %)
Meybeck This Mackenzie This Berner and This
(1987) study (1992) study Berner (1996) study
Cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+)
Carbonates 46.7 39.1 45.2 43.5 39.7 39.9
from reaction with CO2 35.4 41.5 39.5 35.9
from sulfuric acid dissolution 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.1
Silicates 37.4 27.9 29.6 30.9 30.7 28.7
from CO2 and Ca-Mg-sil reactions 11.1 14.8 13.7 15.6 15.3
from CO2 and Na-K-sil reactions 26.3 11.6 13.7 13.7 11.7
from sulfuric acid dissolution 1.5 2.1 1.6 1.7
Evaporites 15.9 30.3 22.2 22.6 29.6 28.3
NaCl 9.1 21.6 13.3 13.3 18.6
CaSO4 6.8 8.7 8.9 9.3 9.6
Pyrite S– (oxidized to SO42–) 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.1

HCO3 from carbonates 69.5 64.4 69.1 64.9 62.2 64.2
from Ca and Mg carbonates 65.6 61.2 66.3 61.8 60.7
from sulfuric acid dissolution 3.9 3.2 2.9 3.1 3.5
HCO3– from silicates 30.5 36.3 30.9 35.1 37.8 35.8
from Ca and Mg silicates 26.3 20.1 24.4 25.9
from Na and K silicates 10.0 10.7 10.7 9.9

HCO–3 from atmosphere or soil CO2 65.3 66.2 65.4 66.0 68.9 66.2
HCO–3 from carbonates 34.8 33.8 34.6 34.0 31.1 33.8
Percentages shown are for concentrations in mol/g rock contributing to river water.
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 339

carbonate–mineral dissolution. The results of CO2 source calculated from the river-water composition
consumption given in Table 6 may be compared with (Fig. 4) may be attributed to the differences between
those in Table 1. The differences between the mineral the dissolution rates of individual minerals, as
proportions in an average sediment and the sediment discussed in the next section.

7. Rivers: CO2 consumption in source-rock dissolution and river-water composition

The mass of the continental sediments and upper part of the continental crystalline crust that amounts to 3 × 1024 g or
about 6.5 km in thickness is schematically shown in Fig. 5, spread over the area of the continents and continental shelves,
177 × 106 km2. Only a very small fraction of this mass is dissolved by waters discharging to the oceans. The figure shows
in a different form the well known fact that on a global scale chemical weathering or denudation of the continents is a
much slower process than mechanical denudation and sediment recycling that are discussed in Section 4. An average
sediment or a composite weathering source consisting of an average sediment and the upper part of the continental crust
has a chemical composition that differs significantly from that of an average river water. The compositional differences
between the individual average rivers, an average sediment, and a source consisting of 63% average sediment and 37%
continental crust are apparent in the molar concentration ratios ion/HCO3− that are shown in Fig. 6A. Relative to an
average sediment, river water is variably enriched in Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, Cl− , and SO42−. No single mix of an average
sediment and continental crust satisfies all the ion/HCO3− ratios of the average rivers, and this suggests that river-water
constituents are derived from minerals dissolving at different rates. This essential point of the mineral dissolution
reactions that maintain an average river composition is demonstrated by a mass balance relationship between the supply
of Ca to river water and its removal by river flow. In the weathering rock source, Ca occurs in CaCO3, Ca-silicate, and
CaSO4, and dissolution of these minerals results in a Ca2+-ion concentration in river water, CCa. A balance between the
supply of Ca by dissolution and its removal by river flow can be written as:
ðX Cacarb k Cacarb þ X Casil k Casil þ X Casulf k Casulf ÞM rock ¼ C Ca F river ð18Þ
where XCa-mineral is Ca concentration in the mineral occurring in the source rock (mol Ca/g rock), kmineral is a dissolution
rate parameter of a mineral (yr− 1), Mrock is the rock mass undergoing weathering (g), and Friver is water discharge (kg/yr

Continental sediments and Sedimentary and crustal

part of the upper crust mass in weathering
Limestone Limestone
Mass (1015 gram/year)

0.48×10 24 g
h = 1.1 km Sandstone
2.5 Evaporites 0.02×10
Sandstone h = 0.05 km 63%
0.44×10 24 g
sediment Shale
h = 1.1 km
Mass (1024 gram)

2.0 1

37% Crystalline Crust
1.5 0.96×10 24 g crust

h = 2.2 km 0

Crystalline Crust

0.5 1.12×10 24 g

h = 2.3 km

Fig. 5. The mass of the lithologic constituents of continental sediments and part of the continental upper crust that are the weathering source in a dissolution
model (Table 1 and Fig. 1). On the right is shown the mass transported as dissolved solids by world rivers. Note the difference between the scales of the two
parts of the figure and that the chemical denudation rate is much lower than the physical denudation rate that is discussed in Section 4.
340 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

