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O projecto Cool Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

0. Introdução . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1. Diferenciação . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2. Articulação das competências com o projecto pedagógico Cool Zone . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3. Componentes do Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.1. Grammar Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.2. Info Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.3. Writing Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.4. Vocabulary Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.5. Language Function Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.6. Joke Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.7. Culture Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.8. “How well am I doing?” Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.9. Project Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.10. Help Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2. Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3. Leitura Extensiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Separadores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. CD Áudio do Aluno e CD Áudio do Professor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6. DVD – That’s me / Eat it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7. Transparências . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8. Apresentações em PowerPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
9. Caderno de Apoio ao Professor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Guião de utilização de Transparências . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Guião de utilização dos CDs Áudio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Tapescripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Guião de utilização do DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Tapescript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Guião de utilização das Fichas de Recuperação . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Guião de utilização das apresentações em PowerPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Material Fotocopiável . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fichas de Recuperação (Extra Practice)
Placement Test e Testes A/B (Zones 1, 2, 3 e 4)
Testes de Listening
Fichas de exploração do DVD
(inclui Tapescripts dos testes de Listening)

0. Introdução
A concepção do projecto Cool Zone surge da necessidade de dar resposta à grande heterogeneidade de turmas
com que os professores se deparam diariamente, dando ainda seguimento ao projecto Cool Zone iniciado no 7.o ano.
Pretende auxiliar o professor na gestão flexível do Programa e na sua tarefa diária de organizar o processo ensino/apren-
dizagem, adequando-o às características específicas dos seus alunos: conhecimentos, capacidades, ritmos, estilos de
aprendizagem, interesses e motivações.
À semelhança do Manual do 7.o ano, existe neste projecto uma articulação entre o Programa e a organização dos
processos de ensino/aprendizagem, de modo a desenvolver as competências específicas que conduzam à construção
de uma competência global em Língua Estrangeira, de acordo com as orientações do Quadro Europeu Comum de
Referência para as Línguas.
Numa abordagem que visa o desenvolvimento do aluno, não só a nível cognitivo, mas também nos domínios
afectivo, social e moral, as metodologias a adoptar deverão ser centradas no discente. Deste modo, são delineados
percursos de aprendizagem diversos, após a selecção dos conteúdos a mobilizar no desenvolvimento das competên-
cias específicas e das situações a proporcionar aos alunos.
Nesta linha, o professor, enquanto orientador e facilitador da aprendizagem, deve assegurar que as diferentes
necessidades e interesses dos alunos são tidos em consideração, estruturando formas diversificadas de organização
da aprendizagem.
É nesta vertente que este projecto é inovador, pois apresenta propostas de trabalho delineadas para atender à
diversidade apresentada pelos alunos, possibilitando aprendizagens diversificadas e diferenciadas. O trabalho do
professor fica, assim, bastante simplificado.
Tal como o Programa preconiza, os conteúdos programáticos estão estruturados em planos de trabalho
(task-based learning), isto é, a partir de um certo objectivo a atingir, é traçado um percurso através do qual o aluno
vai adquirindo as ferramentas necessárias para realizar a actividade final (objectivo a atingir).

”… any structured language learning endeavour, which has a particular objective, appropriate
content, a specified working procedure, and a range of outcomes for those who undertake the task.
‘Task’ is therefore assumed to refer to a range of workplans which have the overall purpose of
facilitating language learning – from the simple and brief exercise type to more complex and lengthy
activities such as group problem-solving or simulations and decision making.”

(Breen, in David Nunan, Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, New York, CUP, 1989)

2 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Os objectivos que se pretende atingir devem ser claros, motivando os
alunos para o sentido de responsabilidade e para a construção de apren-
dizagens significativas.
A página de abertura de cada Task é bastante importante, porque per-
mite levar à compreensão, por parte dos alunos, da utilidade dos conteúdos,
das actividades a realizar, das estratégias e dos recursos. Aqui são também
referidos os conteúdos do Workbook e são devidamente assinalados os
textos gravados nos CDs do aluno/professor.

O projecto Cool Zone põe à disposição do professor o Manual, que

inclui um apêndice desdobrável, Help Zone, o Workbook, a Leitura Extensiva,
com as respectivas fichas de exploração, um conjunto de treze separadores
com as sugestões metodológicas e soluções do Manual, um CD áudio, um
DVD, um conjunto de dez transparências, um conjunto de apresentações em
PowerPoint e este Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, que inclui um conjunto de
materiais fotocopiáveis com um conjunto de fichas de recuperação, testes, testes de Listening e um conjunto de
fichas de exploração do DVD).

O projecto Cool Zone põe à disposição do aluno o Manual, com o apêndice desdobrável, (Help Zone), o
Workbook, um CD Áudio e a Leitura Extensiva, com as respectivas fichas de exploração, sendo estes dois últimos de

1. Manual
O Manual está estruturado em seis Zones e cada Zone em Tasks com diversas actividades, textos actualizados e
exercícios contextualizados, que muitas vezes associam à vertente didáctica uma vertente lúdica, embora sempre
direccionada para aprendizagem ou consolidação dos assuntos tratados.
Cada Task põe em evidência uma skill, sem, no entanto, descurar as outras. Foi, ainda, feita uma gestão equili-
brada das skills ao longo do Manual.

1.1. Diferenciação

Pelas razões já enunciadas na introdução, julgamos essencial possibilitar aos alunos aprendizagens diferen-
ciadas através de actividades/exercícios variados e de grau de complexidade diferente. Desta forma, o professor é
também apoiado na implementação desta estratégia.
Ao longo das Tasks utilizámos símbolos para distinguir o grau de complexidade das actividades:

• menor grau de dificuldade

• maior grau de dificuldade

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Consideramos que este Manual oferece um vasto leque de possibilidades de trabalho, pelo que deverá ser con-
siderado como um “menu”, de onde o professor poderá escolher as actividades que estão mais de acordo com os
seus alunos. No entanto, outras estratégias são possíveis: os alunos poderão realizar os exercícios mais fáceis na
aula, como primeira etapa, e os mais difíceis, por exemplo, como trabalho de casa ou consolidação dos conteúdos.

Língua • Tipologia de exercícios diversa.

Inglesa • Abordagens diferenciadas dos conteúdos gramaticais, exercícios de graus de dificuldade diferentes.

• Um mesmo texto proporciona actividades diferenciadas.

• Um mesmo texto proporciona as mesmas actividades, mas possibilita aos alunos escolher
quais os exercícios que querem realizar.
• Dois textos sobre o mesmo tema, mas apresentando um grau de dificuldade crescente (quer
a nível do vocabulário, quer a nível da Língua Inglesa).
• Dois textos abordando aspectos diferentes de um mesmo tema, semelhantes em
termos de dificuldade, proporcionando a diferenciação, ao permitir que seja o aluno a
escolher o texto que lhe convém.

• Abordagem do vocabulário de um texto/tópico feita através de exercícios variados e de graus de

dificuldade diferentes.

• Guiada → Exemplificação da estrutura do texto a produzir.

Produção → Orientação da sequência das ideias.
escrita • Menos guiada → Sugestões de produção de texto.
• Writing Zone (ver pág. 5)

A diferenciação que o Manual permite não diz apenas respeito aos conhecimentos e capacidades dos alunos.
Tivemos, também, em consideração os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, pelo que se podem encontrar actividades
a níveis visual, auditivo, cinestésico e do ler e escrever. Como exemplos, podemos citar: puzzles, quadros exemplifica-
tivos, quadros de sistematização, ilustrações de suporte a situações abordadas, textos de leitura de natureza variada
(diálogos, poemas, canções, pequenos textos narrativos e descritivos, ...), construção de pequenos diálogos, etc.

• Visual: puzzles, descrição de imagens e/ou fotografias, ordenar imagens, quadros exemplificativos.
• Ler/Escrever: textos de leitura de natureza variada, produção escrita guiada, menos guiada
e livre, anedotas, quadros de sistematização.
de aprendizagem
• Auditivo: textos de natureza variada, entrevistas, pequenos diálogos, poemas.
• Cinestésico: role plays, contrução de pequenos diálogos, debates.

Por vezes, a diferenciação situa-se ao nível da escolha que o aluno pode fazer: numa determina actividade pode
tomar decisões sobre o percurso a seguir, os exercícios a realizar, as perguntas a que quer responder, as propostas
que mais estejam de acordo com as suas capacidades/conhecimentos.

Sempre que possível tivemos em conta a exequibilidade da correcção de alguns exercícios. Em alguns casos, ao
corrigir um dos exercícios (maior ou menor grau de complexidade), o professor dá resposta ao outro exercício de
forma paralela ou, até, acrescentando informação. Esta estratégia promove a interacção aluno/aluno aumentando a
sua auto-confiança.

4 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

1.2. Articulação das competências com o projecto pedagógico Cool Zone

O projecto pedagógico Cool Zone apresenta estratégias de concretização e desenvolvimento das competências
essenciais em Língua Estrangeira ao:
• Adoptar uma metodologia task-based.
• Traçar percursos de aprendizagem diferenciados.
• Permitir uma reflexão constante sobre as regras da Língua Inglesa.
• Criar Zones dedicadas a competências de comunicação oral e escrita.
• Conceber trabalhos de projecto e ainda de pares e/ou de grupos, promovendo o desenvolvimento de atitudes
de cooperação e de responsabilidade.
• Apresentar espaços dedicados à auto-reflexão.
• Conceber e/ou integrar documentos verbais e não-verbais de natureza diversa e de acordo com o nível etário
dos alunos.

1.3. Componentes do Manual

1.3.1. Grammar Zone
A Grammar Zone pretende ajudar o aluno numa certa reflexão sobre os itens da Língua Inglesa presentes neste
projecto, esquematizando, com maior ou menor grau de apoio visual (cores, setas, palavras ou letras destacadas) a(s)
regra(s) subjacentes às estruturas gramaticais.
Com a colaboração do professor, o aluno deverá registar, passo a passo, a sua “reflexão” sobre um determinado
conteúdo de forma a perceber melhor o seu funcionamento e aplicação.

1.3.2. Info Box

Trata-se de uma chamada de atenção para aspectos particulares, quer a nível gramatical, quer a nível vocabular.

1.3.3. Writing Zone

A Writing Zone procura auxiliar o aluno (e o próprio professor) na estruturação de tarefas escritas, que requerem
concentração, conteúdos socioculturais e outros. Assim, tenta-se orientar o aluno não apenas nas suas ideias, mas
também na organização das mesmas, na estrutura do texto, etc.

1.3.4. Vocabulary Help

Neste espaço o vocabulário é trabalhado de duas formas diferentes. Por vezes, dá-se um sinónimo ou uma
expressão sinónima da palavra, outras vezes (sempre que pertinente) faz-se apelo à tradução de algum vocabulário,
valorizando-se a comparação com a Língua Materna.
Ocasionalmente, os alunos são incentivados a consultar o dicionário, a fim de desenvolverem a prática da sua

1.3.5. Language Function Zone

Nestas caixas, apresentam-se as funções de linguagem necessárias à concretização de situações de comunicação.

1.3.6. Joke Zone

Ao longo do Manual encontram-se espaços lúdicos, onde os alunos podem ler anedotas contextualizadas.

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1.3.7. Culture Zone
Esta rubrica possibilita a identificação de aspectos da sociedade e cultura anglo-americana, bem como a reflexão
sobre afinidades/diferenças entre a cultura portuguesa e a cultura anglo-americana.

1.3.8. “How well am I doing?” Zone

A “How well am I doing?” Zone é um espaço em que o aluno vai registando, no final de cada Task , pequenos aponta-
mentos que lhe permitem determinar o seu progresso. Para o professor, esta pequena reflexão pretende funcionar como
feedback, permitindo uma acção imediata de acordo com os registos efectuados pelo aluno.

1.3.9. Project Zone

No final de cada Task, existe sempre uma página dedicada à apresentação de sugestões que poderão ser trabalhadas
na metodologia de trabalho de projecto.

1.3.10. Help Zone

A Help Zone é um apêndice, colado à contracapa do Manual, a que os alunos podem recorrer para melhor compreen-
são de assuntos gramaticais desenvolvidos no Manual ou para alargamento de vocabulário dos assuntos tratados através
da consulta de esquemas. Ao longo do Manual é feita uma remissão para esta Help Zone, para que seja mais fácil e mais
directo o seu manuseamento.

2. Workbook
Nas páginas iniciais do Workbook, o professor poderá encontrar exercícios de revisão de conteúdos de língua inglesa
essenciais à aquisição de novos conteúdos.
O Workbook fornece aos alunos actividades suplementares que podem servir como consolidação, remediação e/ou
aprofundamento dos conteúdos do Manual. Tem, também, um carácter formativo, dando informação, quer ao aluno, quer
ao professor da situação do aluno em cada momento.
A cada Task do Manual corresponde uma ficha no Workbook com actividades relativas aos aspectos que considerá-
mos mais importantes ou susceptíveis de serem mais problemáticos para os alunos. A estrutura do Workbook segue o
critério do Manual, com a diferenciação das aprendizagens. Deste modo, apresentamos uma tipologia de exercícios
diversificada, para ir ao encontro dos diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, conhecimentos e competências. Esta estrutura
possibilita, assim, um trabalho autónomo, respeitando os diferentes ritmos dos alunos e permitindo a auto-correcção.
As actividades referentes a cada Task estão elaboradas em dois graus de complexidade: a cada Task do Manual cor-
respondem duas fichas no Workbook, uma de menor grau de complexidade (A) e outra de maior grau de complexidade (B).
No final de cada Zone, os alunos poderão realizar o Checkpoint. Estas fichas têm um objectivo formativo e informativo.
Ao longo do Manual é feita uma remissão para o Workbook, para que seja fácil e prática a sua utilização a par e
passo com o Manual.

3. Leitura Extensiva
Deep Trouble Down Under é um conto de leitura extensiva, de oferta, que pretende motivar os alunos para a
leitura e desenvolver processos de interacção com o texto. Este material encontra-se didactizado e gravado no CD áudio,
pelo que os alunos poderão ouvir a história enquanto a lêem.

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4. Separadores
O projecto inclui um conjunto de treze separadores, contendo as sugestões metodológicas e as soluções do Manual.

5. CD Áudio do Aluno e CD Áudio do Professor

Os CDs áudio do aluno e do professor contêm diferentes tipos de registos para actividades de Listening, dramati-
zados por falantes nativos, possibilitando aos alunos ouvir a língua inglesa em diferentes situações (entrevistas, diá-
logos, poemas, exercícios de pronúncia, soluções de alguns exercícios do Manual e testes de Listening ).

6. DVD – That’s me (Graham, Inverness; Naela, Bristol; Róisin, Carna)

Eat it ( Graham’s Fried Breakfast ; Róisin’s BLT )
O projecto inclui um DVD com cinco episódios que retratam o dia-a-dia de três jovens adolescentes que vivem
em três regiões diferentes do Reino Unido: o Graham, que vive na Escócia, a Naela, que vive em Inglaterra e Róisin,
que vive na Irlanda. Estes episódios estão adequados ao nível etário e linguístico dos alunos e aos conteúdos do
Programa, podendo contribuir para uma extensão dos conteúdos abordados no Manual e enriquecer o processo de
ensino-aprendizagem. A didactização destes episódios encontra-se no Material Fotocopiável deste Caderno de Apoio
ao Professor.

7. Transparências
O projecto inclui dez transparências que permitem uma abordagem dos conteúdos mais diversificada e interessante.

8. Apresentações em PowerPoint
Do projecto faz parte um conjunto de slides (em PowerPoint) de oferta ao professor, disponível na área de Apoio
Internet da Texto Editores (www.projectos.TE.pt). Tendo em consideração que materiais em suporte informático têm
tido um papel cada vez mais preponderante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e pensando ainda na predis-
posição dos alunos no que diz respeito ao computador e aos programas informáticos, criámos este conjunto de
slides. Estes materiais pretendem auxiliar o professor na apresentação, recuperação e/ou consolidação de conteú-
dos da língua inglesa. Assim, os conteúdos vão sendo apresentados à turma de uma forma dinâmica e com o recurso
a imagens, diagramas, cores, para uma melhor compreensão dos conteúdos por parte dos alunos.

9. Caderno de Apoio ao Professor

O Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, para além de articular todos os materiais do projecto como um todo, inclui um
conjunto de materiais destinados a serem fotocopiados que reúne um conjunto de fichas de recuperação (Extra
Practice) um Placement Test, testes de nível diferenciado para cada uma das Zones, testes de Listening e fichas de
exploração do DVD.

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Zone 0
Transparência 1 – Back to school
• Identificar espaços escolares.
• Identificar actividades.
• Identificar material escolar.
• Identificar disciplinas.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos emitem opinião sobre o regresso à escola, a compra de material escolar e
ao reencontro com os colegas.
• Os alunos exprimem opiniões sobre os espaços escolares que mais apreciam.
• Os alunos descrevem as actividades representadas.

Zone 1
Transparência 2 – Meeting places
• Descrever locais de encontro.
• Identificar actividades.
• Identificar formas de relacionamento.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos estabelecem a relação entre os locais e os interesses actuais dos jovens.
• Os alunos seleccionam a imagem do seu local de encontro preferido e justificam a
sua escolha.

Transparência 3 – Leisure activities

• Identificar actividades de tempos livres.
• Distinguir actividades menos e mais radicais.
• Descrever as actividades de tempos livres.
• Emitir opinião sobre as actividades preferidas pelos rapazes e pelas raparigas.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos descrevem as fotografias.
• Os alunos referem-se às actividades que já praticaram e àquelas que gostariam de
• Os alunos votam na actividade que consideram mais radical.

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Zone 2
Transparência 4 – Food and drinks
• Identificar diferentes tipos de restaurantes.
• Identificar comidas e bebidas.
• Exprimir opinião sobre preferências alimentares e tipos de restaurantes.
Sugestões de utilização
• Após identificar os diferentes tipos de restaurantes, os alunos decidem os que são
fast food, os que apresentam um menu mais elaborado, os que são mais sofistica-
• Os alunos estabelecem a ligação entre os vários pratos e bebidas e os diferentes
tipos de restaurantes.

Transparência 5 – Fashion and style

• Identificar roupa e acessórios.
• Identificar diferentes estilos.
• Relacionar diferentes tipos de roupa com estilos de vida e personalidade.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos descrevem as roupas, estilos, materiais…
• Os alunos seleccionam a roupa mais in de acordo com critérios de moda actuais.
• Os alunos escolhem as roupas e estilo(s) que mais se adequam à sua personalidade.

Zone 3
Transparência 6 – Embarrassing moments
• Identificar momentos embaraçosos na vida dos adolescentes.
• Identificar sentimentos relacionados com momentos constrangedores.
• Contar uma história relacionando imagens.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos descrevem as situações expressas pelas imagens.
• Os alunos imaginam uma história, relacionando as imagens.
• Os alunos tentam colocar-se no lugar das personagens, identificando os seus
• Os alunos criam balões de pensamento e/ou fala para cada uma das situações retratadas.
• Os alunos imaginam um final para cada situação (uma terceira ilustração).

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Transparência 7 – TV programmes
• Identificar diferentes tipos de programas televisivos.
• Descrever as situações nas várias televisões.
• Emitir opinião sobre o(s) programa(s) favorito(s).
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos descrevem os tipos de programas das diferentes televisões.
• Os alunos seleccionam o programa que vêem com mais frequência e justificam a sua

Transparência 8 – Let’s go to the cinema

• Identificar diferentes tipos de filme, actores/actrizes, títulos…
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos descrevem as cenas dos filmes.
• Os alunos identificam os diferentes tipos de filmes, justificando a sua decisão.
• Os alunos decidem para qual dos filmes comprariam bilhete.

Transparência 9 – Environment
• Descrever as imagens.
• Identificar os problemas ambientais.
• Apresentar soluções sobre cada um dos problemas ambientais.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos descrevem as imagens.
• Os alunos explicam cada um dos problemas ambientais apresentados.
• Os alunos propõem soluções para cada um destes problemas ambientais.

Transparência 10 – What’s the weather like?

• Identificar as estações do ano.
• Identificar condições climatéricas.
• Descrever as imagens.
Sugestões de utilização
• Os alunos observam as imagens a fim de identificar as estações do ano.
• Os alunos descrevem o tempo atmosférico.

10 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


Os CDs áudio do professor e do aluno contêm todo o material auditivo referente ao Manual e aos testes de Listening.
A fim de facilitar o trabalho do professor, disponibilizam-se os tapescripts das gravações e a grelha que se segue.

