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1 Learning from Chemical Zhihui Helen 2013 International Kondisi pembelajaran In the generation condition, learners used an online
Visualizations: Zhang Journal of drawing tool to represent four phases of hydrogen
Comparing generation & Marcia C. Linn Science combustion. In the selection condition, students chose four
and selection Education images from among alternatives to represent the phases.
For typical selection, there were eight alternatives
(featuring images from the visualization) and students
selected among over 130 possible sequences. For complex
selection, there were 12 alternatives (identified from
student responses in prior work on generating
drawings) and students selected from among close to
12,000 possible sequences.
Pertanyaan penelitian 1. What are the relative advantages of selection and
generation for understanding hydrogen combustion and
explaining novel chemical reactions?
2. How do high and low pre-test performers benefit from
each condition?
3. How do selection and generation help students
distinguish among their ideas?
Kajian pustaka - Chemical reaction is a key concept in secondary school
chemistry curricula.
- In chemistry learning, generating drawings can help
students distinguish among different representations
(Kozma & Russell, 1997)
Desain penelitian - There are 3 versions of the inquiry unit (generative,
typical, and complex selection)
- In this study, students added new ideas about chemical
reactions with dynamic visualizations, distinguished
among ideas through generating drawings or selecting
among alternatives, and consolidated the varied views by
explaining how chemical reactions take place at the sub-
microscopic level.
- In typical selection, they distinguished among images that
occurred in the visualization. In complex selection, they
distinguished among both observed images and common
alternative ideas generated by students in earlier studies.
- Thus, complex selection, where students consider
alternatives that might be in their repertoire but not in
the visualization, is expected to be helpful than typical
- In this study, we compare three ways to support the
process of distinguishing among ideas. Generating
drawings requires students to extract valid information
from the visualization and write explanations that
integrate the information with their existing ideas. Typical
and complex selections require students to recognize
promising drawings and to integrate their ideas as they
explain their choices. Typical selection uses images from
the visualization, consistent with many assessments.
Complex selection includes images from the visualization
and choices that represent student common confusions
but do not occur in the visualization. Each of these
approaches to instruction has potential for helping
students distinguish ideas.

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