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How to Optimize Liver Function

to Rebalance Hormones in
Adrenals, Anti-Candida, Articles, Estrogen Dominance, Menopause, PCOS, Thyroid | 18 comments
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We have all heard about using hormones or herbs to

address our hormonal imbalances. But there is not much
talk about the liver.
Let’s understand the organ that does more than just detoxing. The liver is
the largest organ of the body. Do you know where is it found? Put your
right hand over the end of your right rib cage, just below the diaphragm –
your hand is now over your liver.
Your liver performs about 200 vital functions, most of which are vital for
good health. Detoxification of the blood, protein synthesis, excretion of
bilirubin, hormones, cholesterol, drugs, and production of bile, (an alkaline
compound which helps in digestion through the emulsification of lipids),
are just some of the important functions that the liver performs.
How do you know if your liver is sluggish?
Many people tell me that their doctor has told them that their liver “is fine”
based on their blood work. The reality is liver abnormalities in your lab
work often do not appear at the onset of the problems but after years of
suffering from a sluggish liver.
Here are some early signals that your liver might not be in the best shape:
1. Cholesterol and level of fat.
One of the main functions of the liver is to maintain a healthy level of fats
in the bloodstream. For an average person, approximately 80% of the
cholesterol is generated by the liver. A sluggish liver will show up as:
 Elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad cholesterol”
 Reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or “good
cholesterol” which is the precursor for your hormone production
 Elevation triglycerides
 Elevated ALT and AST liver enzymes
 Weight gain
 Heart disease
2. Digestive Problems
Out of the many functions that the liver performs, the most important is to
produce bile, which helps in digestion through the process of
emulsification of lipids. A sluggish liver produces less bile, causing many
digestion problems for the affected individual, including:
 Bloating of the abdomen
 Constipation
 Inability to digest fatty foods
 Loss of appetite
3. Skin-related allergies
The liver plays an important role in eliminating toxins from the body and
maintaining the efficiency of the body’s immune system.
If the process of eliminating toxins is hampered, as is in the case of a
sluggish liver, skin irritation or skin allergies occur, which are considered
the first sign of liver damage. A person in such a case would develop:
 Rashes
 Psoriasis
 Eczema
 Boils, acne, or moles
 Itching
4. Fluctuation in blood sugar level
One of the main functions of the liver is to maintain the sugar level in the
blood. A sluggish liver fails to do so, and would fluctuate the sugar levels
to a great extent. In such a condition, a person would show symptoms such
 Loss of appetite
 Weakness or dizziness
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Low energy level
 Fever
 Abdominal pain
5. Hormonal imbalance
The liver is responsible for filtering out mutated hormones. A person with
a sluggish liver would be quite affected by the hormonal (and
neurotransmitter) imbalance and would exhibit symptoms such as:
 Sleep and mental disturbance
 Mental confusion
 Depression
 Sensitivity to medicines
 Heavy or clotted menstruation in women
 Irregular periods
 Fibroids in breast or uterus
 Hot flashes
 Cysts on ovaries
 Mood swings or any menopausal problems
6. Other symptoms
Apart from the sluggish liver symptoms mentioned above, individuals
suffering from this condition may also show other symptoms, such as:
 Intolerance to alcohol (this is a big sign!)
 Intolerance to coffee (this is a big sign, too!)
 Swollen feet or abdomen
 Easy bruising
 Yellowing of the eyes
 Dark urine and stool
 Bad breath
 Heartburn
 Sensitivity to chemicals in paints, petrol, bleaches, etc.
 Body odor
Here is the good news: the liver is the only organ that can regenerate
itself. Provided you give it the right support.
What does the liver do for us?
Your liver does so much more than you imagined.
The liver is responsible for over 200 functions in the body and is the
largest internal organ, weighing in at about 55oz (or 1.5 kg). It is central to
so many of the body’s functions and most people are unaware of how vital
it is to good health. Some of the major functions of the liver are:
 purifying our blood (50 oz or 1.4 liters a minute)
 regulating the metabolism (through bile production)
 storing minerals and fat soluble vitamins, protein synthesis, glycogen
storage and conversion (energy production)
 cholesterol production (contrary to Western medicine’s believers,
cholesterol is necessary as it is the precursor for our steroid hormones;
it manages our brain function, nerve function, and hormone
 parasite protection (by filtering protozoa) and…
 more famously… detoxification!
Although the liver is wonderful at healing and amazing at self-recovery, it
does take a great deal of abuse in our Western lifestyles. Some of the
choices can be fairly obvious (like eating non-organic food, living in a
polluted area, drinking contaminated water) but many other choices (like
skin care products, house cleaning products, drinking tap water or
prescription medication) can create further load which we might not even
be aware of.
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), studies show that
an average American is daily exposed to 200 chemical toxins and carries as
many as 91 of them.
Where is all the toxicity coming from?
There are a lot of factors which affect whether the liver performs its critical
functions effectively. Poor lifestyle choices can put too much pressure on
this delicate organ. Here is what contributes to our toxic load:
 non-organic food (think: mercury, lead, PCBs and over 130 pesticides)
 air pollution (a long list)
 tap water (think: fluoride, chlorine, PCBs, mercury, lead, parasites)
 skin care products (think: phthalates, BPA, triclosan, parabens)
 household cleaning products (think: triclosan, phthalates, parabens)
 medications; both recreational and prescription, including commonly-
used ones like corticosteroids, tetracycline and aspirin
 plastics (think: BPA, PFOA)
 cookware like non-stick pans (think: PFOA)
 stress
 alcohol
 coffee
Our body is designed to excrete these toxins. We have a few detoxification
organs, namely: skin, lungs, kidneys, digestive tract and, of course, the
liver. They are all capable of performing the beautiful job of freeing us
from these toxins – the challenge is when the load is higher than what they
can handle; this is when toxicity takes a toll on us.

