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Sueb1, Nur Alimah1

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 05 Malang 65145, Indonesia
Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in this world. Many islamic institution
such as Pesantren have built in each city of Indonesia. Nowadays, there are 27.218
pesantrens in Indonesia (Zulfiqar Bin Tahir, 2015). Pesantren (Islamic Boarding
School) is educational institution that have been existed since hundreds year ago and
have long history in Indonesia educational (Herdiansyah, 2016). In the beginning it’s
just place for studying Islamic knowledge only, but in the modern era it has been
transforming in multidisciplinary knowledge(Imfadi, 2009). Many pesantren offer
many vocational course like environmental awareness, agricultural skill, entrepreneur
skill etc (Charlene, 2014). Education in Pesantren have a big role in character
building and attitude in Indonesia (Idham, 2016).
Environmental literacy is a measure of a person’s knowledge about the
interactions of humans and their environments, environmental issues, and the various
connections in ecological systems (Juliana, 2015). Environmental literacy also can be
defined as the knowledge of the natural environmental mechanism, and the role of
humans to preserve the environment (Maulidya, 2014). Environmental literacy has a
purpose to assess the effectiveness of environmental education (Erdogan, et al, 2009).
Environmental literacy not only about knowledge of environment and ecological
concept but also correlate with skills profound such as behavior, attitude and concern
for environment (Fah & Sirisena, 2014).
Attitudes are reflected people’s behaviour and having important role in their
life choices (Crumpei et al, 2013). According to Schultz et al (2004) environmental
attitude describe as an association between beliefs, affect, and behavioural intentions
which having by a person regarding environmentally related activities or issues. Since
1980 the studied about environmental attitude and environmental behavior were a
topic that much be discussed by researchers in field of environmental education
(Eilam and Tamar, 2012).
Herdiansyah et al (2016) have a researched about Eco-Pesantren in Indonesia
but they just observed the awareness among santri. We think we have to know about
the level of environmental literacy and attitude also. Fua et al (2018) also have been
studied formation of environmental awareness in Gontor Pesantren, they assumpted
environmental awareness and attitude can increase from education.
The background is this study was many research discussed environmental
literacy and attitude among student and society but still minimum research targeting
in Santri. The aim of this study is to know the level of environmental literacy and
attitude among santri at Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School and the correlation
between them.

This research is including in correlation research. They are two variable in this paper,
environmental literacy and attitude. This research begin on February until March
2019 and located at PPSS Nurul Huda Mergosono Malang. The participant of are 50
male santri and 50 female santri, they have different background of level education.
They are choosen by purposive sampling. The instrument was using questioner there
are two kind, environmental literacy and environmental attitude. The statsistic
analyzing using SPSS program. To know the correlation between Literacy and
Attitude we used Spearman-correlation.

Charlene,T. 2014. Educative Tradition and Islamic School in Indonesia. Journal of
Arabic and Islamic Studies. 14: 47-62
Crumpei, I., Boncu, S., Crumpei, G. 2014. Environmental Attitudes and Ecological
Moral Reasoning in Romanian Students. Social and Behaviour Sciences. 114:
Eilam, E & Trop, T. 2012. Environmental Attitudes and Environmental Behavior-
Which is the Horse and Which it the Cart? Suistanibility. 4: 2210-2246.
Erdogan, M. Kostova, Z. Marcinkowski, T. 2009. Components of Environmental
Literacy in Elementary Science Education Curriculum in Bulgaria and Turkey.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education. 5 ( 1): 15-
Fah, L.Y & Sirisena, A. 2014. Relationship Between The Knowledge, Attitudes, and
Behaviour of Environmetal Literacy: A Structural Equation Modeling
Approach using Smartpls.Journal for Educational Thinkers. 5:119-144.
Fua, J.L., Nurlila, R.U., Gunawan, F., & Wekke I.S. 2018. Islamic Education on
Formation of Environmental Awareness in Pondok Pesantren Indonesia. Earth
and Environmental Science. 156: 1-4
Herdianyah, H. Jokopitoyo, T., & Munir, A. 2016. Environmental Awareness to
Realizing Green Islamic Boarding School (Eco-Pesantren) in Indonesia. Earth
and Environment Science. 30: 1-6
Imfadi, A.H. 2009. An Islamic Prespective on Environmental Literacy. Educational
Journal. 130 (2): p195
Maulidya, F. Mudzakir, A. Sanjaya, Y. 2014. Case Study the Environmental Literacy
of Fast Learner Middle School Students in Indonesia. International Journal of
Science and Research. 3(1)
Schultz, P.W., Shriver, C., Tabanico, J.J. & Khazian, A.M. (2004). Implicit
connections with nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24, 31-42.
Zulfiqar Bin Tahir, S. (2015). The Attitude of Santri and Ustadz Toward Multilingual
Education at Pesantren. International Journal of Language and Linguistics,
3(4), 210. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijll.20150304.13
Relationship between Environmental Literacy to the Environmental Attitude and
Behaviour Among Santri at Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School
Name :
Gender :
Level Education :
Orign/ Adress :