1.2 Meybeck (1979) Meybeck (1979)

Concentration in average river (10-3 mol/kg)

Ratio Ion/(Source rock HCO3-) (mol/mol)

Berners (1996) Berner & Berner (1996)

Mackenzie (1992) 0.8
Mackenzie (1992)
Ave. sediment Dissolution model
Sed+crust 0.7 of sediment + crust

0.8 0.6



0.4 0.3

0.0 0.0
HCO3- Ca 2+ Na + Mg2+ Cl - SO42- K + HCO 3- Ca 2+ Na + Mg 2+ Cl - SO 4 2- K+

Fig. 6. A. Ratios of cationic and anionic mineral constituents to CO2 in an average sediment and in a composite weathering source consisting of 63 wt%
average sediment and 37% continental upper crust. The HCO−3 in the ion/HCO−3 ratios in rivers is the bicarbonate-ion concentration attributable to rock
dissolution (Table 3). B. Calculated concentrations of the major ions from the weathering of a sediment-plus-crust source and those in the three average rivers.

or m3/yr). From the known Ca-mineral concentrations in different rock types and Ca concentration in river water, the
factors kmineral × Mrock / Friver (g rock/kg river water) are determined empirically and the uptake of CO2 in mineral
dissolution and production of HCO3− is calculated simultaneously. Furthermore, the calculated concentrations of the
individual ions in river water, including HCO3− that is only in part derived from the weathered rock, shown in Fig. 6B, are
within the range of values of the different average river compositions. The calculated river concentrations are for the
weathering of a source consisting of 63 wt% sediments and 37 wt% upper continental crust or, in rounded numbers, 16%
carbonate rocks, 32% shale, 15% sandstone, 1% evaporites, and 37% silicate crust. The agreement between the model
results and the reported average river concentrations is very good in light of the differences between the individual
average river compositions and the uncertainties involved in the composition of an average sediment. A relative
dissolution rate of a mineral can be represented by a factor, greater or smaller than 1 (Table 7), in the following general
sequence from the minerals less resistant to weathering to those more resistant to weathering, as is also shown in Fig. 7:
Chlorides → Sulfates → Pyrite → Mgsilicates → Carbonates → Casilicates → Nasilicates → Ksilicates

The relative dissolution rate factors are analogous to the Goldich stability series of minerals in the weathering cycle
that was applied by Goldich (1938) to the silicates from studies of soil profiles (Pettijohn, 1957; Lerman, 1979; Lasaga,

Table 7
Order of relative dissolution rates in the weathering of an average sediment and upper continental crust, the CaCO3 dissolution rate is taken as 1
Na-, K-, Mg- Ca- Spyr Mg- (Ca,Mg) Ca- Na- K- ψ
chlorides sulfates to silicates CO3 silicates silicates silicates

Dissolution of average ×15.0 ×7.8 ×3.3 ×1.4 ×1 ×1 ×0.6 ×0.4 0.72

sediment + crust(a)
Precipitation of average ×13.7 ×7.7 ×3.2 ×1.4 ×1 ×1 ×0.7 ×0.4 0.72
sediment + crust(b)
ψ is the ratio of CO2 consumed to HCO−3 produced, Eq. (15) and Tables 6 and 8. Details in the text.
From average sediment 63wt% and crystalline crust 37wt%, or 16% carbonate rocks, 32% shale, 15% sandstone, 1% evaporites, 37% upper crust (Fig. 6B).
Removal or precipitation from an average river water of dissolved solids as minerals in the proportions of their occurrence in a weathering source
consisting of 63wt% average sediment and 37 wt% crystalline crust (Fig. 4B).
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 341

Fig. 7. Relative order of mineral resistance to weathering or mineral persistence in a source consisting of 63% average sediment and 37% upper
continental crust that corresponds to ion concentrations in an average river (Fig. 6B). Data in Table 7.

