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Diaphragms for seismic loading

A philosophy for analysis and design
By Rafael Sabelli, P.E., S.E; Warren Pottebaum, S.E.; and Brian Dean, LEED AP

s all structural engineers or a Nonlinear Response History thusimplicitlybasedonthesystemtype.
familiar with building (NRH) analysis. This article addresses The difference between the equations
design know, diaphragms ELF analysis, with some discussion of is more pronounced at lower levels.
constitute an integral part the techniques used in MRS analysis. Figure 1 shows the force distributions
of the lateral load resisting system. ELF analysis — The design of the corresponding to Eq. 12.8-12 (a) and
When the load under consideration SLRS requires that the design base 12.10-1 (b) for a regular structure with
is seismic, the diaphragms themselves shear be considered to be delivered as similar floor masses.
often constitute a majority of the story forces at each diaphragm. The MRS analysis — Rather than use
inertial mass, as well as the means of ELF procedure provides an equation thesomewhatapproximateEq.12.10-1
delivering inertial forces to the vertical for the vertical distribution of forces. to capture higher-mode response,
elements of the seismic load resisting Minimum Design Loads for Buildings some engineers have proposed using
system (SLRS). While building codes and Other Structures, ASCE 7-05 MRS analysis to determine diaphragm
have paid careful attention to dia- (Eq. 12.8-12) defines this distribu- accelerations from which design forces
phragm design, this area remains rife tion. It is purposefully top-heavy: It can be determined. ASCE 7-05 does
with ambiguity and differing opinions. generally overestimates the overturn- not formally recognize this analytical
This article will not put an end to such ing moment compared with MRS or method for diaphragm design; how-
debate, of course, but will serve as one NRH analysis. In this way it ensures ever, it is allowed for the determination
example of a coherent philosophy of both sufficient overturning and shear of component forces in Eq. 13.3-4.
diaphragm design for seismic loading. strength for the vertical elements of Engineers must always be careful to
the SLRS. However, at the same time extract meaningful information from
Analysis it vastly underestimates how much MRS analysis. Quantities of interest
We will discuss both analysis and force enters the frames at lower levels. must be tracked mode by mode and
design details; the analysis portion is Eq. 12.8-12 can be thought of as combined using an appropriate com-
providedhereandthedesignportionwill representing primarily the first mode bination rule, typically the square root
be provided at www.gostructural.com. of vibration of the structure while dis- of the sum of the squares (SRSS) or
counting the contributions of higher the complete quadratic combination
Vertical distribution of seismic forces modes. For higher modes, the reversing (CQC). Subtracting the modal-combi-
In general, buildings are analyzed directions impose significant forces on nation of story shears at one level from
using either an Equivalent Lateral the frames at lower levels. These forces modal-combinationofstoryshearatthe
Force (ELF) analysis, a Modal are not addressed explicitly by Eq. level below does not represent the MRS
Response Spectrum (MRS) analysis, 12.8-12. Instead, ASCE 7-05 contains analysis story force; rather, this force is
a special equation for properly determined by calculating the
diaphragm design: Eq. story force mode by mode and then per-
Figure 1: Force distributions
12.10-1. This latter forming the appropriate combination.
equation provides a Current versions of popular software
distribution that better are much easier to use than older ones
represents the forces when extracting this information.
that the diaphragms at
any level in the building Diaphragm forces
mightbesubjectedtoas Note that in both cases (ELF and
a result of higher mode MRS analysis), the base shear, and
excitation. Similar to Eq. thus the diaphragm force, includes a
12.8-12, Eq. 12.10-1 reductionduetoresponsemodification
utilizes the design base coefficient (R) to which the building
shear to determine frame system is assigned. The mem-
diaphragm forces and is bers of the building frame are detailed

24 Structural Engineer JANUARY 2009 www.gostructural.com

to provide the ductility corresponding
to the assigned response modification
coefficient. However, the diaphragm
does not necessarily offer the same
level of ductility, and therefore the
design forces also should be different
from that based on the lateral analysis
used for frame design.
ASCE 7-05 provides upper and
lower bounds for the diaphragm forces
determined from Eq. 12.10-1. These
bounds are independent of the design
base shear and thus of the system type
selected. The lower bound typically
applies to structures with a low base
shear, either due to a longer period, a
high response reduction coefficient R,
or a combination of the two. This lower
bound represents the effects of higher
modes that generate little base shear.
Theupperboundgovernsforstructures (above) Figure 2: Diaphragm as beam
with opposite characteristics: a high (below) Figure 3: Linear collector diaphragm
base shear, either due to a short period,
a low response reduction coefficient R,
or a combination of the two. The upper
bound represents elastic response or
limited inelastic response. These limits
apply to diaphragm forces calculated
using either ELF or MRS analysis.

