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Promoting students’ conceptual understanding using STEM-based e-book

U. Komarudin, N. Y. Rustaman, and L. Hasanah

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 060008 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4983976

View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4983976
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Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Promoting Students’ Conceptual Understanding Using
STEM-Based E-Book

U. Komarudin1,a), N. Y. Rustaman1,b) and L. Hasanah1,c)

Departemen Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Corresponding author: umar.physics09@gmail.com

Abstract. This study aims to examine the effect of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) based
e-book in promoting students’conceptual understanding on lever system in human body. The E-book used was the e-book
published by National Ministry of Science Education. The research was conducted by a quasi experimental with pretest
and posttest design.The subjects consist of two classes of 8th grade junior high school in Pangkalpinang, Indonesia,
which were devided into experimental group (n=34) and control group (n=32). The students in experimental group was
taught by STEM-based e-book, while the control group learned by non STEM-based e-book. The data was collected by
an instrument pretest and postest. Pretest and posttest scored, thenanalyzed using descriptive statistics and independent t-
test. The result of independent sample t-test shows that no significant differenceson students’ pretest score between
control and experimental group. However, there were significant differences on students posttest score and N-gain score
between control and experimental group with sig = 0.000(p<0.005). N-gain analysis showsthe higher performance of
students who were participated in experimental group (mean = 66.03) higher compared to control group (mean=47.66) in
answering conceptual understanding questions. Based on the results, it can be concluded that STEM-based e-book has
positiveimpact in promoting students’ understanding on lever system in human body. Therefore this learning approach is
potential to be used as an alternative to triger the enhancement of students’ understanding in science.

Efforts to improve the quality of graduate education needed in the workforce such as by changes in the
curriculum. Listed in the objectives of the curriculum in 2013 the level of the first school/tsanawiyah[1] is preparing
Indonesian man in order to have the ability to live as individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative,
innovative, and effective and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state, and the civilization of the world.
Curriculum 2013 is expected to address issues of quality and quantity of human resources in Indonesia that is
globally competitive. It is because Indonesia had a problem regarding the gap between workforce needs with the
availability of quality graduate education. Based on data [2] in August 2012, from 118.05 million workers registered
as many as 82.10 million are primary school graduates, 38.57 million junior high school graduates, high school
graduates 27.65 million upper and middle graduate 13.54 vocational. Only 3.87 million and 8.17 million graduates
of undergraduate diploma. Education graduates still need training to meet the required quality standards into the
Fundamental changes in the 2013 curriculum is to change science learning paradigm from single diciplinary into
multi disciplinary. STEM education has the characteristics of integrating science, technology, engineering and
mathematics to solve real problems. This suggests that the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 required
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), which prioritizes integration Multi- and Trans-

Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS 2016)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1848, 060008-1–060008-6; doi: 10.1063/1.4983976
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1520-1/$30.00

discipline and critical thinking, creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills [3]. There are various ways used in
practice to integrated STEM disciplines, and the degree of its integration depends on many factors [4.
The development of STEM education in a country takes a decade [5]. The first two years is necessary to initiate
reform STEM education with the purpose of designing, developing, and implementing models of STEM learning
unit. The initial step in adopting the STEM education [3], science education is expected to contribute to the
development of models of STEM unit based science learning and teaching materials which tested its effectiveness
based on scientific research-based classroom. Furthermore, there are three groups of factors that affect the
implementation of the curriculum in Indonesia, namely: the characteristics of the curriculum such as the scope of
new ideas and clarity of new ideas for the curriculum, the characteristics of their curriculum, and implementation
strategy is upgrading books and support activities [6].
Internationally, there is a growing concern for developing STEM instructional material to prepare students for a
scientifically and technologically advanced society [7]with global recognition of the importance of STEM
education, concerns have arisen from both research and curriculum perspectives about the lack of a unified focus
and the need for greater integration of the four disciplines [8]. The challenge then is how to achieve a more balanced
content representation in STEM education. Indonesia confronts several barriers to provide access to the essential,
high-quality educational materials necessary for effective STEM education. One is the need to revise existing
materials to ensure that they align with and support the current curriculum. The challenges to deepen and apply
knowledge across content areas provided by Indonesia curriculum demand tools that will help facilitate this
Teaching materials can be either written or in the form of e-learning. The form of teaching materials can be
printed books and electronic book (e-book). E-book will be easy to access reading material and bring it [9]. E-
bookbelong to the instructional media software and the use of the implementation of science and technology can
simplify and streamline the learning process, but also can make the learning process more interesting [9].
In the survey on education and industrial engineers spatial ability is critical to making successful individuals in
the fields of engineering [10]. Spatial skills should be increased because of the visual data of a structure with an
abstract symbol system for understanding the mechanics poured through images in design activities. Activity design
is the phase pouring abstract knowledge to become a product design capability spatial is not only important in
engineering, but also in biology, Chemistry [11], Mathematics [12], and science [13].
The importance of spatial ability is not proportional to the curriculum support to the development of spatial
skills. Many educators are not informed about the importance of spatial ability that very few provide space
development of spatial skills of students. Print-based instruction materials encourage the growth of a very small
spatial [10]. Research on the improvement of spatial abilities have been made by many researchers, including
through real models [9], [14], 3D animation [15] and computer games [16]. Although it has been many approaches
that do still need the development of more specific approaches to support engineering [10].
E-textbook is an e-book that is used in research [17], which also has a zoom feature, search, navigation, a pen
tool, sticky notes, screenshot, and hyperlinks. E-book Must be expanded functionality between the media and any
user interaction [18]. Thus, standard features in e-book have hyperlinks, images, and animation is expected to
increase the required spatial ability in activities when students perform engineering activity. Computers provide the
perfect environment to develop and change the appearance of static to dynamic so it is easier to understand ([19];
[20]; [21]).
Simple machine in junior high school lessons contained in the natural sciences that integrate lever integrated in
the human body. Learners learn about the concept of a lever located in the human body and technology used in
everyday life. The concept is simple machine explain the advantages that can simplify the work in everyday
activities. This concept is in accordance with the teaching of STEM, students learn about science concepts of how
muscles move the human body which has similarities to the working lever, various technological levers that can
facilitate human , engineering learn about the design and manufacture of technology levers that can make better
technology, and mathematical concepts are used in calculating the mechanical advantage of the lever. Regarded to
the background explained, the problem formulation of this research is “How is the students’ conceptual
understanding of lever system in human body through STEM-based e-book?”.

