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Dosen Pengampu :
Dr. Melyana Nurul W, S.Si.T.,M.Kes

NIM. P1337420818001


Analize The Principles Of Ethical Research, Informed Consent, Ethical Clearance, And
The Ethics And Law

In carrying out the research there are four principles that must be considered and held
firm (Milton, 1999 in Bondan Palestin in Notoatmojo's book),
A. Respect for human dignity (respect for human dignity)
The researcher must consider the rights and obligations of the research subject. Do
not force or give freedom to determine whether or not to participate or give
statements or information to the researcher.
In the research journal that I made analysis, gave freedom to respondents consisting
of respondents who were pros or cons of euthanasia. Equally giving space to each
opinion without giving a limit in expressing opinions. Supported by respondents
totaling 18 people each - from palliative care doctors. Explain up to the details
related to the effects of euthanasia. From the respondent's side, the research was
also cooperative with the opinions - opinions that were arrived at. Because indeed in
terms of subjects understanding about how euthanasia is legalized in law.
B. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of research subjects
Everyone has the right to confidentiality, so researchers are not allowed to give
information about identity and anything that is confidential and privacy by the
research subjects. By providing coding to replace the identity.
In the journal does not appear for coding or serial as a substitute of the subject, but
this is an institution that is, the paliative care doctrine so that the subject is indeed
an expert in his field and this is a study relating to public policy so it will not affect
the subject itself.
C. Justice and openness
The researcher guarantees that all information that has been given to the subject and
provides an explanation of the procedures and stages that will be passed during the
research process.
In journals indeed researchers do not give information directly but only implied. It
was stated in the making of data and analysis that all respondents were treated the
same. And there is an informed consent given to all research subjects so that the
aspects of justice and openness have been given by the researcher to the
D. Balancing harms and benefits

The research conducted was able to provide benefits to both researchers, in the
scientific field and society. and able to reduce the losses obtained from before the
In terms of usefulness, the research carried out is one way to give views to the general
public and policy holders, knowing about euthanasia if legalized and made the last
choice in life. Euthanasia is a way to speed up the process of death because of the
long process of healing and there is no hope of being able to recover. Euthanasia
consists of various kinds, such as injecting drugs (). My opinion of this study will
have a positive impact especially on the community, regarding the view of euthanasia
to end his life.
Informed Consent

Informed consent is a state of what the respondent gives to the researcher.

Achieving opportunities is the basis of the whole process of informed counsel. This form is
only an affirmation or documentation of what has been agreed upon. Thus, in the granting of
approval, it must be voluntary because the agreement based on error, pressure or fear is made
to make the contract of agreement that has been made can be canceled according to the law.
According to (Dahla)
According to Notoatmodjo Informed concent is a way to improve patient's dignity and
1. Explanation of the benefits of research
2. Explanation of possible risks and inconveniences caused
3. Explanation of the benefits obtained
4. Approval of the researcher can answer every question posed by the subject about the
research procedure.
5. Approval of subjects about withdrawal at any time.
6. Guarantee the confidentiality of the identity and information provided by the respondent.
In the journal that I made the material for analysis, in the data and analysis
pembutan explained by researchers that have used informed consent that has been given a
signature, besides that the researcher also conveyed about the confidentiality guaranteed by
the researcher. So that the informed consent aspect has been conveyed by all researchers.
Research that has the character of both pro and con against public policy
Indeed must have clear and strong agreement. So if anything happens outside of the research
can be accounted for.
Ethical Clearance
It is an instrument used for measuring ethical feasibility in a series of research
processes. All research concerning humans must not violate ethics, and the cultural aspects of
the society studied. The aim is to provide protection to the research subjects or respondents.
In this study involving humans, so we must consider the various aspects and normal that exist
in society. Research respondents are doctors who are experts in the field of palliative care so
that it concerns the name of the profession, namely medicine. In terms of the subject of
research aimed at humans, research does not use trials but only by interviewing and
interviewing the subjects that there is no touching or taking something from the patient's
physical nature. So that ethical clearance meets and does not violate.
Ethic and Laws
The journal that I made is an analysis of health-related journals, the research material
is about the assumption of euthanasia currently occurring in Canada, so that dealing with the
world of health which has ethics and law in the process of giving treatment to respondents. In
nursing and medical ethics there are several ethical principles that must be obeyed,
 Autonomy, respondents were given the freedom to make decisions related to the
research conducted. Without any element of coercion from the researcher. This has
already been shown to be implemented by respondents by giving informed consent or
research agreement. So that the researcher does not provide an element of coercion to
the respondent.
 Beneficience, this study provides benefits to respondents because it can provide
assumptions related to euthanasia, because so far euthanasia is a way to end life.
Meanwhile, according to respondents who are also experts in their fields. In addition,
it also has a useful value to the community because it provides through a research and
review process, especially to holders of public policy.
 Non - Maleficience, in my opinion if it is reviewed from this principle it does not
provide a loss because this study does not provide an effect to the respondent, in fact
this study gives the respondent room to submit related information about euthanasia.
Which has become something natural in the community. and become a public
conversation because policy holders have given legal force to euthanasia. So this
research provides input to the community about euthanasia.
 Confidentiality, in this study has implemented confidentiality by providing ethical
clarity, to respondents with all possible possibilities, but from my point of view this
study does not close all about patients because in the article also mentioned who the
research respondents were. Because indeed this research is a study of the public
perception of "Euthanasia". So that in resonden transparency is also needed to
strengthen in the argumentation.
Notoatmodjo, S. 2014. Health Research Methodology. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Sofwan Dahlan. 2000. Medical law (signs for medical professionals). Semarang. BP Undip.
(Accessed on August 15)
Efendi, Ferry (2009). Community Health Nursing: Theories and Practices in Nursing.
Volume 1. Jakarta: Salemba Medika

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