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Developing An Interactive Multimedia of Network Topology

Based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learning Model

for Vocational Students

E Junaeti, Munir, S Mulya and Erlangga

Department of Computer Science Eduaction, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Dr.
Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, Indonesia

enjun@upi.edu, munir@upi.edu, srimulya@student.upi.edu, erlangga@upi.edu

Abstract. Network topology is a knowledge in basic network subjects that is often disregarded
to be grasped by almost all vocational students whose learning activities are dominated by
practicum. Whereas network topology is a basic concept that is important in order to
comprehend the concept of networking further. This research was aimed to develop a concept
and design of interactive multimedia of network topology to be implemented in visual, audio,
and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning model. This study used the overall life cycle method to
develop multimedia. The design of this media adopts the constitutive elements of situated
learning in interactive multimedia. The multimedia features correspond to Gagne's events
which serve well as a framework for the successful development of educational multimedia
modules. The experiment was carried out at the vocational school Binawisata Lembang,
Indonesia, involving thirty tenth grade students majoring in software engineering as the
research subjects. The result of the experiment was then analyzed using a quantitative method
approach. It was revealed that students’ perceptions of the media were very good. Based on the
results obtained during experiment, the developed media was proven to have positive impacts
on improvement of students’ cognitive abilities. Key words: Instructional interactive
multimedia, Network topology, VAK learning model, Vocational Students, Cognitive abilities.

1. Introduction
Based on preliminary studies through observation and interviews with several vocational high school
students in Bandung, the results showed that network topology was the hardest material (39%) of basic
network subjects. This is due to the many indicators of cognitive abilities that must be mastered by
students in the material while the learning activities that have been carried out are dominated by
practicum activities that prioritize motor skills.
As things stand, an interactive media is needed to facilitate the learning of vocational students to
understanding material, which the indicators of mastery of students' competencies are mostly cognitive
abilities. There have been many studies on multimedia development for vocational students. Setiawan
et al. [1] developed a labyrinth game based multimedia for topology network and apply it in the
scientific learning approach. Even though the used multimedia could increase the quality of learning
and students’ comprehension were raised but students’ respond had not obtained the maximum value.
Development of multimedia was also carried out by Junaeti et al. [2] and Fitriasari et al. [3] who built
basic and web programming multimedia learning by including elements of adventure games in the
steps of their learning activities. Students 'interest in the elements of the game in the media resulted in
the students' respond to the media were very good.
This research was aimed to develop an instructional interactive multimedia which be implemented
in visual, audio, and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning model to facilitate vaeriate of studentslearning
styles. The subject material selected is topology network. In order to enhance attraction of students in
using the media, it was also implemented the gamification of puzzle game characteristics in a number
of learning steps from the VAK learning model in multimedia. The constitutive elements of situated
learning in interactive multimedia [4] were adopted in designing multimedia. Furthermore, the
multimedia features correspond to Gagne's events in educational multimedia modules development
[5]. Having been implemented, the cognitive ability and students’ opinion were analysed to figure out
whether the developed media is worth using. This study used following two methodologies. First, the
overall life cycle method was used develop multimedia [6]. This method consists of: analysis, design,
development, and implementation. Second, the data were analysed using quantitative method analysis
technique [7]. This technique used quality approach to analyse the quality of multimedia. In addition,
quantitative method approach was used to analyse students’ cognitive ability.