1998) and further developed by Stallard (1988) for igneous and sedimentary minerals from studies of weathering in the
tropical Amazon River basin. The results show that the evaporite mineral chlorides and sulfates dissolve faster than
carbonates, and pyrite is also oxidized faster than carbonate minerals are dissolved. For the silicate minerals, Mg-
silicates weather somewhat faster than carbonates, but Na- and K-silicates slower than carbonates. Among the Ca-, Na,
and K-silicates, the order of stability agrees with the observations of Ca-rich plagioclases dissolving faster than Na-rich
plagioclases. A more detailed discussion of relative susceptibility to weathering of naturally weathered orthosilicates is
given by Velbel (1999). The relative mineral dissolution rates, within their range of values given in Table 7, produce a
mean river composition that is shown by the thick black line in Fig. 6B. These rates also agree well with the relative
mineral masses precipitated from an average river water in the proportions of their occurrence in the sediment-plus-
crust weathering source.
The proportions of the main constituents in an average river water, derived from the dissolution model, are given in
Table 8. The ratio of CO2 consumed to HCO3− produced ψ = 0.72 is higher than 0.65 to 0.69 that was derived from the
mineral precipitation model (Table 6). In the latter, the weathering source rock was taken as an average sediment, but
for a source rock that is richer in metal silicates, more CO2 is consumed, and this is reflected in the value of ψ = 0.72
both in the case of precipitation or dissolution from a mixed source (Figs. 4B and 6).
The rate of chemical denudation of limestones may be estimated from the data in Table 8 and those cited elsewhere in
this paper. Ca2+ concentration in an average river is 13.4 mg/kg, of which a fraction 0.60 is derived from the dissolution of
carbonates (Tables 2 and 8); riverine Mg2+ concentration is 3.3 mg/kg and the fraction derived from carbonates is 0.24.
Outcrop area of the carbonate rocks (limestone and dolomite) is estimated as 0.159 of the land drainage area of 88 ±
12 × 106 km2 (Meybeck, 1987). Using the preceding numbers, the mass weathering rate of the carbonates, taken as CaCO3
and MgCO3, is:
ð0:334  10−3 mol=kg  0:60  100 g=mol þ 0:136  10−3 mol=kg  0:24  84 g=molÞ  3:74  1016 kg yr−1
Wcarbonates ¼
0:159  88  1012 m2
c61 g m−2 yr−1
The latter value is about twice the mean chemical denudation rate that is given in Section 4 and near that of Icelandic
basaltic rocks.

Table 8
Proportions of ionic constituents (mol%) in an average river water derived from a source consisting of 63 wt% average sediment and 37 wt%
crystalline crust (Fig. 5, Table 1)
Balance Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ Cl− SO2−
4 HCO−3
From atmosphere/soil CO2 72
From silicate minerals and CO2 18 71.3 27.6 83.0 46
From carbonate minerals and CO2 59.8 24.4 53 28
From evaporite minerals 19.4 1.6 70.7 2.7 100 75.6
From H2SO4 reactions with carbonate and silicate minerals 2.9 2.7 1.7 14.3 24.4 1
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
342 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

8. Environmental acid forcing One of the estimates of sulfur emission in the year 2015
projects a rise to as high as 100 Mt S/yr or 3.1× 1012 mol S/
8.1. Upper bound of H2SO4 from sulfur emissions yr. For the purpose of demonstrating the potential effect of
H2SO4 on mineral weathering, the latter value may be
In addition to carbon dioxide, other acids in the considered an upper bound of anthropogenic addition of
environment may play variable roles in weathering, such sulfuric acid to the environment. Deposition of sulfuric
as the organic acids in soils and nitric and sulfuric acids. acid on the continental surface consists of a dissolved
The specific effects of such acids on a global scale are not component in atmospheric precipitation and of dry fallout.
well known, but their occurrence and behavior are often Estimates of the global deposition of sulfur in 1990 and of
reported in local environments where pollution from in- its global aerosol production are comparable (Rodhe et al.,
dustrial sources or sulfur emission from volcanic eruptions 1995; Penner et al., 2001), but they do not define the
is significant. During the Industrial Age of the last 200 to amount of sulfuric acid deposition. Furthermore, the
300 years, fossil fuel burning has been the main source of occurrence of sulfuric acid in rain water is difficult to
nitrogen and sulfur oxide (NOx and SO2) emissions to the distinguish from the sulfate ion that may come from other
atmosphere. Some of the oxides become nitric and sulfuric natural sources. Consequently, it should be noted that even
acids, although not all the emitted nitrogen and sulfur if only a fraction of sulfur emissions is converted to
return to the land surface and ocean surface, in particular sulfuric acid, it is likely that at least some of this H2SO4 on
the coastal zone. The parts that return may not all be in the the land surface is neutralized rapidly by reactions with
form of HNO3 and H2SO4; in some of the atmospheric minerals: addition of non-neutralized H2SO4 at a current
precipitation, NH4+ may be a balancing cation for the NO3− rate of about 70 Mt S/yr or 2 × 1012 mol S/yr (Fig. 8) to the
and SO42−. Biological production and decomposition of volume of freshwater lakes of 125 × 103 km3 and(or) the
organic matter involves nitrate and sulfate, and their volume of soil water to depth of 10 m, 121 × 103 km3
subsequent reduction and chemical modification by (Lerman, 1994; Berner and Berner, 1996; Ver, 1998),
bacteria in soils and sediments, from where they are in would add 1.6 to 3.3 × 10− 5 mol H+/kg to continental
part returned to the atmosphere. In the year 2000, the waters and, if not neutralized, make them much more
anthropogenic emissions of N and S to the atmosphere acidic than their range of 3 × 10− 7 to 3 × 10− 8 mol H+/kg
were of a comparable magnitude: about 70 × 106 ton S/yr (pH ≈ 6.5 to 7.5). In local environments and where
(Mt S/yr) or 2.2× 1012 mol S/yr, and about 30 × 106 ton N/ freshwater lakes occur in crystalline-rock drainage basins,
yr or 2.1 × 1012 mol N/yr. Anthropogenic SO2 emissions to the observed water acidification is likely to be a combined
the atmosphere are shown in Fig. 8, projected for the 21st effect of acid deposition and the slow reaction rates of
century according to different scenarios. silicate minerals. Lakes in Scandinavia, Swiss Alps, parts
of Canada, and Eastern United States include many acidic
lakes among several thousand lakes of surface area
150 IS92a b20 km2 (Overton et al., 1986; Lerman, 1979; Berner and
SO2 emissions (106 ton S/yr)