Diaphragm classification
Once the diaphragm force has
been determined, the diaphragm itself
must be analyzed. The total force (for
example, from Eq. 12.10-1) can be dis-
tributed in accordance with the distri-
bution of the mass whose acceleration
the force represents. The path that this
or semi-rigid. These classifications
relate diaphragm flexibility to that of
the vertical elements of the SLRS.
For diaphragms to be considered
flexible they must meet one of the
conditions defined in Sections
• Diaphragms constructed of un-top-
ped steel decking or wood structural
steel or composite steel and concrete
braced frames, or concrete, masonry,
steel, or composite shear walls;

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• Diaphragms of wood structural panels or untopped steel decks At the opposite extreme, diaphragms may be ideal-
in one and two-family residential buildings of light-frame con- ized as rigid under certain circumstances, per Section
struction; and Diaphragms of concrete slabs or concrete-
• Diaphragms for which the computed maximum in-plane deflec- filled metal deck with span-to-depth ratios of 3 or less
tion of the diaphragm itself under lateral load is at least twice the in structures that have no horizontal irregularities.
average story drift of adjoining vertical elements of the SLRS. It is assumed that no matter the lateral system, such
diaphragms will have sufficient stiffness to deliver
forces in a manner consistent with the rigid diaphragm
assumption. Under extreme cases of very rigid shear
wall structures this may not be the case, but generally
the consequences of this inaccuracy in modeling are
not significant for either the diaphragm or the vertical
Diaphragms not classified as either rigid or flexible
are required to be considered “semi rigid” per Section
12.3.1. Furthermore, this section requires “explicit”
consideration and specifies a “semi-rigid modeling
assumption.” Diaphragms must be analyzed as mem-
brane (or shell or plate) elements and the vertical ele-
ments must be modeled or represented by springs of
the appropriate stiffness. (While this level of modeling
is implicitly based on the assumption of elastic behav-
ior — which is incorrect — ASCE 7 is unambiguous
with regard to this requirement.)

Diaphragm analysis
The analysis of flexible diaphragms is fairly straight-
forward. They are analyzed as beams and the elements
of the SLRS are considered to be rigid supports. Figure
2 shows schematics of this type of beam analysis for (a)
simply supported, (b) multi-span , and (c) cantilevered
(above) Figure 4: Distributed collector diaphragm diaphragms.Reactionsaredeterminedwithoutconsider-
(below) Figure 5: Distributed collector diaphragm with a collector zone ing the flexibility of the vertical elements of the SLRS.
Note that in diagrams (b) and (c), where the dia-
phragm loads a vertical element from both sides, the
shear transfer to the vertical element (or its collector)
is the sum of the diaphragm shear on the two sides.
the shear transfer to the collector may require as much
et cetera) as is required to resist the diaphragm shear.
In either non-flexible case (rigid or semi-rigid dia-
phragms) a structural analysis is required to determine
the horizontal distribution of forces. The building
model used for the analysis of the vertical elements of
the SLRS can be employed to determine this horizontal
distribution. Once the forces entering the vertical ele-
ments of SLRS have been determined, the diaphragm
is analyzed to establish a load path between the inertial
mass and the vertical elements (see the section below
on redistribution of forces). This analysis need not be a
rigorous analysis based on the diaphragm elastic prop-
erties. It should be noted that elastic analyses are not

