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Reconstructing ultrafast energy-time entangled two-photon pulses

Jean-Philippe W. MacLean,1, 2, ∗ Sacha Schwarz,1, 2 and Kevin J. Resch1, 2

Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
The generation of ultrafast laser pulses and the reconstruction of their electric fields is essential
for many applications in modern optics. Quantum optical fields can also be generated on ultrafast
time scales, however, the tools and methods available for strong laser pulses are not appropriate
for measuring the properties of weak, possibly entangled pulses. Here, we demonstrate a method
to reconstruct the joint-spectral amplitude of a two-photon energy-time entangled state from joint
measurements of the frequencies and arrival times of the photons, and the correlations between them.
Our reconstruction method is based on a modified Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. Such techniques
are essential to measure and control the shape of ultrafast entangled photon pulses.
arXiv:1901.11116v1 [quant-ph] 30 Jan 2019

Introduction—The generation, control, and measure- states, optical methods based on optical gating and fre-
ment of high-dimensional entangled quantum states of quency resolved measurements have recently been devel-
light are important for optical computing and commu- oped. These have been used to observe nonlocal disper-
nication [1–4]. One form of this entanglement, in the sion cancellation [37] and two-photon quantum interfer-
energy-time degree of freedom, can exhibit strong corre- ometry [38] on time scales inaccessible to standard pho-
lations in frequency and time [5, 6], nonlocal interference todetectors. For complete characterization, however, the
phenomena [7, 8], and dispersion cancellation [9, 10], with joint spectral phase is also required.
applications in high-capacity quantum key distribution Recovering the phase of a field from intensity mea-
[11, 12], enhanced spectroscopy [13], sensing [14], and surements in Fourier-related domains is known as a
two-photon absorption [15]. The generation and control phase-retrieval problem. In 1972, Gerchberg and Sax-
of energy-time entanglement has been realized in both ton provided a practical solution to this problem. They
bulk crystals and waveguide structures [16–20], however, introduced an iterative algorithm, referred to as the
it remains an important challenge to reconstruct the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm (GS), to extract the com-
quantum state of the photons produced. The perfor- plete wavefunction of an electron beam, including its
mance of any quantum optical technology using time and phase, from intensity recordings in the image and diffrac-
frequency depends on being able to both shape and mea- tion planes [39]. Their algorithm can be applied to prob-
sure such photonic states. lems involving electromagnetic waves [40, 41] including
In ultrafast optics and laser physics, the ability to mea- optical wavelengths [42].
sure the amplitude and phase of laser pulses on ultra- In this Letter, we implement a technique to recover
fast timescales is essential for nonlinear optics and spec- the phase of ultrafast energy-time entangled two-photon
troscopy. In this context, the problem of electric field pulses based on intensity measurements of the frequency
reconstruction has been extensively studied [21]. Opti- and the arrival time. Inspired by the conventional phase
cal pulses can be produced on time scales much shorter retrieval problem, we develop an algorithm based on a
than any photodetector response time [22], and conse- method of alternate projections [39, 43, 44] that iter-
quently, the only thing fast enough to measure an ul- ates between the frequency and time domains impos-
trafast laser pulse is another ultrafast pulse. Techniques ing the measured intensity constraints at each iteration.
such as FROG [23] and SPIDER [24] make use of nonlin- Measurements in frequency are performed with single-
ear optical processes to measure and reconstruct ultra- photon spectrometers and measurements in time are im-
fast pulses. However, adapting them to quantum states plemented via optical gating with an ultrafast optical
of light is challenging due to the low power levels of single laser pulse.
photons. In addition, the algorithms developed for laser Theory—A pure energy-time two photon state can be
pulses do not account for the possibility that photons can modelled as [6, 17],
be entangled. New innovations are therefore needed to Z
reconstruct the joint state of entangled ultrafast photon |ψi = dωs dωi Fωω (ωs , ωi )a†s (ωs )a†i (ωi ) |0i , (1)
Approaches for characterizing the optical modes of corresponding to a superposition of frequency modes
photons have been explored using homodyne measure- for the signal a†s (ωs ) and the idler a†i (ωi ) weighted
ments [25–30], or two-photon interference effects [31– by the joint spectral amplitude (JSA) function
33]. The increased interest in time-frequency modes Fωω (ωs , ωi ). The joint spectral amplitude, Fωω (ωs , ωi ) =
has also led to nonlinear ultrafast approaches for char- |Fωω (ωs , ωi )| exp [iφ(ωs , ωi )], describes the amplitude,
acterization [34–36]. To measure both the frequency |Fωω (ωs , ωi )|, and phase, φ(ωs , ωi ), of the state. For
and time intensity correlations of energy-time entangled downconversion, it is related to the pump properties