Berner, 1996).
In comparison to the CO2 consumption in weathering,
A2 the consumption of H2SO4 that forms from pyrite
oxidation is much smaller, 0.64 ± 0.15 × 1012 mol S/yr,
A1F1 based on the pyrite-derived fraction of 24.4% of total
dissolved SO42− in average river water (Table 5). The
natural H2SO4 flux from oxidation of pyrite in sediments
B2 is about 3 times smaller than the present anthropogenic
50 SO2 emission flux of about 2 × 1012 mol S/yr and 5 times
smaller than the projected flux of 3.1 × 1012 mol S/yr. An
increasing input of anthropogenic H2SO4 to the
weathering system would result in additional dissolution
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 of metal carbonates and silicates in the sediments and
Year crust, and increase the concentration of dissolved solids
and the sulfate-ion in river water (Fig. 9). On the regional
Fig. 8. Present and projected anthropogenic SO2 emissions to the
atmosphere according to different scenarios of the Intergovernmental
scale, this increased dissolution and change in river water
Panel on Climate Change (scenarios designated by letters and composition due to anthropogenic emissions of S and N
numerals; modified from Nakićenović et al., 2000). have been shown to have occurred in the Eastern United
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 343


SO42- in river water (10-4 mol/kg)

Total ions in river water (mg/kg)

l SO
95 id
93 ad SO 4
o 0.9 d H2
et add
du 2- fro
91 ase
re SO 4
In 0.5 From
At present
87 0.1
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
SO42- flux from FeS2 and added H2SO4 (1012 mol S/yr) SO42- flux from FeS2 and added H2SO4 (1012 mol S/yr)

Fig. 9. Computed results of addition of anthropogenic H2SO4 to the weathering cycle due to greater sulfur emissions. A. Increase in concentration of
total dissolved ions in an average river due to addition of anthropogenic acid taken as an equivalent amount of SO2 emissions. B. Increase in total and
acid-derived SO2− 4 in an average river.

States, a region of significant deposition of anthropo- (Morse and Mackenzie, 1990, p. 270; Canfield and
genic sulfur and nitrogen (Bischoff et al., 1984). Raiswell, 1991). In some cases pyrite formed from the
An estimated upper bound of the input of anthropo- sulfate reduction process may actually replace calcar-
genic sulfuric acid to the weathering cycle would increase eous skeletons in sediments indicating that carbonate
the H2SO4 fraction in the reactive CO2–H2SO4 mix in an mineral dissolution can occur contemporaneously with
average sediment from the present value of 1.8 mol%, that precipitation of pyrite (Canfield and Raiswell, 1991).
is shown in Fig. 3, to 8.6%. However, this addition would Because of production of alkalinity from the sulfate
have only a very small effect on the CO2 consumption/ reduction reaction at some range of depths below the
HCO3− production ratio. This is in agreement with the sediment–water interface (simple reduction of
results from a model simulation by Amiotte-Suchet et al. 0.028 mol/kg of pore water SO42− would produce
(1995) that the global uptake of CO2 would be decreased 56 meq/kg of alkalinity), marine pore waters tend to
by no more than 10%. Thus the consequences of H2SO4 become oversaturated with respect to calcite with
deposition on the continental surface seem to be mainly in increasing depth in the sediment. It also should be
its effects on local water systems and ecological pointed out that the production of alkalinity from the
communities of land plants, and on primary producers sulfate reduction reaction in marine pore waters can
and higher animals in bodies of water. lead to a flux of dissolved inorganic carbon species
out of the sediment and into the overlying water
8.2. Further ties between carbonate and sulfate column, as evidenced by the DIC concentration
gradients in pore water, and it may affect the alka-
As oxidation of the reduced sulfur in pyrite and linity balance of coastal ocean ecosystems (e.g., Dollar
subsequent reactions of H2SO4 with carbonate miner- et al., 1991).
als produce HCO3− or CO2 (Section 3), the possible Various possible reactions between pyrite, calcium
consequences of the reverse process of SO42− reduction carbonate, and organic matter have been discussed by a
on the carbonate balance should be examined. Most number of authors (e.g., Garrels and Perry, Jr., 1974) and
pyrite forms not on land but in marine sediments from the association of these minerals with organic matter can
the well-known process of microbial reduction of be represented by the reactions listed below.
sulfate to sulfide in sediment pore waters (e.g., Berner, Sulfate reduction by organic matter (Berner, 1982):
1982). The formation of pyrite is commonly associ- 2CH2 O þ SO2− −
4 ¼ 2HCO3 þ H2 S ð18aÞ
ated with organic-rich sediments in which bacterial
(Desulfovibrio sp.) reduction of pore water sulfate Calcite precipitation:
using organic carbon as a reducing agent can lead to Ca2þ þ 2HCO−3 ¼ CaCO3 þ CO2 þ 2H2 O ð18bÞ
undersaturation of the pore water with respect to Organic matter formation:
aragonite, and sometimes calcite, during the early
burial stage in sulfate oxidation of organic matter CO2 þ H2 O ¼ CH2 O þ O2 ð18cÞ
344 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