26 Structural Engineer JANUARY 2009 www.gostructural.com

necessarilyanymoreaccurate,letalone distributed load is determined by the as a tension-compression couple sepa-
more appropriate, than other methods distribution of mass; it is typically rated by the diaphragm depth.
for systems that are subject to inelastic constant for a rectangular diaphragm. The forces entering the vertical ele-
deformation. The forces transferred to the vertical ments are assumed to be collected in
Numerous analytical methods are elements of the SLRS are reactions. In beams aligned with these elements. A
permissible for diaphragm design as flexible diaphragm analysis engineers line of collector beams is typically pro-
long as there is a reasonably direct load can begin with the distributed loading vided running the full depth of the dia-
path between the inertial mass and and calculate reactions. In the analysis phragm. Forces in this collector beam
the vertical elements; some analytical of systems with rigid or semi-rigid line begin at zero at the diaphragm
methods may not be applicable to dia- diaphragms, reactions are determined edge and increase linearly up to the
phragms of certain composition. from the building analysis and the point where the vertical elements take
Common diaphragm analytical shears and moments in the diaphragm theforces.Forbracedframesthisoccurs
methods include Linear-Collector “beam”or“truss”are derived to be con- as a single point or a series of points
Diaphragm (LCD) and Distributed- sistent with these reactions. where the braces connect; for moment
Collector Diaphragm (DCD) analysis. Linear-collector diaphragm (LCD) frames this occurs at the column loca-
Other analytical methods, such as — In the LCD method the diaphragm tions; and for shear walls this occurs in
Strut-and-Tie Diaphragm (S&TD) is analyzed as a beam. Reactions rep- a distributed fashion (see Figure 3).
analysis, are also permissible. resent forces acting on the vertical This linearly increasing force is col-
In each of these methods the dia- elements. The shear diagram of the lected from the diaphragm in shear;
phragm force is considered to be a beam represents a distributed shear in thus the diaphragm is assumed to have
distributed load on the diaphragm, the diaphragm, assumed to be of con- uniform shear across its depth. This
which acts as a beam or a truss that stant value across its entire depth. The shear is at its maximum adjacent to the
spans between (or over, or past) its moment diagram represents forces in collectors and reduces to zero at a sec-
supports (the vertical elements). This the diaphragm boundaries, which act tion between collector lines (or at the
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edge of a cantilever diaphragm). Dia- method is similar to the LCD analysis. mechanism is required to deliver the
phragm shear capacity can be uniform, However, the DCD method reduces force to the areas of the diaphragm act-
or it can be varied to better correspond the calculated collector forces by ing in shear. In one extreme, the entire
with shear demands. relying more on the diaphragm shear width of the diaphragm can be consid-
This shear also causes forces to capacity. In this method the reaction at ered to act as a distributed collector,
develop in the diaphragm boundary the vertical elements is assumed to be and a limited portion of the diaphragm
members that are perpendicular to delivered in shear over a limited por- can be considered to act as the beam
the collectors. These act as the chord tion of the diaphragm depth. In some (with the reduced depth resulting in
members of a deep truss, and their cases, a short collector line is required; higher chord forces); see Figure 4.
forces can be determined by analyzing in others the length of the frame or If the entire depth of the diaphragm
the diaphragm as a beam spanning shearwall is sufficient. The minimum is used to compute chord forces at the
between (or over, or past) supports, length of this portion is determined by point of maximum moment, the DCD
and dividing the moment by the depth the shear capacity of the diaphragm. method requires a detailed consider-
of the diaphragm. (Often these chord The concentration of shear in a por- ation of the load path from the localized
members also act as collectors for tion of the diaphragm depth results in a shear and chord forces near the vertical
orthogonal loading.) (see Figure 2). reduceddepthforresistingthemoment elements to the chord forces at the dia-
Distributed-collector diaphragm (at least locally), and some localized phragm boundary. Typically, the DCD
(DCD) — This diaphragm analysis chord forces develop. Additionally, a technique is used to determine a col-
lector width sufficient to keep stresses
low enough to avoid the need for con-
finement in concrete (per ACI 318-08
Section In this case, the high
shear occurs in only a small region of the
diaphragm (see Figure 5), and a collec-
tor zone exists within the diaphragm,
similar to a collector beam in a LCD.
Strut-and-tie diaphragm (S&TD)
— Strut-and-tie models are covered
in Appendix A of ACI 318-08, which
is applicable to concrete diaphragms.
When used in a diaphragm analysis, the
model includes struts that go from the
distributed inertial mass to the vertical
elements. These struts are diagonals
is considered to be excited in a direction
parallel to the vertical elements. At the
(above) Figure 6: Discretized strut-and-tie diaphragm mass end of the diagonal a component
(below) Figure 7: Vertical load distributions
of force is generated in the direction
orthogonal to the excitation of loading;
at the vertical elements. A distributed
load system such as is the case in dia-
Figure 6); additionally, the strut-and-
tie behavior must be reanalyzed for
loading in the opposite direction. The
design methodology for S&TD is not
A prudent precaution — Each of
these analytical techniques assumes
certain mechanisms of resistance
within the diaphragm. A prudent