initial guess Gate SFG


Impose FFT Idler 𝜏i Ai

Ftω (ts , ωi ) constraint Fωω (ωs , ωi )
I(ts , ωi ) SPDC ωi

Impose Impose
constraint constraint Signal ωs λ
I(ts , ti ) I(ωs , ωi )
𝜏s As
Ftt (ts , ti ) constraint Fωt (ωs , ti , )
iFFT I(ωs , ti )
FIG. 2. Experimental setup for two-photon state recon-
struction. (a) Energy-time entangled photons are produced
FIG. 1. Block diagram of the algorithm for phase retrieval of through spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC).
an energy-time entangled two-photon state. The algorithm is Each photon can be measured in frequency using a scan-
seeded with an initial guess of the state. At every iteration, ning monochromoter or in time by optically gating the single
the Fast Fourier Transform is applied to one axis of the state photon using sum-frequency generation (SFG) in a nonlinear
after which the magnitude of the state is replaced with the medium with a strong gate pulse. The delays τs and τi are
measured data while the phase of the state is preserved. At between the gate pulse and the photon on the signal and idler
each iteration the error between the measured and recovered side, respectively. The quadratic spectral phases, As on the
intensities either remains the same or is reduced. signal photon and Ai on the idler photon, are controlled using
a fibre and grating compressor on each side. Measurements in
coincidence of all four combinations of the frequency and time
and the phase matching conditions of the nonlinear of arrival of the photons allow the reconstruction of the joint
material [45]. In this form, the joint-spectral inten- spectral amplitude function using a phase retrieval algorithm.
sity I(ωs , ωi ) = |Fωω (ωs , ωi )|2 characterizes the fre-
quency correlations and the joint temporal intensity
(JTI), I(ts , ti ) = |Ftt (ts , ti )|2 , obtained from the mod- tween the measured and the reconstructed joint spectral
ulus of the Fourier transform, characterizes the temporal intensities, which corresponds to the average percentage
correlations. The intensity time-frequency correlations, error in each point (ωs , ωi ). An important feature of
I(ωs , ti ) = |Fωt (ωs , ti )|2 and I(ts , ωi ) = |Ftω (ts , ωi )|2 , these types of algorithms is that the measured error will
can provide additional information on the spectral phase always decrease or remain constant at each iteration, and
for entangled states [37]. will not diverge [39, 48].
The phase retrieval algorithm is shown in Fig. 1. Four Phase retrieval algorithms have a well known ambi-
time-frequency intensity correlation measurements are guity. If the intensity distribution in the Fourier plane
performed, I(ωs , ωi ), I(ts , ωi ), I(ωs , ti ), I(ts , ti ) [37]. The is centro-symmetric, then the complex conjugate of any
effect of the limited instrument resolution for each mea- given solution in the object plane is also a solution [49].
sured intensity is deconvolved using a Wiener Filter [46]. For the energy-time degree of freedom, this implies a
The algorithm is seeded with an initial guess accompa- time-reversal ambiguity, i.e., it is not possible to dis-
nied with a random phase. In the first iteration, we tinguish between positive and negative dispersion from
project the state onto the constraint set that satisfies the intensity measurements in frequency and time alone.
the measured intensities in frequency. This is achieved Measurements of the time-frequency correlations can dis-
by replacing the spectral amplitudes p |Fωω (ωs , ωi )| with tinguish between these two cases and break the time-
the measured spectral amplitudes I(ωs , ωi ) but keep- reversal ambiguity. We find a significant improvement of
ing the phase, the algorithm’s performance when these are included in
Fωω (ωs , ωi ) p the constraint set.
Fωω (ωs , ωi ) → I(ωs , ωi ). (2) Experiment—The setup is schematically depicted in
|Fωω (ωs , ωi )|
Fig. 2 and described in detail in Refs. [37, 38]. We pro-
We then apply the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm duce pairs of energy-time entangled photons at 823 nm
(FFT) to obtain an estimate of Ftω (ts , ωi ) and again re- and 732 nm using spontaneous parametric downconver-
place thepamplitudes |Ftω (ti , ωs )| with the measured am- sion. These are coupled in single-mode fibres allowing
plitudes I(ti , ωs ). This is repeated two more times, as for direct, spectrally resolved, or temporally resolved
in Fig. 1, completing one iteration of the algorithm. At measurements. Spectral measurement are performed via
each iteration, we evaluate the FROG-trace error [47] be- monochrometers with a resolution of 0.1 nm. Temporal