Formation of pyrite (e.g., Sternbeck and Sohlenius, the most abundant anionic species is the bicarbonate ion,
1997): HCO3−, derived in part from the CO2 reacting during
weathering and in part from the dissolution of carbonate
FeðOHÞ3 þ 2H2 S þ 0:25CO2 minerals. A measure of the CO2 uptake, as discussed in
¼ FeS2 þ 0:25CH2 O þ 3:25H2 O ð18dÞ Section 5, is a weathering potential ψ = (CO2 con-
sumed) / (HCO3− produced) that takes into account the
CO2-driven weathering reactions as well as those driven
FeðOHÞ3 þ H2 S ¼ 0:5FeS2 þ 0:5FeðOHÞ2
by H2SO4 that forms in the oxidation of pyrite (FeS2).
þ 2H2 O ð18eÞ
The CO2 uptake in continental weathering and
other major fluxes in the global carbon cycle are
Sum of reactions (18a, b, c, d), with stoichiometric shown in Fig. 10 for the three main domains of the
coefficients balanced: Earth's surface: the atmosphere, land, and ocean. The
atmosphere receives CO2 inputs from volcanism and
FeðOHÞ3 þ 3:75CH2 O þ 2Ca2þ þ 2SO2−
4 emissions due to decarbonation of calcium carbonate and
¼ FeS2 þ 2CaCO3 þ 1:75CO2 þ 5:25H2 O ð19Þ
decomposition of organic matter subducted with oceanic
sediments and buried deep in sedimentary basins. A
The preceding reactions represent combined significant input to the atmosphere is the CO2 flux from the
results of pyrite and CaCO3 formation from the surface ocean, estimated in Fig. 10 for a 50-m thick
reduction of sulfate in water and ferric iron in euphotic zone where most of the biological CaCO3 and
sediments by organic matter. Reaction (19) shows Corg production occurs (references in Lerman and Mack-
that formation of 1 mol pyrite or reduction of 2 mol enzie, 2005). Net storage of carbonate minerals and organic
SO42− is accompanied by precipitation of 2 mol C in matter in sediments at least in part controls the magnitude
CaCO3. and direction of air–sea exchange of CO2. It should be
Global burial rate of pyrite in marine sediments noted that before the beginning of industrial and
was estimated as 1.22 × 1012 mol S/yr (Berner, 1982), agricultural CO2 emissions from land, the calculated
which is nearly twice the amount of S from the CO2 flux indicates that the surface ocean was a CO2
oxidation of pyrite in an average sediment that is source for the atmosphere, as has also been concluded
transported by rivers of pre-industrial composition, by other investigators (e.g., Garrels and Mackenzie,
0.64 × 1012 mol S/yr, mentioned earlier in this section. 1972; Smith and Mackenzie, 1987). At a time scale of
In reaction (19), the precipitated CaCO3 is equal to 104 years since the Last Glacial Maximum, the fluxes
the mass of the pyrite-sulfur stored in sediments that to and out of the surface ocean layer, as given in Fig.
are relatively rich in organic carbon and form in 10, indicate that ocean waters probably have been
anoxic environments where sulfate is reduced. This losing carbon and alkalinity due to the storage of carbon
carbonate mass represents a fraction of 4% to 5% of in sediments and CO2 evasion to the atmosphere in
the global CaCO3 storage in sediments in pre- excess of the inputs. Although such a loss of carbon
industrial time, estimated at between 26 and cannot be sustained on a geologically long time scale, at
32 × 1012 mol C/yr (Milliman, 1993; Berner and a time scale of the transition from the LGM to the
Berner, 1996; Mackenzie et al., 2004; Lerman and Holocene and in the Holocene, other investigators also
Mackenzie, 2005), and it is mainly associated with reported net losses of CaCO3 from the ocean (Milliman,
anoxic regions of the coastal ocean and ocean-floor 1993; Berner and Berner, 1996). Some of the loss may
basins. The release of CO2 due to the precipitation of reflect a shift to greater deposition and storage of
CaCO3 that is given in reaction (19) is also a small CaCO3 in the shallow coastal ocean, as the area of the
fraction of the total CO2 released owing to precipi- coastal zone grew in size after the LGM due to the rise
tation of carbonate minerals. in sea level and flooding of the continental shelf and
bank areas.
9. CO2 weathering flux in the global carbon cycle
9.2. Soil CO2
9.1. The carbon cycle
In models of the carbon cycle, the CO2 uptake in
Estimates of CO2 uptake in weathering and dissolu- weathering is often shown as a flux from the atmosphere
tion of sedimentary and crustal minerals are constrained to the sediments and crystalline crustal rocks. Such a
by a global average composition of river waters where representation in Fig. 10 would take 22 × 1012 mol C/yr
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 345

