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Materials Letters 145 (2015) 250–252

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Materials Letters
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A new source for production of ceramic filters

A.C. Carvalho a, F. Raupp-Pereira b, J.B. Rodrigues Neto b, A.P. Novaes de Oliveira b,n
Process Engineering, University of Joinville Region, Joinville, SC, Brazil
Glass–Ceramic Lab, Federal University of Sta Catarina, 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A industrial solid waste from the process of precision casting by lost-wax was used and evaluated for the
Received 4 October 2014 production of ceramic filters. PU sponges (9.8 ppi) impregnated with a stable suspension were
Accepted 27 January 2015 successfully fired at 1550 1C/2 h so that filters well reproduced (9.5 ppi), and mechanically stronger
Available online 4 February 2015
(1.0 MPa) were obtained. The produced filters tested in industrial scale showed very good performances
Keywords: with good filtering efficiency (1.7 kg/s) for liquid cast iron.
Ceramic shell & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cellular ceramics
Ceramic filters

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Cellular porous ceramics are commercially available for a wide The ceramic shell (average size of 5 cm and humidity content of
range of technological applications such as filters, membranes, cata- 0.6%) was crushed (o1 cm) in a mortar steel and then wet milled
lytic substrates and lightweight structural panels [1]. They are used in a porcelain mill containing alumina grinding media and water
because of their functional properties, such as low thermal expan- for 90 min. The average particle size distribution of the milled
sion and thermal conductivity, high permeability and chemical material was determined using a laser scattering particle size
inertness. Cellular porous ceramics are prepared and consolidated analyzer (Master Sizer 2000, Malvern). The chemical characteriza-
using several materials including cordierite, mullite, silicon carbide, tion was performed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF,
alumina, glasses as well as solid wastes [1–3]. The valorization of Philips PW 2400). To investigate the crystalline phases of the waste
wastes for the production of new materials has attracted great and fired filters, powdered samples were analyzed using X-ray
interest of society and scientists, since they represent, mostly, loss of diffractometry, XRD (Philips X’Pert) with Cu Kα radiation. A refrac-
raw materials characterized by a strong potential for reuse. Many of tory composition, named CF (ceramic filter) has been prepared
these wastes have potential use and deserve investigation and study (weight of dry solid) combining ceramic shell (87.5%) and kaolin
[2,3], as it is the case of the ceramic shell from the lost-wax casting (12.5%). The refractory composition was formulated based on the
process used in the production of metal parts. Among the applica- phase diagram of the Al2O3–ZrO2–SiO2 (ZSA) system. The kaolin,
tions that can be envisioned for the development of new products supplied by Colorminas (Brazil), was added as a stabilizer (rheolo-
from this waste it may consider the cellular ceramics for the gical treatment) and mineralizer (heat-treatment). Specific details
fabrication of filters for molten metals [4]. These filters have the of the formulated composition (CF) can be obtained in Carvalho
function of retaining any slag inclusions and/or sand and also et al. [6]. Based on the ternary diagram of the ZSA system a tem-
the flow control of liquid metal into the mold cavity [5]. These perature range (1500–1650 1C) was defined to study the sintering
filters are produced by the replication process that involves the behavior of the formulated composition. The CF composition belongs
impregnation of a polymeric sponge with a ceramic suspension, to the ZS–S–A3S2 composition triangle in which the softening starts at
followed by firing in which occur the elimination of the polymer and about 1550 1C in the preliminary phase field, A3S2 (mullite, Al6Si2O13).
sintering of the ceramic structure [1]. This study aimed to develop In a rheological study conducted previously [6], the CF composition in
and to characterize ceramic filters produced from a ceramic waste the form of suspension with 80% solids was prepared and analyzed at
(generated by a Brazilian company which produces about 500 t per different concentrations of dispersant, from 0.25 to 1.5% (Darvan
year of ceramic shell) as an alternative raw material source. 821A, RT Vanderbilt Company, Inc.). The impregnation of polyur-
ethane (PU) sponges (INOAC Corporation—Japan) with 10 ppi for
the production of ceramic filters was performed by dipping them in
an optimized ceramic suspension (70% ceramic shell ( 5 mm), 10%
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 55 48 37214004. kaolin ( 6 mm), 20% water and 1.5 wt% dispersant). This dipping
E-mail address: antonio.pedro@ufsc.br (A.P. Novaes de Oliveira). process was repeated three times for each PU sponge, with an interval

0167-577X/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.C. Carvalho et al. / Materials Letters 145 (2015) 250–252 251