CD CD Manual
Professor Aluno Pág.
1 1 Intro –
2-6 Zone 0 – Task A – Act. 1 – Part B – Julie’s friends 12-13
2-4 Zone 0 – Task A – Act. 4 – Students’ opinions about going to school 16
7 Zone 0 – Task A – Act. 6 – Part B – Calvin’s worst nightmare 18
8 Zone 0 – Task B – Act. 2 – Part B – Last summer holidays 23
5-6 Zone 0 – Task B – Act. 3 – Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs – Exercise B 24
7 Zone 0 – Task B – Act. 6 – A holiday incident 26-27
9-11 Zone 1 – Task A – Act. 2 – Where’s your favourite place to hang out? 32-33
8 Zone 1 – Task A – Act. 3 – Do teens need better places to hang out? 34
9 Zone 1 – Task A – Act. 5 – Present Simple and Present Continuous – Exercise E 36
12 Zone 1 – Task A – Act. 7 – Hanging out 37
13 Zone 1 – Task B – Act. 2 – Text A – Net friends 42
14 Zone 1 – Task B – Act. 2 – Text B – Kids ignore chatroom dangers 44
10-13 Zone 1 – Task B – Act. 4 – Is the Internet safe? 47
14 Zone 1 – Task C – Act. 1 – Leisure activities – Exercise A 51
15 Zone 1 – Task C – Act. 1 – Leisure activities – Exercise B 51
16-18 Zone 1 – Task C – Act. 3 – Part A – Free time activities 53
19 Zone 1 – Task C – Act. 3 – Part B – “Get’cha head in the game” (High School Musical) 54
15 Zone 1 – Task C – Act. 5 – Part B – A teen boxer 56-57
20 Zone 2 – Task A – Act. 1 – Part A – Food and drink – Exercise A 61
21 Zone 2 – Task A – Act. 1 – Part A – Food and drink – Exercise B 61
16-18 Zone 2 – Task A – Act. 3 – Part A – Famous places 64-65
22 Zone 2 – Task A – Act. 6 – At Pizza Hut 68
23-24 Zone 2 – Task B – Act. 1 – Teens go shopping – Exercise B 75
19 Zone 2 – Task B – Act. 2 – Do teens’ idols influence the way they dress? 76
25-27 Zone 2 – Task B – Pronunciation Zone 77
28 Zone 2 – Task B – Act. 4 – Fashionable Gwen 78
20-21 Zone 2 – Task B – Act. 6 – Tattoos / Piercings – Exercise A 80
22-23 Zone 2 – Task B – Act. 6 – Tattoos / Piercings – Exercise C 81
29-30 Zone 2 – Task B – Act. 9 – Teens’s opinions about fashion 84
24 Zone 3 – Task A – Act. 5 – How embarrassing 94
31 Zone 3 – Task A – Act. 6 – Connectors – Exercise C 96
32 Zone 3 – Task A – Act. 6 – Connectors – Exercise D 97
33-35 Zone 3 – Task A – Act. 7 – Sam Abell: a magazine photographer 98-99
25 Zone 3 – Task B – Act. 2 – Part A – Old-time radio: the golden years 104
26-27 Zone 3 – Task B – Act. 2 – Part B 105
36-39 Zone 3 – Task B – Act. 3 – Interviewing US5 106
28 Zone 3 – Task B – Act. 4 – Reported speech and reported questions 107
40-42 Zone 3 – Task B – Pronunciation Zone 108
29-31 Zone 3 – Task B – Act. 5 – Part A – Some opinions on TV 110-111
43-45 Zone 3 – Task C – Act. 2 – Favourite films 123

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CD Prof CD Aluno Pág.

32 Zone 3 – Task C – Act. 4 – Part B – An interview: And the oscar goes to… Johnny Depp 125
33-36 Zone 3 – Task C – Act. 7 – Film reviews 128-129
37-45 Zone 3 – Task D – Act. 2 – The Environment is in trouble 134-135
46-47 Zone 3 – Task D – Act. 5 – Part B – Purpose clauses – Exercise B 141
48 Zone 3 – Task D – Pronunciation Zone – Stressed sounds 141
49 Zone 3 – Task D – Act. 7 – “Don’t Drop That Bomb On Me” (Bryan Adams) 142
46 Zone 3 – Task D – Act. 8 – A young international Eco-hero 144
50 Zone 4 – Task A – Act. 2 – At the airport terminal 149
51 Zone 4 – Task A – Act. 2 – At the train station 149
52-54 Zone 4 – Task A – Act. 3 – Favourite means of transport 151
55 Zone 5 – Guy Fawkes 169
56 Zone 5 – Christmas – “Wonderful Christmas time” (Paul McCartney) 172
47-52 Extensive Reading: Deep Trouble Down Under –
57-59 Listening Tests –

Zone 0 – Task A
Activity 4
Students’ opinions about going back to school
Madison: My favourite part about going back to school is all the new stationery! Each summer I enjoy buying new folders
and pens and stuff. They show my personality. This year everything is about the sea. I don’t like homework, though.
Lucas: I think the best thing about going back to school is seeing all our friends again. I also think it’s great to learn
new stuff! Maths and Geography are cool subjects. The only thing I don’t like is getting up early in the morning.
Ethan: Summer holidays are great and outdoor activities are my favourite thing but going to school is cool too… First
of all, because we can make new friends and second, I don’t have to listen to my mum all day! What I don’t like is
doing tests, especially History tests: we have to do a lot!

Zone 0 – Task B
Activity 6
A holiday incident
Last summer holidays my family and I went to Cornwall. It took us 5 hours to get there by car. On the way we
stopped at a few service stations to fill up, to eat something and stretch our legs. We stayed in a caravan on a big
campsite. We did a lot of different things: we went for long walks, played games, went shopping and swam in the
lake. I was enjoying myself a lot until something terrible happened. One morning I decided to explore the forest near
the campsite all by myself. I walked and walked. I watched the birds and squirrels and I took some photos. When I felt
hungry I decided to return to the caravan. That's when I realised I couldn't find the way back. I tried different directions
but I always ended up in the same place. "Oh, God! What am I going to do? I'm so frightened!" I thought. To make
things worse it started to rain and there was a strong wind. I decided to take shelter under a tree and wait till my parents
came to get me. After several hours they found me. It was already dark and I was cold, hungry and terribly scared.

12 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Zone 1 – Task A
Activity 3
Do teens need better places to hang out?

Harriet: Good afternoon. My guests today are Lisa, Matt, Rose and Bill. Lisa and Matt are 13 years old and Rose
and Bill are 14. Lisa lives in our city and Matt, Rose and Bill come from towns nearby. We’re here to discuss the topic:
Do teens need better places to hang out?
Rose, what’s your opinion about this?
Rose: I hang out with my friends at the local park or we walk around. We usually end up in each others’ houses
because there’s nowhere else to go and it’s not safe to stay in the street. I don’t think there are enough places for us
to hang out.
Harriet: What about you, Matt?
Matt: There’s nowhere in my town to hang out. Well, teens just hang out outside the shops and have to go into
the park where only really little kids go! Old people always complain about the noise but if we have nowhere else to
hang out, what do people expect us to do? Sometimes we feel really bored. There isn’t anywhere cool to hang out.
Harriet: I’d like to hear your opinion, Bill.
Bill: During the summer my friends and I usually hang out at the beach, or there’s a restaurant we teens all hang
out in. The rest of the year we usually meet at the shopping centre because there we feel safe from street violence or
bad weather. It also has everything we need: food, entertainment, shops… so it’s OK, really.
Harriet: Finally, let’s hear Lisa’s opinion.
Lisa: Well, living here makes all the difference. I’m really lucky because I live in a city where there’s loads to do!
There’s bowling, shopping, a cinema, Laser Quest, two huge parks and lots of clubs and activities so I think that’s enough.

Zone 1 – Task A
Activity 5
Present Simple and Present Continuous

E. 1. Tom is studying. 2. She is writing a letter. 3. They are playing football. 4. They are feeding the dog.

Zone 1 – Task B
Activity 4
Is the Internet safe?

Sophie: I usually chat online with other teens. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with going into chatrooms if you
follow safety rules. Never give out any personal information like your name, e-mail, telephone number, and so on and
don’t even think about meeting anyone. Remember that you’re only there to have fun. Sometimes people ask me to
meet them but I just ignore them.

Mike: I think the Internet can be dangerous but it’s also very useful. It gives us lots of possibilities: we can do
research for school projects, get help with our homework, share ideas with other students… but I agree that there
are some negative aspects. For example, you have to be careful with chatrooms. You can’t trust people you meet
online. They may lie to you.

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David: I think chatrooms are great. You can meet interesting people from all over the world and have a lot of fun. I
don’t think kids should be forbidden to use chatrooms because they would just want to do it more and more. I just
think parents should explain chatroom dangers to their children and tell them that if they feel unsafe, they should
leave the chatroom.

Betty: Personally, I think that, like other dangers that teenagers face (drugs, smoking, and so on), you just have to be
careful and follow the rules. Chatrooms, for example, are only dangerous if you’re irresponsible and start to give out
personal information. Sometimes I’m alone at home and I feel bored and so I go into chatrooms to hang out with
other teens. I also surf the Net a lot when I need to do research.

Zone 1 – Task C
Activity 3
Part A – Free time activities

Jojo: Hi! I’m Jojo. I don’t have much free time because I’m always on tour, going to photo shoots and giving interviews.
I take this job very seriously but I always try to find some time to hang out with family and friends. The other thing
I like doing in my free time is shopping – like all girls do – watching movies and going to museums. It’s a fun way to
learn about other cultures and History.

Wayne Rooney: I’m very lucky. My job and my favourite hobby are the same: playing football. But when I‘ve got
some free time I also like swimming because it’s very relaxing especially when I’m under a lot of pressure like before
important games. Karate is also another hobby of mine. I started it when I was a young boy.

Zac Efron: Everybody calls me Troy but my real name is Zac Efron. Troy is the name of my character in “High School
Musical” where I play the captain of the basketball team. My favourite sports are golf, skiing, rock climbing and
snowboarding. But now I’m also a big fan of surfing. When I’m at home I play the piano and at the moment I’m learning
how to play the guitar. As I’m very active, I’m also fixing two cars with my younger brother: a Delorean and a ’65
Mustang convertible.

Zone 2 – Task B
Activity 1
Teens go shopping

Exercise B
Daisy: Like any other girl I like shopping. My favourite clothes are jeans. I also like tops. I don’t usually wear skirts
because I don’t feel comfortable in them and I really dislike dresses. I prefer boots to shoes and in summer
flip-flops are my favourite. Blue is my favourite colour and I hate yellow. I often wear earrings but I don’t like
necklaces or bracelets.

Alex: My favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. My favourite kind of shoes is trainers, of course. I don’t feel
comfortable wearing shoes. I hate it when my mum tells me to wear trousers, a shirt and tie for a special occasion
like she did for my grandma’s birthday party. In winter I usually wear sweatshirts, anoraks and… jeans, of course.
I hate scarves, gloves and stuff like that but I think caps are really cool.

14 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Zone 2 – Task B
Activity 4
Fashionable Gwen

Vogue: Gwen, people know you as a great singer, an actress and now a fashion designer. How do you explain this
new side of you?
Gwen: It’s not exactly something new. I’ve always been interested in fashion since I was a child. But I have my
own style. I like to be different. I didn’t find the clothes I liked in the shops, so I had to design them.
Vogue: Yes, but why did you decide to be a professional designer?
Gwen: My friends are always asking me questions like “Do you think I’m OK? What do you think of my new
dress? What should I wear to the party?” They trust my opinion. So I started designing clothes for them too.
Vogue: How do you find the time to sing and design clothes?
Gwen: Well, when you like doing something you always find the time. In fact if I didn’t like singing so much, I’d
only design clothes, bags and accessories.
Vogue: Tell us a little bit about the style of your clothes.
Gwen: I like a bit of everything. It depends on my mood: I can wear very elegant dresses, punk clothes and high
heels, skater style clothes… you know… baggy pants and tiny tops…
Vogue: You obviously like what you’re doing.
Gwen: Oh, yes. If I had the time, I’d do a design course and learn much more.
Vogue: Thank you, Gwen. We’ll meet again in your next fashion show.
Gwen: Bye.

Zone 2 – Task B
Activity 9
Teens’ opinions about fashion

Kelly: It’s true that celebrities influence what you buy. If you see a famous person wearing something you just want
to buy it. I’m sure I’m influenced by famous people and their decisions about fashion. I fight against it a bit because I
think I should have my own individual look but when I go shopping I always look for things I know my fave celebrities
wear. Most of the time this is a problem because famous people wear designer labels and they are very expensive.
Sometimes, like on my birthday, at Christmas and so on my parents give me some extra money and that’s when I buy
some special clothes or shoes. Now, as for tattoos and piercings, I don’t really like them, no matter how many my
fave stars have. I don’t need them to feel cool.

Joe: I am not into fashion and I definitely do not copy celebrities. I have my own style. I think we should wear what
makes us look good and feel self-confident. If I could afford it, I would buy cool clothes but not necessarily what
famous people wear. Sometimes people buy certain designer labels just because those clothes are famous and not
because they think they’re special. Many of my friends feel insecure about their appearance. They would be happier
if they didn’t worry so much about their looks. Famous people’s clothes are always very expensive and teens don’t
usually have that much money to spend. I hate tattoos but if my parents let me, I’ll get an ear piercing.

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Zone 3 – Task A
Activity 7
Sam Abell: a magazine photographer
Graham Nicklin is a year 8 student at an International school in Boston. He is a member of the school newspaper.
The school invited Sam Abell, a very famous National Geographic Magazine photographer, to talk about his job.
Graham: Good morning, Mr Abell. I’m very pleased to be talking to you because you’re a very famous photographer.
How did you start your career?
Sam Abell: Hello. Well... Before I joined the National Geographic team, I worked for a newspaper. But my photos
were very different then. They were all about city life and city people.
Graham: Why did you decide to be a photographer?
Sam Abell: My father was a Geography teacher and he was in charge of the school photography club. I was a
member of the club and I liked it so much that I decided to be a photographer . And now I’m lucky because I work for
this wonderful magazine.
Graham: What do you need to be a National Geographic photographer?
Sam Abell: All the photographers here have got a college degree in Geography, Sociology or Anthropology and of
course a Photography course.
Graham: Is it hard to be a photographer for this magazine?
Sam Abell: Well... It’s hard when you know that you have to travel six to eight months in the year and it’s difficult
to be far from your family. It is sometimes dangerous when the place where you are is at war for example. But it’s a
great job when everybody loves your photographs.
Graham: How many photos do you take when you’re on an assignment?
Sam Abell: The number is very high, generally between 11,000 and 15,000. You must remember we’re professional
photographers and we must explore every little thing and every little side of the assignment. It takes us a long time
and lots of rolls of film to get the perfect photo. That’s why I always travel with this big bag full of rolls of films.
Graham: Have you got a special place as a photographer?
Sam Abell: Yes, I have. Every photographer has got a special place where they like to take photographs. Mine is
Australia. This country has got wonderful landscapes and I always find some fantastic new spots to photograph!

Zone 3 – Task B
Activity 3
Interviewing US5

Teen Radio: My name is Jess Stone. I’m from Teen Radio and I’m going to ask US 5 some questions.
Good-afternoon Chris, Izzy, Jay, Mikel and Richie and thank you for being in this programme.
All 5 boys: Good-afternoon.
Teen Radio: Chris, my first question is for you. Was it easy to join the band?
Chris: No way. In fact it was very hard. I had to go to some auditions and the other guys were very good too. But
it was worthwhile because now the band, the music, the dancing and the touring with US5 are my life.
Teen Radio: Are you still at school?
Chris: Unfortunately, I had to drop out of school to make this dream come true. However I try to read as much as I
can to stay in touch with news and views. I also write the songs for the band, so I’m pretty busy.

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Teen Radio: What do you do to relax?
Chris: Oh, I go surfing whenever I can.
Teen Radio: Izzy, is US5 your first experience with music?
Izzy: No, I’ve been singing and dancing since I was 15 years old. Before I joined the US5, I was in a band called
Exact. I can say music is my life.
Teen Radio: Izzy, the other members of the band told me that you have a great sense of humor and you are a very
talented writer. Is that true?
Izzy: (laughs) Well, yes, I love telling jokes and writing poems, and short stories are my favourite free time activities.
Teen Radio: Richie, when did you start your career?
Richie: I started it when I was very young. I think I was 4 years old. In the beginning I started as an actor. I starred
in musicals such as Christmas Carol and Wizard of Oz. I was also in TV commercials and Hollywood movies. I wanted
to be an actor.
Teen Radio: What made you change your mind and become a singer?
Richie: I went to the auditions for the band and I was accepted. It was something great and I decided to dedicate
myself to singing, dancing and writing songs. I really love what I’m doing.
Teen Radio: Mikel, tell us a little about yourself.
Mikel: Well, like all the others, I love singing and dancing. Before joining the band I was dancing with US and
European artists. Some people say I’m like Michael Jackson. They say I’ve got a lot of energy and…
Jay:… and a crazy sense of humour. He’s always making us laugh.
Teen Radio: Jay, I heard you are multi-talented and creative and that you not only sing and dance but also
compose and act.
Jay: Yeah, that’s true. That’s my life. I get involved in everything I do.
Teen Radio: Yes, it seems you are a perfectionist even in your hobbies.
Jay: That’s right. I love playing tennis and I’ve already won some tournaments.
Teen Radio: Thank you all. It was cool to have you all here.

Zone 3 – Task C
Activity 2
Favourite films

Gabriel: You wake up in the night. You can’t see a thing but you just know there is something hiding in the dark…
You want to switch on the light but it’s not the light your fingers touch, it’s the face of a werewolf! I just love horror
films. They are the ones that make you jump out of your seat and keep you awake at night listening to every
sound…And they make you hold your breath or even scream! The best of them all is Wolf with Michelle Pfeiffer and
Jack Nicholson.

Leo: For me action movies are the best! There are fights, car crashes, bullets, explosions… you name it! Anything
can happen. Live Free or Die Hard is the best action movie I’ve ever seen. Bruce Willis is a tough hero but at the same
time he’s got this terrific sense of humour. The film is loaded with action and everything happens so fast! It’s a real
must- see!

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Megan: My favourite type of films is animated films. I’ve seen them all! Shrek, Ice Age 1 and 2, The Incredibles or
Cars… They are very creative and imaginative films. Common people and animals or cars become everyday heroes.
The one I prefer is Shrek because it’s a story that tells us that looks aren’t so important. The princess loves Shrek, no
matter what.

Zone 4 – Task A
Activity 4 –
Favourite means of transport

David: I love travelling but I don’t usually go abroad when I am on holiday. I stay in England. I usually go to
Portsmouth where my uncle and aunt live. They’ve got a daughter and a son. They’re 13 and 15 years old. I love being
with them. My cousins and I always have a lot of fun together. That’s why I also visit them when there is a long
weekend. I go by train because my parents sometimes work and can’t take me. But that’s OK. I like travelling by train.
You can buy the ticket in advance and you choose the compartment and seat. I always sit by the window because I
like watching the countryside. It’s green and so peaceful. There’s a lot to see and you have plenty of time to really
enjoy the view. If you want, you can also read and listen to music. Whatever you choose to do, travelling by train is
always relaxing.

Kelly: I don’t travel alone. When you’re only 14 years old it’s not very safe to go on holiday by yourself. Anyway
where’s the fun? You need to be with your family or some friends if you want to enjoy yourself. My father works on a
cruise-liner. He’s a steward. Sometimes he stays on board for two whole months so my mother takes care of my two
brothers and me. But because my father works there, he takes us with him on shorter trips of like a week or two. I
really enjoy the ocean and going on a cruise. It’s not dangerous and you’ve got everything you need on board: games,
tennis courts, swimming pools, discos, cinema… And you can meet different people and visit new countries when
the ship comes to shore. Travelling by boat is definitely the most amazing experience for me…

Jim: I enjoy travelling a lot. Perhaps because I’ve travelled to different places and countries since I was a little boy.
You know, my mother works for a travel agency so sometimes she gets special discounts… and that’s why my brother,
my parents and I go abroad for the weekend or for two or three days. We always travel by plane and I love it. It’s the
fastest and safest means of transport. When I grow up I think I’ll be a pilot. I feel great when I look out of the window
and see the clouds so close to me or the bright blue sky. It’s amazing to see the view from up there.
Besides that, you can listen to music, read, watch a film or just sleep.

18 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


O projecto Cool Zone inclui um DVD que contém três episódios relativos à vida diária de três jovens (duas
raparigas e um rapaz) de zonas diferentes da Grã-Bretanha: That’s me: Graham, Inverness (Scotland), Naela, Bristol
(England), Róisin, Carna (Ireland).
Os três jovens abordam, na primeira pessoa, temas relacionados com a família, a escola, as suas actividades
preferidas, os desportos praticados e aspectos culturais do seu país.
Este DVD contém, ainda, dois episódios onde dois dos jovens acima mencionados confeccionam pratos típicos do
seu dia a dia: Eat it: Graham’s fried breakfast, Róisin’s BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato) on toast.

A exploração deste DVD é importante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa, pois permite:
• Fazer uma abordagem metodológica de forma diferente e motivadora.
• Aprofundar o conhecimento de aspectos sócio-culturais de outras comunidades.
• Desenvolver a curiosidade dos alunos sobre a vida noutras partes do mundo.
• Respeitar as diferenças culturais.

Sugestões metodológicas
A fim de facilitar a exploração do DVD, foram elaboradas fichas de trabalho que correspondem aos diferentes
Numa primeira etapa, os alunos poderão realizar as actividades de pre-viewing, seguindo-se o visionamento do
episódio. Numa segunda etapa, os alunos voltam a ver o episódio, mas fazendo pausas nos momentos que corres-
pondem aos diferentes exercícios. Depois de realizadas as actividades e corrigido o trabalho dos alunos, sugerimos
algumas actividades de after-viewing.
Sugere-se que os episódios referentes ao That’s me sejam visionados a partir do final do primeiro período e os
dois episódios correspondentes ao Eat it após a exploração da Zone 2, Task A.

Graham in Inverness
GRAHAM (off): Inverness is the most northerly city in the British Isles. It lies in the heart of the Highlands of Scotland amidst
some of the most beautiful and dramatic scenery in Britain. There are towering mountains and deep glens. Inverness is at the
mouth of the river Ness. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the monster Nessie, who lives up the river in the loch. The city is a great
place to live. It has one of the lowest crime rates in Britain. This could be because the people are all really friendly and kind to
each other. This may also be the reason that Inverness is one of the fastest growing cities in Europe. There are many thousands
of people here and many more come every year.
GRAHAM: Hi, there! I’m Graham. Do you like my uniform? I have to wear it, because I’m
a prefect. This means that I’ve got extra responsibilities and we have to look after the little children. Well, I’m on my way
home now. I’ve just finished my higher exam for chemistry. I’m absolutely knackered, because it lasted about three hours. And…
I guess I’ll see you at home!
GRAHAM: Well, it’s nice to get home and out of my school uniform. Not that it bothers me. It’s just that I feel more comfortable
in my normal clothes.