CO2 uptake in rock weathering


CO2 net uptake by Volcanism and

biomass and humus metamorphism
50; 30
CO2 flux from 40 ± 2
surface ocean 17 to 7
Inorganic C CaCO3
32; 23
CO2 from soil

DIC to rivers
Organic C & Calcification Net Primary Production
26; 10.2 – Dissolution – Remineralization
CO2 uptake in rock
weathering Upwelling
22 ±2; ~13


CaCO3 Corg
Organic matter
32; 18 to 32 8.3; 6.5 to 18
Crustal silicates


continental accretion, uplift DEEP CYCLE

Fluxes in units of 1012 mol C/yr. Numbers

in roman are pre-industrial, italics LGM

Fig. 10. The global carbon cycle showing the main carbon fluxes at the end of pre-industrial time, about 250 yr ago, and near the Last Glacial
Maximum, about 18,000 yr ago. Note that the magnitudes of the fluxes between the individual reservoirs are comparable within one order of
magnitude. Data mostly from Lerman and Mackenzie (2005).

directly from the atmosphere (dashed line and arrow) different from that of a system consisting of the
and make the atmospheric CO2 balance negative, unless atmosphere and rocks without the soil reservoir.
the storage of organic carbon on land was smaller and Variations in the mass of organic matter and its
(or) the sea-to-air flux greater than the values shown in fractional abundance and decay rate in soils may
Fig. 10. Although a 20% to 30% variation in the values affect the local weathering rates differently and more
of these fluxes as well as the volcanic emissions is directly than any variation in the atmospheric CO2
certainly possible, the evidence presented below favors concentration.
the CO 2 source of weathering reactions in the On the basis of carbon isotopic data, Mook and Tan
remineralization of organic matter in soil, as has also (1991) concluded that the main source of dissolved
been proposed by other investigators (e.g., Berner and inorganic carbon in rivers (DIC) is “CO2 derived from
Berner, 1996). The widespread occurrence of organic the decay of organic matter in continental soils and
matter in soils and in at least some of the weathered from the dissolution of carbonate, while in general the
regolith makes the CO2 concentrations in the soil pore contribution of atmospheric CO2 is negligibly small”.
space higher than in the atmosphere. Although some of Their average soil CO2 is given as δ13C = − 26‰ and
the soil CO2 is returned to the atmosphere, some of it HCO3− in rivers as − 12‰. The δ13C of HCO3− in rivers
dissolves in groundwaters and rivers that usually contain can vary greatly (− 17.3‰ to + 0.7‰) (Cameron et al.,
more CO2 than can be accounted for by an 1995; Yang et al., 1996; Amiotte-Suchet et al., 1999;
equilibrium with the atmosphere. Because the Probst and Brunet, 2005). It has been suggested by
organic matter in soils is a CO2 source and the these authors that HCO3− in rivers is mainly from
relatively high CO2 concentrations in soil pore space carbonate dissolution in soils mediated by bacterial-
may have a kinetic effect on mineral weathering and plant-derived CO2 and in-stream processes, and
reactions (e.g., Brady and Gíslason, 1997; Berg and the isotopic exchange with the atmosphere plays an
Banwart, 2000; Liu et al., 2005), the dynamics of a important role in controlling the heavier δ13CDIC in
weathering system that includes soil is importantly river waters. An increase of δ13CDIC by ~ 1‰ due to
346 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

