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Jennifer Campos



4 February 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Hall, Alex S., and Jeffrey Parsons. "Internet Addiction: College Student Case Study using

Best Practices in Cognitive Behavior Therapy." Journal of Mental Health Counseling,

vol. 23, no. 4, 2001, pp. 312-327. elibrary,


In this academic journal, Hall and Parson try to classify the different types of behaviors

and symptoms that students display from internet addiction. The authors of this database

reviewed and inspected numerous sources in order to commence their research on the personality

traits presented in undergraduates. The writers of this academic journal also elaborate how

incompetent electronic use can be towards our school performance and how vulnerable it makes

us in order to escape social interactions. This database goes over distinct characteristics that

people with these addictions demonstrate such as a need for longer amounts of time online, time

management issues, mood modifications, etc. They also states the different types of implications

and concerns accompanied from electronic use. The authors backs up their claims with sources

from other scientist who tested several people to get a reliable clinical information about this

addiction. The main reason I selected this database for my background research on signs of

excessive technology use is because this source had great content that relates to teens of today

even though this source is a little outdated. This is valuable to my research, because they

demonstrate the demographics of the different distresses conducted by leading experts on what
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behaviors the younger age group might show when spending too much time on the internet

which is relevant to my research.

Lester, Howard. “Technology Misuse, Abuse, & Addiction Among Teenagers.” Council

on Recovery, 9 Feb. 2018, www.councilonrecovery.org/technology-misuse-abuse-


In this article, Lester is unraveling the question on what are the top reasons on what

makes teens primarily more addicted to technology compared to any other age group. After

reviewing multiple sources the author goes into detail on what goes on in the brain that causes

teens to, become so susceptible among technology. Howard unveils that when technology is

misused it can arise problems mainly due to boredom and to also escape reality. People become

more dependent on technology essentially, because it provides self administering dopamine. In

Lester’s article they provided evidence from researchers that states what conditions researchers

found in teenagers that were heavily addicted to phone use which alludes towards mental health

unforeen in teens. The author also brings up another interesting point about teens feeling the

need to stay connected with the internet no matter how hard they try to pry away from it given

that technology is easily accessible. This source is valuable to my research on technology

addiction, because it helps me comprehend scientifically why our generation has a hard time

breaking these bad habits of being on their phones constantly which also answers why we have

little to no self-control.

Murphy, Kathryn. “Is Technology Affecting Our Health? : Nursing Made Incredibly

Easy.” LWW, Oxford University Press, 1 July 2016,


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In this article, Kathryn attempts to answer what negative effects technology has towards

our health and how it affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally. The author listed evidence

from multiple sources on the infinite physical risks created from this addiction which are

sleeping problems, vision problems, hearing problems, neck/back strain, text thumb, and a

sedentary lifestyle. This article summarizes what scientifically increases these changes in your

body and Murphy also goes over the different types of mental health effects that people suffer

from electronics. A couple of the mental and emotional effects that the author indicates is

memory change, emotional instability, loss of solitary time and change in emotional intelligence.

Many researchers conducted studies on these symptoms and how social anxiety is elevated with

the exposure of technology and internet. I picked this article for my background research on why

technology is harmful towards people, because it has helped me learn the different levels of

dangers that prolong in our society so long as technology continues to develop each year. The

author elaborates and teached me many complex issues that come from these contagious

electronic habits that people greatly relish.

Porter, Alfonzo. “The Problem with Technology in Schools.” The Washington Post, WP

Company, 28 Jan. 2013, www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/therootdc/post/the-problem-



In this article, Porter explores the controversial question of whether or not technology is

the vast problem in schools today. Porter goes into depth on how technology is a major issue in

schools mainly, because students are very consumed and distracted to technology. A lot of kids

in our day and age are conditioned to be on their phones 24/7, and that creates a loss of

concentration which has revolutionized kids of today. It’s a huge distraction for many
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adolescents, because most of them go off task scrolling through twitter, and Youtube instead of

focusing on the teacher. After the author reviewed a survey from Pew Research Center the author

indicated that 60% of students are affected by technology, because it hinders their ability to write

and communicate face to face. Alfonzo exposes how many students try to get away with not

doing homework by finding quick answers online instead of putting any work ethic into what

they do. The author displays a magnificent overview on why technological addictions are vastly

associated to teens since it creates huge distractions during class. This article will help support

my background research on technology addiction issues foreseen in teenagers at school, because

I wanted to discover the foundation of these problems to help understand why adolescents are

heavily influenced and attached to their gadgets.

Tyler, Mara. “Video Game and Technology Addiction.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 4

Nov. 2016, www.healthline.com/health/addiction/gaming-and-technology#symptoms.

In this article, Tyler digs into further detail on these very groundbreaking questions that

many wonder which is on how to remedy technology addiction, what it means to be addicted and

the different types of online addictions. After reviewing many articles that were conducted by

leading experts, the author talks about the diagnostics that researchers evaluated on behavioural

developments and physical health. The writer stated that there's more than one method that

people can use to control their disorder, if they turn out to be diagnosed with IAD (Internet

Addiction Disorder). This article provides an excellent overview associated on what to do if

people have any related or similar symptoms to this internet disorder. Mara reveals that even if

you tried to eliminate technology use it’s not the most effective way to treat these unhealthy

habits. She explains that these types of disorders sometimes require multiple combinations of

therapy and that sometimes people who need this help don’t realize it right away. The article will
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help reinforce my background research on the most effective ways to alleviate bad habits

towards internet addictions since I’m doing my whole capstone on bringing awareness to

technology addictions. I wanted to know what are the different types of way to help people that

might have this disorder, so they can be enlightened on what to do if they find themselves in this


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