2.60 (a) i, s (b) ti, s 2.60 (a) i, s (b) ti, s

2.59 2.59
Signal freq. (fs 1)

Signal freq. (fs 1)

2.58 2.58
2.57 2.57
2.56 2.56
2.55 2.55
2.54 2.54
2.26 2.28 2.30 2.32 2 0 2 2.26 2.28 2.30 2.32 2 0 2
Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler time (ps) Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler time (ps)
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.000.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
(c) i, ts (d) ts, ti (c) i, ts (d) ts, ti
2 2
Signal time (ps)

Signal time (ps)

1 1
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
2.26 2.28 2.30 2.32 2 0 2 2.26 2.28 2.30 2.32 2 0 2
Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler time (ps) Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler time (ps)
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.000.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

FIG. 3. Example deconvolved measured data for two-photon FIG. 4. Two-photon state reconstruction. Reconstructed dis-
state reconstruction. Combinations of spectral and temporal tributions for the (a) the joint spectral intensity, (d) the joint
measurements are made in coincidence to obtain the (a) joint temporal intensity, as well the (b,c) time-frequency correla-
spectral intensity, (d) joint temporal intensity, and (b,c) cor- tions of the measured state in Fig. 3 after 1000 iterations of
relations between the time and frequency of the photon pair the phase retrieval algorithm.
for an SPDC state. We observe strong anti-correlations be-
tween the measured quantities in (a), (b), (c) and very little
correlations in (d), indicating the presence of negative disper-
sion on both photons. After post-processing, the measured laser pulse has the same centre wavelength and path
intensities are used as data constraints for the phase-retrieval through the fibre-compressor system as the photons on
algorithm. each side. The phase at each relative grating separation is
reconstructed using using the Principal Component Gen-
eralized Projection (PCGP) FROG algorithm [47, 50].
measurements are implemented via optical gating, i.e., We find a quadratic phase that depends linearly on the
via noncollinear sum-frequency generation (SFG) with grating separation with slopes of (−1360 ± 60) fs2 /mm
femtosecond laser pulses in 1 mm of bismuth borate and (−2190 ± 70) fs2 /mm for the signal and idler respec-
(BiBO) crystal. The electric field of the gate pulse is tively. The difference between the two is attributed to
characterized using an SHG-FROG measurement, and the cubic dependence on wavelength of dispersion in a
we find an intensity pulse width of 130 fs (s.d.). The grating compressor [51].
instrument resolutions set the filter functions used in Phase reconstructions—We compare the phase re-
the numerical deconvolution of the measured intensi- trieval algorithm on measured data for two-photon states
ties. The quadratic spectral phase on the photons, with different amounts of dispersion. We set the grating
2 2
φ(ωs , ωi ) ≈ As (ωs − ωs0 ) + Ai (ωi − ωi0 ) , is controlled compressors on the signal and idler side to study four
with a combination of normally dispersive single-mode cases: no additional dispersion, with extra positive dis-
fibre and adjustable grating compressor for anomalous persion applied to the idler, with extra negative disper-
dispersion [37], where As and Ai are the chirp parame- sion applied to the signal, and with extra negative disper-
ters for the signal and idler, respectively. The relative sion applied on both sides. For the case of a two-photon
position of the gratings inside the compressor sets the energy-time entangled state with negative dispersion ap-
magnitude and sign of the overall dispersion. We cal- plied to both photons, an example of the four combina-
ibrate both grating compressors using XFROG (Cross- tions of time and frequency measurements is shown in
correlation FROG) spectrogram measurements between Fig. 3. Background subtraction, a Wiener Filter, and
the strong gate pulse and a weak laser pulse. The weak low-pass filters are applied in Fig. 3 and prior to the