2. Visual, Audio, and Kinaesthetic (VAK) Learning Model

Visual, audio, and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning styles was developed originally by the psychologists
and teaching experts Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham, and Stillman şi Montessori [8] at 1920 whics
provides a perspective for understanding and explaining a person's preferred or dominant thinking and
learning style, and strengths. The VAK model allows a classification of the individuals into three
groups, according to their learning style: individuals who learn more efficiently through watching –
the visual type, those who learn more efficiently through listening/hearing – the auditory type, and
those who learn more efficiently by doing practical activities – the kinesthetic type [9]. Nowdays at
this time VAK learning styles have developed into a learning model that can be implemented in the
classroom to facilitate all types of students’ learning styles (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic styles).
According to Ngalimun [10] the steps of the VAK learning model are as follows:
(1) Preparatory (preliminary activities): in the preliminary activities the teacher provides motivation
to arouse students' interest in learning, provide positive feelings about future learning experiences
to students, and place them in optimal situations to make students more ready to receive lessons.
(2) Submission (exploration): At the core activities the teacher directs students to find new learning
material independently, fun, relevant, involving the senses, which is in accordance with VAK
learning styles. This stage is usually called exploration.
(3) Training Phase (elaboration): In the training phase the teacher helps students to integrate and
absorb new knowledge and skills in various ways that are adapted to VAK learning styles.
(4) Performance results (confirmation): The results appearance stage is the stage of a teacher helping
students in applying and expanding the new knowledge and skills they get, on learning activities
so that learning outcomes have increased.

3. Research Methods
As mentioned briefly in the introduction, the process of this study, as ilustrated in figure 1, used two
methods, whics are the overall life cycle method to develop multimedia and mixed method approach
to analyse students’ cognitive ability. The followings are an explanation of both methods.

3.1. The Munir's overall life cycle method as a development model of instructional media
The the overall life cycle method [6] was used a reference for the development of the media that
contains the following steps:
(1) Analysis: the software and hardware that would be used to develop the media was analysed
correspondence to the design of the desired media.
(2) Design: consisted of flowcharts, storyboards, and characteristics of the media
(3) Development: the development of software and experts validation.
(4) Test: black box approach to examine whether the functions worked properly was performed.

Figure 1. Research process.

3.2. Quantitative method approah to analyze experiment data

This study implements a quantitative approach [7] to analyse the experiment results. The analysis was
present in the form of index Gain [11] between pre-test and post-test to analyse the enchantment of
student’s cognitive ability.
The experiment was performing by 33 students of tenth grade at Binawisata Vochational School
Lembang which chosen as the sample purposively. The sample was chosen by considering the teacher
sugestion, class schedule and the number of class needed.
The data were gathering through observation, tests, and documentation. The collected data were
then analysed to be presented using tables and graphics to support the description and inference.

4. Designing the Concept of Interactive Multimedia

4.1. Multimedia design based on the constitutive elements of situated learning in interactive
According to the constitutive elements of situated learning in interactive multimedia [4], multimedia
have to provide a framework of the roles and responsibilities of three mutually constitutive elements
of the learning process: the learner, the implementation and the interactive multimedia program, which
are outlined in nine requirements, namely:Authentic context, Authentic activity, Expert performances,
Multiple perspectives, Collaboration, Reflection, Articulation, Coaching and scaffolding, Integrated

4.2. Features of multimedia correspond to Gagne's events

The Gagne's [12] nine events of learning serve well as a framework for the successful development of
educational multimedia modules include (1) gaining attention, (2) informing the learner of the lesson
objectives(s) and activating motivation,(3) simulating recall of prior learning, (4) presenting the
stimulus material, (5) providing learning guidance, (6) eliciting performance, (7) providing feedback,
(8) assessing performance, and (9) enhancing retention and learning transfer. Multimedia features
correspond to Gagne's events and represent the functions categorize by (1) screen design, (2)
interaction and feedback, and (3) navigation [5].

4.3. Gamifications and Stages of VAK learning model included in the multimedia
The developed multimedia stages were arranged based on the step of VAK learning model. In some
parts of the multimedia stage, fuzzle game elements are included in the activity. Here are the detail
stage of VAK learning model which included in the multimedia.
(1) Preparatory (preliminary activities)
The media provides motivational words so students want to be passionate about learning network
topology through video performances about the benefits of network topology on a daily basis.
(2) Submission (exploration)
The media displays videos on network topology material and simulations make types of network
(3) Training Phase (elaboration)
The media assign exercises in the form of a quiz consisting of 3 stages, with each stage consisting
of 2 types of puzzle games.
(4) Performance results (confirmation)
The media evaluates students 'abilities through multiple choice questions and entries, then the
media provides feedback on students' answers.