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GRAHAM (off): I really would like a new guitar. However just now I can’t afford one, because my parents give me 50 pounds
a month allowance. I have to buy everything with this, so sadly there’s no money left over.
MUM: Graham! Time to go!
GRAHAM: Yeah! I’m just going Mum, it’ll be two seconds!
GRAHAM (off): In the summer holidays I hope to take a job so that I can earn more money, and I finally will be able to buy
my new guitar.
GRAHAM: Yeah, I’m on my way!
GRAHAM IN (off): Just now I’ve got to rush off. I’ve got football training in ten minutes.
COACH MacKAY: We’re going to… have a… just a warm up session without the ball,
then a warm up session with the ball followed by a practice game.
This way… Safe stepping… Go!
GRAHAM (off): Well, I’ve not played football for that long, because I used to play more rugby. Now I’m really enjoying my
football, though. I think one of the reasons I like it, is because it’s a challenge of a different sport. I also play in a good team with
a good coach, and that always makes it more fun.
COACH MacKAY: My name is Allan MacKay. I’m deputy head teacher in Millburn Academy, and I also coach the senior
football team. The boys mostly play for clubs in the town and enjoy their school football to such a degree that we’ve been very
successful this year, second in Highland region. Graham has joined the team late in the season. He’s a very good rugby player and
hockey player and this has given him excellent fitness and he’s been a great asset to the team in the second half of the season.
GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/
GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/
GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/
GRAHAM: Hi! How are you?
GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/
GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/
GRAHAM: Come on! You both know that I don’t speak Gaelic. What were you saying about me?
GAELIC BOY: Sorry, we were just saying how good you were on the field today.
GAELIC GIRL: (Yeah, you were…)
GRAHAM: That’s very kind of you! I bet it’s not true, though.
GAELIC BOY: So, see you tomorrow then?
GRAHAM: Oh, I can’t! I’ve got a Youth Voice meeting tomorrow. But I’ll see you on Thursday.
GAELIC BOY: OK! Cheerie.
GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/
GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/
GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/
GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/
GRAHAM (off): I’m a member of the Highland Youth Voice. Youth Voice is a parliament of 70 young people from throughout the
north of Scotland. We meet and we discuss a number of topics. We’ve recently succeeded in producing an alcohol awareness
leaflet and a video on the dangers of drugs. Our next project is to develop a card, which will allow young people cheaper transport
in the Highlands. We know that we’ll be successful, because we know people listen to us. We have large debates on our website
and last month we met the First Minister of Scotland.
GRAHAM: He understood that young people would listen better to other young people.
And really that’s what Young Voice is all about: It’s by young people, for young people.
GRAHAM: Well, I thought I could introduce my family to you. This is Kirsty, she’s 15…
GRAHAM: …and she’s really still the baby in the family, because of all five of us
she’s the smallest. And right here we’ve got my mum, Fiona…
MUM: Hi!
GRAHAM: …and people say we look like each other, but I’ll let you decide that for yourselves. And this is my dad, David…
DAD: Hello!

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GRAHAM: …and he’s losing his hair even faster than usual at the moment, because in a couple of weeks he’s going to have
to teach me how to drive. And he doesn’t seem too happy about the idea of getting in a car with me. And last but not least is
GRAHAM: … who’s 12 years old, and she’s the troublemaker of the family at the minute. And…she’s always got a cheeky
smile on her face.
MUM: With five of us in the family life is really very busy. Tonight everybody is here helping me in the kitchen prepare the
meal. We usually have a rule that if you help to prepare the meal, you don’t have to help clear up. Graham likes to help prepare
the meal because then he can sneak out of the door, and pretend that he’s doing his homework, but really I suspect he’s watching
TV. If he doesn’t help me prepare the meal, then he comes and helps to clear up afterwards.
GRAHAM: We thought that you might like to listen to some Scottish music. This is a traditional song called ‘Westering
Home.’ We don’t play together very often, but I hope you’ll enjoy it all the same.
GRAHAM (off): Now I’m going to tell you about some traditional Scottish things, which I think you may be interested in.
GRAHAM: As you can see, I’m wearing a different kilt. This is because each family belongs to a clan and the clans have
different tartans that they can wear. This is the different tartan, which I was wearing before. This is called the Royal Stewart
tartan and is one of the tartans that I can wear for my clan. You might also notice that I’ve changed my sporran. Sporrans are
more for decoration than anything else, but you can carry your own money and a wallet and… keys and things like that.
Something else that’s part of the Highland dress is the sgian-dubh. This is a knife that you wear in your sock. I would show it to
you, but if I drew the blade, then I would have to draw blood because it’s tradition.
DAD: I think Scottish traditional music has a lot in common with the whole Celtic music tradition. We particularly like it for
dancing and partying. The bagpipes, which I’ve been playing, are very difficult to play with any other instrument. Within the family
we do try to play together. Graham still likes playing rock guitar but has surprised himself by finding how easy it is to play in the
rhythm backing with us and the family group.
GRAHAM (off): Something you might not be so familiar with, though, is the Highland Games. In Inverness we have a large
Highland Games over a whole weekend every summer. The Highland Games is an event with a number of sports, dancing and music.
GRAHAM: In the future I’d like to go to Newcastle University to study medicine.
I’d like to become a doctor.
GRAHAM (off): I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about traditional Scottish culture and lifestyles. I also hope that one day you’ll
come and visit this wonderful country for yourself..
GRAHAM: Anyway, goodbye for now.

Naela in Bristol
NAELA (off): This is Bristol. It’s a fairly large and busy city… on the Bristol Channel, not far from Wales. The suspension
bridge is famous and so is the old cathedral. We live in a mixed area not far from the city centre. I like my area very much and
I’ve lived here for nearly ten years now, and the people here are so nice and friendly.
NAELA: Hello! I’m Naela and I’m here today at the Climbing Centre near to where I live. This used to be a church but eleven
years ago it was sold and converted into the Climbing Centre. Today it has over 40 000 members, and people from just about
everywhere come
here to climb. I’m a beginner but I’m here today to practise my climbing.
INSTRUCTOR: Right. Go up!
NAELA: No, I can’t go any further up.
INSTRUCTOR: Yeah! Hold on…
NAELA: No, I can’t.
INSTRUCTOR: That’s it! You can! Stand up… Go off… Now you climb down. See? Just keep leaning back… And there you
go… Tough?
NAELA: Horrible!
INSTRUCTOR: See how much easier that was?
NAELA (off): We are a family of four: my mum, my two sisters and myself. My mum’s called Anna and is very caring. My sister
Lanie is an angel and so is my little sister Daisy.

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We get along very well and love each other very much. You might wonder about our names, Naela and Lanie. They’re very
unusual. They’re actually made up from my parents’ names, Anna and Larrie.
NAELA: How small were they when you first saw them?
DAISY: They were about… that big!
NAELA (off): I am dyslexic, which means I have great trouble in learning to read and write.
NAELA: It was very hard for me at school as a young child, because everyone else was learning so fast, and I got left behind.
When my mum told me she wanted me to go to a special school for dyslexic children, I was sad to leave my friends and the
school I was used to. But I thought it might help me and make everything easier and that was good. I really liked the dyslexia
school because everyone around me had the same problem as me, and so I felt comfortable and I wasn’t afraid to ask for help.
Now everything is much easier for me. I keep a diary every day, I write poetry and sometimes my own stories. I also help my
sister Lanie with her homework because she is also dyslexic.
NAELA: Did you have a good day at school today, Lanie?
LANIE: Yeah.
NAELA: What did you do?
LANIE: Religious Education and Geography.
NAELA: And which one is your favourite?
LANIE: Religious Education.
LANIE: Because Geography is boring and we haven’t got a very nice teacher.
NAELA: So what did you do in Geography?
LANIE: At he moment we’re doing things about Bristol.
LANIE: We’re doing interesting facts on it and… and doing…ummm…that we’re famous for fish and chips and something
about sticks and stones in the environment.
LANIE: How do you spell ‘could’?
NAELA: Oh, you know! It’s… ‘C-O-U-Lucky Duck.’
LANIE: ‘C-O-U-Lucky Duck’! That’s a good one! And how do you spell ‘because’?
NAELA: ‘Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants.’
LANIE: ‘Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants.’
NAELA: Yeah!
LANIE: It’s a good rhyme!
NAELA: It’s a good way of remembering it.
LANIE: We… We learned one at the school today. It goes: ‘If it ends with Y replace it with an I and add… [clap-clap] …
NAELA: Oh, that’s good! ‘If it ends with Y replace it with an I and add… [clap-clap] …E-S.’
LANIE: Yeah! ‘If it ends with…
NAELA AND LANIE: …Y replace it with an I and… [clap-clap] E-S.’ ‘If it ends with Y replace it with an I…’
NAELA: Hello! These are my best friends. This is Hazel.
HAZEL: Hello!
NAELA: This is Sean.
NAELA: This is Kai.
KAI: Hi ya!
NAELA: And this is Freya.
NAELA: We go shopping, we hang out and we have a lot of fun.
EVERYONE: Yeah…! Yeah…!
NAELA: Look at the little bin!

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NAELA (off): Money is always a problem for me. My pocket money is gone
long before I get it so I can really only afford window-shopping.
HAZEL: So what are you guys doing for your summer holidays?
KAI: I’m going down to Cornwall for two weeks with Sean and my other friend, Tasha, and we’re going to be like surfing and
probably just go out to the beaches and stuff, which will be quite cool.
NAELA: Oh, you lucky thing!
KAI: Yeah! What are you doing?
NAELA: I might be going on a girlie holiday with my friends to Spain or Metropolis or whatever it’s called.
KAI: Who’re you going with?
NAELA: My friends from college and they’re 16, 17… and there’s four of them…
Oh, no, five of us! Yes! I don’t know…
FREYA: You’re so lucky!
NAELA: One of my main interests is interior design. I also help my mum plan the renovation of our house. The kitchen is
ready and I am now finishing plans for my new room. It’s hard work but I really enjoy it.
MUM: What have you got?
NAELA: As you can see everything’s quite pink… or pinky-purple. These are the kind of colours I want on my walls, like lilac,
pinky kind of colours. And then the darker purple and darker lilac colours is for the design on top.
MUM: But are you going to have… Are you going to have each wall a different colour?
NAELA: Yeah, so that this…like back wall, where the head…where the bed goes would be lilac.
MUM: Right.
NAELA: And then the wall with the window on it, might be pink.
MUM: OK. Well, I wouldn’t like that but it’s your room.
NAELA: Yeah… Well I think it looks good and it’s modern. You like it, don’t you?
DAISY: Yeah.
NAELA: It will look good.
TEACHER: Hi, girls!
GIRLS: Hello!
NAELA: Hello!
GIRL 1: Hello, Kizzy!
TEACHER: Come in!
GIRLS: Fine…
NAELA (off): I’m very into music, especially singing, and twice a week I take singing lessons.
TEACHER: OK, what I want you to do is put your hands on your stomach. We’re going to start off with our vowels. What I
want you to do is follow me, OK? Keep your…
…your mouth nice and relaxed, your tongue flat and your mouth open. We’ll start with the vowels, so if I do it first and you
can copy me, OK? Va, va, va, va, va, va, va, va, va…
THE GIRLS: Va, va, va, va, va, va…
TEACHER (off): I started Studio Seven two years ago and the reason for this was to develop young children in the community
into professional artists, and build up their confidence and explore their creativity. I have also, the…one of the main things I think
is important is that the…the Studio Seven membership is…is relatively cheap because the kids in the community can’t afford to
go to…a professional stage school, they just don’t have the funds. So here we only charge five pound a session. We run two
sessions, one’s on the Tuesday and the other one’s on the Thursday, from five thirty to eight thirty. And my ultimate goal as a
professional artist myself, is to pass on my knowledge and develop these children, so that they can go into the entertainment
world if they wish to do so.
EVERYONE: …Let it shine, let it shine…

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TEACHER: And again…
TEACHER: Naela is one of my students. She’s one of my older students. She’s developing quite well. She… The confidence
is a little bit low at the moment, but that’s what we’re developing now. Her vocal skills are quite excellent.
TEACHER: OK, one more time please, Naela. And remember, diaphragm: keep your throat nice and relaxed and… and open,
OK? And I want you to sing a song for me. OK. Please.
NAELA: ‘You give me butterflies… Got me flying so high in the sky I can’t control my butterflies…’
NAELA: With lots of hard work and dedication I hope that one day I’ll be a star. Then I’ll be rich, and it will put an end to my
money problems.

Róisín in Carna
RÓISÍN: Fáilte go Conamara = Welcome to Connemara.
RÓISÍN (off): We’re in the west of Ireland. Connemara is a beautiful area with its vast, unspoiled wilderness, its shores
washed by the waves rolling in from the Atlantic Ocean. There are lovely lakes, streams and rocky hills.
RÓISÍN: Hi! I’m Róisín and I live here in Carna. Come inside! I’ll introduce you to my family. Is that…? I think… I don’t
believe this! My parents are training! Hello, mum!
MUM: Hello, Róisín!
RÓISÍN: Hello, Dad!
DAD: Hello, Róisín! …
MUM: /speaking Irish/
RÓISÍN: /speaking Irish/
DAD: /speaking Irish/
RÓISÍN: /speaking Irish/
MUM: /speaking Irish/
RÓISÍN: /speaking Irish/
MUM: /speaking Irish/
DAD: /speaking Irish/
RÓISÍN: …OK… I’ll leave them to it now, because they’re speaking Irish, and you won’t understand a word they’re saying.
RÓISÍN: I’ll introduce you to my brother and sister now. I’m sure they won’t mind. I doubt they’re doing their homework. This
is my brother Paráic and my sister Martha.
RÓISÍN: They love playing the Play Station, but I don’t really like football.
RÓISÍN: This is where we do our shopping. Although it might look small they have everything you need. This is the Post
Office and, come to think of it, it might be the last one before you get to the United States.
RÓISÍN: This is the secondary school where I’m now going to school. I’ve been coming here for four years, and I have another
two years left before I go to college. I love it here and I look forward to coming into school every morning.
RÓISÍN (off): There are 200 pupils in our school, and it is a policy to wear school uniforms.
RÓISÍN: This is where I do basketball. It’s my favourite sport and it’s very good exercise. Oh! And that’s my coach, Pat Burke.
COACH: Róisín! Here! Come on, let’s go!
RÓISÍN: I’ve got to go!
COACH: In the game, here we go! Right! Move it, Jim! And quick! Let’s go!
RÓISÍN (off): This is my favourite sport, basketball. I have basketball training every Friday after school. I like it because it
keeps my fit and we have a great basketball team and I like to win.
COACH: My name is Pat Burke. I am the basketball coach here in Carna Community School. I am also the PE teacher in the school.
About sixty girls play basketball out of a hundred girls in the school, and we train two evenings a week after school from four until six.
Róisín joined the basketball club here in the school in first year and has shown steady improvement and very dedicated to her training.
RÓISÍN: This is our lovely local church. There’s nobody here now but it’s usually packed on Sunday mornings and Saturday
evenings. That’s when I come.
RÓISÍN (off): Although young people don’t go to church as often as they used to, for most people around here church is very
important. For me and my family, we go every week. And if I don’t go to church then, personally, I feel guilty.

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RÓISÍN: Now I’d like you to meet my friends. This is Naessa…
NAESSA: Hi ya!
RÓISÍN: …who’d be on the tin whistle. Colm, on the accordion. And Róisín who will dance.
RÓISÍN 2: Hello!
RÓISÍN: They have come over today, so that we can have a session, which means that everyone will sing and dance and play
traditional music.
RÓISÍN (off): Traditional music is a very important part of the Irish culture. It gets passed on from generation to generation,
and it involves both the young and the old. There are five of us in the family and we’re all very close. My father is always very
busy, so we look forward to the summer, when we get the opportunity to go on holidays together. Then there’s my sister Martha.
She comes to me for advice about make-up and clothes. And, of course, there’s my brother Park. He is very spoilt by my parents
but not by me. He always does what I tell him to do.
RÓISÍN: /speaking Irish/
MUM: /speaking Irish/
RÓISÍN (off): My mother and I love going shopping together, and we always go for coffee afterwards. We always speak Irish
in our family, of course, because it is the native language.
RÓISÍN (off) : To earn pocket money I waitress at the Carna Bay Hotel. Here I take orders, serve people food and
drink and clear tables. With my pocket money I like to buy clothes, CDs and make-up. Oh, and to save for going out at the
RÓISÍN (off): Here we are in Galway city, the biggest city closest to Connemara.
People come here for shopping, to go to the cinema or even for a night out.
RÓISÍN: Sitting beside me is Paráic Ó Connaire, a famous playwright from Connemara. Actually Paráic, I’ve starred in one of
your plays. I wonder does he know that?
RÓISÍN: Oh, God! Where is it? I know I had it yesterday! I was coming downtown,
I went into the shop… I came out. I know I had my purse, because I checked and it was there.
And now it’s going to be… God!
TEACHER: That’s excellent, Róisín! Could you use that characterisation in your exercise with Frank later on today?
RÓISÍN: Yeah, sure.
TEACHER: In this scene let you be the employer…
TEACHER: …and you’ll be the employee. And initially you play it with a high status.
TEACHER: Initially, play it with a low status. When I clap my hands gently, you’ll switch status and stay in the same characters.
RÓISÍN: Etha Dunne, please! What time do you call this, Etha?
RÓISÍN (off): For as long as I can remember I have always loved acting, and I’m so happy now that I joined the drama class
with Claire, because she has taught me so much about improvisation and how to have more confidence in myself.
ETHA: Listen, just because you’re my boss doesn’t mean you can boss me around, OK? I…
I work long, hard hours for you! I’m a brilliant worker, OK? I mean some people don’t come here till…like what, ten o’clock?
And you’re giving me a hard time for being 30 minutes late?
RÓISÍN: Yeah, but I am your employer.
ETHA: Yeah…
RÓISÍN: I pay you, don’t I?
ETHA: (Yeah…)
RÓISÍN: And I pay you good money, don’t I, Etha?
ETHA: Yeah, yeah, brilliant, brilliant money…
RÓISÍN: So why…?
TEACHER: Cut! Excellent! Weren’t they good? Weren’t they good? OK…
RÓISÍN (off): This is my third year doing dance. Watching famous people sing and dance on the TV inspired me to take it up.
I really love to move to the rhythm and beat of the music.

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TEACHER: Over the top. Ready! And…one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
That was great, Róisín! Well done!
RÓISÍN: After a long day in the city with drama and dance classes I love to come to my aunt’s house here in Galway, and
meet up with my friends to prepare for a night out.
AUNT: (Ah…!)
AUNT: Hello, Róisín! You’re welcome.
RÓISÍN: (How are you? )
AUNT: How are you?
RÓISÍN: Fine, thanks. How are you?
AUNT: Did you have a nice day in town?
RÓISÍN: Great, good, yeah...
AUNT: Oh, you’re looking lovely! How are you?
GIRL 1: Are you wearing this? Do you want to wear this? What is this…?
GIRL 2: (It’s OK?)
RÓISÍN: Maybe this one here…
RÓISÍN (off): I have many friends but Róisín and Naessa are my best friends.
GIRL 1: (Or even… No…?)
RÓISÍN: I’ve known them for many years, and we do everything together.
GIRL: Oh yeah! Oh yeah! We’ll cover your face. That’ll be good for you!
GIRL 2: Sod off!
RÓISÍN (off): I know it sounds strange, but I’m telling the truth when I say
we never, ever fight.
GIRL: (You look beautiful…)
RÓISÍN (off): I have two more years left in school, before I move on to college
and I will miss the teachers and my friends when I leave.
GIRL 2. I believe you…
GIRL 1: No, seriously…
RÓISÍN: Well, we’re all ready to go to the cinema now, and we’re going to meet up
with some of our other friends there. Hi!
RÓISÍN: Well, OK. I leave you here now = Fágtha mé anseo sibh.
It’s been great talking to you. Bye! So long!

Graham’s Fried Breakfast

– This morning I’m gonna make you a fried breakfast and I’ll show you some of the ingredients here.
– Two different types of sausages. These sausages are pork and leek sausages and they’re the most delicious sausages I’ve
ever tasted. They’re just the best!
– This bacon is also absolutely delicious.
– Something else you might not have seen before is black pudding. This is a traditional Scottish delicacy.
– And it is made from sheep bits and it’s soaked in the blood of the sheep. Obviously it wouldn’t be a fry-up without eggs
and tomato.
– The first thing I’ve got to do is to turn the heat on for the frying pan.
– And now what I’m going to do, is stab the sausages, because otherwise they’ll burst open, down here, when they go in the
– I’m doing the sausages first because they take the longest to cook and I don’t want to be waiting for them when everything
else is ready.
– Every now and then you have to check that it’s not burning, because that doesn’t really taste very nice.

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– Now I’m going to cook the black pudding. If you look at it you see that it has got skin on it. But you have to leave the skin
on, because if you don’t leave it on, then the thing falls to bits, when you put it in the frying-pan.
– We’ll leave that to cook for a while.
– Well, now I’m going to put the bacon in, so we’re nearly done.
– I’ll take the bacon and I’ll just put that in. And while that’s cooking itself, I’ll go and get my rolls.
– Now I’m going to make some room in the pan, so I’ve got space for my eggs and my tomatoes.
– So if you use a wee bit of butter, just like that, it tastes so much better.
– Let the butter melt and now we can throw the eggs in.
– Just to keep it hot we’ll cover it all with a lid.
– Well, I’ve cooked all that food but I forgot my vegetables, so I’ll put the tomatoes in just now and put that back on to the
– And so we’re nearly there.
– Well, it looks like it’s about ready now. So I’ll take it over here and see how I can manage to fit it into my plate.
– I put an egg in each bun and I’ll have a bit of bacon with that.
– And I need to close them, so there’s room on the plate for the rest.
– Well, now that I’ve got everything ready I can take the skin off the pudding. Here you go and now you can sit down and
start to eat.
– A meal like this will keep me going for the whole day!

