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Drying Technology
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Thesis Summary: Mathematical Modeling of Pulse Combustion and its

Applications to Innovative Thermal Drying Techniques
Wu Zhonghuaa
Department of Mechanical Engineering/Engineering Science Program, National University of
Singapore (NUS), Singapore

To cite this Article Zhonghua, Wu(2007) 'Thesis Summary: Mathematical Modeling of Pulse Combustion and its
Applications to Innovative Thermal Drying Techniques', Drying Technology, 25: 5, 941 — 942
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07373930701372445
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07373930701372445


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Drying Technology, 25: 941–942, 2007
Copyright # 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373930701372445

Thesis Summary: Mathematical Modeling of Pulse

Combustion and its Applications to Innovative Thermal
Drying Techniques
Dr. Wu Zhonghua
Department of Mechanical Engineering=Engineering Science Program, National University
of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

Keywords CFD; Combustion oscillation; Dynamic mesh; Flap- parameters were measured to demonstrate the operational
per valve; Flow instabilities; Gas-particle flow; Heat characteristics of such a small pulse combustor.
and mass transfer; Impinging jet; Paper drying; Pulse
PC-based impinging jet drying process for paper sheets,
combustion; Spray Drying; Spouting, Spout-fluid bed
spray drying of suspensions, and spouted bed drying of
particles were also investigated experimentally and numeri-
cally to evaluate drying performance. In PC impingement
Downloaded At: 19:56 15 January 2011

SUMMARY to enhanced paper drying, it was found that at a low

Pulse combustion (PC) is an intermittent (periodic) impingement height, convection near the stagnation point
combustion process of gaseous, liquid, or solid fuels. Pulse is governed by an impinging jet flow, accompanied by a
combustion drying technology utilizes one or multiple high paper surface temperature and a fast drying rate,
pulse combustors to produce high-temperature and high- whereas outside this region, the impinging vortex has the
velocity pulsating jets, which can be used for drying wet dominant influence and the drying rate is relatively low.
materials. Short drying time, high energy efficiency, PC spray drying of an NaCl aqueous solution (10%
improved product quality, and environmentally friendly mass fraction) was investigated experimentally and numeri-
operation are noted as the key advantages of this drying cally to obtain a detailed understanding of the flow, heat,
technology. However, due to a lack of understanding of and mass transfer phenomenon in the intensive pulsating
pulse combustion mechanisms and the fact that pulse com- flow including evaporating=drying of droplets in the drying
bustor design relies on empirical knowledge, industrial chamber. In PC spray drying process, high drying rates and
application of pulse combustion in drying is still low. short drying times were observed and gas temperature is
This work aimed to carry out a comprehensive investi- the most important parameter governing the drying rate.
gation of the mechanism of pulse combustion and its appli- Droplet deposits exist near the inlet part and it will be
cation potential in thermal drying processes. A intensified with a high pulse amplitude.
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model was developed A new concept of PC spouted-bed drying is proposed.
and used for parametric studies of a mechanical-valved Gas-particle flow behavior in a cylindrical spouted bed
pulse combustor to understand the dynamics of the flame and a three-dimensional spout-fluid bed of spherical parti-
structure, flow chemistry interaction, and the pulsating cles was simulated using the two-fluid modeling approach.
flow characteristics. This model uses the dynamic mesh Parametric studies for hydrodynamics were carried out for
technology to capture movement of the flapper valve and different operating conditions and for the special case of a
hence needs fewer assumptions and parameter specifica- pulsating spouting jet. It was found that flow instabilities
tions. Numerical results are found to be in broad agree- develop in the spout-fluid bed and the mechanisms leading
ment with experimental observations. Supported by the to instabilities are discussed based the numerical results.
numerical model, a small-size pulse combustor was Bubble formation and motion of the bubbles inside the
designed, fabricated, and tested. Its thermal and dynamic spout-fluid bed are described. The drying kinetics of grains
in the spouted bed dryer was also investigated computa-
Correspondence: Dr. Wu Zhongua, National University of tionally. The application potential of pulse combustion
Singapore (NUS), Department of Mechanical Engineering and exhaust for spouted-bed drying was discussed on the basis
Engineering Science Program, Singapore, 119260; E-mail: of the numerical results obtained.


It was found that pulse combustion not only accelerates 2. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. Pulse combustion dryers. Chemical Indus-
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3. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. A parametric study of spray drying of a
fer but also allows processing of various types of materials; solution in a pulsating high temperature turbulent flow. Drying
e.g., sheets and particles in a dispersed state. This study Technology 2006, 24, 751–761.
contributes to a fundamental understanding of PC as well 4. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. R&D needs and opportunities in pulse
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5. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. CFD modeling of the gas-particle flow
behavior in spouted beds [Submitted].
6. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. Model of a mechanically valved pulse
1. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. Simulation of the hydrodynamics and 7. Wu, Z.H.; Mujumdar, A.S. Parametric study of hydrodynamics in a
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Downloaded At: 19:56 15 January 2011

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