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Level MOCK TEST Questions

In longitudinal wave inspection of the parent metal adjacent to a weld, minimum
sensitivity is usually set such that
a) it is 6 dB over the 80% FSH level for the appropriate side drilled hole
b) it is 20 dB over the 80% FSH level for the appropriate side drilled hole
c) backwall echo is 100% FSH in the absence of defects
d) none of the above
When doing an ultrasonic weld inspection material thickness, weld preparation
configuration, defect type and orientation are the main considerations for
a) probe dimensions
b) frequency
c) probe angle
d) all of the above
Where geometry permits in weld inspection, the distance you need to move the
probe back from the weld to ensure 100% volume inspection is
a) 1/2 skip from the weld centre-line
b) 1 full skip from the weld centre-line
c) 1/2 skip from the edge of the heat affected zone
d) 1 full skip from the HAZ edge
II-4 During manual scanning, detection of obliquely oriented defects is improved by
a) using a lower frequency
b) longitudinal wave inspections
c) adding swivel motion to the angle beam probe
d) all of the above
A sharp signal with large amplitude response seen from one side of a weld but not
II-5 the other, having a sharp drop off with both rotational and orbital motion would
indicate the presence of
a) porosity
b) lack of fusion
c) slag
d) cracking
The use of ultrasonic methods to check fillet welds is usually restricted to
determining the extent of penetration. This is best facilitated by
a) a guidance system to hold the probe at a fixed distance
b) c-scan presentations
c) 45 and 60 degree probes in tandem
d) holographic techniques
The weld defect that results when a weld puddle solidifies from the outer edges and
causes stresses sufficient to produce cracking is
a) crater cracking
b) underbead cracking
c) transverse cracking
d) puddle jumping
The purpose of removing a weld cap by grinding it flush with the base metal in
preparation for ultrasonic testing is to
a) reduce scatter from redirection of beam
b) improve volumetric coverage
c) increase sensitivity to near surface defects
d) all of the above
In the welding process, removal of weld metal and base metal from the opposite side
II-9 of a welded joint to ensure complete penetration upon welding from that side is
a) de-welding
b) beveling
c) back gouging
d) joint preparation
II-10 The preferred welding term for a blowhole is
a) tunneling
b) gusher
c) porosity
d) gas pocket
II-11 The purpose of backing material at the root of a weld is
a) to support molten weld metal
b) a heat sink
c) to prevent lack of fusion
d) all of the above
In welding processes, a preplaced filler metal which is fused into the root of a joint
and thereby becomes part of the weld is a
a) chill
b) chaplet
c) consumable insert
d) covered electrode
II-13 A crack occurring in the depression at the termination of a weld bead is called a
a) hot tear
b) termination crack
c) heat check crack
d) crater crack
II-14 In a welded joint, the minimum distance from the root to the weld face is the
a) hypotenuse
b) leg
c) effective throat
d) length of weld
II-15 The purpose of flux material in welding is
a) to stabilize the welding arc
b) to protect the molten weld from atmosphere
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
In welding, the area of base metal melted as determined on a cross-section of the
weld is the
a) heat affected zone
b) fusion zone
c) dead zone
d) twilight zone
The portion of base metal that has not been melted but whose mechanical properties
or microstructure have been altered by heat of welding or cutting is called the
a) fusion zone
b) heat affected zone
c) dead zone
d) twilight zone
In a welding process using inert gas as a part of the operation, the purpose of the
inert gas is to
a) react with the filler metal
b) provide a protective atmosphere over the weld puddle
c) increase the heat at the arc
d) harden the weld metal deposited
II-19 The protrusion of weld metal beyond the toe, face or root of a weld is called
a) overlap
b) undercut
c) pass
d) bead
II-20 Another term for the welding phenomenon called "suck-back" is
a) undercut
b) blow-through
c) concave rout
d) overlap
Cracking occuring in the heat affected zone that does not usually extend to the
surface of the metal is
a) transverse cracking
b) underbead cracking
c) laminal cracking
d) post weld heat treatment cracking
II-22 In tig welding the electrode manipulated by the welder is
a) made of tungsten
b) not consumed
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
You are required to scan the full volume of an unground tee joint weld on 100mm
thick plate. Scanning is to be done from one side of the weld prep plate using a 45�
probe. What is the scan distance you must move from the tee plate surface to ensure
a) 142mm
b) 230mm
c) 283mm
d) 300mm
You are to scan an unground 50mm thick butt weld from one side of the weld only.
The plate is 20mm thick and full volumetric coverage of the weld plus 20mm heat
affected zone is needed. Weld face is 20mm wide. What is the maximum scan
distance from the
a) 40mm
b) 68mm
c) 98mm
d) 120mm
A sharp narrow signal whose amplitude remains constant when orbited and drops off
quickly with probe rotation is probably
a) lack of fusion
b) an isolated pore
c) slag
d) a transverse crack
A ragged, cluster of individual spikes is located and determined to be a defect.
II-26 Sound path varies, amplitudes vary with rotation and orbiting with the probe. But the
defect does not drop off completely when orbited. It is most likely a
a) crack
b) slag inclusion
c) porosity cluster
d) lack of fusion
A sharp narrow defect signal is located during a standard A-scan of a weld. Rotation
II-27 and orbit of the defect cause it to drop off quickly with lateral probe motion the
signal remains constant in both amplitude and sound path. It is most likely a
a) slag inclusion
b) crack
c) lack of fusion
d) pore
Given a butt weld in a 55mm thick plate, ground flush, you locate a large sharp
II-28 narrow reflector with a soundpath of 154mm and exit point 128mm from the weld
centreline using a 45� probe. If it has length of 20mm the flaw is likely
a) lack of penetration
b) mis-match
c) lack of fusion
d) suck back
A curve showing the relationship of amplitude to distance travelled to reflectors of
the same area is usually referred to as a(n)
a) AVG curve
b) DAC curve
c) DGS curve
d) NDT curve
An ultrasonic display in rectangular coordinates where distance or time of flight is
II-30 represented in one direction and probe displacement represented on the other and
reflected pulses as bright marks on a dark background (or vise versa) is called a(n)
a) A-scan
b) B-scan
c) C-scan
d) tomograph

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