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Summon Aery
• PASSIVE: Damaging an enemy champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 10-40 (based
on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+10% AP) Adaptive damage. Healing, shielding or buffing an ally
signals Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 35-80 (based on level) (+40% bonus AD)
(+25% AP) for 2 seconds.
• Aery lingers on the target for 2 seconds before flying back to you, and cannot be sent out again
until she returns to you. Aery is initially very slow, but gradually accelerates, and can be picked
up by moving near her.
• ADAPTIVE DAMAGE: Deals either physical or magic damage depending on your bonus
statistics, defaulting to physical damage.
• Aery’s ally effect will trigger on all manner of buffs, including Mordekaiser’s W.
• Aery’s shield will trigger Athene’s Unholy Grail and Ardent Censer, allowing champions who
otherwise do not have heals or shields to trigger the effect.
• Aery will not trigger Ability effects or Muramana’s shock.
• Any champion looking to improve their early game trading can take Summon Aery for an extra
source of damage. In comparison to other damage-granting keystones such as Arcane Comet
and Electrocute, Summon Aery cannot miss, has a short cooldown and boosts your shields/buffs
on allies. However, it has lower base damage and worse scaling for both champion level and
offensive stats.
• Aery is a great boost for damage over time abilities, as it can proc multiple times during the
spell’s effect. (Mordekaiser’s R)
• Aery can still be seen emerging from and returning to stealthed champions, possibly giving
away their position.

Nimbus Cloak
• PASSIVE: Casting your ultimate ability, after a 1.5 second delay, grants ghosting and 100 bonus
movement speed for 2.5 seconds. The movement speed decays over the last 1 second.
• Cooldown: 60 seconds
• Nimbus Cloak is currently the only rune with a cooldown that is affected by cooldown

Gathering Storm
• PASSIVE: Gain increasing Adaptive Force every 10 minutes that grants a total
0/4.8/14.4/28.8/48/… (based on minutes) bonus Attack Damage or 0/8/24/48/48/80/… (based
on minutes) Ability Power (Adaptive).
• ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for.
Defaults to the first listed.
Taste of Blood
• PASSIVE: Damaging an enemy champion heals you for 18-35 (based on level) (+20% bonus
AD) (+10% AP).
• Cooldown: 20 seconds
• If triggered whenever available, Taste of Blood theoretically restores 0.9-1.75 (based on level)
(+1% bonus AD) (+0.5% AP) health each second.

Ravenous Hunter
• Heal for 1.5% (+2.5% per Bounty Hunter stack) of the damage dealt by your abilities, on-hit
effects and items, up to 14% at 5 stacks. Benefits from Heal Power.
• Earn a Bounty Hunter stack for champion takedowns, up to one per unique enemy champion.
• Healing reduced to one third on area of effect abilities.
• The maximum amount of Bounty Hunter stacks that you can have is 5, setting the maximum
bonus at 14%.

+9 Adaptive
+9 Adaptive
+15-90 HP

Flash, Teleport/Ignite

1, 9, 10, 12, 13 – E
2, 3, 5, 7, 8 – W
4, 14, 15, 17, 18 – Q
6, 11, 16 – R

Ideal Synergies
Xin Zhao, Sejuani, Olaf, Nautilus, Blitzcrank, Leona

Summon Aery – Adds a bit of extra poke to your spells early game, works very well with your ultimate
since it keeps reapplying on the enemy champion and another important part is that the “shield” value it
gets doesn’t get wasted as well – since when you use your W near a teammate, it shields him.
Nimbus Cloak – Synergizes well with your ult since you want to be going in when you use it, and helps
solve one of Morde’s problems – his lack of mobility.
Absolute Focus – Since Morde gets a lot of shields and has a heal in his kit, he’s topped off a lot of the
time. It also gives you some extra AP to help push creeps as that’s what you will be mostly doing
throughout the early game.
Gathering Storm – LS seems to prefer the extra AP from Gathering Storm but all runes have merit to
them in this section. Scorch might be good for the extra poke especially vs melee matchups.
Waterwalking might help you in skirmishes around Dragon as Morde really wants to get it.
For secondary runes LS prefers Domination with Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter. But no Shield
Bash?! you will ask – Let’s go over it:
Most of the time Morde mid will be against a ranged champion which means it’s very hard for you to
get value out of the damage portion of Shield Bash, whereas you can pretty easily procc Taste of Blood
from range with E. It helps you go through laning phase a bit easier. Ravenous Hunter helps you the
same way and it scales nicely. Shield Bash and Revitalize can definitely be good into melee matchups
and if you play toplane.


Sorcerer’s Shoes – He rushes Sorc shoes because of two reasons: Morde has mobility issues and
upgrading boots fast helps with that AND he also has high base damage so magic penetration is very
good on him. You can obviously make adjustments if the enemy team has a billion CC or if they are
full AD – Mercs/Tabi.
Oblivion Orb (Morello after Liandry) – Oblivion Orb is one of the most cost efficient items, has a good
build path and gives Morde exactly what he wants – magic penetration and HP.
Liandry’s Torment – Alongside Rylai, it’s one of Morde’s most crucial items – the champion has 2 dots
in his kit and his ult has an uptime of 10 seconds which keeps you in combat even if you’ve ulted and
he’s gone away, keeping the % dmg up. The extra HP and AP is also good for him. Liandry also helps
you take objectives such as Dragon and Baron even faster, which Morde is already great at.
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter – Amazing with your spells since they are all AOE (area of effect), helps procc
Liandry and makes your ult slow a target for 10 seconds straight and then after the target dies – your
ghost also slows them.

