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S$ooc8 Q.' E-Gi en{E e oo6

.f{ oE eoo6 oa: co : ce1: ccn6Q oq. 1E :
"? i.gJS

-f:"E r cel / ocrco(oe e1) /1ocg

qmgorv'Joog?$6re$go1flcu -l U^.|ttd
oo@o8:oep rr Response of clarification for Tender No.1(T),2(T),4(T)'5(T)
Division/Turnkey/YEsc/2018-2019 Installation of 3311 lkv'
5MVA Sub-Stationoa: Q { co 3ic,r : QS E :
.rdg$'qd rl cu IGE Power Co., Ltdefi @.c.1<>cg)
BDS/YES CIE -0241201 'dlolooogo5-tCnel 8- 1 9

(c<>'c.Jocg) etdEoloo-?d-
Ju RJE Myanmar Co., Ltdei
02 1/RJE/YESC/20 1 8

?l Asia Power Quality Electric Co., Ltder\ (cc'c'1ocg)

qd g <.,1 ooca 9 o5 -nrQ/MK-c 9 f ,, " e
gu KTK Electrical Engineering Co., Ltder\ (cG'c'Joce)
e.tc,6|o1ooo9o5 -21 t )P,3 (1 )P/KTK I o cg

cr q
-- q - 6o6moE3ao:co:c$nmEQnq.flE,g
q$"t$4S,esar@:saqtqog. oooE
qqo?f el
q"SG€ q6c$,oS$qi o:EslnoTq-otcca) Turnkey oo8sl.agoE (t(T), 2(T),

5(T)) / Turnkey /of3:'eeo16, lJoco-Jocg moSoo:3tis o$oaooc,6@6: q6c$:oEd+€

oo6cco6$ o3eleoE$qlc,Eobn3:co6,oElsaq1,r6qp,aao: (Calrification) Q1qSnottiq$
qeal $
r (c r1 r q r{ o 3 Q c"",-,1cc a)
9 ) o'lo"qpt $ rr

n?Edqprg *,t@$rco"ogic$fl{-d-fldqPt( Responseof Clarification for

Tender No. 1 (T),2(T),4(T),5 (T)Division/Turnke y NESC12g 1 8 -20 1 9) oo: I : Q,-'1 o
o'i 3 t

co8sl€fi -8oEcnQ3: Addendum

E$-d"G@c:o6,iarg)rr ,.'%u1 e$@c'qldqp:sao:
rrc e 1 S
@[go go)oRqor6Prl

{r{ &z

8gt4- .i1:coc65

Response of Claril'it::rliorr lirr'lender No.1T ,2T,4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC I 2018-2019
Insl:rllation of 33/1lkv, 5MVA Sub-Station gaa: Q$ogio<,ttQ.@Et

Sr. Qucstion Response

eoo6 oo: g til o gi oaooc,6 q$ o oa d cQo 3 o pg

33/1lkV, 5M V n'I'r'iutslirrmer sv). 3311lkv, 5MVA 'iransformer sx)z

q$ $.g 6 o 3 eco3 oo, e<-" eclt ecnEQeq: qE : 9 q$ $
qfl S o 6 eo o6 sao, o,.: : oq: ocn6 Q
9 q 6
"? "?
I eo:sa6qp:eg) qeo6poo:qpqE on Site c
$: 93 ooep.,6ec,:
o6ap: ogl G6[9,
o eepc,6 eo :
Ei coo
: r r (9 3 : Transfqrm er sv)i Installation, Testing & Commissioning g{
Installation, Tesling & Commissioning oa:Ei....) Energizing t-d qdc$:qp:oo: m$o{c,E
coag oao$ cp eeoaS gcf ey.,'1o$ rr

33kV Incoming Switchgear (Indoor) Type

sac: Stand Alone $€ n"tq3:e1o1eg)rr
eo:q3:og) Stand Ahlone panel arEi cad;:
33kV Incoming Switchgear (Indoor )oa: Stand
ooo: ecncS t g$[9t Specification g{ c'f oSpQg
2 Alone Type (cQ.eqo5) (ln + Out ) Type Ge
flqeleioQS HV, LV Compartment qp:
Separate @6qcie$rr Single Line Diagram,
Layout (Side view, Front View) Drawing qp:
o@ gioQco$cgE : eo6Qey.io$ rr