2.60 (a) (b) (c) (d)

Signal freq. (fs 1) 2.58


2.26 2.28 2.30 2.26 2.28 2.30 2.26 2.28 2.30 2.26 2.28 2.30
Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler freq. (fs 1) Idler freq. (fs 1)
/2 0 /2

FIG. 5. Phase reconstruction of energy-time entangled states. Reconstructed joint spectral phase for energy-time entangled
photon pairs with (a) no added dispersion, (b) positive dispersion on the signal, (c) negative dispersion on the idler, (d) negative
dispersion on both the signal and idler. Phase points outside the 2σ intensity contours are removed for clarity. We observe (a)
a relatively flat phase variation, (b) a positive quadratic phase variation along the signal axis, (c) a negative quadratic phase
variation along the idler axis, (d) and a negative quadratic phase variation along both axes.

reconstruction [52]. We observe strong anti-correlations sion to the idler photon [Fig. 5(c)], we observe a negative
in the joint spectral intensity [Fig. 3(a)], however, the quadratic variation in the spectral phase along the idler
joint temporal intensity [Fig. 3(d)] is uncorrelated due (x) axis, with again little variations along the signal (y)
to the presence of dispersion on both photons. The ob- axis. When we apply As = (−0.036 ± 0.003) ps2 and
served shears in both the time-frequency intensity plots Ai = (−0.043 ± 0.002) ps2 of dispersion to the signal and
[Fig. 3(b-c)] also illustrate the presence of negative dis- idler [Fig. 5(d)], we observe a negative quadratic varia-
persion. We input these intensity constraints into the tion along the diagonal x-y axis.
phase retrieval algorithm and run the algorithm for 1000 For the three cases where dispersion is applied, we fit
iterations, a number found heuristically after which no the reconstructed quadratic spectral phase in Fig. 5(b-
reduction in the FROG-trace error is observed. The in- d). For each, we unwrap the 2D phase and perform
tensity of the reconstructed wavefunction in frequency a polynomial fit to the phase distribution. For the re-
and time are shown in Fig. 4. The reconstructed inten- construction in Fig. 5(b) we obtain a quadratic spectral
sities are compared to the measured data from Fig. 3(a) phase on the signal of As = (0.024 ± 0.003) ps2 and
and Fig. 3(d). We find a FROG-trace error between the for the one in Fig. 5(c), we obtain a quadratic phase
post-processed and reconstructed spectral intensities af- on the idler of Ai = (−0.026 ± 0.003) ps2 . For the re-
ter 1000 iterations to be (3.64±0.07)% for the joint spec- construction in Fig. 5(d), we obtain a quadratic phase
tral intensity and (7.01 ± 0.35)% for the joint temporal on the signal and idler of As = (−0.036 ± 0.004) ps2
intensity. and Ai = (−0.028 ± 0.003) ps2 , respectively. The corre-
Note that the marginal bandwidths of the joint spec- sponding uncertainties are obtained from the variance in
tral intensity in the reconstruction [Fig. 4(a)] are shorter the fitted spectral phase after performing Monte Carlo
than in the original data [Fig. 3(a)]. Numerical sim- simulations assuming Poissonian noise. When dispersion
ulations suggests this arises as a result of the phase- is applied to only one photon, Fig. 5(b) and Fig. 5(c),
matching bandwidth in the optical gating. The effect of the phase obtained using the phase-retrieval algorithm
the phase mismatch on the reconstruction of two-photon corresponds to the reconstructed phases measured using
states with optical gating is modeled in the supplemen- the XFROG algorithm. In the last case, Fig. 5(d), we
tary information. find a discrepancy between the two. This, again, is likely
Figure 5 shows the reconstructed joint spectral phase due to the effect of the phase mismatch on the tempo-
for the four different cases. Starting with the case where ral measurements and on the subsequent reconstruction
we attempted to minimize the unbalanced dispersion of two-photon states, which will be more pronounced for
[Fig. 5(a)], we observe a relatively flat spectral phase. the photons which have much larger bandwidth than for
We then apply As = (0.026 ± 0.002) ps2 of dispersion on the weak pulse used for the XFROG reconstructions (see
the signal photon [Fig. 5(b)], and we observe a positive Supplementary information).
quadratic variation in the phase along the signal (y) axis, Conclusion— We have demonstrated a method to re-
modulo 2π, with little variations along the idler (x) axis. cover ultrafast two-photon energy-time entangled pulses.
When we apply Ai = (−0.025 ± 0.002) ps2 of disper- Our technique is based on a method of alternate pro-

