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Café Aaron .

A book review on God's Not Dead: Evidence For God In An Age Of Uncertainty by Rice
I. Bibliographical Data

God's Not Dead: Evidence For God In An Age Of Uncertainty by Rice Broocks

II. Background Information

a. Who is the author? (What are his nationality and origin? When
did the author write? Check standard reference books or the
book jacket.)
Rice Broocks is an American author which lives in Franklin,
Tennessee with his wife, Jody, and their five children. God's Not Dead:
Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty is published, March 12 2013.

b. What other work has the author done?

Rice Broocks is the co-founder of the Every Nation
family of churches, which currently has more than 1,000
churches in over 60 nations. He is the author of several
books, including, Every Nation In Our Generation and the
Purple Book (Biblical Foundations).
c. What is the author’s reputation?
Broocks said “Since that day I’ve devoted my life to reaching
out to an unbelieving, skeptical world with the message that
God is indeed real and has revealed Himself in nature, as well as
in history,’” Maybe the author wants to remind us that there is a
higher being higher than anyone else it based on the author’s
experience on his brother an atheist and an third year law
student his simple answers to his brother’s questions led to
authors brother acceptance of Christ, and baptized later
that day. Author Rice Broocks also says that."Faith in God is rising, yet so is
skepticism. The evidence for the existence of God must be grasped and clearly
articulated to answer this challenge," In his new book, God’s Not
Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty Broocks
offers a clear, understandable overview of the evidence for
God as well as the credibility of the Christian faith, while
responding directly to many skeptical claims.

Café Aaron .O
A book review on God's Not Dead: Evidence For God In An Age Of Uncertainty by Rice

d. Are there any important or enlightening circumstances

connected with the composition of this work?

III. Subject Matter of the Book

a. What kind of book is it? (Is it fiction, history, popular psychology,
philosophy, textbook, technical?)

I think God's Not Dead: Evidence For God In An Age Of Uncertainty by Rice Broocks
Is a Philosophy book because the author wants to show us something that some
people cant see as said by William Wilberforce a English
politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade.
“Christianity has been successfully attacked and marginalized… because those who
professed belief were unable to defend the faith from attack, even though its attackers’
arguments were deeply flawed.

b. What is the precise subject of the book?

c. What material does the book treat? (Summarize the main ideas or
sketch an outline.)

d. What is the tone of the book—i.e., the author’s basic interpretation

of the material?

IV. Method of Organization

a. Summarize in your own words the table of contents.

b. What are the tone and style of the book? (What kind of audience is
being addressed? Does the author give interesting facts or

c. State four to ten main ideas of the book.

d. Select and quote one short passage as an example of the author’s


Café Aaron .O
A book review on God's Not Dead: Evidence For God In An Age Of Uncertainty by Rice
NOTE: Answers for II c and d, III a to d, and IV a to d should not be
more than 200 words and not less than 150 words for each
questions. Strictly follow this format.

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