33kV Indoor oeo6oo:3ti1-%"6 33kV Line

gaoE Disconecting Switch coEicgSte.-,:e1$
l2kV Outgoing Feeder o"8"4

36kV Line ooE Disconecting Switch g{ I ZtV qp:oqc,5 10 M Concrete Pole (+)of3o8
a Outgoing Feeder Disconecting Switch qp:oo: cog)eoac,E$ t ztcv Disconnecting Switch
cTP q3 ecifl<io@Q 93:oi.e'\ Work Scope ccal qp: 8s'l od 1 q13 : 8q3 co8ao3 ec,: ey.,lel g) rr

gloE slg{ ocri11: eo8 q qi o$3 o'lcccw: rr mico{c,Sooqp3g 6<l:qStelgi Disconnecting

Switch qp: eri Specification
Catalogue qp:3ac: Techninical Proposal o33
o$ a3 3 : eo6$oc., : qoltl g) rr

ooo6oa: g ti cogloaoooE op%8 ocg : Q;.qe gi

36kV & lzkV Underground Power Cable 36kV & I2kV Underground Power Cable
C 6 .4.
4 qp:e) Size,
Type & Specification
^ qp:er\ Size, Type , Bill of Quantity List g€
cn oco
ne cDegELo? c : o16'lfc rl Specification qJo: 3aa: eqooSeoc,EAG€
qp:oo: uonlrrrn gf |


Il0 V Battery Bank sadl:saoo:9c Maintenance

Battery Bank er\ Capacity (Ah) oa:Q$cop!
5 Free VRLA 12V Battery G6gr Battery Cell
Confirm p1q6eo:<iq$ rr
Capacity 120Ah $6cilog) rr
Sr. Question

Underground Cable efi o,t5o6 ugdt

Underground Cable er\ oc,5o6"g3lt qpt 9€
gac'cc'S qlc:sao:
6 oo6cco8cr3i o q1c,5ococtSqp: oo: e@@a: qptf€ oo8ccoEod -qnE
egcc,5oc,6og (m )G€ eo6Qoo: <-''lcca) rr

110V Battery Bank (120Ah) & BatterY

110V Battery Bank (120Ah) & Batlery Charger Charger Complete set with Rack and DC
Complete set with Rack and DC Distribution Distribution Boardefi oc,6o6c,tg3i: qp: 9€
Boarder\ aoc'5o6oggl: qp: f € <.,o6cco6ard -qd ,.,oEooEcr gi oqlcrSoocctSqp: oo: oqottE
oc,cc,Eqp: oa: e$@a: eo :.:1 q$ rr ooEq (o )@E eo6Pcoo: o'1co3) rr

Earthing Material gcHard CopyqS Country

Earthing Material -%d CountrY of
of Origin 9o Europe,Japan ,Korea,Thailand
q eo6Qoo:$: Soft CopY o33 fo State q
Origin ?o To State @Eo1a:$rr
e.6Qcoo:cid'd-d- og$G6 e@c8:

-V AC Panel g{ Control Cable qp:er\ Country of LV AC Panel gQ Control Cable qp:et\ Country
9 of Origin 9o To State @6c''lo3)rr
Origin er\ o9$oa:a3cQ<-,1ogirr

:c) GRC Control Building G€ -qtQt

aao6oa:|riccEe@eqcpq8 1+o' x 30') (High Type
) Control Building oo: GRC sa{1:caoo: Control (1) ogleaoodrd Control Building
Building G€ -r?'01.g{ flre flrr n\ Detailed Drawing & Design qP:
co g) a3 6, eo6Q ec, : qcie El rr

33kV Incloor Switchgeat gf uo6""-

33kV Incoming Switchgear Panel (Indoor ) er\ ogl eo:g{:oo:eo:3itQ) qE e@@c:
sa oqoqcrSc{ dcq,rlo@8 t
co",[9 $6olarglrr