4.4. Syllabus on multimedia

The material discussed in the media is a network topology material for students of class X semester 2
of SMK, which consists of:
(1) Definition of network topology
(2) Types of network topologies, as well as their advantages and disadvantages
(3) Benefits of various types of network topology in everyday life
(4) Simulation making several types of network topologies.

5. The Implementation of Multimedia Based on The Proposed Concept

The developed design was implemented in the multimedia. Below is the illustration of the multimedia
interface discussed in the previous chapter:
(1) Preparatory. Figure 2 show preliminary activities which displayed by a video. The video provide
authentic context and activity as well as expert performace through the depiction of the function
of network topology in everyday life for a worker in an office [4].

Figure 2. Preliminary activities.

(2) Submission. Exploration activity ilustrated in figure 3 presenting video and simulation of network
topology construction. The figure provide critical information (video title) at the beginning of a
message and place prompts or navigational buttons at the bottom of the screen corresponding to
screen design of feature in Gagne’s event framework [5].
Figure 3. Exploration activity.

(3) Training Phase. Figure 4 show elaboration activity which included elemen of puzzle game in the
traing phase.

Figure 4. Elaboration activity.

(4) Performance results. Students 'abilities through multiple choice questions and entries, then the
media provides feedback on students' answers found on confirmation stage which ilustrated by
figure 5.

Figure 5. Performance result.

6. Experiment

6.1. Experimental design

This section discusses the experiment design. The experiment was necessary to be carried out in order
for the developed concept and multimedia can be tested and analised.
After the multimedia has passed the validation phase of the multimedia expert and material expert,
multimedia is tested first to class XI students majoring in Software Engineering Lembang Binawisata
Vocational High School who have learned the Basic Network with Network Topology material, then
the respondents are given an assessment questionnaire to multimedia to find out the multimedia value
in the eyes of the respondents. The trial was carried out twice as many as 15 respondents.
The experiment was then conducted three times to 33 students with the implementation time
adjusted to the schedule prepared by the school. The details of the activities from the implementation
of the experiment are as follows in table 1:

Table 1. Activity of students.

Activity Explanation
Students are given a multiple choice test of 15 questions to find out the initial
1st day Pre-test
abilities that students have.
Preparation The teacher opens learning by greeting students and assigning class leaders to
lead prayers. Next the teacher checks the attendance list of students and
provides motivation and learning objectives to students.
On the second day students learn about network topology using the media that
Core Activity has been built. Previously the teacher provided an explanation of how to use the
2nd day
media and guided students to use during the learning activities.
Some students are given the opportunity to convey their learning experiences by
submitting a summary of the results of the learning activities that have been
carried out. Then the teacher gives feedback on student presentations, and
learning activities are closed with a joint prayer.
Students are given a test again to find out the results of student learning with
3rd day Post-test
different problems of multiple choice test of 15 questions.

6.2. Results of Experiment

After performing some experiments following the scenarios explained in the previous subsection, we
obtained data of the pretest and posttest values displayed in the form of group data in figure 6 and
figure 7.

Figure 6. Students’ Pre-test value. Figure 7. Students’ Post-test value.

Based on figure 6 and figure 7, there is an increase from the pre-test value to the post-test value.
Furthermore, the gain value [11] is sought to find out how much the increase is. Further matching is
done to find out whether the gain index belongs to the low, medium or high category. The gain value
obtained is equal to 0.51 in the medium category. From these calculations, it can be concluded that
multimedia has an influence on improving students' understanding of learning material for Network
In addition, students were asked to fill out questionnaires in the form of responses to multimedia.
The questionnaire consists of three aspects, namely aspects of software, learning, visual
communication. The results of the average assessment of the four aspects are illustrated in table 2.
Tabel 2. Students respond.
Indicators Percentation
Aspects of Software 85%
Learning Aspects 85%
Visual Communication Aspects 84%
Average 93%

According to average value of percentation, it can be concluded that students' responses to

multimedia used are in very good categories.

7. Conclusions
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows:
(1) A concept and design of interactive multimedia of network topology to be implemented in visual,
audio, and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning model had been made.
(2) Students’ perceptions of the media were very good.
(3) The developed media was proven to have positive impacts on improvement of students’ cognitive

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