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Web Testing

Project “IMSS”

By: Marco A. Salazar Chim


This document shows the tests performed by Marco Antonio Salazar Chim, held on
12/03/15. The overall objective is to show the correct points to both design and
code. For better and faster usability "IMSS" system.

Folder "/ parts"


File "cerrarSesion.php" and "checarlogin.php"

Ok, acceptable SQL runtime, advice, should go in the connection folder.

File "Login"

Ok, it displays the error message if the data is not correct, has server side validation
but not the client side. It makes use of "include" for the file import connection to
the database.

File “administrador/index.php"

Everything OK.

File "administrador/altas/buscarPaciente.php"

Below is a table with patient data shown, patients seeking work properly, no errors
of broken links, the design is stable, in the section of "review" only shows data for
the same patient.

By selecting the action "edit" redirects me to the next root

The id = 3 is vulnerable to SQLInyection, has no field validation, to save changes
when there is a warning message "ok" or "error"

In the section on "remove" in the same table, everything works properly, shows a
warning message if the data were successful or not.

On the same page " administrador/altas/buscarPaciente.php"

There is a floating button on the right with red icon "pencil" it makes you see the
user to make any changes in the table, but within the button displays the following
"Excel and record. One recommendation would be to put a icon "add (+)".

On the same page by selecting the option of Excel, this modal if it has client-side
validation, but not the server, everything is done correctly.

Page " administrador/altas/altas.php"

Good design does not have broken links, has client-side validation but not the
server side.

Page " administrador/altas/editarUsuario.php"

This section displays a table with 2 buttons available inside. The first is editing, this
button always displays the same user data. The following is a floating button icon
button with "+" This button opens a modal, this modal only has client-side
validation with the "Password" field "user type" other fields have validation side
none have validation server.

page " /administrador/altas/password.php"

Good design, no broken links, has client-side validation but not the server side,
shows a configuration message if the change was successful or not.
I can say that the design, font size, color are perfectly associated with a product on
health, they are not very bright colors, contrast perfectly. Distribution connections
and files are easy to locate for the programmer, the links are easy to navigate for
the user and they must take into account the primary way client-side validation
without forgetting the server side validation. Co luck, success in future projects.

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