28 Structural Engineer JANUARY 2009 www.gostructural.com

designer will also consider the alter- diaphragm would be unstable without Fpi,j = γi ρ Vi,j – ρ Vi+1,j, and the story
nate load paths between the inertial the orthogonal vertical elements. shear ratio γi is calculated as follows:
mass and the vertical elements, and
provide both positive connections and Redistribution of forces N

ductile detailing along these paths. Designers,alwayseagertostreamline Fpi S ¤Fx

x i 1
For example, in LCD designs, cross- their work, have developed methods of Hi  N
ties within the diaphragm should be repurposing the ELF vertical analysis S ¤Fx
provided, either as reinforcement in (which uses the distribution from Eq. xi

concrete slabs or composite decks, or 12.8-12) to represent the diaphragm

as discrete member connections for forces from Eq. 12.10-1. One common By scaling the frame shear below
metal-deck diaphragms, or as straps methodinvolvessimplyamplifyingcol- level i by the factor γi and leaving the
in plywood diaphragms. Likewise, lector forces from the former analysis frame shear above level i unscaled, that
increased shear reinforcement should by the ratio of Fpx (from Eq. 12.10-1) portion of the diaphragm force that is
be considered near the vertical ele- to Fx (from Eq. 12.8-12). This proce- due to redistribution from levels above
ments if the calculated demand is near dure is valid solely in cases in which the is not amplified. One should note this
the calculated capacity. For DCD and only forces in the diaphragm are those method assumes that the centers of
S&TD designs, additional longitu- generated by inertial mass at that level. mass are aligned vertically at all floor
dinal and transverse reinforcement in Where seismic forces from other levels levels. If there are large offsets in the
line with the vertical elements should are redistributed in a diaphragm this center of mass (for example, because of
be considered to ensure the integrity of method will produce inaccurate results a stepped building profile) it is neces-
the diaphragm is maintained. In this by amplifying these forces as well. The sary to use a similar approach to scale
way, large cracks or connection failures degree to which this method overesti- the torsional moment.
within the diaphragm can be avoided. mates the collector forces depends on
the relative magnitudes of the inertial Design
Coupling of chords and collectors forces generated by excitation of the “Design of diaphragms for seismic
In certain situations, multiple diaphragm and of the forces being loading” is Part 2 of this article; it will
loading conditions can affect certain redistributed.Where there is a decrease be printed in February 2009 in Struc-
members of the diaphragm. ASCE in the frame shear from the level above tural Engineer.
7-05 does not require consideration of or, in the extreme case, where a frame
this;nevertheless,understandingwhen is discontinuous, this method can be Acknowledgements
these conditions may occur will ensure substantially unconservative. This discussion originated at the
that designers consider these effects A more accurate method involves Seismology Committee of the Struc-
when appropriate. scaling the diaphragm forces based tural Engineers Association of North-
The most common such condition on the increase in story shear from ern California in 2001. Additionally,
when the beam serves as a collector for the ELF vertical force distribution severalstructuralengineershaveshared
one direction of loading and as a chord to a modified ELF vertical force dis- theirpracticesandmethodologies,and
for loading in the orthogonal direction. tribution, in which the story force Fx some of these have been incorporated
If a MRS analysis is used to determine (from Eq. 12.8-12) has been replaced into the methods described above.
forces in these members (and they are with the diaphragm design force Fpx
not attached at both ends to a rigid (from Eq. 12.10-1) at the level under
diaphragm in the model), proper com- consideration. This is shown diagram-
bination of orthogonal analyses will matically in Figure 7. Rafael Sabelli, P.E., S.E., is director
account for this; ELF analysis does not At a given level i of a multi-story of seismic design atWalter P Moore. He
can be reached at 415-963-6300 or via
unlessthedesignercombinestheforces structure, the diaphragm force at a
using an appropriate combination (per particular frame j can be derived from
Warren Potterbaum, S.E., is an
Section 12.5). analysisresultsasthedifferencebetween associate at DASSE Design. He can be
A less common condition is build- the frame shear below that level, Vi , and reachedat510-433-9370orviae-mailat
ing torsion. Where frames in both the frame shear above that level, Vi+1. To pottebaum@dasse.com. Brian Dean,
orthogonal directions are engaged in converttheseresults,whichcorrespond LEED AP, is a graduate engineer at
resisting building torsion, loading in to the ELF vertical force distribution, Walter P Moore and can be reached at
bothorthogonaldirectionswillengage to the modified vertical force distribu- 415-963-6300 or via e-mail at bdean@
the same collector lines. This effect is tion described above, the diaphragm walterpmoore.com.
typically very small except where the force at frame j is calculated as follows:

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