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MMC 2010 4th Year Nationals 1

E1 Ricky has (4a + 1) ₧100 bills and Emil has (2a − 2) ₧50 bills. How much more money has Ricky than
Emil? [₧(300a + 200)]
E2 The graphs of y = 10 − x 2 and y + 1 = 0 intersect at two points. Find the distance between these points.

[2 11]
E3 If r and s are the roots of x 2 = x + 30, what is ∣r − s∣? [11]
E4 A triangle has sides with integral length. If its perimeter is 12 cm, what is the longest possible side of the
triangle? [5 cm]
E5 If the length of a rectangle is increased by 10% and the area is increased by 120%, by how many percent
is the width increased? [100%]
x − bc
E6 If ab + bc + ac = x, what is a in terms of b, c, and x? ] [
E7 Triangle ABC is isosceles with AB = BC = 3 cm and AC = 4 cm. How long is the altitude to the base?

[ 5 cm]
√ √
E8 Solve for x in 4 − x = x 2 4 − x. [{±1, 4}]
E9 A diameter of a circle is 24 inches long and is divided into parts that are in the ratio 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 3, in that order.
Through the points of division, chords are drawn perpendicular to the diameter. How long is the longest
among the chords? [24 inches]
E10 If x = log8 2, what is 27x ? [3]
A1 Let P units be the increase in the circumference of a circle resulting from an increase of π units in the
diameter. What is P? [π 2 ]
10 y
A2 If y = log x − log(x − 1), solve for x in terms of y. ][
10 y − 1
A3 A circle has a radius of 6 cm. How far from the center must a point be taken so that the tangents of a
circle from that point are each 8 cm long? [10 cm]
√ √
A4 If x − 1 − x + 1 + 1 = 0, what is 4x? [5]
A5 The area of the ring between two concentric circles is 18π inches2 . What is the length of a chord
√ of the
larger circle tangent to the smaller circle? [6 2 inches]
D1 A triangle has angles of 30○ and 45○ . If the side opposite the 45○ angle has length 8 cm, what is the√length
of the side opposite the 30○ angle? [4 2 cm]
D2 Find all values of x that satisfy the equation 4x − 8 ⋅ 2x + 12 = 0. [{1, log2 3 + 1}]
D3 If the circle x 2 + y 2 = m is tangent to the line at x + y = m, what is m? [2]
D4 A circle and a square have equal perimeter. What is the ratio of the area of the circle to that of the square?
[4 ∶ π]
D5 Find the solution set of the inequality 0 < ∣x − 2∣ ≤ 7? [[−5, 2) ∪ (2, 9]]

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