of 10 min followed by a drying process (25 1C/24 h). After dying samples of composition CF showed, besides the phases identified in
process, the impregnated sponges were fired in an electric furnace the waste, zirconium aluminate (JCPDS 01-084-1560) and tridymite
in oxidizing atmosphere (air) and atmospheric pressure in three (JCPDS 00-003-0227). The presence of tridymite may be associated to
steps for the thermal degradation of the PU sponge, at a heating the transition from cristobalite to tridymite formed at lower tem-
rate of 0.5 1C/min up to 500 1C/1 h, pre-sintering at a heating rate peratures. Fig. 1(a) and (b) show photos of a PU sponge which was
of 0.5 1C/min up to 1200 1C/1 h and sintering (1500 to 1650 1C/1 impregnated with the formulated suspension (CF) and of ceramic
and 2 h) at a heating rate of 5 1C/min for consolidation of the foam fired at 1550 1C/2 h, evidencing the pore structures. Linear
ceramic filters. The cooling rates were established by natural heat pore density measurements showed that the PU sponge (Fig. 1(a))
loss. The cellular structure of the PU sponges and ceramic filters has 9.870.9 ppi and the ceramic foam produced (Fig. 1(b)) has
were photographed such that through the images it was possible to 9.571.1 ppi. The obtained ceramic filter was very well reproduced,
observe and to determine (Image J) the linear pore density and the i.e., linear pore density slightly smaller ( 0.3 ppi). The pore size
pore size. The bulk density of fired samples was measured by behaves as a bimodal distribution. Even so, results showed a greater
applying the Archimedes’s principle (in distillated water at 25 1C) incidence of pore sizes within the range between 1.5–2.5 mm and
in an analytical balance (Shimadzu AX200). The theoretical density 3.0–4.0 mm indicating the filter reproducibility since 80% of the
was measured by a He pycnometer (Quantachrome Ultrapycn- pores are in the cited ranges. Fig. 2 shows the relationship between
ometer 1000 (LiMac)) on crushed fired cell struts. The relative compressive strength and relative density of ceramic filters fired at
density was the ratio of the bulk density and the theoretical different temperatures for 2 h. The compressive strength increases as
density. Porosity was calculated from this relative density. The the firing temperature increases (1500–1650 1C). However, for cera-
compressive strength was determined (ASTM C133) by averaging mic foams fired at 1600 and 1650 1C the compressive strength was
5 specimens (20  20  20 mm3), using a mechanical test machine about the same even if for samples fired at 1600 1C the dispersion
—EMIC DL 2000, with loading speed of 1.3 mm/min. Ceramic foams around the mean value was higher. Moreover, ceramic foams fired
subjected to thermal shocks by cooling them from 800, 1000 at 1550 1C reached higher compressive strength values which can
and 1200 1C/30 min in air (25 1C) or in water (25 1C) were also be associated to the relative density of the ceramic foams and the
mechanically tested (ASTM C133). Filters were also tested on an porosity of the struts. In fact, porosities of the ceramic filters (Fig. 2)
industrial plant for the fabrication of gray cast iron parts (cast in were 84.6% (1500 1C), 83.4% (1600 1C), 81.0% (1550 1C) and 83.0%
sand) which are ordinarily produced in the manufacturer with the (1600 1C). Furthermore, ceramic foams with higher relative den-
use of silicon carbide filters (7 ppi). The filtration capacity was sities but with high density struts showed higher compressive
determined by taking the set weight after metal solidification and strength values (1.0 MPa) as for samples fired at 1550 1C/2 h.
the time (using a chronometer) to fill the mold with molten metal. However, zircon melts at 1540 1C [7]. Thus, it is reasonable to
assume that the melted (at 1550 1C) reacts with the preexistent
mullite thereby enhancing the densification of the ceramic filter.
3. Results and discussion

The ceramic shell was classified as not hazardous as leaching

tests (NBR 10005/04). Chemical composition of the waste and
kaolin is shown in Table 1. From the table it is possible to observe
that the waste consists mainly of Al2O3, SiO2, ZrO2 and small
amounts of other oxides present in the raw materials used in the
production of the ceramic shell and/or in the molten metals. The
waste is constituted mainly of mullite (JCPDS 01-079-1454), zircon
(JCPDS 01-084-1560) and cristobalite (JCPDS 01-082-0512). Fired

Table 1
Chemical composition of raw materials. L.O.I: loss of ignition.

Raw materials Chemical composition (wt%)

Al2O3 SiO2 ZrO2 TiO2 Fe2O3 K2O Na2O Others L.O.I

Ceramic shell 53.3 36.2 5.4 1.4 1.7 0.9 0.4 o 0.7 0.1
Kaolin 39.9 50.1 – – 0.5 0.9 – o 0.3 8.3 Fig. 2. Compressive strength (σc) of ceramic filters fired/2 h at different tempera-
tures as a function of relative density (ρrel).

Fig. 1. PU sponge (a) and ceramic filter (b) fired at 1550 1C/2 h.
252 A.C. Carvalho et al. / Materials Letters 145 (2015) 250–252

Fig. 3. Steps of fabrication of cast iron parts. (a) and (b) CF filter in the silica mold, (c) solidified metal parts with the CF filter and (d) solidified metal with the SiC filter,
(e) parts produced with the filter CF and (f) parts produced with the SiC filter.

Moreover, the eutetic temperature and chemical composition may cast iron for the production of metal parts free defects with excellent
change [8]. The prepared composition (CF) according to chemical surface finishing.
analysis shows relatively high amounts of Na and K as well as Fe
oxides which can contribute to reduce the eutectic temperature of Acknowledgment
the zirconium aluminate. So, it is reasonable to say that at tempera-
tures as 1600 and 1650 1C the eutectic phase melts producing Authors are grateful to FAPESC/CNPq (PRONEX T.O. no. 17431/
microstructures with secondary porosity originated from the expan- 2011-9).
sion of liquid glassy phases. Ceramic foams fired at 1550 1C/2 h and
subjected to thermal shocks showed compressive strengths at least
40% lower than those not submitted to thermal shocks. The filter
produced showed a filtration capacity slightly lower (1.7 kg/s) than
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