1(TITCX?8 oloSeoo cc/o.9 em$ coo

T.td* Tender | (T),2(T),4(T),5(!q3 <.''1o3a:3i
em$oo Specificationqp:q8 (No Load' ccl<>.9 ecnfi c<>,r ecnfieo oqc,6 Revised
l2 and Full Load Copper Losses ) and efficiency Technictl Spcci l'icrrl i()tl sao:
qp: 3ac: cf c$eq <io.r"n@€ oogiQlo6eo :
rcs8 e' %eo6Gcoo: olccei rr

eo:o1q$ T11{
Station Tntttslirt ttt.,t .1€ l',t*"r Transformer
Tender 1(T),2(T),4(T) and 5(T)oqo6 8t,,3t
oc: q913o6cagcp.r\ rt,3, 513 : coq$ooan8
$og): fi : 4 "?oS-43 : 8 Q3
er\ : (cQ.ot4oE )ctrain
13 Chain Link E$3:p3 trndlelo'p5@p€'
rnk 8Q3: tded od3rdSqS'G€ Qrq8q'dd I
it'rrt'irr1i,f7,ti,tScnctf6t E$3'
ooglQge<.,,u'lqi E crrc,i1c1,.,1
" ;$
r r

Question Response

Tender |(T),2(T),4(T),5(T)qE o'lo3a:gi 33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor )S€ tZ kV VCB

(Indooi) Panel qp:%E o"loEogl oggf:qp:e'\ Counrry of Origin
9o egoc6ocr5c?farl)
i1oof3:$6<iccalrrl2 kV Indoor Type Switchgcar VCB Panely> 1250 A (1) Incoming
630 A (4) outgoins Be eQcS:oi$3o3ec,'q3,61$
i1q8:eE! qgc8qp:onfG€ cq1:tr{:coa3:5go oQsqltm)<-il with Holding rax ,
Commercial Tax ocr'lood o qgloecg: o6oo : cc1, o g{. co : a33 : cled - gi
ool{o{o5qpt"?osdqdfoad with Holding Tax ,Commercial Tax c{ $SeeoS
9 ooE go5ogoS@ioo: ccro ogladpSres r q El: 29os r q6og : lq61 gi : eg$@c: nc,5
qp, lf oaq qcr5qlo5 co : cood clcl gi d g, o qgl o oa3 : o d eo : eqr -
B d{. c,.r : a3 3 : c1e gl
rq.5.4 qdc $
: o{cf a\ q z,;G€ nq' n$' o{@tqpe8 -dTE
: : qc,5q1cr5 nu6@
Tender e'\ ctp
oo:eo:Q.epq€ Hard copy ooSQoa:ccg)caof3: g{ sort copy qd eo6$q$ rr

GTP efi Soft Copy File $1c96op%3 File- Excel File , Fornt size -Time New Roman 12 ofloo

o E
$ gi g crs q1 c,5 qp: o 3l o 6 s1 s'l Addendum o $ 6 9 o5 q qc-'1 e
El rr
I- -!
/ Response of Claril'icatiorr lor 'l'cnder No.lT ,2T,4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019
I nst:rl lal iorr ol' 33 t ll kV, 5MVA Sub-Station oot
Si cu gie,., : {$3 :
(egaoEoc,S* - m)
r YESC Specification Unit Qty

I 36kV, lC x 185 mm'Cu/XLPIJCWS/PVC/HDPE C able M 300

Country of Originat To State
Maker To State
Conductor erygqlgolgqq":
StanOarA l AS/I\ZS i429
Vottage t-wet tlO/U(Umt l l9l33(36)kV
Conductor Screen
-__ Semiconductive Compound

hsut"dt'ton 1
XLPE ( z8 mm )
Non - Magnetic Semi-conducting
Insulation Screen I

Shield ( Bonded Type )

Semi-conducting Non - Woven
Water Proof Layer
Water Blocking Tape
Metallic screen Copper Wire
Metallic Screen (No of Cu Wire and size) 481 > 1.35 mm
Semi-conducting Non - Woven
Longitudinal Water Blocking Layer
Swellable Tape
nner sheath PVC(Zl.lmm)
Outer sheath HDPE t > i.Z -* f
Rated Voltage ( UO/U ) l9l33KV
System Highest Voltage 36 KV
Area of Conductor (--') l; 185
Appro: Overall Diameter (mm) To State
Current carrying capacity to calculate(according to IEC)
Direct Buried (A)
Pipeduct (A)
In Air(Trefoil/Flat) (A)
Permissible Short Circuit Curfent (1 Sec)
To State
Permissible Short Circuit Current (l Sec)
To State
Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage
63 kVi 5min
( cond / screen )
Rated lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage
To State
( cond / screen )
Rated Earth Fault Current (Copper Wire Screen) To State

DC resistance at2}oc (W/km) To State

Capacitance (frF/km) To State

Drum Type Steel Drum

Type Test Report ( provide with bids ) To State Yes / No
Inspection Report ( Routine Test witness by
To State Yes / No
purtller )
Authorized Dealer Yes /_Nt -"i