Róisín’s BLT
– Hello! Now I’m going to make BLT; bacon, lettuce, tomato, on toast.
I make that sometimes after school, because it is easy to make and fast.
– So now I have to grab a few things from the fridge.
– The ingredients you need are: lettuce, tomatoes, some bread, bacon, cheese and of course some mayonnaise.
– Now we have to turn on the grill. We turn it to about 250.
– Now we’ll toast the bread.
– OK, we’ll cut up some lettuce. OK, that should be enough.
– Then you’ll cut up your tomato. You cut it in four slices. OK
– And then you need to grate some cheese.
– Oh, the toast is ready!
– You see, nice and brown.
– Then you put some mayonnaise on it. OK. That’s the mayonnaise. Spread it like this, and over here.
– Then you just get your lettuce. You put the lettuce on first, just put it nice, just a bit. And then you just put the tomatoes
on, four, that’s one in every corner.
Beep, beep
– Oh, the bacon should be ready now!
– OK, you just get the bacon and you place it on top. One here and one here.
– Now, there’s just one more thing left for me to do. Now, we’ll just sprinkle some cheese on the top. I put lots of cheese,
just like this. It’s very messy.
– You just take this slice and you put it back under the grill again.
– You just leave it there for another few minutes and let the cheese melt.
– I just take this with me now because I think it’s ready.
– It is. Just put this on top and you bite into it.
– Uh, hot! It is really hot!

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O projecto Cool Zone contém um conjunto de fichas de recuperação intituladas Extra Practice que abordam con-
teúdos essenciais da língua inglesa.

• Rever/Recuperar conteúdos essenciais abordados em anos anteriores.
• Consolidar estruturas básicas da língua inglesa.
• Apoiar o trabalho desenvolvido em aula.

Sugestões metodológicas
Estas fichas poderão ser utilizadas tanto nas aulas de Inglês, como em casa, como, ainda, nas aulas de Estudo

Ficha Conteúdos

Extra Practice 1 Verbs to be / have got (Present Simple)

Extra Practice 2 There is / There are
Extra Practice 3 Possessive adjectives / pronouns
Extra Practice 4 Present Simple
Extra Practice 5 Present Simple / Adverbs of frequency
Extra Practice 6 Telling the time / Present Simple / Daily routine
Extra Practice 7 Present Continuous
Extra Practice 8 Present Simple / Present Continuous
Extra Practice 9 Past Simple
Extra Practice 10 Past Simple / Past Continuous
Extra Practice 11 Comparatives and superlatives
Extra Practice 12 Future: going to

28 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


O projecto Cool Zone inclui um conjunto de slides em PowerPoint que permite sistematizar de uma forma interactiva,
dinâmica e actual alguns dos conteúdos, quer de língua inglesa, quer de vocabulário, abordados ao longo do ano.
Este conjunto de slides está disponível na área de Apoio Internet da Texto Editores (www.projectos.TE.pt).
O quadro abaixo indica o conteúdo de cada slide e a Zone a que se refere para uma melhor gestão deste instru-
mento de trabalho.

Slide 3 – To be
Slide 4 – Have got
Zone 0
Slides 5/6/7 – Present Simple
Slides 8/9 – Past Simple
Slides 10/11/12 – Present Simple / Present Continuous
Slide 13 – Past Simple / Past Continuous
Zone 1
Slides 14/15/16 – Comparatives
Slides 17/18/19 – Superlatives

Slide 20 – Will / Going to

Zone 2 Slides 21/22 – Conditionals
Slides 23/24/25/26 – Clothes

Slides 27/28/29 – Passive voice

Slides 30/31/32 – Reported speech
Zone 3 Slides 33/34/35/36 – Present Perfect *
Slides 37/38 – Past Simple / Present Perfect
Slides 39/40 – Relative pronouns and adverbs

Extensiva Slides 41/42/43

Sugere-se que os slides sejam trabalhados em momentos de sistematização/consolidação. O professor decide o

ritmo em que os elementos que compõem o slide se sucedem.
Antes da aula, o professor pode fotocopiar o slide apenas parcialmente preenchido, permitindo assim que os
alunos interajam com a apresentação em PowerPoint (oralmente e por escrito), completando-o.
Enquanto a apresentação decorre, o professor vai elicitando as respostas dos alunos, antecipando a sistemati-
zação que é feita no slide.
Os slides relativos à Leitura Extensiva poderão ser trabalhados antes de se iniciar a sua exploração, pois fun-
cionam como motivação e primeira abordagem a certos aspectos geográficos e culturais que irão aparecer ao longo
da história.

* A abordagem do Present Perfect adoptada neste projecto baseia-se em estudos linguísticos recentes sobre o assunto. Veja-se, por exemplo,
Linguística Contrastiva. O Ensino da Língua Inglesa. Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora, 2006, de Isabel Casanova e o artigo “The Present
Perfect. A Perfect Approach”, Revista da Faculdade de Letras, 15 – 5.a Série, Lisboa, 1993, pp.155-164, de Isabel Casanova, Eduarda Melo
Cabrita, Isabel Mealha, Jean McMahon Ramos, Maria Luísa Falcão e Stephen Fordham.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO 29

• Fichas de Recuperação (Extra Practice )
• Placement Test
• Testes A / B (Zones 1, 2, 3 e 4)
• Testes de Listening
• Fichas de Exploração do DVD
Extra Practice 1 Ve r b s t o b e / h a v e g o t ( P r e s e n t S i m p l e )

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Complete the table with the Present Simple of the verbs to be and have got.

To be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I __________ I __________ __________ I ?
You __________ You __________ __________ you ?
He/She/It __________ He/She/It __________ __________ he/she/it?
We __________ We __________ __________ we?
You __________ You __________ __________ you?
They __________ They __________ __________ they?

Have got
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I __________ I __________ __________ I ________ ?
You __________ You __________ __________ you ________ ?
He/She/It __________ He/She/It __________ __________ he/she/it ________ ?
We __________ We __________ __________ we ________ ?
You __________ You __________ __________ you ________ ?
They __________ They __________ __________ they ________ ?

B. Look at the pictures and write sentences using the verbs to be or have got. Follow the example.

e.g. (Samuel) Is Samuel fifteen years old? 15 × 13 ✓

No, he isn’t fifteen years old. He is thirteen.

× ✓
1. (Mr and Mrs Stevenson) _____________________________________

2. (Patricia and Melanie) _______________________________________ × ✓


3. (Henry Peters) _____________________________________________

× ✓

living room library

4. (the student) ______________________________________________
× ✓

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Look at the pictures and write the sentences. Follow the example.
e.g. Cameron Diaz / American / straight, blond hair / tall, slim / actress
Her first name is Cameron. Her surname is Diaz.
She is American. She has got straight blond hair.
She is tall and slim. She’s an actress.

1. Mel Gibson / Australian / wavy, brown hair / tall, slim / actor


2. Robbie Williams / English / short, brown hair / tall / singer


3. Oprah Winfrey / American / curly, black hair / tall, plump / TV presenter


D. Write the sentences in the negative form.

1. They’ve got a nice garden behind their house.


2. Helen’s at school.

3. She’s got a History class in the morning.


4. Danny is from Italy.


E. Ask the questions.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
I’m eighteen years old.

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
She’s got long brown hair. She’s tall and elegant.

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
No, they haven’t. They haven’t got a big flat.

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
He’s Greek.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 2 There is / There are

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

There isn’t a map.

A. Read the examples. There aren’t any

There is a blackboard.
There are some books too.

B. Complete the chart with a/an or nothing (-) and there is or there are. Follow the examples.

There is an dog.
an apple.

C. Complete the chart with a/an or any and is there or are there. Follow the example.

Are there any students?


D. Complete the chart with a/an or any and there isn’t or there aren’t. Follow the example.

There aren’t any biscuits.

alarm clock.

E. Complete the sentences with there is or there are (negative or interrogative).

1. ______________ a dictionary on the teacher’s table.
2. ______________ any eggs. We have to go to the supermarket.
3. ______________ any milk in the fridge? No, ______________ .
4. ______________ any sandwiches? No, ______________ .

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 3 Possessive adjectives / Possessive pronouns

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Complete the tables with the possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Subject pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun

I My Mine

B. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives.

Sammy: “Do you like _______ MP3 player? _______ grandparents gave it to me for my birthday.”
Ken: “Yes, I like it a lot. What about _______ twin sister? Did they give her one too?”
Sammy: “Yes, they did. _______ grandparents always give us the same presents.”
Ken: “_______ brother has got one too. But _______ MP3 player is different. He uses it to take photographs too!”
Sammy: “Look, there’s Susie! She’s with _______ sister. “
Ken: “ Hi, Susie! Hi Laura! Where are you going?”
Susie and Laura: “We’re going to the hospital. _______ father broke _______ arm.”
Sammy: “Well, I’ll hope he’ll be all right.”

C. Circle the correct option.

1. I can’t find my / mine schoolbag.

2. She is reading her / hers book and her sister is reading her / hers.
3. My / Mine English teacher is standing by the window and your / yours is near the coffee machine.
4. Our / Ours school is better than their / theirs.
5. We know their / theirs mobile phone number, but they don’t know our / ours.
6. “How are your / yours grandparents?”
“They’re great! How are your / yours?”

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 4 Present Simple

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Complete the table with the Present Simple of the verb to live.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I live I don’t live __________ I live?

You __________ You _________ _________ __________ you __________ ?
He/She/It lives He/She/It _________ live Does he/she/it __________ ?
We __________ We _________ _________ __________ we __________ ?
You __________ You _________ _________ __________ you __________ ?
They __________ They _________ _________ __________ they __________ ?

B. Complete the table with the third person singular of the Present Simple of the verbs.

Verb love swim ask finish go study have

He/She/It loves 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________

C. Write in the negative form.

1. I go to school every day. 4. She studies her lesson.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________

2. Sebastian wakes up at seven o’clock. 5. Our teacher lives in London.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________

3. The students write the summary. 6. She teaches Geography.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________

D. Fill in the diagram. Follow the example.

e.g. I play computer games in the library.

Where do you play computer games?

Question word auxiliary subject verb

1. I go to school by bus. 3. The teacher corrects the tests in the classroom.

———— —— —— —— to school? ———— —— —— —— the tests?

2. She makes her bed in the morning. 4. The students play basketball.
———— —— —— —— her bed? ———— —— —— —— ?

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 5 Present Simple / Adverbs of frequency

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Read the adverbs of frequency below and then write them in the diagram.

usually always never sometimes rarely often

B. Look at the table and write sentences about Emily’s activities in the Present Simple and using the
adverbs of frequency.

Activities never rarely sometimes often usually always

1. Go to the swimming ✓

2. Go to school by car ✓

3. Brush teeth ✓

4. Listen to music on ✓
the radio

5. Read the newspaper ✓

6. Go to the cinema ✓
with friends

1. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 6 Te l l i n g t h e t i m e / P r e s e n t S i m p l e / D a i l y r o u t i n e

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Look at the clock and write the words in the correct boxes.

_____________ _____________ 25 past
quarter to
25 to
_____________ _____________
5 past
10 to
_____________ _____________ 20 past
quarter past
_____________ _____________ 20 to
10 past
5 to
_____________ _____________
half past

B. Look at the clocks and answer the question.

What time is it?

1. _______________________ 5. _______________________

2. _______________________ 6. _______________________

3. _______________________ 7. _______________________

4. _______________________ 8. _______________________

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Daily routine
Look the pictures. They show Sam’s daily routine. Put them in the correct order. Then read the sen-
tences below and match them to the correct picture.





1. He has breakfast in the kitchen. He has cereal and a glass of milk.

2. Then he does his homework from five o’clock to half past six.
3. He gets dressed.
4. When he gets home he always has a snack.
5. After dinner he watches TV until his bedtime.
6. He goes to the bathroom and has a quick shower.
7. After his last lesson he usually goes to the library to do some research online.
8. He plays computer games after his homework.
9. Sam wakes up at quarter to seven in the morning.
10. He has dinner at eight o’clock.
11. Then he goes to school by bus.
12. At one o’clock he has lunch in the canteen.
13. At ten o’clock he goes to bed.
14. Then he goes home at quarter past four.
15. His first lesson starts at quarter past eight.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 7 Present Continuous

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Complete the table with the Present Continuous of the verb to work.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am working I _____ _____ _________ Am I working?

You _____ _________ You are not working ______ you ____________?
He/She/It _____ _________ He/She/It _____ _____ _________ ______ he/she/it ____________?
We _____ _________ We _____ _____ _________ ______ we ____________?
You _____ _________ You _____ _____ _________ ______ you ____________?
They _____ _________ They _____ _____ _________ ______ they ____________?

Short form: I’m working; I’m not working / He’s working; He isn’t working / You’re working; You aren’t working

B. Write the -ing form of the verbs in the table. Follow the example.

love swim get study rain have stay write


see travel play put begin make ride be

C. Write the sentences in the negative and interrogative form. Follow the example.
e.g. He is writing an e-mail.
He isn’t writing an e-mail.
Is he writing an e-mail?
1. Mary Ann is washing her hair. 3. The teacher is correcting the tests.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

2. His parents are watching TV. 4. I am waiting for the bus.

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________

D. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. At the moment the students _________________ (listen) to the teacher because he _________________
(explain) the exercise.
2. Paul and Christine _________________ (swim) in the ocean.
3. _________________ (listen / he) to music now?
4. The kids _________________ (play) basketball in front of the house.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 8 Present Simple / Present Continuous

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Write the expressions in the correct column.

Expressions Present Simple Present Continuous

Every day
At the moment
In summer

B. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. The words in bold may help you.
1. They always _____________ (go) to the restaurant on Sunday, but today is Sunday and they _____________
(have) lunch at home because it _____________ (rain) a lot.
2. Sophie: “Can I talk to Kate?”
Kate’s mum: “No, sorry. She _____________ (be) in her bedroom. She _____________ (study).
Sophie: “Can I talk to her brother then?”
Kate’s mum: “Well, just a moment. He _____________ (play) football in the garden.”
3. At the moment the students _____________ (not / have) lunch. They _____________ (watch) a film in the
4. Every Saturday afternoon she _____________ (go) to the cinema with her friends.
5. Joshua’s father usually ____________ (drive) him to school, but now he ____________ (wait) for the school bus.

C. Ask the questions.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
I go to the cinema every weekend.
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
She’s riding her bike.
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
He usually goes to the beach on Saturday and Sunday.
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
They’re playing computer games in the library.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 9 Past Simple

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Regular verbs: complete the table with the Past Simple of the verb to play.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I played I did not play (didn’t play) Did I play?

You __________ You ____ ____ ____ (_________ ___) ____ you __________?
He/She/It __________ He/She/It ____ ____ ____ (_________ ___) ____ he/she/it __________?
We __________ We ____ ____ ____ (_________ ___) ____ we __________?
You __________ You ____ ____ ____ (_________ ___) ____ you __________?
They __________ They ____ ____ ____ (_________ ___) ____ they __________?

B. Irregular verbs: complete the table with the Past Simple of the verbs. Follow the example.

Verb go make do write begin take choose

Past Simple went
Past Simple /
didn’t go

Verb spend buy drive see come sleep run

Past Simple
Past Simple /

C. Write the sentences in the negative form. Follow the example.

e.g. She went to the theatre yesterday.

She didn’t go to the theatre yesterday.

1. They spent their holidays in Brazil.


2. She wrote a nice postcard to her grandparents.


3. My friends visited St Paul’s Cathedral in London.


4. The plane took off at eight o’clock.


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

D. Ask the questions.

1. _________________________________________________________ ?
He bought nice souvenirs in London.

2. _________________________________________________________ ?
The tourists had dinner in a famous American restaurant.

3. _________________________________________________________ ?
No, he didn’t. He didn’t like Italian food.

4. _________________________________________________________ ?
Yes, they did. They enjoyed their trip very much.

E. Look at Alex’s diary. What did he do last week in London? Write complete sentences using the Past
Simple. Follow the example.

e.g. Last Monday Alex was on holiday and he took the plane to London.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 10 Past Simple / Past Continuous

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Complete the table with the Past Continuous of the verb to study.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was studying I was not studying (wasn’t studying) Was I studying?

You ____ ___________ You ___ ___ ________ (____ _________) ____ you __________?
He/She/It ____ ___________ He/She/It ___ ___ ________ (____ _________) ____ he/she/it __________?
We ____ ___________ We ___ ___ ________ (____ _________) ____ we __________?
You ____ ___________ You ___ ___ ________ (____ _________) ____ you __________?
They ____ ___________ They ___ ___ ________ (____ _________) ____ they __________?

B. Join the beginnings in A with the suitable endings in B. Make sentences using the Past Simple, the
Past Continuous and the adverb when. Follow the example.
1. My mobile phone (ring) a) she (talk) to her friend.
2. Her father (tell) her to hang up b) he (do) snowboarding.
3. He (break) his leg c) they (send) photographs through the Internet.
4. She (lose) her ticket d) I (have) a shower.
5. The power (go out) e) she (run) to catch the bus.

1. My mobile phone rang when I was having a shower.
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. While Kate __________ (hang out) with her friends yesterday afternoon at the park, she __________ (see) a
little boy falling in the pond.

2. While he __________ (chat) online, his little brother __________ (play) with his cars.

3. The teenagers __________ (go) down the hill when one of them __________ (fall) and __________ (lose)
his ski.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 11 Comparatives and superlatives

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives. Follow the examples.

1. big bigger the biggest

2. pretty ___________________ ___________________
3. safe ___________________ ___________________
4. good ___________________ ___________________
5. long ___________________ ___________________
6. bad ___________________ ___________________
7. happy ___________________ ___________________
8. large ___________________ ___________________
9. fat ___________________ ___________________

1. beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful

2. intelligent ___________________ ___________________
3. interesting ___________________ ___________________
4. exciting ___________________ ___________________
5. delicious ___________________ ___________________
6. dangerous ___________________ ___________________
7. pleasant ___________________ ___________________
8. tired ___________________ ___________________
9. popular ___________________ ___________________

B. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives.

1. He feels ______________ (happy) doing windsurfing than doing skateboarding.
2. Going to a football match is ______________ (interesting) than watching it on TV.
3. Climbing up a mountain is ______________ (exciting) than swimming in a swimming pool.
4. Riding a bike is ______________ (easy) than riding a horse.

C. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives.

1. Who’s ______________ (good) athlete in the world?
2. This is ______________ (expensive) surfboard in the shop.
3. The game I bought yesterday is ______________ (exciting) one I’ve got!
4. Parkour is ______________ (dangerous) activity I’ve ever done!
5. What’s ______________ (popular) game in the school?
6. Who’s ______________ (tall) player in the basketball team?

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Extra Practice 12 Future: going to

N a m e ______________________________________________________ N o . ___________ Ye a r ___________ C l a s s ___________

Date ____________________________________________ E v a l u a t i o n _________________________________

A. Complete the table with the verb to watch in the future with going to.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going to watch I ______________________ (_______________) Am I going to watch?

You ______________________ You are not going to watch (Your aren’t going to watch) ____ you __________?
He/She/It _________________ He/She/It ____________________ (_______________) ____ he/she/it __________?
We ______________________ We ____________________ (_______________) ____ we __________?
You ______________________ You ____________________ (_______________) ____ you __________?
They _____________________ They ____________________ (_______________) ____ they __________?

B. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. going to / a film / she / watch / is
2. a test / going to / the students / are / have
3. is / her sister / this summer / stay home / going to
4. meet / are / going to / you / this weekend / your friends / ?
5. aren’t / they / visit / the museum / going to

C. Read each sentence and then write a new sentence. Follow the example.
e.g. She’s tired. (wash her hair)
She isn’t going to wash her hair.
1. His bike is broken. (ride his bike)
2. The party is cancelled. (go to the party)
3. Their teacher is ill. (do the test)
4. She doesn’t like science fiction films. (watch the film on TV)

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
Eric Barton doesn’t really like communicating with his friends by e-mail. He prefers letters because he likes writing.
He decided to send letters to other schools in Europe to try to find penfriends.

A. Read the letter.

B. True (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements.

1. Eric is happy at school.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ
2. He’s got a lot of friends.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ
3. He’s not a very curious teenager.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ
4. Eric’s friends also enjoy writing.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Complete the sentences about Eric with one or more words.

His __________ name is Eric and __________ is Barton. He __________ fourteen __________ . He __________
from York. He __________ lots of friends. Eric __________ writing letters.

D. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Where does Eric live?


2. Does he live with his grandparents?


3. Do his parents have the same job?


4. How does he feel about his family?


5. What is Eric like?


6. What does he like doing in his free time?


E. Ask the questions.

1. __________________________________ ? 3. __________________________________ ?
No, he isn’t. He’s English. Yes, he does. He likes writing.

2. __________________________________ ? 4. __________________________________ ?
Susan and Laurie are Eric’s sisters. Eric wrote the letter in September.

Part B
Now imagine you are Eric’s new penfriend. Reply to his letter.
Mention your name, age, family, country, city, physical appearance, personality, school and favourite
subjects, favourite things/hobbies...

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part C
Circle the correct letter.

1. Eric doesn’t write to __________ friends. 09. They don’t live in London, __________ ?
a) his a) does they
b) her b) do they
c) my c) don’t they

2. __________ wants to have a penfriend. 10. I __________ probably go to Europe.

a) They a) am going
b) We b) will
c) He c) am

3. The boy is __________ student in his class. 11. Next weekend he __________ to give a birthday
a) clever party.
b) more clever a) is going
c) the cleverest b) are going
c) will
4. As a tennis player Susie is __________ many other
players. 12. They __________ to school yesterday.
a) good than a) go
b) better than b) went
c) the best c) going

5. In front of the school __________ a big tree. 13. __________ she go to the cinema last Saturday?
a) there is a) Does
b) there are b) Is
c) is c) Did

6. Eric __________ computer games. 14. __________ is he like?

a) doesn’t play a) Where
b) doesn’t plays b) Who
c) don’t play c) What

7. At the moment Eric __________ a letter. 15. __________ does he live?

a) writes a) When
b) is writing b) What
c) write c) Where

8. He wrote a letter, __________ ? 16. __________ are you going to the dentist?
a) don’t he a) When
b) did he b) What
c) didn’t he c) Where

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

17. __________ is the ticket? 19. He __________ in York since he was born.
a) How old a) lived
b) How much b) lives
c) How many c) has lived

18. He’s not going out. He ________ do his homework. 20. First you do your homework and __________ you
a) can watch TV.
b) must a) or
c) would b) so
c) then

Part D
Identify these British and American traditions, famous people, sports...