photosynthesis in river water was reported along a last two to three centuries of the Industrial Age, the
1000-km long section of the Upper Danube (Pawellek inorganic carbon concentration in an average river
et al., 2002). Modern soil carbonate δ13C was reported water has been estimated to have increased by about
as ranging from − 10.3‰ to 1.1‰ (Cerling, 1984). 30%, but this increase is due to a greater rate of
The soil-respired CO2 deeper in the soil is character- decomposition of soil organic matter that is caused by
ized by δ13C of about − 21‰ to − 24‰ (Dudziak and human land-use activities and, to a lesser extent, the
Halas, 1996; Hahn and Buchmann, 2003), whereas rising temperature (Mackenzie et al., 2002).
heavier δ13C values may occur at shallower depths, of
about 30 cm (Rightmire, 1978), where CO2 in the soil 9.3. Weathering at the Last Glacial Maximum
pore space may exchange with atmospheric CO2 of
δ13C ≈ − 7.5‰. Considering the time near the Last Glacial Maximum
The fractionation of 13C/12C in a gas–solution (LGM) 18,000 yr ago, estimates of the CO2 consumption
system makes HCO3(aq) heavier than CO2(g) by in weathering and riverine transport of HCO3− vary.
9.6‰ at 10°C and by 7.9‰ at 25 °C (Mook et al., Gibbs and Kump (1994) estimated that the HCO3− flux at
1974; Friedman and O'Neil, 1977). With the preced- the LGM was 20% higher than at present. Ludwig et al.
ing values of Mook and Tan (1991), for soil CO2 (1999) found that the overall CO2 consumption at the
(δ13C = − 26‰), δ13C of HCO3− in rivers (− 12‰), LGM was about 20% greater than at present and
δ13C of Phanerozoic sedimentary carbonates (+ 1.5‰), attributed this to a greater carbonate outcrop area; in
and the fractionation factors between HCO3(aq) and their estimate, the uptake by silicate weathering
CO2(g), the following balance equation gives fraction decreased by ∼ 10% due to decreasing runoff at the
x of soil organic matter that contributes to the LGM compared to the present. Munhoven (2002)
dissolved HCO3− in rivers and shallow groundwaters: reported from several Global Circulation Models that
total CO2 consumption in rock weathering at the LGM
½−26x þ ð9:6 to 7:9Þxx þ 1:5xð1−xÞ ¼ −12x; was higher by 2.7 to 5.3 × 1012 mol/yr and the HCO3− flux
x ¼ 0:69 to 0:75 ð20Þ was higher by 5.8 to 10.3 × 1012 mol/yr than at present.
Higher dissolution rates in LGM time may conceivably
Thus 69% to 75% of HCO3− is derived from soil CO2 be due to the grinding effects of ice on the size and
that reacts with silicate and carbonate minerals, and the surface area of mineral particles (Gíslason et al., 1996,
remaining 31% to 25% is from the weathering and with references to earlier work). Field and laboratory
dissolution of carbonates. This estimate is comparable to studies also suggested that glaciers can produce a sig-
the values in this paper that are derived from an average nificant amount of highly reactive mineral surface area
sediment and a composite weathering source consisting which will then increase silicate weathering fluxes
of 63wt% average sediment and 37 wt% upper conti- (Anderson et al., 2000; Anderson, 2005). Contrary to
nental crust (Table 1) and similar to other investigators' the latter conclusions, Lerman and Mackenzie (2005)
estimates. estimated the CO2 uptake in weathering at the LGM
Ratio ψ in the range from 0.63 to 0.75, including lower than at the end of pre-industrial time, based on the
the values given in Section 6 and this section, smaller land surface area, lower temperature, and smaller
corresponds to a global CO2 uptake in mineral river discharge. Following the method described by the
weathering reactions of 20 to 24 × 1012 mol C/yr, latter, the pre-industrial CO2 consumption rate in
that is based on the rate of HCO3− transport by rivers weathering, 22 × 1012 mol/yr, is reduced by the surface
of 32 × 1012 mol C/yr. This range is also similar to area of non-glaciated land (fraction fL = 0.92 of the
other investigators' estimates cited earlier. The present) and the slower dissolution rates of the silicate
riverine transport is based on a mean HCO3− pre- and carbonate minerals at a mean LGM temperature that
pollution concentration of 0.85 × 10− 3 mol C/kg and was about 6 °C lower than at present. A representative
river discharge of 3.74 × 10 16 kg/yr (Table 3). value of the activation energy of silicate dissolution is
Concentration of total dissolved inorganic carbon ΔE = 15 kcal/mol (Brady, 1991; Berner, 1994) and that
(DIC) in rivers that corresponds to [HCO 3− ] of CaCO3 near equilibrium is about 8.4 kcal/mol
= 0.85 mmol/kg is of course somewhat higher because (Gutjahr et al., 1996; Morse and Arvidson, 2002). The
it includes the dissolved species [CO2], and to a activation energy term that controls the change in the
much lesser extent CO32−, and depends on the pH of dissolution rate with temperature is constrained for
river water and its internal CO2 partial pressure that silicates by a range from 7.1 to 19.2 kcal/mol, and a mean
is usually higher than that of atmospheric CO2. In the value of ΔE = 18.4 kcal/mol for feldspars near neutral pH
A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350 347