Related link: FREE Online Workshop: “7 Toxins Impacting Your Thyroid

and How to Manage Them.”
The role of the liver in female hormone balance
Phase One and Phase Two of liver detoxification
The liver’s detoxification method includes two phases which are referred
to as Phase One and Phase Two.
Phase One is known as oxidation and Phase Two as conjugation. In Phase
One, the liver uses oxygen and enzymes to burn toxins. This process is
called oxidation as it makes the toxins more soluble in water so they can be
more easily excreted from the body by the kidneys and the liver. Most
environmental toxins are fat-soluble to start with, and therefore difficult or
impossible to eliminate without the liver’s help. Did you know that the
chemicals produced in Phase One are more toxic than those which
originally entered the body?!
This phase of liver detoxification is inhibited by nutritional deficiency,
toxic exposure, alcohol consumption, low protein intake, and medications
such as acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) that deplete glutathione
which is needed for acetaminophen detoxification.
To free itself of toxins produced by Phase One detoxification, the liver
performs Phase Two called conjugation. In this phase, oxidized chemicals
are combined with sulfur, specific amino acids (like the methyl group) or
organic acids, and then excreted in bile and urine.
Both phases are dependent on vital substances which are required to
activate the catalyst for toxin conversion and they must work in balance so
that no harmful toxins are left to circulate.
There are six pathways in Phase Two and each one is responsible for
converting a different set of substances (e.g. estrogen, thyroid hormones,
heavy metals, histamine, phenol, salicylates, bilirubin, nicotine, bacterial
toxins, caffeine). The six pathways are called:
1. Amino Acid Conjugation pathway
2. The Glutathione pathway
3. The Sulphation (sulfation) pathway
4. The Methylation pathway
5. The Glucoronidation pathway
6. The Acetylation pathway.
Methylation and sulphation pathways explained
For an example of how these pathways work let’s look at the methylation
pathway in more detail. This allows methyl groups to pass through the
liver and out of the body safely. This pathway detoxifies estrogen,
dopamine, histamine and heavy metals. To support this pathway we can
increase our intake of choline (avocados/eggs/non-GM soy lecithin) and B

The sulphation pathway detoxifies excess neurotransmitters, steroids,

thyroid hormones, phenol and excess bile acids. This pathway is often
burdened by frequent use of nonsteroidal anti,inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDS). We can support this pathway through an increase in high sulfur
foods (e.g. egg yolk, broccoli, onion, or MSM).

Related link: FREE Online Workshop: “7 Toxins Impacting Your Thyroid

and How to Manage Them.”

If Phase Two is not working effectively, then the highly toxic chemicals
formed in Phase One cannot be converted which can cause a lot of toxicity
issues in the body such as tissue damage or disease. It may also cause
excess hormones to circulate through the bloodstream instead of being
excreted and this can lead to hormonal imbalances which may affect the
thyroid gland or our estrogen levels.
So there you have it: your liver needs to eliminate the metabolized, or
“used up hormones” to make space for new ones. This is why I have
never met a person who has a sluggish liver and is hormonally
What can you do?
I have three tips here for you to get you started in the right direction:
1. Hydrochloric acid (aka stomach acid) – improve the level of your
stomach acid level by drinking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or ½
lemon in a glass of warm/lukewarm water upon rising. Do not eat till 30
minutes later. You can have it with your thyroid medication if you are
taking any.
If you prefer to use a supplement, see below for our very own Hormone
Balance Nutritionals brand of HCL
Try this: Betain HCL with Pepsin