©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• School and holidays
• Possessive adjectives and pronouns • Present Simple, Past Simple
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

It’s seven o’clock and Marie Joe is getting ready to go back

to school. And for the first time she’s going to catch the school
bus. Last year her father drove her to school every day. But this
year her father goes to work very early in the morning and her
5 mother doesn’t have a car. Marie Joe goes downstairs. Her
breakfast is on the table: a glass of warm milk and some bread
with marmalade. She prepared her schoolbag last night: her
books and her new stationery: exercise books, pens, pencils,
10 Eight o’clock already! She hurries up... The school bus is coming... It’s great to go back to school to see your
friends again and meet new ones. On the first day everybody talks about their summer holidays, the new teachers,
the new students... Marie Joe can’t wait to see her best friend, Jimmy...
After the first lesson, Geography, Marie Joe talks to her best friend about their summer holidays. Jimmy went to
the beach with his parents and his grandparents. Jimmy liked the beach very much. They had a wonderful time and
15 the weather was great. They swam in the sea and slept on the beach. He had a lot of sea food for lunch and dinner.
Marie Joe tells Jimmy that she went camping in the countryside with her grandmother and her older sister. Her parents
stayed home because they had to work. Her grandmother loves camping because she loves nature and animals. They
went for long walks in the forest and they took pictures of some squirrels, birds and wild flowers... It rained a little,
but they had a great time. They ate healthy food like grilled fish and fresh vegetables.

B. Complete the table in note form.

Holidays Place Weather Food Activity(ies)

Marie Joe


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Find the opposite of the words below in the first paragragh.
1. late: _____________________________ 3. cold: __________________________
2. upstairs: __________________________ 4. old: ___________________________

D. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What day is it today?
2. How is Marie Joe going to school?
3. Why is it a good thing to go to school on this day?
4. Who’s Marie Joe’s best friend?
5. Did Marie Joe and Jimmy have a great time on holiday? Explain.
6. They went to different places on holiday. Which place do you prefer? Why?

Part B
A. Ask the questions for the following answers.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
It’s seven o’clock.
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Yes, they do. They have breakfast in the kitchen.
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Marie Joe’s father goes to work every day.
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Marie Joe prepared her school bag last night.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives: my (3), your, his, her, our, their.
Marie Joe: ___________ mother doesn’t have a car.
Jimmy: But ___________ father can drive you to school.
Marie Joe: No, he can’t. ___________ job starts very early in the morning.
Jimmy: ___________ father works very early in the morning too. ___________ fathers are very busy men...
Mary Joe: We’ve got a new neighbour, Christine, and she goes to school with ___________ mother.
Jimmy: ___________ neighbours, David and Ann, go to school with ___________ mother too.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Replace the words in bold with the correct possessive pronouns in the box.
1. Marie Joe and a friend of ___________ are talking about their summer holidays.
2. Marie Joe: My dream is to go to Spain for the summer holiday. What’s ___________ ? hers
Jimmy: ___________ is to go to Miami because I really like surfing... mine
3. Jimmy: I didn’t go on holiday with my grandparents but I think they liked ___________ too. yours
Marie Joe: I loved ___________ too. Your brother didn’t go with you, did he? Did he like mine
___________ ?
Jimmy: Yes, he did. He liked his holiday a lot.

D. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. The words in
bold may help you.

1. Last year she ___________ (go) to Spain for her summer holiday and she really ___________ (love) the country.
But she ___________ (be) sick because she ___________ (not / like) the Spanish food.

2. Every year he ___________ (go) to the same place in August. He ___________ (take) his grandfather with him
because they ___________ (enjoy) doing the same things.

3. ___________ (he / eat) exotic food yesterday evening at the restaurant?

No, he ___________ . He ___________ (have) a steak and some rice.

Part C
Choose A or B.
A – Write a text about going back to school. You can mention the positive and negative aspects.

B – Write a text about your summer holiday:

• Where did you go?
• Where did you stay?
• Who did you go with?
• What did you do?
• What did you eat?
• What was the weather like?

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• School and holidays
• Possessive adjectives and pronouns • Present Simple, Past Simple
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

It’s seven o´clock and Marie Joe is getting ready to go back

to school. And for the first time she’s going to catch the school
bus. Last year her father drove her to school every day. But this
year her father goes to work very early in the morning and her
5 mother doesn’t have a car. Marie Joe goes downstairs. Her
breakfast is on the table: a glass of warm milk and some bread
with marmalade. She prepared her schoolbag last night: her
books and her new stationery: exercise books, pens, pencils,
10 Eight o’clock already! She hurries up... The school bus is coming... It’s great to go back to school to see your
friends again and meet new ones. On the first day everybody talks about their summer holidays, the new teachers,
the new students... Marie Joe can’t wait to see her best friend, Jimmy...
After the first lesson, Geography, Marie Joe talks to her best friend about their summer holidays. Jimmy went to
the beach with his parents and his grandparents. Jimmy liked the beach very much. They had a wonderful time and
15 the weather was great. They swam in the sea and slept on the beach. He had a lot of sea food for lunch and dinner.
Marie Joe tells Jimmy that she went camping in the countryside with her grandmother and her older sister. Her parents
stayed home because they had to work. Her grandmother loves camping because she loves nature and animals. They
went for long walks in the forest and they took pictures of some squirrels, birds and wild flowers... It rained a little,
but they had a great time. They ate healthy food like grilled fish and fresh vegetables.

B. Find the opposite of the words below between lines 4 and 14.
1. late: _____________________________ 4. old: ______________________________
2. upstairs: __________________________ 5. worst: ____________________________
3. cold: _____________________________ 6. terrible: ___________________________

C. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. Marie Joe’s mother ___________________________ , so she can’t ___________________________ to school.
2. She _____________________________________ breakfast in ______________________________________ .
3. Everything was ready for school because ________________________________________________________ .
4. Marie Joe ___________________________________ to school at ___________________________________ .

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

D. Answer the questions about the text.
1. Why is Marie Joe so excited about today?
2. Why can’t her father drive her to school?
3. Who does she want to see in particular? Why is that?
4. Where did they go on holiday and who with?
5. How was their holiday?
6. They went to different places on holiday. Which place do you prefer? Why?

Part B
A. Ask the questions for the following answers.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Marie Joe catches the school bus every morning.
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Marie Joe and her friend have lunch in the canteen.
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Marie Joe’s father drove her to school last year.
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Yes, he did. Jimmy had a wonderful time.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives.

1. Jimmy and ______ best friend, Marie Joe, are talking about ______ summer holidays.
2. Jimmy: Did you like ______ holiday, Marie Joe?
Marie Joe: Yes, I did. What about you and ______ family?
Jimmy: ______ parents and grandparents had a great time. ______ brother went to Ireland and he had a great
time too.
3. Marie Joe’s grandmother bought some postcards and sent them to ______ friends.
4. Jimmy and Marie Joe: ______ holidays were fantastic!

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns.

1. Marie Joe and a friend of ___________ are talking about their summer holidays.

2. Marie Joe: My dream is to go to Spain for the summer holiday. What’s ___________ ?
Jimmy: ___________ is to go to Miami because I really like surfing...

3. Jimmy: I didn’t go on holiday with my grandparents but I think they liked ___________ too.
Marie Joe: I loved ___________ too. Your brother didn’t go with you, did he? Did he like ___________ ?
Jimmy: Yes, he did. He liked his holiday a lot.

D. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. ‘‘How ___________ (you / go) to school in the morning?‘‘

‘‘My mother ___________ (drive) me, but after school I ___________ (catch) the school bus. Last week my
mother’s car ___________ (have) a problem and I ___________ (catch) the bus in the morning too.‘‘

2. She ___________ (not / go) on holiday last August, she ___________ (stay) home because she ___________
(be) ill.

3. Every weekend they ___________ (travel) to the South of England and ___________ (have) a great time on the

Part C
Choose A or B.
A – Write a text about going back to school.
You can mention the positive and negative aspects.

B – Write a text about your summer holiday:

• Where did you go?
• Where did you stay?
• Who did you go with?
• What did you do?
• What did you eat?
• What was the weather like?

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Hanging out / Chatrooms / Leisure activities
• Degrees of adjectives • Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Joe Briggs, 14, lives in Appleton, USA. When he wants to

meet his friends he goes to a square near the public library and
they talk, skate or go to a street café nearby. They usually find it
cool but sometimes they get bored of doing the same thing
5 every weekend.
Their parents feel worried, too, because as there aren’t enough places for their children to hang out and not many
interesting things to do, they are afraid they may get into trouble.
When asked by a teen magazine if he thought there were enough places for teens to meet their friends, Joe
answered: “No, there aren’t. Most of the time we don’t know where to go or what to do. Some years ago, there was
10 a non-profit organization, which planned to change an old shopping centre into a fun safe place for teens to meet.
They wanted it to be the first youth shopping centre in the country. Plans included a skate park, a stage where they
wanted local bands to play at weekends, a drama club where teens could enrol to perform plays, restaurants and
coffee shops, an area to play paintball games, a newspaper and a climbing wall. They wanted the inside walls to
have plenty of space for teens to display their visual artwork and poetry. Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough
15 money to finish the project and this great place for teens to meet wasn’t built. So when we want to be with our
friends we hang out in the street or we go to shopping centres but nowadays this is also very difficult because there
are curfews for unaccompanied young people.
Nowadays we often stay at home and meet online in chatrooms. We exchange information virtually, we tell jokes,
play games and meet interesting new people. It’s a whole new world where we have great fun.”

B. Read this list of meeting places and tick the ones mentioned in the text.
Beach ⵧ Skate park ⵧ Public library ⵧ At the park ⵧ
Cinema ⵧ Shopping centre ⵧ In the street ⵧ Online ⵧ

C. Are the following sentences true (T), false (F) or Impossible to know (IK)? Correct the false ones.
1. Joe only meets his friends at weekends.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ
2. Joe and his friends always have fun when they are together.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ
3. Parents think their children have lots of places to go when they want to meet their friends.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ
4. Parents believe their children may do wrong things if they feel bored.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ ⵧ

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

D. Answer these questions.

1. Does Joe think there are enough places for teens to meet in his city? Find evidence in the text for your answer.

2. What kind of shopping centre did an organization want to build?


3. According to the project, what could young people do in a shopping centre like that?

4. Why wasn’t this project successful?


5. What new problem do teens have when they want to hang out in shopping centres?

6. How do teens hang out when they stay at home?


Part B
A. Imagine you are talking with Peter, one of Joe’s friends. Complete the dialogue.

1. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: Joe lives in Appleton.

2. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: We usually meet at the weekend.

3. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: This organization wanted to build a Youth Shopping Centre.
4. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: No, they didn’t. They didn’t build the shopping centre.

B. Write the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Hanging out in the street is _______________ (boring) chatting online.

2. Joe is _______________ (good) at playing games online _______________ at playing football with his friends.
In fact, some of his friends think he is _______________ (intelligent) in the group because he always wins.
Others believe he is just _______________ (lucky) of them all.

3. Joe’s computer is _______________ (modern) his sister’s.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past
Continuous). The words in bold may help you.

1. Yesterday when Joe arrived home his little brother ______________ (watch TV).

2. Look! Those teens ______________ (play) football. Yesterday they ______________ (not / play) because it
______________ (rain) all day.

3. Two days ago Joe’s parents ____________ (buy) him a new skateboard because last weekend he
_____________ (break) his old one when he ______________ (practise) some new tricks.

4. Joe’s sister usually ____________ (invite) her friends to hang out in her house. She ____________ (not / enjoy)
spending a Saturday afternoon walking around in a shopping centre.

Part C
Write a text about the following topic: Hanging out.
Here are some ideas to help you.
• if there are enough places for teens to meet where you live.
• where young people can go when they want to be with their friends.
• where you usually meet your friends.
• why you choose that place.
• what you do.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Hanging out / Chatrooms / Leisure activities
• Degrees of adjectives • Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Joe Briggs, 14, lives in Appleton, USA. When he wants to

meet his friends he goes to a square near the public library and
they talk, skate or go to a street café nearby. They usually find it
cool but sometimes they get bored of doing the same thing
5 every weekend.
Their parents feel worried, too, because as there aren’t enough places for their children to hang out and not many
interesting things to do, they are afraid they may get into trouble.
When asked by a teen magazine if he thought there were enough places for teens to meet their friends, Joe
answered: “No, there aren’t. Most of the time we don’t know where to go or what to do. Some years ago, there was
10 a non-profit organization, which planned to change an old shopping centre into a fun safe place for teens to meet.
They wanted it to be the first youth shopping centre in the country. Plans included a skate park, a stage where they
wanted local bands to play at weekends, a drama club where teens could enrol to perform plays, restaurants and
coffee shops, an area to play paintball games, a newspaper and a climbing wall. They wanted the inside walls to
have plenty of space for teens to display their visual artwork and poetry. Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough
15 money to finish the project and this great place for teens to meet wasn’t built. So when we want to be with our
friends we hang out on the street or we go to shopping centres but nowadays this is also very difficult because there
are curfews for unaccompanied young people.
Nowadays we often stay at home and meet online in chatrooms. We exchange information virtually, we tell jokes,
play games and meet interesting new people. It’s a whole new world where we have great fun.”

B. Write down four meeting places mentioned in the text.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

C. Complete the sentences.

1. Joe and his friends usually hang out ___________________________________________________________ .

2. They usually like what they do when they meet but ________________________________________________ .

3. As there aren’t many interesting places for teens to hang out, parents ________________________________ .

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

D. Answer these questions.

1. In Joe’s opinion, what is teens’ biggest problem when they want to hang out?

2. What was unusual about the shopping centre that a non-profit organization wanted to build?

3. What kind of entertainment did the owners of the shopping centre plan to have there?

4. Why didn’t the organization succeed in building this shopping centre for young people?

5. There’s a new obstacle for young people if they decide to meet in shopping centres. What is it?

6. How exciting is hanging out online? Explain.


Part B
A. Imagine you are talking to Peter, one of Joe’s friends. Complete the dialogue.

1. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: In Appleton, teens felt very excited about the new shopping centre.

2. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: Teenagers usually meet in a square near the public library.

3. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: Joe wrote an e-mail to his friends inviting them to visit him.
4. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Peter: A reporter interviewed Joe two days ago.

B. Build sentences using the adjectives in the comparative or superlative.

1. In / Joe’s opinion / skating / be / great / activity / of all


2. Playing games / online / be / exciting / watching TV


3. Joe’s dog / be / obedient / in the neighbourhood


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past

1. Yesterday when Joe arrived home his little brother ______________ (watch TV).

2. Look! Those teens ______________ (play) football. Yesterday they ______________ (not / play) because it
______________ (rain) all day.

3. Two days ago Joe’s parents ______________ (buy) him a new skateboard because last weekend he
______________ (break) his old one when he ______________ (practise) some new tricks.

4. Joe’s sister usually ____________ (invite) her friends to hang out in her house. She ____________ (not / enjoy)
spending a Saturday afternoon walking around in a shopping centre.

Part C
Write a text about the following topic: Hanging out.
Here are some ideas to help you.
• if there are enough places for teens to meet where you live.
• where young people can go when they want to be with their friends.
• where you usually meet your friends.
• why you choose that place.
• what you do.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Fashion
• Quantifiers, Conditional sentences, Modal verbs
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Adults think that nowadays teens only care about fashion and the
way they look and dress and this is true because young people judge
one another by the clothes and accessories they wear and the hairstyle
they have. Sometimes it is difficult for young people to define their own
5 style because they don’t know exactly what they like and who they really
are. So, they sometimes copy celebrities because they believe that if
they imitate their style, they will be popular among other teenagers.
Jenny Parker, 13, says: “I think young people have idols because we
need someone to be our role model, to motivate us and to help us
10 decide who we are. My idol is Christina Aguilera. I think she is
fashionable and I also like her songs very much. I think she’s a great
Young people also think designer labels are really important. They
want to keep up with their friends and be accepted in their group. Jack, 14, says: “I think it’s important to wear
15 labels. You get bullied if you don’t wear them. The other teens usually tease you for wearing rubbish stuff.” Brian, 14,
has a different opinion: “I don’t care about designer clothes or styles. I wear what I like and what makes me feel
good and comfortable. If the other teens don’t want me in their group it’s because they aren’t really my friends.”
Tattoos and piercings are also part of some teens’ style. Pam argues that: “If I had the chance, I would have lots of
piercings. Unfortunately, I can’t because my parents just let me have one ear piercing. If my parents understood how
20 important this is for my image at school, they would let me have more piercings.They always explain that my friends
should accept me for what I am and not because of the way I look and the clothes I wear.”

B. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B.

1. judge (line 2) a) make fun of
2. idol (line 10) b) clothes of bad quality
3. keep up (line 14) c) form an opinion about someone
4. tease (line 15) d) try to be like their friends
5. rubbish stuff (line 15) e) person greatly loved or admired

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Circle the correct option.
1. Adults think teens only worry about …
a) the clothes they wear.
b) their general appearance.
c) what adults think about them.
2. Teens know that their style …
a) determines their relationship with their friends.
b) shows their true identity.
c) is determined by what adults think.
3. Teens want to be popular at school so …
a) they are very nice to the other students.
b) they copy other popular students.
c) they try to dress and look the same as famous people.

D. Answer the questions.

1. What do teens do to be popular at school?


2. Why is wearing designer labels so important for teenagers?


3. Does Brian follow fashion like the other teenagers? Explain.


4. Why are piercings important to Pam?


5. What do Pam’s parents think about fashion?


Part B
A. Complete the dialogue. Ask questions for the words / expressions in bold.

1. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Jenny: Yes, I do. I always try to wear the same kind of clothes as Christina Aguilera.

2. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Jenny: I went to Christina’s concert last Saturday.

3. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Jenny: My mother feels very happy with my style. She also likes Christina Aguilera.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

B. Complete the dialogue with the following quantifiers: some, any, many, lots of, much.
(Some may be used more than once.)

Jack and his father went shopping for clothes. Before returning home they stopped at the supermarket.
Jack’s father: Have we got _____________ orange juice at home?
Jack: I don’t think so but there is _____________ mango juice.
Jack’s father: How _____________ bottles have we got?
Jack: Two. We haven’t got _____________ cheese and I also think we should buy _____________ biscuits.
Jack’s father: No. There are _____________ packets at home.
Jack: Are we going to buy milk? How _____________ milk have we got at home?
Jack’s father: Not enough. Let’s buy _____________ milk too.

C. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Use the First or the Second Conditional.

1. If Jenny meets Christina Aguilera, she ______________ (ask) her for an autograph.

2. Teenagers ______________ (not / copy) celebrities if they were more self-confident.

3. When they grow up, teens will get a job more easily if they ______________ (not / have) tattoos and piercings.

4. If he ______________ (not / wear) designer labels, his friends wouldn’t hang out with him.

D. Complete the dialogue with the correct modal verb.

Mother: Joe, you ______________ (prohibition) wear those clothes. They are horrible. Why don’t you put on the
new trousers I bought you last week?
Joe: I ______________ (impossibility). You see, my friends would laugh at me. I ______________ (necessity) wear
the same style of clothes my friends wear.
Mother: I think you ______________ (advice) have your own style.

Part C
Choose A or B.
A. Dinner out
Pam and her friends decided to have dinner out to be together and have some fun. Write their dialogue in
the restaurant.
Don’t forget to: ask for a table, read the menu and give your opinion on the dishes, order the meal (starter, main
course, dessert, drinks), ask for the bill, etc.
B. My own style
Write about how important you think fashion is, your favourite clothes and accessories, your personal
style, the role celebrities play in the way you dress, …

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Fashion
• Quantifiers, Conditional sentences, Modal verbs
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Adults think that nowadays teens only care about fashion and the
way they look and dress and this is true because young people judge
one another by the clothes and accessories they wear and the hairstyle
they have. Sometimes it is difficult for young people to define their own
5 style because they don’t know exactly what they like and who they really
are. So, they sometimes copy celebrities because they believe that if
they imitate their style, they will be popular among other teenagers.
Jenny Parker, 13, says: “I think young people have idols because we
need someone to be our role model, to motivate us and to help us decide
10 who we are. My idol is Christina Aguilera. I think she is fashionable and
I also like her songs very much. I think she’s a great singer.”
Young people also think designer labels are really important. They
want to keep up with their friends and be accepted in their group. Jack,
14, says: “I think it’s important to wear labels. You get bullied if you don’t wear them. The other teens usually tease
15 you for wearing rubbish stuff.” Brian, 14, has a different opinion: “I don’t care about designer clothes or styles. I wear
what I like and what makes me feel good and comfortable. If the other teens don’t want me in their group it’s
because they aren’t really my friends.”
Tattoos and piercings are also part of some teens’ style. Pam argues that: “If I had the chance, I would have lots of
piercings. Unfortunately, I can’t because my parents just let me have one ear piercing. If my parents understood how
20 important this is for my image at school, they would let me have more piercings.They always explain that my friends
should accept me for what I am and not because of the way I look and the clothes I wear.”

B. Find synonyms for the following words:

1. form an opinion about someone _______________________ 3. make fun of _______________________

2. try to be like their friends ____________________ 4. clothes of bad quality ____________________

C. Are the following sentences true (T), false (F) or impossible to know (IK)? Correct the false ones.
1. Teenagers worry more about how they look than who they really are. ⵧ
2. Teens copy famous people because they like them. ⵧ

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

3. Jenny wears designer labels. ⵧ
4. Teens wear designer labels because their parents advise them to. ⵧ

D. Answer the questions.

1. Why do teens imitate their idols?


2. Why do teens prefer designer labels to other clothes?


3. What does Brian think about fashion?


4. How important are piercings in Pam’s opinion?


5. What do Pam’s parents think about friendship? Do you agree with them?

Part B
A. Complete the dialogue. Ask questions for the words/expressions in bold.

1. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Brian: I usually buy my clothes in the shopping centre.

2. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Brian: I don’t wear designer clothes because I don’t think it is important.

3. You: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Brian: Some students teased me when I was going home.

B. Complete the dialogue with the suitable quantifier.

Jack and his father went shopping for clothes. Before returning home they stopped at the supermarket.
Jack’s father: Have we got _____________ orange juice at home?
Jack: I don’t think so but there is _____________ mango juice.
Jack’s father: How _____________ bottles have we got?
Jack: Two. We haven’t got _____________ cheese and I also think we should buy _____________ biscuits.
Jack’s father: No. There are _____________ packets at home.
Jack: Are we going to buy milk? How _____________ milk have we got at home?
Jack’s father: Not enough. Let’s buy _____________ milk too.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Complete the sentences with the words given. Use the First or Second Conditional, as suggested.

1. If teens didn’t care about their looks, ___________________________________________________________ .

(they / not / follow / fashion)

2. She will buy a new skirt if ___________________________________________________________________ .

(her mother / give / her / some / money)

3. If they ___________________________________________ , they will be bullied by some of the other students.

(not / wear / designer labels)

4. They _______________________________________________________________ if they had their own style.

(not / copy / celebrities)

D. Complete the dialogue with the correct modal verb.

Mother: Joe, you ______________ (prohibition) wear those clothes. They are horrible. Why don’t you put on the
new trousers I bought you last week?
Joe: I ______________ (impossibility). You see, my friends would laugh at me. I ______________ (necessity) wear
the same style of clothes my friends wear.
Mother: I think you ______________ (advice) have your own style. Think about it.
Joe: Ok, you are right, but ______________ (request) I wear these clothes today?

Part C
Choose A or B.
A. Dinner out
Pam and her friends decided to have dinner out to be together and have some fun. Write their dialogue in
the restaurant.
Don’t forget to: ask for a table / read the menu and give your opinion on the dishes / order the meal (starter, main
course, dessert, drinks) / ask for the bill, etc.

B. My own style
Write about how important you think fashion / your favourite clothes and accessories / your personal
style / the role celebrities play in the way you dress / …

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Cinema and TV
• Relative pronouns and adverbs, Passive voice, Reported speech, Past Simple, Present Perfect
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

a) ____________________
Top Gun, Mission Impossible, Minority Report or the War of
the Worlds are some of Tom Cruise’s films. Tom Cruise is one
of the most successful American movie stars.
5 b) ____________________
Thomas Cruise Mapother was born on the 3rd July, 1962, in
Syracuse, New York. His father was an electrical engineer and
his mother was a teacher. Tom has got three sisters. His parents divorced when he was twelve years old. He didn’t
really enjoy going to school because he had a problem with writing, but he loved sports, especially wrestling. He was
10 a member of the wrestling team at school and he had a great future as a professional wrestler. One day he hurt his
knee and as a result wrestling was over for him. Then he got interested in drama classes. He didn’t finish high school
because he wanted to go to Los Angeles (LA) and Hollywood and become an actor.
c) ____________________
He started his career in 1981. In 1983, he appeared in a very successful film, The Outsiders, and everything
15 changed for him: he became a successful actor. He has played lots of different roles since then: a barman, a lawyer, a
soldier, a pilot, a police officer, a secret agent... His films have been real blockbusters and he has won some important
cinema awards.
d) ____________________
Tom Cruise has got lots of fans throughout the world. They like him because they think he’s an excellent actor and
20 because he doesn’t need any stuntmen to do his dangerous scenes. Lots of Tom Cruise’s films have received very
positive reviews and they have got very gripping plots.

B. Read the text again and write the following headings next to the letters.

• Tom’s career
• Tom’s childhood
• Tom’s fans
• Tom’s movies

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. True (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements.

1. Tom’s parents are still together. ⵧ


2. Doing sports was something he liked when he was young. ⵧ


3. Before finishing high school he went to L.A. ⵧ


4. Tom’s career started in 1981. ⵧ


5. Tom’s films have been real flops. ⵧ


6. He never does anything dangerous as an actor. ⵧ


D. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What’s Tom’s job?


2. Why didn’t he like school?


3. What was his favourite sport? Was he good at it? Explain.


4. Why can we say that Tom Cruise is a good actor?


5. Do you like Tom Cruise as an actor? Do you like his films? Which one is your favourite?

Part B
Look at the following film posters and identify the type of films.


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part C
A. Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns or adverbs: who, which, where or when.

1. There is a famous restaurant in Beverly Hills _________ Tom Cruise likes to go.

2. September is the month _________ Tom Cruise goes on holiday with his family.

3. Tom Cruise is the actor _________ plays the role of the secret agent, Ethan Hunt.

4. Tom has got a house _________ is in Beverly Hills.

B. Complete the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Tom writes a film.

A film ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Actors take acting lessons.

Acting lessons _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Tom bought a new house last summer.

A new house _______________________________________________________________________________

C. Tom was interviewed for a cinema magazine. Write his answers in reported speech. Pay attention to
the words in bold.

1. “My favourite actor is Dustin Hoffman.”

Tom said that ______________________________________________________________________________

2. “I’m going to film an action movie with my wife.”

Tom told the journalist that ___________________________________________________________________

3. “I’ve got an important meeting tomorrow.”

He said that _______________________________________________________________________________

D. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

Tom Cruise ________________ (just / finish) his new film, but he ________________ (not / see) it yet. In the
past he _______________ (have) more time to go to the movies. When he was a teenager he ________________
(go) to the movies a lot with his mother and they _____________________ (watch) comedies a lot. But he
________________ (not / invite) his mother to go with him lately.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part D
Choose A or B.
A. Write a text about your favourite TV programme(s). Mention its name, channel, time, host or presenter…

B. Write a text about cinema. Mention your favourite film / type of film, your favourite actor or actress…

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Cinema and TV
• Relative pronouns and adverbs, Passive voice, Reported speech, Past Simple, Present Perfect
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Top Gun, Mission Impossible, Minority Report or the War of

the Worlds are some of Tom Cruise’s films. Tom Cruise is one
of the most successful American movie stars.
Thomas Cruise Mapother was born on the 3rd July, 1962, in
5 Syracuse, New York. His father was an electrical engineer and
his mother was a teacher. Tom has got three sisters. His parents
divorced when he was twelve years old. He didn’t really enjoy
going to school because he had a problem with writing, but he loved sports, especially wrestling. He was a member
of the wrestling team at school and he had a great future as a professional wrestler. One day he hurt his knee and as
10 a result wrestling was over for him. Then he got interested in drama classes. He didn’t finish high school because he
wanted to go to Los Angeles (LA) and Hollywood and become an actor.
He started his career in 1981. In 1983, he appeared in a very successful film, The Outsiders, and everything
changed for him: he became a successful actor. He has played lots of different roles since then: a barman, a lawyer, a
soldier, a pilot, a police officer, a secret agent... His films have been real blockbusters and he has won some important
15 cinema awards.
Tom Cruise has got lots of fans throughout the world. They like him because they think he’s an excellent actor and
because he doesn’t need any stuntmen to do his dangerous scenes. Lots of Tom Cruise’s films have received very
positive reviews and they have got very gripping plots.

B. True (T), false (F) or impossible to know (IK)? Find evidence for the true statements and correct the
false ones.
1. Tom is a well-known film director. ⵧ 4. He gave up his favourite sport because he
_________________________________________ was ill. ⵧ
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
2. Tom’s mother always believed he could be a
movie star. ⵧ 5. He became an actor in the early 80s. ⵧ
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

3. He was good at sports. ⵧ 6. Tom’s films have been real flops. ⵧ

_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. Tom didn’t become a professional wrestler because _______________________________________________ .
2. He left New York to go to _______________________________ because _____________________________ .

D. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Give a title to the text and justify your decision.


2. What does Tom do for a living?


3. What kind of student was Tom Cruise? Explain.

4. Did Tom like sports when he was young? Explain.

5. Is Tom Cruise a good actor according to the text? Why?


6. Do you like Tom Cruise as an actor? Do you like his films? Which one is your favourite?

Part B
Look at the following film posters and identify the type of films.


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part C
A. Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns or adverbs.
1. Ethan Hunt is the name of the secret agent _________ is played by Tom Cruise.
2. This is the studio _________ Tom’s new film is being made.
3. What’s the name of the actor _________ wife is also an actress?
4. Don’t you like the film _________ is about the invasion by aliens?

B. Write the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Millions of people watch Tom’s films.


2. The film critic will write the text about the comedy tomorrow.
3. The actor won an award.

C. Tom was interviewed for a cinema magazine. Write his answers in reported speech.

1. “ My favourite actor is Dustin Hoffman.”

Tom said that ____________________________________________________________________________ .
2. “I’m going to film an action movie with my wife.”
Tom told the journalist that _________________________________________________________________ .
3. “ I’ve got an important meeting tomorrow.”
He said that _____________________________________________________________________________ .

D. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

Tom Cruise ________________ (just / finish) his new film, but he ________________ (not / see) it yet. In the past
he ________________ (have) more time to go to the movies. When he was a teenager he ________________ (go) to
the movies a lot with his mother and they ________________ (watch) comedies a lot. But he ________________
(not / invite) his mother to go with him lately.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part D
Choose A or B.
A. Write a text about your favourite TV programme(s). Mention its name, channel, time, host or presenter…

B. Write a text about cinema. Mention your favourite film / type of film, your favourite actor or actress…

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Travelling
• Phrasal verbs • Revision of verb tenses
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Nowadays teens travel far more than

their parents did when they were young.
Transport is faster, there are lots of options,
it is easier to travel and moving from one
5 place to another is now something normal.
Lisa Tuck, American, is a good example
of a young girl who has travelled a lot
since she was born. Travelling has always
been an essential part of her parents’ life
10 and Lisa takes after them because she
enjoys it too. She has travelled with her
parents since she was a baby. They get on well and always have a lot of fun. Now she is 14 years old and she has
already visited lots of countries like Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Egypt, Canada, Sweden and Finland, among others.
Travelling by car, train, plane or ship has no secrets for her.
15 She told a friend: “Packing and unpacking, airports, hotels, visiting places of interest are things I’m used to.” She
went on to say, “I like travelling very much. I usually meet lots of interesting people, I get to know different cultures,
religions, lifestyles and points of views which makes me appreciate my country even more. I always feel homesick
when I’m far away from home. My knowledge of the world also helps me at school in different subjects like Geography
and History and even English – my English teacher says I write wonderful essays about distant places and cultures
20 and have a great imagination”. When Lisa’s friend asked her if she ever felt bored, she answered: “No, never. Every
day is different when you travel. Actually, I don’t see any disadvantage in travelling. The world is a wonderful place
and the more we travel, the more places we want to go to”.

B. Find evidence in the text to prove the following.

1. In the past young people didn’t travel much.
2. Lisa spends much of her time travelling.
3. Lisa is used to different means of transport.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Answer these questions.

1. Why is it easier to travel nowadays?


2. Does Lisa like travelling? Explain.


3. List the positive aspects of travelling mentioned by Lisa.


4. How does travelling help her at school?


5. Why does Lisa always feel excited about travelling?


Part B
Fill in the sentences with the right word. Choose from the box. You don’t need some of the words.

luggage aisle boarding pass single ticket

flight return office seat check-in

1. When we travel we can buy a ___________ or ___________ ticket.

2. When I arrive at the airport terminal I always go to the ___________ desk.

3. I always prefer a window seat but my sister prefers an ___________ seat.

4. When we travel by train we can buy our ___________ at the ticket ___________ .

Part C
A. Insert the phrasal verb that means the same as the verb in brackets. Choose from the box. Use the correct
verb tense.

take after get back get on well with get off

take off get away take away

1. Last year when Lisa and her parents were on holiday, a thief stole her father’s camera and _______________
(escaped) with it.

2. Lisa visits her grandparents every weekend because she _______________ (has a good relationship with) them.

3. Lisa _______________ (resembles) her father, both physically and psychologically.

4. Lisa’s mother: Lisa, we have to hurry. The plane is going to _______________ (leave the land and start to fly) in
a few minutes.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Present Perfect, Future)

1. Lisa’s mother _____________ (just / arrive) home. Lisa _____________ (study) in her room. Her mother asks:
“Lisa, what _____________ (you / do)?’’

2. Yesterday evening Lisa and her mother _____________ (have) dinner when her father _____________
(arrive). He ______________ (be) very tired and he _____________ (not / want) to eat. He _____________ (go)
straight to bed.

3. Lisa’s father: “Lisa, we _____________ (just / take) a decision. Next holiday we _____________ (travel) to
Africa. We _____________ (never / visit) that part of the world.
Lisa: “Oh, this time I _____________ (take) my best friend with me.

Part D
Choose A or B.
A. Write about a trip you made.

B. Write about your dream trip.


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

• Travelling
• Phrasal verbs • Revision of verb tenses
S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Part A
A. Read the text carefully.

Nowadays teens travel far more than

their parents did when they were young.
Transport is faster, there are lots of
options, it is easier to travel and moving
5 from one place to another is now
something normal.
Lisa Tuck, American, is a good example
of a young girl who has travelled a lot since
she was born. Travelling has always been
10 an essential part of her parents’ life and
Lisa takes after them because she enjoys it
too. She has travelled with her parents since she was a baby. They get on well and always have a lot of fun. Now she is
14 years old and she has already visited lots of countries like Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Egypt, Canada, Sweden and
Finland, among others. Travelling by car, train, plane or ship has no secrets for her.
15 She told a friend: “Packing and unpacking, airports, hotels, visiting places of interest are things I’m used to.” She
went on to say, “I like travelling very much. I usually meet lots of interesting people, I get to know different cultures,
religions, lifestyles and points of views which makes me appreciate my country even more. I always feel homesick when
I’m far away from home. My knowledge of the world also helps me at school in different subjects like Geography and
History and even English – my English teacher says I write wonderful essays about distant places and cultures and have
20 a great imagination”. When Lisa’s friend asked her if she ever felt bored, she answered: “No, never. Every day is different
when you travel. Actually, I don’t see any disadvantage in travelling. The world is a wonderful place and the more we
travel, the more places we want to go to”.

Complete the sentences with information from the text.

1. In the past young people _____________________________________________________________________ .
2. Lisa _____________________________________________________________________ since she was a baby.
3. Lisa has already been to _____________________________________________________________________ .

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

C. Answer these questions.
1. What makes travelling easier nowadays?
2. How does Lisa feel about travelling?
3. What are the advantages of travelling?
4. How can travelling make her a better student?
5. Why does Lisa always feel excited about travelling?

Part B
Fill in the sentences with the right word.
1. When we travel we can buy a ___________ or ___________ ticket.
2. When I arrive at airport terminal I always go to the ___________ desk.
3. I always prefer a window seat but my sister prefers an ___________ seat.
4. When we travel by train we can buy our ___________ at the ticket ___________ .

Part C
A. Insert the phrasal verb that means the same as the verb in brackets. Use the verbs take or get and a
suitable preposition.
1. Last year when Lisa and her parents were on holiday, a thief stole her father’s camera and ___________
(escaped) with it.
2. Lisa visits her grandparents every weekend because she ___________ (has a good relationship with) them.
3. Lisa ___________ (resembles) her father, both physically and psychologically.
4. Lisa’s mother: Lisa, we have to hurry. The plane is going to ___________ (leave the land and start to fly) in a
few minutes.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Present Perfect, Future)
1. Lisa’s mother ___________ (just / arrive) home. Lisa ___________ (study) in her room. Her mother asks: “Lisa,
what ___________ (you / do)?
2. Yesterday evening Lisa and her mother ___________ (have) dinner when her father ___________ (arrive). He
___________ (be) very tired and he ___________ (not / want) to eat. He ___________ (go) straight to bed.
3. Lisa’s father: “Lisa, we ___________ (just / take) a decision. Next holiday we ___________ (travel) to Africa.
We ___________ (never / visit) that part of the world.
Lisa: “Oh, this time I ___________ (take) my best friend with me.

Part D
Choose A or B.
A. Write about a trip you made.

B. Write about your dream trip.


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


• School • Virtual meetings • Hanging out

S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Note: After doing exercises A, B and C, hand in the test. Then do exercise D.

A. Listen to the first part and tick if it is true or false.
1. September is here. ⵧ ⵧ
2. Nellie and her friends are having a nice conversation. ⵧ ⵧ
3. Their school was new last year . ⵧ ⵧ
4. The school equipment is quite modern. ⵧ ⵧ
5. It’s impossible to do a project outside the classroom. ⵧ ⵧ
6. Going online is possible. ⵧ ⵧ
7. The students can have virtual meetings. ⵧ ⵧ
8. The school library is the same. ⵧ ⵧ

B. Have a look at the pictures. Then listen to the second part and tick the correct ones.




C. Listen to the second part and fill in the table in note form.

Activities after
Activities at

In the afternoon In the evening

Activities at

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

L I S T E N I N G T E S T 1 ( C O N T. )

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

D. Listen to the whole text and fill in the blanks.

Part 1
It’s October now and Nellie is at school. She’s talking to her friends. They are _________________ with their new
school. Last year the school was a bit old, but they made _________________ changes during the summer holiday.
Now they have a new gym, two new playgrounds, a bigger library with new books and a computer room with
_________________ and TVs. The school now looks great! Mr Scott, the _________________ teacher often takes
Nellie’s class to the library to look for information in the new books and encyclopaedias. The students can also
_________________ to do their projects or _________________ to send e-mails to other students in other countries.
Nellie is involved in a class project with students from Spain. Last year they didn’t often go to the library because it
was quite small and old-fashioned.

Part 2
Nellie and her friends sometimes go to the new gym after school. They usually skate in the new skate park or play
basketball. Then they go home to do _________________. After dinner Nellie goes online and talks to her best friend
Gabriel. He is in a different school, so they never see each other during the week. They send messages, photos and
music. At weekends Nellie and Gabriel go to the _________________ in the afternoon. It’s their favourite place to
_________________. They have lunch at McDonald’s and then go to the cinema. They both enjoy watching films.
Then they have a snack. Most times Gabriel goes home with Nellie. In the evening they watch wrestling on TV
because they think it’s _________________! They laugh a lot.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


• Food and drink • Going to the restaurant • Favourite meals

S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Note: After doing exercises A, B and C, hand in the test. Then do exercise D.

Eating out
A. Listen to the first part and tick (✓) under Yes or No.

Simon Yes No

1. He likes food from Italy.

2. It’s Simon’s birthday.
3. Fast food is one of his favourite foods.
4. It’s an invitation to tea.
5. There aren’t many guests.
6. The meeting point is the restaurant.

B. Now listen to the second part and circle the correct option.

1. Simon 4. At McDonald’s
a) found it easy to choose what to eat. a) there’s something new on the menu.
b) found it hard to choose what to eat. b) there are special dishes on the menu.
c) didn’t have any difficulty in choosing what to eat. c) there’s a different menu for vegetarians.

2. He doesn’t eat 5. Simon’s meal started with

a) vegetables. a) some fish.
b) chicken. b) a burger.
c) meat. c) some soup.

3. Simon 6. Simon had

a) chose his meal on his own. a) only one dessert.
b) chose what to eat. b) two desserts.
c) asked for advice. c) no desserts.

C. Listen again and complete the table.

Starter Main dish Dessert Drink

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

L I S T E N I N G T E S T 2 ( C O N T. )

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

D. Listen to the whole text and fill in the blanks.

Part 1
Simon: My favourite food is Italian food because it’s _______________ . Italians know that pasta, cheese and
_______________ are a great combination. Last week Laura, one of my best friends, invited me to McDonald’s for
her birthday. I don’t usually eat _______________ , but it was her birthday party so I said yes. She invited lots of
other boys and girls from school to _______________ there and then she invited us all to go to the cinema. We met
_______________ at the shopping centre.

Part 2
I read the _______________ and it was a bit difficult to choose what to eat. You know I’m a _______________ ,
so I don’t eat meat at all. At McDonald’s it’s not easy not to eat meat because _______________ have got meat like
chicken or pork. I asked one of my friends for help because he usually has lunch at McDonald’s, so he knows all about
the menu. He told me to try the new _______________ like the fish burger, the soup or the apple pie. I decided to
have some _______________ as _______________ , some french fries and a fish burger called fillet-O-fish, a choco-
late ice cream, _______________ and a diet coke. Then we had the cake and we went to the cinema. Everybody
enjoyed themselves.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


• Watching TV • Favourite TV programmes

S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

Note: After doing exercises A, B and C, hand in the test. Then do exercise D.

TV is great!
A. Listen to the first part of the text and fill in the table.




Time he gets home

Place he watches TV

Time he goes to bed

B. Listen again. Some statements are true (T), but other statements contain wrong information. Write T if
the sentences are true or underline the wrong information.
1. Watching TV is a recent activity. ⵧ 4. My mother and my father are happy if my ⵧ
2. I also play basketball because I’m short for ⵧ homework isn’t finished.
my age. 5. I watch TV till 10.30 on school days. ⵧ
3. I can watch TV before my homework. ⵧ 6. I can watch till later on Thursday and Sunday. ⵧ

C. Listen to the second part of the text and tick (✓) the correct picture.



©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

L I S T E N I N G T E S T 3 ( C O N T. )

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

D. Listen to the second part again and correct the sentences below.

1. My favourite TV programmes when I come home from school are films.


2. My dream is to become a doctor when I grow up.


3. Reality shows teach lots of interesting things.


4. On Saturday and Sunday I enjoy watching sports programmes.

5. Horror films are my favourite films.

6. Staying at home and watching TV isn’t a good thing.


©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO


S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

1. Do you know where Scotland is?
2. What is the capital of Scotland?
3. Do you know the names of other cities in Scotland?
4. Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster?

