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“In the time of those kings, the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor
will it be left to another people (nation). It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it
will itself endure forever. (Daniel 2:44)

1. In the time of those kings:

The kingdom of Christ would be set up during the days of the Roman Empire – the 4th and Last Beast in
Daniel’s prophecy – Babylon / Persian/Greece/Rome. All of the GENTILE kingdom ruled over God’s
people Israel for a time but God said that would come to an end in the time of the LAST beast – Rome –
“The times of the gentiles would be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). The “kings” here are the Roman Caesars and
we see them again in Revelation 17:9-12.

As expected, right on schedule, this everlasting kingdom was announced at the birth of Jesus Christ
(Luke 1:32-33) during the Roman occupation of Israel! Listen to Jesus’ words as He begins His ministry…
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand (close by); repent (of your offenses to God) and
believe this good news.” (Mark 1:15 NASB).

“The TIME is fulfilled” – What time? The time of the promised Messianic Kingdom, the divine
government that would DESTROY and REPLACE all earthly kingdoms as the dominating power over the
earth (ruled by Satan up till that time – Luke 4:5-6). This was the “TIME” that Daniel and all the other
prophets predicted. The “LAST DAYS” according to the Bible are never referring to the end of the
physical world as we know it, but the end of the OLD COVENANT world and the BEGINNING of the NEW
COVENANT WORLD – See Heb 9:26 –How could it have been the END OF THE MATERIAL WORLD when
Jesus was crucified in 30 AD? The word is literally “age” not WORLD and referring to the duration of the
Old covenant (Mt 24:3; 1 Cor. 7:31).

The “LAST DAYS” according to the Bible are the last days of the OLD COVENANT SYSTEM (world) and the
BEGINNING of the NEW COVENANT WORLD where nationalities, nations, gender and rank no longer play
any role (Gal. 3:23) but Heaven is freely opened to all thru Christ – by grace and faith alone – apart from
the Mosaic System of LAW that came to AN END in the days of the 4th Beast – the Roman Empire. This is
precisely what the Book of Revelation is all about – God stoning His adulterous bride – apostate National
Israel – which God calls “SATAN” – Rev 2:9.
The “SIGN” in Daniel’s prophecy that kingdom was arriving was when the 4th Beast (Rome) was in
power over national Israel – THEN…LOOK FOR THE KINGDOM TO COME! Is it any coincidence then that
Jesus was born under Roman domination…and began His ministry with the words, “The time is fulfilled,
and the kingdom of God is at hand (close by); repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15 NASB). Cl

ose by CANNOT mean FAR OFF…

“And it came about that as he (Paul) journeyed, he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light
from heaven flashed around him” (Acts 9:3 NASB).

The word translated “approaching” here is the exact same Greek word (eggizo) used by Jesus in Mark
1:15 when He said, “The Kingdom of God is ‘eggizo’– approaching” – coming near – getting close. Now
see Mt 16:26-27.

Question: How could Jesus be COMING in His kingdom SOON (Mt 24:34 and yet thousands of years
later? Are there two comings?

2. “That (kingdom) will never be destroyed”:

Unlike the kingdoms of man, the kingdom of God will never be conquered, grow old or come to an end.

3. “That (kingdom) will not be left to another people”:

Christ’s government over the earth and His people is not subject to the assault of men and nations, it
cannot be “taken over” by any power or peoples…His kingdom will NEVER END.

4. “That kingdom will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end”:
Christ’s kingdom is the ONLY kingdom that truly matters. His authority supersedes and eventually
“crushes” all who oppose Him – all of mans “empires” amount to nothing but Christ’s rule last forever
and all are accountable to the “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords”.

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