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Individual evaluation with peer review

Course: Critical thinking

1 What are the arguments of the article in the Official diary (DOF)?
The high consumption of sugar is a key contributor to people being overweight
and obese, Mexico is a world leader in obese and overweight adults with over
60% of people over 15 being at least overweight. Sugar intake is not the only
factor, this combined with the Mexican culture of exercise results in favorable
conditions for this unhealthy condition to develop
2 What are the consistencies or inconsistencies that you found in the document?
The document as a whole can be considered consistent, since it explains the
whole obesity situation in the country without deviating or changing tone

3 What are the bias or errors that you found in the arguments (bad arguments,
fallacies, omissions, false inferences and deceptive statistics)?
The whole article can fall into a data fallacy, data can and will be exploited to
reach a desired conclusion, if data is not validated, it will lead to a wrong
conclusion most of the time, since only the data that fits with the inherent bias
of the writer will be considered for the article. This bias also can be seen on the
fact that it chose to believe in authority figures blindly, since those opinions
aligned with theirs, so they must be right.

4 Can conclusions be derived from the arguments?

the high consumption of sugar added beverages it´s a key contributor to obesity
and overweight. Mexico is a world leader for its combined overweight and
obesity rates among adults, with 2 out of 3 being overweight or obese. Mexican
dietary constituents and physical activity practice patterns, together with social,
economic, cultural, behavioral, hormonal, and genetic alterations that promote
The causal reduction fallacy applies in this part of the paragraph, because there
can be more than just one cause, in this case more than high consumption of
sugar added beverages, to have obesity. S

5 Does the point of view of the document is derived from research?

This document POV is derived from research, even if its incomplete research,
since most if not all of the data is based on either an article or information
published by a recognized source. While this is true, this data can be questioned,
since in the article it’s not properly referenced.
6 In which way are you ordering your own arguments to avoid being disperse?
By using the same sentence structure the whole way through, and by basing
most of the answer on a single train of thougt, achieved by doing the whole
activity without braking.

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