Part 1 Inverness – interesting facts
glen – vale estreito
(00.19 – 01.18)
at the mouth of – place where a river
enters the sea
Complete the sentences.
1. It is the most northerly city in the ____________ ____________ .
2. It lies in the heart of the Highlands of ____________ .
3. There are towering ____________ and deep ____________ .
4. It is at the mouth of the ____________ ____________ .
5. It is a ____________ place to ____________ .
6. It has one of ____________ ____________ ____________ rates in Britain.
7. People are ____________ and ____________
8. It is one of ____________ ____________ growing ____________ in Europe.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part 2 Graham knackered – exhausted
(01.18 – 02.36) asset – mais valia
allowance – sum of money given
First read the questions below. Then watch Part 2 and take notes. regularly
Next answer the questions. Finally watch this part again to check
your answers.

11. Why does Graham wear a uniform?


12. What is a prefect?


13. Why does Graham feel knackered?


14. How long did the exam last?


15. Why is he anxious to take his uniform off?


16. What instrument does he play?


17. Why doesn’t he buy a new one?


18. How much does he get as an allowance?


19. What is he going to do to earn some money?


10. Where is he going and who is going to take him there?


Part 3 At the football field

(02.37 – 04.29)

A. Complete according to the film. a warm up session without the ball.

1. The football training consists of _____________________________________

2. Playing football is a new experience for Graham because he used to ____________ ____________ .
3. Reasons why Graham likes football:
It’s a challenge ____________ ____________ ____________

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

B. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1. Allan Mackay is just a deputy head teacher in Milburn. ⵧ
2. The school team was number two in the Highland region. ⵧ
3. Graham is a good rugby and hockey player and that makes him fit enough to play football. ⵧ
4. As Graham is not a very experienced player, he is not very useful in the team. ⵧ
5. Graham doesn’t understand the two students sitting on the stairs because they are speaking too quickly. ⵧ

Part 4 Meeting at the Youth Voice

(04.30 – 05.34)

Choose the correct option.

1. Youth Voice is a parliament of young people who meet 3. Their next project is to develop a card which will allow
to discuss young people
a) their problems at school. a) to travel free.
b) their political ideas. b) to pay less when they travel.
c) different issues of interest. c) to get discounts on schooldays.

2. Their last work consisted of a 4. The Prime Minister met Youth Voice members because
a) leaflet and a video on the different types of drugs. a) he knows young people listen to what this organiza-
b) a leaflet and a film on alcohol. tion says.
c) a leaflet on alcohol and a film on the dangers of b) he likes to be friendly to young people.
drugs. c) he wants to please young people’s parents.

Part 5 Graham’s family

(05.35 – 07.38)

A. Complete the table with information from the text.

Member of the family What Graham tells us about them

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

B. Match both columns to make true sentences.
1. The children are all in the kitchen a) so that he can go to his bedroom afterwards.
2. If you help to prepare the meal b) to play a Scottish traditional song.
3. Graham likes to help prepare the meal c) you don’t have to help clear up.
4. The family got together d) helping mum prepare the meal.

Part 6 Scottish traditions

(05.35 – 07.38)

Match the questions on the left to the answers on the right.

1. What is Graham wearing? a) Because according to tradition if he did that he
would have to draw blood
2. Why are there different types of kilts?
b) It’s an event with sports, dancing and music.
3. What is the sporran and the sgian-dubh?
c) Because each family belongs to a clan and clans
4. Why doesn’t Graham draw the blade?
have different tartans
5. Which is the traditional Scottish musical instrument?
d) He wants to be a doctor.
6. When do the Highland Games take place?
e) Every summer.
7. What kind of event is the Highland Games?
f) A traditional Scottish costume – a kilt
8. What does Graham want to be in the future?
g) The first is a small decorative bag and the second
is a knife Scottish men wear in their socks.
h) It’s the bagpipe.

A. Form groups and do some research work on Scotland. Each group may get information on a different topic: geography,
people, costumes, traditions, music…
B. Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, is mentioned in the film. Do some research on it and present your work to the

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S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

1. Do you like your neighbourhood? What’s it like?
2. Do you like life at school? What do you like the most? And the least?
3. Have you got a hobby?

Part 1 Bristol
(00.15 – 00.43)

Circle the correct option.

1. Bristol is a big / small city. It is a quiet / busy place to live.
2. It is located in the North / South of England near the English / Bristol Channel near / far Wales.
3. Two of the best places of interest are a suspension garden / bridge and a church / cathedral.

Part 2 Naela

A. Her neighbourhood
(00.44 – 01.58)
Answer the questions.
1. How long has Naela lived in that area of the city?
2. How does she feel about the place where she lives? Why?
3. Where does Naela go in her free time?
4. What was the Climbing Centre eleven years ago?

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5. Is the Centre a popular meeting place for young people?
6. Is climbing an easy sport for Naela? Explain.

B. Her family
(02.00 – 02.32)

Complete the sentences about Naela’s family.

There are ____________ members in Naela’s family: Naela, ____________ , ____________ ____________ .
Her mother is very ____________ Naela thinks her two sisters are ____________ . They ____________ ____________
very well and they ____________ each other very much.
Their unusual names are made up of their ____________ ____________ .

C. Life at school
(02.33 – 05.02)

Tick the sentences that have correct information about Naela’s life at school.
1. Naela had difficulty in learning how to read and write. ⵧ
2. She wasn’t good at Maths. ⵧ
3. She felt unhappy to see her friends learning faster. ⵧ
4. She wanted to leave her school. ⵧ
5. Although she didn’t want to leave her friends, she knew it was better for her to go to a special school for
dyslexic students. ⵧ
6. Her life at the special school was easier because everyone had the same problem as Naele. ⵧ
7. Nobody helps Lanie with her homework. ⵧ
8. Lanie learns rhymes to spell the words correctly. ⵧ

D. Her friends
(05.03 – 06.24)

Complete the sentences.

1. What does Naela usually do with her friends?
a) They go _______________ .
b) They __________________ .
c) ______________________ .
2. Money is a ____________ for her. She can only ____________ ____________ .
3. Next summer one of Naela’s friend is planning to go to Cornwall for ____________ ____________ . The activities
they are going to do are: ____________ and go to the ____________ .
In her holidays Naela is going to ____________ . She’s going with some ____________ .

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E. House renovation
(06.25 – 07.21)

Match both columns to make true sentences.

1. Naela is interested in a) redecorate her room.
2. She is getting ready to b) the colour Naela chose for her room.
3. Her mum doesn’t like c) interior design.
4. Naela thinks d) her bedroom will look modern.

Part 3 Naela’s interest in music

(07.22 – 09.40)

A. Correct the mistakes.

Naela likes music very much. What she likes most about music is playing the piano. She has piano lessons
twice a week.
The music teacher, Kizzy, started working in Studio Seven ten years ago because she wanted to help young adults
to become professional artists.
Studio Seven membership is expensive and this is why children in the community can afford it.
Singing sessions are on Tuesdays and Fridays from four thirty to eight thirty.
The teacher’s main objective is to make it possible for these kids to go into the world of work.

B. Answer the questions

1. What does Naela want to be in the future? _______________________________________________________
2. What does she have to do to be successful? ______________________________________________________
3. How does she expect her life to be in the future? __________________________________________________

Answer the questions.
1. Did you like the film? Why / Why not?
2. In her free time Naela does wall climbing. What about you?
3. Do you do any sport in your free time?
4. Do you usually listen to music? What is your favourite type of music?
5. Do you (or does anyone in your class) play any instrument or sing?
6. What do you want to be in the future?

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S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

1. Do you prefer life in the city or in the countryside?
2. What are the advantages / disadvantages of living in the city?
And in the countryside?

Part 1 Connemara / Carna
(00.15 – 00.56)

A. These are some words you are going to hear when Róisín describes Ireland. Match the words on the
left with their synonyms on the right.
1. unspoiled a) area of uncultivated land where plants grow in an uncontrolled way
2. wilderness b) land along the edge of the sea
3. shore c) not ruined / not damaged
4. stream d) area of land higher than the ground around it (small mountain)
5. hills e) small river

B. Complete the sentences about Connemara, Ireland. Some of the words are in exercise A.
Connemara is a ____________ area with its vast ____________ wilderness, its ____________ washed by the
____________ rolling in from the ____________ Ocean. There are ____________ ____________ , streams and
rocky ____________ .

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Part 2 In Carna
(00.57 – 02.29)

A. Róisín, family and living area

Choose the correct ending in box B for the phrases in box A.

1. Róisín is introducing us a) are watching TV f) are training

2. Her parents b) live on a farm g) in a little shop
3. Róisín and her parents c) her family h) are speaking Irish
4. Her brother and sister d) are playing Play Station i) in a supermarket
5. They do their shopping e) are doing their homework

B. Her school
(02.30 – 03.43)
Answer the questions.

1. How long has she been a student at that school? 5. Who is Pat Burke?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
2. Does she like going to school? Explain. 6. How many girls play basketball at school?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
3. Can students wear their normal clothes? Explain. 7. How often do they train?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
4. Why does she like playing basketball? 8. What does the coach think about Róisín?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

C. Family and friends

(03.43 – 06.08)
1. Choose the correct option. 4. In Róisín’s family all the members.
a) are very busy.
1. Going to church is
b) get on well with each other.
a) not very common for people in Carna.
c) play music very well.
b) very important for people in Carna.
c) is only important for Róisin’s family. 5. To earn pocket money Róisín works as
a) a dancer at the Carna Bay Hotel.
2. Róisín and her friends are together
b) a singer at the Carna Bay Hotel.
a) to have fun watching a film.
c) a waitress at the Carna Bay Hotel.
b) to listen to some music.
c) to play Irish music, sing and dance.
3. Traditional Irish music
a) is passed from old to young.
b) is learnt at school.
c) is not played by old people.

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2. Complete.
1. To earn pocket money Róisin works as _______________________________ .
2. In her work she has to ________________
3. With the money she earns she buys: ________________ ________________ ________________

Part 3 In the big city – Galway

(06.10 – 09.45)

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1. Galway city is not far from Connemara. ⵧ
2. People usually go to Galway to visit friends. ⵧ
3. Róisín loves acting and joined a drama club in Galway. ⵧ
4. Róisín has been dancing for two years. ⵧ
5. She started dancing because she was influenced by her friends. ⵧ
6. She usually visits her aunt after her classes in the city. ⵧ
7. She hangs out with her best friends in her aunt’s house and later they go out. ⵧ
8. She won’t miss her friends when she leaves school and goes to college. ⵧ

A. Do some research work on Ireland: geography, traditions, places of interest …
B. Answer the questions.
1. Róisín loves acting and dancing. What about you?
2. Do you belong to any club at school?
3. Where do you usually hang out with your friends?

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S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

A. The title of the film is Graham’s Fried Breakfast. Try to guess:

1. What kind of dish is Graham going to cook? Is it soup? Is it meat? Is it fish? Is it dessert?

2. What ingredients is Graham going to need? Bread? Eggs? Tomato sauce? Onions? Cheese? Butter? Yoghurt?

Culture Zone Black Pudding

It’s special sausage made by cooking animal blood, most often sheep.

B. Look at pictures and then write the correct name under each one.

A _____________ B _____________ C _____________ D _____________

E _____________ F _____________ G _____________ H _____________

butter sausages bacon sheep buns frying-pan leek lid

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

A. True or false? Tick the correct box. T F
1. Graham is going to make lunch. ⵧ ⵧ
2. He needs an oven to cook the sausages. ⵧ ⵧ
3. The sausages take more time to cook than the rest of the ingredients. ⵧ ⵧ
4. You leave the skin on when you cook black pudding. ⵧ ⵧ
5. Graham forgot to put the tomato in the frying-pan. ⵧ ⵧ

B. Read the following sentences. Put them in the correct order.

ⵧ Cook the black pudding.
ⵧ Turn the heat on.
ⵧ Get the rolls.
ⵧ Stab the sausages.
ⵧ Throw the eggs and tomato in.
ⵧ Put the bacon in.
ⵧ Put everything else on the plate.
ⵧ Fry the sausages.
ⵧ Put an egg and a slice of bacon in each bun.

Do you remember Graham’s recipe? Here it is. But there’s
something wrong with it. Find the mistakes and correct Fried Breakfast
them. • 2 beef and leek sausages
• 2 slices of bacon
• 2 slices of white pudding
______________________________________________________ • 1 egg
______________________________________________________ • 1 tomato
______________________________________________________ • 1 toast
• some mayonnaise

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R Ó I S Í N ’ S B LT

S c h o o l ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ C l a s s ___________ N o . ___________

The title of the film is Róisín’s BLT. Try to guess:
1. What does BLT stand for?
B for: Banana? Bacon? Biscuits? L for: Lemon? Lettuce? Lamb? T for: Tea? Tomato? Toast?

2. When is she going to eat it? At breakfast? At lunch? After school? At tea time? At dinner?

Circle the correct option.
1. Róisín usually eats BLT 5. It’s necessary to
a) in the afternoon. a) buy some cheese.
b) before school. b) grate some cheese.
c) after school. c) cut up some cheese.
2. After taking all she needs from the fridge, Róisín 6. At the end she puts everything
a) toasts the bread. a) under the grill.
b) turns on the grill. b) on the plate.
c) turns on the cooker. c) on the table.
3. Then she cuts up 7. Róisín eats her BLT and she
a) some lettuce and bread. a) burns herself.
b) some lettuce and bacon. b) likes it a lot.
c) some lettuce and a tomato. c) doesn’t like it.
4. After the vegetables, Róisín puts
a) the cheese on the toast.
b) the tomato on the toast.
c) the bacon on the toast.

Have you got a special recipe like Róisín does? What’s its name? What ingredients do you need? Is it
easy or a bit difficult to make? Why don’t you present the recipe in class?

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Extra Practice 1
A. To be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am I am not (I’m not) Am I?

You are You are not (aren’t) Are you?
He/She/It is He/She/It is not (isn’t) Is he/she/it?
We are We are not (aren’t) Are we?
You are You are not (aren’t) Are you?
They are They are not (aren’t) Are they?

Have got
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have got (I’ve got) I have not got (haven’t got) Have I got ?
You have got (You’ve got) You have not got (haven’t got) Have you got?
He/She/It has got (He/She/It‘s got) He/She/It has not got (hasn’t got) Has he/she/it got?
We have got (We’ve got) We have not got (haven’t got) Have we got?
You have got (You’ve got) You have not got (haven’t got) Have you got?
They have got (They’ve got) They have not got (haven’t got) Have they got?

B. 1. Have Mr and Mrs Stevenson got a bike? No, they haven’t. They have got a car. 2. Are Patricia and Melanie American? No,
they aren’t. They are English. 3. Has Henry Peters got a cat? No, he hasn’t. He has got a dog. 4. Is the student in the living room?
No, he isn’t. He is in the library.
C. 1. His first name is Mel. His surname is Gibson. He is Australian. He has got wavy brown hair. He is tall and slim. He’s an actor.
2. His first name is Robbie. His surname is Williams. He is English. He has got short brown hair. He is tall. He’s a singer. 3. Her first
name is Oprah. Her surname is Winfrey. She is American. She has got curly black hair. She is tall and plump. She’s a TV presenter.
D. 1. They haven’t got a nice… 2. Helen isn’t… 3. She hasn’t got… 4. Danny is not…
E. 1. How old are you? 2. What is she like? 3. Have they got a big flat? 4. What nationality is he?

Extra Practice 2
B. There is an apple. There are magazines. There are students. There is an orange. There is a supermarket. There are dictionaries.
C. Is there a radio? Are there any CDs? Is there an animal?
D. There aren’t any eggs. There isn’t an alarm clock. There isn’t a bag. There aren’t any drinks.
E. 1. There is 2. There aren’t 3. Is there; there isn’t 4. Are there; there aren’t
Extra Practice 3
Subject pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun

I My Mine
You Your Yours
He His His
She Her Hers
It Its —
We Our Ours
You Your Yours
They Their Theirs

B. my; My; your; My; My; his; her; Our; his

C. 1. my 2. her; hers 3. My; yours 4. Our; theirs 5. their; ours 6. your; yours

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Extra Practice 4
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I live I don’t live Do I live?

You live You don’t live Do you live?
He/She/It lives He/She/It doesn’t live Does he/she/it/ live?
We live We don’t live Do we live?
You live You don’t live Do you live?
They live They don’t live Do they live?

Verb love swim ask finish go study have

He/She/It loves 1. swims 2. asks 3. finishes 4. goes 5. studies 6. has

C. 1. I don’t go… 2. Sebastian doesn’t wake up… 3. The students don’t write… 4. She doesn’t study… 5. Our teacher doesn’t
live… 6. She doesn’t teach…

1. 3. Where does the teacher correct the tests?
How do you go to school?

Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb

2. When does she make 4. What do the students play

her hed? ?

Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb

Extra Practice 5
A. never; rarely; sometimes; often; usually; always
B. 1. Emily often goes to the swimming pool. 2. She rarely goes to school by car. 3. She always brushes her teeth. 4. She usually
listens to music on the radio. 5. She never reads the newspaper. 6. She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.

Extra Practice 6
A. 5 past; 10 past; quarter past; 20 past; 25 past; 25 to; 20 to; quarter to; 10 to; 5 to
B. 1. It’s half past seven. 2. It’s midday. 3. It’s half past ten. 4. It’s ten o’clock. 5. It’s quarter past nine. 6. It’s quarter to ten. 7. It’s
ten past eight. 8. It’s twenty to twelve.
C. A – 15; B – 9; C – 7; D – 1; E – 3; F – 13; G – 10; H – 2; I – 5; J – 12; K – 14; L – 4; M – 6; N – 11; O – 8
4; 11; 3; 10; 14; 2; 8; 12; 1; 13; 5; 7; 15; 9; 6

Extra Practice 7
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am working I am not working Am I working?

You are working You are not working Are you working?
He/She/It is working He/She/It is not working Is he/she/it working?
We are working We are not working Are we working?
You are working You are not working Are you working?
They are working They are not working Are they working?

102 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

love swim get study rain have stay write

loving swimming getting studying raining having staying writing

see travel play put begin make ride be

seeing travelling playing putting beginning making riding being

C. 1. Mary Ann isn’t washing her hair. Is Mary Ann washing her hair? 2. His parents aren’t watching TV. Are his parents watching TV?
3. The teacher isn’t correcting the tests. Is the teacher correcting the tests? 4. I am not waiting for the bus. Am I waiting for the
D. 1. are listening; is explaining 2. are swimming 3. Is he listening 4. are playing

Extra Practice 8
A. Present Simple: Always; Never; Every day; Sometimes; In summer
Present Continuous: Now; At the moment; Today
B. 1. go; are having; is raining 2. is; is studying; is playing 3. are not having; are watching 4. goes 5. drives; is waiting
C. 1. How often do you go to the cinema? 2. What is she doing? 3. Where does he usually go on Saturday and Sunday? 4. Where
are they playing computer games?

Extra Practice 9
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I played I did not play (didn’t play) Did I play?

You played You did not play (didn’t play) Did you play?
He/She/It played He/She/It did not play (didn’t play) Did he/she/it/ play?
We played We did not play (didn’t play) Did we play?
You played You did not play (didn’t play) Did you play?
They played They did not play (didn’t play) Did they play?

Verb go make do write begin take choose
Past Simple went made did wrote began took chose
Past Simple /
negative didn’t go didn’t make didn’t do didn’t write didn’t begin didn’t take didn’t choose

Verb spend buy drive see come sleep run

Past Simple spent bought drove saw came slept ran
Past Simple /
negative didn’t spend didn’t buy didn’t drive didn’t see didn’t come didn’t sleep didn’t run

C. 1. They didn’t spend… 2. She didn’t write… 3. My friends didn’t visit… 4. The plane didn’t take off…
D. 1. What did he buy in London? 2. Where did the tourists have dinner? 3. Did he like Italian food? 4. Did they enjoy their trip?
E. Last Tuesday Alex went sightseeing on a tourist bus. He took lots of pictures. Last Wednesday he visited Buckingham Palace.
He had lunch in St James’s Park. Last Thursday he bought souvenirs for his mum, his dad and his sister. Last Friday he took the
underground. He visited the Tower of London. He saw the Crown Jewels. Last Saturday he went to the theatre and he saw a
musical. Last Sunday he woke up early. He packed his suitcase. He caught the plane home.

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Extra Practice 10
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was studying I was not studying (wasn’t studying) Was I studying?

You were studying You were not studying (weren’t studying) Were you studying?
He/She/It was studying He/She/It was not studying (wasn’t studying) Was he/she/it/studying?
We were studying We were not studying (weren’t studying) Were we studying?
You were studying You were not studying (weren’t studying) Were you studying?
They were studying They were not studying (weren’t studying) Were they studying?

B. 2. Her father told her to hang up when she was talking to her friend. 3. He broke his leg when he was doing snowboarding.
4. She lost her ticket when she was running to catch the bus. 5. The power went out when they were sending photographs
through the Internet.
C. 1. was hanging out; saw 2. was chatting; was playing 3. were going; fell; lost

Extra Practice 11
A. 2. pretty; prettier; the prettiest 3. safe; safer; the safest 4. good; better; the best 5. long; longer; the longest 6. bad; worse;
the worst 7. happy; happier; the happiest 8. large; larger; the largest 9. fat; fatter; the fattest
2. intelligent; more intelligent; the most intelligent 3. interesting; more interesting; the most interesting 4. exciting; more excit-
ing; the most exciting 5. delicious; more delicious; the most delicious 6. dangerous; more dangerous; the most dangerous
7. pleasant; more pleasant; the most pleasant 8. tired; more tired; the most tired 9. popular; more popular; the most popular
B. 1. happier 2. more interesting 3. more exciting 4. easier
C. 1. the best 2. the most expensive 3. the most exciting 4. the most dangerous 5. the most popular 6. the tallest

Extra Practice 12
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going to watch I am not going to watch (I’m not going to watch) Am I going to watch?
You are going to watch You are not going to watch (aren’t going to watch) Are you going to watch?
He/She/It is going to watch He/She/It is not going to watch (isn’t going to watch) Is he/she/it going to watch?
We are going to watch We are not going to watch (aren’t going to watch) Are we going to watch?
You are going to watch They are not going to watch (aren’t going to watch) Are you going to watch?
They are going to watch You are not going to watch (aren’t going to watch) Are they going to watch?