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Phase retrieval algorithm

The steps involved in the iterative phase retrieval algorithm for energy-time entangled states. Measured intensities
in frequency and time are first deconvolved using a Wiener Filter. The algorithm is seeded with an initial guess of the
field, which can consist of the measured amplitudes with a random phase. Steps (1-8) are used when all four intensity
constraints are applied.
Fωω (ωs ,ωi )
1. Replace the magnitude of Fωω (ωs , ωi ) with the measured values Fωω (ωs , ωi ) = |F ωω (ωs ,ωi )|
I(ωs , ωi )

2. Inverse Fourier transform Fωω (ωs , ωi ) to obtain an estimate of Ftω (ts , ωi )

Ftω (ts ,ωi )
3. Replace the magnitude of Ftω (ts , ωi ) with the measured values Ftω (ts , ωi ) = |Ftω (ts ,ωi )| I(ts , ωi )
4. Inverse Fourier transform Ftω (ts , ωi ) to obtain an estimate of Ftt (ts , ti )
Ftt (ts ,ti )
5. Replace the magnitude of Ftt (ts , ti ) with the measured values Ftt0 (ts , ti ) = |Ftt (ts ,ti )| I(ts , ti )

6. Fourier transform Ftt0 (ts , ti ) to obtain an estimate of Fωt (ωs , ti )

Fωt (ωs ,ti )
7. Replace the magnitude of Fωt (ωs , ti ) with the measured values Fωt (ωs , ti ) = |Fωt (ωs ,ti )| I(ωs , ti )
8. Fourier transform Fωt (ωs , ti ) to obtain an estimate of Fωω (ωs , ωi )

Reconstructing two-photon states with optical gating

We construct a numerical model of optical gating and consider its effect on the measurement of two-photon states
and the wavefunction reconstruction. The initial state is a two-photon energy-time entangled state as in Eq. 1 with a
joint-spectral amplitude for the signal ωs and idler ωi frequencies modeled as a two-dimensional correlated Gaussian
function, Fωω (ωs , ωi ),

Fωω (ωs , ωi ) = √ 1/4
2πσωs σωi (1 − ρ2ω )
2 2
#! (3)
1 (ωs − ωs0 ) (ωi − ωi0 ) ρω (ωs − ωs0 ) (ωi − ωi0 )
exp − + − .
2 (1 − ρ2ω ) 2σω2 s 2σω2 i σωs σωi

The marginal frequency bandwidths, σωi and σωs , and statistical correlation, ρω , of the state are set to the values
measured experimentally. We model the optical gating as sum-frequency generation process in the low-efficiency
regime between the photons on each side and a gate pulse with centre frequency ωg and a pulse duration of 0.130 ps,

leading to upconverted frequencies ωus = ωs + ωg and ωui = ωi + ωg on the signal and idler side, respectively. The
gate pulse is modeled with a Gaussian temporal profile,
1 (ωg − ωg0 )
G (ωg , τg ) =  1 exp − 4σg2
+ iτg (ωg − ωg0 ) , (4)
2πσ 2 4 g

with marginal bandwidth σg , and delay τg . The three intensity measurements involving optical gating are calculated
via the following,
Z Z 2

I (τs , ωi ) = dωus dωs G (ωus − ωs , τs ) ΦSFG (ωs , ωus − ωs , ωus ) Fωω (ωs , ωi ) , (5)
Z Z 2

I (ωs , τi ) = dωui dωi G (ωui − ωi , τi ) ΦSFG (ωi , ωui − ωi , ωui ) Fωω (ωs , ωi ) ,

I (τs , τi ) = dωus dωui dωs dωi G (ωus − ωs , τs ) ΦSFG (ωs , ωus − ωs , ωus ) (7)


