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English Level 3

Lesson 1
Activity 1.2

Actividad de práctica 1.2 Polite request / Solicitudes amables

These four questions are made with modal verbs:

 Would you... ?
 Could you... ?
 Will you... ?
 Can you... ?

Modal verbs are helping/auxiliary verbs that express ideas like ability, permission,
and asking for assistance. Los modales son formas verbales que expresan ideas
como habilidad para realizar algo, permiso o solicitud de ayuda. Ahora
estudiaremos las expresiones para solicitar ayuda.

For example/por ejemplo

Could you help me for a minute, please?/Podrias ayudarme un minuto, por favor

This shows that the speaker is asking for help politely/ esta pregunta muestra que
el solicitante esta pidiendo ayuda de manera cortés.

To ask questions in a very polite way, use: Would you/ Could you (please) +
simple verb + ...?/ Para preguntarlo de una manera MUCHO MAS CORTES, usamos
los modales Would you/ Could you (please)

For example/por ejemplo:

Would you please email that document to me?/Por favor enviarías ese documento
por mi?
Could you explain that again, please?/ Podrias explicarme eso otra vez, por favor?

To ask questions in a polite but more casual way, say: Will you/ Can you (please)
+ simple verb + ...?/ Para solictar de manera amable pero más casual usamos: :
Will you/ Can you (please) + simple verb + ...?/

For example:

Will you please answer the phone? I’m working.

Can you hold my books for me? My hands are full.

Practica A: Choose the best answer for question and answer/ Escoge la mejor
expresión de los modales para la pregunta y una respuesta amable.

1. Teacher: Marco, Would you please erase the blackboard for me?

Marco: yes Of course, teacher.

A. ? you can / Of course

B. ? Would you please / Yes, of course

C. ? you will / Yes, certainly


2. Student: Could you help me with my homework, please?

Teacher: Of course!
A. ? Could you

B. ? Could you please

C. ? May you

3. A: Can you show me how to use this computer software?

B: I'd be glad to. How can I help?

A. ? Can / I be glad to

B. ? Can / I'd be glad to

C. ? Could / I would happy to

4. Sandy, can you photocopy these letters right away?

A. ? may you

B. ? do you can

C. ? can you

5. Teacher, could you explain this grammar to me again, please?
A. ? could you

B. ? you may

C. ? you will

6. Charlotte, Would you please send me the document by email?

A. ? Would please you

B. ? You could

C. ? Would you please

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