The research methodology is quasi experiment with a design which is used in this research is the static group
pretest-posttest design [22] . The design of this research is Pretest-Postest Nonequevalent Control Group Design
show in Table 1.
Table 1. Pretest-Postest Nonequevalent Control Group Design
O1 X O2
O1 O2

Table 1. show that there is a test to know students’ prior knowledge or pretest (O1), treatment (X) where the
STEM learning through e-book applied in the teaching learning process, and after the concept given the treatment
the final test will be conducted or post-test (O2).Population and sample in this reseach are all 7th grade of junior high
school Pangkalpinang. The sampling technique that is used in this research is cluster random sampling. Cluster
random sampling technique is a sample selection technique from random class population without changing the
class or making new class. The collected random sample are two classes, experimental class and control class. Both
classes are differenciate into STEM based e-book (VIII.1) and conventional learning class (VIII.2).
This study used 20 questions test mastery of concepts and distinguishing features by category enough to measure
student’s conceptual understanding. Based on validity, 4 question validity of the very low, 6 question has low
validity, and 10 questions have sufficient validity. Based on the difficulty level, two easy categories about, 12
question medium category, and 6 question difficult category.


There are five dimensions cognitive procces which measure namely remembering, understanding, applying,
analyzing, and evaluating. The improvement of students’ knowledge understanding was gathered by giving all of
participant students an objective test in a form of 20 multiple choice questions covering the six indicators of mastery
concepts before and after the implementation of STEM-based e-book (SBE).The improvement of students’
knowledge understanding is determined by calculating the score of normalized gain <g>. The normalized gain value
is processed through data of pretest and post test score which has been executed by all participant students. The
result of normalized gain <g> calculation is presented in the following table.

Tabel 2. Improvement Student’s Conceptual Understanding

Class Test Xideal Xmax Xmin X <g>

Pretest 100 55 35 38.24

SBE Posttest 100 85 40 66.03
Category Medium
Pretest 100 60 20 39.38
ENS Posttest 100 65 30 47.66
Category Low

Student’s conceptual understanding for both classroom learning through STEM-based e-book (SBE) and e-book
non-STEM (ENS) has increased, but it has differeces. The increase in group SBE class higher than the class of ENS.
Improvement students conceptual understanding in class STEM-based e-book is higher due to the material in
STEM-based e-book is richer and has the explanation easier to understand. Table 2 informs that mean score that
obtained by participant students before the treatment conducted in both class have minor distinguish, while the mean
score after the learning process is different. It is noticed that the data cognitive from participants in experiment and
control class were different after the treatment. Participants in experiment class score after treatment is 66.03, while
the cotrol class is 47.66. The highest score in experiment class is 85 and control class score is 65. Based on the result

that has been raised, after implementation of STEM-based e-book the students’ conceptual undertanding are better
than student’s conceptual understanding throuh e-book non STEM which can be seen from the normalized gain
(<g>) score is 0.44 (medium catogorized) and 0.13 (low categorized) [23].
Descriptive analysis shows that the increase in the experimental class students' mastery of concepts is greater
than the control class. Therefore, it is necessary hypothesis testing was done to determine the significance of
differences in students' mastery of concepts after treatment. Result of students conceptual understanding statistical
test inform in table 3.
Table 3. Result of Students’ Conceptual Understanding Statistical Test
Data C n Normality Homogenous T test
Sig. Inter. Sig. Inter. Sig. Inter.
Pretest SBE 34 0,18 Normal 0,22 Homogen 0,65 no significan
ENS 32 0,64 Normal difference
Posttest SBE 34 0,17 Normal 0,28 Homogen 0,00 significan
ENS 32 0,12 Normal difference