A lot of Mordekaisers start with W but LS usually starts with E. Why? E is a lot shorter cooldown, you
have a chance of hitting ranged champions with it and it is also easier to control the damage on the
wave (it doesn’t disrupt as much as W, so it’s harder for you to mess up cs).
What LS does in the early game is mostly permanently shoving the enemy laner and playing safe,
gaining small advantages through making it hard for the enemy laner to farm under tower. With Morde
having so much push power, that means it is very easy for LS to rotate first and help his jungle in
invades or skirmishes. Playing melee champs with Morde is great because of the way his W works,
granting him and a close ally a movement speed buff. A champion like Xin also sticks on targets and
helps Morde do the same.
After he gets to level 6, he looks for taking an early Drake, often calling for his jungler to start it before
he’s even cleared mid. Morde is amazing at taking Dragon because of the dot from his W which also
heals him, he can tank it really well because of the shields, his Q is also super high base damage and
his jungler also gets the Aery shield applied. After taking Dragon, he looks to take turret platings on
mid with it and pressure the opposing midlaner. Dragon this early in the game is insanely strong and
allows him to snowball the game through having cs leads and so much extra gold.
In teamfights he’s mostly looking to get as much value out of his kit without going too deep, usually
ulting carries (great target for the ghost and also easier to kill).

PASSIVE – Iron Man
• INNATE: Mordekaiser shields himself for 25% of the damage dealt by his abilities, halved to
12.5% against enemy minion and capped at 25% maximum health.
• After a 1.5 seconds delay, Iron Man’s shield decays at a rate of 1.5% base health per second
down to a minimum of 6.25% maximum health.
• NOTES: Iron Man does not benefit from item damage (Hextech Gunblade, Nashor’s Tooth) but
does so from a Child of the Grave’s (R) basic attacks as well as Dragon Force’s.
Q – Mace of Spades
• ACTIVE: Mordekaiser’s next three basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. The third hit is the
damage of the previous two combined.
• Mace of Spades resets Mordekaiser’s autoattack timer.
• Cooldown: 10/8.5/7/5.5/4

W – Harvester of Sorrow
• PASSIVE: Mordekaiser gains bonus experience when killing a minion near allies equal to 50%
of the experience he lost due to them being therw.
• ACTIVE – FIRST CAST: Mordekaiser targets an allied champion or minion and for the next 4
seconds they gain up to 75 bonus movement speed while moving towards each other (increasing
the further apart they are), which lingers for 1.5 seconds. When near enough to each other, each
deal magic damage in an area of effect around themselves every second for the duration.
Harvester of Sorrow ends if Mordekaiser or his ally dies.
• For the next 4 seconds, Mordekaiser can reactivate Harvester of Sorrow to end its primary
effects and trigger a secondary effect, which triggers automatically at the end of the duration. If
activated while no allies are nearby, Mordekaiser will highlight an area around him and can
reactivate the ability as normal. The first ally to come in range will automatically gain the
effect, too.
• ACTIVE – SECOND CAST: Mordekaiser constricts the area, dealing magic damage to all
enemies near himself and his ally as well as healing himself and his ally for the same amount,
from up to 2 enemies hit in their respective areas. Healing is reduced to 25% when harvesting
• Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8

E – Siphon of Destruction
• ACTIVE: Mordekaiser deals magic damage to all enemies in a cone in the target direction.
• For each enemy champion hit, Mordekaiser generates a bonus percentage of Iron Man shield.
• Cooldown: 6/5.75/5.5/5.25/5

R – Children of the Grave

• PASSIVE – DRAGON FORCE: Mordekaiser’s basic attacks and abilities Curse the Dragon for
10 seconds.
• ACTIVE: Mordekaiser blasts the target enemy champion, dealing magic damage as well as
Cursing them for the next 10 seconds. Cursed champions take magic damage every second,
with Mordekaiser healing for 100% of the damage dealt by the initial blast and the Curse.
• CURSE: If Mordekaiser’s team scores an enemy champion takedown on a Cursed enemy, he
temporarily enslaves their soul as a controllable ghost. Enslaving the Dragon will kill
Mordekaiser’s current ghost and prevent him from summoning a new one while it survives.
• SECOND ACTIVE: While a ghost is active, Children of the Grave can be used to move them to
the target location.
• Champion ghosts gain 100% of Mordekaiser’s bonus AD as bonus AD and 15% of
Mordekaiser’s maximum health as bonus health, and while Mordekaiser has a champion
enslaved he gains 25% of their bonus health as bonus health and 30% of their AP as bonus AP.
Dragon ghosts gain bonus rnage and modified movement speed.
• Cooldown: 120/105/90

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