Environmental Literacy
Questions 1-11 are designed to help us gain a sense of how knowledgeable you are about the
environment in general. CIRCLE THE BEST ANSWER.
1. There are many different kinds of animals and plants, and they live in many different types
of environments. What word is used to describe this idea?
a. Multiplicity b. Ecosystem c. Evolution d. Biodiversity
2. What is the largest source of carbon monoxide in Indonesia?
a. motor vehicles b. the atmosphere c. plant life d. evaporation from the ocean
3. Most electricity in Indonesia is generated from what source of power:
a. hot springs/geothermal b. dams/hydroelectric
c. burning of coal, oil, wood d. Wind
4. What is the most common source of pollution of streams, rivers, and oceans?
a. water runoff from yards, streets, farms b. decreases in pH due to acid rain
c. natural chemicals produced in the atmosphere d. oil leaks from recreational vehicles
5. Which one of the following is a renewable resource?
a. Oil b. Trees c. Iron ore d. Coal
6. The ozone in the Earth’s upper atmosphere helps protect us from what?
a. carbon dioxide b. radon gas c. photochemical smog d. ultraviolet light from the sun
7. How do we currently dispose of household waste?
a. throw in river b. buried in behind of house c. throw in trash bin d. burn it
8. What is the name of the primary federal agency that works to protect the environment?
a. Ministry of Environment and Forestry b. Ministry of Agriculture
c. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries d. Ministry of Health
9. Which one of the following materials is considered household hazardous waste?
a. plastic packaging b. Glass c. Batteries d. spoiled food
10. What is the most common reason that animal species can become extinct so quickly?
a. over-hunting/fishing b. loss of critical habitat c. natural death d. Pollution
11. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are . . .
a. naturally produced in the atmosphere b. contributors to acid rain formation
c. contributors to thinning of the atmospheric ozone layer
d. no longer an environmental problem
Environmental Attitude
No Statement SA A U D
1 We are approaching the limit of the number of
people the earth can support.
2 When humans interfere with nature it often
produces disastrous consequences.
3 The earth has plenty of natural resources if we
just learn how to develop them.
4 Plants and animals have as much right as
humans to exist.
5 The balance of nature is strong enough to cope
with the impacts of modern industrial nations.
6 Despite our special abilities humans are still
subjects to the laws of nature.
7 The so-called ‘ecological crisis’ facing
humankind has been greatly exaggerated
8 Humans were meant to rule over the rest of
9 If things continue on their present course, we
will soon experience a major ecological

Sources: Tuncer, G., Tekkaya, C., Sungur, A. Cakiroglu, J., Eterpinar H., &
Kaplowitz, M. Assessing pre-service teachers’ environmental literacy in Turkey
as a mean to develop teacher education programs. International Journal of
Education Development. 9: 426-436.

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