2 @nationKitswithlugs ( )utdoor Type) s4 1.,

_q"""y "r Origi""t_ To State

Maker To State
-- IEC 60502, IEEE 48
Type Heat Shrinkable
7 ---an

Response of Clarification for Tender No.lT ,2T, 4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019
, Installation of 33tllkv, 5MVA Sub-Station oa: sicuEico:Q$3:
(eqocr6ooE* - m)
YESC Specification Unit Qty
.Sr ir No

l'vne of Tnsulator IO )tate

nnlication Outdoor
lorrosion Resistance Fitting -Yes
/ No
Minium Creepage Distance ro State- -
Jverall Dimensions to Stite -
@ rri n kv
Permissible Short Circuit Current Rating
- 31.) kA
Tro tv (peJt I
70 kv
nstallation & Ooeration Manual To Include
Type Test Report To State
Insoection Report To State
Authorized Dealer Yes / No
Mtr 240

Country Original To State

Maker To State
-- - AnnealedCopper
( lonductor

Stlndard fEC-ooscn-z
('oncluctor Screen SemiconOuitive ComPounO
Insulittion xI-PB(23-.+mmJ
Non - NIagn-tic SEml-corulutting
Insulation Screen Shield ( Bonded TYPe )
Serru-ond[ating5]-on - Woven
Water Proof Layer Water Blocking TaPe
Metallic screen Copper Tape Screen ( z 0.1 mm)
Semi-conductlng Non - woven
Water Blocking Layer Over Metalic screen Water Blocking TaPe
Inner sheath @
Outer sheath FR - PVC (> 2.4 mm)
Rated Voltage ( UOru )
System Highest Voltage 12 KV
ffi ii +oo --*-
Current carrying caPaclty
to State
to calgnt{9(1.99qryj" r!_9 __

Pipe duct (A)
DC resistance (Wkm)
Capacitance (rlF/lrm) To State
)-- _ To st j:Ies/ Nt-_
12 kV, lC x 400 mm'Cable Termination Kit with
Set 6
Lugs (Outdoor Type)
Country of Original I O State
I o State

Standard iEC 6tj50Z iEEE 48

I ype Heii Stirint<aule
Type of Insulator l o Statc
Response of Clarification for Tender No.lT ,2T,4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019
Installation of 33ll1kV, 5MVA Sub-station oo: Qico3!cc,:QS6:

(epcr5ooE -m)
YESC Specification

Resistance Fitting Yes / No

Minium Creepage Distance
RatedVoltage(U0/U) 6.35 / 11 kV
Highest Withstand Voltage
Rated lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage 75 kV ( Peak )

stallation & Operation Manual To Include

To State
Inspection Report

-12 kv.3c x 185 mn'Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC Cable

Oountry of Origin'al To State

Annealed Copper

('orrtlttclor Screen Semiconductive Compound

Irrsrrlirl iorr XLPE(>3.4mm)
Non - Nlagmetic Semi-conducttng
Irrsrrlirtion Scrccn
Shield ( Bonded Type )
Watcr Proof Layer
Water Blocking Tape
Metallic screen eoppeirape sc.e"r( l-0. i -rn)
Se mT- c ondu Ctfn[N on - Wo n en
Water Blocking Layer Over I\tfetalic screen
Water Blocking Tape
Inner sheath PVC f > t.Z mm)
PVC ( >-3.2mm)
Rated Voltage ( UOru )

Area of Conductor (mm") 3C x 185 mm

Appro: Overall Diameter (mm) To State
rcult Current
To State
uencv wlmstand voltase
28 kV
( cond / screen )

35 kV ( peak )

To State
DC resistance at2}oC (W/km)

To State
Capacitance (pF/km)
Type Test Report ( provide with bids ) Ves I No
nspectlon est wltness
Yes / No
purchaser )
7 Response of Clarification for Tender No.lT ,2'1,4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019
Installation of 33tl1kV, 5MVA Sub-Station oo: $icogico:Q$E:

(epcr6oc,5ai - m)
Sr YESC Specification Unit Qty

12 kV,3C x 185 nm' Cable Termination with Set 8

Lugs (Outdoor Type)
Country of Original To State
Maker To State
Standard IEC 60502,IEEE 48
Type Heat Shrinkable
To State
Type of Insulator