B. 1. She is going to watch a film. 2. The students are going to have a test. 3. Her sister is going to stay home this summer.
4. Are you going to meet your friends this weekend? 5. They aren’t going to visit the museum.
C. 1. He isn’t going to ride his bike. 2. I’m not going to go to the party. 3. They aren’t going to do the test. 4. She isn’t going to
watch the film on TV.

Placement Test
Part A
B. 1. T 2. T 3. F: He likes doing research about amazing things in the world. 4. F: Eric doesn’t have anyone his age to write to.
C. first; his surname; is; years old; is; has got; likes
D. 1. He lives in York. 2. No, he doesn’t. He lives with his parents and sisters. 3. No, they don’t. His father is a postman and his
mother is a hotel receptionist. 4. He likes them. He has got a happy family. His sisters are boring but they help him with homework.
5. He has got short brown hair. He has got brown eyes. He is tall and thin. 6. In his free time he likes playing the guitar, going to
the cinema with his friends. When he is at home he likes surfing the Net to discover new things.
E. 1. Is he American? 2. Who are Susan and Laurie? 3. Does he like writing? 4. When did Eric write the letter?

Part B
Free answer

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Part C
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. b 10. b 11. a 12. b 13. c 14. c 15. c 16. a 17. b 18. b 19. c 20. c

Part D
A: Tom Cruise; B: Trick-or-Treat; C: J.K. Rowling; D: London Eye; E: Baseball; F: The White House; G: The Statue of Liberty;
H: Basketball; I: Big Ben; J: David Beckham; K: The Houses of Parliament

Zone 0 – Test A
Part A
Holidays Place Weather Food Activity(ies)

Healthy food
Camping in the Long walks
Marie Joe Rained a little Grilled fish and fresh
countryside Taking pictures
Swam in the sea
Jimmy Beach Great Sea food
Slept on the beach

C. 1. early 2. downstairs 3. warm 4. new

D. 1. Today is the first day back to school. 2. Marie Joe is going to school by bus. 3. It’s a good thing because you can see your
friends again and make new ones too. It’s exciting because you can talk about your holidays. It’s also very exciting because you
have new stationery. 4. Marie Joe’s best friend is Jimmy. 5. Yes, they did. Marie Joe had a wonderful time with her grandmother
and her older sister. She went camping in the countryside. She went for long walks and she took pictures. She had a great time.
Jimmy went to the beach with his family and they had a wonderful time too. The weather was great. They swam in the sea and
slept on the beach. 6. Free answer.

Part B
A. 1. What time is it? 2. Do they have breakfast in the kitchen? 3. Where does Marie Joe’s father go every day? 4. When did
Marie Joe prepare her school bag?
B. My; your; His; My; Our; her; My; their
C. 1. hers 2. yours; Mine 3. theirs; mine; his
D. 1. went; loved; was; didn’t like 2. goes; takes; enjoy 3. Did he eat; didn’t; had

Part C
Free answer

Zone 0 – Test B
Part A
B. 1. early 2. downstairs 3. warm 4. new 5. best 6. wonderful
C. 1. doesn’t have a car… drive Marie Joe 2. has… the kitchen 3. she prepared her schoolbag last night 4. goes… eight o’clock
D. 1. Marie Joe is excited because she’s back to school. She wants to talk to her friends, especially to her best friend, Jimmy.
She wants to meet new friends. She has got new stationery. 2. Her father can’t drive her to school because he starts work very
early in the morning. 3. She wants to see Jimmy because he’s her best friend. 4. Marie Joe went camping in the countryside
with her grandmother. Jimmy went to the beach with his parents and grandparents. 5. They had a wonderful time. Marie Joe
went for long walks and she took pictures of animals and nature. She had a great time. Jimmy had a wonderful time too. The
weather was great at the beach. He swam in the sea and slept on the beach. 6. Free answer.

Part B
A. 1. How often does Marie Joe catch the school bus? 2. Where do they have lunch? 3. When did Marie Joe’s father drive her to
school? 4. Did Jimmy have a wonderful time?
B. 1. his; their 2. your; your; My; My 3. her 4. Our
C. 1. hers 2. yours; Mine 3. theirs; mine; his
D. 1. do you go; drives; catch; had; caught 2. didn’t go; stayed; was 3. travel; have

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO 105

Part C
Free answer

Cotações – Teste A Cotações – Teste B

Part A B 16 Part A B 6
C 8 C 12
D 2 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 20 D 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 26
Part B A 8 Part B A 8
B 8 B 8
C 6 C 6
D 10 D 10
Part C 24 Part C 24

Zone 1 – Test A
Part A
B. Skate park; Shopping centre; Public library; In the street; Online
C. 1. IK 2. F: They sometimes get bored. 3. F: Parents think there aren’t enough places where their children can meet their
friends and have fun. 4. T.
D. 1. No, he doesn’t. “Most of the time we don’t know where to go or what to do.” 2. They wanted to build a shopping centre for
young people. 3. They could do lots of different things: skating, going to concerts, performing plays, playing paintball and climbing
a wall, among others. 4. … because the organization didn’t have enough money to finish the project. 5. Shopping centres have
curfews for unaccompanied young people. 6. They meet online, in chatrooms.

Part B
A 1. Where does Joe live? 2. When do you usually meet? 3. What did this organization want to build? 4. Did they build the
shopping centre?
B. 1. more boring than 2. better… than; the most intelligent; the luckiest 3. more modern than
C. 1. was watching TV 2. are playing; didn’t play; was raining 3. bought; broke; was practising 4. invites; doesn’t enjoy

Part C
Free answer

Zone 1 – Test B
Part A
B. Skate park; drama club; restaurants and coffee shops; paintball area
C. 1. … in a square near the public library. 2. … sometimes they get bored. 3. … are afraid their children may do wrong
D. 1. … it’s to find cool places where they can enjoy themselves. 2. They wanted to build a shopping centre for young people.
3. They planned to have a skate park, a stage for concerts, a drama club, an area for paintball, a climbing wall and a space for
teens to display their works. 4. … because they didn’t have enough money to finish it. 5. Shopping centres have curfews for
unaccompanied teens. 6. It’s very exciting because teens tell jokes, play games and meet interesting people.

Part B
A. 1. How did teens feel about the new shopping centre? 2. Where do teenagers usually meet? 3. What did Joe write to his
friends? 4. When did a reporter interview Joe?
B. 1. In Joe’s opinion skating is the greatest activity of all. 2. Playing games online is more exciting than watching TV. 3. Joe’s
dog is the most obedient in the neighbourhood.
C. 1. was watching TV 2. are playing; didn’t play; was raining 3. bought; broke; was practising 4. invites; doesn’t enjoy

106 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part C
Free answer

Cotações – Teste A Cotações – Teste B

Part A B 4 Part A B 4 x 1,5 = 6

C 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 10 C 9
D 24 D 24
Part B A 10 Part B A 12
B 12 B 9
C 18 C 18
Part C 22 Part C 22

Zone 2 – Test A
Part A
B. 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b
C. 1. b 2. a 3. c
D. 1. They copy celebrities. 2. … because they want to be accepted by their friends and so they have to keep up with them.
3. No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t worry about fashion. He wears what he likes and what makes him feel comfortable. 4. … because
she feels great with them and she thinks they make her look cool. 5. They think it’s not important to be popular because what
matters is what people are and not how they look.

Part B
A. 1. Do you try to copy Christina Aguilera’s way of dressing? 2. When did you go to Christina’s concert? 3. How does your mother
feel about your style?
B. any; some; many; any; some; lots of; much; some
C. 1. will ask 2. wouldn’t copy 3. don’t have 4. didn’t wear
D. mustn’t; can’t; must; should

Part C
Free answer

Zone 2 – Test B
Part A
B. 1. judge 2. keep up with 3. tease 4. rubbish stuff
C. 1. T 2. F: … because they want to be popular at school. 3. IK 4. F: … because they want to be accepted by their friends.
D. 1. … because they need role models who help them find out who they are and make them popular at school. 2. … because
they want to keep up with their friends and to be accepted by their friends. 3. He doesn’t worry about fashion. He wears what
he likes and what makes him feel comfortable. 4. They are very important because they make her feel great and her friends
think she’s cool. 5. They think that true friends like you because of who you are and not because of your appearance. / Free

Part B
A. 1. Where do you usually buy your clothes? 2. Why don’t you wear designer clothes? 3. When did some students tease you?
B. any; some; many; any; some; lots of; much; some
C. 1. … they wouldn’t follow fashion. 2. … her mother gives her some money. 3. … don’t wear designer labels 4. … wouldn’t
copy celebrities
D. mustn’t; can’t; must; should; can/may

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO 107

Part C
Free answer

Cotações – Teste A Cotações – Teste B

Part A B 10 Part A B 8
C 6 C 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 10
D 4 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 5 =23 D 20
A 9 A 9
Part B Part B
B 8 B 8
C 12 C 12
D 8 D 10
Part C 24 Part C 23

Zone 3 – Test A
Part A
B. Tom’s career: c; Tom’s childhood: b; Tom’s fans: d; Tom’s movies: a
C. 1. F: They are divorced. 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F: Tom’s films have been real blockbusters. 6. F: He doesn’t need any stuntmen to do
his dangerous scenes.
D. 1. He is a movie star. 2. He didn’t like school because he had a problem with writing. 3. His favourite sport was wrestling. He
was very good at it because he was a member of the school team and he wanted to be a professional wrestler. 4. He is a good
actor because he has played lots of different roles and his films have had lots of success. 5. Free answer

Part B
A. Animated film; B. Action film (Thriller); C. Science fiction film; D. Comedy (Love Story); E. Horror film

Part C
A. 1. where 2. when 3. who 4. which
B. 1. A film is written by Tom. 2. Acting lessons are taken by actors. 3. A new house was bought by Tom last summer.
C. 1. ... his favourite actor was... 2. he was... with his... 3. he had... the following day.
D. has just finished; hasn’t seen; had; went; watched; hasn’t invited

Part D
Free answer

Zone 3 – Test B
Part A
B. 1. F: He’s a famous movie star. 2. IK 3. T: He was a member… wrestler. 4. F: ... because he got a knee injury. 5. T: … his
career in 1981. 6. F. ... real blockbusters.
C. 1. he was injured in the knee. 2. Los Angeles… he wanted to become an actor.
D. 1. Free answer 2. He’s a well-known movie star. 3. He wasn’t a very good student because he had a problem with writ-
ing. He didn’t finish high school. 4. Yes, he did. He loved wrestling and he was a member of the school team. He loved
wrestling so much that he wanted to become a professional wrestler. 5. Yes, he is. He’s good because he has played lots of
different roles and his films have had lots of success. He doesn’t need any stuntmen to do the dangerous scenes. 6. Free

Part B
A. Animated film; B. Action film (Thriller); C. Science fiction film; D. Comedy (Love Story); E. Horror film

108 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

Part C
A. 1. who 2. where 3. whose 4. which
B. 1. Tom’s films are watched by millions of people. 2. The text about the comedy will be written by the film critic tomorrow.
3. An award was won by the actor.
C. 1. ... his favourite actor was... 2. he was... with his... 3. he had... the following day.
D. has just finished; hasn’t seen; had; went; watched; hasn’t invited

Part D
Free answer
Cotações – Teste A Cotações – Teste B

Part A B 4 Part A B 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 14
C 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 12 C 3
D 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 19 D 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 18
Part B 10 Part B 10
Part C A 4 A 4
B 9 B 9
Part C
C 6 C 6
D 12 D 12
Part D 24 Part D 24

Zone 4 – Test A
Part A
B. 1. Nowadays… young. 2. Lisa Tuck… she was a baby. 3. Travelling by car… no secrets for her.
C. 1. … because transport is faster and it is easy to move from one place to another. 2. Yes, she does. She has travelled since
she was born and she has a lot of fun every time she travels. 3. She meets lots of interesting people, she gets to know different
cultures, religions, lifestyles and points of views. 4. The things she learns when she travels help her in subjects like Geography
and History. She is also good at English because she writes wonderful essays about places where she has been. 5. … because
every day is different and she thinks the world is a wonderful place. The more she travels, the more places she wants to visit.

Part B
1. single; return 2. check-in 3. aisle 4. ticket; office

Part C
A. 1. got away 2. gets on well with 3. takes after 4. take off
B. 1. has just arrived; is studying; are you doing 2. were having; arrived; was; didn’t want; went 3. have just taken; are going to
travel; have never visited; will take

Part D
Free answer

Zone 4 – Test B
Part A
B. 1. … didn’t travel much. 2. … has travelled… 3. many different countries.
C. 1. … transport is faster and it is easy to move from one place to another. 2. Lisa likes it a lot. She has travelled since she was
born and she has a lot of fun every time she travels. 3. She meets lots of interesting people, she gets to know different cultures,
religions, lifestyles and points of views. 4. The things she learns when she travels help her in subjects like Geography and History.
She is also good at English because she writes wonderful essays about places where she has been. 5. … because every day is
different and she thinks the world is a wonderful place. The more she travels, the more places she wants to visit.

©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO 109

Part B Cotações Testes A e B
1. single; return 2. check-in 3. aisle 4. ticket; office
Part A A 12
Part C B 25
A. 1. got away 2. gets on well with 3. takes after 4. take off Part B 6
B. 1. has just arrived; is studying; are you doing 2. were having;
A 8
arrived; was; didn’t want; went 3. have just taken; are going to travel; Part C
have never visited; will take B 24
Part D 25
Part D
Free answer

Listening Test 1
Part 1
It’s October now and Nellie is at school. She’s talking to her friends. They are very happy with their new school. Last year the school
was a bit old, but they made lots of changes during the summer holiday. Now they have a new gym, two new playgrounds, a bigger
library with new books and a computer room with modern computers and TVs. The school now looks great! Mr Scott, the Geography
teacher often takes Nellie’s class to the library to look for information in the new books and encyclopaedias. The students can also
surf the Net to do their projects or go online to send e-mails to other students in other countries. Nellie is involved in a class project
with students from Spain. Last year they didn’t often go to the library because it was quite small and old-fashioned.
Part 2
Nellie and her friends sometimes go to the new gym after school. They usually skate in the new skate park or play basketball.
Then they go home to do their homework. After dinner Nellie goes online and talks to her best friend Gabriel. He is in a different
school, so they never see each other during the week. They send messages, photos and music. At weekends Nellie and Gabriel
go to the shopping centre in the afternoon. It’s their favourite place to hang out. They have lunch at McDonald’s and then go to
the cinema. They both enjoy watching films. Then they have a snack. Most times Gabriel goes home with Nellie. In the evening
they watch wrestling on TV because they think it’s fun to watch! They laugh a lot.

A. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F
B. B, C, F, G
C. Activities after school: hanging out in the gym; skating; playing basketball Cotações
Activities at home: doing homework; going online (sending messages, photos A 8 x 5 = 40
and music)
B 4 x 5 = 20
Activities at weekends in the afternoon: going to the shopping centre;
C 10 x 2 = 20
having lunch at McDonald’s; going to the cinema; having a snack
… in the evening: watching wrestling on TV D 10 x 2 = 20
D. See tapescript TOTAL 100

Listening Test 2
Eating out
Part 1
Simon: My favourite food is Italian food because it’s healthy. Italians know that pasta, cheese and vegetables are a great
combination. Last week Laura, one of my best friends, invited me to McDonald’s for her birthday. I don’t usually eat fast food,
but it was her birthday party so I said yes. She invited lots of other boys and girls from school to have dinner there and then
she invited us all to go to the cinema. We met around eight at the shopping centre.
Part 2
I read the restaurant menu and it was a bit difficult to choose what to eat. You know I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat at all.
At McDonald’s it’s not easy not to eat meat because lots of sandwiches have got meat like chicken or pork. I asked one of my
friends for help because he usually has lunch at McDonald’s, so he knows all about the menu. He told me to try the new healthy
dishes like the fish burger, the soup or the apple pie. I decided to have some spinach soup as a starter, some French fries and a
fish burger called fillet-O-fish, a chocolate ice cream for dessert and a diet coke. Then we had the cake and we went to the cinema.
Everybody enjoyed themselves.

110 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

A. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. No
B. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. b
C. Starter: Spinach soup; Main dish: Fish burger (Fillet-O-Fish); French fries; Dessert: A 6 x 5 = 30
Chocolate ice cream; cake; Drink: Diet coke B 6 x 5 = 30
D. See tapescript C 4 x 4 = 16
D 12 x 2 = 24
Listening Test 3
TV is great!
Part 1
Brian is a fourteen-year-old teenager who likes watching TV.
Brian: Watching TV is something I’ve always liked. I also play basketball because I’m quite tall, but TV is my favourite thing
because it’s relaxing, especially after a long day at school. When I come home around half past four I try to do my homework
immediately to have more time for my favourite TV programmes. My parents are cool with me if my homework is done. I watch
TV after homework in my bedroom and after dinner until half past ten. Let’s say that I watch about three hours on school days. I
can watch a little more at weekends, especially on Friday and Saturday because I can wake up late the next morning.
Part 2
Brian: On school days my favourite programmes are documentaries about wild life. I want to be a vet when I’m older, so it’s great
to see how animals live and what they eat or what makes them sick. I also watch quiz shows because they teach you a lot of
things. At weekends it’s time for TV series, especially police dramas because I think it’s exciting to see how detectives and police
officers catch the bad guys. I also enjoy watching films. Science fiction films are my favourite because they are full of special
effects. My parents sometimes say I spend too much time home watching TV, but I tell them that at least I’m safe!
A. Brian; 14; watching TV, playing basketball; 4:30; bedroom; 22:30
B. 1. … recent activity 2. … short for my age 3. … before my homework
4. … happy if my homework… 5. T 6. … Thursday and Sunday.
C. A, B, E, G A 6 x 4 = 24
D. 1. … are documentaries. 2. … a vet… 3. Quiz shows… 4. … TV series and films B 6 x 4 = 24
5. Science fiction films… 6. … a safe thing. C 4 x 4 = 16
D 6 x 6 = 36
Graham, Inverness
Part 1
1. British Isles 2. Scotland 3. mountains; glens 4. river Ness 5. great; live 6. the lowest crime 7. friendly; kind to each other
8. the fastest; cities
Part 2
1. … because he is a prefect. 2. … is a student who has to take care of the little children. He has extra responsibilities. 3. …
because he had a higher exam for Chemistry. 4. It lasted 3 hours. 5. … because he feels more comfortable in his normal
clothes. 6. He plays the guitar. 7. … because he can’t afford it. 8. … 50 pounds. 9. He is going to get a job during the summer
holidays. 10. He is going to the football training and his mother is going to take him.
Part 3
A. 1. A warm up session with the ball; a practice game 2. play rugby 3. plays in a good team; the coach is good; he has a lot of fun
B. 1. F: He is also the coach of the senior football team. 2. T 3. T 4. F: He has been a great asset to the team. 5. F: ...they are
speaking Gaelic.
Part 4
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a
Part 5
A. Kirsty: 15 years old; the baby of the family; the smallest Mum (Fiona): he looks like her Father: is losing his hair; is going to
teach him to drive; is not happy about getting in a car with him Catherine: 12 years old; the troublemaker of the family; cheeky
smile on her face
B. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b
Part 6
1. f 2. c 3. g 4. a 5. h 6. e 7. b 8. d

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Naela, Bristol
Part 1
1. big; busy; 2. South; Bristol; near; 3. bridge; cathedral
Part 2
A. She has lived there for ten years. 2. She likes it a lot because people are nice and friendly. 3. She goes to the Climbing Centre.
4. It was a church. 5. Yes, it is. The Centre has more than 40.000 members. 6. No, it isn’t. She is just a beginner and climbing is a
very hard activity.
B. four; mother; two sisters; caring; angels; get on; love; parents’ names
C. 1; 3; 5; 6; 8
D. 1. a) shopping b) hang out c) have a lot of fun 2. problem; afford; window-shopping 3. two weeks; surfing; beaches; Spain;
E. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d
Part 3
A. playing the piano – singing lessons; piano – singing; ten – two; adults – children; expensive – cheaper; Fridays – Thursdays;
four – five; world of work – entertainment world
B. 1. In the future she hopes to be a famous star. 2. She needs to work hard. 3. She hopes to become very rich and to live without
money problems.

Róisín, Carna
Part 1
A. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d
B. beautiful; unspoiled; shores; waves; Atlantic; lovely lakes; hills
Part 2
A. 1. c 2. f 3. h 4. d 5. g
B. 1. … for four years. 2. Yes, she does. She says she looks forward to coming to school every morning. 3. No, they can’t. They
must wear school uniforms. 4. … because it keeps her fit. 5. He’s the basketball coach and the PE teacher. 6. … about sixty
girls. 7. They train two evenings a week. 8. He thinks she has improved as a player and she’s very dedicated to her training.
C. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c
D. 1. a waitress in the Carna Bay Hotel 2. take orders, serve people food and drinks and clear tables. 3. clothes; CDs; make-up
Part 3
A. 1. T. 2. F: … for shopping, to go to the cinema or for a night out. 3. T. 4. F: … for three years. 5. F: She was inspired by
famous people singing and dancing on TV. 6. T 7. T 8. F: She will miss her teachers and friends.

Graham’s Fried Breakfast

A. 1. It’s breakfast. 2. Buns, bacon, sausages, black pudding, eggs, tomato, butter.
B. A: frying pan; B: leek; C: sheep; D: buns; E: bacon; F: butter; G: lid; H: sausages
A. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T
B. 4; 1; 6; 2; 7; 5; 8; 3; 9
Fried Breakfast: 2 pork and leek sausages; 2 slices of black pudding; 2 eggs; 2 buns; some butter

Róisín’s BLT
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. a

112 ©2007 COOL ZONE • INGLÊS – 8. o ANO

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