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Manual de Asignatura de Inglés VII. Unidad 3


English VII - Elabora textos para expresar inconformidad con un

producto o servicio recibido.
- Propone diferentes alternativas para la mejora de un
Language practice 3. Expressing inconformity producto con base en una evaluación previa del mismo,
en un nivel A1.


A. Go to the following link and watch the video about unboxing a CNC/3D CARVING MACHINE. Write a brief description
of the machine, package and the items included in the box (70 words).


B. Imagine you ordered the same product in the video

and it came with some issues. The package came in a
week later than expected, it was damaged, the
machine had a cracked edge, and the accessories were
incomplete. Write a formal complaint letter to the
store or supplier stating the problem. Include the
actions you expect from the company in order to make
it up to you (180 words).

C. Go to the following link to get some guidelines that

might help you with your formal complaint letter.


D. Turn in your writing activity in CADI.

Practices copied from the internet or from another paper won’t be evaluated.


E. Imagine you work for the company in exercise B. Think about the areas of opportunity such as logistic, packing,
shipping and others, and how you can improve the service to avoid the problems mentioned in the same exercise. You
are going to explain your proposals to a tutor in CADI in a 4-minute talk.

F. Complete the space for PRACTICE 3 in your language practice log.

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