Application Outdoor
Corrosion Resi stance Fitting Ves i No
@--Dimensions T. Si"te
To State
- 6.35/llkv
t2 kv
25 kA

75 kV ( Peak )
lRated Power Freguency Withstand Voltage 28 kV
Installation & Operation Manual To Include
Type Test Report To State
Inspection Report To State

-12 kV, 3C x 95 mm Cu/XLPE/PVC Cable( Unarm oured ) Mtt _59

eountt of-riginaf I
Maker I To State
I Rnnealid Copper
rEC 60502-2
uctor Screen Semiconductive Compound
Diameter of conductor l1.4mm
Insulation xlPe(z3ZmmJ
Insulation Screen Shield ( Bonded Type )
Seml-concluctlng Non - woven
Water Proof Layer Water Blocking TaPe
Metallic screen Copper Tape Screen ( > 0.1 mm)
semr-conductlng Non - woven
Water Blocking Layer Over Metalic screen Water Blocking TaPe
Inner sheath PVC(> l.5mm.1
Orrter stleath PVC ( z 2.6mm)
@ rr ruil
I I l\v
Sy- -
Area of Conductor (--') -3C x 70 mm2
To Statc
To State
Conductor _-
To Statc
2It KV
( cond / screen )
Response of Clarification for Tender No.1T ,2T, 4T& 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019
Installation of 33tl1kV, 5MVA Sub-Station eo: picupie<-t:Q$3:


35 kV ( peak )
( cond / screen )
DC resistance at 20 oC (W/km)
To State
Test Report ( provide with bids Yes / I.{o

L2 kV, 3C x 95 mm' Cable Termination with

ion Resistance Fittine Yes / No
Minium Creepage Distance
Overall Dimensions To State
RatedVoltage(U0/U) 635 / 11 t'V
ircuit Current Rating
Rated lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage 75 kV ( Peak
Rated Power Freguency Withstand Voltage - 28kV
To Include
Type Test Report To State
Inspection To State

(c) oooSBQ List <i ogEi:qp:9a oi.gi:ogcr5q1cr5oa:@E:ara @6<iccairr

(j) cn{o{c6oaqp:9 88"?. Design oq e?f @.nu: c,|o6"d oggi:qp:c'f

co6@qp:6t$ $6<icoEin
Response of Clarification for Tender No.1T ,2T,4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019Installation of
3311lkv, 5MVA Sub-Station oc: $icogieo:Q$3:
(oqocfodu3 - ul

volt Meter (DC) 0 - l50v

AmpereMeter 0-75A
@tilctta.getand Load)
InOication t-arnp
Input ON, Output ON
Charger on fload
Charser on boost
Input fail (AC fail)
Charger fail
Charger over voltage
Positive ground
Negative ground
DC Low
DC High To Include
O) DC Circuit Breaker
Maker To State
Country of Origin to Siaie
Standard ro Staie
Type fo Sdt"
Incomer (634,2P M(lt]) I ro inCiuae
Outgoing feeder (324,21'M('lf ) 6
Outgoing feeder (l6n, 2l'M('ll) 6 To Include
(c ) Battery Bank
Maker To State
Country of Origin To State
Standard IEC 60896
pe To State
Battery ccll
Battery volt pcr t't'll
Battery ccll crrlrrt'tty 120 Ah
N,omin;tl l)ist'lt:rt 1ir' ( 'lrt t cttl A ftsitt
Normirtitl lirrrirl | )isr'lrirrl'r' Vollitl'r .rl .rO'(' V/cell ro Stute
No of'lxrtlcty t r'll 9 Nos
f{r:sponseofClarificationlirr'Icn<lerNo.1T,2T,4T&5T Turnkey/Division/YESC/2018-2019Installationof
33/l lkV, 5MVA Sub-Station oat Q$a:gieo:Q$3:
(oqccfodni -
No. YESC Sper ification Unit Qty

Charging Voltage at20'C to 25'C

- Float Charge V/cell To State
- Boot Charge Vlcett I o State
ryIgry-!,tu -
Maintenance Maintenance Free
Ct'ssificatiot High Performance lOyrs to l2yri
Response of Clarification for Tender No.1T ,2T, 4T & 5T Turnkey / Division / YESC/ 2018-2019 Installation
3311lkv, 5MVA Sub-station oo: @icugieo:{$3:

1/0.4kV, 100kVA Station Transformer


Manufacturer To State
Country of manufacture to Stute

Equipment Standard(IEc 60076) Yes

No. of phases three-phase
pe of tank Bolted Cover
No. of windings Two
Vector group symbol DYnl l
Frequency 50
ing method ONAN
Specification of oil ( 60296) Yes
Insulation Class A
Electrical Characteristics (Clause 7)
Rated power KVA 100

Rated primary current at nominal Tap at 70deg A 5.24

Rated secondary current at nominal Tap at 70deg A 144.34

Continuous power at all taPS Yes

Medium Voltage System Charatristics

Rated Short circuit current 20
Nominal Voltage l1
Ratcd voltage
One Minute Power Frequency withstand
V(rm 28
Power frequency withstand voltage
Rated lightning, impulse withstand voltage V(pea 75
Insulation Creepage Distance Phase to earth
Min Phase to phase clearance 350

Min Phase to earth clearance 300

Low Voltage System Charatceristics
Impedance voltage at rafed Power
HV Windings (Clause 5.5)
primary UNI l1
Material, wire or strip Copper wire/striP
Insulation Class A
Arcing horns / spark gap on HV bushings
LV Windings (Clause 5.5)
secondary UN2 0.4
Material, wire or strip Copper wire/striP
Insulation Diomand dotted PaPerwraPPing
Magnetic flux density (at rated voltage and fiequency) Tesla max. 1.7
Core Material CRGO
Core Loss figure, Watt/kg wkg 0.92

Tap Changer (Ciause 5.8)

ap changer type Off Load
Principal tapping at HV winding KV 11

pping range +Vo +2.5,0, -2.5, -5, -7 .5

Number of tap positions and tap step + ste 5 @ 2-5Vc

emparature characteri stics
Ambient temperature (max.)
Ambient temperature (average)
Temperature rise limit (at 1000 m )
il / top
(r( )

windings I average 15
windings hot sPot
Losses (Clause 8)
and frequency w rr-f;sfi;:ri6=rif
Max No-load loss at rated voltage I--To sru," - t28o -- l4oo )
w ----
Max Full load (CoPPer loss) --- -o.t-o*-t n;i-
Tap Position
(P'F=0'95) kv
Rated voltage at full load
and frequency
Efficiency referred to 75oC at rated voltage
I}OVo rated outPut nnd P'f'=
1 (7o)
0'95 (Vo)

7o "6ili--i
i qs.+a )
IO}Vo ratedoutput and P'F=
No load current as percent of rated 1.35
at90Vo voltage (7o) 1.5
at l00%o voltage (7o)
MV Bushings (Clsuse 5'6) o State
Al 250
rated current
power frequency test level (at 1000
m) kvl 28
iigtt,ning impulse level (at 1000 m)
.L*urr"" across insulator (at 1000m)
::l Yes

adjustable arcing horns
LV Bushing (Clause 5'7)
fo State
Manufacturer Yes
type (DIN tYPe or eqvt'; 250
rated current J
m) KV
power frequency test level (at 1000 6
m) KV
lightning impulse level (at 1000 mm
across insulator 60
Min. creePage distance Yes
Bushing CuPs
Testing and InsPection (Clause 4)
typ. t"rt, to be carried out' Please state if
this is to be
arried out at Ointernational lab
or Manufacturer's

works dB(A) To State

N;i;; level at a measuring distance of 0'3
(Clause 10)
Equipment and Accessories Yes
Rating and diagram Yes
Oil filling device Yes
il Drain Plug Yes
Oil Level indicator Yes
Pressure relief device Yes
Tank earthing terminals' Yes
Lifting lugs es/N Yes
Pulling Lugs Yes
Winding lifting lugs Yes
Surge Arrester motttti ittg lrr.lt'kt't Yes
lltc tank sides' es/N
Unii centre lines Initrkctl t'lcrrr ly otl Yes
Locking device lirr thc ol l t'it t'ttit
titp changcr

Atinted copper jutttpt:t ol 'l5tttrtt

x ltltttt
'lirrtsc (t
Transformcr Tartk (( )
To State
nsformcr tttlitl tttltss
Overall ditttt:tlsiolts i tlt l tttlt tt1'' To State
height To State
depth To State
Thickrtcss ol
mm 6
mm 4
mm 4

our of transformer RAL 7032

kneis of surface Paint treatment pm >160
Documentation submitted with the Bid (Clause
Manufactuer's Letter of authorisation Yes