1. Fiber. Take at least 2-3 tablespoons of insoluble fiber per day; my

favorite is ground golden flax seed as it helps estrogen metabolism as
well. If you can’t tolerate flax seed, substitute with chia seeds or
psyllium husk.
2. Vitamin B complex. Get a good quality Vitamin B complex – it is a
key vitamin to open up the detoxification pathways. If you don’t feel
good taking it, get the methylated form of folate and B12.
Try: B Maximus
Try the KIT: Detox Complete Kit
Finally, I would like to invite you to watch my free workshop, “How to
Use Food To Balance Your Hormones,” to learn how detoxing
the liver can help you rebalance your hormones naturally.
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1. Kristen on 07/09/14 at 10:59 am
Greetings! Very useful advice within this article! It is the little changes that will
the most significant changes. Thanks a lot for sharing!
Visit my webpage; link google plus and facebook
2. Jeannie on 10/23/15 at 9:31 pm
Yes I am post menopausal, & on low dose bioidentical hormones. However no
matter what, when I do my 24 hour urinary hormone test, it still shows I am low. I
grind 2 T of flaxseed everyday for years & put it in a whey shake. I think I do
everything right as far as diet, physical exercise, yoga & meditation but still cannot
get a normal read on my test in the post menopausal range.
o Magdalena Wszelaki on 10/24/15 at 12:05 am
Hi Jeannie,
try to catch our workshop tomorrow – http://www.cookingforbalance.com – I will
be talking about why this might be happening to you. Sometimes food
sensitivities, the health of our gut and liver can impact how your hormones
are metabolized and this is why they are showing up low.
Other hormones, like elevated cortisol can also cause them to be lower.
3. Kathleen on 11/17/15 at 5:25 am
I suffer from underachieving thyroid, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, please
navigate me, guide me to get the most important healing action plan available.
Thank you for your guidance.
o Nancy Lipzen on 07/07/18 at 6:56 pm
To Kathleen: I too am also on thyroid for the last 8 years. I was also
osteoporosis for close to 14 years each time progressively getting worse. 1 1/2
years ago I went back into osteopenia. I credit hormone replacement, thyroid,
estradiol (I wore a vivelle patch for 12 years,( I am now on compounded
estradiol with estriol), and compounded progesterone, I do not need
testosterone as I make enough of my own. I also credit a change of diet to
what I call Paleo light. I eat less meat than they suggest a ton of green
vegetables, low sugar fruits and a lot of nuts and seeds which I sprout and
dehydrate myself and good fats, olive oil, avocado oil and occasionally
coconut. No grains, diary, sugar or starches. I also employ something called
the Sway test that my current doctor (changed doctors due to a long distance
move) Google. I drink only purified water (iSpring), homemade almond and
coconut milk. I was also diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 6 years ago. A
gastroenterologist started me on a probiotic called VSL#3. I started out with
about 140 billion of it. Every few weeks I had to decrease it because I would
start to absorb too much B12 from it which would keep me awake at night. 18
months later I was at 15 billion (Douglas and Renew Life) which I take
everyday since the fall of 2013. I don’t even know that it’s there unless
something gets out of balance or I don’t sleep well for a few nights. But them
I only feel it very slightly. My last sed rate was a 4. I have never been to a
rheumatologist nor have I ever been on any medications for it and don’t plan
to be. I hope some of this helps you.
o Nancy on 07/07/18 at 7:20 pm
I also use a small amount of Bio-cleanse each day with liquid turmeric (a
natural anti-inflammatory). I drink dandelion root tea periodically and use
Apo-Hepat when needed.
4. Colleen on 03/29/16 at 1:44 am
I have a hiatus hernia that cant be operated on. Therefore constant acid is up the
esophogus which caused stage II esophagitis. Dangerous. I have to take acid
blockers as do many other people with this condition. Telling people to up acid is
dangerous if they dont know they have this issue
o Nancy on 07/07/18 at 7:00 pm
Use Heartburn free, Dgl and glycine.
5. Kate on 05/03/16 at 1:45 pm
Interesting article thanks. I suffer with liver and hormonal issues as part of an
overall chronic illness. Everytime I take b vitamins I get severe acne. Any ideas?
o Zaneta on 04/21/17 at 7:39 am
Hi! My sister has same problem…even at 69!? So…yu are taking the wrong
forms! Yu need B Complex that has Methylfolate instead of Folic Acid….yu
need Methylcobalamin instead of B12….P-5-P for the B6 etc….get it? Those