(Velbel, 1993). Accordingly, for a temperature decrease pre-industrial time. It may be mentioned here that the net
from 15 to 9°C, the reduction factors for the dissolution rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 from 185 ppmv at
rate of the silicates (fTsil) and carbonates (fTcarb) are: the LGM to 280 ppmv by the year 1700 is small relative
  to the major interreservoir fluxes as shown in Fig. 10: an
DE 1 1 average net increase in the atmospheric CO2 content of
ln fTsil ¼ −
R T0 T 95 ppmv during 18,000 yr is equivalent to a rise of about
  0.9 × 1012 mol C/yr, which is much smaller than the
15 1 1
¼ − uncertainties in the atmospheric input and output fluxes.
1:987  10−3 288 282 The organic carbon reservoir in soils has increased from
about 2.5 times of the atmospheric CO2 mass at the
¼ −0:557; fTsil ¼ 0:573 ð21Þ
LGM to 3.5 times at the end of pre-industrial time (data
DE 1 1 in Lerman and Mackenzie, 2005) and, as the weathering
ln fTcarb ¼ − flux of CO2 is mainly derived from the decomposition of
R T0 T
  soil organic matter rather than directly from the
8:4 1 1 atmosphere, the bigger carbon reservoir of soils may
¼ −
1:987  10−3 288 282 provide a buffering effect against possibly faster
changes in the consumption of atmospheric CO2 and
¼ −0:312; fTcarb ¼ 0:732 ð22Þ delivery of dissolved solids to the ocean.

where temperature T is in kelvin (K) and the gas constant 10. Summary and conclusions
R = 1.987 × 10− 3 kcal mol− 1 K− 1. Values of ΔE greater
than those used in the preceding calculation would make Carbon dioxide is consumed in weathering reactions
the factors fTsil and fTcarb and the dissolution rates smaller. with silicate and carbonate minerals containing mono-
In pre-industrial time (Table 8), 63% or 46/(46+53/2) of valent and divalent metals. CO2 and, to a lesser extent,
the HCO3− in rivers was derived from the silicate mineral H2SO4 forming from the oxidation of pyrite are the two
reactions with CO2 and 37% from the reactions with main acids in continental weathering. A weathering
carbonates. From the preceding parameters, the CO2 potential or a measure of CO2 consumption in weat-
consumption rate at the Last Glacial Maximum is: hering reactions is defined as a ratio ψ = (CO2 con-
CO2 consumption ¼ 22  1012  fL  ð0:63fTsil þ 0:37fTcarb Þ sumed) / (HCO3− produced) for mixtures of reactive acids
CO2 and H2SO4 and different proportions of the silicate
¼ 13  1012 mol=yr ð23Þ and carbonate minerals in a weathering source rock. For
If the silicate and carbonate mineral fractions in the pure carbonates, ψ = 0.5 mol/mol, and for pure silicates,
weathering of the lithosphere were in LGM time the ψ = 1.0. For an average continental sediment, consisting
same as later, then the estimate of 13 × 1012 mol/yr of of shales, sandstones, carbonates, evaporites, and
CO2 consumption in weathering, given above, would sulfides, an average weathering potential is ψ = 0.61. A
represent a fraction 0.72 of HCO3− in rivers, making the weathering source rock, consisting of 63 wt% average
total inorganic carbon flux from silicate and carbonate sediment and 37 wt% upper continental crust, has a
mineral weathering reactions 18 × 10 12 mol/yr. A higher CO2 consumption potential, ψ = 0.73.
somewhat higher estimate is obtained from the HCO3− The abundance ratios of the major ions to the main anion
flux from the reduced land area (fL = 0.92) and river HCO3− in an average river water differ from these ratios in
discharge due to a lower temperature (fTR = 0.77) at the an average sediment or a mixed sediment-crust weathering
LGM (Lerman and Mackenzie, 2005): source rock. These differences are due to the different
dissolution rates of the main rock-forming minerals that
Cinorg in rivers ¼ 32  1012  fL  fTR increase in resistance to weathering from the fastest soluble
NaCl to the slowest soluble K-silicate. A dissolution-rate
¼ 23  1012 mol=yr ð24Þ
model of a mixed sediment-crust source produces
Thus from the estimates cited above, the CO2 concentrations of the main ions in an average river water
consumption in weathering at the LGM might have that agree very well with the concentrations proposed by a
been between our estimate of 13 × 1012 mol C/yr and, number of investigators for a world average river. The
from Munhoven (2002), 27 × 1012 mol C/yr when the calculated CO2 weathering potential for an average river,
atmospheric CO2 content was about 190 ppmv or ψ = 0.72, takes into account the production of the
3.5 × 1016 mol C, which is 30% lower than at the end of bicarbonate ion, HCO3− by the CO2-mineral weathering
348 A. Lerman et al. / Marine Chemistry 106 (2007) 326–350

reactions, as well as by the reactions with H2SO4 forming in and for pointing to us a possible CO2-generating
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time, and a lower rate of about 13× 1012 mol/yr at the LGM. which have improved our paper. This is School of Ocean
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stantially in the future. Although only some part of the Hawaii, Contribution No. 6789.
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