Document with production in last 5 years !'es

Manufactuer's suPPlY record esAll Yes
es/N Yes
Brosure with charatceritics
es/N Yes
Operation manual
es/N Yes
Drawing of dimensions
Type Test Reports (Third Party Certificate) Yes

esting Equipment list es/N Yes

Iso certification esA.{ Yes

es/N Yes
Quality Control Plan
Response of Clarification for Tender No.lT ,2T, 4T&5TTurnkey/Division/YESC/2o|8-20lgInstallationof
oo: :
33/1lkv.5MVA Sub-Station Q,{ c.r2ico: Q$3

(eqccr5oc,Sai - or)

o Include
Same Manufacturer
Maker w!1h Cirqqi! Blea-!e1
To State
Country of Origin
rEc 6227r-100
2 2.3 mm
Sheet Thickness
o State
Coating Colour
Coating Thickness
Draw Out
Truck withdrawable tYPe
rEC 62277-100
Safety interlocking system
To Include
DiscrePencY Switch for VCB
o State
To State
Country of Origin

& Spring Charge Position To Include

Position indicator for CB ON/OFF
To State
Country of Origin

o Include
Ammeter Meter
To State
To State
Country of Origin

Country of Origin
Class (2)

Three Phase Digital Multi Function Meter

Country of Origin

o neaO Y, A,Hz, CosO, MW, MVA, Mvar, etc'

Must be
W tatio and CT ratio must be programmed'
Must be
Day light reading Liquid Crystal Display
port' nS 485 and Etrernet comply to IEC 61850 Must be
Must be
Operating Voltage = 110 Vac
Must be
Input Voltage = 110 Vac
Must be
Rated InPut Current = 5 A
Must be
Rated InPut FrequencY = 50 Hz
Must be
Class (1)

To Include
KWh Meter (3 Ph, 3Wire, 110V, 5A)
CfWf, mnOis & Gyr,EMH,Elster,Itron,Siem
USA, EuroPe
Country of Origin
Panel Mounted Digital
Must be
ratio and CT ratio must be programmed'
light reading Liquid Crystal Display
Miii ue
Must be
'. pott' n-S +85 and Etrernet comply to IEC 61850

110 Vac
M"n b.
Operating Voltage =
Must be
Rated InPut Voltage = 110 Vac
Must be
Rated InPut Current = 5 A
llust Ue
Rated InPut FrequencY =50H2
Must be
Accuracy Class (0'5)
Must be
Self Power
(+wh) Must be
G,direAion with reverse stop function or Bidirection

To Include
Combine Directional Three Phase Overcurrent
& Earth Fault RelaY
f ? !l{"1)1
REF6 1_s

14D116J7D06 10A
nGtom (Micom), P

Siemeni (Siprotec),7S164555E8923 LOR

*h n eid aM ico-m ) r27 B Azz5 72FEt

Country of Origin
To State
1A and 5 A, 50 HZ
-Rated inPut Current
5oloto 200o/o
-Current setting range
.025 - 1 xt
-Inverse time unit
o/o o/o
10 to 1600
-Instantaneous unit
To Include( Fault Record at Least lOTime
-Fault Record
80-250 V acldc
-Rated voltage
Protection Functions
To Include
nre phase/g rou nd overcu rre nt protection( 5 U 5 )
r nverie ti

- tnstantineout phut"/gtound overcurrent protection(50/50N)

fo include
To Include
- Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF)
- Thermal overload element (49)
o Include
- Three Phase undercurrent (37)

- Phase/Line under Voltage (27)

- Ptlarelline over Voltdge (59)
To Include
- Residual over voltage (59N)
To Include
- Under. / Over frequency 3 stage (BlU/O )
f B.k"" c""d".t* Proteaion(4OBC)

- Cold load PickuP Protection

Communication Interface
- intetface ( Front RS 232 or USB port )

- Remote Accesssories ( Rear RS 485 port )

- IfC OfeSO protocol Compatible with GOOSE massaging
- Modbus RTU, DNP3 & IEC 60870-5-103
To Include
- and others according to manufacture's design
110 Vdc
Control Voltage
o Ilclude
Drawing (Circuit, Dimention)