Table.3. informs that data pretest and posttest in both class are normal and homogenous. Because the data are
homogenous and normal, so hypotesis test used t test to measured diferences score between experiment class and
control class. There was no significant difference between the two sample class before treatment (pretest), indicates
that experiment and control class have the same competences before the treatment. However, it was found the
significant differences between the research groups after the implemnetation of the STEM-based e-book model,
means that treatment with STEM-based e-book promotes students’ conceptual understanding.
The results show that the use of e-book-based STEM can improve students' mastery of concepts is better than
non-STEM e-book. Differences mastery of concepts students after learning can be caused by the material presented
in STEM-based e-book and e-book non-STEM. STEM-based e-book has integrate science content help students
understand the principle of the lever with the example contained in everyday life, connecting with the principle of
the lever is in the body, and there is a worksheet activities of engineering to build understanding about the system
working lever, whereas such materials do not exist in e-book non-STEM. STEM instructional materials that are
integrated with learning material has been successfully improving student learning evidenced by the significant
increase in learning outcomes [8].
The concept is simplemachine associated with the motion of the human body in biology and physics review of
the concept of types of levers and mechanical advantage of the lever. Integrated science material presented and
taught with STEM education will make the integration of science and engineering activities improve students'
science concepts. This is because after studying science, students will recall the concept of science in engineering
activities. STEM learning helps students develop a higher understanding for basic concepts and processes in
technology and engineering [24]. Learning through STEM-based e-book improves understanding of the concept of
students as necessary to apply to engineering and technology.
Learning through STEM-based e-book provides a learning experience and encourage students to apply their
knowledge. The use of the key technologies closer to the daily life of students will make students more easily recall
the science concepts they've learned. E-book based STEM used in the study using the latest example and close to
students' lives, it is based on the results of the review of the experts. Research with learning activities should have
content tailored to students' experiences or create learning content as part of the student experience [25].
Learning using STEM-based e-book encourages students to learn by integrating together the many disciplines.
The process of thought on the activities of engineering experiences the students to link science concepts required to
design a product. Phase thought in engineering to encourage students to recall the principle of the lever, determine
the characteristics of the tools and materials related to the concept of a lever, and calculate the mechanical advantage
levers are designed. This will encourage students to connect science concepts they have learned and use
mathematics to be applied in the engineering activities that produce technology. The advantage of learning
integrates several disciplines have been documented, the study results show the learners will be good problem
solvers, show a positive response and motivated, and improve student learning outcomes in mathematics and science
[26]. Previous research suggests that STEM education have a positive impact on learning outcomes for pupils and
students in classroom-based STEM learning to understand science better when integrated on the real problems
which are key aspects of the science competencies [27].
Improvement of cognitive dimensions application suggests that students can use concepts to new situations,
apply the concepts they have learned from the e-book to calculate the mechanical advantage lever, and apply the
principle of the lever working in activities of daily life. Students can calculate lever mechanical advantage means

that the student has understood concepts of science and mathematics. The concept of science provide
anunderstanding lever concepts needed in engineering to solve problems, using mathematics to calculate the
mechanical advantage, and apply technology in daily life. Students apply the principle of the lever in daily life,
suggesting that students can connect science, technology, engineering, and mathematics will simultaneously build a
better knowledge of the concept. STEM education is closely related to one another and linkages that can help
students develop the knowledge, concepts and skills that are relevant [28].
Improvement ofanalyzing ability based on the test results showed that students in the class experiment
significantly better in analysis the mechanical advantage of the lever and in analysis the lever principle in the human
body. Students describe the material lever of the concept of working principles in science, application technology,
engineering as a step to solve the problem, and mechanical advantage in mathematics. This means students will
connect the description of the various aspects to integrate them into a comprehensive understanding of the levers.
This is consistent with the conclusions of the study learning STEM focused on the design can improve the
integration of thinking across disciplines, as well as provide a fun learning experience when discovering and
innovating [29].
Students can made the right decisions as necessary when faced with various types of technology lever with lever
kind consideration criteria, the selection lever of interest based on the existing problems, and the mechanical
advantage gained in using a lever. The experience of making decisions by learning to use STEM -based e-book
students get when in engineering activity. STEM has the potential to meet the needs of the student learning
experience by helping students where the students can solve new problems and make conclusions based on the
principle applied in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the previous study. They tried to learn
from the separate lessons to conclude their knowledge [28]

There are significant differences in students’ mastery concept of lever system in human body between students in
both groups. Category increasing mastery of concepts students learn through STEM-based e-book is medium, while
the category increasing mastery of students’ concepts learn through e-book non-STEM is low. This shows that the
implemnetation of STEM-based e-book can improve the mastery of concepts with gain (<g>) is 0.44 better than
students who learn through e-book non-STEM with gain(<g>) 0.13. It means that the STEM-based may facilitate the
enhance of students’ conceptual understanding in science.

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