are active forms that are readily available to the system! The body does not
need to convert them to a useable form. It is already done for you!? No yeast
in the formula either! Feeds Candida. Which is real..by the way…All that i
have told yu will help the luver cuz liver is the skin’s friend (or foe)
depending! At best that is my experience with B’s…Acne and such!???Hope
this has helped! ZANETA?
o jaynee on 07/10/18 at 10:08 pm
Eat or take high quality grass fed beef liver supplements. Liver is a natural
source of vitamin Bs and your body will be able to process it. I took “quality”
vitamin B supplements (the recommended form, name of which I can’t recall
at the moment) and after the initial boost wore off my body stopped tolerating
it. Now taking liver supplements and the difference is night and day. I have
CFS/fibro/lupus/younameit, and was able to practically run to my car today
when I was late to a meeting! Try it…or cook and eat it a couple times a
6. Simone on 02/01/17 at 2:02 am
I am hypothyroid, menopausal and an estrogen fed breast cancer survivor taking
Aromasin to block estrogen. That said I am looking forward to your workshop to
balance my crazy hormones. I have been thinking liver detox because I have all
signs of sluggish liver. Sluggish thyroid standstill on weight loss. I need to regain
my health.
7. Lisa on 02/02/17 at 2:16 pm
Hi Simone – thanks for your comment – I sure hope you find answers in the
Customer Support
8. Rita M on 02/18/17 at 10:17 pm
I am hypothyroid, post menopausal and have estrogen dependent stage 4 breast
cancer that has resolved but now being tested for metastasized breast cancer of the
liver (2 small spots). I’m on anastrozole to stop the production of estrogen. I’m also
T2 diabetic on insulin, metformin and glipzide. I am wondering how your diet and
suggested supplements will affect my liver and my use of anastrozole. I’m thinking
I can’t balance my hormones if I don’t have estrogen, right?
Thank you.
9. Harmony on 04/18/17 at 2:24 am
What brand of vitamin b is good
10. Lindday on 03/18/18 at 12:02 pm
How much B vitamin do I take. I take a multivitamin with B vitamins including
folate. I’ve read that taking too much B can cause problems.
o jaynee on 07/10/18 at 10:09 pm
Get your vitamin B from liver or liver supplements! It has changed my life!
Research it. Should be high quality, grass fed beef liver.
11. Dianne on 03/23/18 at 1:27 am
I learned the liver has approx. 580 functions instead of the 200 you posted.
1. How a Hormone Balancing Diet and Lifestyle Gave Me a New Life. - Hormones Balance -
[…] you wonder what are the symptoms of a sluggish liver, read this post. It’s key
to your healing to…
2. What is estrogen dominance as a hormonal imbalance in women? - Hormones Balance - […]
wrote extensively about the role of our liver in hormonal health in another article.
In short: your liver is…
3. What is estrogen dominance as a hormonal imbalance in women? - HormonesBalance.com -
HormonesBalance.com - […] wrote extensively about the role of our liver in
hormonal health. In short: your liver is responsible for the…
4. Easy Thai Salmon - HormonesBalance.com - HormonesBalance.com - […] the meal. They
also offer great medicinal properties; rich in sulphur, onions and garlic help with
liver detoxification and…
5. Better Than Coffee (Chicory Latte) - HormonesBalance.com - HormonesBalance.com - […]
Dandelion root is known to support the liver function and chicory root is rich in
inulin which is a…
6. Estrogen balancing | The Lazy Primalist - […]
balance/ […]
7. The Breast Cancer and Estrogen Link: Are You At Risk? - HormonesBalance.com - […] a
liver detox. In my post, The Role of the Liver in Female Hormone Balance, I
explain how to…
8. Spiced Honey Glazed Roasted Root Vegetables Recipe - […] and turnips are cruciferous
vegetables which help rebalance your estrogen levels by supporting your liver (the
liver plays a key…
9. Female Hormone Balance And The Liver - Passionate For Truth - […] The liver is
responsible for filtering out mutated hormones. A person with a sluggish liver
would be quite affected…
10. Thyroid Diet Reverse Adrenal Fatigue, Hair Loss, Estrogen Dominance - […] you wonder
what are the symptoms of a sluggish liver, read this post. It’s key to your healing to
11. Making friends with your hormones and adrenals naturally - Harbord Homeopathic Clinic -
[…] (as well as all of the other insults we heap upon it from alcohol, crappy food
and trans fats…
12. Best Supplements for Estrogen Dominance - HormonesBalance.com - […] A toxic body
and a taxed liver can have a profound impact on your hormone balance. I wrote a…
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