Cutrent Gnsformer ( Incoming and Outgoing Panel )

o State
To State
Country of Origin
rEc 61869-3
Rated Voltage 12kV

time with stand Crt 25kA,3 Sec

CT Ratio ( Incoming ) 600-1200/5-s-s A

Burden > 15VA, 15VA, 15VA

Accuracy Class 0.s cL/ sP 10/sP10
Ratio ( Outgoing ) --,
200-400/s-5 A

Burden > 15VA, 15VA

0.s cL/ sP 10

Voltage Transformer ( Incoming Panel )

Maker b State
Country of Origin To State

Standard rEc 61869-3

Rated Voltage 12kV

Rated P.F withstand voltage (kV Peak) 28KV

Lightning Impulse withstand voltage 75 kV

33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor ) Specification

Rated Power Frenquency withstand voltage

Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage
Closing & Tripping Control Voltage
Spring Charge Motor Voltage
Country of Origin

Sheet Thickness
Coating Colour
DiscrepencY Switch for GCB & DS
o State

of Origin To State
To State

Interlock facilitY for DS

To Include
io rniruoe

@ssure, Alarm Lockout for.GCB)

Tio stut"
Country of Origin
To State
To State
16 Window
No. of Window
To Include
Position indicator for CB, DS, ES ON/OFF Position
Bell for Trip, Buzzer for alarm
To Include

Master Trip Relay with Reset button (86)

b Include
'o Include
o State

of Origin To State
To State
33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor ) Specification

Accuracy Class
Operating Voltage 110V AC (L-L) or Self Powered

Power Factor ZeroLag * UnitY * Zero Lead

Display Dav light readllo Liouid Cry{al oi+la1

(or) Display
Direction of EnergY Bidirectional (*Wh)

Communication Interface
- Voltage Circuit (per Phase) 1<6VA
- O,rrent Cit*it
lPer enaie;
W ratio and CT ratio must be programmed'
Meters must be products for medium & High Voltage Must be

CornOir," Oit".Uorrl fhree Phase Overcurrent

& Earth Fault RelaY

33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor ) Specification

0 to 359
- Trip Relay Time DT for tI>,tI>>,tI>>>
IDMT: I>,I>=> 0,025 to 1 5
Eafth Fault Overcurrent
- Range .1 to 40 Ine

- Setting step 0.01 Ien

- Stages Ie> , Ie>> ,Ie>>>,Ie>>>>
- Directional Mode
- RCA 0 to 359
- Trip Relay Time DT for tle>,tle> >,tle> > >
IDMT: I>,I>> , TMS: 0.025 to 1.5
Output Relay
- Make Current Max: 30A and carry ofr 3s
- Carry Capacity 54 Continuous
- Braking Capacity DC 250V DC , 50W resistive or 25W Inrltrctivc
(L/c = +O ms)

- Operation time izrs

Logic Inputs
- Type Optically insulated
- Burden 2.3mA per input
- Recognition time (DC) < 5ms

Com m u nication Interface

PC Interface (front RS 232)
- Transmission rate 19200 baud (fixed)
33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor ) Specification


0 to 9999 A
1A or 5A

0.10 to 1000kV
57 or 130A
To Include
To State
o State
1A .5A
4A 204
250A 1250A
<100mQ <20m'Q
-Input imPedance
-Rated frequencY
250 V acldc
-Rated voltage '
-Basic start ratio P/In
-Starting ratio setting S

-Harmonic blocking ratio

t4o/o of set value
-Operation accuracy
Com Port: Glass Fiber OPtics
Relay Commnication
For SCADA ComPatible,IEC 61850
Human Machine Interface
for Programming the RelaY
33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor ) Specification



70 kv
170 kv

33/ v3 kv
110/ v3 v
110/ 3 v

cL 0.5, 3P

o State
b State
IEC 61869
Dry TyPe
33 kV
36 kV
Rated Voltage
31.5 kA,3 Sec
Short time withstand Crt
70 kv
Rated Power Frenquency withstand voltage
F.'.6a" Llght.i.g Itprl* withstand voltage iio r.v

ffiwi$rstand voltage 3kv

Secondary Winding
CT Ratio
30 VA
Accuracy Class
0.s cL/ sP 10/sP10

33kV Lightning Arrestor (MCOV-24kV)

To State

of Origin To State
To State
NormalVoltage 33 kV
36 kV
Rated Voltage
Continuous OPerating Voltage 24 kV
33 kV Incoming Switchgear ( Indoor ) Specification

33 lncoming G(

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