× G (ωui − ωi , τi ) ΦSFG (ωi , ωui − ωi , ωui )Fωω (ωs , ωi )

where the gate pulse G is the same on both sides but with delays τi and τs introduced. The phase matching function
∆kL ∆kL
ΦSFG (ωj , ωuj − ωj , ωuj ) = exp −i sinc (8)
2 2
where the phase-mismatch,
ne (ωj )ωj ne (ωuj − ωj )(ωuj − ωj ) no (ωuj )ωuj
∆k(ωj , ωuj − ωj , ωuj ) = + + (9)
c c c
is calculated for type-I SFG with different crystal lengths L and the experimentally measured wavelengths. The
phase-matching bandwidth can be estimated from the range of frequencies contained in ∆kL = π. Upconverted
frequencies outside this range are suppressed. All integrals are evaluated numerically.
In the SFG process used for optical gating, a photon and a strong gate pulse in the near-infrared (NIR) are up-
converted to produce a higher energy photon in the ultraviolet. If the photons are dispersed before the optical gating,
high and low frequencies components will arrive at different times in the nonlinear medium. In the presence of phase
mismatch, the upconverted frequencies associated to these high and low frequency components can lie outside the
phase-matching bandwidth of the crystal, and consequently will be suprressed. As a result, phase mismatch in optical
gating changes the measured intensity correlations and therefore changes the intensity constraints that are applied
in the phase retrieval algorithm. The applied constraints will no longer correspond to the modulus of the Fourier
transform of a physical state, thereby affecting the reconstruction.
We model all the steps in the phase-retrieval process. We numerically create frequency anti-correlated states, with
the same centre wavelength and bandwidth as those measured experimentally, but with different amounts of applied
spectral phases, given by the chirp parameters As and Ai . We calculate the four joint correlations in frequency
and time using different lengths of BiBO for optical gating, apply the numerical deconvolution to each intensity
measurement, and insert these as constraints for the phase retrieval algorithm. After reconstruction, we unwrap
the spectral phase of the reconstructed joint spectral amplitude function and fit it to a third-order two-dimensional
The reconstructed spectral phases are compared to the applied spectral phases in Fig. 6 for different lengths of
BiBO used in optical gating and for different applied spectral phases. In Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b), the signal chirp
parameter As is kept fixed while the idler chirp parameter is varied, whereas in Fig. 6(c) and Fig. 6(d), the idler chirp
parameter Ai is kept fixed while the signal chirp parameter As is varied. When the length of the crystal is set to zero
(L = 0 µm), the reconstructed phase corresponds exactly to the applied phase, and the line at L = 0 µm appears at
45 degrees with a slope of one. As the length of the crystal increases, we find that the slope remains fairly constant
at 45 degrees, but the offset depends on the configuration. For example, comparing Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b), we find
the values of the reconstructed idler chirp parameter Ai depend on whether the signal chirp parameter has a value of
As = 5, 000 fs2 [Fig. 6(a)] or As = 40, 000 fs2 [Fig. 6]. The difference between the reconstructed and applied phase in
Fig. 6 also becomes larger for longer crystals where the phase matching function is more restrictive.

1e4 1e4
4 (a) As=5000 fs2 4 (b) As=40000 fs2
3 3

idler phase Ai(fs2)

2 2

1 1

0 0

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Applied idler 1e4 Applied idler 1e4
phase Ai(fs2) phase Ai(fs2)
1e4 1e4
4 (c) Ai=5000 fs2 4 (d) Ai=40000 fs2
3 3
signal phase As(fs2)

2 2

L=0 m
1 1
L=400 m
L=800 m
0 0 L=1200 m
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Applied signal 1e4 Applied signal 1e4
phase As(fs2) phase As(fs2)

FIG. 6. Effect of phase mismatch on the reconstructed spectral phase. We model the effect of optical gating with different
lengths L of BiBO on the reconstructed phase. The reconstructed phase is compared to the applied phase for four different
cases. The signal chirp parameter is fixed to the values of (a) As = 5, 000 fs2 and (b) As = 40, 000 fs2 while the idler chirp
parameter Ai is varied. The idler chirp parameter is fixed to the values of (c) Ai = 5, 000 fs2 and (d) Ai = 40, 000 fs2 while the
signal chirp parameter As is varied. At L = 0 µm, the reconstructed phase is the same as the applied phase. As L is increased,
phase mismatch becomes more important and this changes the value of the reconstructed phase.

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