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2nd LT in Practical Research II

MCA Montessori School

Name: ____________________________________ Year and Sec:________________________________Date: ______________
Test I Identification ( read each sentence and identify the word being described in each numbers)
________________________ 1. the most widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative research
________________________ 2. defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants
________________________ 3. defined as an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals
________________________ 4. is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put,
descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the study.
________________________ 5. a software package used for logical batched and non-batched statistical analysis.
________________________6. is an open source programming language and software environment for statistical
computing and graphics
________________________ 7. any data that is in numerical form such as statistics, percentages, etc.
________________________ 8. a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipu-
lates one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables.
________________________ 9. is a quantitative method of research in which you have 2 or more quantitative
variables from the same group of subjects, & you are trying to determine if there is a
relationship (or covariation) between the 2 variables (a similarity between them,
not a difference between their means).
________________________ 10. as a brief interview or discussion with an individual about a specific topic
Test II Matching Type
Match column A with the correct identity in column B
Column A Column B
_________________________1. A brief summary of your thesis a. Dedication
_________________________2. This prove that the authors have passed b. Approval Sheet
the requirements needed for the thesis
_________________________3. The first chapter of your thesis c. Definition of Terms
_________________________4. This section will state the contribution of your d. Acknowledgement
Study and the usefulness of your study in the
_________________________5. A generalized statement in answer to the general e. Title Page
and each of the sub-problems
_________________________6. these page focused on expressing of gratitude f. Abstract
_________________________7. the easiest part of the initial pages in a thesis g. Significance of the Study
_________________________9. the your name and title of your thesis is the needed h. Introduction
Information in this part
_________________________1.0. This page is for dedicating the thesis to i. Statement of the problem
certain people
Test III Enumeration
Enumerate the Five Chapter of a Thesis and each content


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